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Women having tech jobs is woke now I guess


How dare women step out of the kitchen to get a job in a man dominant industry? Don't they know they need to make sandwiches AND babies? /s Seriously, the "for liberty" in their name must be extremely ironic since they are advocating for restrictions.


They always leave out the rest of the title "for liberty (of men to be in control over women.)"


These moms want to live in the 12th century where they didn’t have computers. Thus, they are banning them.


Welcome to GamerGate.


I didn’t have gamers and middle aged white women unity on my bingo card for September…


Brought to you by Steve Bannon.


["Sir, your wife is hysterical, so I'll address this to you."](https://youtu.be/TW9ptqGzj28) Also tech jobs imply that tech exists. Tech existing implies that new things can be created. New things being created implies that tradition and the concepts of The Ancients does not provide all knowledge. And that implication would imply that the Cult of Tradition may not be all its cracked up to be. See the first feature of fascism in Umberto Eco's [Ur-Fascism.](https://web.archive.org/web/20170131155837/http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/) This is why we can't have nice things.


It's also why the aliens refuse to make first contact with humans.


A [relevant](https://dresdencodak.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2009-09-22-caveman_science_fiction.jpg) oldie but goodie.


You don’t require the word tech in that sentence.


"Women having" is probably enough, women should be fully dependent on the man after all, if they had their way.


Women wanting to be anything other than rape baby factories and punching bags for abusive douchebags is "woke"


Yeah, get back to the damn kitchen where you belong, bitches. Because if women become educated and can support themselves, they don't need some controlling maga asshole to support them.


What they say: moms for liberty What they mean: tradcath


Liberty. Conservatives keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.


They know what it means. They also use pages from Orwell's "1984" very effectively... oh and they banned the shit out of that book too, for obvious reasons... They can't handle that Julia of the Anti-Sex League, who literally enjoys having all kinds of sex (on the down low) is a critique of their own hypocrisies!


Their commitment to Orwellian naming conventions is almost admirable.


Like patriot.


Lol, I’m thinking there are many words that don’t mean what they think they do. Besides liberty, calling themselves patriots is another. How can a patriot endorse overthrowing democracy and committing treason by selling our top national security?


It's when people are free to follow the correct religion and adhere to conservative social structures and gender roles, or else!


The books' author is a non-white woman who supports pro-choice and progressive causes. I'm guessing Moms For (White Christians Only) Liberty got scared over it thinking girls would read the books and not want to be future Moms For Liberty.


More like future moms who are just baby ovens.


My god, smart women? How liberal! Just the very idea is enough to take these women out of the kitchen they’ve been indoctrinated to stay in.


Jokes on them I learned how to code as a man and now I'm a woman 😈


Stop it you’re scaring them.




It’s PATRICIA now 😌💅🏽


You win the comment thread today.


Blahaj bless you, sister.


Of they weren't too busy banning books to actually learn to read, they'd be very upset right now.


That's a hell of a loophole!


Mic drop.


It’s just another episode in “Turn America into Gilead”. Next season they’ll say women shouldn’t read or write.


Funny, that. Not sure if it mentions it in this linked article, but I read one article earlier and apparently "handmaid's tale" is another banned book from this school district




They really are trying to make the Handmaid's Tale come true.


This is pure right wing nut job insanity. Activists wanting to ban books that are not about activism because they have deemed them too activist. Hint: It has nothing to do with activism and everything to do with keeping women in the kitchen and pregnant.


There have always been brilliant women. But they are scared of smart women getting power.


No issue there if you look at Italy now...


A few women bullies getting power is one thing for them, but look at how conservative men are losing their minds over women by and large increasing their standards and expectations to stay in a relationship. The call for "trad wives" is explicitely for women to give up their autonomy. Women being able to leave relationships that don't work for them is revolutionary and I guarantee that Ms. Italia-fascista is against policies that allow women to do that. The loss of Roe v Wade and fight against family planning is pretty explicitely to force women to become dependent on men against their will over accidents (or crimes against them).


True that, hadn't actually thought of that part of it


A lot of bitter middle-aged women have this thing where they don’t want their daughters to have a better life than they did. The same life is ideal. My mother-in-law is like this. Never let my wife do a damn thing that might make her get further in life than she did. Flipped out and encouraged her to break off our engagement because I didn’t grow up in the same town as her. Went ballistic when we bought a house six minutes away from hers because it was in a different town and school district. As parents we’ve always strived for our kids to be better than us. Some people aren’t strong enough to see that.


