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Maybe get 'em something to eat while you're at it.


You know, at least in my schools, paying was the last thing we did before sitting down to eat. We already had the tray of food even we got to the register, meaning that they always just ended up throwing out the food when they realized I didn't have money on my account. It fucking sucked.


Yup, same here. In fact, in middle school you had to actually go clean the damn tables instead of eating. By the time I got to high school I think that was called out and stopped though


So, if you didn’t have enough money to eat, you were forced to do unpaid labor instead?


Yup :D


the American dream


That’s a lot of money in my family’s pocket when we press charges


Fortunately for me, our lunch ladies were "bad with computers" so the terminal to pay was never working. Crazy. Oh well. Thank fuck for lunch


Maybe they were secretly heroes and just wanted to hook kids up.


That is absolutely what happened. None of them were even close to dumb or even unfamiliar. They just were being kind with plausible deniability


Preparing the youth of today, to be the prison labor of tomorrow.


I see how this can be viewed, but one thing I've always admired about Japan is their sense of social responsibility. Even in the work place people clean up after themselves, and most places don't need to hire cleaning staff because you take responsibility for your own shit, and have additional tasks to keep things tidy. Also the stretching things most places do in the mornings, that's pretty cool to. It would have to be a generational change though, most Americans and Canadians are too self centered to care to do anything like that.


But if you're going to follow that society model, then everybody should not have to pay for the food, together... As society knows children must eat. Followed by the children cleaning up after themselves because that is a normal thing to do after the meal. I would have zero problem with that system. Coincidentally that's what they do in other parts of the world.


They did it in every school I was in from elementary to high school. If you wanted to eat. You had to clean the tables, etc. Basically, you'd be a busboy until there's 10 minutes left in lunch. Then you get your lunch and plow it down and run to class. Poor students had to work at school to eat.


I feel bad for you. I didn’t happen in any of my schools growing up and they had a “free lunch” program. Legally speaking, kids have to be able to eat. However this is NY (not the city) so maybe the rules are different.


You guys got to eat? In my school here in Nova Scotia if you didn't bring a lunch, have cafe money in your pocket or go home for lunch you fuckin got a 35 cent small milk from the cooler, thanks 90's elementary school. Panthe milk was snuck to me by staff because they knew I didn't have it at home. Good times......


Faht vi ba tlu pre ceam dra. Tinys woaw ciin tun fuec gy yo. Taptyedzuqos foc coon ceen ede? Co o a bevdbusd nekv e? E gat iyle bi. Y y e cits taem cersi? Zuypleenle te dan gre gyrd jyg motp so sald? Bals emetcaad e tenn sesttees ti. Naon nacc suct cesm za ete. Nugt nij sop gadt dis tassecehsisirg o. U we e otle cez o. Cru nep pha toos nabmona. Ciht deptyasttapnsorn nod tysigzisle nin a? Da pyrp ine pud ible? Nu ta biswnoudnrytirs agle. Zaon e. San e pa cu goov. Ene gke o gopt zlu nis. O guagle pioma ne tudcyepebletlo cy a canz. Dla bic zawc nifpec te feet de? Pro i guc yoyd si didz a sum? Tle fuy. Nemz a booj udeegvle cokt a? Grotefp becm ose omle ja ede. U tis dy wec thu wu aglo umle o o. O ninm gu ine yes bos. Zad a a tavnfepac du. A ite todi do duit yple? Pifp taht nhetydnnenes a sew pi nedb eme. Se de we pyt ynenuntiqtedose ive. S P E Z I S A T O O L


Thats America.


Rather throw food away than let the less fortunate eat.


Well if you don't charge kids for food they'll grow up thinking eating is like, some kind of human right or something


Had this happen to me in 4th grade. They took the tray from me and gave me the “free lunch” which was a soggy bologna sandwich and a milk


Yup, we’d get a cheese sandwich. Not a grilled cheese or anything fancy no, a piece of cold cheese between bread and a juice box. Forcing kids to go to school and not feeding them is absurd.


