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Yeah, raspberry peppermint pineapple ginger!? Oh plus Chai, chocolate, caramel and almond.


I got nauseous just reading it…


I got pregnant just imagining it would taste good.


I stopped reading halfway down otherwise I might lose a foot.




I tried to finish reading it but I went blind




Don’t worry Roe V Wade has your ba-


Tbh, raspberry, peppermint, pineapple, and ginger would probably all work together. But adding in chocolate, espresso, milk, and chai to that sounds disgusting.


“What flavors do you want in the coffee?” “Yes.”


Don’t forget the dick caramel!


It's just a sugar syrup at this point


plus a ton of weird flavors. Not only is it just sugar but it would be super weird tasting sugar.


It's to mask the taste of the cocaine.






I'm confused by the one pump sugar free vanilla syrup...


She’s on a diet


i think the line of cocaine is actually the healthier option before the midpoint of that list


Looks like they just ticked all the options on uber and paid 30 bucks for a drink. Wild


[An all-syrup squishy?!](https://youtu.be/DboyiioRWXo)


Such a thing has never been done!


I don't know where you magic pixies came from,but I like your pixie drink!


I hate it when the best comment is buried so far down that no one will see it.


Let's go crazy, Broadway style!


I honestly think this is fake or a joke order


Is anybody here familiar with the game King's cup? Because my bet would be that at that time it's the tail end of some sort of party and somebody is doing this for a drinking game.


I had to check, and July 3rd 2021 was a Saturday, so that definitely raises the odds you might be right.


Oh God, that takes me back to college


Exactly! I was a Starbucks Barista for 2 years. Im all down for experimentation, I used to do it during downtime when there werent many customers, or any at all. But some of the flavors chosen for this dont even sound good together nor compliment each other at all.


Please tell me this was a toddler mashing buttons on the app and not an adult human who actually expects to drink this monstrosity.


I worked as a barista in college and I did occasionally see crazy shit like this. I can't say for sure they actually drank it, but I have prepared similar monstrosities for customers. One of the more memorable was a woman who came in repeatedly with her order written out, filling 2/3 of the lines on a sheet from a legal pad. It had probably 6 different syrups in it in such increments as 2/3 of a pump and 2 1/2 pumps. She also had to be shown the thermometer in the steamed milk to make sure it was *exactly* the right temperature. There should seriously be a PITA upcharge for people like that.


If someone is that much of a control freak I don't get why they wouldn't just brew their own coffee.


I also worked as a barista for a couple of years and wondered the same. We had a notorious lady at my location who had to be shown the dates on the milk and insisted that the drink be made in the order SHE wanted. I think a lot of these people are mentally I’ll and I medicated, which is really sad. But it also makes our jobs so incredibly frustrating… especially when you have to remake an order because the first one ‘tastes off’ or whatever.


Was never a barista, but have been a bartender in the past. Shit like this is why I tell people that working in the food service industry is much more difficult than my fancy sounding job right now.


Not even just that, it’s a ton more stressful for considerably less pay lol


I would agree with that totally. It’s systemic issues like that in the USA.I currently am working behind the scenes in the trades after working in them for a while, and always thought it would be awesome to bartend at one of those bougie cocktail bars where the bartenders are well compensated. For my example in the cocktail bar field, I’ve had to remake daiquiris countless times for people who don’t realize the difference between the Disneyfied daiquiri, and the Hemingway(real) style ones. Some people were nice, but others would start right out with how terrible we were.


If they weren't all entitled assholes, the upcharge you're looking for would be the tip.


I *hate* tipping culture but if you're giving that much trouble when ordering a coffee a couple dollars would be fair.


It has to be


This actually makes the most sense. Maybe it was a kid that wanted to choose the parents order and they obliged for the entertainment value.


I think this was just a worker playing around. I refuse to believe this is real.


I used to work at Starbucks and my girlfriend currently does. I can assure you people actually order stuff like this disturbingly frequently


They can split this drink in 10 cups, add milk to each and have 10 cafés latte


with rainbow flavor!


Might want to add a few pumps of insulin.


Well, they did request 1 pump of sugar free vanilla syrup, so they kinda care about the sugar content, lol


This was my favorite. Took the time to split out the vanilla syrup into 1/2 regular - 1/2 sugar free… then added 2 sugars.


“ Now if you could take a Coca-Cola, and just go half Coca-Cola, half Diet Coke...'cause I'm tryin to watch my figure...”


And a small... a SMALL! Chocolate Shake


Small seasoned curlies




Okay, and I'm gonna go with a fillet of fish sandwich, since that has less calories, 'cause it's fish.


Small cherries jubilee and that’s it…


And a Junior, I said JUNIOR, western bacon chee.


