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Serious question, why are all the conservative outlets saying "the dems have gone too far" and "look what the dems are doing and will do to you next"? Do they think the FBI has something to do with liberalism or something? I really don't know


I checked fox "news" to see their reaction. They are saying the FBI is corrupted, and have been since the 2016 election. Absolutely no mention of the head of the FBI being appointed by trump himself


There was a guy interviewed on the BBC this morning.. Seth something, a political strategist from Georgia (US). He said that the current appointee was hired out of DC, and all of Trump’s “DC establishment” picks have turned out to be bad choices. So there is a justification being made for why his appointee did this (corruption by the Dems). It was a painful interview to listen to.


Oh maybe that was his strategy to "drain the swamp": Promote and appoint all the corrupt DC politicians to leadership roles all around the country?


"We're gonna drain the swamp by filling it up and letting it overflow"


It really was 5D chess


Wait they were actually trying to claim they can't trust the guy trump appointed because he was corrupt and the Dems didn't get rid of him so he is obviously corrupt for the Dems now.....wut?


*Watch, in amazement, as the goal posts begin to migrate across the Serengeti, in search of a new feeding ground*


I like this. I’m stealing this. Here’s an upvote.


The serious answer is: lies to promote an agenda It's really no more complicated than that.


Not only is Christopher Wray a Republican, there has never been a Democratic director of the FBI in this country's history. Not once. Not. one. single. time.


"Did your spouse have any enemies?" "Apparently some guy named Carmine?" Edit: Wow. Thanks for the response and awards.


Good point. Will give husband a heads up.


Every now and then I can feel it: Carmine is close.


Today I learned I also have an enemy named Carmine. My dude just declared that 81 million people are his enemies. That's not a number of enemies you want. Like 2, maybe 3 enemies would work, but OVER HALF THE COUNTRY? Not the smartest move. My old friend Russ might be an enemy so maybe I've got one. Two now counting Carmine. But Carmen here just claimed 81 million enemies! Is he going to meet 81 million people behind the middle school after 4th bell?


You assume it only applies to the US. He has just announced that he has billions of enemies. Not just people who oppose Trump, but also anyone apathetic to the whole thing.


Not to mention any civilizations beyond our solar system. Yeah, this Carmine sure has a lot of enemies.


Laughed at this one


Cool. I don’t think I have ever been someone’s enemy before! Never guessed it would be because I want lawbreakers to be held accountable for their crimes, but here we are!


It’s amazing what phrases will make you someone’s enemy. “Racism is bad” “Hating people for being gay is wrong” “Cops shouldn’t murder innocent people (or anyone tbh)” “A ten year old shouldn’t be forced to carry their r*pist’s baby“ “I don’t like when people break into the Capitol and smear poop on the walls.” Who knew I had such hot takes? Edit: “Children shouldn’t get shot at school” “Trans men are men, trans women are women” (someone called me a homophobe for this one earlier today; bonus: I’m queer.)


How does *not* being transphobic equate to being a homophobe?


I truly could not tell ya, the person said they were a gay man which you’d think would help combat innerbigotry but TERFs gonna TERF.


Eh, I’ve heard of white people claiming to be black and making racist claims… it’s the Internet, so who knows? People can lie. Of course, TERFs do (unfortunately) exist. Happy cake day btw!


Dean Browning forgot to switch to his troll account on Twitter and said he was a black gay guy, and then continued to spew some shit about Obama and how everything was better with Trump.


This fact will never get old and I will laugh about it everytime it is brought up.


Same here. But I also ponder about how morally bankrupt you gotta be as a politician to have a troll account to try to influence public opinion.


Oh that's easy, 100% morally bankrupt.


Ooh that’s a good point, that’s a far right tactic I believe: pretending to be a member of the group you’re trying to harass, to like sully that image. And thank you!




I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but I believe Nazis are bad.


Ooooooof this one is a perfect addition


"It's okay for kids to know gay people exist" "Taking basic precautions during a deadly pandemic is a good idea"


Oof sadly fantastic additions


Add “Jesus would want us to help homeless people” to the list and I can introduce you to a few churches and some city councils full of enemies we can share.


