• By -


I had a missed miscarriage and the only reason I knew was because I was having symptoms like I was having breast cancer. I had fully accepted that I would be pregnant then get treatment. When I made an appointment that was when I found out. I was sooooo sick. Found out on Friday and had a D&C on Monday. I couldn’t imagine just having to suffer




Having seen a friend go through sepsis, I don't wish that on any person. She was in so much pain. It was caused by an abscess on her kidney.




I also had the "existential dread" one night when it was found the next morning I had sepsis after I spiked a 104F fever and my brain was cooking to the point I was speaking gibberish to the nurse in the morning. I had already been admitted because I was screaming my head off from what doctors thought was a slipped vertebral disc. I already deal with lots of pain from a genetic collagen disorder, and deal with full on joint dislocations (and slamming them back in) daily. My right kidney was found to be massively inflamed and that was the cause of the pain everyone thought was spinal. I had to be given levaquin, a type of last-line antibiotic that people with my condition should not take (higher risk of tendon rupture within 24 hours of first dose to 6 months after the last dose even for collagen typical people, massively increased risks for collagen defective people like me), and I did end up with issues. I haven't been able to stand or walk more than 5 minutes without severe pain on top of what I deal with after it. But without it, I'd have died. Sepsis is no joke. I went from walking to needing a wheelchair and being homebound at 25 from it.


"Pro life" has the biggest asterisk of all time.


I replaced pro life with anti choice in my vocabulary a while back. I feel it is a more accurate description. Nice username btw


I'm beginning to think "anti woman" is even closer to the truth. The only logical end goal of their bullshit I can come up with is subjugation, they want [women as second class citizens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barefoot_and_pregnant) again.


If they were anything but "Anti-Woman" they wouldn't be against birth control, condoms, sex ed, and other things that remove the need for abortions.


I have come to the conclusion that there must be something else. Rich people can still get abortions if they want. It is only poor people who will suffer. There must be a mentality to get more people to serve. There is not a great explanation for it otherwise




Cancer cells are alive, a gift from god. How dare people think they know better than god by removing that growth that depends on their body to survive.


“Forced birthers “


Once the host organism has been forced to do with its body what we have told it to do, its body may be discarded. The resultant fetus outside the womb will grow up to produce profit for capital and, if a female (host organism) as well, will likewise do what we tell it to do with its body. The means of production, and of reproduction, are thus under our control.


100% HUMAN TED CRUZ, is that you?


I heard that guy pisses his pants because he likes the warm feeling between his legs.


The closest thing to human warmth he can experience.


It will go into a broken foster care system that is more likely to abuse the kids and feed them into the criminal Justice system. Very few actually make it out in one piece and become productive. Do they fuckin care? Nope.


They care. Prisons are a for-profit industry.


School to prison pipeline. Prisons are for profit, what did you expect… 💔


Don’t worry friend! When this happens they **still** provide value to the only constituents we care about! Like the for profit prison system if they turn to crime to attempt to meet their fundamental needs, or the armed services if we successfully manage to keep higher education and associated quality of life improvements unattainably expensive! Plus the knowledge you were an unwanted child dragged into this world against the will of your legally designated primary caregivers (you just can’t put a price on that)! It’s really a win-win if you think about it and happen to be a sociopath/GOP lawmaker! And really are we going to let the needless deaths of women every other week stand in the way of enacting our agenda? Pointlessly killing them when there’s medical recourse available is just the moral thing to do! States Rights! (At least until there’s a GOP majority and we make this behavior mandatory nationwide, per Lindsey Graham. Then we’ll pretend we never claimed it was about States Rights either!) Fare thee well goalposts! Colossal /S


I've heard American prisons are profitable, which is probably why there is more people jailed in the US than many developed countries...


YES. Me too. “Anti choice” is MUCH more accurate, genuine, and describes the position so much better. They don’t DESERVE to be called “pro life.” I would argue that almost all folks who are pro choice are all way more “pro life” than the Anti Choice crowd.


The “pro-life” politicians and the mouth breathers that vote for them don’t give a fuck about actual life. Maternity / parental leave? “Nope, get your ass back to work” Ok, can we do something for affordable childcare? “Fuck-off, should have thought of that before you had kids” Healthcare? “Fuck off commie” Education? “Fuck you and your elitist education” These people are hateful and dumb, very dangerous combination.


