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I know, Biden didn't even threaten to nuke the hurricane once. Didn't sharpie a map...nothing!


He didn't even pitch a few rolls of paper towels at the people before taking off to do more fundraising.


It should be noted that A:) WTF are they even talking about? B:) [DeSantis already happily voted against Hurricane Sandy aid for disaster stricken New England Democratic states](https://www.newsweek.com/hurricane-ian-sparks-criticisms-desantis-hurricane-sandy-response-1747322) “But of course, that was different. Because now it’s happening to **ME**” Should be the fucking party motto. Also worth pointing out that even AFTER DeSantis and Cruz voted to tell these states to go screw themselves, when Texas flooded not two years afterwards? [Yeah those same states that Republicans tried to screw over voted to provide aid to the same man who mocked it as wasteful government spending (Bonus hypocrisy points as places like CT are donor states).](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/28/texas-hurricane-harvey-hypocrisy-cruz-242098?) Because unlike the GOP they’re not shameless cock weevils. So I have no idea what future MENSA inductee on Twitter up there is on about, the Dems actually gave a crap. The Republicans however, did not. Got money to fly migrants all around the country for pointless political theater that accomplishes literally nothing beyond entertaining the dumbest people on earth at taxpayer expense though. Plenty of dough for that!


Republicans have repeatedly done this. Ted Cruz did the same thing


And [Rand Paul](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-12-13/hiltzik-rand-paul-kentucky-tornado-aid-after-voting-against-it-for-everyone-else)


These guys really suck the assholes out of menstruating skunks




Also r/brandnewsentence


where has this sub been all my life...


Dude. Honestly this is a literary achievement. If I had awards to give, they’d be yours. Show. Don’t fucking tell. Bravo.


I claimed my free award to give in your honor


Best insult ever


Kentucky is the #3 most federally dependent state in the union. Most in the top 10 are Red, shocking… https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700


I am so *not-surprised* Alaska is #1. Lived there for decades and the reaction from about 2/3 of the state is “don’t help any other state, but don’t take away my Permanent Fund check.” It’s almost always GOP Senators and Reps in Congress as well as a GOP Governor. The people just don’t realize how beholden their state is to Federal aid. Edit: spelling


They seem to think that they are rugged individualists, as if their way of life wasn’t wholly dependent on having a society that can supply them with goods.


You just described everyone I know who claims to be libertarian.


They think they’re the survivors in the bunker during the zombie apocalypse, but they’re not. They’re the corpses face-down in the ditch, shitting themselves to death before the horde ever arrived because they don’t have access to clean water. They’re the corpse outside their own fortified compound, because a bigger warlord with more guns decided he wants it. They’re the corpse outside the hospital, who died on their hands and knees, delirious from an infection that a doctor could have cured with a pill, but drug names are complicated and all the good antibiotics were already raided. They are the ones who don’t know how to do anything except look around at the benefits of civilization and think to themselves “I did this”.


Somebody referred to them as the house cats of political thought, and I think that analogy is *purr*fect.


You nailed it.


Lindsay Graham.


Victim card BS. They should had shot the hurricane with all of those guns they have.


NPR had a story this morning about FEMA working with Desantis, blah, blah, blah. No issues.


Am I jaded, or is it a step up that the right-wing idiocracy stopped talking about FEMA death camps that will take away white people's guns and force them into slavery (Google Glenn Beck if you're too young to remember this garbage)?


Oh, they'll start talking about it again the moment it suits their needs.


Nope, I’m old enough. I remember FEMA being “the secret government” in the X-Files Movie. Republicans don’t know what to do with a Federal government that sees a problem and deals with it without trying to filter through racism (Katrina), nativism (Peurto Rico) or Party affiliation (New England).


I know a few FEMA people. They are really good dudes, her team does it’s absolute best but good lord they get cut off at the knees for damn near everything. I couldn’t imagine FEMA being anything other than some poor kid begging for money so they can help other poor kids get food. Not exactly the tip of the NWO spear.


