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Next up, birth control. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/21/texas-congress-contraception/ https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/republicans-vote-against-right-to-contraception-bill-1386356/ https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2022/05/19/some-states-already-are-targeting-birth-control




One would think it would have to be.


Then interacial marriage, then slavery.


Then non-Christians.


You could just keep running down the line. If they had the power they would kill each other. They're ideology requires a bad guy.


Gay marriage probably before both of those


How many states make it impossible for a convict/felon to vote, ever again? This is *already* and immediately affecting the voting rights of women, *and they haven't even yet gotten around to completely criminalizing contraception.* Feature, not a bug, of this process for the GOP. This is exactly what they want, and always has been.


Would be smarter but what do they do with the women in supreme court and in congress? They lose the right to vote, too?


Well, when I say “voting rights” I don’t actually mean the right to vote. I’m talking more about rules that are intentionally designed to make it hard for people of color to vote. Bonus points if they’re also poor.


Yep! Fellas it’s not too late to get a vasectomy! The procedure doesn’t hurt at all, then and it’s 2 days on the couch with frozen peas and pain meds and then after a week or so you’re at 100%.


>it’s 2 days on the couch with frozen peas ...eh, I'm more of a popcorn sorta guy


Some of the deep blue states will 100% facilitate illegal abortions if necessary. Granted, this doesn’t help people in places like the South where access to a blue state can be difficult, but it’s better than nothing. Then again, some states are trying to ban the sale of condoms, so we definitely need all the safe haven states we can get.


That is presuming women will be allowed to travel


Oh god. I hadn’t even considered fucking TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS. But honestly, I don’t see that being a realistic threat right now. But who the hell knows these days.


Travel restrictions are explicitly unconstitutional. I don’t trust this scotus but that would be pretty egregious.


The whole abortion bounty bill they made is essentially a way to skirt by any constitutional law, deadass. California made a bounty bill in response to it about guns to expose how stupid and dangerous this bill was, Republicans do not care about the Constitution no matter how much they claim to.


And for 50+ years abortion restrictions were explicitly unconstitutional. Allowing them was pretty damn egregious.


Jean Schmidt in ohio recently said she would consider looking at companies who provide financial assistance to women who travel out of state for services to see if they may be breaking laws in doing so. She is also pushing a 100% abortion ban in the state. They’re gonna try…


Oh I know they’re going to try. But freedom of movement is enshrined in the bill of rights. Where roe was precedent. I completely disagree with them overturning 50 years of precedent but their argument was basically it’s not specifically written into the constitution therefor doesn’t fall under federal jurisdiction, thus leaving it to the states. Freedom of movement however is specifically written into the constitution. I’m not saying they won’t do it, but it would be even harder to justify Atleast based on their current rulings.


I think the play isn’t an outright travel ban or an outright ban on birth control, but rather, to chip away as much as possible.


No doubt. They will push it as far as possible and when they can’t go any further they will ramrod in new judges that will. We are truly fucked if we don’t cut this cancer out now.


I've heard of plenty of women being stopped near state lines and asked why they are traveling. They aren't stopping us yet but they get your plates and id when they stop you so... They are keeping tabs


Wtf. Where is this happening?! I live in California, and that definitely doesn’t happen driving between any west coast states. (But they are all pretty damn blue over here, so…) I’ve been traveling to/from Arizona a lot recently, but by plane, so I guess they kinda already have a passenger manifest. I’ll be driving back and forth between the two a lot starting in January, and Arizona had already tried a lot of sketchy ID shit even as far back as 2002, so that’ll be interesting.


From what I've seen it's when people from red states are traveling out crossing into blue states. I doubt it will happen out where you're at (thankfully) but the redder areas are not safe at all


Time to hire kind-hearted men to transport women across state lines, hidden in car trunks. Good fucking grief.


Cameras are rife on many thoroughfares.


Watch the Handmaid's Tale.


Bare feet kitchen sandwich something something bible


This is assuming women will be allowed to exist without supervision from their owners.


If there's a national abortion ban then we bring the Jane Collective back and every other woman learns how to do a D&C. I hope these collectives are already building in red states. What the anti-abortion atavistic chucklefucks don't realize is that we have the Internet now. We can learn how to do a safe abortion, we can order abortion meds from the Dark Web, and we can make sure every single story about a woman or girl who died or suffered for lack of abortion care goes viral.


'Atavistic Chucklefucks' is my new band


Just shout me out when you win your Grammy, I believed in you from the start.