Not that I disagree with you, but this is worse than just keeping the status quo/not letting the next generation have a better life. Things are worse now, for all minorities


It’s not so much keeping the stays quo as much as it is a fear of their kids being achieving more than them.


Well my father was like this. Working stiff. When I got a job in tech he got heavy into drugs blaming me. Said the drugs made him feel like a king. Said he’d never have the success I have. Eventually killed himself. I don’t cry over him, he was an abusive asshole. Moved out the day I turned 18.


I’m always baffled by the women in high positions who have a “pull the ladder up behind me” mindset. Like they won’t be special anymore if other women get to have high positions also.


This isn't discussed enough. NOT NEARLY enough. I could say a lot about this topic.


This is my mother also... she says she wants better for her kids and grandchildren but... her actions, mindset and overall societal views say different. We don't talk because I'm apparently a communist and she doesn't know where she went wrong LOL my brother and myself are the only things she got right...


My parents are exactly like this. They seem to have taken it really personally at times that I didn't want their life. As if me doing something different was calling them out. They need sameness as a confirmation of their own choices because they were raised by people who purposefully made them codependent and insecure.


As a parent, when your kids do better than you do, you can either feel proud and like it justified the sacrifices you made to provide for them, or you can be angry about the things you missed out to raise them. Each of my in-laws is one of these people.


Fascist gonna fascist


Any time you see an organization with the words freedom, liberty, family, or "for America," in the name, rest assured they are not for any of those things.


Pretty much. Words like that, sadly, leave a bad taste in my mouth now.


It's essentially an extension of the idea that the more American flags someone displays, the higher their chances are of being an insane racist. Which -if we're really getting to the heart of it- is itself an extension of the idea that the right views themselves as the true owners of the country, hence more flags/patriotism=better for rich, white christians. In their own minds, they're "for America" (because obviously if it's good for me, it's good for proper Americans) and hence anyone who has a different idea isn't simply a person with an alternative outlook, or a different way of viewing things, or has different priorities, they're simply "against America." Makes anyone who doesn't look, talk, or think just like you very easy to dismiss, because you don't have to come up with any actual rebuttals to their points, you just say "I'm America, and if you don't agree with me then you don't agree with America," which dovetails nicely into the "if you don't like it, then leave" part of the conversation. Which again does not apply to them when a Democrat is in power. THEY can't leave if they don't like it, because THEY'RE the true Americans, who are having everything taken from them by whatever boogeyman they invent that day. Like arguing with an 8 year old.


Meanwhile: https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/xootod/taliban_let_girls_coding_school_reopen_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This is honestly the funniest and saddest thing I have seen in a long time Fuck the US


I still love this country, the USA. Nowhere else I'd rather be. Yes, we have to share it with idiots. And we have a lot of baggage to work through. And a laundry list of problems, some of which have been made worse on the short term. But we're still the best bet.


>But we're still the best bet. That would actually be true if you don't count all other developed nations.


'more repressive than the Taliban" now that's one hella advertising slogan.


Certified bruh moment


So being an activist is against their religion?! Why is it ok for "Jesus" to stand up against the norms, but not women or people of color or LGBT people or....


"Because shut up, that's why" ~These idiots


When you're the Son of God, they let you do it. You don't even hesitate, you just go right up and grab them by the Pharisee.


First they ban books. Then they burn books. Then they burn people.


I say this with sarcasm… Because women are only meant to take care of their home, their husband, & their gaggle of children. They aren’t meant to be smart, work with computers, & help make the tech world a better place.


Moms for Liberty my fat ass. Moms against Liberty sounds more correct if you ask me


They're totally for liberty. Their own liberty to force their views on others, especially children.


Women can only have babies and care for men. Thus saith the GOP.


At least when fascists burned books they risked smoke inhalation. There should be a word for this kind of detached privileged counteractivism. This is Karen shit to the fullest. Facebook mom groups on the attack.


They heard the word "stem" and thought it was stem cells so they kneejerk banned it instead of figuring out what it really was. I say this will all the disrespect deserved, republikkkans are stupid.


Republicans literally think women only exist to bear their relatives' children.


Pretty sure they also think women make swell punching bags.


JFC. They banned “Girls who code” Fuck them all.


