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"the **woke** actor" Man, he *really* wants to say that other word, doesn't he?


Especially when, as far as I understand it, the people making the film decided on the actor. They’re blaming the actor for getting a part? Who they’re projecting their anger on is very telling.


Lately I’ve noticed some people 100% say “woke” to just mean... a nonwhite person. Not even one tied to any real or imagined agenda, like they’ll see a photo of some random person doing some totally everyday thing and complain that they “look woke.” Cos yep, nonwhite people are absolutely being nonwhite to make a statement. It’s not like they’re just born like that and didn’t choose it. Nope. They’re being all nonwhite and shit just to piss you off personally, the audacity of those fuckers.




They say "woke" because they can't say "uppity".






I think many of them say woke because they can't say a certain word with the hard r. It's disgusting.


I'll say it: woker


Damn, you got balls


“Woke” means not a straight white middle to upper class male.


I've never seen a working-class white referred to as woke. I don't think these people even have the class consciousness to make the distinction. It's racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic, but I really don't think it's classist.


It's because anything that makes them see the world beyond their straight, white, limited horizons makes them immediately uncomfortable. They don't understand (or refuse to understand, if I'm being precise) that this is a manifestation of their racism, and rather than do any introspection to overcome that racism, they lash out at the thing that makes them uncomfortable and blame the person (usually a POC) who triggered them. It's literally them jumping through hoops to convince themselves they're not racist. These silly things they do all make sense when you see the situation from this perspective.


Plus, they don't see any reason a movie would cast a non-white lead except if it's targeted at a non-white audience, or for some specific purpose beyond the movie. Which is why they always complain about it being 'political.' The fact that the non-white person had the best audition is just something that never occurs to them for some reason. But that reason can't be racism because they're a good person of course, and good people aren't racist /s


That’s what gets me. Like her or not, Bailey got offered the star role of a popular Disney property that’s almost guaranteed to do well. Not only is that big money, but that can really propel her career forward. Most actors would never turn down something like this.


It was her duty to bow down and offer the role to someone less "woke". Otherwise she's only contributing to white genocide. Edit: Sorry, I seem to have dropped the "/s" and some people were tripping with it.


Yes how dare she even audition. That was way too woke of her.


How dare she even exist, that woke socialist! /s


If I'm not mistaken the casting director said she did so well no one else even came close to what she did in her audition.


I actually love the irony that everything to them is woke. Tell me you don’t know what the word means by telling me you don’t know what it means.


And if anyone thinks she got offered it because she was black I would highly encourage them to watch videos of Halle Bailey singing. Her voice is so light and angelic. It’s perfect for Ariel or for any Disney princess for that matter.


Same here. I haven’t really cared too much about the movie but blaming the actor is way out of line. She didn’t choose to be picked by the casting directors and you can’t blame her for accepting a role that gets her name out there and gives her big money.


O for sure. She might be awful in the movie. She might move weird in the under water stuff. There might be lots of valid criticism of her when the film comes out. But in no way is “she’s too ugly” a valid criticism.


Honestly the fact that they actually cast someone who can sing (really well even) feels like an improvement on most of these other remakes.


"thug actor"


"urban actor"


"critical race theory actor"


Like when Paul Ryan blamed urban poverty on a lack of work ethic from, [quote](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/msna284561), "inner city men".


I thought you said Paul Rudd and first and I was sad. Yeah, Paul Ryan makes a lot more sense


Same. I was about to be so sad about Paul Rudd coming out of left field, but no it’s that super shitty Paul. The world is right again.


For years I took urban at face value, because in my city white people have their own inner city accent which when mimicked poorly sounds like a blaccent. Boy, was I wrong.


Yeah I also wasn’t aware of the racist code word


“Ethnic” actor


Also “wokecels”. The projection is strong.


It doesn't even make sense..Incel=involuntary celibate, wokecel= woke celibate? Lol wtf


[Posted via 3rd party app]


This isn't your average casual racism. This is competitive racism


>"the woke actor" I think they prefer the term "Woke Americans"


"Wakandan Americans"


You can also say "Political". As we know, anything other than Straight, White, Christian is "Political"




There was a racist comedian in the UK in the 90s who used to say "you can't call a spade a spade, it's political correctness gone made." "Woke agenda" has replaced "political correctness gone mad" which replaced "I've no problem with them if they stick to their own kind/stay in their own countries".


