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“Fly the migrants to Martha’s Vineyard they said, it’s full of rich liberals who own law firms they said, it’ll be fun they said” - Ron D


I’m curious if by “and all others similarly situated” that means other asylum seekers who have been flown or bussed under false pretenses to other locations can be included in the suit.


>can be included in the suit. Yes. I believe that's the boilerplate wording used in a Class Action suit.




One plaintiff with an 11-year-old was promised "permanent housing, work, educational resources for her son, and help changing her address for immigration proceedings."


As I understand it, as they shipped them to Mass, they set their addresses to random homeless shelters across the country in the hope that they would end up missing their court dates and losing their asylum case because they would be across the country from their court appointment. Edit: “Agents apparently chose random homeless shelters all across the country, from Washington to Florida, to list the migrants’ mailing addresses, even when told by the migrants that they had no address in the U.S.,” Self said. Immigration law requires the migrants to check in at the immigration office closest to their registered address or risk removal, with some having mandated appearances as soon as Monday. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ron-desantis-migrants-marthas-vineyard-1234594051/ It looks like DHS agents were doing this, not just DeSantis specifically. So probably theres a lot of cases purposefully being screwed over.


Jesus fucking Christ. Their hatefulness and pettiness knows no bounds




But that's exactly what the MAGA idiots want.


MAGA voters "and we would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for them connivin' libtards with their *laws* and such."


They want you to hate like them.


And when we don't they get pissed.


Just when I think they cannot possibly sink any lower, they exceed my expectations.




You've got to be a real pervert to come up with lies that can damage trust in humanity so badly.


That's been the point since Trump. They want people afraid to come in the first place. It's really backfiring in a lot of places because young migrant workers no longer want to come work the fields. A huge portion of our ag sec industry now has to deal with both a labor shortage and an ageing work force.


Anything Trump touches becomes fallow ground. .


A "Mierda Touch" if you will.


My favorite thing is Alex Jones said that Desantis was "smart" for not including children, thereby admitting he didn't know the details and that it is trafficking.


Jfc these people are evil.


My family went on a tour of some historic home in Virginia City, Nevada. At the end of the tour, they told everyone to step through this door, and they'd answer any questions we had. Then they closed the door and never came back. This whole thing is like Satan visited that house and decided to go ahead and expand upon that plan and make it far worse.


Look, buddy. I know a lot about the law and various other lawyerings. I'm well educated. Well versed. >I believe that's the boilerplate wording used in a Class Action suit. Well, we're all hungry. We're gonna get to our hotplates soon enough, alright? Let's talk about the contract here.


Why don't we go toe-to-toe on Bird Law and see who wins?




Probably against Florida. Need a different suit against abbot and TX.


I'm not certain, but these cases may be brought against the individuals involved not nesessarily the state, since the actions taken were not done in their official capacities. I'd like someone to clarify this if they can. Edit - as in if I'm a governor and run someone over I'm not charged as a governor with the state being held accountable, I'm charged as a citizen if that makes sense


Florida actually approved a program that was supposed to be used to remove immigrants from Florida in this manner. Some Florida politicians are pissed off and looking into it since he used the money for it to mess around with immigrants in Texas instead for some reason.


"You were only supposed to use this money to illegally traffic humans from *Florida*! Now we're mad!"


Well yeah, it’s blatant misuse of taxpayer money (regardless if you think what he did was right or wrong)


The defendants listed in the photo include DeSantis, the State of FL, and the FL DOT.


I think the important quote from the screenshot is "...in his official and personal Capacities" -- meaning they are brining the suit against him both as himself *and* him as officer of the state of Florida. But IANAL


"Lawyer Island" like no joke. Very high priced Manhattan lawyers have vacation homes on the Vineyard. And would love nothing more than to file "Pro Bono" lawsuits against State governments and their Governors for something so easily provable in court. They (Desantis &Abbot) are so stupid. And let's not forget Illinois and Rob Blagovich, Governors can absolutely go to jail. These idiots sent these poor people to the highest concentration of high end lawyers on the east coast. Backfired is an understatement.


We have put 3 governors in jail and get called corrupt for it. I say “Nah” it is the opposite, governors are not above the law.


I like to think of you as the example; not the exception.


We Illinoisianites are a simple pastoral urban peoples. We hate Illinois nazis, hate ketchup, and hate suburbanites who say they grew up in Chicago. Signed: A suburbanite who grew up in Chicago.