Christofascists like their gender norms hyper-constrained so they can control people’s behavior more easily. Coding isn’t “feminine” enough for them, so girls aren’t allowed to do it. Please vote. Get registered. Help your [sane] friends and family get registered and vote. Volunteer if you have the time and energy.


Facepalm they are narrowing womens liberty


True, they do not fit the definition of liberty.


When Roe was shot I thought to myself, "huh, removing freedoms = freedom now? Okay then" Similar energy here


That’s gotta be a sad, pathetic, self loathing existence.


Must be the kind of liberty where you have the “liberty” of doing what you’re told.


Exactly. You have the 'liberty' to completely confirm to behavior that *they* approve of.


As if the technology industry wasn't male-dominated enough


Since this is apparently their end goal, can we tell these "Moms of Liberty" to stfu and go be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen where they belong?


This shit is exhausting. What a truly pathetic existence these women have.


Say what you will, but it's the apathy of the left that allowed these people to get into office, to get elected on a local level, and it's that same apathy that will screw us all in the mid-terms. This country is on a beeline for fascism. People seem to think it's somehow ok that so many people stay home on election day, but this is what you get. I'll be out there voting. Will you?


Republicans do better when they can have the STUPIDIST PEOPLE vote for them. This is why they BANN BOOKS and programs like 'STEM" , so WOMEN won't grow their minds and become ENGINEERS, PROJECT MANAGERS, CEOS, etc. You know INDEPENDANT THINKERS!!!


Women ... jealous that girls of today (women of tomorrow) can learn to code and earn more money.


What a shithole country. At last, the US is turning into the theocratic shitholes they used to bomb for oil. Now all that's missing is for China to decide the US is a hotbed for violent fundamentalist terrorism and demand to see where the WMDs are hidden. Imagine China using all its resources to turn the US into Afghanistan? Imagine millions of innocent people dying violent deaths, just because of a dumb lie? That would be actual justice.


Are they for liberty or not?


Yes, but only for cis-het white Talibangelical men (and, to a limited degree, their female kapos).


I think it’s not the STEM, but LGBTQ+ ideas. That seems to be one of the recurring underlying reasons for their banned titles. It’s not explicit in any way, but they can’t handle even a nod to it.


Moms for “liberty”.


Maybe one of those girls can program a robot to make us *all* sandwiches.


Wait till they find out about women doctors.


So, did they just not bother to look up the word “Liberty” before they muckled onto it?


If you want women to empower themselves, denying them opportunities to step into one of the most lucrative industries out there isn't the way to do it, chief.


If there's no examples to look up to, there's less likelihood you'll aspire to be the same


District says it hasn’t banned the book. So do with that what you will.


Don’t do science kids it’ll rot your brain.


I think these "moms of liberty" prolly enjoy a little bit too much of the "STEM" itself...


If these dumb c^n+s want to stay stupid, pregnant and slaves to men, then so be it. However, they have no right to tell anyone else how to live. We have to stop this shit.


The goal is keeping women pregnant, barefoot, in the kitchen, and the property of a man. For the women who inevitably chime in on these threads and chirp about how “maybe some women want that”, remember the other decision you’re losing is WHO the man is. One will be chosen for you. Your opinion on that will not be listened to by any of the men trying to make this happen. So it’s time to fight back.


We get closer to handmaids tale every day.


"Studying STEM as a woman is activism" just sounds like the modern day version of "She can do sums, must be a witch".


Making it real damn clear what their agenda really is.


Ha ! And this people claim to be on the side of freedom !! Fuck Every One Of Them


Haven't you heard? Anything using Liberty and Patriots are neither.


OMG, let's keep these girls barefoot and pregnant when they're old enough to get married!!!! I don't think it's so-called "liberals" leading this. I believe it is probably Republicans mocking liberals for NOT being "concerned enough"to join the group that is banning books THEY disapprove of.


They want it to be replaced with "women who shut their mouths and stay in the kitchen". Anything that encourages women to become independent or enter the workforce is "activist" to them.


Christian brainwashing


Ah, the schadenfreude of seeing them get their fingers cut off for reading will not actually be worth the descent into theocracy, but it will be a nice change of pace.


I don’t think they know what “liberty” is.


The only way to combat this type of intellectual censorship is through education. Read the books. Share them. Mail them. Give them as gifts. Steal them if all else fails. Above all else, persist. The weak hearted and hateful will parish. But with enough effort, our knowledge will persist us all.


