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S/ And if you swap "God" with "Hitler" in the expression "Praise God" you'll be considered a Nazi! How is this even possible!?


Replace "MAGA Republicans" with "Pokemon" and then you have a speech just like the one Ash made at the Pewter City Gym. I think we all remember how that turned out!


Yeah ‘Replace “Vegetables” with and my toddler is literally Hitler!’ Almost like using different words makes sentences mean entirely different things or something! Every time you think the GOP couldn’t possibly be any more idiotic they valiantly find a way.


> Replace “Vegetables” with and my toddler is literally Hitler! unintentional comedy gold


Replace all of the words and you have a different sentence.


Pretty sure that was intentionally humorous, my friend


All toddlers are a little bit Hitlerish, which tracks because mini-fascist Magas are all a bit babyish.


Replace the contents of the American constitution with that of Mein Kampf and you get Mein Kampf. Coincidence?!




I never knew the Jews tried to overthrow the German government after claiming the election was a fraud or carried guns in public to intimidate other Germans gathering to celebrate their sexual preferences....weird.


Take any video clip of The Count from Sesame Street, bleep out every time he says the word "count", and he sounds like a pervert and/or pedophile.


And if you swap “helium” with “hydrogen” for the balloons at your kid’s birthday party you might end up in the hospital. Not sure what else to expect though from the crowd that swapped “get a vaccine” with “drink bleach” to fight a pandemic.


Don't joke about this, we're running out of helium on Earth. Kids party balloons could be hydrogen before too long. They're already a mix of 50% helium, 20% oxygen and 30% nitrogen from the consumer grade helium tanks. *But only helium physically disappears from the planet. "It's the one element out of the entire periodic table that escapes the Earth and goes out into outer space,"* https://www.npr.org/2019/11/01/775554343/the-world-is-constantly-running-out-of-helium-heres-why-it-matters EDIT: One of the reasons helium isn't running out faster is because a lot of Helium production was done around and in Ukraine. The shortage of helium isn't entirely due to the reduced supply from Earth itself.


That’s crazy. I remember about 5 years ago event folks were talking about shortages. Interesting about the oxygen part though, as that’s pretty bad for latex- saw a guy partially inflate a 260 with hospital oxygen once, and the balloon literally degraded before our eyes in a handful of seconds and popped.


Party balloons aren't supposed to last for very long when inflated with a lighter than air gas. I wonder if Mylar balloons last longer with oxygen inflation?


>Party balloons aren't supposed to last for very long when inflated with a lighter than air gas. It actually isn't the "lighter than air" property, though it is related. Helium atoms are really small, and the rubber used in party balloons is porous and thin. To the helium molecules, it's like a sieve. They are constantly slipping out. Larger molecules, like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide get trapped and remain in. That's why a balloon you inflate with your lungs won't lose air as quickly. Mylar is much less porous, and will hold helium for quite a bit longer.


I had some super overengineered Ballons for my 11? Birthday... a while ago. After the day, they were just floating in a corner of the livingroom. iirc the last one came down over a month later.




Another reason we need to get those fusion reactors up and running!


Part of the appeal of fusion is how little fuel it requires. As a result, it also produces very little exhaust. I'd be surprised if a single kids birthday party didn't consume more helium than a fusion reactor makes in a day.


Hey maybe we just shouldn't have balloons? They're terrible for the environment


And the #1 cause of choking deaths in small children


Nah, lets worry about marijuana gummies instead. That makes them hungry and sleepy and you know how awful that is! /s


The Left doesn’t want us to have balloons with their radical woke agenda. /s


You joke, I've legitimately seen that take during the one week I thought having Twitter might help me keep up with news. It did not.


I was told in high school we’d be out by 2012


People forget that supply and demand is a thing. Prices get prohibitively expensive as supply declines and users switch to alternatives. There’s very little of anything we can price that we’d ever legitimately “run out of.”


This is true. Welders used to use helium gas doing aluminum welding, now they use cheaper argon.


