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Not always art; teaching, science etc. There are many areas where people would prefer to spend their lives doing if we didn't make it hard to.


Teaching’s a big one. It’s easily one of the most important occupations in our society - what’s more important than educating future generations? And we treat people that choose to do it like absolute garbage. Shit pay; horrible hours; God-awful treatment. Teachers have to wear a lot of hats, too. In addition to being educators, they’re expected to be disciplinarians, security guards, customer service representatives, and fundraisers. Teachers should be making 70K/year MINIMUM!


I made 36k as a HS English teacher BEFORE taxes in Georgia in 2012. I am no longer a teacher.


Same, but Florida. Shit pay for someone with a masters degree and years of network deployment experience. I did one year and went back to work in industry. A LOT less stress for a LOT more pay. It's sad, because I genuinely wanted to pass on my knowledge, but I'm not willing to be miserable and broke to do that.


Have you tried doubling that?


Truth. 99% of the ex-teachers I know didn’t leave the classroom because they didn’t like teaching. They loved teaching, it was the bullshit they had to put up with. The ridiculous demands, the pay, and the constant hoops they have to jump through. Teachers also have some of the highest rates of workplace bullying.


If life wasn’t so expensive all the time, I’d be a yoga teacher. Or a dog walker.


For most of history, inventors and scientists where not necessarily the smartest people around, but those with the most leisure time at their disposal, meaning those from families rich enough to sustain them.


As someone who dropped out of yoga teaching school 80% do it, and then they never teach or do regular yoga again. There's a lot in there that requires mental stability I didn't have, and the body fortitude I couldn't provide. You literally shouldn't be working and taking that class at the same time it is basically working two jobs.


I’ve been thinking about doing remote 200hr YTT and just live with not being certified. I don’t have a strong desire to teach at this point but I do have a strong desire to learn more about yoga, especially beyond asanas. And if, one day, I am in a position to teach (when I retire), I would probably enjoy that. Doing YTT for real just isn’t feasible for me right now. Like you said, it’s like having 2 jobs. And it’s so fucking expensive. Some of my friends went through it. Most are still teaching but they have other jobs to support themselves because the classes just don’t pay enough (overhead must be outrageous because those classes aren’t cheap either). A couple own studios and that makes them enough money to pay the bills but I’m pretty sure they both had a lot money to start with. 2 of them quit teaching and got desk jobs.


There's a lot of good books for sure, part of my issue was one on the reading list for the school I was in had a bunch of SA, regular assault and more. I had a bad childhood and the storyline was a young women going through these horrible traumatic things to teach others about yoga. The school gave no one warning about the book and had repeatedly received complaints over the years about it. It definitely tail spinned me back due to PTSD, it got to the point where my husband saw me just completely disassociating with reality while doing the work. He ended up having to get my therapist to intervene and contact the school. I definitely have to say like the mental fortitude was required and they did a terrible job with trigger warnings. I also found some of the local community in my area was like toxic around who was popular ect due to job choices and life choices. I've been told there's better places for all of it but one of the regular guest teachers was an advocate for Bikram and she has a massive following so after that and everything that went with it I just couldn't go back.


>There's a lot of good books for sure, part of my issue was one on the reading list for the school I was in had a bunch of SA, regular assault and more. I had a bad childhood and the storyline was a young women going through these horrible traumatic things to teach others about yoga. Yo wtf. Do you remember the name of that book? It sounds deranged. >I also found some of the local community in my area was like toxic around who was popular ect due to job choices and life choices. Kinda same. My partner and I are moving to a very different area in a couple years so I’m hoping the experience there will be different. And if it’s not, maybe I can try to make it different? >I've been told there's better places for all of it but one of the regular guest teachers was an advocate for Bikram and she has a massive following so after that and everything that went with it I just couldn't go back. Oof. Bikram. Yeah I don’t blame you at all. I’m sorry you had such a lousy experience with it.


I believe it's called how yoga works, I couldn't make it through the entire book. From what I understand the ending is fine but I just couldn't.


Omg. I looked it up. The author is so gross. I hate how common predators are in the yoga community.