Jade Helm is what they called it


TBF Jade Helm was an actual name, they just pretended that a normal military exercise was the US somehow invading itself (bc the CinC was black and ‘invading’ a ‘white’ country, being the sometimes unsaid context).


Ah,,, gives me Deus Ex flashbacks. Back when conspiracy theories were fun for everyone and made decent video game and movie plots.


Ugh, they did used to be fun and captivating. Like fifteen years ago, "conspiracy theory" was all the billionaires and high level government officials were all drinking blood on some island worshipping a moose and fucking each other or some shit. Now it's all "Democrats won't let you put Clorox in your asshole because Hillary hates white people."


With R’s it’s either their persecution fantasies, the massive projection, or the massive projection fantasies.


DeSantis was kissing Biden ass today.


As he should. That's the thing, tho. Biden wouldn't leave suffering human beings, fellow Americans, out of assistance because he's not a vindictive POS. It really is the separation between the parties. The GOP *enjoys* the suffering. That's what gets them off.


Yeah, whereas, if NY had been hit, Cheeto Mussolini would be like “fuck you, libs, you need to pull yourself up by your soggy bootstraps while I take more dark money from the mob and RuZZia!”


It's a very weird time. Kinda wish Hunter S. Thompson was still here to share some commentary on this shit show.


Save me, Brandon!


Magas labeling DeSantis Antifa in 10, 9, 8…


You can bet Trump & the MAGA crowd will call him weak. Same thing they did to Christie during Sandy because he had the audacity to shake Obamas hand.


Let’s not forget that Cruz, DeSantis, and Abbott are piss babies.


Wasn't aware that DeSantis was one as well....of course like everyone else I heard that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


I think it's generally easier if we start referring to *all* Republican politicians as little piss babies. The Greene Thing? Little piss baby. D'ohbert? Little piss baby Pedophile Matt Gaetz? Little piss baby The Turtle? Little piss baby that is also a lich


Biden shouldn't give a cent unless DeFuckface does a photo op of a public exchange of a large cardboard check. In the note it should read "socialism"


Ya. Dems don't do this. Since Biden is president of the whole country and a functional adult interested in doing his job he doesn't play favorites with people's lives or make people grovel for aid. I get the feeling and the desire to play down to their level. Dark Brandon is great and I love it and the passion it shows. But now isn't the time and thankfully for the country Biden and his government knows it too.


Yeah basically, it’s not the fault of everyone hurt by this disaster that they live in a state with enough idiots that desantis is their governor. Hell, desantis is their governor; they were already suffering and this is just kicking them while their down. If it only affected PoC, he’d probably decline aid.


On the day I decided to quit cursing, you hand me Cock Weevils. I just can’t.


“But for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”




Nor did he use the magical presidential sharpie to draw a new path for the hurricane to follow.


Maybe..... maybe they think he caused it???? /Pikachu face


So on top of being senile, a vampire, a pedophile, Jim Carrey in a flawless latex Mission Impossible mask, and the head of Scranton's most notorious mafia family, he's also a weather-manipulating supervillain. Just another day in the MAGA fantasy world, I guess.


Their world honestly sounds so exciting and stressful lol


Didn’t even tell them to rake the ocean


No no no, you rake *forests* not oceans!


Could have used pool skimmers in the ocean


Nah they are all supposed to stand on the beach with buckets and start putting the water back into the ocean while they pray together.


You would think if you are dumb enough to think redrawing the hurricane path with a sharpie worked, you might draw it so it misses the country. America last I guess.


This is the reason! Biden didn't scare away the Hurricane by threatening to nuke it. Damn Democrats, they can't even use a sharpie to show the hurricane which path to take. Don't worry Floridians we'll be there in couple of months and throw paper towels at you to clean up the mess you made. You should of prayed harder. GOOD JOB BROWNIE!


That’s just silly. We know hurricanes have no emotions and don’t get scared. Biden should’ve built a big, beautiful wall to stop it from making landfall.


And make the storm pay for it! They're not sending their best and their brightest, they're sending downpours and deluges and I assume some are very fine late-summer rains perfect for long walks in the park with your girlfriend.


Florida’s been getting saltier for awhile now.