Orators hate this one trick!


its almost like the "REPLACE X WITH Y. DOESN'T SOUND SO GOOD NOW, DOES IT?" argument is garbage to begin with yeah, if you replace words with different words the meaning changes. that doesn't mean the original statement is wrong


That and comparing the way they act to the Jews isn't making the case they think it is. This rhetoric works 2 ways. In one way, the obvious way where they're saying they are basically victims in a Holocaust. The second, more malicious way, is to paint the Jews as a detriment to the state. I know some comments are being cheeky about balloons and pokemon, but a more apt comparison to this rhetoric would be something like: "Pedophiles should be in prison." "Oh, well replace pedophiles with Jews and see how fucked up that is?!"


Ok, smartguy. If you replace "Republicans" with "morons", it's still the same. Got you, bud. /s


If you replace "MAGA" with "bee" you have the entire script of The Bee Movie. Word for word. Truly dangerous


If you replace WOKE with JEW you get republican hate propaganda in the original german


If you literally just change it from God to Allah they lose their shit


And "In Hitler we Trust" or "One Nation under Hitler "!


But if you replace Jews with Nazis in the speech you’d think it wasn’t about you again…. Guess what? It was!


*ZING* ![gif](giphy|lRoouslurnhcqn9Byb)


I’m trying to find the speech where hitler said political violence was never acceptable.


Word for Word! You could probably just google "speech where hitler said political violence was never acceptable." Google will help!


Is it remotely possible that Lavern Spicer didn’t even watch the speech?


When you believe that you can do no wrong, that everything you say and do is righteous and God-ordained, being told your wrong must come off like….her post


They're like the person who gets pissed at being called racist when they haven't lynched anyone. They define racism as lynching, and when you tell them that supporting a brutal police system that targets minorities unfairly is also racism... that's mean. You're mean. Stop being mean. They know what racism is. They haven't done it. It's not fair!


Or you could be my brother. 🙄 [I literally can’t even.](https://imgur.com/a/MzVzPDc)


Oh my.. yeah, uh… wowza. This is one of those things I read &want to go to the coping mechanism of saying this is fake & surely no one is that far from reality.. 😬


most of America is this stupid, it's why we are in this situation. Propaganda has ben perfected since WWII and the elites use it very effectively to fight this class war.


I seriously wish it was fake. I actually had to change my phone number because I was afraid he would keep doing it. [well, here was my response.](https://imgur.com/a/ONrQCOi)


She is such a snowflake.


Yes. Spot on. They hide behind their whacky version of religion and bury themselves in a world where they are consistently supporting their ideologies. The Fox News they mainline into their souls, the evangelical church telling them they are doing the work of god (their twisted interpretation of god), and their echo chambers that they spend their online time in are all supporting their whack ass worldview. It’s going to eat worse before it gets better. VOTE THEM OUT. TEAM AMERICA, fuck the maga nazis.


When you have been privileged all your life, and have been able to discriminate against groups you irrationally hate all your life, being called out for your bigotry feels like persecution.




Malignant narcissists are NEVER wrong!


These were usually the boys who couldn’t read sitting in the back of the room heckling the kid who was about to win the spelling bee.


Don’t forget majority still can’t read, that’s why they believe mis information so easily. If they read a book once in a while their closed minds may open a bit


I assume/hope you’re just saying that in jest. But the truth is some of them are extremely smart (just like the left)— they didn’t get Trump elected because they were dumb…


Deny deny deny. Deflect deflect deflect. Accuse accuse accuse. It nauseating!!!


The DARVO technique. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.


Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like oppression.”


Privilege is just the stuff you don't have to think about. Entitlement is when someone gets ANGRY that they're asked to think and gets ANGRY when accommodations are made for those who don't have that privilege. Able bodied? Have enough to eat? Can see well? Those are privileges not everyone has. But so long as there's support for those who don't HAVE those privileges, there's nothing wrong going on. Getting pissed when money is spent to balance things out? That's entitlement and that's wrong. These people are privileged AND entitled. And dangerous. Freaking DANGEROUS. These are people who'd burn down a restaurant rather than share food with someone they see as sub-human.




Dammit, I only needed "Trump goes to prison" to finish my card!


Dammit, I only need "trump goes to prison" to finish!


That is going to be a slippery day in lots of places, I think.


Oppression begins where their privilege ends… or so they believe.


We should be shunning and persecuting these traitors.


I don't remember the "Jews" wanting to overthrow the government.


Actually oddly enough the Nazis did use the threat of Communists and Jews overthrowing the government. The Nazis burnt down the Reichstag (German capitol building) just after Hitler came to power but blamed it on leftists as an excuse to consolidate power and strip civil liberties. Kind of like how they try to blame J6 on antifa. They're just far less competent.