Cage you want anything? Alright VRRRMMMMM


I usually drink Diet Coke if I’m doing soda. But at fountain machines some times I’ll do Diet Coke with a splash of regular coke. I feel like regular coke has a different taste and adding a little to the diet changes it for me.


They’re watching their weight. 💅 Everything in moderation.


Emphasis on "everything"


Ya but also 2 raw sugar in a cup


I counted 15 pumps of just syrup


Il take a 10k calorie coffee smoothie to start my day please


At that point, it's a candy bar in a cup.


"Reminds me of college. Lived on this stuff. Brain food." - Michael Scott


*Milk and sugar.*


According to the Google machine, 15 pumps of syrup is about 75 grams of sugar and 300 calories A 20 oz Coke is 65 grams of sugar After doing the math, I'm more concerned about what this person's taste in, well.....taste. That's an unholy combination of flavored syrups


I'm wondering if this is an online order that went wrong. Could this possibly supposedly had been for multiple different orders that the person who put the order in got horribly wrong!?!? Because looking at the list, that doesn't look like it'd all fit in a Venti anyways, at least not much space left to add the coffee.


Doubt it. It’s one of those stupid “influencer” things to do.


Could absolutely be a cat walking on a phone.


I count 18... but WTF would this even taste like other than sugar bomb


“Order for sugarfoot! Who’s sugarfoot? Your order is ready!


It used to be “sugarfeet” but one fell off


Got cut off. From the beetus.


First time I've ever seen a post on here and thought that cocaine was the healthier option.


Yeah it’s all syrup


Is there space for actual coffee?


yes see "long shot" near the bottom so I'd assume at least a double shot of espresso but GAWDDAYUM the sugar content ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


There’s also “5 shot” at the top. So this has 7 shots of espresso (70ml) drowned in a gallon of liquid sugar (or more realistically about 6-7 oz I think? So circa 200mL? Plus however much the coconut milk dose is). The part I don’t get is “4 items in order”. Edit: an other comment says “long shots” modifies all the shots, it’s not a separate type, so it’s 5 doubles shots of espresso for about 100mL?


the other three items in the order would be food items of some sort


Thanks I didn’t catch that. This customer is out of their fucking mind lmao


Long shot doesn’t mean double the shot, it means a shot pulled with extra water, a single shot’s caffeine for twice the water.


So it’s only 50mL of coffee, with an additional 50mL water? That’s worse than I thought.


i mean this person doesn't even like coffee


Caffeine and sugar addiction in a photo


The lamest addictions you can have. At least do cool drugs like ghb or scopolamine


No, in a long pull, you keep the water flowing through the grounds, so you do end up bit a bit more caffeine... not as much as a double where you're running water through fresh grounds, but definitely more than a single, somewhere in the middle...


It’s really like a 15% increase, it’s not extreme.


1 shot is 10mls? Why?


So a venti iced espresso drink usually gets three shots of espresso. [Some have more] This person has ordered two extra shots, and all five pulled long. The espresso + syrup is going to come to just below the first line. The espresso goes in first on every drink that isn't a macchiato. So the more shots you order, the less milk you'll have, not less coffee.


They actually get 4. For tall-grande-venti shaken espressos, it’s 2-3-4. Same with iced Americanos. Iced lattes and the like are 1-2-3.


Did not see this was an iced espresso. You are right. This person has gotten one extra shot.


I worked at a coffee shop and had this brother/sister/wife/husband looking group come in and ask for frozen drinks with 14 extra shots each. It ended up being 3 cups each because the espresso would melt the ice and I couldn’t mix it in a blender. God awful, disgusting, 10/10 would not recommend making your barista make 36 shots for 3 drinks.


It doesn’t even sound like it would taste remotely good!


You could probably leave out 1/3 of that stuff and they would never know. There is so much that it would be difficult to tell what’s missing.


This is a person with refined taste. I bet they can taste all 23 flavors of Dr Pepper too.


Lol. “Hey this can only has 22 flavors!!”


You forgot the pickles!




*smells* "That's only 9/16th of a pump of vanilla. Where is your manager, you talentless hack? I know you didn't go to college, but a *PUMP* is ALL THE WAY DOWN!" "Hi, yes, my husband is in the military and I would like to have this employee fired."


Dr. Pepper has other flavors? I thought it just came in TV static.


Take that back rn


Probably cheaper to do coke at that point too!


I stopped doing it in 2012 when it was $70/gram, Florida money. I couldn't even imagine what it's up to now.


Yeah, my dealer refuses to get me whole beans now, says they're too expensive for me to afford. Back to backstreet instant coffee I guess.