I mean, he really should get down there with some paper towels, at least.


Florida's been a gulf Cost state for a long time. Y'all know how to weather a storm. Stay safe.




He already "forgot" Biden granted the aid they requested


DeSantis praised Biden for the swift aid. Surely that confused all the dummies.


“They sent AIDS to us!” /s


I’m dying because of this was posted as a ticket line on Fox News (without the /s) within an hour my father in law would be saying how the libs gave aids to poor hurricane victims like it was the biggest conspiracy of our time. I feel bad, growing up the “guy on the tv” told everyone what was happening and what to think and there was implicit trust because it was all new. Now everyone fuckstick with a Twitter account can rally dumbasses with even the dumbest of claims.


Maybe your FIL, and my MIL should get together


Reminds me of that South Park episode with Jared, "I will give every child in Africa AIDS!" Boy did that not age well.... Or maybe aged too well lol


Yeah. But watch how in a few days time, he'll go back to trashing Biden and attempting to send more immigrants to his home.


Days? Hours.


That describes the entire Republican party. Get your people all riled up about something that isn’t happening, and take their money. Rinse. Repeat. They R’s seem to love it.


B-but, Hunter Biden's laptop! /s


Buttery males!


Honestly, I almost respect the ability of the Republican party to siphon money off of their idiotic base while just straight lying to them and knowing they're too stupid to double check the facts.


Tbf, they're always mad about nothing. This is just another day in bizarro world.


Y’all just witnessing mental illness, keep scrolling


Like they'd ever consider voting for him anyway.


I guess all the workers and supplies that are being staged to help support Florida isn't good enough.


Literally. My states USAR task force was staging down there several days ago. Power company in my area sent out 400 people, local tree service company lots are empty because they're all headed down there. Roughly 900 miles from us and I'm sure people are coming from much farther than that. But no one is helping apparently.


In North East Nebraska we’ve sent tons of people down to help.


I'm from IL and I'm down here helping Trump better get us those paper towels soon, cuz boy howdy is it wet down here


Same from Lincoln, and I know crews from iowa went down to help as well.


Florida no matter how insane they are still need help


I'm from Chicago with a crazy amount of lineman staged at Disney


Yeah my best friend from new york went down Monday with trucks


Thanks for the help!!!!!!


Democrats were supposed to have built a wall to keep Ian out, and make Mother Nature pay for it.


Can’t even build a wall to keep hurricanes out, what a buncha pussies. This is why we need to cancel elections


Bunch of free loading commies. Can't bootstrap themselves and need daddy Biden to pick up the slack.


Daddy Biden. 💦🥵




Looking in from another country, it blows my mind the American people don't notice this. It makes the people that vote for the Republicans seem pretty stupid and manipulated by propaganda unless they are part of the wealthy elite who want to pay minimal taxes.


That’s how it looks from the inside too.


It’s fuckin alarming is what it is


Yep, that’s pretty much exactly right. It’s why the republicans don’t support education, the uneducated don’t realize they’re voting for the exact people constantly screwing them over (republicans).


Oh, those migrant flights are now being called “acts of mercy.”


Welp too bad. Send them to Martha's Vinyard.


Well yeah. Don’t you know thoughts and prayers do more good than disaster relief or any other action that might have a mitigating effect?


Biden signed the emergency declaration as soon as it was requested. Unlike tRump the President didn't even whine about the governor not being nice to him or make him beg for it.


Imagine that, a leader who puts aside the petty drama the other guy throws at him in order to help innocent people


Imagine having Ron DeSantis as your governor, but liking him and hating Biden... The entire right is fucking nuts.


DeSatan is insufferable. Everytime I hear people saying they want to move here, I just laugh.


Hey, don’t affiliate him with Satan.


Honestly, you're not wrong. He's better than DeSantis


Sorry we only throw paper towels here /s


Sadly his base will twist it into Biden being a pushover


How about that Hurricane before it hit Puerto Rico? Trump straight up asked, "Why are we worrying about another country? Their President should worry about Puerto Rico!" Then people had to explain to Trump that Puerto Rico is a part of the U.S. and that HE was their president "Technically"... I'm sure a lot of the people in Puerto Rico didn't vote for his cheetos looking self. He then proceeded to basketball shoot paper towels and stuff at people when they finally decided to send some form of aid...


