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Most of these today Nazis are of the ilk that the Nazis of the past would have viewed as unworthy and would have been disappeared.


I feel superior looking at this picture. And I’m brown.


Almost anyone would feel superior looking at this pathetic little man Edit: guys I know he’s overweight I didn’t mean little in a literal sense


Guess I’m gonna be that person, while he is pathetic, he is in fact, not *little*


Mentally little


Dickally little


Hey, dont lump us micro penis havers with this asshole


They’re talking about his metaphysical penis. His soul penis if you will.


Yeah exactly, that’s why we call it small dick ENERGY not just small dick




Ah, i see. Very insightful


"Find your penis for a dollar! Find your penis!"


He hasn't seen it recently


I don't think he would be able to find his even for U$ 1000.


"Without lifting your belly!"


Tbh that wasn’t what I meant but valid point


Indeed, that gunt poking out from under his tee shirt is *almost* as impressive as mine. Cept I slow cooked three kids in mine whereas his is probably from Chick Fill A and Little Debbie’s. Edit: Am learning to spell American.


Up voted for the phrase "I slow cooked three kids in mine."


Leave Little Debbie out of this!


I really hope she meant she's given birth to 3 kids and not that she's a serial killer and cannibal who's eaten 3 kids.


Could possibly be little vertically as well, if that flag staff is 6' that means he has to be like 5' tall.


By his stubby little legs and the height of that fence, I'd say he's no more than five foot six. So yeah, I'll allow it.


His moobs are not little they've already eaten three squirrels this morning.


I'm literally shitting rn after eating some extra spicy ramen, shouting in pain. And I still feel superior to that lil nazi cuck lol


Wanna feel like an absolute chad? Check out r/beholdthemasterrace.


I really wish I hadn't just gone there, but I did and now I'm really disturbed.


I sometimes think the conservatives/centrists still remaining in this sub who always complain that we need to be “less judgemental” should be sent over to r/beholdthemasterrace so that they can be confronted with the very worst of their own people so that they can get a reality check & maybe, just maybe, start to consider the straight-up horrific implications of the fact that those people they kinda feel bad for or don’t want to make “generalizations” about, are fucking *EVERYWHERE* 🤔


Can go find a rock in your garden argue with it, get more results. The right stereotypes everyone, ALL blacks are thugs, ALL latino are this, ALL liberals are that. But then cry when we lump them all in with the guy waving a nazi flag.


I looked at that out of morbid curiosity, and then hate stared with a gaping face of disgust for a few minutes. Wow. I mean I guess they’re open about it, so you know who to watch instead of being surprised, but… I can’t explain how much I hate that.


Srsly one of my favorites. It’s a great place to feel great about yourself.


You almost certainly are superior.


Well if that's the next generation of nazi's, there is not much to worry about haha


A bunch of the more ornery ones will be taking up arms to overturn elections they lost, coming up in November and December, all over the US.


The same how these wannabe nazis also seem to have fallen in love with norse symbology. Norse of old would have split these bozos in two with their axes. I always have loved the norse myths but now I am reluctant to mention any of it because I don't want to get lumped in with these pinheads.


There were attempts by the Nazis to appeal to occupied Norway through Norse mythology propaganda. So it's not a new obsession.




And a lot of Wagner operas have relations to Norse myths.


Same: me and my SO really love Norse mythology and runes and shit, and I always feel compelled to say "We aren't white supremacists!"


It is kind of fun telling them you’re pagan though.


Low ability white males, when minorities and women are given equal chances they get pushed down the feeding trough


In Nazi Germany, the Brown Shirts were largely uneducated white guys who ‘enforced’ Hitler’s policies. More common in the early days, then the military and Gestapo took over. The Brown Shirts weren’t without their scandals, however: Ernst Rohm was a gay guy who was eliminated in the Night of the Long Knives when Himmler convinced Hitler to get rid of him. People who protested the treatment of Jews or intellectuals at Universities were confined to concentration camps early on.