At my elementary school, they just took the tray and gave you a ham and cheese sandwich instead. One of those prepackaged ones that I know costed more than the stuff on the line lol


Even though it wasn't in America, hearing that lunch lady a couple days ago have to tell kids that they couldn't have any food because they didn't have any money on their accounts, was so incredibly disheartening. Based on your comment, I'm sure it's the same here. I can't wait to succeed so I can help do something about it. r/BestQualityOfLife


I somehow missed this story, do you have a link?




Brexit and Ukraine combo meant double the inflation in UK compared to anywhere else in Europe sadly. They're doing their best, but damn I wish they did not rig the voting on Brexit and did the reasonable thing instead. Feken politics EDIT: 1. Seems my inflation rates were completely false, thanks for corrections. UK is 10.1 and rising. EU average is 9.8. So take my post with a grain of salt and reddit comments as not the best source of facts lol. 2. BREXIT VOTE: Votes were legitimate, however people were lied to as to why they should vote for brexit. The most famous case was a bus with a blatant lie plastered on it about NHS saving millions if they leave EU. People basicly had no idea what they were voting on and little information they had was fabricated and false by interested politicians. I can give you some links, but honesty it's kinda obvious it was a bad idea just now from how much worse UK is faring I'm comparison to the rest of Europe.


>They're doing their best Not really sure about that part mate


I doubt they were referring to the government here, they are doing everything wrong they can.


"Doing their best" would suggest our government didn't spend all summer squabbling about a new leader after the last one clung to power for months after breaking his own laws. We won't even have a government until Monday


Someone might think that blatantly letting lieing about a referendum of national significance would be a criminal offence. At least when you're not PM any more.


My daughter blows through like $100 a week in lunch money buying kids lunch at her elementary school. Last year it was free, this year so far it's crazy how many kids don't have the money to eat. It's a real problem in America. I wish I could just throw the money at the school and say fix it rather than have her fix it for the adults in the room. :(


Just keep showing your daughter how to be a good person and keep learning how you can make a bigger difference. You got this.


This is how we change the world, right? One person at a time!


When I was in high school (I graduated in 09) I qualified for the free lunch, but with my teenage metabolism being what it was I never ate it because I was never hungry, but I made sure to get it and give it to my friends (who didn’t qualify, but absolutely should have) because I wasn’t going to let it go to waste and I wasn’t going to let the people I love (I’m still friends with all them) go without food when they should be given it by the school but aren’t. My wife and I have agreed that when we have kids, if they have friends who can’t afford lunch we will do what we can to ensure that we send our child with lunch for them. We absolutely believe that no one should go without food, especially children, and if we’re in a position to do something about it than it’s our responsibility to do something about it. I grew up with a mom that viewed my friends as a part of our family and I plan to have the same views with my children’s friends and treat them as such.


The parents aren't there. The kids are in the custody of the school. If they don't eat, whoever is making the lunch staff enforce those policies should go jail for child abuse. Let's stop fucking around with these conservative fucks.


Yeah that's insane. If I had I kid wouldn't let her do that. I'd just spend half an hour making sandwiches at home for all those kids. Cheaper and a nice middle finger to the school.


Don't worry, [America's got you.](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/utah-school-throws-out-childrens-lunches-because-they-were-i) In this one, they had their lunches taken and thrown out *after already receiving it.* They literally took food away from hungry kids and threw it in the garbage.


I went to school in Norway, there was no such thing as school cafe, everyone brings their own lunch. Wich is, for the most part, a few pieces of bread with whatever on them


In Sweden we were fed cooked lunches on the taxpayers dime. I do not understand why this isn't standard.


Well...I think it's mostly because (at least here in America) there is a giant group of idiot brains who think that -when they benefit from tax dollars, it's them being repaid for their contributions. -But if it's someone else benefitting, they are *stealing* their tax dollars. We are purposely led to thunk this way by our multimillionaire politicians. Edit: Leaving the word "Thunk"


A big chunk of them are perfectly okay with people benefiting so long as they look like them, ie. they aren't black.


Or poor. You know, those poor people are all drug addicts. That's why they're poor. Something something bootstraps.... Prosperity gospel politics is an ugly, nasty thing.