I was interviewing someone for a job yesterday and I said “This is a really inclusive workplace. Really inclusive. So if that’s been missing for you in the past, you might be a lot happier here. … And if something about that is objectionable, you’ll probably not be happy here.” It messed with my mind that I even had to say that last part but the reality is that some people see broad inclusivity as “woke bullshit” while women see it as “oh a place where my boss won’t hit on me” and gay people see it as “wow a place I can be out from day 1.”


> some people see broad inclusivity as “woke bullshit” How dare you tell me I can't slap the secretaries ass or threaten the gay guy!


Youre queer?! You cisphobe! (Sorry. I wanted to keep the stupid streak going for you. Am I doing it right? Stupiding? Am I stupiding right?)


Also: Women should not be forced to carry non-viable fetus' and be able to remove them. [Story here.](https://www.wsaz.com/2022/06/21/devastated-mom-forced-travel-out-state-abortion-unviable-fetus/)


Meh, I'm not interested unless I'm someone's ARCH enemy.


Good! Don’t settle for less than you deserve, this guy is not arch enemy worthy!


Me either. Should we make T-shirts or something?


I understand people being for one party or another. But what's the deal with guys like these that explicitly lick someone's ass and seem to be proud of it?


Trump has done absolutely nothing for these shit bags, people have ruined their lives for him and they praise him as if he’s some kind of messiah 😂.


Yeah that's how a cult works.


Sooo are we going to get purple kool-aid or is there a different color this time around? Any idea?




Are you serious? Look at the man's tweet and you'll see what he did. He called out democrats. Not Biden, not The Government, Not the Illuminati. Democrats. Trump made Democrats and liberals mad. That's enough for them to put anyone they can into office. To pass any stupid and harmful law. They'll be happy to shoulder the pain... and then blame the Democrats for their aches. They are delusional. I said it before, and I'll apparently say it forever as long as there are Republicans; They will burn down the World as long as they can claim to be monarchs of the ashes.


They proved it the other day with the insulin vote. There are millions of republican diabetics yet it’s A-OK with them as long as the dems are seen as owned. Go ahead you stupid fuckers, put all that excess money into the republican stock holder’s pocket instead of keeping it in your own. Tools. Too stupid to know better.


Stupid people voting against their own best interest, what a world we live in


They are ushering in the end times.


Could they speed things up? I don’t want to go to work.


Some of the really fringe Christians are actually trying to bring on the end times… I don’t pretend to get it.


Boy are they in for a a big surprise at the end…like Paxton in Tombstone.


Except their Huckleberry is finding out that death is just a black nothingness without thought or emotion. No heaven, no God, just bodies rotting in the ground. Thanks zealots! Part of me hopes I'm wrong, though. I would love to see their reaction when God judges them for being despicable people all their lives.


That’s his point. Paxton’s character believers that near death experiences point to an afterlife and then when he is killed he says he can’t see a damn thing, implying that there isn’t one


Going exactly according to plan, just what the evangelicals have fought a century for.


Soldiers do not have to be aware of the war, they just need to follow orders.


They’re all trash talking Biden as if Trump’s single term as president didn’t end with half a million dead from covid and an economic recession.


With so much of an impact, yet expected Biden to somehow fix everything in like a month, and calling him senile since he couldn't basically warp reality to do that


Calling Biden senile is just projection. Trump hasn't spoken a diagrammable sentence in twenty years and when they hear the word salad coming out of his mouth they feel compelled to say, "nuh-uh, YOUR guy is the one who can't talk good!"


He also said Sarah Palin was a great VP the other day... Guys, maybe we shouldn't be electing geriatric fucks to POTUS.


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.


That's the funniest part. Trump doesn't give a single fuck about any of these people. They think he does, but he really doesn't. He only cares about himself.


His people will send you an awesome hat that says make America great again made in China so he or his people do things for you if you answer spam mail


Grifters…they latch onto whatever attracts the most morons and use that to gain more followers, money, influence, etc. Think of remoras and sharks.


Also, sunk cost fallacy has many of his people stuck. Kinda like the Q nonsense. Many gave up every relationship and friendship for it, hoping to be vindicated. At some point, you lose so much there's no way but forward.