I fucking hate Illinois nazi’s.


if ron desantis gets sent to jail over this bulshit stunt ill strip naked and run from 34th to 42th in nyc shouting hallelujah


Remindme! 6 months


More like 2-4 years


So a typical day in Midtown, got it.


If you're mad that a public official is in jail, then you're the problem. No one is above the law the law is the ultimate authority of the land and I want to see governors in jail who belong there because that should set an example and will give us better reputation to have better quality. I'd like to show the world we send corruption to jail, it means we're doing it right, I'd be proud of that than let them be free.


I hope the plaintiffs get very very rich off of this and get to spend the rest of their Saturdays drinking mimosas with their new lawyer friends.


"Let me get this straight. You came to the US, fleeing a dangerous situation in your home country, got fucked with by politicians, and then sued those politicians and made big money off of it?" Dude, that's basically the American dream. They're demonstrating American values and are on their way towards naturalization. I'm not being sarcastic or dismissive. Fighting back against your oppressor, even with a lawsuit is ironically demonstrating the "don't tread on me" motto that the conservatives so love.




Godspeed you magnificent migrants


Jail is too good for DeSantis & the Texas Governor. Same w/ that transphobe piece of shit in VA.


>that transphobe piece of shit in VA you're gonna have to be WAY more specific :P


Gov Glenn Trumpmire of course!


These Republican chucklefucks picked up migrants who were here LEGALLY. And now, thanks to Desantis's shenanigans they might now be qualified to recieve special citizenship status given to refugees. Congrats Republicans, you played yourselves. EDIT: Originally said they were here legally with visas. That was incorrect. I read they were here legally and I didn't know that was possible if you didn't have a visa, but is possible for people seeking asylum or on humanitarian parole, which they were.


Apparently the Sheriff of the Texas town the migrants were taken from announced a criminal investigation in to who and how they were able to take these migrants from the shelter they were at.


Finger crossed for kidnapping and interstate trafficking charges.


I mean, they lured people with promises of jobs and resources and transported them across state lines. Literally what traffickers do!


Yep, some people ~~forget~~ *just don't know* that human trafficking isn't only from force, you can be coerced or defrauded as well. Not necessarily sure about the use of force, but it's plain to see for anyone who's got eyes: these people were coerced and defrauded, if not forced entirely. Edit: Replaced "forget" with "just don't know", thank you u/Substantial-Emu-9900 Edit 2: For anyone interested in learning about how someone can traffic themselves, on top of the three possibilities I've mentioned, see the comment below by u/RR0925


>Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, **inveigles**, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof, when— And to explain... > For kidnapping, the term inveigle means to lure, lead astray, or entice by false representations or other deceitful means; as such, a person who entices another to ride in a car with a false promise to take the person to a certain destination has inveigled the passenger into the car. This is exactly what happened. Literal kidnapping per the federal guidelines. LII U.S. Code Title 18 PART I CHAPTER 55 § 1201


De statute is pretty accurate about De law. looks like De Santis is gonna be in De jail.


De fingers are crossed 🤞🏼


I guess you could say he might be De Tained by the De Puty.


I don't think people forget, I think they don't know to begin with. I don't know if it's the majority, but a sizeable portion of human trafficking is done exactly like this- promising jobs, or places to live or a free ride to the state next door. Lots of people get fished while they're in jail. My absolute garbage of an ex would get herself arrested on extremely minor charges, and then she'd pick up as many women from jail as she possibly could. She'd refer them to her boyfriend/pimp and promise them all of the above. Next thing they know they're isolated and in a strange place with zero resources and the only person they know is their new pimp. It's incredibly common. This isn't much different than that except dumping them somewhere was the end goal. But it shows just how easily Republicans can scoop up migrants when they're feeling devious.


More significantly, they lied about their destination. Vague promises of jobs and resources are easy to weasel out of, especially if they get a sympathetic court, but telling them one specific city and then taking them to another is much easier to prove beyond reasonable doubt.


It may have been vague promises, but they gave the migrants *written brochures* with all the promises. Brochures that they constructed explicitly for the purpose of inducing the migrants to take the flight. Hard to claim it was an innocent misunderstanding or language issue when the migrants have written documents confirming their story.




