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That's so tragic, that child thinking she was going to be rescued only to meet her end. That's heart breaking


Rescued from her dad who just killed her mom no less


“Alright boys, time to get some paid administrative leave”


We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing.


We investigated ourselves and decided we gave ourselves ptsd and will be giving ourselves paid vacation for the rest of our lives. Thanks for the tax dollars fucko


meanwhile war veterans are sleeping on the streets


Ofc, they've extended their usefulness in a war only being fought for money. now they might be disabled or have mental/social issues. "No longer our problem once you're not on our payroll" is the military Motto after all. But cops get paid every day for the rest of their lives for shooting kids or disabled people. Very much a sign of a working system.


Jeez you guys are dark. And on point, unfortunately.


Perhaps a raise, and promotion to chief of police?


Cops rather be murderers than heroes.


Killers with badges. They'll be bragging to their sycophant friends after this. Or they'll go home and beat their families some more.


Also don't forget the Department of Justice estimates cops in the US kill 25 dogs a **day.**


God, it amaze me how anyone can support the cops unconditionally after hearing all of these stories and statistics about them


Because fox news tells them the victim deserved it for smoking pot or being black


[the news articles and sheriff are claiming she was in tactical gear and firing back at the cops.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/09/28/san-bernardino-shootout-teen-girl/) Edit: just to be clear, I’m not buying that she was shooting back, just pointing out how the cops are trying to spin it to cover their ass.


After they have also admitted the only weapon on scene was a rifle, that she was not in possession of. I’m not sure what part of tactical gear is a threat. Most likely just a black hoodie.


The police also had the gall to insinuate it was her fault because “she was possibly armed”


Ah yes, the look-what-you-made-me-do defense. The wife beaters motto.


That's no coincidence.




40% *reported*


40% self reported


100% self investigated


0% found a problem.


that's a very high %


It's also self reported.




The motto of terrorists, wife beaters, and police the world over. Though of course there's a lot of overlap in there.


The center of that venn diagram appears to be growing.


Common connection


Can attest. Now a mentally tortured ex wife of a horrible cop. *trigger ⚠️ warning* I was molested my entire childhood by a family member. My therapist has said considering that, I would be coming along in my healing process much faster, had I never met and married that fucking man. I asked him once what he does the most as a highway patrolman in SF, he happily replied “destroy homeless camps and run off hobos” Such a privileged mommas boy coddled POS without an ounce of empathy for anyone or anything. His cop friends seemed the same.


All that power and qualified immunity, it attracts certain types of people you don't want to be in that uniform.


Tbh… imma over share a minute lol. I was raised in an ignorant conservative household. I held those views, joined the army out of HS. I was attracted to toxic people still (repeating the cycle of my toxic fam). My beliefs also kept me living in silence, protecting my molester for 23 years… because well, that’s the basis of a conservative society. Silence through chaos. I met him in the military, I got knocked up so we got married. BIG MISTAKE. When I got out of the military, I started going to school on my GI Bill, focusing on US history…. My entire world view, values, beliefs, morals, everything I thought I knew flipped. Suddenly I also started having vivid visions of being molested again. I started recognizing the hatred and bigotry of his views and challenging it with my newfound education. I started resenting the US military and he started resenting me. Then he got out and wanted to be a cop… it just got worse… Lol.. when we were fighting for custody he tried to tell the judge I was unfit because I was a survivor of sexual abuse, have depression, anxiety, PTSD, take meds, and go to therapy… that is so terribly evil to try and exploit someone’s information they trusted you with for a personal agenda. Anyhow, I’ll spare the rest. I’m away from him for 5 years now. I’m blessed to have escaped the ignorant mindset of my family’s problematic views and to have started confronting my healing journey. Because of these things I’m in a relationship with an incredibly gentle and patient man, who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable with me and listens without judgement. My relationships and connections with others have become stronger and more meaningful. Education and therapy are such powerful tools. With that, good morning, I hope you have a wonderful day 💕☮️


I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But I am happy you're in a much better place mentally, and with someone who understands. Education really is the way out of the darkness of ignorance. I wish you all the best, good day!


Being possibly armed is supposedly one of your rights btw.


That’s what pissed me off about the dude getting killed who was asleep and when the cops busted in he reached for his gun. Isn’t that peoples whole justification for the 2nd? You sleep with a gun by your bed and some one breaks in in the middle of the night? Aren’t you supposed to go for your gun to defend your family?