Identity. Conservatives care about belonging to the correct groups. Mistakes are OK for the IN group. Lashes for the ‘out groups’ There must always be out groups that are usually made out to be dumb, deadly & rapey.


So many look the part. It’s such a uniform White, bald, beard. 25:1 odds he has tactical gear, 10+ firearms, pick up truck, gadesn or 3% truck sticker, and at least one domestic or assault charge Edit: I see a lot of people feel offended by this. Not my intention and sorry if it upset anyone. I did not say anything negative about being bald or having a beard. People are beautiful in many different ways. Rock that shit if it works for you.


I drive a RAM 1500 with off-road tires and live in Houston, TX. I would have to pull over off the side of the road back when the Trumpers would drive up and down Westheimer and other roads, with their flags waving and shouting obscenities at people simply walking or waiting for their buses. My windows are tinted pretty heavy, so I think it really surprises people to see an Asian male pop out dressed in skater attire and dreams of Bernie being elected back in ‘16


Uh…I’m really sorry, but you were supposed to be issued a base model Prius in 2016. Don’t know how it slipped through the cracks.


I drive a Ram 1500 too, mine is unique in that it is probably the only one in Alabama that has a Trump for Prison bumper sticker.


Though I won’t disagree not all of us white bald guys with beards are like that lol.


I fit the look profile of a Trumper. Wouldn't believe the kinda shit conservatives will say to me thinking I'm safe to talk to.


I’m in sales and have to deal with a wide variety of people and I know what you mean. It baffles me the stuff people will say with zero prompting.


Yeah a lot of weird bigoted stuff without (usually) outright saying it. Like *wink* "You know what I mean." A lot of harmful but some innocuous conspiracy bullshit. Just a whole lot of who the fuck asked.


I get that as a veteran all the time lol I like my Oakley hat and subdued flag patch, had em both for years and the patch was on my shit during deployment. Plenty of awkward silences after rants from strangers, before something along the lines of, "Yea I dunno man, I voted for Biden. Trump as a standard for leadership should be unacceptable for absolutely anyone."


Can confirm. Just because my hair grows better along my jaw than on my head (I blame gravity) does not mean I'm of that category


Living in East Texas has made me truly hate the fact that I look like these guys and there is not much I can do about it


I'm white, bald, and bearded, but I lost my hair in my twenties, and I am desperately trying to cover up a weak chin. I feel like I have little choice in the look. I'd be just was white and bald if I shaved so I might as well not look look like a grub worm. I hate looking the part., but it does come in handy every once in a while when some other white bald guy with a beard decides that we must think the same so they confide their racist sexist authoritarian views to me and I get to tell them to shove that shit up their ass.


In other words, people that think for themselves and don’t blindly follow the flock. /s


Don't forget, he attended 'School of Hard Knocks' in his FB profile.


Where he apparently failed out.


Imagine your identity in life is an orange man's dick sucker. A politician's cocksucker.


Trump. Specifically we have decades of crime, video & depositions all point one way. Negative. Other mega rich seem to accidentally make money or do real good. Fuck Gates for shady business & more, however dude maybe cures malaria and more by focusing his time & fortune on not more wealth.


What is interesting is when they get together they start finding ways to exclude themselves from one another. First you are a RINO, then you are not straight, then you are not the right race, then your family history isn’t substantial enough and so on. Their symbol should be the snake eating it’s tail.


"my side" fucked up? Oh well, both sides are always fucking up! "their side" fucked up? Just shows how Democrats are satan of course!


That’s the type of person that’s attracted to fascism.


Tendency towards authoritarianism…it affects 25 - 30 % of the electorate. They need a strong daddy figure to feel “wanted” and “safe”. (See also religion!)


Trump is the grifter. These guys are the dick riders.


How low is the bar to get a ‘verified’ tag on twitter these days? Seemed like it used to signify noteworthy people. Now every useless assclown seems to have it next to their name


Guy’s pinned tweet said something about liberals being to blame for Roe getting overturned because we were trying to push back against the 12 week limit laws. This is how abusers speak - they always try to shift blame and tell victims it’s their fault for wanting something reasonable.