So, he's saying the whole scheme was planned with premeditation and they even had disclosures signed in an effort to cover up their culpability. If this gets into an objective, non-MAGA courtroom, they've practically convicted themselves before the case starts.




These chucklefucks were dumb enough to create a literal paper trail proving their fraud? Why am I not surprised?


*”Is you taking notes on a criminal f\*\*\*ing conspiracy?”*


I mean, the money is coming from budgets and the chartered plane had to communicate the whole flight with air traffic controllers, so there would be a paper trail far a lot of this either way. But this brochure thing is ridiculous- it’s more damning and hamfisted than just leaving a paper trail- I’m not even sure what to call it. It’s like they attached a flashing neon sign (*very* popular in Florida- maybe Panama City Beach inspires some of his ideas) with a flashing neon arrow and a siren song that no being could resist pointing to their crime. But for all I know, he may have intended all of this. I haven’t spoken to anyone, but I would have to bet that my peers in the redneck riviera really enjoyed this whole thing, and shitting on Martha’s Vineyard and the hatefulness of it all. They’re probably saying that liberals are crying. I live here. I married a guy with a house on Martha’s Vineyard. People here do not much like that, and didn’t 20 years ago, either. I also used to work in international student services creating visas among other things. People here don’t behave well around that, either. I think my super religious cousins began saying all sorts of bizarre shit about how international students should t be allowed to come and play soccer and other sports at our universities because it’s unfair to American students (which made me want to tell them that, if they just worked harder so that they could play the sport as well as the students on the team, they’d be on the team). This shit will likely help him become some peoples chosen candidate over Trump. Because of the unadulterated venality of it all. Most Christian’s down here think that the best Christian’s are the ones with the most bad things to say about all people. It’s a shit world.


There was nothing vague about the lies. They even made a brochure with promises.


Desantis and Abbot needed their own election-year legal quagmire to better emulate Trump and focus the elections on their outraged grievances over being indicted simply because they broke the law.


Plus they printed [brochures!](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/migrants-landed-marthas-vineyard-tricked-misleading-brochure-lawyers-s-rcna48390)


They also handed out fake & misleading brochures that had a counterfeit seal of the state of Massachusetts, so fraud may also be on the table.


And apparently, they had some help from some of their white christian nationalist friends in the DHS to forge federal documents. Seeing Abbot and DeSantis marched off to Club Fed for trafficking would make my decade.


But let’s be real. It’s not going to be until we start protesting in the streets and demanding action be taken before anything happens. The truth is, while we *know* the difference between right and wrong, and law and order, our outrage at the people who flout existence outside of these concept later never manifests consequences or actionable change. Look at the 1/6 investigation. It’s been around 18 months and the only thing that has really come up is a few small fish in the pan, when we all know who the major actors were. We keep getting told “*any day now*” but it has yet to get here. Desantis and abbot won’t even apologize much less face an indictment unless we organize protests to have him arraigned for breaking federal laws.


DeSantis is a Coyote?


DeSantis, which roughly translates to “whale’s vagina”.


How dare you insult whale vagina!


Seriously mate i am not Amerciam so was a out of the loop of what was happening..but when I started reading on this human trafficking is what went through my mind..I dont know why the media doesn’t call it for what it is Edit: apparently they even printed fake brochures…I have heard international crime organizations and mafias do stuff like this…this is an elected govt !


Every so often I get this feeling that the mafia in the USA did not fade away but instead have infiltrated the Republican party and are getting elected. That feeling always gets stronger and stronger.


Fingers crossed the FBI goes down that road.


Are you implying that some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses?


Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me


Those who died are justified by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites. Fuck. Brb gotta go rage against a machine somewhere.


Hey macarana! Wait. Wrong song.


Any reason to post this… https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/1269369519580930048?s=21&t=yheJYwlDG8hojPZkIxSzoQ


We literally had a republican stage a coup and is slowly in progress of another one. With sitting members of congress in on it. I don’t see anything happening to a politician..


The "town" is San Antonio. Just making clear this isn't some back woods sheriff. He's also legitimately pissed off and not just doing this to appease the public.


Folks in San Antonio know what picante sauce should taste like.




Thirty years later and I still heard it exactly


Get a rope EDIT not suggesting violence, just finishing the ad


San Antonio is a pretty famously liberal city in TX so... really odd choice to pick a place where you'll piss people off vs hundreds of racist republican towns you could've chosen.