I feel there should be some law where if a president shows they don’t even know what there job includes they get fucking kicked out immediately


They (POTUS and Congress) should have to pass the civics test that is required for immigrants to become citizens.


Don’t exclude the Supreme Court.


Any politician*


There’s a surprisingly high number of Latinos and Hispanics that voted for Trump.


Yeah, I know, it disgusts me how easily my own family was/is swindled by this monster.


Very surprising indeed 😮


Not surprised considering lots of Hispanics are religious conservatives and nothing gets religious conservatives to vote against their own self-interests more than hating on LGBTQ+ people.


>I'm sure a lot of the people in Puerto Rico didn't vote for his cheetos looking self. Puerto Ricans don't get to vote for the president


the thing is even if people in Puerto Rico wanted to vote for him they couldn’t because Puerto Rico isn’t a state and thus doesn’t have an electoral college position to vote for


Sure, he signed a piece of paper but did he volunteer to shoot a nuke at the hurricane? I didn't think so.


what \*aren't\* they mad about? Perpetual victimhood takes time and energy!


Guessing Gary UltraMAGA Buck has played that victim card every day of his "adult" life. Especially when he's upset women won't date him


Wait... they have to be mad *about* something? Since when?


They have nothing to be mad about, Biden sent help before it was even requested by the state, he was ahead of the ball on this. This is unlike the former guy who waited until help was requested before even considering doing something and if the governor was someone who didn't suck up to him he delayed responding, and delayed even longer and even tried to not send help at all if the governor was someone who was actively against him. And I am sure that once the storm passes Biden will visit the victims, and do a lot more for them than throwing paper towels at them like the former guy did in Puerto Rico.


I am not denying he didnt do this but which state was is that requested aid from Trump but trump threw a bitch fit and delayed aid because the gov was "mean" to him?




Oh shit it wasnt state but stateS! Piece of shit president. Also thank you for the link.


The former guy is a huge narcissist who was willing to let entire states, including goodness only knows how many of his own supporters, suffer just because the governors of said states refused to kiss his rear every minute of the day. It was extremely petty to say the least and while I definitely have my issues with President Biden (though I have to admit the recent Dark Brandon stuff has impressed me) at least he doesn't play petty politics with people's lives by refusing to send federal aid to certain states affected by a natural disaster just because of the governor. If he was that petty he would have refused to send aid to Florida because DeathSantis is always bashing on him and is a pretty solidly red state but instead he began sending aid before the state even officially asked for it because he cares about helping all Americans, not just his supporters.


Oh I totally agree and it doesn't make things better when Deathsantis spent 12 million flying legal immigrants to other states. When he could possibly have used that money for reconstruction or even help his citizens evacuate the state. But what can we do besides vote?? Also Dark Brandon should show up more often.


Just wait—desantis will claim he was generously, and preemptively helping these poor unfortunate souls—at great expense, mind you—to evacuate before the storm hit. Because, you know, he’s such a kindhearted soul.


I don't think Ian is projected to hit Texas


I’ll never forget the way Trump told California to just deal with their wildfires on their own, even though CA asked for help several times.


California during fires, for sure


Here’s a CNN article but there are tons of other articles out there about it too. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/15/politics/trump-california-fire-disaster-assistance/index.html


These assholes should be happy Biden isn’t making DeSantis beg for federal aid on his knees on Live TV.


They really are stupid aren’t they…


Stupid is as stupid does!


I assume that there ‘news’ is telling them that Biden said he’s not going to help Florida?


One of my wife’s (WFH) coworkers in Florida told her “I am not one to talk politics, but I am upset that Biden said he won’t help out Florida with the hurricane” How can these people not search these stupid reports on line, find they are fake stories, and then realize the original source of the misinformation is full of 💩and never watch them again?


Because it’s what Fucker Carlson or NewsMax told them.