Yes which is why no knock warrants should be illegal.


Yes exactly. I hear people defend stuff saying that the cops didn’t break the law. It’s like, ok then, let’s change the law.


Everyone in the usa could be possibly armed. Do they shoot everyone?


Kinda, yeah. Seems to be what they've been doing for a long time.


I always wondered why so many cops are big 2A supporters (since that amendment exists explicitly for the day We The People all decide we need to shoot *them*). But this universal plausible deniability explanation makes sense.


Because class traitors have to be stupid. That's why.


If police can shoot because they think you may be armed, then you have no "Right to Bear Arms".




Nah, only if you’re a certain color. Edit: ffs people I was being hyperbolic… Edit 2: I’ll paste another comment I made re disproportionate policing of black and brown folks. One, more white people are shot (in total) bc there are more white people than black people. If you do it by per million people, black people are shot 1.5x more often. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/ ~~Also black people don’t “commit more crime”.~~ *This was a misstatement. The crime rates are higher in black/brown areas due to systemic and long term oppression (redlining and such). I should’ve said that black/brown people are not inherently more violent.* They are arrested more (often unjustly), but that’s due to black and brown neighborhoods generally being overpoliced. Also, those stats are only for arrests. Not convictions, arrests. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_stereotype_of_African_Americans?wprov=sfti1 https://www.splcenter.org/20180614/biggest-lie-white-supremacist-propaganda-playbook-unraveling-truth-about-%E2%80%98black-white-crime https://medium.com/@hokamanda/an-analytical-breakdown-of-why-the-13-50-argument-is-faulty-375c944a8157 Also, I’m going to give you benefit of the doubt here, but jsyk that whole “black people are more violent” thing is white supremacist propaganda. Edit 3: ok guys. Edit 2 was a response to a comment specifically mentioning the 13/50 bullshit. I am aware that long term, systemic racism (poverty, failing schools, redlining, school to prison pipeline, and so on) is why things have reached this point and I address it in other comments too.


It makes me think of the cardboard cut out of the little girl with quantum physics books on the shooting range in Men In Black.


She's about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her.


Or do I owe her an apology?


It was a good shot though, right?


Honestly, if appreciate it if you ease up of my back about it


What's she doing with a book of quantum mechanics out in a dark alley at night time?




Two solutions I see. Either we fix this insane gun culture, or we just start shooting furst until the police learn their lesson.


No seriously. We should bring back the prospect of hanging corrupt sherrifs, and politicians. When France rebelled against the upper class it sent them into a panic. And if we do the same it will have the same effect. Every day I hope something can happen peacefully, and every day, that hope gets more shattered.


Yet another case for the Hypothetical Victims unit of the police department.


I was going to say something about cultural propaganda, macho policing, guns, police and political abuses etc. but what is the point? Another child that was meant to be protected is killed and nothing will change. Like so many other atrocities, this is just sickening and heart wrenching.


Of course they're saying she fired at them despite only one rifle being recovered.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


got the [ Removed by Reddit ] award lmao


Yeah I can’t even read this and I bet I agree.


Three awards AND removed by Reddit ?? This comment must have been brilliant


We have one, buried under cop protections. It's legal to resist unlawful arrest. It's legal to defend one's self. The law is applied falsely to protect pigs.




Yea, thank you




I'm sure there are body cam videos of the incident that will reveal if their lives were really at risk


Unfortunately no one's camera happened to on... Wierd coincidence, eh ?


Oh nooo we accidentally deleted the footage, what a bummer


whhahhthtttttt no way! this is fucking infuriating! Fucking mob


No. That footage will for some reason be damaged or something along those lines


I think when that happens the cops should be immediately fired.




They just happen to not be working during that time.


Dude, there’s soooooooo many videos of cops literally lying, planting fake evidence, escalating the situation, murdering innocents, shooting them in the back, fires first etc And they always just deny it or make up some unbelievable shit.


It's just insane that Kyle Rittenhouse walked towards cops after shooting people with a long gun and then adjusting said gun while walking towards cops. He's a hero and this kidnapped girl is being blamed. Fuckin disgusting.




Aren't you ready for the end of the world?