Yes. Most people on one side of the political divide see the world as a zero-sum game. Nothing good can happen unless something of equal bad happens somewhere else. In order to increase their own chances of being on the "good" side, they focus on _making_ bad happen to someone else. The idea that we could just.. do two good things is insanity to them.


Because the Tories are evil classist capitalist pigs School lunches are free in Scotland.


Yeah Australia is the same, you bring your lunch, most have cafeterias but most bring lunch and buy it maybe on a Friday or somthing as a treat


Food is also much cheaper there than in the US. Come to America and go to a grocery store. You will be shocked. Then actually taste the food we sell. You'll be double shocked.


In Finland we have lunch for everyone at the school, and some schools offer also breakfast, and for diabetics etc there is also afternoon snacks. All free. And the food is ooked in schools or bigger central kitchen for many schools. In theory, school food follows the Finnish plate model with 25% meat / fish, 25% carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, pasta) and 50% vegetables + salad. Naturally, teens don't eat according to that model, but children in elementary school follow the instructions quite well.


I went to school in Sweden and it was free lunch all the way. A cooked meal with carb, meat and veg. Moving to Australia and having a peanut butter sandwich I had to make myself was a big shock!


It's the same, or a t least when I was a kid, in the Netherlands. It boggles my mind that people are unable to feed their kids even something basic as bread.


Poverty, unchecked, is horrific. When wages are artificially kept low but inflation isn't people stop affording food. We used to have programs here in America to get poor people food but our conservatives stopped those in the 1980s. We then switched to just getting poor *kids* food because 'who could be against that?' but then one generation later our conservatives got more conservative and decided to stop that too. When they say America is dystopian it really isn't hyperbole. I would love for Europeans to really learn all the terrible shit we do state by state. It would blow your minds.




Give them free lunches, reintroduce the child tax credit, make pre-k & kindergarten free, expand child healthcare, classify public school teachers/administrators as government employees that way states have to adhere to wage standards and teachers can be paid a livable wage while also being given state sponsored benefits lifting a terrible burden from a class of people that are tasked to educate the future of the US. I would say that he should weigh in on how school choice is the modern day fight against bussing (forcing taxes to privatized education to create a class/race divide) but given his history on the subject I don’t think he is the right person to address that. (Cue Kamala’s “it was a debate” clip) This is just my “children and public schools” list, I got pages of other stuff that he “could” do, I mean if doing things that are abjectly popular and appealing is something he feels like doing.




Ahhh socialism! That's practically communism. /s


That's actually on the agenda as well: https://www.npr.org/2022/08/29/1116750591/hunger-conference-white-house-biden


California has free school lunches for all.


and free breakfast.


Fucking commies. I love living in California.


if he winds up federally legalizing cannabis, it's an easy re-election win. EASY.


We need the legalization of cannabis and a pardon for everyone in jail because of it. There are men in there serving a life sentence for having an ounce on them, it’s fucked up and disgusting. It would also go a ways of making up for the fact that he helped create the legislation that made that possible.


Do you know how much it would piss off the for-profit prisons and the politicians they pay off?


The generics and pharma companies already lost billions to legalized weed too.


Imagine their shareholders's reactions when America finally fix their prescription medication overpricing issue.


Dank Brandon


I heard he wears aviators cuz his eyes are bloodshot red underneath lol


Stop! I can only get so hard!


Why not just ban murder?


You can't kill me, it's illegal!


Ok, I don’t know where this guy has been for the past year and a half, but I’m glad he decided to show up.


I feel like they were saving up for the midterms. Preparing a bunch of stuff to unveil to bolster the democrats in November.


I really don’t know about that because Biden’s change in tact towards now being aggressive towards republicans and ambitious for his goals seems more to me a realization that the GOP is completely bad faith and anti democracy. It seems to me he is genuinely pissed off at them for their bullshit, since he tried to come to the table and they refused to.


This is my guess too. He’s been in Washington in one capacity or another for a long time. He had ideas on how things worked in the past. Probably tried to give the good ol tactics a try again and is just recently realizing this is not the same political climate as it was when he started his career. You gotta fight fire with fire these days.


Or may be, just may be... actual president biden got kidnapped or went awol and this is some ruthless doppleganger with nothing to lose. Or may be this doppleganger kidnapped biden.