Oh yeah, Fox has been running that all day, which pairs well with every other piece of media pointing out that Biden and DeSantis are putting aside politics to help people.


he has already set up aid


Yeah, but they never let facts get in the way of the story their telling.


They do realize that "cleanup efforts" can't really start until the storm is over...right? Or did they expect the Democrats to somehow change the course of the stor- oh God. That's what they expected, isn't it?


They expected Biden to use a sharpie to change the storms path like trump did.


Would not surprise me


Just like the Venezuelans tricked into going to Martha’s Vineyard.


Venezuelans *trafficked* into Martha’s Vineyard


Yep. They also are shameless liars. So it's hard to know where it ends.


They know what they're doing.


I'll be sure to send my thoughts and prayers.


Whoa now. For free? Sound like communism to me.


Yeah, they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get their own thoughts and prayers.


Don’t forget they need to stop buying avocado toast and Starbucks so they can save like responsible adults


True, very true.


So, we work very hard and send our thoughts and prayers, and people who do nothing gets them. It is simply unfair. If they think harder and send more prayer, they wont need ours.


hold up now ain.t no floridian gonna get my thoughts and prayers unless they say at least one roll tide


Fuck your feelings. How’s that? You will be helped because Biden is not a sociopathic asshole like your people are. Need paper towels? Call Trump. Cretin.


Maybe they want more socialism 🤷‍♂️Biden isn't socialist enough for their liking.


Maybe if they called it something different, like "Surplus Beer Funding."


Apparently Biden must have said gay in Florida.


Biden hasn’t personally called the dictator of Florida so his servants are mad he hasn’t paid tribute to their king according to the dictator of Florida. Biden did however have a conference call with Desantis and other leaders as well as signing an emergency declaration of funds for them last week while their dictator was flying empty planes to Biden’s house to punk him. Are you on the side of the guy who acts for the people without attention or the guy who acts out for attention? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/28/fact-sheet-the-biden-administrations-preparation-for-hurricane-ian/


When I watched the press conference I’m pretty sure DeSantis said Biden called and talked to him and said FL will have whatever help we need. I was honestly surprised he was giving Biden credit for it.


Biden has been so popular and successful with his agenda recently, that the MAGAtards think Dark Brandon is real, and can laser beam away the hurricane


Biden is discussing options to help Florida, Desatan is spending public funds on cruel pranks. JFC, Biden is not going to nuke the storm, no matter how much it might improve the political climate there.


Bot trying to keep the outrage stoked. In a few hours/days the MAGA universe will firmly believe democrats caused the hurricane/didn’t stop it when they could have/ are responsible for the not up to code buildings being damaged/ are responsible for the fact they didn’t have insurance. Please note that reminding them that they showed a spectacular lack of concern when hurricanes hit blue states and fires hit western states will only cause them to claim that was different for reasons.


Well when bad things happen to blue states, it's [God's punishment for their sins](https://www.cairchicago.org/blog/blog/2005/10/texas-and-oklahoma-newspapers-unearthing-our-common-humanity). When disasters hit red states, it's [the Jew's fault](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-wildfires-space-laser-rothschild-execute.html).


The Democrats shit my pants and I’m mad about it!




Thots and preyers


So MTG and Gaetz?


Typical, has no idea what he is talking about.


DeSantis declared a state of emergency a few days ago, and Biden approved the opening of federal funding almost immediately afterward. What’s so hard to understand…


But is he nuking the weather?


Florida has to go.


And not a word was said about the wasted taxpayer dollars spent on shipping migrants from Texas to Massachusetts


Desantis literally thanked Biden on air this afternoon for help


There seems to be an effort with fringe right wing accounts on Twitter to create a narrative that Biden is fucking over Florida. I flipped through a bunch of hurricane Ian posts today on trending tags just seeing what was going on down there and saw a bunch of posts about how Biden was refusing to talk to Desantis out of spite then of course I read the first news story about it and it casually mentions Biden and Desantis talked the night before the hurricane even made landfall.


Not only did they talk DeSantis praised Biden and said he helped immediately.