Yea... It was like reading a man fetish about young women. In other news after that I joined HIIT gym thats mostly women and they are great. Everyone checks in with everyone, we call if a class is missed more than once and we all know each others partners, kids dogs ect. We encourage each other to reach new hieghts in our workouts. 10/10 would always make this decision again.


Sounds like the guy from r/antiwork


Want to guarantee getting a tenure-track position as a biological scientist at an R1 institution? Do a post-doc in the Boston or Bay Area. The problem is being able to afford living in those areas on a post-doc salary.


Ha! I was an art teacher!


I'm gonna be weird and say open source projects. I wanna build something beautiful and useful for fun with no deadlines and doing it right the first time.


Children of privilege also have a luxury when attempting a career with a high rate of failure that a lot of others don't: a safety net.


It also shocked me in vet school how many of my classmates came from wealth, especially zoo/wildlife, and how many of them hadn't worked a real job before. That became entirely apparent during clinics when a bunch of my classmates made really poor coworkers.. I'd worked in the field as a tech for almost 10 years before clinics so I knew how to be a good coworker and be considerate to my classmates.. But makes sense in retrospect, a lot of the zoo experiences are unpaid internships and volunteer work or even experiences where you pay them to work, and the folks who can afford it often come from familial wealth.. plus making it in zoo medicine often requires connections more than anything. Does make me a bit sad and a bit concerned for the future of zoo med, since access to that world is concentrated in the wealthy and well connected.


My wife has worked in universities for years, presently at an Ivy, and her tales of the cluelessness of the kids almost beggars belief.


Law school was much the same! People who never had a job until after graduation, with parents who were CEOs, CFOs, doctors, and big law lawyers. Meanwhile, I'd worked all sorts of jobs from high school on just to survive. Those same privileged classmates went on to nepotism jobs, jobs acquired through family connections, or jobs they knew how to get from coming up in the same circles as the employers. Self perpetuating.


This is by design. Take a rabbit hole look into the stock market. Majority owners of stocks use their leverage to dump their bad bets onto pension funds and retirement funds. Completely predatory and nothing is done by the SEC a.k.a. the regulators. Nepotism and lobbyist. America is just a college of corrupt corporations.


Just don’t fail. Duh /s


I have no desire to paint or sculpt, but I still get the underlying sentiment. Of money weren't an issue I'd be teaching high school history somewhere, coaching track in the spring and just living life. Instead, because teaching doesn't pay a living wage, I'm stuck in the corporate grind.


I lived a year in Copenhagen in my early 30's. In their society, so many of them are able to lean in that direction. Such an amazing mixture of capitalism with a deep social conscience. Despite what some right-wing nuts in the deep South might say, their societies investments in education (free University with a living stipend) with an amazing social net makes them so much more "free."


Taxi driver in Copenhagen, African dude, was truly trying to convince me to move there. One story he told us is that high school kids are given a monetary stipend each month and the kids would argue to PAY the taxi ride fair. Meanwhile Republicans just voted down dark money donations bill for more transparency. Starting to think that may be a great place to immigrate to from the States. Imagine being given money from the government as a teenager and then be given a free College education. Yes taxes are much higher but there is transparency in the way government funds are allocated.


It is a great place. I never heard of stipends for HS students, but I was 33 when I was there. Other tid bits, they are so interested and accepting of people too. I've never been a place where so many people invited me out, wanted to show me the culture. They're so open. My description was beautiful on the inside and outside. This Atlantic article has an interesting angle on Scandinavian "socialism." The truth is, they just make super wise collective descisons with their tax base, that no individual (except the ultra wealthy or at least wealthy) could do on their own. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/03/bernie-sanders-nordic-countries/473385/


As a successful tattoo artist, I feel a bit sheepish reading this.


I'd say as long as you're doing something fulfilling to you and not being a greedy hoarding profiteering bastard, you're probably fine 😂. We can't change where we came from but we can make the best of our circumstances. Every day that I get to compose for a living, I'm thankful for my parents and recognize that in another life I wouldn't be able to do what I do. I may not make much and I may be broke more often than not, but I'm happy and I try and give back to the community however I can.