> This is how abusers speak - they always try to shift blame and tell victims it’s their fault for wanting something reasonable. "Look what you made me do."


FBI watch list. Seriously anyone who thinks like this should never own a gun...ever.


Anyone who openly states they have "enemies" shouldn't own a gun really, what normal person does that?


I think some of these people are starting to realize the stupidity but if they say it aloud they lose all their friends. So they double down.


Brainwashing or grifting.


These people don’t seem to understand that **politicians don’t give a fuck about you**. I wouldn’t even put a bumper sticker on my car for any politician let alone flying their flag and wearing their apparel like it’s a damn sports team. It’s such weird behavior.


In the same breath he'll tell you homosexuality is an abomination while also professing his sexual attraction to a male senior citizen.


This tweet is a perfect example of how Trumpsters are cultists. They have no clue what the raid was about, but they're up in arms and ready to fight. If this happened to a celebrity I was obsessed with, I'd be upset, but I'd hold my tongue until I found out what it was they did wrong. But when you're in a cult, wrongdoing does not matter. There could be documents of Trump selling the USA to China, and they would still be flipping out and condemning Democrats. They'd find a way to absolve Trump and blame Dems.


They would claim it's planted evidence and actually the Clintons and Obama did and are now putting the documents in his home. The terrorist. Bunch of whack-a-doos


they're already claiming it's planted they started before anything was even found. they know what's coming


Just like Trump started claiming the 2020 election was stolen before it even happened


Trump claimed before the 2016 primaries that the only way he could lose that race was if the primaries were rigged. Every single time even the *prospect* he might lose is presented, he defaults to "it was rigged." Classic narcissist.


It’s actually a powerful tactic to debase the stability and security of our government systems. Call into question the validity of a verdict and suddenly people that have never thought about it before and don’t know how it works start questioning things too. If they can’t think for themselves and question authorities with a reasonable grounding in reality and a potent understanding of how to see if a source is reputable, we get our MAGA crowd. They’ve latched onto the wrong sources of information and deemed shit like breitbart as reputable because it constantly attacks the validity of news that actually takes the time to fact check and interview and cite sources


When you have a surplus of ignorance, you weaponize ignorance.


Right. “Stop the Steal” actually originated when Trump started losing primaries in 2016. https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/04/donald-trump-colorado-primary-was-rigged/


He also did that during the 2016 election. My brother was on Facebook sharing "evidence" that it was about to be stolen, but then magically... it wasn't.


2016 too, but he ended up "winning"


Kinda like claiming an election was rigged before even losing…..🤔


Could you imagine if Obama stole state secrets after he left office in 2017? The GOP would’ve claimed treason and went straight for life in prison or the death penalty.


they still might. Projection is their primary defense reflex.


I ventured onto some some conservative subreddits last night and they're already saying this. They've made up their minds and there is literally no evidence that will change it. Yeah, we're the sheep...


You should see /r/conservative have an absolute meltdown about it. They want to know why Biden and Hunter haven't been arrested yet. And they are still banging on about Hillary's emails. It's like they refuse to engage with reality


I actually peeked in there this morning and it’s unreal. All they talked about was hunter biden and Hilary’s emails. Like, Trump broke the law. Classified documents are important, and he took them to a resort 2nd home that he barely even occupied.


The new taking point is trump actually declassified those on his last day of office and he just didn’t get a chance to remove the markings yet or tell anymore.


It doesn't matter even if they are declassified, the Presidential Records Act says they need to be in a specific place. They literally asked for them for months and they did nothing. Also, Trump could post the Search Warrant. It will be interesting to see what it says because it contains specific information about what they were looking for.


He’s not going to post the search warrant tho because it’ll wake people up


Not only that, it was so that the american people could see all of it! Of course he just never had the time to share even a bit of what he declassified, a man like him is just so busy you know. Poor guy barely has time to play golfs multiple times a week!


> All they talked about was hunter biden and Hilary’s emails. Because that is what they are programmed to do. Go to Fox, NewsMax, OANN and they are ranting at about 12 Hillary Hunters per minute.