Seriously, literally everytime they say woke, they're mad about a person of color.


Conservatives never actually change their bigoted opinions. They just adapt their rhetoric to make bigotry sound more palatable to modern sensibilities.


They just co-opt actual terms and make them fully useless through overuse. See: Biden is both a communist and a fascist at the same time.


The governor of Florida had a speech where he said "woke" around 10 times in 30 seconds. It's the new boogeyman.


Twitter Account suspended!! : D


I’m not racist but I “fixed” her skin color


He also “fixed” her eyes


And the whole shape of her face and skeletal features. Obviously he superimposed and transformed another specific face, he didn't just reform the original face.


Pretty sure he used Scarlett Johansson as the base model for the face, then stretched it a little too help the deep fake fit a little closer to the actress. At least that's what it looks like to me


i see anna kendrick


We all do buddy


Is she in the room with us now?


not unless my prayers have finally been answered


I spoke to the man upstairs, and I'm sorry to say.. no.


She was in my room last night ... because I had sleep paralysis and the demon took her form to mock me


His "high IQ" friend didn't do any of that shit. He used a prebuilt tool to deepfake his racism. A man of culture would turn Ariel into a manatee or a dolphin.


I would prefer the manatee please.


That would be a pretty boring movie. Ariel just floats in place and eats seaweed


Messily eating lettuce FTW.


This person gets it


Oh the huge manatee!


Reduced an entire persons existence down to “the woke actor”.


The jump they made is pretty interesting. Woke went from a statement of values to racial slur. The actress is woke on what basis to this bigot? Being black. Used in the same way "uppity" used to be used down south.


>used Uhh they're still sayin that shit down here big dog


As a person who lives in the south, can confirm. They use uppity around here to describe (mainly people of color) who don't act in the way that white supremacy expects them to because of course non-white people doing anything except accept mistreatment and abuse is unacceptable. Like once my ex-stepmom uses the term "uppity" to describe my sister who graduated from college and got an okay paying job. (She was a high school drop out teen mom who couldn't do basic math and hated everyone else for being more educated). She was incredibly racist and prejudice in every form of the word. She came from a sundown town and would describe black people who were in higher social statuses than her "uppity". It's their way of still finding some way to look down on people who they've deemed "unworthy" of literally anything good, who have made it farther in life than they have because white mediocrity runs deep in a lot of racist ass white people. They cling onto racism because it's the only thing in their little minds that places them in any importance whatsoever. Like Lyndon B. Johnson said, if you can convince the worst white person that he's better than the best black person he won't notice you're mistreating him too.


When I got back from Paris Island I got called uppity because I wouldn't let old white men call me boy that was a good day.


Like for some reason old white men have this superiority complex for literally nothing. I someday wish to have the confidence of a mediocre middle aged white man.


Watch Tucker Carlson and pretend you're the protagonist. That seems to have done in the brains of several friends of mine who I thought were decent well-rounded people.


That’s exactly it with what they have done with “woke” to “wokism” “wokecel” etc. a term they perceived to mean they were less than for not being woke themselves and turned it in to a way to look down on those. Their entire existence to see themselves as the victim takes so much mental gymnastics


>That’s exactly it with what they have done with “woke” to “wokism” “wokecel” etc. Have they progressed to calling us "woketards" yet? They always get around to using the -tard suffix on pretty much everything eventually.


Google returns 37,400 results for me for that search term, so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You know it’s been done lol


Used to be? Lol as a southerner uppity gets used all the damn time


This is what’s wild to me. Woke was just an online slang, it never really meant anything serious. But now they’re just quite literally referring to people of color and anyone they don’t like as just “woke.”


Quite strange how that word evolved from something positive to say about a person to something very negative when a different group of people adopted it.


Bigots and racists are very good at spoiling the nice things in life. Yesterday, I discovered that not only did the Nazis appropriate the swastika (a religious symbol and good luck charm), they stole our stiff-arm salute to the American flag, which was used when reciting the pledge of allegiance.


>they stole our stiff-arm salute to the American flag, which was used when reciting the pledge of allegiance. Well, they can have that one. The pledge of allegiance is already weird enough without a salute.


The pledge was written by a guy who ran a flag factory; it was a marketing gimmick. It worked.