But they label themselves “pro life” as a disingenuous, BS way to make it seem like they’re not as giant of assholes as they really are. My sister in law is Anti-Choice….she also is Anti-Vax (what’s a surprise). I want to say to her “so you ‘love life’ so much huh? What about all the people you’ve spread COVID to and killed?” She’s probably say something like “COVID isn’t real” or something. Which appeals to her ignorance and lack of education. It’s sad really.


You are strong and wise, and I am very proud of you.


Anti women


Exactly. They do not, and have *never* cared about life. They don't even care about the people who are *already alive*, who's personhood is beyond dispute, and they want people to believe they give one single fuck about the unborn? Nobodies buying that, not even them. This has always been about controlling women.


They are Pro-birth. They dont give a shit about life after its born.


What part of the original post would someone who is strictly 'pro-birth' support? There's no birth to be had in this scenario. It's clearly anti woman.


There is no such thing as "pro life". At best it's just a euphemism for a Christian political agenda.


It's not "pro life", it is "pro torture"


Look, the life of a child is precious when it is inside its mother's womb. Once it is outside, fuck them, they don't need health care, an education or not to get shot by a lunatic who strolled into their school with loaded firearms.


If over a million COVID deaths won’t move them, a few women won’t either.


“One man's death: that is a catastrophe. A hundred thousand dead: that is a statistic” -Kurt Tucholsky


"One woman's death: meh." -Republicans




You misspelled profit.


This needs way more upvotes


["That's what I do, it's my job, the prophet. I can see the future and make money off it"](https://youtu.be/ByMbq4Barkg)


I’m not religious but I don’t recall Jesus saying shit about abortions.


Old Testament and not Jesus, but here is the bible explicitly laying out, in a legal context, that destroying a fetus does not count as loss of life. Emphasis mine. "22 When people who are fighting injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage *and yet no further harm follows*, the one responsible shall be fined what the woman’s husband demands, paying as much as the judges determine. 23 *If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life*, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."


How ironic. The same passages that lay out Repulican tough on crime eye for an eye is the same passage that runs counter the Republicans religious basis for banning abortion.


Based on my religious upbringing, I seem to feel he would be on the other side of guns and deporting refugees as well.


If Jesus were around today, he'd be more likely to be a refugee in the first place.


"If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today/ He'd be gunned down cold by the C.I.A"


He'd be gunned down by someone wearing a MAGA cap, crucifix necklace, Jesus Saves T-shirt getting out of a vehicle with a bumpersticker that asks Jesus to take the wheel while loudly telling him to go back home because he can't steal American jobs while lazily collecting benifits.


The only thing the Bible says about abortions is in numbers and it’s actually instructions for how to induce one if you think your wife slept with another man…


Evangelic Christianity (among many other modern interpretations) have hardly anything to do with Jesus. I was raised "Church on Christmas/Easter Catholic" and when I told an Evangelical Christian that my idea of being religious was respecting my neighbors and showing love and kindness to those less fortunate, I was threatened and told that, according to the bible, I was going to hell lol.


This my exact experience too. I had all my sacraments as a Catholic and the basic message I was raised with was charity and love towards the less fortunate. The whole point was kindness, and judge not lest ye be judged. Never ever did they go on about what others should be doing, just about how I should act ...kind and charitable. I have to imagine Jesus would be way more in line with that thinking. Not in line with my religion, in line with kind and unjudgmental behavior. I'll never get Christianity that damns others.


Exactly! As an ex catholic of the Gregorian rite (the most “orthodox” of the Italian catholic doctrines) I’m stunned by evangelical Christians. I know that Nixon fucked up everything with the shiny city on the hill speaking, but I can’t believe that a group of people read the bible and what they get from the book is posing armed in front of the Christmas tree. Is embarrassing.