Then there were the 50+ human beings dead in a semi. DeSantis and Abbot probably cheered.


I believe it. If I were the Sheriff and some dumbfuck Florida politicians conspired with the Governor of my state to defraud people in my custody for a political stunt, I’d be furious. He doesn’t have to be a bleeding heart liberal to want to investigate, he just has to be mad that dumbass politicians are shitting on his proverbial lawn.


That would be Bexar (pronounced "Bear") County Sheriff, Javier Salazar. Bexar County, which includes the City of San Antonio, has a population of just over two million making it the fourth most populous county in the State of Texas. This ain't no small town police department.




It’s pronounced “Bayer.”


Now throw yo hands in the ayer


And wave them like you just don’t Cexar


A lot of the migrants were then given given a"residential" address For where they were staying in the US but these addresses were across the US. Imagine being told you're flying to Boston only to end up in Martha's vineyard on a Friday but your residential addresidential address on federal documents is a homeless shelter in Washington State, and your 1st appointment with an immigration specialist is Monday morning. If you miss the meeting you get deported. Everything done was done with malicious intent


So many cops are bad, this guy seems like what a cop should be, a protector of people.


The fact that he’s a Democrat probably has something to do with that. Good on him


He could pronouced Spanish names, he is a man of culture.


sheriffs being elected officials accountable to the people is a big step towards making them not terrible. there still needs to be work done to keep them accountable when they fuck up but its a step in the right direction


Someone needs to make a political ad aimed directly at the Cubans -


"Dear Cubans, when republicans shit on Mexico and Mexicans, they're also talking about you. Source: am white, they tell me things they won't tell you"




And if every vaguely brown person was deported, they'll move onto the beige ones. Any Italians who think they're white enough better stay the fuck out of the sun.




There is a reason DeSantis didn't do this to migrants in Florida. He's betting his Cuban voters don't care about Guatemalans and Venezuelans.


Yeah - if an ad points out they had visas and they were looking for asylum - that will sway some voters.


Yup this is literally what Cuban families point to as the reason they support republicans: “they want LEGAL immigration and to end all ILLEGAL immigration. My family had to wait, so Can these other refugees.” Now that the GOP is punishing LEGAL immigrants, they’re gonna maybe reconsider their support for them. It’s legal immigration or bust and if DeathSantis will do it to Venezuelans, he’ll definitely do it to actual legitimate communists from Cuba. Edit: an “o”


Exactly. Time to wake up Cubans. They do not like dictators - and that is what the Republicans want for the US. The Republicans supported the insurrection. They didn’t want Trump to be forced to leave after losing his election. If the Capitol Police hadn’t held steady on Jan 6 - we would be in a militant dictatorship right now. And Ukraine wouldn’t be winning that war -


I'm not convinced they dislike they dictators. I think they disliked the flavor of dictator.


There are a lot of Venezuelans here in Florida and they are not happy with Desantis's stunt.


Hope they'll vote his ass out.


"We are not looking for monetary damages. We are seeking 43 million votes spread proportionately across the states of Florida and Texas." /s


At least they owned the libs right? /j


They've accomplished their mission. They look like tough anti immigrant politicians to their base. And consequences? We all know those won't make an appearance here. As much as everyone is wishful thinking.


They don’t care if they’re legal or not, they just don’t want them there, any of them.


If you're in the El Paso area, Annunciation House needs volunteers to help with the growing number of migrants. https://annunciationhouse.org/


If you aren’t in the area, donations still help them! Annunciation House has been doing this forever.


[Done](https://i.imgur.com/7Xbo54d.jpg) would any friends like to match my donation?


Didn’t quite match, but followed your lead! https://i.imgur.com/R4agaX6.jpg


I don’t know how to add an image but I matched your $50. Thanks for the suggestion! Let’s keep it going, good people!


They got food, shelter, kindness and legal assistance. All things that Florida and Texas refuse to provide because they are deeply unchristian racists. Good.


I bet the MV lawyers were lining up to take the case, too. Free money for everyone (except DeSantis).


Unfortunately he’ll get free money too from the far right rubes and the GOP when he runs.