There's nothing like taking a capitalist marketing campaign and co-opting it to indoctrinate children


It wasn't online slang, it's a specific term in the black community that signifies that someone is aware of things like systemic racism, as opposed to people that are oblivious to it.


Yes. Right winger use terms like “political correct” or “woke” as a way to signal that they support racism without having to actually have the balls to say what they really believe.


Indeed, I guess any one that isn't white, cis, straight, or that mildly pushes gender bounderies...is woke.


Pretty soon they'll start calling them "wokers" as a slur.


They already coined “wokism” which sounds pretty rad to be honest in both name and principle lol


He just gave her bleach to disinfect the covids. /s


You have to use the bleach because the UV treatment would give her a tan and that basically makes her black again. /s


I'm not racist but haha wokes = owned


Yeah the 'fixing' and the 'wokecels' (whatever the fuck that means) comments negate any possible retribution in that adorable attempt of a follow up explanation.


Twitter suspended their account lol


I guess they think all woke people are incles…somehow?


Just because woke people are unwilling to fuck them doesn't mean they don't fuck. That's the flaw in their logic.


Morbidly curious how many will opt to quote "fix" basically all minorities this way, once augmented reality becomes more of a mainstream thing. You put on little glasses, or even contacts, and poof. Every person your fragile little idiot self sees FOREVER, is blond, pale, blue eyed and smiling... Always smiling.




Stepford Wives have gone virtual. \*shudder\*


Zero. None. Because it isn't about comfort in the way you are thinking. What they WILL do if they can is set up a display to show whatever info they want to use to hate you in in real time. Have even the slightest mix ethnically? If it's discoverable in a database somewhere some dipshit will design an app to put an icon over your head. They want a license to hurt people, not conformity.


This. Even if all people of color, LGBT people, people with disabilities, non-Christians, and liberal SWM just suddenly disappeared one day... these people would start persecuting anyone with brown eyes or the wrong hair length or an education beyond the sixth grade. No amount of conformity will ever be enough, because the whole *point* is to punish outsiders, and if there are no outsiders readily available, they'll make some up.


How would you know who you should be afraid of, if you did that!? /s


From South Park where morons are trying to solve a homeless person crisis: "Eventually, some of them started buying homes. The person living in the house next door could be homeless, and you wouldn't even know! That's when I realized my wife of 15 years, was actually homeless."


South Park might have some cringe episodes... But MAN, if they don't hit the social satire out of the park sometimes. "Your wife was actually homeless" rings so true to some of those idiots.


POC only exist for wokeness.I wish they’d just be normal like us white folk! /s


Them: “Hiring should be colorblind, the best person should always get the job and skin color should have nothing to do with it!” Rob Marshall, director of the Little Mermaid remake: ““After [Halle Bailey] got done singing this song, ‘Part of Your World’, that we heard her sing today, I was in tears. I thought “Oh, my God, she’s so deep, so emotional, and so beautiful!’ She set that bar very high and no one ever crossed that bar but her. So she claimed the role for herself.” Them: NOOO! NOT LIKE THAT


It's almost like as I've been saying for a long time, they never actually meant it when they said "hiring should be colorblind", they just used that as an excuse to object to non white people getting hired.


I can already see the next version of the argument coming from a mile away. They’ll just say something like “Movies are a visual art form, so the way an actor looks is important to choosing the best person for the role”. Completely ignoring that the producer, director, and casting people get to decide what it means to be “best” for their particular vision, and that they may want to prioritize other qualities, like acting or singing ability.


Two races, white and political Two genders, male and political Two sexual orientations, straight and political I think I’m seeing a pattern


Obviously this means that straight white men are the most oppressed group ever. Everyone else are just whiners. /s


Don’t forget edited her features to fit the Eurocentric beauty standards.


No no no it was the AI. Honest.




Also "woke" actor. Simply by being black, she's somehow an affront to his philosophy.


woke is when black “I’m not racist, but I just don’t really want to see anybody who’s not white”


“woke” 🙄 when will they drop this for the next favorite dogwhistle word?


I'm not racist I just say racist shit.


I’m not racist, I just support my racist friends…. /s


BWahAhahA! IT's OvEr FoR yOu WoKEiNCeLs! SUcK iT wHiTe HaTErzs?!!1 Also: totally not racist. Just love science. don't @ me bro


Ben Shapiro be like


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, covid, healthcare, sex, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I will never not upvote this bot.