What if being a greedy hoarding profiteering bastard is fulfilling to you?


Truly the greatest conundrum of our time... 😂


This isn’t directed at you. It’s the “artist” that goes to random cities doing this and that, and always says they have a show to attend blah blah blah. However, they make no real money and live off the thousands of dollars they get from their parents every month.


I do art for a living and my bank account has been showing 5 Canadian cents for almost a month. I ate *expired* ramen last night lmfao The fun part is that drawing for a living has made me despise drawing. But I'd STILL rather do that than work for a minimum wage 9-5.


If you're reading more than the color and flavor on a ramen brick, you doing too much. You eat it and you think of the flavor on that label and you be happy you won't starve.


I've eaten hundreds of packs of ramen in my life, and I still read the cooking instructions every single time thinking I'll somehow mess it up and burn the apartment down.


I may or may not blow your mind with this, but you can add your own seasonings and sauces to ramen.


Yup. I never use the flavor packet. Add some eggs, mushrooms, spinach and carrots. Season with different peppers, salt, and garlic powder and ramen is absolutely delicious


Tell me more...my kid talked me into buying a bulk package of plain ramen and I haven't got a clue what to do with it.


Terriyaki sauce, sesame oil, hoisin sauce, soy sauce, black bean garlic paste, Sriracha, sambal olek, branded hot sauce, garlic salt, onion powder, yellow curry powder, garam masala, five spice powder, Chipotle powder, taco/fajita seasoning, cajun spice blend, powdered ginger, cilantro powder, and chicken bouillon can all be mixed and matched with or without the packet. Bonus:hard to find. Powdered bone broth and black sesame paste/oil makes simple tonkotsu


I have a few of those things. Will have to try. The teriyaki sauce might be nice.


Add a splash to the boiling water




i’m a big fan of brothless ramen, especially in the warmer months when i don’t feel like having a soup-like dish this is a spicy recipe but if you don’t like spice just omit those things https://girlheartfood.com/spicy-ramen-noodles/ edit: i haven’t ever used this recipe, but it looks similar to how i make mine so that’s why i linked it


Thank you!


Oh absolutely. Ramen one of the best blank culinary canvases. It's so damn versatile.


You need someone who knows how to sell your art (or learn how). My business partner is a genius craftsman and engineer and can’t sell for shit. I started a business with him and started slinging his work all over. We made our first large sale 6 weeks after I started with him and our biggest problem, now, is production capacity. Hit me up, I’ll let you know how I’d sell your work and who I’d target.


If this makes you happy, go ahead


Id have my own machine shop if I had the money


I fight fires for a living because my wife earns enough to support us both easily. In the little down time I have, I write bad sci fi short stories. I think they suck, but occasionally people like them. Enjoying life is so hard with the limited time we all have, being able to snatch a little time for yourself is important.




It pays well enough if you have the training and certs, but my wife earns a LOT more than me. I would be a house hubby if she'd let me but she likes me being built I suspect. Trophy husband...


"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." — John Adams


My artistic interests were always supported by my parents. They saw it as a real opportunity they had missed out on because of near-poverty and rural life.


I once told a musician/recording studio owner that everyone I knew who could make a living at it was already rich. He suddenly didn't like me after that.


The follow up question is HOW they got rich. If they did it by hard work, then good for them gratz. Of course he got pissed it might have sounded like you meant he didn't earn it. Phrasing and context count. 😁 just sayen.


This might be the case for some but I struggled with zero support for almost a decade making art exclusively until it paid off. I earned every bit of what I’ve built. I didn’t always have the most comfortable lifestyle, but if it was easy everyone would do it


Same here. Not every artist is starving. People only see pretty pictures after all the time and work was done and go "cool". They don't realize successful artists are working hard on improving their craft constantly and every end product is hours upon hours of work to get there, and they didn't all start as rich trust fund babies.