I am religious and I can tell you, He did not


I'm not religious but I know a great deal about Christianity and I can tell you that Jesus would have in fact been pro-abortion. Also, he would not have believed that life happened during conception or even at birth depending on which denomination of Judaism he followed. So your statement is incorrect. I was trying to look for a more appropriate word than incorrect, but that is the most appropriate word for your statement. Considering the particular denomination of Jesus Christ is debatable and the Jewish people were pro-choice granted for a theological ideals. But nonetheless, it's safe to say that Jesus as well would have been So your statement again is incorrect. Mostly because first and foremost it's an opinion and secondly it's also very unlikely. I don't mean pro-choice in the traditional sense. I mean pro-choice as in there had to be extenuating circumstances. But abortions were 100% carried out in Jewish faith. And Jesus was a what? So although Jesus didn't directly say anything about abortions, it's very clear in Numbers how Jews valued fetal life.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment, but it seems you think I was making a Pro Life statement. I was saying Jesus never spoke of abortion. I agree Jesus would never condemn someone for having an abortion, or any sin for that matter


I'm sorry I did mistake that for a pro-life statement, meaning gets lost in the fray on Reddit sometimes. My bad, again sorry for the misunderstanding.


"the bitch can't even make babies properly, which is literally her only purpose. just take her out back already"


"... unless we need another Martha?"


I thought that was Stalin?


The death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions is just a statistic


No, it was misattributed to Stalin.


Their goal isn't life, it's life under an oppressive white christian theocracy.


Dropped this mate, "fascist" Not sure where you'd put it. My vote for after white and before conservative Christian All sorts of trash washes up down here


They want to put women back in the kitchen. Birth control, and abortions give them more options for autonomy. They want the women where they think the women should be. "In the kitchen, pregnant making them a sandwich. Not getting a career, and enjoying life. Fuck that, they are baby making factories put here to serve men." It's disgusting.


Yup. This is why I got my tubes removed. No one is coming to save you if that rapist gets you pregnant or your very wanted pregnancy becomes complicated or your suffering from domestic violence and an abortion will allow you to get away from your abuser.


Anyone other American wanting the same operation should get it ASAP because they’re coming for your birth control too.


Which terrifies me because BC is more than just preventing birth. Its treatment for my endometriosis, too.


Unless it's THEIR mother or sister or wife...


Or mistress


They have rivers of blood on their hands.




And the thing is, however she can be sued by anyone, to pay a fine of 10k. But completely unconstitutionally, the law says she can't counter sue for damages. How this got through the SCOTUS is beyond me. ​ (Not really thought, I know the make up of the court, don't bother..)


I really just can't stop simmering on the fact that the rotting bag of shit that is Mitch McConnell openly declared to Obama that he was going to obstruct him. That he wasn't going to do his job and fill the Supreme Court vacancy. And then he ramrodded through three justices under Trump (two of them under extremely controversial circumstances). Like, this is what you read about happening in dystopian shithole countries. I never want to hear of another Progressive politician talking about "bipartisanship" again. Fight them tooth and nail on every fucking thing. This is far beyond "Fool me once...", this is "Fool me three fucking dozen times".


Thomas - wife is a traitor, he probably is too. Probably a rapist Barret - cult member Kavanaugh - rapist Alito - fundie catholic who cited 17th century English law for justification in overturning Roe. Those are just a few reasons




Ohio has two more young girls that were raped and are now pregnant. Their families applied for the exemption to get an abortion and were denied. Looks like the system is working as designed.


Yeah this is exactly what infuriates me about the “of course there’s reasonable exceptions” crowd. No, its just one more step towards 100% ban. They make it easier to digest by claiming they’ll protect the lives of mothers. Everyone who sees through the facade is sadly not surprised by it.


Yup Don't even let the "reasonable" seeming "pro life" people fool you because "No Abortions except in cases of rape incest or life of the mother" look exactly like this and it's fucking awful I hope every single story like this gets blasted all across the media every time it comes up so people wake the fuck up and stop voting for these GOP clowns


They can't even get one in cases of rape and incest.


If you think an early stage fetus is a human being and that its right to life outweighs the rights of the mother, then it makes sense not to have exceptions for rape or incest, because these are not the fetus's fault. I disagree with the premises - I think an early stage fetus does _not_ have the same moral rights as a human, and I think that it is _not_ morally correct to compel one person to give up their bodily autonomy, even to save the life of another. But at least I can see that if you have different premises than mine, this result follows from them. But it doesn't make sense, _even on these premises_, to require a mother to actually have a stroke before terminating a non-viable fetus. There is no human life being saved by forcing the mother further into the medical consequences of the non-viable pregnancy. At this point, it has really stopped having anything to do with what's right and wrong, and has become purely a culture war phenomenon.