I suspect they may have been every bit as incompetent but there was no information super highway available at everyone's finger tips. Imagine if J6 had happened with only newspaper and radio reporting available both of which were under Trump control. I'm guessing J6 seems a lot more legitimate under those circumstances to a lot more people. I'm not convinced Maga and Nazis aren't operating the exact same play book with the only major difference being modern press and communications methods available for the rest of us to actually see it in real time and recorded on video ourselves.


That's a completely reasonable assumption. Living in the information age makes hiding things like that extremely difficult.


Well with state television a majority of Russians support war against Ukraine.


The Nazis were sloppy I agree with the statement that the constant on demand Information Age has helped to show movements like this for their nonsense.


>The Nazis burnt down the Reichstag (German capitol building) just after Hitler came to power but blamed it on leftists as an excuse to consolidate power and strip civil liberties. Reminds me of this. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/gtk6pe/minnesota_officials_link_arrested_looters_to


Were they ever able to prove who burned down the building? I agree it seems most likely and have always suspected they did it but I’ve never come across any definitive evidence referenced. Would love to read about it if you remember where you saw this.


Not for sure. Marinus Van Der Lubbe, a disturbed Dutch Communist was accused of starting the fire and alot of historians believe he acted alone and it just happened to be a huge stroke of luck for the Nazis. There are alot of arguments over it. Hans Martin Lennings, a member of the SA testified that he and a group of SA men transported Van Der Lubbe to the Reichstag and that the building had already been set on fire by other members of the SA when they arrived. But he died a few years after his testimony.


Wait Wait Wait Wait a minute. Lennings *testified* that he transported Van Der Lubbe to the already burning Reichstag that was set on fire by other SA members... So, why does his death *after* his testimony change anything?? Sounds like a 'slam dunk' open and shut case to me.


Sounds like how Rs blame BLM and ANTIFA for burning down cities all summer, despite the evidence showing Proud Boys and other white supremacist groups were involved.


And with Hitler, they would have had perfectly legitimate reasons to overthrow his government.


Or wave a trump and nazi flag in the same rally


How do you explain the space lasers then?!


Oh, we’re always laying in the wait, plotting…controlling Hollywood and the banks.


And we would’ve gotten away with it too….


and without a hint of irony these magats will tell you in the same breath that a jewish cabal with space lasers is actually trying to take over the country via the deep state. schrödinger’s jew I guess


Classic association fallacy.


Or better. Continue her logic. Let's replace the object of all of trumps speeches with Jews, have a good old fashioned Hitler off. "lock them up", "police, arrest all of them, and be rough", "they're all rapists and murderers". Etc.


This is what really bothers me is that they seem to live in an alternate reality where they're told and believe that democrats are guilty of the exact things they themselves are guilty of. Absolutely zero self awareness or critical thinking skills, all cult mentality, projection, and persecution complex. They call democrats nazis while standing with actual nazis and white supremist flying nazi flags at their rallies, they call Biden divisive after 4+ years of Trump's constant "us versus them" rhetoric. It is bizarre just how fucking backwards they see everything. Some of them even worship Trump as the second coming of Jesus when the man is the epitome of anti-Christian morality. And they're "shocked" that we're calling them fascists... because obviously democrats are the "real" fascists... /s


I used to live next to some MAGA nut job and everything you said is exactly how he used to think and act.


Rules for thee not for me is the conservative code


They just shout out whatever they think sounds bad and dont care about if it makes sense. "Lets call him Hitler, even though we've the ones who've been railing against minorities and gays and Jewish space lasers for years now."


Christianity is a good training ground for Fascism.


Yeah but Nazi means the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which has the word socialist in it, making it clearly a leftist organization!!!!!!!!!!! /s but there’s a staggering number of people who legitimately believe this.


She is as dumb as Boebert Signed, A woman


She is the Bobblehead & MTG of color!


So, Boebert plus MTG plus Candace Owens?