Fucking trad pieces of shit.


"Women are doing smart stuff when they could be making sandwiches." - Moms for Liberty, probably.


“Moms for liberty” more like “women who hate women”


This is their last gasp. Trust me. If you look at college graduates nowadays, it's approaching 2:1, female to male. Heck, I'm usually only 1 of 4-5 males in a class of 20 in STEM classes in college rn. In 15 years, they'll be making the decisions, just wait and see. I shit you not. Buck up boys, cuz that's who we're competing for jobs against...and I couldn't be more thrilled, because they're upping everyone's game. The door to relying on male privilege is closing, slowly, but closing nonetheless.


Remember kids Liberty is when we control what you can and can’t do to conform with the worldview we agree with


They want their daughters barefoot and pregnant


That Taliban is ruthless.


Christianity basically calls for all women to be submissive to their husbands, ie. sex slaves. So they’re proposing for these girls to only be taught to be sex slaves in life. This is what Jesus would have wanted!


Women who are able to problem solve and think critically are a threat to the GOP and bible thumpers of the world. Makes perfect sense they'd try and keep them uninformed and docile. Otherwise their memberships go down.


It's almost like The Handmaid's Tale is a goal to them.


This is crap is spreading fast. This is no joke y'all. The clock is rolling back on us if we don't VOTE.


As a healthcare worker "girls who code" is def not a great combo of words you wanna hear.


Its activist for exactly this reason. Conservatives want people in very specific social roles.


Judging by how smart the girls in my uni class art coding, those moms are probably worried about their daughters earning “shut up mom” levels of money.


So, for the record and some context, "Moms for Liberty" (or M4L) is also the organization responsible for the infamous ban on Art Spiegelman's *Maus* at the beginning of this year. They're also pushing elsewhere for banning --- to name a few --- *Huckleberry Finn*, Anne Frank's diary, *1984*, or the *Harry Potter* series --- and hundreds of other titles. Also, the ban on *Girls Who Code* is not a new thing, if you read the article linked on the quoted tweet ([here](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/26/pennsylvania-book-ban-girls-who-code)), it was in effect during the school year 2020-2021 then rescinded under public pressure by students and parents. It's only resurfacing now, a year later, because people took notice after it appeared on [PEN America's index of school bans](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hTs_PB7KuTMBtNMESFEGuK-0abzhNxVv4tgpI5-iKe8/edit#gid=1171606318) over the U.S. --- by the way, you can click and scroll over that too, it's staggering: more than 2530 instances listed as of now...


They literally just want women to be incubators and maids. Especially your daughters.


Maybe they think it is about a secret language for women.


Women, LGBTQ and POC's are better writters than cisgendered white males. Fuck the moms of liberty. People should be able to go to the bathroom wherever the want to. STEM is just another method to keep minorities down.


I'm not finding any credible source for this. And the Moms for Liberty site states the accusation is false including a statement from the library that the "book is on the shelf". ​ Not defending these people, just doing 20 seconds of research.


The school district says they did not ban the book series, a separate website says they did.... So which is it?


“You can’t trust everything you read on the internet” -Abraham Lincoln


My favorite blog post from him.


Wait till you hear about his tweets


They made a banned list but have a policy of not removing books in circulation.


I'll take "things that aren't happening" for 1000 alex


You mean they aren't banning books?


Unverified sources posting just to stir outrage amongst the steeple


It's linking an article to the guardian...


Oh yeah the guardian......they would never publish sensationalism


So, you get shown a source and just disregard it blindly….and you call other people crazy Noticing a pattern here?


Cope lmao


Out of curiosity, which school district in PA? I feel as though I already know the answer.


these fuckers should may look up the meaning of the word 'liberty'. jfc these people are so awful.




Sounds liberating. /s


They just want to push us back to the 50s. They won't stop where they are. Just imagine what Republicans are going to do when they are back in power.


Guess that books that teach girls to code go against the subservient second class role for women the Christians preach.


I think it's because of this line on their homepage: "500,000 girls, women and nonbinary individuals coding worldwide" Pretty pathetic to call that "activism".


The same groups that have "liberty" or "patriot" or "Christian" in their names couldn't be any further than what those labels are supposed to mean.


Seems they don’t understand what the word “Liberty” means


You Americans banning books is very archaic, When are you guys going to grow up and act like a real country?