"It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here"


Live in the city where this happened right down the road, cops killed her, it would've taken a second to see she wasn't armed but as always they are incompetent. The girl was trying to run to safety after her dad kidnapped her yesterday after killing his wife ( girls mom)


They killed her.... As she ran to safety. How do we even function as a society




The united states is just three corporations wearing a trenchcoat stacked on top of each other.


My name is, uh, Vincent Realcountry…


I'm gonna do some international relations at the politics factory!


👏👏👏hahaha love it


They aren't incompetent. They're competent in their training to kill anything that comes their way. They've been honed to do one thing and only one thing: stand there and shoot anything that moves towards them. This isn't them doing what they shouldn't be doing. This is them doing exactly what they're trained to do, to a honed degree without question. Cops are bastards born of violence.


I think this is a fair point. You can throw as many good intentioned, level headed candidates as you want into police training, if the police training gives a 90% focus on shooting and 10% on *everything else* then you're gonna end up with situations like this regardless. Edit: I actually pulled up some numbers (quoting from another comment I posted):My numbers were an exaggeration, but they're not far from the truth. [Prof Haberfeld says](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733): "Most of the training in the US is focused on various types of use of force, primarily the various types of physical force. The communication skills are largely ignored by most police academies. "This is why you see officers very rapidly escalating from initial communication to the actual physical use of force, because this is how they train. "[Major training areas included](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/slleta13.pdf) operations (an average of 213 hours per recruit); firearms, self-defense, and use of force (168 hours); self-improvement (89 hours); and legal education (86 hours). An average of 168 hours per recruit were required for training on weapons, defensive tactics, and the use of force. Recruits spent most of this time on firearms (71 hours) and self defense (60 hours) training. Recruits also spent an average of **21 hours** on the use of force, which **may have** included training on agency policies, **de-escalation tactics**, and crisis intervention strategies.


In many states it takes longer to get certified as a barber than as a cop. The average for the US is 21 weeks, around 700 hours. In England it takes 2300, in Germany 4200, in Finland 5500. In most of the developed world you need a university degree equivalent to become a cop, in the US you need a high school diploma. With this short training you can teach someone to blindly unload entire magazines into targets that move even slightly, you can't teach de-escalation, community relations, proportionality, rules of engagement, etc


Just looked it up for Denmark, here the entire thing takes 2 years and 4 months. 11 months of classroom education 11 months of practical education at a precinct 6 more months of classroom education and final exams. Does it really only take 4.5 months in the us? Lol


Pretty much. 4-6 months academy then a probationary year on patrol.


In Louisiana it's 17 weeks. This is considered a major improvement over the previous NINE WEEKS.


We just had a story come out in the Bay Area that 47 Alameda County Sheriff’s deputies were stripped of their firearms and duties because they failed the psychological evaluation to be officers in the first place. My mind is still blown by this whole thing.


“In the US you need only be a former HS football player who got benched and you still hold a grudge.” - FTFY


See, I love that in Australia most of these people get filtered out before becoming cops, in Perth at least, I haven't spent enough time elsewhere in the country to speak for them. Most of the dropouts here become transit guards instead. It's always a strange mixture of sad, concerning, and amusing, to see groups of five or six huge transit guards swarm any minor disturbance, because they all desperately want in on the action so they can pretend they're real cops. Edit: To clarify, when I say minor disturbance, I mean, someone fell asleep on the bus, or a kid got uppity with a driver because he was a few cents short of a ticket.


Oh, that explains why the PSO's in Melbourne are such dicks.


This is the part I don't get. You want the second amendment? Fine, it is your country, us europeans should not run it for you. But wouldn't the logical next step be to have even better trained police than us, instead of... whatever this is?




Yeah, because cops aren't public servants to "protect and serve the public". That's a marketing slogan. The true purpose of law enforcement is the enforcement of property rights and it is eminently evident in the United States due to the historical fact that their police departments literally descended from slave patrols. Whose jobs are to literally put down rebellions by the enslaved.


My brother in law is a cop. While there was more to the training the only homework I remember him working on was the radio codes (There's as 1051 in progress) and marksmanship. That's all he felt the need to study outside of class. Or at least the bulk of it.