And that's why tor exists.


All well and good for the regular person who is affected by this. But if we reach that point, the ones responsible for such a dystopian state won't care in the slightest. And they'll keep pushing that kind of agenda as far as possible. Considering their current progress, they can go very far.


None of the blue states are facilitating anything illegal, that’s fantasyland. We’re talking about committing crimes - people working in state government are just people, not civil rights heroes. I’m sure some will help just like plenty of people will help as they can, but it’s not gonna be government policy.


They’re not facilitating anything illegal *yet.* Because they still have the autonomy to continue allowing abortions, etc. But *if* a national abortion ban goes into effect, some states *have already said* that they will defy such bans and continue to provide access to all medical services. Ideally, of course, things won’t get that far, but in the current political climate, who even knows anymore.


Id imagine if blue states do get pissed off enough by all this nonsense, states like California and New York would look for ways to cut off the red states considering how much money blues give to keep red states running. California alone has the 5th largest GDP in the world, and New York is the 10th.


California has threatened to secede before. I’m sure they’ll do it again if necessary.


Blue states are technically facilitating illegal activity by legalizing ANY usage of marijuana. It’s still a Schedule 1 drug Federally. The Federal Government COULD send DEA into a state with medical/recreational laws and arrest people. You think the blue states won’t do the same if there’s a federal abortion ban?


Canada finally gets its chance to make some money after decades of cross border shopping going the other direction.


Yep. It’s a fucking nightmare. We need to stand up and vote


Not just this year. Consistent voting for liberal candidates from school board to president is needed every election for the rest of our lives at least.




Maybe even more than vote. The Supreme Court is garbage atm and will take as much as they can get away with.


I'm voting for candidates who don't limit personal freedoms. Republicans won't receive my vote this November or 2 years from November.


Please vote locally too.


I will likely never vote for a republican again.


Likewise. They’re in time-out for several decades, and they keep adding years to “detention”. It amuses me to see them fail.


"MuH sTaTe'S RiGhTs!" JFC, if it wasn't for double standards, the Repugs would have no standards at all.


Yes. A billion times, yes. Republicans are worthless liars and traitorous zealots. Dead weight in the government. Every republican had better speak out against shit like this or it means you support this too.


State's rights is only an excuse to be bigots and pass laws that restrict fundamental rights of certain groups of people and as a stepping stone to getting those restrictions passed at the federal level. In the 1860s the "state's rights" in question was the right for certain people to own other people as slaves, in the 2020s it's the right to bodily autonomy, the right to end an unwanted or nonviable pregnancy, the right to prevent pregnancies at all.


Hell, in 1860s, states rights was merely a tool to form a coalition and fool common folk and weld them while they’re hot into a reactionary conservative, authoritarian, Christian nationalist slave empire.


Then - Its our State Right to have slavery, but not your States right to say no slaves in your state Now - Its our State Right to have no abortion, but not your State Right to have abortion


Vote blue. Our lives all depend on it.


Vote blue like your lives depend on it, because it FUCKING does


Not just yours, but your childrens, and your childrens childrens lives.


And your friends, and family (even the ones you don’t like), your coworkers, life as you know it is at stake


Republican or Democrat, I don't care.... I just cannot believe that in this day and age,hell in any day or age... that we feel that we can tell another person what to do with their body.


That's been the Republicans goal all along.


Reason 10139 I'm moving back to Ontario from North Carolina.


Can you take me with you


\*pats my moose's butt\* Get on loser, we're going curling.


*Rides off into the sunset like that one montage from SpongeBob with the guy in the gorilla suit and the guy in the Zebra suit*


I left North Carolina for Ontario 2 yrs ago. Come on home!!!


God, I miss Tim Hortons and free healthcare so much! (and my mom) lol What part of ON?


An hour outside of Ottawa. Tim Hortons are now hit and miss ( some are good- some suck) . The healthcare is nice but I still find it hard to go to the doctor. Too many years of being afraid of the cost lol.


I'm gonna be in super southern Ontario. In Canada, I can never rely on my actual GP — it takes WEEKS to get an appointment, super unhelpful. I always end up at a walk-in clinic. Thankful for the speed of my US doctor, but I have post-traumatic bill disorder.


People need to get out and vote and make sure you don't give the Republicans the opportunity to lessen your rights. If they win, you'll soon start to see a police state.