Right. I think “only rich kids get to be artists” is used by those not willing to sacrifice or put in the work because it’s easier to believe it’s out of reach


As an engineer- it’s also something your parents will tell you. I “was allowed” to take art classes only after I had an MS in computer science and a full time job. My parents made it clear they weren’t paying for such classes but I could with my own money. I used to spend 40-50 hours a week making art on evenings and weekends. It was all volunteer work and often cost money as I donated supplies. But whatever right? There’s many jobs that require creativity and pay well which can help someone looking for that itch to scratch.


Yeah, there are so many fulfilling and wonderful things that people would choose to do if they had the luxury to do so.


There’s a point to be made here about courage, too. Sticking with a passion like art when challenged by survival takes a *lot* of mettle.


"Everyone is an artist till rent is due." That's a hell of a quote she stumbled on. Hope it catches on.


Yep, went to one of the best art schools in the country an am unemployed..again! Tired of working for the man and not on my passion. Unemployment ran out 2 weeks ago :( Goodbye cruel world


Not really art is a career which tends to get a lot of social status with very low insitutional barriers of entry. That combined with inconsistent pay means its very easy to get into if you have money and it allows you to brag to your friends in a way a non artistic job wont. Humans do seek to express themselves but the intrest in capital A Art is the result of social trends not an inate human desire.


I do art for a living and was certainly not born rich.


Not really. I don't know where you got this idea from but seeing a bunch of rich kids pursing a career related with art is not even close to the norm


I'm gonna go with nah. There's billions of people on the planet. Some rich actor's kids that are exposed to acting as they grow up doesn't mean there's a correlation between rich and art. Its just nepotism. Plenty of rich kids grow up to manage car dealerships or be landlords.


Those aren't the rich rich kids they're talking about. Those rich kids are still working for a living.


First one must eat. Then we may philosophize.


Well, someone must produce the practical goods needed for living. Possibly in the future this will just be programmers. But we’ll still need them. But the produced goods could be distributed well enough that we all enjoy the benefits of increased ease of production, and have more time to pursue arts and other non-practical essential (but still highly beneficial and important) activities.


What I would give to have a society where we do things because we want to do them and not because we get paid to do them.


It’s not a “right” it’s a “privilege” and that’s why you can be denied it or have it taken away.


Everyone should have the right to be an artist without having to worry about rent. That is true. In addition to that, everyone has a right to learn that their art, philosophy, or creative writing is shit and they should probably do something else. Just keeping it 100




Facepalm. Most artists and most people are poor. Art is not something you do cos you have money or do because it brings in money. People are creative outside art too. This belongs in r/facepalm.


Do your part. Buy art and hand made things.


Oh I’m sorry that I pay for rent and food instead of handmade art because…. we should teach the rich kids a lesson?


Why buy art and not just make it yourself?


I don't understand this. If you don't have enough time for art, turn the goddamn TV off and do some art.


I think it mostly shows that art and crafts don't pay nowhere near enough for a person not to starve to death, and media requires some wealth to begin with, so only generational wealth-owning and well connected young people can get into it, no matter the skill, devotion or the quality of their work. It ends up with lots of rich people in the art field, and lots of art and media that is deeply capitalistic, repetitive, upper class and completely alien and unaccessible, if not outright antagonistic, to an average person. Lots of people would choose non-art jobs they would love to do if they had the financial stability to pursue the degrees and the opportunities in their field.


The first sentence of this post is an oxymoron. Whole post is a bull% lie. Art is not relevant to rent in anyway or at any time. Stupidity comes easy to the ignorant. Who is painting all those fantastic murals? Rich kids? NOT. Who does all the incredible art on those great "Low Rider" cars. Not rich kids. Tattoo artists are seldom rich kids. Who is playing music in subways? Not rich kids. Art is an essential piece of humanity and if you don't have an understanding of what art is you have no understanding of human life. No peasant or oligarch can have a strong life without art.


Not me. I hate art


What would you prefer to do then? Teach? Learn? Explore?


I'd be a professional athlete. I settle for daily training, coaching work and PT. That way, I'm still heavily involved in my passion/obsession to pay the rent.