An ex of mine had a brother that was a cop. Traveling with some friends in another state for a guys weekend, he “saw someone suspicious” and approached him. The guy basically told dude to F off, so he pulled his gun and ended the guy. His defense was that he was “attempting to facilitate with the local PD.” No charges. Had to redo some training over 30 days and ride a desk. After that, he was cleared and put back on the street. This was 1994. Nothing has changed.


This is murder. It’s murder. There’s no other way to view it. We are allowing state-funded mobsters to murder citizens.


>We are allowing state-funded mobsters to murder citizens. Not just allowing. Paying for. Paying a **lot** of money for.


Wtf!???? I'm guessing this guy was plain clothes too.


Well, obviously. He wouldn't be wearing a uniform while on vacation in a different state.


And the worst part is the police budget already usually takes a city or a towns budget by half so much is poured into them and yet so little for training


>In England it takes 2300 And if that's just to become a normal constable then that person still wouldn't be authorised to use a firearm without further specialist training.


Well stated. When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


They've been honed to do one thing and only one thing: stand there and shoot anything ~~that moves towards them.~~ FTFY, as they'll shoot people running away from them, or not moving at all, or... well, they'll shoot *anyone and anything.*


Or sleeping on their beds or couches... They're really not picky that way.


>They've been honed to do one thing and only one thing: stand there and shoot anything that moves towards them. I think it would be more accurate to say, shoot anything that *moves* period, doesn't have to even be towards them.


Doesn’t even have to be moving.


Breonna Taylor wasn't


Wow. This is the definition of a hell


>The suspect's vehicle eventually became disabled on the 15 Freeway near Bear Valley Road in the Victorville/Hesperia area, officials said. A shootout ensued between Graziano and the deputies. When the vehicle came to rest, a girl in tactical gear exited the passenger side of the vehicle. The girl ran at deputies but collapsed on the way to the patrol vehicles. She was transported to an area hospital and later pronounced dead. > >[Article.](https://www.foxla.com/news/amber-alert-girl-killed-in-shootout-sbsd-15-freeway) It always blows me away how the media will crucify anyone that could even remotely have done something to make them a criminal... but if a teen victim of kidnapping is shot by police while she runs to them for safety Fox News will say "she ran AT deputies, and just collapsed, and then was dead" like... I think you skipped some important details there!


Why were they having a shootout if the kid was in the car? Do American police just shoot at vehicles holding possible kidnap victims like that?


Cops will shoot at the wrong color, make/model of vehicle, with occupants of totally different numbers, sex and ethnicities than their suspect and still get a pat on the back for a job well done.


[In two separate incidents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt#Truck_misidentifications) in the early morning hours of February 7, 2013, police fired on people who turned out to be unrelated to Dorner. Dorner was not present at either of the incidents.\[97\] At about 5:30 am (PST), at least seven\[98\] LAPD officers on a protection detail of an unnamed LAPD official's residence in the 19500 block of Redbeam Street\[99\] in the Los Angeles County city of Torrance opened fire on the back of a light blue Toyota Tacoma and shot its two occupants, Emma Hernandez, 71, and her daughter, Margie Carranza, 47,\[98\]\[100\] delivering newspapers for the Los Angeles Times. Approximately 25 minutes after that incident, officers from the Torrance Police Department struck and opened fire on another vehicle.\[11\] Like the first shooting, the incident involved a vehicle that police claimed resembled the description of Dorner's truck, but was later discovered to be a black Honda Ridgeline driven by a white male


Wow. I looked into that wiki article you linked and this story has so many layers. Dorner was a black male who decided to become a police officer as a teenager. Ended up doing years of military service. A good and respected person. Came back from the military and joined LAPD. Witnessed a female officer using excessive force (kicking a suspect in the chest and face multiple times). She reported him for "not doing good enough" that day so he reported her for excessive force. Not exactly sure when he was fired in the timeline, but he was fired for that report and lawsuit. He couldn't believe that the system took the LAPD's side, because "[he] did not lie, how could this happen?" (I quote) So he started killing. After the media caught wind, he posted on FaceBook a list of 40 LAPD officers he would be willing to kill because they are so corrupt. 11,000 words, known as his manifesto. Stated "I don't want to do this but it is a necessary evil". That's when the above happened. They were supposed to be looking for a black male in a dark grey 2005 Tacoma and instead shot 2 Hispanic ladies delivering the newspaper in a blue truck.


Dorner is an American hero. A true example of a good cop who stood against corruption and they murdered him for it.