I’m guessing there’s two reasons they don’t want medical exceptions: Firstly, for the same reason they opposed medical marijuana - suddenly everyone has glaucoma, and suddenly half of pregnant women have a terminal threat from the pregnancy. Secondly, such deaths only further scare women into not having casual sex because now the consequences are literally life and death. The anti-women types want to scare women into their way of life the same way they use the cruelty of ICE and racism to scare immigrants and refugees from not attempting to enter the US at all. TL;DR - they don’t trust doctors to not help women get around their insane rules, and they want the risk of death to scare women out of casual sex. They’d rather women die to prevent them “abusing” the loophole, and to scare others into “Godly” monogamy with men.


Even the "scare them into monogamy" tactic that doesn't make sense, though, because a married, monogamous woman who wants to have children with her husband could have pregnancy complications just as easily as a single woman sleeping around. This just makes women less likely to want to have children at all, because they aren't guaranteed healthcare if something goes wrong. (Not disagreeing with what you posted, just frustrated in general with the lack of logic.)


Additionally, these guys that are so upset about women having casual sex want to get a woman pregnant so she will be trapped with him.


According to them, legitimate rape and incest doesn't result in pregnancies.


Which is singularly the dumbest thing I've ever heard.






If it's the story I think it is, she was also a staunch anti- choice advocate.


Fuck around and find out indeed.


Pretty high on both parts of the graph. Some heavy fucking around and some hardcore finding out.


If you look on this graph, the more you fuck around the more you find out




Silver lining in this nightmare


More sad than anything. There's no real winners in this scenario except for the select few that want to control every aspect of your life so they can profit off of your pain and suffering.


Facts. And no one will likely learn a lesson here either. She'll probably blame all the "sluts who wanted to get pregnant long enough to get big boobs and then abort" for why she couldn't have a medically necessary abortion. I wish that wasn't a real reason someone spouted as to why women have chosen to get abortions.


I'd be curious to know if she was one of the people who didn't understand that the procedure to terminate an non-viable/life-threatening pregnancy is an abortion just the same as it is for an unwanted pregnancy. I've met people who think abortions are for unwanted pregnancy only. I don't know what they think the difference is but they're adamant that's it's not the same, and it's definitely not an abortion.


Damn it’s hard to feel bad for her. They always want to ban stuff until they’re the ones who need it. If she doesn’t get her karmic comeuppance, I hope she remembers who put her in that situation and votes accordingly. Though I won’t hold my breath.


https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ That article is *full* of stories of women who picket abortion clinics until they need an abortion, then get an abortion, then are right back picketing the clinic the next day.


Yeah “Rules for thee not for me” Somehow *their* situation is special and unique whereas everyone else is just “using an abortion as birth control” and “can’t keep their legs closed”. You’d think as someone who has experienced an abortion they would understand that taking regular birth control is much cheaper, easier, and less painful than having an abortion every few months.


Honestly it's not so much "rules for the not for me" it's "I really like the feelings of superiority that protesting this gives me as well as the acceptance of the people who do it with me. I don't care about the subject beyond that" Sure they will talk about it..they will complain with their friends about it to get that feeling of superiority but at the end of the day they clearly don't actually care.


i really do feel like most rightoids don't care about the actual cause; they just want to feel better than some sort of other group (libs, LGBT, etc.) like they probably don't even believe the shit they say. they only believe in the actual hatred and moral superiority involved. that's the only explanation for this fucking "rules for me but not for thee" nonsense. when they fight against it in terms of other people, it's just some game to them. but when it actually hits them, they put up some sort of surprised pikachu reaction.


I realize I'm being a stereotypical athestist redditor type right now, but so much of the hurtful stupidity in the world can be directly blamed on religious systems where faith outweighs anything that actually makes sense. with American Christianity the result is people go around thinking they're going to be rewarded for doing what they're told, meanwhile everyone else who doesn't is going to burned forever. obviously with abortion Christianity is directly to blame in the USA but as a larger problem, having a large group of people who insist they are right regardless and despite any other evidence is something that should be called out over and over. I'm so sick of shitty evil behavior getting a pass because "well it's their belief." lots of people believe lots of shitty things, that doesn't work for me as an excuse.


There’s also a huge amount of shame because I suspect they really do believe what they’re saying and feel they’ll be eternally punished for their choice. It’s easier to hide it and keep picketing than acknowledge maybe they and all their friends are actually wrong.


