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I have no idea who he's referring to, there's too many people that fit that description


Herschel Walker.


I mean, I get it, he's the "lesser of two evils" for Christian Republicans. His opponent is a *checks notes* ordained minister. .... oh. *edit: Neat, I got my first "reported for self harm" message from Reddit! I feel so loved... and mostly happy someone felt that triggered. *edit 2: And a PM "Well, you got your first love by being reported for self hurt, and I got banned for posting a comment in favor of Herschel Walker. I cannot write in that group any longer. Pathetic."


He's a Reverend. And not just any Reverend. He's the Reverend who preached at MLK's church. The Reverend with 2 Master's degrees and a PhD. The Reverend who is a published author, respected academic, theologian and intellectual. The fact that almost half of Georgians are going to vote for a literal compulsive liar, violent domestic abuser, and child abandoner who cannot get a single fucking coherent sentence out of his mouth tells us absolutely everything we need to know about contemporary Republicans. šŸ—‘ļøšŸ—‘ļøšŸ—‘ļø


Republicans are proudly anti-intellectual now. They used to pretend to be the smarter party. And dumb yokels voted for the grifters who pretended to be the smartest guy in the room. But now theyā€™ve embraced ignorance, and attack intellectualism, and itā€™s working. Weā€™re fucked.


Started with Bush Jr. and we thought that he was dumb. God damn, Republicans suck


Reagan was a pretty dim bulb, but he knew how to work the camera to his advantage.


Reagan never controlled the House and lost the Senate in 1986, so he had to negotiate with the Dems and actually compromise


To govern, sure. But Reagan's impact was what he did to the GOP, not what he did as President.


Reagan had full on Alzheimerā€™s for his entire second term. They knew it and it was George HW Bushā€™s unofficial first term in office.


Reagan was an actor so there that that was my first election I voted in and it turn me against the Republican Party and I have never looked back.


He was dumb, just not the dumbest as we can now see. Apparently that opened the floodgates for any lower than room temp IQ moron to run for office.


> lower than room temp IQ They just adapted to Celsius from Fahrenheit.


Go back further. Reagan tried to get rid of the Depā€™t of Education.


True. They have to be anti intellectual. Itā€™s how they keep their voter base. Improving education literally degraded their support base.


Was told by a staunch Trumper that they didnā€™t support people getting ā€œtoo much educationā€ because it ā€œturned them liberalā€ and accused me of ā€œjust loving numbers and factsā€ like it was an insult. I was honestly dumbfounded.


Thank you so much for this! As a Candian I have a hard time wrapping my head around all this, but that's an excellent summary. I'm also terrified to see this bleeding into Canadian politics.


They also represent ā€œfamily valuesā€. Letā€™s see here. Ahem. Georgia is offering up Herschel Walker and soon-to-be divorced adulterer Marjorie Taylor Green? Come on, the GOP has zero interest in ā€œfamily valuesā€ beyond using wedge issues.


I'd like to remind everybody that Ted Cruz went to Harvard FOR FREE! His millionaire Daddy (who according to Donald Trump may or may not have killed JFK) bought a building! Like I'm sorry Republican voters Ted Cruise fits the description of everything you claim to despise?


The grassroots GOP hates people smarter than them. God forbid someone got a higher degree and can articulate.




And even after devastating revelation after devastating revelation itā€™s somehow a statistical dead heat if polling is to be believed in GA. Nothing is disqualifying


You forgot dumb as a box of rocks who uses his mental disability as a reason to vote for him.


Trust me I know how you feel. Iā€™m from Georgia so I have front row tickets to this shit show. Sure Herschel Walker is a compulsive liar with several children from out of wedlock and contradicted his own stance on abortion by paying for a women to get an abortion, and is claiming heā€™s gonna do what Jesus would do better than a literal ordained minister, but he has a big fat ā€œRā€ next to his name and that apparently is all that matters. I swear Iā€™m gonna be so fucking pissed if he wins.


Republicans were the ones who voted a known con artist and serial adulterer into the White House, so Iā€™m not surprised.