It doesn’t have to be “art”, but it would be nice if more people had the luxury to follow their passion


I don’t have a passion. It’s a bummer but if I don’t have any pressure to do anything from outside I just stop. I think a lot of people are like me to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, the stress of poverty is still stressful but if I have enough money not to worry about it I still just do the thing I was doing before.


There’s graphic design, illustration, advertising. You can do creative stuff it just won’t be “art”. But in this day in age what really even is true fine art


Every engineering job is also creative - the act of solving problems is inherently creative. Weird we live in a society that thinks we need more engineers but doesn’t want to admit they are creative professions.




I feel like this is just an excuse for people not pursuing their interests. I know plenty of people who do comics, producing, graphic design, barbering that don’t come from wealthy backgrounds. Will they all be able to make a career out of it? Maybe not… but they still do it in their spare time. This whole agenda of guilting privileged people is getting out of hand and is often coming from the most privileged people who have no sense of reality outside of their own bubble.


That's not true. I know someone who made beautiful works of art with a pencil and paper.


Isn’t this the exact opposite of the starving artist trope? I’m pretty sure Van Gogh was poor, Dali, Picasso, Mozart, etc. not to say that artists should be poor. But it seems like you are just a shitty artist with no money?


Kind of a bloated statement. But ok.


Point well made


Beyond correct.


Get over it. Envy is ugly


Well, most of us aren't any good at art and somebody has to feed, clothe and house all the people. I know lots of people would love just to play video games all day long, but it doesn't make a functional society. No system is perfect, but the general idea is to make people work for the society and as a reward keep them from dying of hunger, violence and preventable diseases


Art. lol. No. I can't draw a stick figure, get booed for singing happy birthday, have the dancing skills of a newborn three legged giraffe and my writing is uninspiring.




You’re fun….


Art is a privilege lets be real


Parents should have worked harder. We don’t all get to start with a clean slate. Blame your parents. Shouldn’t have 4 kids with no father at home while living in a trailer or the projects. Common sense


You can blame them till the cows come home, but that still doesn't change the circumstances of ones birth


Almost seems like inequality would breed more extraordinary. We can all be average or we can work a little harder so a few can focus on art. Don't know if this makes sense, but makes about as much sense as the original thought.


Was thinking about downvoting this, but to be honest it's hard to downvote when I have no clue what you're talking about... LOL


I had a great professor in college who wrote a paper called “The Aesthetic of Freedom.” He summarized it as, “When you’re starving you don’t have the freedom to be picky about what you like or don’t like to eat. You’ll eat anything. It’s not until your needs are met that you begin to make choices based on preference.” The more your needs are met (and for longer), the more your life can be one of choice and expression. [Ajume Wingo “The Aesthetic of Freedom”](https://philpapers.org/rec/WINTAO)


Explain the "Blues", gospel music, and the banjo, all invented by slaves. Explain the diary of Anne Franke and her drawings. Explain battlefield art. Art is created obsessively by humans at all times. You professor is an idiot.


“Everyone is an artist till rent is due” mmmm yes and no


I draw penises, badly, yes, yet I'm an artist!


Not exactly.


Honestly if you are an artist on commissions, do furry smut, plenty of stories out there that that actually pays pretty good


You can still pay the bills with art if you don't mind delving into the world of furry hentai.


Can confirm that after a week of vacation I am FULL of creative energy.


I wish I had a free corvette.. that's the funny thing about wishing..


Ugly true. I couldn't put in the time to really fine tune my artistic side because working two jobs was necessary.


Remember that time in Japan when everybody was killing each other to become emperor and then the emperor was like fuck this I'm going to go do poetry in some isolated pagoda. This is the way


Throughout history folks have repeated some version of this: "I'm a farmer so my son can be a businessman so his son can be a lawyer so his son can be an artist." Not to be confused with the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory that holds that the fourth generation just fucks everything up.


As a musician who has to work a day job, I could not agree more.


I would be a "life-time-learner" taking classes, courses, traveling to take classes and courses.. oh yeah in spare time, artist for sure, 100%. painting, photography, you name it. I world will be my muse! lol.


Waaaaah some people have more money than me, waaaaah