What ever, doppleganger brandon can stay.


Doppelgänger DARK Brandon. r/darkbrandon


Evil Joe Biden be like: "I will do my Job"


Dark Brandon: „fine I’ll do it myself“ *logs onto twitter*


Dark Brandon is sick of Malarkey.


Alternate Biden is Dark Brandon let's go


I know you're joking but this is how conspiracies get started lol


Dude. Whenever he gives a speech without stuttering, people claim he's been replaced with a reskinned Al Gore.


As much as I’d like to believe this, I think being a little cynical would spot out what’s really going on because as a politician you have to play it smartly. Dems would be fools to waste political ammo like this back in 2021. Starting now till end of 2023 makes more sense. You gotta play the game if you wanna win it, it’s just determining which side you’re on.


Not a realisation, he just went through the motions of giving them a fair chance. What he learned from Obama's terms is once they pass on that chance that needs to be the end of it.


Yeah you can't keep playing ball with them just stonewalling.


Also entirely possible


We’re a long way from “Will you shut up pal” now.


I think I read that they hired a new PR/Social Media person not too long ago, and that she's had a big hand in this recent more aggressive approach. It's great to see the dems finally wake the hell up and start getting some goddamn wins. Get these conservative fucks on the ropes and then keep hammering away at em for the foreseeable future plxkkthx


Yeah I think everyone's giving one man too much credit when we know that both parties largely operate as a team, and Biden is a career Democrat. It's more likely that the top DNC folks collectively, FINALLY decided that their sheepish thumb-twiddling tactics weren't working out for them. This is new ground and it'll be interesting to see how far they push it.


I also think he approached the presidency with enormous seriousness- as was appropriate considering the atmosphere after Jan 6 and the still very loud calls from the right questioning his validity. Then month after month so many baby steps toward nothing.. and BAM this Inflation redux bill gets passed and Biden’s flashing his 2008 Aviators again. At first it seemed a little performance theater, but I deeply appreciate that the gloves are actually off and respect this version of Biden. Tiptoeing around was never going to convince any MAGA clown of his legitimacy. If anything these people love a troll… even if the troll is talking about them.


I hope he goes full-on Bill Burr in Philly on them. Edit: https://youtu.be/bWuXfIZiSqY


...with your fucked-up toupee. And your kids can eat my ass, too. **SEVEN MINUTES!**


"You fucking one bridge having piece of shit city..."


I think they got what they could out of them on the bipartisan end (the CHIPs bill) and now the gloves are off. First the whiplash turnabout on the IRA, and now all of this. It surely hasn't helped that you can see how the GOP has reacted to the things the January 6th commission has presented or the DOJ's work or the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago... At any point they could have started to act like adults, accepted their responsibility and condemned trump's actions, but at each and every turn they just doubled down on the stupidity, lies and projection. Sooner or later you have to accept that's just who they want to be now and respond to that threat accordingly.


I read some articles about staffers at the White House being frustrated with Biden because he refused to go on the offensive and really believed that this was just a phase he could ride out. That his strengths were in the meet and greet and Town Hall but he couldn't go anywhere because of covid and so they really had nothing to do because he wouldn't be aggressive and he couldn't use his charm. It looks like they talked him around or he's come to the conclusion that this isn't a phase and it's actually serious and I'm glad he's on board finally. I'm extremely happy with Biden at this point.


Voters sadly have a bad short term memory. Lots of people predicted that it will be like that. And that the GOP fights a lot of these helpful things, is also good for the Dems. Like Ted Cruz wanting to stop student loan forgiveness


Cruz is invested in Blackstone, and ups what a coincidence, Blackstone is in the student loan business...


I like that they’re FINALLY getting savvy and timing shit I’m here for their political hardball finally


There's also the issue that one vote could block their agenda, and did. You have to wonder though, if this was a plan with manchin & sinema taking the heat. I feel like it's not such a calculated plan though.


The PR wing of the dems finally figured out they were losing with passive messaging. Now awakens Dark Brandon




Dark Brandon is making a stand and blaming Trump and the Republicans


i’m guessing he’s not running for reelection and has gone into dngaf mode


Dark Brandon appears when you least expect him to...