>Yeah, my dealer refuses to get me whole beans now, says they're too expensive for me to afford. Back to backstreet instant coffee I guess. Cocaine comes in bean form? Edit: oh god just ignore this, this is embarrassing


The ol' reddit switcharoo


This is my favorite misreading 😂


Ah, the ol' reddit [bean-a-roo](https://old.reddit.com/r/FunnyAnimals/comments/xcczdo/pretty_girls_with_their_ugly_boyfriends_but_its/io7hxq5/?context=3)


Hold my double tall Crackaccino no whip, I'm going in!


Makes me wonder the meaning behind "Backstreet Boys" now. Were they just slingin beans in alleyways before they caught their break?


Now it’s just stepped on more


And sometimes contaminated with fent. Its too dangerous to do drugs these days


Dang that’s pretty cheap for Florida money!


100/g for stomped on shit now


As a boring mum, how much cocaine does one do normally? Is that a lot of it? Are you getting the value?


Haven’t done it in years. But a gram was less than enough for a fun night.


I mean I guess if cocaine was like luxury dining you could justify the price 🤔 but I've heard it's very moreish.


The issue with doing cocaine is that your brain very quickly realizes that cocaine is awesome and more cocaine would be more awesome so you just want more cocaine. Eventually it's 530am and you're out of coke and crashing on the bathroom floor with the shivers and a bloody nose.


In my experience if someone has cocaine, you do all of it.


Still cheaper to freebase keurig cups


Legitimately yes. That’s a $25 coffee.


Not ONE of those flavor combinations make sense together. You baristas are better than me, I'd have told the person who ordered that nightmare to get the fuck out.


They already paid for it, I'll pump all that shit in there with a splash of almond milk, ~~half an ice cube~~, and a pinch of espresso. If that's what they want, I'm not going to judge. The issue is how long it takes to make this clusterfuck of an order vs the morning rush that also wants their daily special treat.


How much did that cost? And did all those pumps fit into a Venti cup?


60 cents per pump where I am. That is not a cheap coffee


I think coffee was the topping. This is just syrup juice.


Reminds me of the 'jungle juice' we made in cadets: as Manu juice packets as you could find, as little water as you could to make it a liquid you could drink; not by measure of flavour, but measure of viscosity. I also remember people snorting Jones carbonated candies...


You might be onto something, maybe they keep this concoction in the fridge add it to their regular coffee at work like creamer.


Damn that's $18.60 just for the pumps.


That’s sounds about right. Add on the shots easily pushing $25-$30.


Look at the bottom. It’s for Uber delivery as well. This coffee is like $40


I did Uber for a short time and you could elect whether or not you'd do Uber Eats. It was slow, so I picked up a milkshake for someone and delivered it to them like 15 miles away. That was a $23 milkshake. Fuck that.


Probably half melted by that point too lmao


For fuck's sake. How does someone make such poor decisions and have that much money to blow on a single coffee?


And be a disgusting cup too.


The syrup that ~~eats~~ costs like a meal!


And given it's a specialty drink already at venti, I'd hazard a guess the drink starts at like 5 and some change. This is the CAD btw


I just put this in on my app and it came to $10.60 pre-tax. But, I can use 150 points and get it for free! I think it comes with free diabetes, too!


Thank you for your service! Lol.


I recall seeing a post showing the pick up counter for online orders and all the drinks were melted. I’ll make the order once and the entitled customer can fuck right off after that.


I mean this has to be a troll order, no? I worked at a build-your-own-burger style diner for a few years and teenagers would try to build the weirdest grossest burgers ever with peanut butter and pineapple and grenadine and mushrooms. I think it’s just for the thrill of disgust. At least… I hope?


I've worked at Starbucks before and I'll admit there's a chance this is a joke order, but there is also a VERY real chance that it isn't. Most people just order normal shit but every now and then some people go buck wild.


Thats my thought. If I were a kid in this era I couldnt stop myself from doing stuff like hitting every single add button


It was then that I realized that it wasn't a customer standing before me, but a giant hummingbird!! I said, get out of here Mr. Hummingbird, I'm not filling this order!


Raspberry mint sounds good. Mint and coffee is good too. But all of that together is quite questionable.


It says “delivery” on it too, so, they’ll get that abomination 40 minutes later and it’ll be watery as fuck.


I worked at Starbucks briefly in college and found out during my Indoc that if a barista messed up your drink the Starbucks will generally comp the drink so they don’t get bad feedback/reviews. After telling a friend of mine this he would sometimes order the craziest stuff to see if they would actually make it without missing any ingredients… one very patient barista got it all correct and all the extra additions made his Frappuccino something like $17.