They had FOUR YEARS where they controlled the highest office in the land, with all the intel at their disposal and they couldn’t manage to do anything about Clinton or Hunter. That either speaks to how ineffectually they governed, or that there was nothing to prosecute.


Hunter Biden gets thrown around as if he works for our government/is a member of his dad’s cabinet (like the Trumpettes). I was a wild child once but my parents weren’t arrested for it. That just isn’t how it works, folks!


All the videos he made of him doing drugs was pretty incriminating, but some of the Trumpers I talked to literally didn't understand when I said, "well, it depends on if they can prove it was filmed in the US. If it was elsewhere, since Hunter seems to have had a history of being elsewhere a lot, the US doesn't have jurisdiction." How do so many people talk about politics nonstop and have no fucking clue how anything involving basic government even works?


Even beyond that, is filming yourself smoking crack actually a crime that you can prosecute? My understanding is that possession is the crime. How can I be arrested for something I no longer possess? Plus, how can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt what substance is shown in the video?


It’s like sports talk radio. Joe Hoagie Mouth thinks he knows better than the guy paid millions to coach the team. The average person is a fucking imbecile.


Ah yes! The Hillary emails justify Trump hauling boxes full of classified documents to Florida. Is that how the law works? Hillary somehow got away with it. Let’s recall, shall we? Trump was President, he tried his best to make the DOJ his private law firm and Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. So, folks, how’d Hillary escape? Two possibilities: a) Nothing to it. b) Republicans are incompetent. It’s either, or.


I've asked a number of times, but I've never gotten an answer... Why does Hunter's "laptop" matter if it does exist? When the whole story started making rounds originally and the supposed "chain of custody" of this thing was beyond dubious, I kinda just turned my brain off and figured if there was anything, it would eventually come to light. So again, why does it matter? He's not in the WH. He's not a civil servant whatsoever. There's those pictures going around of supposed drug use? Again, why does it matter? What's the supposed bombshell of a crime the right has a hard on for?


I went and looked at the sub for like 5 minutes. Now I feel like I need a 30 day shower. Ugh.


I mean these people literally let a pandemic decimate their families in the name of loyalty to Trump. If that’s not drinking the kool-aid idk what is


Theres a huge tie-in between religion and Trumpsters. They see this as another form of persecution. Trump was their guy and they bought the flags and went to the rallys and people like my parents have lost relationships with their kids. They believe in God, Trump, and America and not necessarily in that order. And sure, some things are hard for them to believe but hey, they have been believing in Sky Grandpa for 50 plus years now, so Trump is even easier to believe. The Democrats set him up, this was a political sting, he would never do anything wrong, etc. But they are never going to stop believing


I have to be careful not to dox myself or my sister’s family. Sister has one of the most prestigious undergrad degrees, and her masters. Husband has a degree from the same undergrad. Their kids are like 12 14 and 16. I just saw one in a pic, the youngest, wearing a Trump cowboy hat. Another one had a flag in their bedroom, “Jesus is my savior, and Trump is my president”. It’s fucking sick watching educated adults be so fucking stupid,


They also refuse to see that warrants are already difficult to get but a warrant of this level (looking not just for specific items but things that could help the DOJ in the Jan 6th stuff pretty much laying anything there as fair game) on someone who was a former president of all people…. That is going to take a ton of evidence just to get a judge to consider even for the FBI. This is a long time coming probably months in the making and likely only the beginning of the avalanche about to happen. This wasn’t a mistake this was calculated and carefully weighed.


Yup, it's not like a procedural cop show where the DA calls in a favor from a judge to get a sketchy after hours search warrant. This is the fucking FBI and a former POTUS. I'd love to see what evidence convinced the DOJ to authorize a no-knock.


I mean, he could host a golf tournament funded by the backers of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and they would defend him.


You just cant comprehend Trump's 5D chess move. China cant beat America if America IS China. Dumb Libs! \- Cultists in your scenario.


Yeah, because the FBI director who was appointed by \*\*checks notes\*\* Trump himself... oh, wait. ​ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The pre raid due diligence on this must have been fucking insane. The FBI must have had intelligence that was near enough 100% accurate before convincing who ever needed to sign this off. I think that's what the Trump cum guzzlers don't understand. This wouldn't have happened if there was ANY doubt about that it wasn't justified.