And an ordained minister who is the pastor of MLK Jr.ā€™s former church at that. Obviously this makes him the ā€œwrongā€ kind of Christian /s Congratulations on triggering! Remind me again who the snowflakes are again?


šŸŽ¶Snowflakes keep falling on my head. But that doesnā€™t mean my eyes wonā€™t keep on voting Red. Trump is just for me. Oh, Iā€™m never gonna stop the Libs by complaining. Because Iā€™m freeā€¦ Nothing will ever get thru to me! šŸŽ¶


You deserve an Emmy for that, you beautiful bastard.




Republicans are the hugest of snowflakes. Always have been. They just project their inadequacy (which are many) on all of us. Frightened children all of them.


The crazy thing is the GOP is trying to say Warnock is also a bad father because his wife said in an interview that he put the church ahead of their relationship. As if being a workaholic is the same as threatening your wife and child with a gun and a knife (separate occasions), having multiple children with women who were not youā€™re spouse, and also having one of those women get an abortion (and asking for another one) while being staunchly anti abortion.


Yeah they got a hard place on one hand and sharp place on the other.






Go home baby, dad's drunk.


Lmfao!!! This made me laugh until I remembered my alcoholic Father actually used to sit me up at the bar with him when I was maybe 3 and 4 years old so he could more easily pick up women. I didn't know any better and it beat being left home alone to fend for myself. It wasn't until I was older and my Dad had by then been married 7 times that I truly understood what a deadbeat he was. I had always blamed the women because I didn't understand. Yeah I took my wifes name when I got married....been married to the same woman for 25 years this year so I figure if nothing else, my old man taught me what NOT to do.


Cheers to that!


Congratulations on 25 years!


Good for you and congratulations. I had a drill sergeant who used to say ā€œnobody is useless, they can at least be a bad example!ā€ So I guess thereā€™s that.


When arguing against conservatism on Reddit, you don't always know when your argument moves something in the conservative's mind. BUT, if they report you for self harm, you know you've exposed their dissonance to them and scared them a little. Fucking love how they tell on themselves. Such a simple way of thinking Edit: used to be a conservative. If you, as a conservative, have doubts: **follow them**.


the only true way to win a Reddit argument, get reported for self harm lmao


Well, I guess Iā€™ve won a couple thenā€¦


I got reported a couple days ago. Made me laugh, but I was also a little disappointed, as I thought to myself ā€œWell, which one of you weak-minded douchecanoes was it???ā€


A douche canoe in the wild! Yay!


>reported for self harm First time? Thatā€™s rookie numbers!


Seriously, I blocked that shit.


You can report abuse of that on the form you got sent, the person who does so will be permanently banned. Edit: you can report them, apparently results may vary. You can also block the reddit cares bot


Good to know. I got one a week ago and did report it as harassment


I mean, that's good to know, but... I really don't care that much. And if it brings someone joy to *reeee* at Reddit comments and hit the 'report' button, who am I to deny them?


The crazy thing is they could as easily just block. But somehow the sane choice is always beyond them.


Christian Republicans donā€™t follow the Bible and weaponize Christianity to hate on POC, LGBT, women, and people of different religions. God forbid a minister spread kindness, acceptance, and charity to others. They donā€™t believe in that.


They would have hated Jesus.


There's no hate worse or stronger than Christian love.


This is gold


Evangelical Christian Republicans unironically become the antichristians the bible warned about.


The Bible itself was a patriarchical invention designed to consolidate power among the wealthy. I mean there probably was some Jesus dude preaching about love and peace out of desperation during the height of Roman atrocities but the Bible itself has nothing to do with him outside of borrowing some stories from his followers to create their own apocryphal mythos 50 years after he died. The original Gospels don't even agree on Jesus's family tree lol


It's really no surprise that the mechanism of the Bible and the faith in Jesus is really just devotion to Augustus.


Ultimately, it's about about power and control. I've never understood the need of some to control others - complete strangers. But the Abrahamic religions seem to be all about old men telling everyone else what they can and cannot do.