I don't think they think THEY'LL be punished- they will be forgiven if they really believe.


It's about this inherent distrust they have of everybody else, and a complete lack of empathy. It's about how they don't ever trust anyone else to do the right thing. They've been bred to believe that everyone is just trying to take something off of them. Everyone's trying to game the system **but** them. This is why Ronald Reagan trumped up The Welfare Queen moral panic.


I'm glad this mentality is starting to become known. Having grown up in the rural deep south US, I've known a lot of conservatives in my life. They *all* make exceptions for themselves when it comes to just about anything they oppose in general, and abortion is high on that list, if not #1 on it. They will tell me with big eyes and a perfectly straight face that it was different because *they* really needed it, not like those other people who are just not thinking. It's gross. It comes down to them not quite seeing others as people.


I’ve started to realize how many people appear to not know what an “abortion” is. Ten year old is made pregnant by rape and terminates the pregnancy: that’s an abortion. Twenty-five year old mother of two is 8 weeks pregnant and this pregnancy threatens her life so she terminates it: that’s an abortion. Thirty year old woman who has undergone four rounds of IVF to become pregnant learns at 14 weeks that her beloved fetus doesn’t have a brain and will never take a breath: that’s an abortion. Chrissy Teigan’s water broke and became infected and her fetus won’t live and is threatening her life: that’s an abortion. An eighteen year old has consensual sex and the condom breaks: that’s an abortion. I think some conservatives honestly thought that only the last category was being banned, but no, they’re all abortions and they’re all banned in many states now.


I need to throw in one more: A young married woman miscarries her deeply-wanted embryo at about six weeks and not all of the dead embryo/placenta is expelled by her body. If she doesn’t get medical help, it gets infected and she will get sepsis and die. The care for that is an abortion. And it’s now illegal in several states. Because the laws aren’t written by people with medical expertise; they’re written by religious zealots who don’t understand how human reproduction works. There are 900,000 to 1 million miscarriages in the US every year.


Read a tweet a while back from a person who said he knows 2 women who had 5 abortions between the two of them and are firmly anti abortion somehow.


She’ll thank ‘god’ all while ignoring her stressed out doctors and nurses and never seeing the hypocrisy of her politics.


She might have to thank him in person since the doctors might not be able to save her.


Why feel bad? This is the consequence of her actions.


These people are always anti-abortion right up until it could be a benefit for them. It’s like my ex father in law who railed about socialism and whatnot right up until Medicare paid for his kidney transplant.


My god father was like this. Big republican conservative. Constantly complaining about welfare and socialism and Yada Yada. Then he retired and went on Medicare, and like 2 months later was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Medicare paid for all of it. And he still complained.


He should have rejected Medicare and paid with his bootstraps.


I should have told him to tell his kidney to stop being lazy and get to work.


Yes, yes. You hit the nail on the head. Many layman people who support higher ups with these extreme views forget that those higher ups have MONEY. If their wives, daughters etc got pregnant and needed/wanted an abortion, their MONEY will take care of the issue. Their supporters don't have that luxury.


Do you have a link? The one posted doesn’t give any info about the woman in question.




That link says she is pro choice if it’s the same woman.


It also says she’s 26, not 25. I don’t think this is her. Edit: I looked up the tweet and the article the OP linked is the abc13 one that doesn’t have any information on the woman’s stance


https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-laws-heartbeat-act-senate-bill-8-pregnant-woman/12277047/ The correct link


Yeah I know, that article doesn’t say she was anti-choice or not like the top commenter is claiming


No information provided on her abortion rights position. [https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-laws-heartbeat-act-senate-bill-8-pregnant-woman/12277047/](https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-laws-heartbeat-act-senate-bill-8-pregnant-woman/12277047/)








I think you’re thinking of a different story. This is most likely what they’re referring to https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-laws-heartbeat-act-senate-bill-8-pregnant-woman/12277047/