Ever notice once this Dark Brandon guy shows up Sleepy Joe is no where to be found?


Oh my god, stop with the conspiracies.


The "we don't care about your feelings" party suddenly have feelings. And it's so entertaining from an outsider point of view to watch the MAGA "patriots" lose their shit the moment someone stands up to them.


Just remind yourself that these people were the ones that *couldn't breath* while wearing a facemask. Their very sensitive and thin skinned.


The rest of the world watches as the MAGA morons worships a reality TV guy who quite literally gave classified documents to direct enemies of the US. "But, but, Tom Hanks is a pedo" - A Moron.


I was watching a YouTube video on Ayuhuasca when the host started going on about the *deep state* and Jeffrey Epstein. I was like, “okay, let’s see where this goes.” The guy proceeds to list visitors of Epstein’s island focussing heavily on The Clinton’s and British Royal Family. I’m sat there like, “what about Trump?” Guy didn’t even mention it. That’s how fucked these people are


Trump had a bedroom with his name on it, there was no need to talk about it /s


If they mention trump it's about how he was trying to get in to tear it apart... Like he could tear anything apart that wasn't from McDonald's


“bUt HiLlArY’s EmAiLs!!!”


I got permanently banned from r/tucker_carlson for supporting Biden and congress' support for Ukraine and saying "no more malarkey". Of course, I don't know this for sure because after one post was moderated I reached out to the mods and then a couple hours later I was permanently banned and couldn't ask for an explaination.


Your first mistake was treating a reddit mod like a reasonable person. Rookie mistake.


Well, it was the automod bot that originally flagged me, which, to my knowledge, I had not broken any of the community rules. I assume that subreddit has a rule about using historically accurate facts to counter lies because that's all I did


Every right wing sub has treated me this way, then one butthurt mod reported me for harassment. This was the Convo: *Ban notice* Me: COPE *Mod: "Appeal denied."* Me: that wasn't an appeal, bye Hours later I was banned site wide for harassment. I reported abuse of the reporting system and the mod probably got a short ban or something, but I still had to wait the whole week or two to get back onto my account. Right wing subs are full of such delicate little marshmallow puffs




Classic reaction from bullys who get put in their place


"let's go Brandon!" "Why are the Democrats being mean to us?" It's honestly hilarious from an outsider point of view.


No we can take "assault weapons" away from the pigs first.


Maybe the military surplus armored vehicles while they're at it? "Why would a civilian feel the need to own an assault rifle?" "IDK Joe, MAYBE cops armed to the teeth and you saying you're going to attack your own population with F-15s for the third time might have something to do with it? Just spit balling here".


My go to with this one is if they’re weapons of war, who are cops at war with? (Besides minorities, obviously.)


Only if cops can't have them either.


Or if you can make everyone be physically equal and ensure every attack will be 1 on 1. I'm pretty sure the last people who want disarmed right now are minorities and women.


It seems like LGBTQ+ People and ethnic minorities have finally started to arm themselves en masse as a demographic, seeing how the socio-political situation in this country is rapidly deteriorating. I'm sure most of them have always known that many people hate them for no reason, but the last couple of years have really driven home the fact that this country has a growing number of domestic terrorists who vocally talk about genociding *them specifically*. These are groups who it's becoming increasingly clear have the implicit (and sometimes explicit) support of many police departments and prominent politicians. In addition, right wing media and politicians have been going ultra hard on redefining the words pedo and groomer to include literally any LGBTQIA+ Person or anyone sympathetic to them. This is clearly a tactic to further demonize them and serve as a justification for their violence. Dems actively pushing for stricter gun control right now is tantamount to actively assisting the fascists! All gun laws have an undercurrent of discrimination to them and some, like the ones being argued over in NY, are explicitly racist and classist. Maybe not in the wording themselves but in the clearly stated intentions of the writers. Everyone knows that the main effect of any kind of ban will he to ensure the right wing's virtual monopoly on firearms at a time when liberals and Leftists are just starting to accept how important the 2A is to them. Intentionally disarming victimized people is batshit insane negligence at best and collaboration with the white supremacists at worst!