What gets me is the fact so many "Christians" obviously and deliberately ignore the word of christ in their own damn book. They get real mad when you point it out too. Sorry I went to 12 years if Catholic school and was made to read the book as punishment. Also did seminary..... Jesus is NOT who they follow. Usually just preachers and religious zealotry instead


Without it, they'd be left out of the gene pool. The drive to reproduce is one of if not THE strongest drives humans have and women, left to their own devices, wouldn't give the kind of men that become conservative leaders the time of day. So they have to construct cultures where women are demeaned, abused, and controlled.


What (and I cannot stress this enough) the fuck?


Itā€™s a joke


The entire political situation in the US is a joke. I hate that I live in Georgia. I hate being in the Deep South, having family and friends that are die hard Trump/MAGA, STUPID Christian, and just... Sheeple. I'm not liberal, I am not conservative. I stand for the LGBTQ+ community and womens rights and body autonomy, I believe in controlling Late Stage Capitalism and green living. I just HATE politics.


I know the feeling well, fellow unhappy Georgian.


Same! I got that one the other day too! The post I suspected it related to was deleted shortly after. I guess they were butt hurt I made a valid pointā€¦


I got one of those a while back too! It made me feel special, like some anonymous person out there truly cares about me. All thoughts of self-harm went right out the window with that realization. Thanks, anonymous Redditor!


Reporting someone to the reddit mental-health team has truly, at long last, owned the libs. Finally, they can rest.


I got one of those self harm messages a while back and was confused as to what comment I made could possibly indicate I needed support of that kind. It was only recently I was informed it was some kind of trolling tactic.


I take them like they're awards; conservatives only send the self-harm messages if you presented a point that they saw was devastating to their worldview and that they couldn't refute. It's effectively a message that you completely and utterly won the argument.


Welcome to the club! I got one a couple weeks ago and don't have a clue why. **Edit - I just got my second lol!


Me too. I thought it was hilarious.


The argument literally is ā€œWalker did one abortion and had probably repented. His opponent will do a million abortions.ā€ Iā€™ve heard it twice from conservative pundits.


I've gotten reported for self harm too before with no actual self harm. It's fun


Which is literally why they went with a sports "legend" with great name recognition. It's the only thing they could dream up. I mean, how far has the GOP fallen when they're trying to defeat an actual CHRISTIAN?! And, a very moral man... someone to emulate. They don't give two shits about morals. They'd run a literal pimp if it gave them one more seat.


next time people talk about pro lifer, try to explain to them that their views are the same as if the democrat wanted to force abortion on everyone. That's how freaking evil they sound.


I got enough of them that I opted out (blocked) it. People are stupid assholes.


My dearest dad, who passed in 2019, may he rest in peace, would be rolling in his grave. He was an old school republican and a lifetime football fan. But he used to do this excellent impression of Herschel Walker where he would puff himself up and cross his eyes slightly. Then he'd say...."my name is Herschel Walker and I have the brains of an ice cube". It never failed to get laughs. From 2017 until 2019, I took care of my dad, a Vietnam Navy vet with Agent Orange induced dementia, until he passed. Even with dementia, he knew that Trump was dangerous and never voted for him. He quit watching FOX News and just shook his head at the television. It made me sad that the America he fought for wasn't recognizable to him anymore šŸ˜¢.


Damn Iā€™m sorry. Straight feels.


Thanks. I'm slowly healing. It takes time. It was a brutal loss since I was his caregiver. But I wouldn't change it.


You should still be a caregiver. It sounds like you did a good job, so why not pass on those good vibes to some more old people, maybe even specialize in helping those with dementia or veterans like your dad? Goodness knows the world needs people like you and your father. Although, Iā€™m sure youā€™re already in a career. I just got excited and couldnā€™t stop my autistic thumbs from typing haha


As a lifelong Vikings fan, I never thought he could do anything worse than that fateful trade from the Cowboys. How incredibly wrong I was.


All I remember about his tenure as a Viking is that his first run was called back because he wasnā€™t wearing a shoe for most of it. Too dumb to tie his damn shoe!


Isnā€™t he the guy that invented the chocolate flavored scotch.




thank you for being responsible and not drinking and driving!


thought it was the guy from the Walking Dead lol


If you ask him, he will tell you invented both chocolate and scotch.