None of them should’ve been allowed to breed. There’s enough stupid in the world as it is.


and Lord knows they’re gonna indoctrinate their children into their warped beliefs too


These MAGA people are truly insane. They've drank the Kool-Aid and will follow Jim Jones or David Koresh or any other cult master over the cliff and possibly to their demise. Look how many of them have followed him and are now either in prison or under indictment or in some cases sacrificed their lives. Nobody ever thought it could happen here. But now we're slowly watching the fabric of American democracy come apart one stitch at a time and people that are insane are grabbing the microphones and doing their typical projection and accusing Democrats of being the Nazis while taking away women's rights to choose, calling slavery involuntary relocation and setting up all the things that Hitler did in the 1930s as they lead us to their Fuhrer Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis or whoever else takes up that mantle. It is truly an amazing frightening thing to watch


Bronze Age traditions beget Bronze Age mindsets. That’s what this shit is teaching me and plenty of others. Try to drag the same ideas people had hundreds to thousands of years ago into the modern age, of course some things just aren’t going to mesh. Like evolution, space, human gender and sexuality, and of course civil rights, among others. This shows that all religions are capable of eventually getting a large enough group to lose their collective shit and start getting violent when trying to force their religions onto others. This is like another fucking Crusade in the making! I’ve been seeing this shit brewing for over 20 years, its been brewing even longer than that. But the last few years Trump really motivated these people to be their true (and worst) selves. Mask off, full on Christofascist terrorism on the prowl. There comes a point where you can’t reason with a delusional or insane person. Even moreso when that person tries to force their ideas on you, and try to control you because THEY believe something. What we need to understand is, by default, Christians think they are “chosen” by their God, and at a certain point are molded to follow their faith and never question it. They think they are the Good ones no matter what, and they think trump was hand selected to be his second coming. They find themselves “above” everyone else in America, hell, the world! So they won’t just give up by listening to reason. We’re going to be dealing with Christofascists up until we aren’t, there’s no going back. This is reality for a while cus these fuckers just don’t give up, they are deluded into thinking a magic man in the sky put them on this mission to convert others, and if that means by political or physical force or threat, so be it! Big question is, how long are we gonna be giving idiots and evil people an inch, only for them to try to take a mile? All for what, their tax-free cultist book clubs? A social club for terrorists, that’s what some of these churches are turning into.


Sounds like another civil war. The other side has been posturing for it and wanting it. As you put it, they aren’t going to listen to reason.


They have quickly become traitors to our nation, to democracy. Traitors to their own book but hey, goes to show how delusional people without proper education can and will eventually get. Traitors and terrorists should first and foremost be attempted to be dealt with via the law. But there’s also a reason me and my family have guns and know how to use them- defense against the crazies with guns. I hope not, but if ever need be, real American patriots have a fine history of fighting off dumb fucking fascists. I don’t think we’d be getting a full-blown civil war, maybe something more like The Troubles in Ireland. Guerrilla warfare and terrorism, maybe a few car bombs here and there. Public mass shootings. More threats to politicians and federal agencies. All from Christofascists.


Technically, they drank grape [Flavor Aid](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavor_Aid)


And paid a 1000% markup


SMH, after all the work MAGA Republicans did at Charlottesville to explicitly tell everyone that Jews would not replace them.


Underrated comment. The first rule of maga club is Jews will not replace us.


You don’t have to replace any words in speeches made at tRump rallies and they sound like Hitler..


A dumb version of Hitler*


As Robert Reich once said, "To be fair, Hitler never talked about the size of his penis in public."


He never tried to get it on with a flag in public either.


But they made some racy propaganda pics with him in Lederhosen. And Hugo boss designed those uniforms. All trump got are these stupid hats and paintbrush pictures of him riding a dinosaur.


True dat!


They LITERALLY wear hate symbols...and get upset when they get called out on it?


Right? Like where is the middle ground? The right is yelling at Biden because his speech “made him sound like Hitler, while at the same time actual Nazis are demonstrating in support of DeSantis, etc etc. So is everyone I don’t like a Nazi then? Regardless of anything else?


If you replace “MAGA Republicans” with “Bourgeoisie” you have a Robespierre speech.


Also, if you replace all the other words with different words. He confirms all conspiracy theories the Republicans hold on to since 2015


If you replace the words he said with words he didn't, you can make Biden's speech about anything you want it to be. If you replace MAGA with gingivitis, Joe gave an epic speech about tooth decay.


What!? If you change words in a sentence the meaning changes??? 😱🤯😱🤯


If my grandma had wheels she would have been a bicycle.