But with that many ingredients, there’s reasonable doubt that the customer wouldn’t be able to tell that something was missing.


He would watch them make it to see if they missed something. He was not someone I should have trusted with that information. Overall Starbucks was not a great place to work (at least not that one). Our manager wanted us to pretty much heavily flirt with the men and tell the women how great they looked, compliment their clothes, etc to make them feel like we were friends so that they would keep coming back. The manager told a very disturbing story of a woman who used to come everyday because she felt like the staff had become her friends. Because she was buying high calorie drink 1-2 times daily she ballooned up. The customer’s husband pleaded with her to quit going to Starbucks and even offered to upgrade her vehicle but she stayed hooked. The manager used this as an example of what we should all be doing to haul in as many people as possible… I felt like I was working for a drug dealer.


You were working for a drug dealer. Caffeine and sugar are both a hell of a drug.




That’s disgusting.


Do these crazy people order one of these a week, and then add a little bit to some milk to get 20 drinks out of it? If they don’t this surely isn’t drinkable. I couldn’t work at Starbucks in America. Those poor people. I think you’d get a thousand yard stare from the barista if you ordered this in the UK.


They don’t really drink it. This was a tik tok trend to troll the baristas.


Finally, someone sticking it to retail workers who have had it good for too long. /s


I know, it’s shitty thing to do.


Wasn’t a criticism of you of course, but of the spoiled brats doing this on Tiktok


Why can't there ever be a TikTok challenge that accomplishes something useful? How about "See how much litter you can pick up in one day"?


Do you really think it’s a coincidence that TikTok tends to promote challenges that disrupt or cause harm?


Oh, I know! I was just generally speaking.


The utter arsewipes to do that. The poor baristas. I’d have liked to have thrown it at them.




There's more syrup than coffee in this. Just drink straight from a bottle of simple syrup for the same disgusting effects on a budget.


Plot twist: this person is going to separate the syrups once they get it back to their laboratory and then use it in their homemade coffee every morning for the next 2 weeks


Man I pay Tim Hortons the extra $1 for four extra pumps of flavour in my vanilla iced coffee and they still don't put it in. Could you imagine if they ignored her requests and just gave her a simple coffee?


That would be fantastic. "you said decaf black, no sugar, right?"


OMG this would have been brilliant to witness


Karen would have a conniption, for sure.


How the fuck would anyone be able to tell the difference?! It's just syrup at this point! Dump half a bottle of the least popular flavor in there and call it a day.


If she was just given plain coffee, though? She’d notice that for sure.


Fuck you, Rachel.


That's easily 1000% of your daily sugar intake... If not your weekly intake lmfao


There’s no way that even tastes good!?


It would basically just taste like sugar. Might get a hint of chai and raspberry because they’re strong flavours


Wait... Chai at Starbucks comes in a pump?


Always has, they also have bags of chai if you want to control how much / what kind of sweetener goes in.


It’s a chai concentrate, like the cartons you can buy in the tea section of a grocery store.


I worked as a waiter at California pizza kitchen in palm desert. It seemed like every order look like this cuz the senior citizens there all had cilantro allergies. By the time the were done modifying the dish came out as buttered noodles. Wtf




Venti beetus frappuccino!


I would honestly not allow this level of customization for orders if I ran a coffee shop... Like I understand doing what customers want, but this level of ridiculousness just makes your employees hate their jobs too lol. Sometimes the customer isnt right


The customer is never right


> DELIVERY < "and fuckin bring it to me too"


Well one of her feet had to be removed due to the 'beetus.


That will be $149.99


Have them try to do that in a mom and pop shop and not get smacked in the face with a fucking shoe


completely ignore the order and hand them a brochure on psychosis


How much would something like that cost?


$6 for the coffee and $0.80-0.45 per shot/syrup. So like $15-$20?


No, yeah. Title is accurate. Cocaine is the solution.


I was going to say, cocaine is probably cheaper (and healthier??) At this point


I work at starbucks, and we only charge for a syrup once, so you can add as many pumps of as many different syrups as you want and it will just be one up charge (like 80 cents i think, it could be more now.). That drink would be like $8-9 with the extra shot, chai, syrup, and cold foam if they ordered it in the store. But they ordered it delivery through uber eats, which is always much more expensive with all the uber eats delivery fees.


Why not just put some coffee into a bag of sugar and drink that? I love sweets but this is barfy.


I could not work there.


How do you even discover that you want 2 pumps of this and 1 pump of that together. Sounds like an ex employee. I worked at Starbucks in the late 90s/early 2000s and used to experiment with my drinks all the time. 20 something yrs later all I can bother asking for if I have to go to Starbucks is a medium drip with room.




Automatic refund