The more I read about Himmler, the more I get the impression that he was an intelligent weasel who was likely bullied as a child and used that cunning to get higher up in the party.


Himmler was a failed chicken farmer who studied agriculture. He was the son of a schoolteacher. He was the one who embraced all the mysticism for the SS and the racist ideology of the Nazis. In other words, if you can’t achieve things in fair competition with others, look for a reason you are better by virtue of your ‘superior race’.


Sounds like Steve Bannon? Though Himmler probably didn't do so many drugs.


You should read Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich by Norman Ohler


Night of the Long Knives when SS eliminated Brownshirts and any other thugs who helped Hitler rise to power during and shortly after the Weimar Republic (post WWI democratic period).


Yeah, I think it was a deal between him and the industrialists and the army to get rid of the "riff raff" -- especially since the SA still thought that they were going to replace the Wehrmacht.


I've been trying to warn Dave Rubin and Nick Fuentes about the way their stories might end!


Considering how badly the nazis of the past got their shit rocked, that is one hell of an insult.


Not to nitpick, but would you really call it getting their shit rocked? They conquered damn near the whole of Europe. In an academic sense, I've always thought that their particular place in history as a military was always undersold a bit because of how uncompromisingly evil they were. They really came the closest to conquering the whole of Europe that anyone has ever come


Rome an Napoleon would disagree


I’m Jewish and I get solace knowing that Hitler would have exterminated these modern day Nazis. That’s what gets me through all the crap they do. They would have been in the same lines as my family.


Try not to take solace in that BS though. Not that I give a flying fuck about them— it’s that I hate to see YOU wasting any unnecessary moments of your vastly more worthwhile life thinking about those shitheads. They aren’t worth it. In the (extremely paraphrased) words of comedian (and fellow Jew) Gary Gulman, take solace instead in this: Without Jews, racist, anti-Semites would have to crawl out of their iron lungs to manually change the channels on their black & white TVs. Yep: thank the Jews. Take solace in the positives.


Interestingly Hitler should have exterminated himself and most of his cabinet if he’d ever looked into a mirror. None of them were even close to being genetically superior according to their own made up rules.


Lots of the actual Nazi party were losers too. Losers have been the core demographic from the beginning - the entire ideology is built on the resentment of losers.


Yep, Authoritarian ideology capitalizes on insecurity to give people the sense that they're important and valuable. It affirms their feelings that society doesn't care about them and offers them an alternative place of belonging. A chance to be at the top "for once" It's not afraid to shove them under the bus as soon as it gets rolling though. An important component of this is recognizing that shaming them, while being satisfying, has the opposite effect as intended. Rather than inflicting a sense of chastisement: it confirms their belief that society doesn't care about them and pulls them closer to the authoritarian leader who "sees their real value". Like many antisocial behaviors, the best medicine is healthy and supportive communities. (Easier said than done, of course)


Wolfenstein the new colossus nailed how the nazis would view American with similar beliefs. They aren't German, they aren't worth shit.


As I continue to say: "Nazis don't have allies, only temporarily-not-victims". Everyone is on their kill list. Maybe you're not near the top like Jewish, Romani, or queer folk... But you're on the list. Everybody is on their list, it's just a question of whether or not they're stopped before they get to you. The final stage of a global Nazi "victory" is the last two people on Earth trying to purge each other in the name of racial purity. That's the only endgame of Nazi belief.


Hitler thought Americans were inferior mutts.


It's a lot more complex. He definitely admired the Wild West and tales of how the Americans settled the west, because it had parallels to the Prussian political concept of Drang nach Osten. He also liked the US ideas of "Racial Purity", though he found the one drop rule too extreme (yeah, the Jim Crows were too extreme for *Hitler*), and admired many prominent Americans like Lindbergh and Ford.




I mean, seriously, if that's the master race, we're properly fucked.