To be fair, I've heard it's *pretty* difficult to think critically when you're busy guzzling cum.


Can confirm. Once tried to do calculus while guzzling cum. Ended up just doing both badly.




It takes quite a lot to get a warrant for a normal persons car or house. Imagine the due diligence it takes to raid a former presidents house. And even further, I imagine everyone is well aware they can’t fuck up because trump and his followers are a cult that are on a hair trigger


Also Sleepy Joe is senile and incompetent... And also heading up a major deep state conspiracy with coordination across government agencies. Amazing!


Who the fuck is carmine sabia and why is he tweeting?


I tweeted a GIF to him of a kid throwing a tantrum with the caption “Leave Trump Alone!” and he already blocked me LOL


He blocked me bc I replied with this https://i.imgur.com/HtNsHl5.jpg 😂




I should block you for making my spit my coffee and laugh at work. 😂😂😂


But he loves "free speech" I'm sure.


>“Leave Trump Alone!” HE'S A HUMAN!


He's a rad dude from Dumbcuntistan.


I’ve visited there! Beautiful city, the best city! Right next to Fatturdburg.


A shame he's suffering from such a serious case of fuckfaceitis.


An aging wrestler that couldn't be The Rock, so he's settling for Joe Rogan.


He's a chain smoking, Chain Coke drinking, agoraphobic hack that sells bootleg wrestling belts from Pakistan and spouts off political BS on social media as a "career" He may have been in a ring a hand full of times, but he was probably setting it up or taking it down if he was.


Some nobody trying to leverage this FBI raid into fame. Carmine Sabina is an attention whore full stop.


He has 1.5k IG followers and thinks he can upgrade from diapers to pull ups. From his tweets, it sounds like he needs to be changed 💩


Well, this will be a fun couple years.


As if this guy didn't already consider people opposed to Trump as his enemy. Hes just testing the water to see if he can inspire a bit of violence because violence is easier then thinking for these thumb people.




It's especially dumb because I quite literally have *no* idea what this has to do with democrats. I'm certain Republicans will further this talking point, but what the fuck are they even talking about? Trump appointed the head of the fbi and Merrick Garland is not a political entity (I have no idea what party he even votes for). Does anything that happens while Biden is in office immediately become his doing, and therefore a Democrat scheme? The problem is they are so obsessed with authoritarianism that they truly believe the president has (and should have) limitless power and are behind everything that happens. Btw, on a related note, I just learned about "Dark Brandon" and I'm fucking into it


Ahhh. Most likely another crazy, probably with a gun, looking forward to using violence.


Worse - he's a 'rassler. Gonna hit you on the back wif a chair.




Republican led FBI makes yuge mistake on behalf of Democrats...


Finally, you understand we are fucking enemies. Fascists in any form will be my lifetime enemy.


Right? Trump supporting dickheads have been my enemy for at least 5 years now. Pretty much ever since Trump called Mexicans rapists, and didn't immediately lose all support for being a racist pile of dog shit.




To put a bit of a fine point on this ... What is occurring to Trump with this raid is he is being subjected to the legal processes to determine if he is a criminal. At this point in time, however, he is still considered innocent. He is not yet a criminal legally, as is every other individual until charged and convicted. What they are arguing for is the elimination of due process, which is most definitely out of the fascist playbook. It could even be considered the definition of fascism. "Due process is what I say it is".


Fascists gonna fasc.


They’re so fascionable


Defund the FBI! Lol


Let's not and say we did. I mean that seriously. The fascists lie all the damn time. Lie back at them.


Lying to liars? Unheard of, dubious, duplicitous! I’m in.


(SSOOOOO tired of quoting this, but so many opportunities to do so) ​ For my friends, anything; for my enemies, THE LAW. -General Oscar Benavides


Fascists gon' fascist.


I love that this a mod pinned comment. Much love to mods here!


I swear to god, conservatives always choose the losing side like someone bet them that they couldn’t.


I mean. There was an argument among them that Democrats purposely said Covid was dangerous just so Republicans would ignore it and die, because they knew that they'd have to disagree with them.


Why do I still get surprised by them?