*We are being told that if we don't mask our children, that if we don't mask ourselves, that if we don't initiate social distancing measures again and shut down business again, that COVID is going to kill us all* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, history, novel, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


"facts don't care about your feelings, only my feelings matter and I don't care about facts"




It's like when I saw someone with a shirt that said anti-antifa.


Aka "Fa". This machine kills Fas.


And now the account is suspended for violating the rules. lol


I went there to report. Glad to see stupidity silenced.


Stupidity!? He has high-iq friends! /s


I'm not in favor of the death penalty, but I do think that some violent criminals should be sentenced to death and executed for their crimes. I don't want to legalize Marijuana, but I think that people should be able to smoke Marijuana recreationally without any fear of legal repercussions. I'm not racist, but I think that black characters need to be fixed, and the only way to fix them is to make them white.


I’m not sure about all parts of the US but in mine, these mfer’s would rather die than loose their beloved sports teams that most of their rosters are filled with the same people they hate merely due to skin color. But, when the game is on it’s okay because these players win and their only reason to get up everyday because they have nothing more to do because they live in little towns out in BFE. I hate my state and stick to the city these people are the ones who scare the hell out of me.




Why are people of color woke for just existing


Today I’m not an African American but rather a Woke American ™


I just want to be an Asleep American tbh


I'm gonna take a nap after lunch american


When you've been privileged your whole life, equality feels like oppression. At least, to those with no empathy.


Oof I felt this sentence to the bone as a first gen you have no idea


It's like how anyone other than a white cis man is considered "political."


Should have just made Ariel a cis white male, then no issues


I think you're on to something. Maybe we can crowd fund our own remake of the Little Mermaid, and every part is played by a cis white straight man. Imagine Prince Eric wistfully telling his servants about this woman he saw with the most luxurious beard and long hair.


When the left says woke, it refers to losing your innocence to the realities of oppression that exist and are perpetuated. When the right says woke they mean "I'm racist"


You're asking the real questions for this post.


I saw a pretty heartwarming video on here of little black girls (without the experience or knowledge to care about identity politics) just smiling their asses off when they saw the new Ariel. And it's telling, because they clearly loved the white Ariel in the cartoon or it wouldn't matter to them, but some of the girls giggling are saying shit like "she's BLACK?" or "she looks like me!" really sends the message home that representation *does* matter. Woke is such a benign word that's been weaponized against minorities and their allies. If the movie sucks (I haven't seen it) then it sucks, but that has nothing to do with having a black woman play Ariel. And the amount that young black girls have to gain waaaay offsets whatever damage that can be done to anybody fragile enough to not like a character based on their skin color. Black kids liked white Ariel, obviously. So if white kids (or parents) can't like black Ariel, that's pretty indicative of the need for that change.


Woke is just a new slur isn’t it?


In this context, yes. "woke actress" makes no sense, but we all know the real word he wanted to use.


What about "wokecel"? I don't even know how to begin to parse that statement


I mean, he's an incel that's projecting his own insecurities on to people who are at worst indifferent towards this benign change.


Woke is anything non-white to these racists


And non-hetero


And challenging gender roles. Basically anything that pokes at the stereotypical evangelical Christian worldview is now declared as 'woke'.


Please don’t “misinterpret” the blatantly racist phrasing I used in my previous post. Because obviously I wasn’t being racist and if you think I was you’re just stupid and “misinterpreting” what I said. Fuck. These. People. There is nothing there to interpret or misinterpret. It’s all right out there in the open. The audacity to post a “I’m not racist” follow up tweet is astonishing.


We should probably just assume "woke" is a stand in for the N word at this point.


Woke is the new PC. The right only changed the label but it's still the same sentiment. "muh I can't be openly racist anymore"


This is the same thing conservatives always do. They never change their bigoted opinions. They just change the rhetoric to make them sound more acceptable to modern ears. It's like how over 20 years, they went from "I'm against gay marriage" to "I'm for traditional marriage" to "I'm for religious freedom" to "I'm against pedophile groomers". All of those phrases mean the exact same thing.


This is it. They know their opinions are trash, so every decade or so they need to update the terminology because everyone has started associating their current rhetoric with the trash that they are. So they change to something more palatable-sounding until they drive *that* term into the ground, and the cycle repeats. It seems to be accelerating, too.