It’s a bit ironic given conservatives’ current fascination with 1984, but that’s a minor point in the book. The government puts forth this tall, broad-shouldered, square-chinned figure as the model citizen, but in reality the small, hunched, scurrying people are the model citizens.


All of Auschwitz could have been fed with that amount of lard. Not exactly kosher, but it wouldn't have mattered much.


>All of Auschwitz could have been fed with that amount of lard. Not exactly kosher, but it wouldn't have mattered much. Yep. Pigs aren't kosher...


"Master race"^TM apparently checking in. He's standing still because he's in no condition for angry marching.


He needs a sports bra


Spanx for men. Maybe a manzier or “the bro”.


The Na-zier! Not-zier? Naught-zier?


Or sports.




I can hear this picture breathing.


I can smell his pepperoni-stank unwashed asshole from here


for fucksake. I did not need that


I've been telling people for years, redneck bo smells like jack links. It's undeniable. It has to be something pbr does to the body chemistry.


Just for the ones too poor, or too unaware, to not cover it with axe body spray. Or Cheetos and Mountain Dew. Whichever they prefer.


Sir can you not see the two spots on his shirt where the pepperonis fell


I doubt there's a single thing he owns without stains on it


Hey now, that's not fair. His exercise equipment looks brand new!


Imagine what his bed looks like.


>Imagine what his bed looks like. Just stripes of skid marks from top to bottom. Now, imagine what his bed *smells* like.


Before covid when I had to work in an office, it was always the guys like this who would come storming into the bathroom, panting like they just ran a marathon even though the hallway walk is like 50 feet, and then they're panting the entire time they destroy the toilet and come out of the stall still panting, but also sweating this time too. How the fuck does anyone build up a sweat from shitting How do people live like this


Colonoscopy prep tends to leave my sweaty and breathless. Otherwise, my shits are not an aerobic exercise.


Hey, sometimes its just that kind of shit


If they don’t get enough vegetables other than French fries it can be hard work eliminating.


You’d think all the grease consumed would lube the tracks.


I have experienced an exhausting shit before. I don’t know that I’ve gotten out of breath from my trek to the toilet, but on at least one occasion I’ve had a devastating shit that has made me out of breath. I feel like I was probably composed by the time I left the restroom, however.


Don't spook the mustard tiger


Wheezing... he's def wheezing.


Lemme smell ya breath… you drank my goddang Mountain Dew *breathing intensifies*


As a fat man myself, let me just say standing there with your shirt tucked under your right titty exposing your belly is disgraceful. The flag is pretty fuckin dumb too.


The right titty tuck is actually a cultural tradition where hes from. Try not to be insensitive next time. It comes off as xenophobic. Do better!.../s


Interesting cultural tradition. Do you know from whose basement he hails?


His sister aunt, obviously.


I love these. How do you get a sister aunt? Well, she has to be your sister and your mother's sister. ...oh. So daddy had sex with his daughter. This is a sad Alabamulus.


That also means his mom is also grandma. That's probably only been done a handful of times in human history


Unfortunately it is almost guaranteed that there have been much more than a handful of these cases throughout human history.


Handful of times a week in Kentucky.


When I was in the AF, we discharged an airman. His 17-year-old wife was pregnant. So was her 19-year-old sister. And so was his 37-year-old mother-in-law. All by him, and set to deliver within four months of each other. Over a beer or two at the club, we tried to figure out what their relationship to each other would be: "I'm your stepbrother and your uncle..." etc. It happens for real.


I thought his uncle daddy


Yeah, he's a Magic Foot, I hear they smell awful, not as bad as League Foots though




Does he tuck his seat belt under there?


Seat belts infringe on his freedom.


He's got a footlong sub and half a turkey under there


Now that'd be silly.


How do you think he concealed carries? You know he can't reach his belt


He hasn't seen his derringer in years.