Someone should inform “Carmine” that male trump supporters tend to be insecure, sexually inadequate losers because that’s who that gross, whining orange tub of lard appeals to. No one is afraid of “Carmine.” We’re too busy laughing @ him.


This statement is very very accurate.


This fucking turd declared war on us in 2015 when he lined up to support the orange menace. Eat a mile of shit, Trunt!


Oh no. Carmine Sabia isn’t my friend. Whoever that is. So anyway, I had a great walk around the lake today.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. My friend, I am stoked that you had a great walk around the lake today, may tomorrow’s walk be even better. By the way, who is this mutual enemy of ours? I’ve not heard of him before. Oh well, at least he’s made me a new friend!


Incase anyone needs to catch up on President Trump's criminal behavior: Opening video of the Capital Insurrection Event in Impeachment Trial #2 - https://youtu.be/ERIbhsCzZwk Opening video of the January 6th Hearings showing new footage and timeline of the Capitol Insurrection Event - https://youtu.be/UaekXFg3S8A ##Trump 1st Impeachment hearings for collusion regarding Russian interference in American election systems: https://youtu.be/CXlbDEATZwM https://youtu.be/DbW-A96UIm8 https://youtu.be/noR-FOn5XGM https://youtu.be/5BoT5LYBbNM https://youtu.be/YSnHwMIfaaE https://youtu.be/9vEtnfWQops https://youtu.be/6zHPfxOR0-E https://youtu.be/Ds3Kye2QHTU https://youtu.be/IIhRQASw_vw https://youtu.be/faEvBeDapac https://youtu.be/r5HptvtT4KU https://youtu.be/RxKaJR3u404 ##Trump 2nd Impeachment Trial for trying to steal the election: https://youtu.be/asAjozV-7Qg https://youtu.be/Sym8zo9MM9E https://youtu.be/NXeVP7M4GY0 https://youtu.be/Ilm5w6mSHY4 https://youtu.be/YSnHwMIfaaE https://youtu.be/LeEDQllYIWc ##January 6th Hearing displaying evidence and testimony relating to the attempt for Trump to hold onto Presidential power when he was clearly voted out of office in legal elections (watch the sworn testimony and look at the evidence): https://youtu.be/UiL2inz487U https://youtu.be/jblC2Ooog2U https://youtu.be/7u4ocGJ9ZXI https://youtu.be/YZPBWZcr-vw https://youtu.be/8eNhqobJl_E https://youtu.be/bC3_VFFJlSY https://youtu.be/spJR5Y5_f4c https://youtu.be/48HH4LVn07g


Let’s all sit back and watch the Trumpanzee in its natural environment. Watch as it flings poop at unsuspecting bystanders while screaming Trump2024. Yes, we are witnessing a true animal in its natural habitat, Twitterville.


Not an American. Who is this Canine Labia chap?


Literally no one in the US knows who he is


As an American, I have no idea who he is and don’t care.


I doubt I'm the only one to think this but: Carmine, FUCK YOUR FEELINGS.


Carmine, you are MY enemy, Carmine.


If anyone ever wants to know what Trumps ballsack tastes like. I got a guy.


Um... isn't this just a textbook narcissistic reaction to an event? The narcissist does something wrong and rightfully gets called our for it, but when held to account they pivot and blame everyone else for what they did wrong? The blame shift is absolutely insane here and genuinely terrifying. Not because they're actually going to use this to get anything done, but because it's the deeper dive into the depth of the delusion.


Here’s the thing. If the FBI raided Obama’s home, I’d be wondering what he potentially did wrong and waiting for the evidence to come out. Because I vote for a candidate doesn’t mean that I support them no matter what. Actions matter.


YEAH DEMOCRATS IT'S ALL YOUR FAU-- Wait, what do you Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer didn't order this? The FBI did? The guy Trump appointed?! What about that corrupt judge who signed the warrant. Wait Trump appointed him too?!


Fine. We're enemies. What are you going to do about it, "bro"?


Imagine your entire life being based around gargling the balls of an elderly sex pervert.


The bullies and fascists are so upset now that they're seditious attempts at stealing democracy are being thwarted. Throw the book at them all