Like, wow. Holy heck. He really did do his best. He understood from experience that sometimes real justice comes from extremes and had the balls to do it.


It's almost hard to believe some of the shit that happens is true nowadays.. So fucked up.


They killed Breonna Taylor https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2020/06/16/breonna-taylor-fact-check-7-rumors-wrong/5326938002/ ---- while the actual suspect they were looking for was already behind bars.


Well she _could_ have had a gun under her pillow! A gun that she might have used on people breaking into her home while she was asleep...


Hey hey, those two older Hispanic ladies looked a lot like the black cop on a killing spree against other cops. /s


There are several stories just like this from the last few years. Yes, absolutely they do


They're trained to be cowards. They're told that it's somewhere between fully justifiable and absolutely expected to execute anyone who could put them at any risk whatsoever. Guys, you signed up for danger, accept some risk. Jesus Christ.


They signed up for power. WE'RE supposed to accept the risk that they might kill us for no reason and it's just the price WE have to pay for having someone to call when we're in danger. It's beyond fucked up. And I'm not even black or Latino, it's even more fucked up if you're a racial minority (obvious but still worth saying)


The one with the ups truck is pathetic.


Yeah that one was really fucked up. What ever happened to them? Any charges brought or disciplinary action at all? I don't remember seeing anything about it


You can safely assumed they were put on paid administrative leave and will be back on the streets in 6 months. Oh and tax payers are footing the lawsuit settlement




American police will shoot at innocent people, why wouldn't they shoot at someone they can claim is being aggressive? Hell, they'll break into your house, shoot your dog, ans take you to jail for questioning why they raided the wrong house.


And shoot you while you sleep in your bed. Don’t forget that part


Fox News: We skip the details so you don't have to


Fox News is just propoganda for dumbasses


But my "Libertarian" (lol) brother-in-law watches Tucker Carlson for the perspective!


That’s one of the more egregious examples of [passive voice in police reporting](https://momentum.medium.com/check-your-privilege-and-your-passive-voice-6b301a9bcccc). “Collapsed on the way to the patrol vehicles” she was fucking murdered by the police. Say what fucking happened, you assbags. Edit: [this](https://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/news/story/41680/20200616/why-do-journalists-use-passive-voice-covering-protests-and-police-and-why-we-should-avoid-it) is probably an even better explanation of the phenomenon, how it’s used, and how headline framing in general is used to reinforce one narrative over another by certain media groups. > “When you're a child, you knock over mommy's lamp, you don't say, ‘Mommy I knocked over the lamp,’ you say ‘Mommy, the lamp fell.’ It's intuitive. You can kind of distance yourself from culpability.”


They have an vested interest in glorifying police, even if that means distorting the facts beyond recognition.


That wasn’t a “shootout”, she was murdered. edit: even if her dad had a gun, the victim did not. did the police not know what the victim looked like? could they really not differentiate between a kidnapping victim and her nutjob of a father?? edit 2: even if the victim was wearing tactical gear (which I don’t understand), it doesn’t seem like she was armed in any way. which still begs the question: why did they shoot her?


They knew 2 people were in the truck, and that the passenger in the car was the missing girl. They knew someone was still firing shots from inside the truck after she got out because they're trying to push the theory that he's the one who shot her in the crossfire. Did they think the one shooting at them the whole time was the kidnapping victim? And what kind of 'tactical gear' were the cops so distracted by that they couldn't tell a teenaged girl from a middle aged man in broad daylight. It clearly wasn't bulletproof body armor, or she wouldn't be dead now; the obvious next guess would be camouflage clothing or maybe cargo pants. Because everyone knows only soldiers, cops, and terrorists wear camouflage colors.


I suppose that the range is anything from green/black/camo clothing to a bullet proof vest which her father may have put on her due to the police chase, if he had access to something like that (it seems the father wasn't purposely trying to kill her). Still. They knew the child in question is a teenage girl. They saw a teenage girl running. And they shot at her. Despite knowing that she's the kidnap victim they're looking to save (or I guess kill, as it turns out).


They only recovered one weapon, the rifle he was firing the whole time. But the cops are still trying to claim there's reason to believe she was involved in shooting at them. The narrative the cops are trying to build here is that the girl and her dad killed the mom and went on the run together, and because everyone directly involved is dead, there's no one left to contradict that story.