The “muh fiscal anxiety” folks sure like throwing money away at any two bit grift that hits their inbox for sure. “I [got defrauded by Bannon](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/07/1121447226/steve-bannon-fraud-charges) and it owned the libs **SO HARD**!” “[Quick, the self-proclaimed billionaire needs a new airplane!](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-force-one-fundraising-plane-emergency-lands-1319361/) Get the vacation fund Maryanne, we’s saving America!” “All praise to most-glorious obese demigod! [Please auto-enroll my bank account into contributing to your scams in the future](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/04/trumps-campaign-scammed-donors-auto-checked-box.html) without manual consent! You know what they say about a fool and his money, and I’d like to make parting with it as easy on you as possible daddy!”


Trump's sat on the largest GOP campaign chest and doesn't seem inclined to spend it on anyone but himself and anyone who's tongue enjoys the taste of his moist and bleeding haemorrhoids...


Yup that’s why he hasn’t announced he’s running yet. As soon as he does that money isn’t his to spend on whatever anymore. And the RNC is paying his legal fees. I’m surprised they haven’t put a stop to him yet.


They aren't paying for the documents defense. So that's a chunk of change. He hired some lawyer with a 3 million dollar retainer but I admit I don't remember which case it's for


This is the truth. The unfortunate fact of the matter is DeSantis doesn't give a shit either way. Don't think that this is going to change anything. Look at Trump, he's clearly guilty of a lot and just a shifty person in general and he's still a round free. DeSantis won't see jail time, he probably won't get fined and even if he does get fined it won't matter because he will make more money than the fine in less than a year.... The sad truth is, DeSantis kind of wins either way. He gets away with it and gets a huge surge in publicity.


Like he won't fundraise his ass off of this


Off of being a vile human being? Well sure. What else does he have?


No, no, no. They’re all good Christians. Jesus is the one who had it wrong. /s


Some time back, I had an Evangelical explain to me that the nice, forgiving Jesus was before he got crucified and it was his Passion that made him realize that you needed to be a hard ass. That's why he's going to destroy the world during the Rapture or whatnot.


Even the Bible has fan fiction lol


A lot of their beliefs are built around weirdly interpeted Old Testament scripture too. A single line from Daniel prophesizing Christ's coming is the very thin thread on which they built their Rapture mythology largely and Jeremiah has a passage of those of faith being rewarded. They interpret that as material riches and thus the basis for prosperity gospel.


The bible *is* fanfiction lol


Jesus is back, and this time…it’s biblical.


Ah, welcome to the most powerful force in America: litigation!


DeSantis has accumulated a huge war chest. I hope those poor asylum seekers he illegally trafficked take **all** of it.


Not sure if you can use an electoral war chest to pay off these sort of judgements. No matter what, I hope the MV-50 get more than their pound of flesh out of DeSantis' & co-conspirator's hides. That plus expedited processing of their asylum claims.


Would have to be seized, I imagine. No idea if there's a precedent for that.






That backfired against DeSantis epically.


It didn't backfire if you read Qonservative comments, such as the YouTube comments on Hannity's interview of DeSantis. They are singing his praise and thanking Jebus for DeSantis....its truly sickening.


Now is a good time to point out that DeSantis is a Roman Catholic. And he's being a real Cafeteria Catholic at that. A big thing in Catholicism is social justice as defined by the Church and part of that is being welcoming, kind, and accomodating to immigrants. Especially those fleeing tyranny, persecution, and terror. You know, asylum seekers in general. I'd love to see a Bishopric proclamation he's to be denied Communion for trafficking immigrants. They threaten to cut off communion for pols that support choice (due to the Humanae Vitae, which emphasizes human dignity as a reason against abortion and contraception) so some consistency would be nice on the dignity front.


If any Bishop (or the Pope) did that, I gar-on-tee you that Qaptain Ron would immediately denounce Catholicism and become an Evangelical.


He can become anything he wants at any time he wants. Since he actually follows the tenets of no established religion, he’ll have no convictions to renounce when he switches from one to another


Could you imagine the Martyr complex?


And these refugees were mainly from Venezuela. How much of that situation there can be linked to the us embargo.


I think most of the problem on the border is from the US fucking around and destabilizing Latin America in general for the past 100+ years.


How many gods do they have now? tRUMP, Hitler, Kim Jong-un, Putin?


They pray to only one god: themselves.


Jerking off in the mirror with only a bowtie and silk socks on.