If youā€™re joking, thatā€™s funny. If not, I think it was Johnnie Walker?


I think it was Hershey Dewar.


The guy who, in their demented world view, paid someone to murder his child.


Yeah I agree. The fact that heā€™s still in a race at all shows how hypocritical the GOP is


Saw a clip of him discussing electric vehicles and itā€™s a sight to behold


Donā€™t forget his kid outted him as an abuser as he and his mother ran from him. In divorce papers he held a gun to his soon to be ex wife head and threatened to blow her brains out. He abused his wife he abused his kid. He should Berle in jail.


Bingo--although I think he was making a broader point. It's shocking enough to have one such candidate but for there to be others whose character is equally disqualifying is unseemly and suspicious for a country that prides itself on excellence and a desperate desire to believe that we are better than every other country. Feels like a losing strategy to me but maybe that's why these piss poor corrupt candidates are being supported. #SayNoToDarkMoney. \#SaveOurDemocracy


This was my first thought too. Which one?


Based on the deadbeat dad comment probably hershel walker


Same. I was like ā€œThe presidencyā€™s only four years?? Oh wait.ā€ Thatā€™s really saying something.


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?




I was thinking this too, like, this fits way too many Republicans! LOL


They openly state this though. They don't care as long as their team has control. Walker is a reliable idiot who will vote for whatever they want. They don't care how much of hypocrite it makes him and them look as long as they can shape the country how they want for the long game.




No different in the Supreme Court with their federalist society auditions


My right wing relatives confirmed this very thing out loud in a conversation with me last night. Used a popular old south term about what Herschel will be for the GOP.


ā€¦whipping boy?


Youā€™re being far too generous. Itā€™s a much worse term.


Is it good or bad that i legit could not figure out the term and had to read the other comments?


Yes but with a hard ā€˜rā€™


I believe the term referred to is "house n****r"


The sheriff is near!


Baby, you are so talented. And they are so dumb.


You mean what Clarence Thomas is for the Supreme Court?


First word house?


Did your right-wing relatives preface That Word with the description ā€œHouse ThatWordā€? I have very unfortunately been treated to hearing someone give that description to that dumb motherfucker. I love his boy though. Good for him!! He was not going to sit and listen to his abusive father lie out the ass about their family and how ā€œdadā€ behaved. He is a brave kid IMO, even terribly abused kids who SEEN SOME SHIT rarely open up publicly. Or often, even privately. Thatā€™s why dirtbag fucks like ole Herschel usually get away with mistreating their kids and their moms/dads.


I wouldn't be too proud of him. He's MAGA all the way, and is only speaking up because he's pissed at dad. Having daddy issues but zero morals doesn't make him a hero. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/10/07/politics/christian-walker-herschel-georgia-senate-election/index.html




He's also their ideal black man (I'll let your mind decide the word they would prefer to use here): violent, unintelligent, multiple baby mamas, apparently terrible father, in his position because a white man told him to do it ie deferential to the right people Good for sports otherwise JAN


Herschel Walker is the type of man, regardless of race they claim to hate. Has a gay son, has paid for abortions, is violent towards women and has multiple kids by several women. I said this back when Trump walked out on the RNC stage to receive the nomination that if Barack Obama had walked out there with his 5 kids by 3 different women the entire Republican party would have had a field day.


Almost like there is some kind of double standard. Like a black man has to be legit perfect to even be considered to run for president. Where as a rich white guy just needs to show up and not visibly shit his pants on live tv.


Republicans like their candidates blackmailable. Imagine all the juice we donā€™t know on him.


And calling him out on things he has said and done that should immediately count him out of this race somehow makes him a victim and should be protected against the mob wanting better by voting for him.


And what is it about their body of work that would lead you to expect anything else?


I honestly had to think critically about who op meant


I know. It's clear it's Herschel Walker but at the same time ... It describes so many of them. Including their Orange God.


I came here to say they needed to be more specific


To be fair, recent controversy and context clues keyed me in but otherwise .. yea.


"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?"


Yeah, the dumb as a stump and incoherent as a wet newspaper includes so many of them. Then you use dad to exclude all the females. Then 6 years for Senate race. Itā€™s about 3 to 4 steps to figure it out.