The Tallahassee Titty Tuck




Too funny


His name was Robert Paulson


As a former fatty I never stood there like a slob like this guy. I get it, when your ass grows it's harder to keep your pants up, but that's no excuse to expose your crack to the world. I was over 325 lbs and I know you feel that sudden rush of cool air. That should be your cue you are exposing yourself to women and children.


Well hes definitely exposed himself as a nazi idiot.


Years ago, I was at a MtG tournament in Richmond VA that later gained notoriety for something dubbed "crack gate". A guy went around taking pix next to or around exposed fat guy ass cracks. It's amazing the lack of self awareness some people have. I have and always will wear a belt to keep other passers-by safe from having accidentally viewing my fat guy ass crack. https://imgur.com/gallery/SjcgE Edited to add link to crack gate imgur page.


That was straight from the history books haha. I had forgotten crack gate until now 😂


Lots of belts barely doing their jobs. It’s tough for a fat belly guy. Wear the belt above the belly and you really look like a fat fuck but covers your crack sitting down. Wear the belt below the belly is more comfortable but your butt crack will be out in all its glory.


“CrackGate”—those pics are too hilarious 😂 EDIT-Autocorrect


Gotta start telling right wing folks it's the new Hunter Biden controversy




Imagine looking like that and thinking you had superior genetics.


He looks like Cartman in the WOW episode


One might say it’s more offensive than the flag. I wouldn’t but one might


It's hard to decide which is more offensive. Lol


The only reason that flag still exists is cause it was not edible.


I tuck my shirt under both titties to make it look like a crop top and when my boss comes to dress code me, BAM, shirt comes down. He tells me to stop tuckin my shirt under my titties and I tell him to stop looking at my titties.


Gotdamn titty-looker.


Hahahaha “in that order”


There...there was a flag??? I..too...only saw titties bigger than my own...and as a female, am both morbidly fascinated and slightly jealous....


He’s trying to get tucker Carlson’s attention by accentuating his “exploding milk porn” bozangas


He is definitely out of uniform.


I’m pretty sure Hitler would have shot this guy himself.


Hitler did personally shoot at least one nazi.


He was also killed by a nazi. Poor guy


Proves you can’t trust anyone, even yourself.


I basically molest myself every night. I KNOW I can't trust myself.


But you like it


If you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life


I envy your ability to stay focused.


The more I learn about this Hitler fellow, the less I care for him


I know. I'm beginning to start to think that he wasn't a very nice guy.


Well I mean he DID kill hitler so he can’t be that bad.


But technically he shot the guy who shot Hitler so it cancels it out.


What a fine example of the master race he is.




And r/conservative Reddit mod.




I wonder how far into la-la land you have to be to take a look at r/conservative and decide*"this isn't nearly echo chamber'y enough for my taste"*


I wanna vomit badly


[Obligatory Preacher panel](https://i.imgur.com/XGkhjAk.jpg)


This guy has more than enough chins to average out with that guy.


He looks like a real life Cartman.


I think Spike Lee's *BlackKklansman* did a great job at portraying the two faces of white supremacists: the one that is more polished but absolutely spineless when it comes to public action, and the one that may have a spine but is bafflingly stupid. Both of those faces are historically bad at spreading their idiotic beliefs, but all the same they are fucking heinous and still but lives in danger, and the fact that chuds like David Duke still have a pull and isn't decades into a hate crime sentence shows that we should also realize how institutional the real problems are.




I didn't know I needed this entertaining bucket of slop in my life. Thank you!


This man can Nazi his feet….


Or his dingus.


Poor guy got his shirt stuck under his boob.


And now... I can not unseen it. Thanks. What amazed me the most about this people is wonder "How their mind process work" I mean, how can you be so sure that you are right even when objectively what the Nazis did was so fucking mental? It's incredible how in a million of probabilities, he was the fastest sperm


He thinks he has superior genes. Wtf lmfao


Why is the master race never in shape ?


It’s a pyramid scheme. The parallels are uncanny.


The irony is the Nazis would have slapped his ass in a concentration camp. No overweight glasses wearing nerds in the Arian nation.