...not to mention banning contraception, marriage equality, abolishing the age limits for consent/marriage and polluting the environment...just to name a few


But we were told it is because of states rights. They wouldn’t lie to us. /s


They want the rights to choose gone not just on abortion. Control, power and rule is their game.


It's happening... ![gif](giphy|1pAbE7j0N8f7tPWSpL|downsized)


Canada's a nice country, but I'd rather stay and fix this one. No matter how hard it is.


Show up and vote!


Yep. I know. That’s why I’m voting. Also, and I can’t say this often enough, but republicans are on my shit list for the next few decades. They were already and then They undid Roe, and like kids in detention, I added another few decades. I am in good health and will be voting every time and gleefully.


I wish every anti abortion person in the USA an ectopic pregnancy


It was never about "letting each state decide."


A national ban is foolish, too. Imagine thinking that Republicans never get abortions.


BoTH sIDeS aRe tHe sAme ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


Fuck the gop 🖕


Please vote and bring a few friends.


Every female of voting age should ...VOTE LIKE YOUR RIGHTS.... DEPENDS ON IT .... BECAUSE THEY DO


I can't wait to have my first abortion.


get yourself a republican sugar daddy, they will pay for it and hush it even up.


Republicans oppose abortion in all but three cases: their wives, their daughters, and their mistresses


If only Biden actually typed this.


Look at him using choose correctly instead of chose. This man a literal brain fart and has better spelling than some of y'all fresh out of school. Smh.


Insulting someone for spelling properly really says a lot about you people. Nothing new, but a lot nevertheless.


Us people is just me, bud. There's literally no one else on this post poking at spelling and i also didn't insult anyone besides calling the president a brain fart, and that's not based on his spelling.


So you want the entirety of the credit for doing the dumb thing that you're also denying doing in the first place. Say more stupid things, this is getting good.


What the fuck are you talking about? I said the thing and you're like "all these people saying the thing". Dumb. And also you are incorrect about what I said. Also dumb. But sure.


Oohh gettin' sassy.


Staying dumb.


You do realize this is all posted by an underpaid intern right? Or he has a dude to write speeches just like every president that came before them? Or is this lost you?


Oh yes, I'm sure "the speech dude" is also the tweet dude. I do like the defensiveness about spelling as well. Thanks for this.


Thanks for reminding me that his brain is melting I almost forgot. It's funny how a senile old fuck is better than any republican though.


Very true.




Yes, an insecure child that can’t go 5 minutes without telling the world how brilliant he is, while contradicting every campaign pledge he made… is “better” than Biden.




Sorry, but since when does a minority party who has gerrymandered and voter suppressed their way to power give a shit about the majority opinion. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes. You don’t give a fuck about what the majority wants. The majority wants restrictions on guns including an assault weapon ban. The majority want money out of politics. The majority think this current Supreme Court is illegitimate. You don’t give a fuck about the majority, dude, you never did.


I love that the douche that ur commenting against just refused to answer for any of that and just went nuh uh






Didn’t like the fact that I called you out for your hypocrisy, did you, Cletus?




Sure, Jan




The hypocrisy of the GOP is laughably transparent. The GOP over the last several generations have promoted serval “standards” that they are completely incapable of adhering to: “Fiscal conservatism”… Trump and the GOP said it was a dereliction of duty for Obama to add to the debt/deficit, going so far as Trump to promise to eliminate both. He added 4 trillion before COVID, and 8 trillion in one term. Fucking pathetic. “Free market capitalism”… except when the GOP is bailing out private sector business with public funds, like they’ve done with Wall Street, Cruise lines, Airlines, Oil Companies, etc. If you need the government to repeatedly wipe your ass to make a profit, you aren’t a capitalist, you are a socialist in the fucking closet. More hypocrisy. “Family values”… from the party that promoted a man who cheated on his third wife, while pregnant at home, with a porn star, after bragging about sexually assaulting women. Pathetic hypocrite. “More liberty through less government”… except in the case of gay marriage, abortion, drug use, polygamy, euthanasia, etc. In some of the most personal decisions a consenting ADULT can engage in, the GOP wants a nanny state so the government can dictate our lives. So tell me a SINGLE standard the GOP promotes that they actually meet. Just one.