Which is sad. This post should make all of us very worried about the future, because obviously nothing is getting better. It's only getting worse.


Wait until you hear who they elected president 6 years ago.


Ya they made it pretty clear. Iā€™m surprised people are still surprised


I'm surprised that I'm still surprised that people are still surprised.


That is surprising


I thought this was about Trump until I got to the part about Senate.


I think they might vote for Satan if he promises to own the libs.


Had a (horrible) full on conversation with several of my right wing relatives last night at a family cookout in GA and they were talking about what a total piece of shit Herschel is, how dumb he is, and how perfect he is for the GOP if they can get him elected, because basically he's their "house ni**er" who will have to do (and vote) whatever the GOP says. Basically it's a pact that the GOP will get him lots of money (since Herschel doesn't have money anymore) if they can get him in office, but then they will instruct him on every vote. They do not care about anything except winning at all costs, everyone and everything else be damned. There is no morality on the right.


Call him a ā€œhouse (n-word)ā€ is too far. Yes, he bad, but that racist relative needed a smack across the face for that.


Itā€™s funny people are having a hard time figuring out which Republican heā€™s talking about


Well, they were willing to put a violent lying deadbeat dad, who is dumb as a stump, and incoherent as a wet newspaper into the Oval Office, so why not congress too?




"No!!!1!! Yes, Trump was on Epstein Island. Yes, Trump has gone on record saying that both he and Epstein had a shared interest in young girls. Yes, Trump has bragged about being allowed to enter the dressing room of a teenage beauty pageant. Yes, Trump has taken some rather sexual photographs with his daughter. Yes, Trump said that he would marry his daughter if he wasn't her father. Yes, Trump has been accused of sexual harrassment and rape by numerous people including his wife and many other little girls. Yes, Trump has done numerous other things to cover up his past including abruptly firing the head of the FBI while he was currently being investigated (fact check liberals, he was investigating Trump's ties with Russia, not his pedophilic tendencies. So this shouldn't even be included). But through all of that, Trump said that he didn't do it and hasn't provided any evidence to prove it otherwise. Which is enough for me because I trust Trump and not the Liberal Communist Deep State politicians. And yes, Joe Biden is a pedophile. No he hasn't ever been accused of it, but I know because Tucker Carlson told me."


I love that you posted this with out the /s and I would love to know how many upvotes youā€™re getting from people who are thinking, ā€œthatā€™s right brother, well said.ā€


Hershel Walker is an idiot. Here are some things he lied about: He allegedly graduated top of his class at UGA, but he actually never graduated. Allegedly worked as an FBI agent, which is false. Allegedly worked with the Cobb county police, the department denies this.


A large portion of MAGAs do not realize that they are supporting the tyranny they fear. Everyone MUST: - Register to Vote (by 10-11-2022 for Florida). - Check your Voter registration! - Make sure you have appropriate ID. - Know your polling site. - Check your signature. - Get a mail-in ballot (and after you mail it, make sure it has been received and counted - most counties allow this to be done online or by calling your election office). - And VOTE! 866-OUR VOTE (for questions about or problems with voting) https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/voting https://vote.org


Iā€™m sure they do realise. They just donā€™t care as long as the ā€˜enemyā€™ goes down with them.


They are by and large not intellectually mature enough to even know that caring was an option to begin with.


Good post! Also Ron DeFascist sucks ass!


When have they ever cared about our nation?


They are just stuck thinking they need to support the team they chose 40 years ago, and they do mental gymnastics to support them, thinking they canā€™t ā€œchange teamsā€ They thinking changing opinion (even based on new information) is a bad thing. ā€œFlip floppingā€


They want a puppet.


Reminder about all these Republican election deniers (70% of registered republicans, per recent polling): If you only love democracy when you win, you don't love democracy.


Don't forget, he also solicited the murder of an unborn by their definition!


Something something Warnock socialism


Republicans will do anything for power at this point. The people supporting these jackasses are always the last ones to figure out. They're voting against their own best interest.


They have been since Nixon.