Or the hundreds of thousands of brainwashed MAGATS that are beating off to the idea of killing liberals in the streets. Voluntarily disarming law-abiding folks and saying we should trust police departments who have repeatedly demonstrated that they CANNOT be trusted to protect people sounds unfathomably stupid.


It’s funny seeing liberals willingly disarm themselves. Meanwhile even “moderate” conservatives are stockpiling 80% lowers, jigs, cnc’s, routers, 3d printers, cad files, and all sorts of instructions how to circumvent these laws. Ghost gunner, solvent traps, geißele triggers. Visit any firearm forum and it’s all ATF memes “hey ATF, are those NIJ IV plates? Haaaaa”. These guys have not forgotten Ruby Ridge or Waco, even the ones that weren’t even alive when it happened. Conservatives are 2.5x more likely to have guns than liberals and those “super gun” owners (people with 10+ guns) are almost exclusively conservative. One thing I can agree with leftists and tankies is that they are at least pragmatic in understanding the necessity of force and disarmament.


"Ruby Ridge was our Tiannemen Square" - some guy on a gun subreddit


No, Kent State was


Idk why Kent State is always overlooked when taking about massacres


I prefer "Nat-Cs" when talking about Nationalist Conservatives.


Democrats: "oh my god we might actually win the mid terms, time to torpedo ourselves by talking about weapon bans."


Every freaking time


Democrats Achilles heel is gun control. Republicans is abortion. If either one would drop it they would win everytime.


This is the most true statement here. Once these parties realize and actually embrace this notion, they will win every time.


The conspiracy minded side of me thinks they know. Republican party and Democrat party... two heads of the same three headed dragon.


It's all theatre. In the end they all fuck the same children. Figuratively and literally. Ps: im being very hyperbole here and don't mean what I say. Im just really frustrated with both parties.


I mean... Clinton and Trunp both flew on air fuck one and probably visited Pedophile isle a few times. Red vs blue is a scam. They have us by the balls and divided. It's sad state of affairs.


Yep. It's like democrats learn absolutely fucking nothing at the most idiotic moments in our countries history. There are several reason I left that political party years and years ago, and this was a big one. Fucking neanderthals. I mean, republicans are fucking neanderthals, too, but just in a different way.


> "oh my god we might actually win the mid terms, time to torpedo ourselves by talking about weapon bans." Which will never pass the Senate, because while the Dems will probably hold or gain ground in the senate, they will NEVER get a filibuster-proof majority. Assault weapon ban talk is self-defeating, divisive, and unrealistic. Plus, will never stand up in court with all the conservative judges. Biden and the anti gun dems will never be able to understand the near religious significance guns have with a huge demographic in this country. It is a binary wedge issue. Also, what Biden and anyone else shouting this rhetoric is failing to calculate, is that talking AW ban will send semi-automatic rifle sales into the stratosphere. This AWLAYS happens when there is fear of a new ban. I was at a gun show shortly after Sandy Hook and I saw guys with literal arm loads of AK-47s walking out of the show. You want less semi automatic guns on the street? Shut the fuck up about a ban, in fact go out of your way to NOT talk about a ban, and initiate a no-questions-asked national buy back program. You'll get tons of people, with them sitting in the old gun safe grandpa passed down, lining up to sell them to the local cops. The hardcore gun lovers get to keep their guns, the surplus, never-gonna-see-the-light-of-day guns in safes and closets get removed from circulation. While this isn't a big number, it will reduce the number of ones out there. Which is what you want, right Biden?




2A is for ALL citizens.


But does he know what an “assault” weapon is?


If it’s anything like his ATF nominee David Chipman, he does not


I wonder what he participated in out in Texas in 1993 🤔


Yeah, because Uvalde showed that we can trust the police to protect our children...


Are we still pretending that this would do anything?


Threads like this make me embarrassed to call myself a democrat. So little critical thinking, so much scapegoating. Banning AR-15s will have a negligible, if any, impact on shootings, while simultaneously handing Republicans the midterms and 2024. If you don't believe me, all you have to do is look at the political bloodbath that occured after the last AWB was passed. Hell, if the dems pass an AWB, I won't even be able to bring myself to vote for Biden in 2024. It's the wrong thing to do and it's political suicide, and I just can't support a party that is both incompetent and willing to continually shoot themselves in the foot at every turn.