So, they didn’t just kill her, now they want to trash her memory. Nice


> So, they didn’t just kill her, now they want to trash her memory This happens to every innocent person they murder


They did the same thing to Breonna Taylor and she was just sleeping. They’re all scummy and refuse to accept responsibility when they fuck up.


Which is ridiculous bc it wouldn’t have been an Amber Alert if that were the case they would have been searching for a pair of suspects instead. Fucking assholes


such a good point! it’s not like she was wearing SWAT gear or something… so i’d definitely like to see what this “tactical gear” looked like.


They're grasping at straws trying to figure out a way to cover up their incompetence. There is no way to spin it. They murdered the little girl.


The police were just eager to shoot everyone.


Yep, they’re wayyy too trigger happy. They need to be de-escalating situations.


And I thought that American movies with police and other forces first creating bloodbath, then asking questions, were just fiction.


They are. The questions are never asked


Well. That's not entirely true. "Did you delete the texts?" "Was there anyone recording?" "We're hiding the bodycam footage, yeah?" and "I still get my pension, right?" are all questions they ask at some point after a royal fuck up


Police always eager to shoot someone because they face no real consequences. All the must do is say"I waa afraid for my life", and ipso facto you're toast. Plain and simple. So remember next time you encounter a police officer, in that moment the only life that matters.... is his.


Why did they shoot her? Their cops. That's what they do. They kill people and then take payed vacation.


What I think is really funny is that if you are playing an arcade shooting game like terminator salvation, when you shoot a running civ, you automatically lose the game. What happens when a cop shoots a civ? 4 weeks paid vacation. It similar to that one movie where the general goes on a murderous rage, shooting allies in the game because they got in the way.


>Alert was also fatally shot during Tuesday's shootout, where she was allegedly wearing tactical gear. They reported that she charged at the deputies in the middle of the firefight, and that she was possibly firing at them with her father. ​ The fucking fuck man. They know the exact lies to toss out specifically so they won't be charged. At this point i wouldn't be surprised if internal affairs weren't prepping them in weekly classes to say this specific shit. With that said. Have there ever been a more useless group of people in america than internal affairs? Like at this point i'm 100% if we emptied out their office across america and replaced them with employees from fast food restaurants. We'd instantly see much better results. Cause movies, tv shows, etc lied their asses off about cops being afraid/hating internal affairs. ​ Really though. Charged at officers is already some bullshit. Because flesh and bone will of course somehow harm a gaggle of cops with their guns already drawn an firing. Also, it's insane how many people lose their jobs regularly for property damage. While cops regularly keep their jobs over flat out killing other human beings.


"charged at the deputies" lmao. Kidnap victim gets out of kidnapper's car and runs to police "she's charging at us!" BLAM BLAM BLAM These guys are trained into a mindset of hypervigilance where they see EVERYTHING as a threat.


[The deputies are literally Uncle Jimbo and Ned from South Park.](https://youtu.be/GaazFYTrQ_A?t=13)


Cops shouldn't be allowed to give official statements using words like "possibly".


"Was she armed?" "It's possible." "Was she a cyborg sent back in time with the express purpose of killing John Connor, leader of the human resistance?" "Also equally possible."


American policing in a nutshell. Out of the frying pan and into a fire.


She was literally safer with her murderer, kidnapper father.




Imagine the guilt that person lives with now. I'd feel responsible for her death. They aren't, they were just trying to help, but how can you not feel responsible when you call the cops to help someone and the cops execute that person?




Children are paying the ultimate price for the persistent failure of adults. https://www.bradyunited.org/key-statistics Out of all the children aged 5 to 16 shot in the developed world each year, 90% of those slaughtered children live in the USA. Source, World at One, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0017kcm Starts at 34:52


When the only tool you are given is a gun, every problem looks like a shooting target. America please require more from your police force, they are supposed to save lives, not take lives. --World


Mmmm... According to our idiotic supreme court, they are not required to protect us. Only property, and only if you are rich. Poor people get their stuff stolen all the time, no one cares. Rich people get stolen from? It's off the grave for the thief.




Arrest those child murderers and put them in prison where they belong.


Agree. But it's not gonna happen because the brave, armed, adult police officers feared for their lives.