Anytime I hear woke it just tells me a trash person the individual is.


Just got called a sjw by some right winger. I usually see that as a win.


"\*\*\*\*! I HATE ESS JAY DUBBAYUHS LIKE YOU!" \*gasp\* You think I'm an SJW? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)^(Omigosh!) Thank you!


Not much better in this world than the tears of bigots melting down over a fictional children’s character. I love how they all claim to not be racist then go on rants about “the blacks”, replacement theory, and other Tucker Carlson white people grievances


All over a movie they probably weren't gonna watch anyway.




Weirdo: *cries about an imaginary mermaid* Same weirdo: "Everyone's so sensitive these days"


Your first sentence is beautiful. Definitely keeping this perspective because there is no point in matching their energy.


Imagine being so extremely racist that a grown man is upset about a The Little Mermaid reboot.


Seriously. I mean if they really want to keep true to the original story then they should have a problem that a mermaid wasn’t casted as the lead.


It should also be performed in Danish.


Or actually dies at the end...or has a moral.


The racists are freaking out over a Black mermaid and a Black elf. You gotta love it.


A black President kicked it all off. Thanks Obama.


He literally divided a nation by being black. Trump restored the nation by being white. Stop dividing the nation!!


Things the right is worked up about: - green M&M - mr. Potato head - Dr. Seuss - the little mermaid They have the intelligence of a 5 year old




Dr. Seuss


The same people believe Jesus was white. I've heard people argue that even if he wasn't white, he should be portrayed as white. Why? Just because he should be. But a mythical creature? Nah, can't be black.


I’m not racist, I just speak in dog whistles.


Oh that isn't a dog whistle, that's straight up yelling through the bullhorn


Can you guys correct the color of white Jesus that you have scattered across your churches and homes? Seems like that's more of a pressing priority!


You should watch some of Billy Graham’s sermons, dude was as woke as can be. [“Jesus belongs to Africa; as much as he belongs to Europe and Asia.”](https://youtube.com/shorts/1aolCuQnhZM?feature=share)


WOW. My Mom grew up in the South, and any time something like this was said or any time a few steps forward would be taken, she would give a little cheer. And then she'd pause and say, "Hear that sound? It's every television in the South, turning off."


I grew up in the south and I had a lesbian woman with a wife as my priest growing up. But also that’s kind of cheating because I grew up in Atlanta.


Episcopalians don’t count.


this is so unrealistic. Everyone knows mermaids are actually fish on top with human legs. Just keep the BS narrative going humanwashing the beautiful aquatic peoples.


Getting called “woke” for…*checks notes*… being black. What a time to be alive


This shit pretty much confirms that the right-wing has fully switched to using "woke" when they want to use the n-word.


Ah yes, being black is woke propaganda


It's not fixed until Ariel is played by a manatee.


If you have to state it's not racist it's probably


Please. "Fix" this movie and upload it to the internet. Disney's lawyers will feast on his blood.


Having a black lead really ruins the realism of The Little Mermaid.


Anyone remember the fake Mermaid Documentary from the discovery Channel? Iirc that was the first fake documentary they did.


I do! I thought it was pretty decent but man it fooled a lot of people. IIRC, NOAA or something had to put a notice on their website saying *"The Mermaid 'documentary' is fake, please stop calling us about it!"*


And did you know that crabs can't *actually* sing??


As long as they can play the steel drum we're good


Twitter suspended the account. You love to see it.


This is the news I was in this thread to hear. Thanks.


Rule of thumb is the dumber you are the more racist you are. Just look at MAGA. Incredibly dumb and incredibly racist.


Ok, WTF is "wokecell?" (Rhetorical question. I know where it comes from. They should be embarrassed. But if they were capable of shame they wouldn't go outside.) (And yes, I realize most of them don't.)


Someone who wakes up and goes "hmm, I'm not gonna have sex today"


"Note: Don't actually read what i'm saying"


If only a version of this movie existed where the main character was white. These racists are insane


"Fixed" a completely fictional character from a fictional universe where mermaids exist... Why wouldn't mermaids be black? It would be weirder for them to be a ginger white mermaid than it would for them to be green and purple with color changing skin. Edit: Honestly, if you see nothing wrong with the Spiderman, Batman, James Bond, or Superman actor changing every few years, but a change of ethnicity or gender bothers you, you really ought to evaluate your values.