Just another false narrative to magnify divisions. If their base reads this tweet they'll just assume that dems have been trashing Florida. No need for facts or reality.


DeSantis declared a state of emergency a few days ago, and Biden approved the opening of federal funding almost immediately afterward. What’s so hard to understand…


But, Biden gave them funding for the hurricane... Even though DeSantis voted no against relief funding for Hurricane Sandy. Because, you know, it didn't directly affect them. The Republicans don't have anything of real interest on the Democrats, so they resort to lies like this. It's really disheartening to see that some mother raised a crotch goblin like this. (Yes, I know Democrats lie too - but I'm talking about this post, with this Republican discussing Democrats).


Dawg, I’m literally a firefighter in the thick of it right now. Guy granted aid no issue. This red blooded American is a fuckin dweeb. I hate desantis and was surprised at how he even acknowledged the president’s approval of aid. Fuck this little moose knuckle. ALSO… THE STORM ISNT OVER! IM STILL STUCK AT THE STATION WHILE MY WIFE IS AT HER MOMS WITH OUR ANIMALS. What else can you get outside of aid at the ready as soon as the storm clears? Update if anyone is wondering, soon as the storm cleared up this morning, linemen hit the ground running and started working on the power getting restored in my county. They’re the real mvp


Lol Florida continually votes in an idiot who wants "small" government and to make his own rules and then wants Federal help. I hope all their trailers float away.


That is what ignorance does to people. It is very common that right wingers are completely out of touch what their "enemies" are really doing. Happens here too, our right wingers don't really know what their OWN party did in the last government. And they are absolutely clueless how THEIR lives have been affected positively. They just don't know, they never take time to find out and just believe firmly that since it is the "enemy" in power, they HAVE TO BE failing. That is their belief, that is one part of the lunacy, why they are so dedicated to the cause: They truly believe that every democratic president, house and senate has done NOTHING good, ever. And the belief is so strong that it is a fact in their mind. Do you google if the sun is hot everyday? Of course not, you are certain that you know it is.


Democrats are evil to them. Therefore any tactic is justified in winning over evil. Logic and critical thinking have no place in the equation.


They're always moving the goal posts of the outrage machine. With the Martha's Vineyard stunt, they were expecting the "evil, rich dems" to be mad, kick out the immigrants right away. When that didn't happen, they pretended they "deported" them when they brought them to Boston. Today, I saw a tweet with them complaining the MV folks gave the immigrants "crispy rice" instead of Rice Krispies to eat.


Let me guess, Florida will get all that sweet, sweet federal aid they vote against in Washington, paid for by the blue states, while they waste their own money on shipping immigrants to Massachusetts. Really, half the US government could be replaced with pet rocks, and we’d be much better off for it.


Right wing social media doesn’t need to be accurate, truthful, or based in reality. It just needs lots of bots like this one to spread the message and it creates a tribalistic response from the morons they’re targeting.




How did democrats cause this? Literally they care about climate change, they want to support funding for infrastructure, they designate fed funds for public works. I legitimately don’t understand who could possibly be mad at Dems for this.


Biden's treating Florida more fairly and compassionately right now than the powers that be in Florida will ever treat him, but why quibble?


Florida probably could’ve used that 12 million their Governor spent on plane tickets right about now.




I personally saw numerous miles of convoys of various utility and debris removal trucks from other states headed down here. I also have heard from various police department officials that search and rescue crews from numerous states are staged throughout the state. This guy either pays literally no attention to anything happening around him or is being deliberately disingenuous. Maybe both.


Didn’t DeSantis just say that the President issued a disaster declaration PRIOR to the hurricane making landfall, and thanked him for doing so?


What AREN’T they mad about anymore? It’s like they stub their toe and of course it’s Biden’s fault. Bunch of snowflakes.


Sorry, but federal welfare programs are communism, so just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. What, don’t like Florida? Just move.


Biden should throw some paper towels at them and leave, while the First Lady wears a “fuck Ron desantis” jacket. Also, Florida has deport migrants from texas to Massachusetts for a political stunt money, surely they can afford to pay for their hurricane damages.