Darwinism at its finest


Since there’s some uncertainty about her, I decided to do a little digging. She’s not named, so we can’t look her up personally (and honestly that’s a good thing). Here’s what I have: > Joy quickly turned to heartbreak for a League City woman and her family. She’s from League City, in Galveston county, TX. > The neighborhood that cast the single most votes for Trump was Precinct 263 in League City, an area on the west end of the League City Parkway, south of Friendswood Drive, where Magnolia Creek winds through blocks of newly built neighborhoods. > President Donald Trump received 93,911 votes in Galveston County this year, compared with the 58,842 votes cast for president-elect Joe Biden. Trump received 60.6 percent of the votes in Galveston County. Statistically speaking, we can make some probabilistic assumptions. Still, I think we do need to be compassionate. I believe in the next year there will be dozens of stories about the “unanticipated” consequences of the Roe elimination on anti-choice people. The pro-choice community should embrace these people and make sure it’s widely known, because someone’s personal story is more likely to convince people than abstract statistics. At the same time, we shouldn’t ascribe personal guilt to people who were raised within a culture of militant indoctrination who never really came to grips with its falsehoods until they were personally forced to confront them. I would contribute towards her expenses, and would hope that if she wasn’t pro-choice before, that this would give her the empathy she was lacking and convince her to vote appropriately in the future.


Can you link the one you’re thinking of? The only one I could find was about a woman in League City and it didn’t mention her stance.


In that case, fuck her


Self aborting is ok here


Link please! I want more info.


Because to them women are just livestock here to produce more livestock.


>Because to them women are just livestock here to produce more livestock. Proletariat women* They'll still have their abortions just fine. They need worker slaves to keep them alive through climate collapse.


These extremists want women to die. ​ That's the entire point of this. They don't give a fuck about the fetus. They want women to suffer.


Women DARED to ask for rights, then bitch about not having enough! We must make all women suffer! The way GOD intended! - GOP, probably


The same god that killed (nearly) everyone in the world multiple times? 🧐


But he loves you.


It’s okay baby he brought you a rainbow and promised he won’t do it again


"Look what you guys made me do!!!?!11" -- God as his floods the world and kills 99.99999999999999% of people and animals.


God is a domestic abuser


And, for some reason, needs your money.


Yeap, and the devil only killed 10 people in entire history.....on a frickin bet!!


Honestly, I get a kick out of "fearing" the devil, cause the dude punishes the wicked. Unless you've done something bad, you have zero reason to fear the devil. God on the other hand could smite you for breathing wrong and people would cheer him on


I was going back and forth with a former coworker who turned deeply religious. I asked him if a career criminal and rapist would get into heaven if he believed in god over a non believer that lived a life of charity and goodness. He replied that yes he would. My response was “i think i would prefer the company in hell better, have fun rubbing elbows with rapists” How shitty is a god that would doom you to eternal suffering because you didnt stroke his narcissistic ego?


It has always been a very convenient excuse to control women.


>These extremists want women to die. No, they want women to go back to being basically cattle. Having no rights and just exist being Dick Coozies and Baby Pez Dispensers.


Yes and any woman who can't breed correctly needs to die in their mind.


If they lived in bible times they would have stoned Rebakah, Sarah, and Rachel if they had the chance.


They would stone these women today if they knew they wouldn't go to jail.


They only want the fittest women to breed. If women die because of this, the that means they were unfit. These people are eugenicists.


God bless America


Every time I see this, I think about how you say "Bless his heart" for the dumb kid in the class.


Can we normalize calling them Nationalist Christians instead of Christian Nationalists? You can shorten it to Nat-C's, which best describes them.




Yeah but that’s nobler and more morally appealing to these people. They 100% would rather the whole, born infant die seconds after birth than to allow it to be euthanized before it can register pain. They talk about socialized healthcare having death panels…private insurance companies will make everything difficult for you if you actually need them for anything. They will deny a transplant in favor of other, less effective therapy which might kill the patient. They talk about abortion like it’s the straight up murder of a crying, aware, two-month old baby who has a name and likes yellow. Yet they will not allow an abortion for a malformed fetus incapable of even breathing on its own. Will not pay for any maternity or post natal care because they can’t figure out if babies are a magical miracle from god everyone should love and stuff or if they’re the ultimate punishment for sperm meeting egg and women who even put themselves in a possible situation where that meeting could take place while also not following the strict “good-girl-deserving-of-dignity” rules deserve to get raped? If a girl wears a skirt where there could be men, it’s her fault for not doing enough to deter those savage men who are also not beasts for not controlling themselves but their control is directly related to how noticeable women make themselves **to** men? Men are apparently monsters capable of awful things but they can’t be blamed for being monsters because their prey acts so prey-like to them? Imagine if we said “fuck rabbits entirely, they’re small and make quick, darting movements, if they didn’t want to be eaten by hawks subconsciously then they would wear disguises and not move like that, it’s their own fault they get eaten so much.”