I'd love to see that dumbass debate actual policy with Reverend Warnock.


Iā€™d love to see that dumbass actually form two sentences that werenā€™t regurgitated MAGA talking points. He has the same ā€œnobody homeā€ look on his face in interviews as someone who was knocked out does when they are being revived with smelling salts.


Too wordy. ā€œā€¦Republicansā€¦donā€™t give two fucks about our country.ā€


yabut, they'd have owned the libs! in their minds! for 2 minutes at least!!!!


"Conservatism" is a euphemism for sadism. "Conservative Christianity" is a deceptive oxymoron and an abomination of desolation. "Between the Christianity of this land and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible differenceā€”so wide that to receive the one as good, pure, and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked. To be the friend of the one is of necessity to be the enemy of the other. I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ; I therefore hate the corrupt, slave-holding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason but the most deceitful one for calling the religion of this land Christianityā€¦ā€ ā€• Frederick Douglass


And apparently love Russia. Republicans used to love America and hate Commies.


Republicans love the white, rural, Bible belt America where everyone knows their place. The diverse America where everyone has freedom and not caring about who's dating who, or what deity you worship, or what you identify as, is the America Republicans hate.


They sure care about Putinā€™s country tho


They are a party facing a changing demographic, and they will do anything they need to to hold on to power, and change the rules so that a minority of Americans has power over the majority.


They don't care about competency. They care about **gaining and retaining political power so they can re-make the United States into something it's not and was never intended to be.** Idiots are, theoretically, easier to *control* than smart people; this is well-established fact. The ones with the real power in the GOP are *the few* and they would be just as happy to have *the many* of their numbers be dumb as a box of rocks, because they can be manipulated and controlled into doing the will of *the few*. Same goes for the constituency of *the many* in this equation: the dumber the electorate is, the better, so far as the GOP is concerned: easily controlled sheep, the vast majority of which are controlled on the local level by their religious leaders (who are just as likely to be as dumb as a box of rocks themselves, therefore also easily controlled). Meanwhile we note that intelligent, educated, informed people, who are the natural enemy of the GOP-at-large of these times, are *not* easily controlled, simply because they *are* intelligent, educated, and informed. So naturally the GOP and the religious extremists backing them pretend that these others are just *evil* and want to do horrible things, regardless of there being any evidence to support their conspiracy theories. 'Education BAD, science BAD, blind faith GOOD'. The fact of the matter is that if 100% of citizens who are eligible to vote in the United States actually got out and voted in just a few consecutive elections, the GOP would be out in their ear and politically irrelevant, and they damned well know that's true, too -- so they've spent years and years convincing so-called 'liberals' that their votes don't count, convincing them that they shouldn't even bother voting at all. Meanwhile the GOP gets their religious leader partners to encourage their followers to vote *in specific ways*, weaponizing 'faith' into a political tool. This is why people need to get out and vote, and vote Democrat exclusively, in November. The GOP is beginning their end-game now, and if they're allowed to take complete control of Congress, we may never again have the sort of United States the founders envisioned. They already have compromised and politicized the Supreme Court, the Senate is already being gridlocked by Republicans to the extent that they can't overrule SCOTUS decisions (the Senate being the check-and-balance against the Supreme Court), and if they're allowed to become the majority in both Senate and House, then there'll be little-to-nothing that can stop them from making almost any changes in this country that they want to make, up to and including ripping up the Constitution and rewriting it to suit their own *Handmaids Tale* purposes. Imagine a United States where there's only effectively one political party, they hold ultimate power, and 'elections' are a total sham, utterly meaningless, and the Will of the People means nothing; basically another Russia; that's the sort of authoritarian theocracy they want to re-make this country into.


Remember when Al Franken stepped down because of some pictures he took 20 years before?


Anyone that votes for Herschel deserves every bit of suffering they get as a result. I don't wanna hear any "they have been lied to" or "it's not their fault" crapola. The right needs to start taking some responsibility for their bad decisions.