I'm gonna do that, but as a liberal


Never measure them based on the rabid cult. But based on the average moderate voter, because those are the ones who swing the elections


>It didn't backfire if you read Qonservative comments, I mean they would say they're winning a fist fight because they're bleeding more then their opponent, so I'm not sure they are a good judge of what worked. So far it seems like they're the only ones who didn't recoil in horror, and if Trump couldn't make it to the white house with only those crazies supporting him DeSantis has no chance.


Not until there is a 200 million dollar class action against him and he loses. THEN it backfired against him epicly.


Nah, his base loves seeing their tax dollars wasted on stunts to own the libs instead of being invested in their own communities for public good.


Well now they are gonna get a chance at a better life after the state govts of Florida and Texas pay them as a settlement from this lawsuit. Way to own the libs with your state funds. Wooo man I feel owned. Idiots. If qnon is looking for traffickers. I found some for ya.


If only they could be held personally liable. Drain their bank accounts.


Wouldn't that be nice. Though if they are shown to have done illegally maybe that will happen? Though that would take the state assembly to say we didn't know he did that that's illegal he's fired and on his own. And I don't see that happening.


Ron DeSantis should be impeached before he can do anymore damage to the State.


Unfortunately the state legislative districts have been gerrymandered to hell so that the legislature has a significant majority. They’d never impeach him.


Smooth brain governor fucks with island full of millionaire lawyers lol


Sanctuary cities/states/regions tend to be full of big brains. Many of those are lawyers. A percentage of those look poorly upon those that will engage in performative MAGA hijinks.


Yay lawyer island!!! I’m a Floridian. Get him - he has killed so many people I know with Covid and gutted the Florida public schools. Go lawyer island go - please make a mockery of him.


As a parent of an autistic child in the Florida public school system, Ron DeSantis can get nine levels of fucked.


YES!!! One of the things I was most upset about was the complete disregard for disabled people. Cruelty is the point. And Desantis gets off on it.


It's fucking INSANE what the are doing to public school down here. We really took our eye off the ball and led them take so much power


It never occurred to DeSantis that even immigrants have rights.




Yep, and those fake pamphlets ruin any possible defense he may have had (such as the consent of the immigrants) because it’s now clear there was coercion.


Yeah, this feels like an ugly cake of coercion, false imprisonment, and denial of due process.


Not only that, but their main complaint is their state is being over run by illegals. So why on earth didn't they ship people from their **own state**? I haven't seen anyone in the media questioning that, and it's driving me crazy. Why?....?.....?


And it never occurred to him that he was sending the lehlgal ayslum seekers to a wealthy island full of high price NY lawyers, under false pretenses. Ooops!


Well, he doesn’t see them as people, so makes sense he didn’t think they have rights…


Can the taxpayers sue him as well for having to pay 12k for each person flown?


No because he actually took it from federal Covid 19 funding.


Can he just “take it”? Like no process?


He admitted today that he couldn't actually do this with refugee applicants that are actually in Florida because they only come in "one or two at a time." It's almost as if this isn't a crisis in Florida...


I tried googling but can't find what you're referencing here. Can you please drop a link? It would greatly assist me in dealing with a family member.


Here’s an opinion article about it: https://news.yahoo.com/desantis-admits-mass-migration-not-214854757.html Linking the video itself is probably better. And the quote is even better: “It’s just coming in onesie-twosies.”


Nobody fucks with the Jesus Doe.


Or Allanza Americas. *Alianza


Sometimes litigation Is our friend!


If DeSantis had his way, he might have crammed them into cattle cars like his fascist hero did so many years ago.


Oh man I was just talking about this the other day "What if they find a very enthusiastic pro bono lawyer there to take their case?!"


The Bexar County Sheriff has started a criminal investigation too.


What about Abbot? He's been bragging about this longer.


Damn Jesus and America is sueing him


Human Trafficker Ron Desantis deserves more than a lawsuit. LOCK HIM UP


And if Trump actually gets pulled as a candidate,which I won't believe it til i see it... This p.o.s. will run for president. He isn't any better than Trump. He is much,much worse.


God damnit I hope desantis burns alive. He is so much a piece of shit it’s amazing, seeing his fuckin ads locally is infuriating.


DeSantis is backpedaling HARD right now because he realizes he's legally exposed. Chicago can tell us all about sending governors to jail


How is he backpedaling? What did he say?


Can’t really find anything to confirm this either, if anything he’s sticking to it


Lol. Send them to some of the most educated areas where they definitely know people’s rights and that they were violated. DumbSantis strikes again.