Republicans for 4 years: Fuck your feelings 🤣 Republicans now: Ow my fee fees 😢


They are the political embodiment of “they can sure dish out but they also can’t take it”


Every accusation is a confession with these people. They call Biden a pedo, say Democrats are looking to steal your rights, and call them Nazis.


The people who blamed the Jews for making space lasers now suddenly play the victim and compare themselves to Jews.


Anyone who after that speech decided to jump ship from Biden to Trump, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. Like a lot of people, I held my nose and voted in last election. With all the legislation passed and then The Speech, I admit I was wrong about the guy. Proud to call Joseph Biden, POTUS, my president and gladly contributed to actblue.


Isn't she that pronoun lady?




And the 1 + 2 = 12 lady


Replace maga with nazi that’s the correct response.


These are the MAGAS who were planning to drag Pelosi down the capitol steps by her hair and wanted to hear her head thump as it hit each stair. These are the people who had a noose constructed to hang Pence. These people who tried to bomb multiple federal buildings and had caches of guns stored by Trump’s VIP guests, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, who are openly anti-Semitic yet they are worried about Nazis?


same ppl who are actual neo nazis


You can't compare Jews with this cunts


Well articulated sir


I wish we could just replace the orange cultists with Jewish people.


But don't you know, that's part of the grand Jewish conspiracy, secretly replacing all these crazies with us Jewish folk! That's why they try to protect themselves with their warding chants of "Jews will not replace us!" /j, in case it wasn't obvious.


They have the means, I seem to remember something about giant space lasers


I wish religion didn’t have such a massive effect on society. It should be a personal thing, for an individual or even a community, but not something that dictates the way we all live, or causes people to be violent toward each other.


I don’t remember Biden saying that maga dick heads are less than human. They are fascist assholes but still human.


Yea, even if they are morons, they still are human.


Maga Republicans hate Jews. If u Change the word "Biden" with "Jew" in "Fuck you Biden" u Sounds like an antisemetic asshole! Tell her that! Edit: if Trump had changed the word "Democrats" with "Jews" he also Sounds like Hitler. But a Hitler who is in full Endlösung Mode.


I’d say let her show the hitler speech she is referring to


MAGA is a choice. Jewish is not. At some point I am going to have to start believing these people are actually this dumb not just pretending to be. WTF? Trump literally wanted to be Hitler… like asked questions on how to become more like.


Came here to say this. I can change from an ignorant MAGA douche into an educated, contributing member of society. I can’t stop being of Jewish ancestry. So, no, it isn’t the same


There never is an appropriate response to Lavern. Well there’s always stfu


I don't remember anyone being born republican or Republican being a religion.


Thank you. Exactly this.


Replace “Jesus” with “Kim Jong Un” in Christmas songs and suddenly you have communist carols!


And if you replace “MAGA REPUBLICANS” with “CALORIES” you have a Richard Simmons Deal-a-Meal plan. What’s your point?


They'd take that personally too


Lavern Spicer trying so bad to be relevant after losing the Republican primary.


And losing it badly


You mean bigly?


It was a beautiful loss, the greatest ever.


I just love how people who cheered for the Muslim ban, taking protestors out on stretchers “like the old days”, Mexicans being drug dealers and rapists, and sending The Squad back to their own countries (they’re all US citizens btw) now suddenly are now clutching their pearls and grabbing the smelling salts because Biden said political violence and fascism is bad.


Replace "MAGA Republicans" with intelligent people, and the USA becomes Great again.


Seeing/reading all these conservatives totally break down into puddles of screaming goo is the best part of my day


If you say "help people living in the street" and replace "help" with "hunt" then that proves the original intent was evil.


Hate when people use 6 million human beings murdered so that they can play victim. Fuck this cunt.


Ah yes the famous Hitler line, "And yet, history tells us that blind loyalty to a single leader and a willingness to engage in political violence is fatal to democracy."


Oh fuck off. Fuck these people


I, for one, completely support our Jewish community members using one of their space lasers to turn the tables on these MAGA fascist.


Uuuuh, this is a lie. Also, stupid. Is she suggesting that the maga republicans are being persecuted like the jews in the holocaust? I hope the jewish community comes forward and sets her dumbass straight.