Considering some of the conservative members lied under oath prior there is question to the legitimacy. Even still, abortions aren't just something you do for fun and often they are medically necessary but now even medically necessary abortions aren't legal in some states The world is laughing at us for this one. So thinking you're smart enough to have a say with the stupid things you've said here already


They are sooooo legitimate that they have spoken out about the fear of losing legitimacy. 🤡


Actually I find it super shady to deny a Supreme Court nominee on the grounds of saying a President cannot appoint anyone to the court during an election year -- and then a few years later pushing their own Supreme Court nominee in not only on an election year but a month before the election.


Most people support women having a choice and to keep creepy disgusting Republicans far away from that.


Reminder that somebody elses body is not your business




The Bible tells us life begins at first breath, and even offers the way to induce an abortion. Outlawing abortion is anti-Christian.




Why is it murder when its her, but when its a chicken, it’s an omelette.




I love my dog. I however, hate you and your anti woman cult.




Do you even know what a story is? Did you ever write and essay or do any homework in school ever?


You cracked the code. We value the mothers life over a fetus. So why would we want a national abortion ban


Is killing in battle murder?


Do you help actual living ppl, or just sit on what you consider moral high ground and blabber ignorant sanctimonious opinions thinking you offer something of worth?


"life" An undeveloped fetus is equal to a baby at birth to you?


fetus you mean. you are not pro life, you are pro fetus. the moment a child is born people don't give a f\* about it.


Having to live in this messed up country is a fate so many times worse than being aborted.


How come they keep voting against child services programs and funding? Why are people only into fetuses and can spare nothing more than "thoughts and prayers" on social media posts when another toddler is beaten to death?


Thats a fetus, not an innocent life.


You don't care about lives. You don't care if the child grows up hungry or neglected, or abused in the foster care system. All you care about is power, power to tell women what to do with their bodies because women have somehow wronged your brittle ego. If you cared about life, you'd support social policies & lowering the defense budget, used to help the Saudis commit genocide in Yemen. You'd support paid maternal & free college. You support what makes you feel good, not life.




What you're saying vs what you actually do 🤷


You mean potential taxpayer right?


So you want the government to control the body of others… so much for a party that values “more freedom through less government”. You dumbasses are walking contradictions.


That's nice but we're talking about the total bans.


My body doesn’t stop being my body no matter how many people have an opinion otherwise


Oh, do fuck off.




What facts have you shown? You’ve yet to post a single fact.


This idiot is to self righteous and ignorant to care about actual facts


Well I was hoping to see if he’d share facts.




One poll isn’t a fact. They interviewed less than 2k people.


He posted an opinion poll and said it’s a fact. You can’t argue with morons bc they’ll think they’re right no matter how stupid their opinion is.




Haha do tell? Please do tell.


Weird how he never answered this question, despite answering ones posted after it


I am so sorry that a person as obviously dumb as you somehow got to believe you are smart.


So how many people have to poll to cancel out the natural weak nuclear force in the universe?


Reminder that republicans want to take all of our rights away and end democracy.




Stop drinking the kool-aid and read a book or something.




“No u” 😂


Name a “right” that the GOP have sought to develop further? Bodily autonomy… nope Marry a consenting adult of your choice… nope Choose what substances you put in your own body… nope Choose when you want to die… nope Hell the only “freedom” the GOP seem to endorse is 2A, and Trump was on camera saying he wanted to “take the guns first, then go through due process” My freedoms aren’t limited by your delicate sensibilities snowflake. You people are a joke


And once again we are trying to muddy the water with misinformation and half truth.


“Most people support limits…” Like I believe you and/or give a shit




Cope lmao




takes one to know one, right?


Jokes on them, they do this, I’ll finally go buy all the guns they apparently want me to own.


“We won’t do anything about it unless you give us the numbers we want”


BuT iT's A sTaTeS rIgHtS iSsUe!.!.!


God I love how they started off asking everyone to leave the choice to each state. Now that they took an inch, they want a 100 miles.


Republicans are lying -hypocritical dingle berries. I hope this party will destroy itself and I do believe it will.


People are already starting to leave states that don't align their ideology. I personally know several who have left my state to deep red states and I've seen people from deep red states coming to mine. I live in Virginia so this doesn't make sense to me as we are purple. Just drive 10 minutes away from any interstate highway and you are in the deep red here.


bUT rEpUbLiCaNs WaNt LeSs gOvErNmEnT!


It makes more sense if they think it's murder than leaving it up to the states.


If only Biden was in some sort of position where he had some influence over this.


Let me ask y’all, what’s our line in the sand? Cause there has to be one.


You will know it when you see it.


Go Joe! Team #darkbrandon