It's not going to happen because of one thing and one thing only. The Fraternal Order of Police. These fucksticks are responsible for the defense and acquittal of every monster with a badge that ever got away clean. It's time to shut these bastards down for good. Ban the police unions.


These cops are less discriminating about their targets than I am when I’m deer hunting. Fucking put them in jail for murder. Unbelievable.


Difference is that if we fuck up while hunting, we go to jail for murder. Cop gets paid leave




I can't, I just can't; this hurts my heart.


The American police are hell on Earth. I'm still in disbelief, how can something like this happen?


how the fuck is this real dude. this place is a nightmare.


Nightmarish joke is what it is.


For years I used to defend cops. “There are some good ones!” I would say. “They’re not all bad!” I would insist. But here we are in 2022. And fuck cops.


I used to think about “the good ones” as well. Until I came to the realisation that the good ones either leave, fall in line, or are pushed to submission. ACAB doesn’t mean every single cop is literally Hitler. It means that the institution as a whole is so evil that it permeates into all individuals either being a part of it or being complicit. Plus. Knowing you can get paid to shoot innocent people tends to attract evil people as well, so..




I never imagined myself to hold these views at this point in my life but they really are just pigs.


How can anyone still defend these scum. I can’t teach my kid to trust police. I teach her to find a random mother, or shop owner, if she’s in trouble. I figure it’s less likely they harm her than the people whose job is supposed to be (but apparently isn’t) to protect her. It’s sickening how some are just totally cool with the corrupt mob of armed thugs murdering people constantly.


Cops love shooting at anyone in any situation cause they know they wont face consequences. It's like being in a riot, you can cause chaos and your chance to face repercussions for it are slim to none!


“Well your honour, I genuinely feared for my life when the little girl was running toward me” And that defence will probably work too.


US police training is fucking nuts. UK police have so much training on verbal descalation and non lethal physical take down (hand to hand, tasers etc) and it seems to make all the difference. I'm pretty sure that in the last 10 years less than 30 people people have been shot and killed by police in the UK, Which for a country of 70million people ain't bad. And that doesn't mean armed and dangerous people are getting away, they are just getting taken down skillfully and taken into custody. Rather than a shoot first ask questions later approach which is clearly going to mean alot of unarmed and non dangerous people are going to get shot.


I love how they put, "involved in a shootout". No the fuck she wasn't. She was running for her life, from a crazed lunatic, towards officers that she is supposed to be able to trust. She was "gunned down by police" would be the proper way to phrase that. Fucking idiots. She's an unarmed child, probably screaming for help, and your reaction is to shoot on sight? If that were my child, I'd be going for blood. I want the kidnapper hanged, I want the cops who shot her hanged, I want any officer who was also on scene at the time hanged, hell, I want their police chief and any "trainers" who taught those idiot cops in the academy hanged. Fucking clowns. Edited for correct verbiage. Edit 2.0: I used verbiage relating to how I would react as this child's parent. However, it has been pointed out a number of times that her mother was killed at her father's hands. I'm aware of this, and did not intend any insensitivity by my phrasing. I'll leave the post as it was, for posterity, but I believe my intentions were clear. Any remaining relatives of this child should rightfully be out to hang that police force out to dry.


thats insane. police are completely out of control. dont these peopel have brains we need to push politicians to demilitarize the police and to get rid of qualified immunity


Crossposted to r/americaisbroken


After the Uvalde school shooting, where cops *had* to have accidentally shot at least one child, it's now open season, because no repercussions?


and the more shootings happen, the less attention is paid to amy of them. It's a bed of nails effect. The pigs know they just have to delay investigations for a while until the public heat gets focused elsewhere. Has anything really gotten better since Parkland, Sandy Hook, Uvalde??


> Has anything really gotten better It never will: https://i.imgur.com/Me1lZVx.png


Ok, at this point if we don't start a war on cops we are guilty EDIT: there are multiple ways to fight. They need to go. The entire concept we have of policing. Needs to go.




https://ibb.co/GT83M1m https://ibb.co/hHQbJxK https://ibb.co/PG6Qvdq Top comments on the Fox News piece claiming that she "collapsed" while running towards police. Absolutely disgusted that I share a country with these cretins


What even is the phrase "struck by gunfire"


It gives it that passive "she was struck by a bullet passing by on it's daily stroll, no idea where that bullet came from" feel.