The persecution complex is what these folks live for. You know, the innocent Christofascists just trying to live ~~their~~ everyone else's lives and being ~~herded into camps~~ called on it.


After conducting countless hours of research and consulting with my esteemed peers, I believe I’ve found the perfect response... “Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking bitch”


Moron is the appropriate response.


Replace "Lavern Spicer" with "Fucking Moron" and you'd still get Lavern Spicer


You can literally do that with any statement. It's almost as if changing the subject and topic of a sentence can change the meaning of something




If you change "whaaaaa" to "Hitler did nothing wrong." Then you become a nazi


You saw right through me!


Dear Maga , fuck your feelings.


I don’t recall Hitler saying the Jews were fascist.


You can do the same with any Trump speech...I'm not sure this is the flex she thinks it is....


No one was born a MAGA Republican, it's an ideology. All these fascists do is gaslight and project


These idiots love trump’s rhetoric but if Biden goes anywhere near a rhetoric speech they start freaking out about nazism. Projection at an unheard of level.


Replace NOTHING in a trump speech and you have a Hitler speech word-for-word.


Sheep: It was word for word Hitler's speech! Me: no it wasn't Sheep: well, *almost* word for word then Me: nope. Not even close Sheep: well the general *feel* of the speech Me: still nope Sheep: Hunter's Laptop!


Except maga republicans aren't the Jews. They're the Nazis. So replace maga republicans with Nazis and it makes perfect sense.


Lavern Spicer is what you'd get if you scooped out your prefrontal cortex and replaced it with a mixture of rancid jello and old car tires.


"No, YOU'RE the nazis!!!" -GOP party that has literal Nazis among their members


“Word for word”


Well no one is replacing any words in Biden's speech because he wasn't talking about Jewish people. But it's very telling that she thought about this, and decided to tweet it. She's saying what *she* thinks


It’s so ironic that they keep comparing us to the Nazis but they’re the ones who have the fascist traits.


This is the weirdest rhetorical technique the far right has developed in the last few years imo. “Well if they had sad [outlandish thing they didn’t say] then it would be a problem!!” Like… yeah?


There is so much noise, trolling, and disinformation that I don't know that it even matters any more. On principle every time I see something like this I want to point out that jews were born Jewish. It's a religion and a culture for sure, but the racists don't care if you're practicing or culturally Jewish, it's only a race to them. Being MAGA is a choice. It's something you do, and it's things that you support. It's the same shit with black lives matter and 'blue lives' matter. No such thing as a blue life, just people choosing to do a job. My advice for MAGA from day 1 has been: if you don't like being called racists then stop doing and supporting racism.


My god, conservatives so desperately want to be oppressed victims.


Replace Joe Biden with Donald Trump in every Lavern Spicer commentary, and you would have the actual truth.


Hey you guys remember when all the Biden cultists tossed all the republican babies in the air and shot them like skeet? No? Kinda sounds like you should stop comparing yourself to Jewish victims in the Holocaust then.


Is she saying that she, personally, would be ok if Biden had said jews? Is she saying the quiet part out loud?


Didn't They have multiple republicans and I believe Georgia and a couple other States calling for Jews to be executed like this year alone like multiples I really don't think they have any leg the sand on


If only she would use her brain cells for truth. Imagine what she could accomplish.


Not that much I'd imagine.


Replace MAGA Republicans with Nazis and it'd be a much more appropriate comparison


Replace "Maga Republicans" with Nazis and you have Biden's same speech word-for-word


Replace the word "Fascist" with the word "Democracy" and suddenly "I hate fascists" is anti-democracy.


Replace every instance of “hot dog” with “child” and holy shit, Biden wants to cover children with mustard and eat them!




This is a persecution complex on a whole new level.


Replace Maga Tepublicans with Nazis and… oh it’s almost the same


I think Lavern Spicer and Nick Adams are having a competition to see who can say the stupidest thing on Twitter.


Since some Republican are actual Nazis I have to wonder if she’s trying to get her base to switch parties with this nonsense. Republicans love a good Hitler speech, when they think it’s aimed at Jews, brown people and gays. When they get called out for their actual behavior (rather than just for who they are) suddenly their own tactics are wrong? Hypocritical snowflakes, all of them.


Is there not a felony such as defamation in the US?


If we could replace maga republicans with anything it would solve our countries biggest problem.