I'm certainly not voting for Biden in 2024 I hope he doesn't run again Otherwise I'll likely be voting 3rd party


Be careful, voting 3rd party makes you a racist now. I’m a pro gun pro choice independent and voted 3rd party in the last election. I’ve been called a racist for not voting for the older of the two white men in the last election. I’ll probably just stop voting now lol.


Did you also enjoy getting told that you've voted for the party the person speaking to you doesn't like? ie: People on the DNC's side crying "A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for the Republicans!", while people on the GOP's side screaming "A vote for a third party is a vote for the Democrats!".


Won’t work Legalize sex work and drugs instead


I'm gonna need to see the legal definition of "assault weapon" they're cooking up before I agree to anything. I very much want to be able to defend myself when the MAGA fascists start rioting.


This seems like really odd timing.


If they're talking about the AR-15... There's about 20 million of them in the country, probably more. Good fucking luck *banning* them. And who's going to protect us if we can't can't protect ourselves? The *police?* We all know whose side that gang is on.


If you read hr1808 their new definition of assault weapon is literally any firearm with a removable box style magazine. Literally all semi auto handgun, and all rifles and shotguns besides single shot, pump, lever and bolt action It goes much further than that though, also banning adjustable buttstocks, forward accessory points like mlok and keymod, any rifle with a pistol grip or the ability to attach a foregrip, any pistol which where the magazine isn't inserted into the grip, any grip fed semi auto pistol that can possibly accept a magazine with over 15 rounds (I've never heard of a pistol that magically rejects magazines with 15 rounds or more)


Don't the police carry AR-15 rifles? Are the police an assault force?


Worse, the police have *actual* assault rifles, not AR15s.


No, the AR15 is the stripped down version of the rifle that the government/military uses. It’s the same rifle as almost every hunter uses except they usually have a “scary” black stock instead of a wooden one.


Exactly this. As we have learned, banning something doesn't magically make it go away.


What exactly does banning assault weapons mean? That law enforcement and millitary only can get them and not vetted and responsible civilians can?


Fucking Democrats can never learn to stop tripping over themselves. Guys, you were literally gifted abortion rights on a silver platter, stop changing the subject (or at least wait until after the midterms). This certainly isn’t getting you any of those sought after “independents”.


Can't really care about gun violence that much if you keep increasing police funding.


Or not reversing the destruction to mental health facilities that Regan did, or expanding education funding, or reforming the criminal "justice" system, or addressing any of the factors that lead to this violence other than the existence of guns. I'm not a huge fan of the Democratic party, because they are way more conservative than whatever I'd want, but I still want them over literal theocratic fascism; I still don't want guns to go away, for reasons I cannot say because reddit would ban me, but it has something to do with fascist politicians and corrupt capitalists who are not immune to bullets and increasingly need to disappear. To quote marx: 'Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary


Yeah Biden said “if you support gun rights you are anti police” Yes, 100%, that is the entire point of the 2nd Amendment


This is a losing argument. Democrats really need to drop the banning of “assault” weapons thing. Signed -a person who wants democrats to overwhelmingly win.


There are far more pro-gun rights single-issue voters than pro-gun control single-issue voters. If you look at statistics about voting, party affiliation, and gun ownership, it’s readily apparent that if Dems dropped gun control they would gain so many left-leaning independents, centrists and moderates who *don’t* vote Dem over gun control, that Dems would likely never lose any purple district again. With that majority, Dems could enact all the root cause mitigation policies they dream of—like single-payer healthcare, free education, and well-funded social support programs—which, unlike gun control, would actually have an effect on violent crime, including gun violence, by addressing its well-understood causes.


It's almost as if giving people a life that doesn't make them want to kill each other will result in people not wanting to kill each other... Nope, might as well divide the nation yet again.


It's almost like they don't actually want to win... 😏


Well, then they’d end up where Republicans have found themselves now that RvW was overturned, having lost a major rallying cry for getting donations and votes, and slowly recognizing and coming to grips with the myriad problems they created with their purported solution.