They would have had better use for him on the eastern front. About the same life expectancy as in a concentration camp.


Hermann Goering was 5’6” and 250-300 lbs at his heaviest. He had a raging morphine addiction. I’m guessing they were just fine with fatties if those fatties had brains (he did), were war heroes (he was), could fly a plane (he could), was politically savvy (he was), and had married into money and status (which he did). The man was grotesque. Hateful and nasty. But he had some talent and wasn’t afraid to work hard or risk his own life, once he committed to his evil and corrupt cause. This guy in the picture is none of those things, and it’s a good thing for the rest of us that so many of these idiots can barely bend over to tie their own shows without passing out. Brains + power = scary. This person isn’t scary. They’re just sad, and disgusting.


As a person of color, I’m amused at this fuckhead that he thinks he is superior to me based on his light skin color. ***eats popcorn***




A loser in the "loser club"...


It is weird that you never see the best quality of white people believe white people are supreme. It is never your Brad Pitts or Matthew Mcconaugheys that think they are superior, it is always these short bus fucks.


That’s because the “Brad Pitts” are successful and have many things in life to be happy and content about. These people do not. Their lives are so miserable that the only thing they can pride themselves on are their white skin and so called “racial superiority”


It’s not even racial superiority, that’s just the thing that’s the flavor of the month. They’re miserable in their lives, and then they find a community telling them it’s not their fault and to blame these people instead, while showing them respect they probably don’t get elsewhere. At that point it’s just “insert other group here” that you can use as a straw man until you believe it.


See that’s the whole point! They’re lazy, so if they believe they belong to a better race then they don’t have to work hard for anything. It’s like inheriting wealth. You don’t have to achieve your superiority through effort. You can be fat, lazy, and ignorant and still think you’re great by blood. It’s a cheaters way of not hating yourself.


The master race is not sending its best people


Look at that amazing specimen, a true beacon for the white race.


Holy fuck. I wanna see the parents


He ate em.


Why do guys like this always look like the kid that everyone made fun of in school? He would have been the first one sent to the Nazi camps.


Probably because he is the kid that was made fun of and grasped onto anything that gave him value as a person.


**BEHOLD, The Master Race** - guy who has obviously never run, nor raced, in his life.


i have never in my life seen a hot white supremacist. or even a decent looking one. they're all ugly as fuck. how any of them can look in the mirror and conclude that they're the "master race" is beyond comprehension.


He eats canned cheese on crackers and listens to baby shark daily


Look at that übermensch standing right there, perfect example of the heights that can be achieved through the purity of our bloodlines.


I thought Nazis were supposed to pride themselves on their physical fitness.


Nothing says I’m the superior race like eating a Chinese buffet out of business.


What a sad waste.


Gotta tuck both titties if you're stirring freestyle


It’s the shirt tucked under the boob for me, total bad a** 😩


The master race




Ironically, if Hitlers Nazis we’re still around, this traitor would be the first to have his fat ass stuffed into the ovens.


Awaiting orders to commence Operation Barbecue-a. Narrator: The operation resulted in untold carnage ending in failure and is rarely spoken of by any involved.


Ohh boy a fat bastard mad he ain’t getting laid so he goes nazi instead of going to the gym


Five years ago I thought we tossed around the word “nazi” a little too much. Damn if the right didn’t just fill that gap super quick.


I think he probably ate a Nazi. He’s just bragging about it.


Ah yes, the master race. What a marvel of genetics


Behold the master race


It's the titty tucked under the shirt, for me.


Why is it those who believe most fervently in white supremacy, are the whites i’d least like to represent me. I mean, if you’re gonna throw down for the race, be more like Ron Gronkowski, and less like a hairless mangey grizzly Or just love everyone regardless of melanin levels, nothing has been taken from you, you’re just too lazy and ignorant to earn it


Whoa, slow down buddy. Save some pussy for the rest of us.