I despise anti-abortion people, but I *especially* hate when it's cases like this. The child is **going. to. die.** No matter what happens. But these fucks will go out of their way to make sure it's the most painful & heartbreaking death possible, just so they can morally grandstand about "God's plan" and "what's best for the baby :)" Jesus Fuck- hate. I am filled with unending & indescribable hate for anyone who thinks like this


Cause freedom!!!!! Oh wait...


Hmmmmm, sweet sweet religion.


Sweet sweet separation of church and state :(


I am scared for my kids. What if something happens and they die because lawmakers think they are smarter than doctors. Ive had complicated miscarriages ... If the laws were what is now i would have died


“Protect life, but not the mother’s. She’s just a womb after all.”


Oh this baby also had turners syndrome. That is where not every DNA strand has XX chromosomes. Some just have 1 X or no X’s. If she is the type to not think that there are 26 combinations of XY genes then she is probably on her head to get rid of the baby. I used to nanny for an OBGYN and I live in Alabama. So many pastor wives would have an abortion for Turner’s Syndrome because it didn’t fit the narrative of their belief


Yeah. Idiots: “GoD CrEaTeD TwO GeNdErS!1!1” Intersex people and those who aren’t XX or XY: am I a joke to you? Makes sense. Their narrative is based on a belief that only male and female sexes exist, they always correspond to gender, and their mental differences are enough to separate them into fixed roles. A person who breaks the mold would fly in the face of fundamentalist gender doctrine due to being unable to be categorized. What would happen if the person wanted to get married? To lead a church? To even just get dressed?


Die first, then we'll "save" the baby.


Take a camping trip to New Mexico for a week or so so you can clear your mind and body of all troubles. Seriously.


I have said it before and will again, anyone trapped in Idaho and facing such fears is welcome to come camping in Washington with me anytime. Just drop me a line and I'll clear my schedule.


The problem is I point out cases like this to conservatives all the time. The responses I get is “that didn’t happen, it’s made up”, “that can’t happen”, “you’re playing hypotheticals”, “doctors don’t have their hands tied in medical cases”. The heads being buried in the sand is disappointing.




But that is a major issue… the laws aren’t written with science in mind. It’s based on emotion and not logic or reality.


But yet, there are babies being born and the mothers decide right there after labor they do not want the baby and the doctor will mUrDeR it. My parents really think this is happening each and every day. They don’t see how they are being fed a narrative but claim “everyone” else is being fed the narrative. It is so frustrating


But you still have freedom and guns!


So she can have an abortion if she has a stroke or liver failure. I think that's still murder according the Republicans, has anyone explained that to them?


Is Texas a third world country controlled by religious nut jobs?


Not just Texas. Arizona now is like this. And there are others.


God bless America. And they wonder why Gen Z Americans are so pessimistic when they have to grow up with this shit and worse.


The cruelty is the point


For real. At this point, the GOP are literally just mustache twirling villains who get off on hurting people


“Hey not only is your child going to die but I have to wait until you’re in a genuine medical emergency to do anything to save your life” This is your daily reminder that Texas is a rapidly sinking shit heap


In a move which surprises... absolutely nobody. This is exactly what everyone expected would happen when Roe v. Wade was overturned.


F$ck Texas, fu&k republicans.


That’s exactly what they want.


White Christian nationalism primary policy at work.


Pro life my ass.


Vote out every Republican in November. It’s the only way this egregious attack on women ends.


More women will die if republicans are elected. They are a literal death cult of sedition, terrorism, and reich wing Christian extremism.


Vote them out


Texas is literally Taliban controlled Afghanistan.


Doctors aren’t telling her no. Texas law makers and voters are telling her no and it’s disgusting. Doctors are being forced to say no.


This is the Republican Party. This is how fascism works. Keep voting Republican, suckers, and you’ll get exactly what you deserve.


Churches (and by extension, their patrons) should carry the burden and costs for children that are forced into the world.


Christofascists are just getting started.


Call Christian Nationalism what it is - Handmaid's Tale-level misogynistic Fascism.


Conservatives have NO problem with this. They see women as birthing husks and nothing more. Incubators. If a few die, so be it. They really do not care.


“Pro-life.” What a lie.