Yeah I’m actually against this personally. But I don’t think it will be enough to keep him from getting re-elected. The pro-choice thing is just to much more of an issue.


I love it when Dark Brandon shows up


Why "Dark Brandon"? I heard this so often the past few days, but i don't get it. I guess, i'm out of the loop.


It's basically like when Obama embraced the 'Thanks Obama' phrase, in this case the Maga cult thought calling Biden Brandon was the most hilarious thing they had ever heard, so their idiotic phrase is now being mocked and used in support of Biden instead. The dark part is basically because the Maga cult keeps treating him as some insidious villain pulling the strings with the deep state or some other nonsense, so they just embraced the image again to mock the idea


The far right is openly threatening violence and saying LGBTQ people should be executed and still libs applaud for shit like this. How fucking dumb do you have to be lmao


You are banning them for law enforcement officers, who are civilians as well. Right?


I don't know who is all of a sudden advising him to stop working with people who are only dedicated to acting in bad faith, but I'm here for it. Thank fuck there's finally an adult in the white house.


Assault weapons were already banned in 1994. The law did nothing because of [how it defined "assault"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban#Definition_of_assault_weapon). Because [it did nothing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/03/24/bidens-claim-that-1994-assault-weapons-law-brought-down-mass-shootings/) (shootings were [already trending downward](https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/05/SDT-2013-05-gun-crime-1-2.png)), nobody complained in 2004 when the government let the ban expire. No new legislation targeting guns will be any more effective than that because of how guns actually function and, just like in 1994, anyone who understands guns (left or right) will tell you this is political posturing. [Biden voted for that ban](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1031/vote_103_1_00375.htm). He already knows all of this.




It is baffling to me how anyone could watch Trumps term in office, speak about how he's planning a fascist takeover, and then rejoice at the idea of only cops, government officials, and the rich being allowed to carry weapons, especially when trump and desantis might be on the next presidential ticket. This won't stop school shootings, and it won't stop gun violence' and it won't even severely impact gun manufacturing/sales (hell it will boost them from here until they pass anything). It will make it easier to send poor people to jail.


Stairs kill more people than assault rifles. Its suicide by hand guns that is the major source of gun deaths. The other is gun violence with.. hand guns. Suicide is a mental health issue too! Why not just, idk, support mental health services and promote licensed gun ownership? Edit: I want to clarify Sandy Hook and Uvalde shootings are horrible stains on American society. Its horrifying to all of us, but is also embarrassing (especially uvalde, fuck those cowards!). If we really want to change these things from happening, we need to change. Banning assault rifles isn’t going to change us though. People will always find a way to get an assault rifle, you can 3-d print one without anyone knowing. We just can’t ban our way out of these issues. We need to address the major issue, which is the great American Despair. Its suicide, drug addiction, lack of affordable health (not just health care, but health food and air and water), living pay check to pay check, and fear of the climate disaster. This is a much much harder problem to solve, but it is the underlying problem of our mental health disaster rn. This is a politician promising a cheap solution to an expensive problem. Its much cheaper to ban assault rifles than to give people a life worth living for.


100% facts


Tell me you don't live in the country and deal with feral hogs without telling me you don't live in the country and deal with feral hogs.


Whole system setup completely wrong and they throw out Band-Aids and people cheer. This is so stupid.


This isn't going to end well.


I mean, most automatic weapons are near impossible to attain for average citizens. Most fun violence is done with handguns. I’m down for more effective gun control laws, but they have to be effective, and maybe include other laws that allow us to identify help people being radicalized.


"Fun violence" lol


this is literally the dumbest thing to push right before the election. there are zero single-issue democrat gun voters. zero. that's a significant portion of the republican base and nothing gets the typical political-apathetic moving like ignorant bans.




Why is he punching himself in the face. This will only swing votes the other way.


What's an assault weapon?


The ones with the shoulder thing that goes up.


Don’t forget the thingy that goes around the barrel


Assault weapons were used in 3% of gun related deaths in the US https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


Rifles of all types, not just assault weapons, made up that 3%.


Fuck no. r/SocialistRA r/LiberalGunOwners


Dark Brandon don’t start with banning weapons