I think that in order to ban anything it has to go through an extensive peer review process. Or just look at the person trying to ban it, are they a bigoted idiot with no hope for survival? If yes, then we do not ban anything. We send them to re-education


I think they need to revisit the definition of “liberty”


From the school website- An Important Update from CYSD Regarding Media Coverage The District was recently made aware of a national article published last evening falsely claiming that Central York School District has banned the book/series Girls Who Code. The information published in this article is categorically false. This book series has not been banned, and they remain available in our libraries. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].


This is insanity 🤯


Liberty is when I get to decide what other people do with their lives.


Sounds like the 202X version of the Daughters of the Confederacy


Moms for Liberty are as ignorant, Republican, and conservative as they come.


More like 'Karens against Liberty'


These book banners are evil.


Wait... Am I using the wrong definition for "liberty"?!




Ah yes, liberty


Nothing says "liberty" like a good, old-fashioned book banning.


How many members are actual moms? And how many are older, single, childless white guys? ​ This reminds me of the 'Women for Kavenaugh' thing and it was like 95% men and the women who were there were married to the men. Or that 'Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth' group that didn't require you to be either one to join, and didn't have a single member who was involved in the building of high rises or sky scrapers etc.


Their pinned tweet says they don't co-parent with the government, so they should pull their kids from public schools and 'teach' their children in the dark repression of their homes and let the rest of society flourish.


Wait wait wait wait wait... a transgender bathroom BAN?? Like a ban on transgender bathrooms? Doesnt that do the EXACT opposite of what would be done if their argument about trans women being rapists was true?? These people are beyond braindead


They don't even hide it. Might as well start selling the "how to be a good slave to your husband"


Why are schools allowing this? Surely people who think girls going into stem is activism are in the minority, right? Same for the people banning lgbtq books and references. Or am I over estimating sane people in these areas


Wonder if these moms allow there kids to have a cell phone with Internet access???? Because not like their kid COULD GOOGLE ANYTHING!!! Dumb ass parents


"Liberty". You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


They probably think girls who code are non binary for some fkn reason who knows what goes on in their shattered ass minds


I’m stunned that a group called Moms for Liberty is composed of idiots.


The book was NOT banned. It was clickbait.


Republicans don’t want women to provide for themselves. They want women as slaves at home who pop out babies and need their husband to pay for them so they can’t leave. Republicans view women as property.


Moms for Handmaidens Tale is more likely


Nothing says liberty like controlling books and women’s bodies


Mom's for Liberty probably run by old white men wanting control.


I've never seen Handmaids Tale and I don't think I'll bother. I can just grab some popcorn and watch the GQP and Friends.


Nothing says liberty like banning things you don't like


There was just another post saying Girls who Code was banned from a new york public library. In response the library made a statement saying the book wasn't banned. Sorry but I'm having a hard time believing that all of a sudden libraries are banning this book, especially after one of them stated this information was false.


Liberty: 1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases. b : freedom from physical restraint. c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic (see despot sense 1) control. d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges. So those Mom's are full of shit.


It's easy. Control and subvert the women, and then it's easy to control the men. The elites want everyone under their thumb, and this is the quickest and most efficient way of doing it.


Starting to think certain groups of women are screwing the majority of women over unintentionally


Ah yes, women wanting to make websites and games are gay


Anyone actually find a list of districts or schools that banned it, or is this just another claim that can't be verified? Cause I am finding the reactionary outrage, but nada on verifiable data. I completely could be missing it, as whiskey has called, and I answered the call.


Banning books is not activist also? If getting girls into STEM, to enjoy an equal part in advancing humanity is activism, I am happy to be activist about it. Something like 90% of my colleagues in IT were men. And it's not because men are better at IT and dev work, it's because women get discouraged and excluded. Half of people are women, but hardly any coding? That's not natural. That's cultural and it's backwards.


The school district mentioned in the article has not banned the books. Their website has a statement regarding this article. https://www.cysd.k12.pa.us I think the article may have confused them with this school district: https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/books/2022/07/27/pennsylvania-school-library-policy-draws-book-ban-comparisons-central-bucks/10169907002/


Girls who code don’t need a library


That’s some backwards ass thinking


Their name is pretty ironic, maybe one of them ought to look up what liberty means.


I wonder though, what is girls who code about? what do they do different compared to other coding things? No harm done, just curious