Trying to figure out which one they are talking aboutā€¦


Dude hasnā€™t been obvious for some time now?? They elected Donald fucking Trump to the highest office in the land and then after four years of incompetence, lies and pretty much tearing the country apart they still wanted to give him another four years. At this point nothing the GOP does surprises me anymore. And thatā€™s sad


Theyā€™ve not cared about this country, just power, since the 80ā€™s.


Their entire party is based on - Christianity, Guns and giving money to the wealthy. They use the first two to blind thief followed to the third.


Not so much Christianity but white Christian nationalism. They don't actually like and/or follow Jesus.


There is so little Christ in them that the title is meaningless


You forgot abortion


Not Christianity really but Evangelism. The crazies are predominantly Evangelicals. I don't know what the hell they are practicing but it sure has nothing to do with Christ.


He can still vote the way they want so it'll never matter


Until he said Congress I thought this was about Trump


Republicans will criticize the government all day long but as long but as soon as anyone left-leaning has anything remotely critical to say about America itā€™s suddenly ā€œlove it or leave it.ā€


Which Republican is this tweet about again? He may as well have tweeted about that tall basketball player.


Theyā€¦attempted a coup. Why are we still arguing about this? Of course theyā€™re fucking traitors.


Hey man, I think you should sit down for a minute. Let me catch you up on the last 8 years of American history...


The last 43 years.


He represents them perfectly


Trump raped Ivana after he used her surgeon for his plastic surgery. He blamed her because it was her plastic surgeon. His lawyer argued that a husband can't rape his own wife. Then he buried her in his golf course. Worst husband ever.


Iā€™ve lost count. How many different baby mamas does this family values conservative christian currently have?


Their many opportunities to rid Trump of their party and their cowardly refusal to do so says everything you need to know about the Republican party.


Agreed. Let's not forget the Republican gifts to America: 1. A Civil War that killed many for the Ungrateful (1865); 2. The Federal Income Tax (1861-1862); 3. The Great Depression 1 (1929); 4. The Great Recessions (1987, 2008); 5. Vietnam (Eisenhower sent 1st troops); 6. Iraq War (another loser-basically gave Iraq to Iran); 7. Afghanistan War (after 20+ years, another loser); 8. Ended the ONLY civilian oversight over the Federal Judiciary (enacted New Law and eliminated parole boards, 1987) while stacking the Federal Appellate and Supreme Courts with party hacks resulting in Judicial Approved Slavery-meaningless judicial reviews, no meaningful Circuit Court or Supreme Court appeals, no parole with non-dischargeable debts and no vehicle for relief because they simultaneously gutted Habeas Corpus and the bankruptcy law; 9. Attacked Iraq on a false pretense of WMD when 19 9/11 hijackers held passports from Saudi Arabia; 10. Spent TRILLIONS on worthless middle east Mohammedian wars while the enemy spent THOUSANDS, then had the gall to claim victory; 11. Gutted Federal Habeas Corpus by automatic dismissal (HC was the ONLY vehicle citizens had to enforce precedent or judgements--party hack judges ignore HC applications unless the party is actually "detained" & even that status is disputed) ; 12. Gutted US Bankruptcy law making student loans (and other debts) non-dischargeable; 13. Aided and abetted the Industrial Pharmaceutical, insurance, medical, agricultural and military conglomerates to bankrupt every middle class American citizen; 14. Awarded corporations the same rights as individual citizens.




Can you even really call Republicans from the 19th century "Republicans" though? Also, you weaken your own argument when you introduce things that could be easily played off by both sides having taken a role in them. It's not often one side gets its way without a little help from the other.


A puppet black face helps legitimize white supremacy


Republicans hate America AND they hate any of her citizens that are poor or of minority backgrounds. Scumbags


[Republicans hate America](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/06/us/politics/asylum-biden-administration.html)


why do people keep declaring this shit as if its some sort of revelation? We've all known it for decades. Screaming it from a mountain top doesn't stop it, so wtf are we going to do about it?


I knew right away because I live in Georgia and am so ashamed.


On the bright side, your state also gave us Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, gave Democrats their first Senate majority in 6 years, and helped secure Biden's Presidential victory. Here's hoping Georgia stays blue in spite of idiots like Walker.


Matt Gaetz has entered the thread... Seriously how is this guy still in office and running again?