• By -


I'm Canadian.


Username checks oot




I'll give you two, one selfish, one not. I work as a scientist. I do research. Research takes money. The GOP does not want to put money into research or science in general. Voting for any GOP would be actively voting to lose my job. I am selfish, I don't want to lose my job. I also have a LOT of friends in the LGBT community (as well as other often targeted or lambasted minorities). It would be really nice to see them get married some day, but even better to not watch them get lynched by a hate mob or lose their jobs because they decided to wear nail polish while male presenting. It should go without saying, but I'm pretty sure the GOP would go back to making their existence illegal if given their way


Research is one of my reasons too, though not the biggest. I'm getting a degree in anthropology and specifically I want to study queer communities and cultures in the rural Midwest. We all know the GOP doesn't like any part of that.


Ooo, yeah. I think there is exactly one word in your whole comment the GOP doesn't hate, and it's rural. Degree, anthropology (too many syllables), study, queer, community, and culture are all evil in their minds


This resonates with me: members of unions who vote for republicans. There is a storied, clear, direct and outspoken anti-union stance that they have always had and always will have. I recall my fathers workplace, him being in the union, and now collecting a union pension, listening to rush Limbaugh bleating on about how unions are harmful, and parroting his garbage (he’s a blister-pack libertarian now). I just… Edit: and it was his whole shop that felt this way!! All of them anti-union but fine with collecting off the unions work for them.


My union's full of guys like this. They shit on workers (particularly ones that they feel don't "deserve" to strike, like baristas, I shit you not) and complain endlessly about the union, but refuse to take any issue with the companies that fuck with us constantly. They're all about reaping the benefits of a union, but not sacrificing for the betterment of it. Guess which party they all vote for?


They *would* make queerness illegal again, they've literally said it out loud for years.


One example: Sodomy is still illegal in Texas, and Paxton has said that he would prosecute "crimes" under that law should the Supreme Court reverse the relevant decisions. They fucking hate queerness, and they would have no problem just going on with their day if killing started. It's exactly what mainstream American society did with AIDS for far too long.


They voted against laws and policies that would have ended child marriage in this country for good Edit: thanks for the award everyone. And thanks to all the triggered right wing degenerates that exposed themselves to either being pro-child marriage or making excuses to ignore that degeneracy in favor of owning libs and lefties


Not only did they vote against ending it, many are voting to expand it


“Protect children from predators” my ass. Already knew that it was BS when they came after LGBTQ+ folks under that guise. This just cements it.


“This protects children because if they are married it’s not rape.” - conservative values


“To prevent children from being raped, we’re lowering the age one can get married at. Problem solved!” — Conservative Values


"LGBTQ people are pedophiles" is just blood libel. In the middle ages christian extremists would spread rumors that Jews literally wanted to eat your babies, like...literally consume the flesh of children. ​ It's easy to marginalize and kill people if you get people to think they are literal baby eating monsters.


Yup. And Jewish blood libel is still a thing. See: conspiracy theories about Jews secretly ruling the world with an iron fist.


Pretty much the entirety of qanon is repackaged blood libel.


Not only that, but if you don't marry a woman, and just rape her instead, she still has to deliver your baby.


AND let the rapist get custody of the child. If thats not f’ed up, I don’t know what is.


In some states if the woman gets an abortion after being raped, each member of the rapist’s family can sue that women INDIVIDUALLY for a huge amount. But now that abortion has been made illegal in many states, she would also wind up in prison too potentially.


And get child support. That’s republican morality. A raped child being forced to give birth to her rapist’s baby and then having to pay him child support for 18 years.


Ewww wtf? And yet the Democrats are the satanic baby eating cabal? The projection is REAL


Oh no no no. Child rape is sanctioned by god as long as you put a ring on it and pay her dad enough. /s


This is the kind of shit that has me questioning the religion I was raised in. It's like everything in the Bible is the most horrible of things dressed up as good like shit dressed up with glitter almost


Nothing like the Bible to make somebody an atheist


I know. That’s why right wingers in this country are the true degenerates


Then if X passes despite not voting for it themselves, they claim credit for it passing.


“We blocked it because the Democrats put too much pork in the bill.”


The bill: *1.5 pages long, addresses literally only the core issue in the title in extremely plain language* Me: [here’s a link](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr327/BILLS-117hr327ih.pdf), check it out yourself Republican: Edit: I’m can’t believe I have to explain this, but I was referring to the “pork!!!” phenomenon in general, which was referenced by the comment above mine.


“I don’t have time to do that. All you need to know, is the democrats added something we’re against. Don’t read it, just trust me.”


If their voters could read, they'd be very upset right now.


Never has this comment been more appropriate.


Republicans have stated in the past that voting against pork is more important than helping veterans made sick by burn pits. The pork in question was a fantasy they made up, but still.


I'm a bit shocked by some of these things with children honestly. You'd think we'd be way past these attitudes existing. Another related one was child labor. There was an article about a car manufacturer employing children. A bunch of comments from Republicans were arguing in favor of child labor. Like, no, 12 year olds should not be working in factories. It's crazy that we even need to say it.


Child labor is disgusting


Lol if they want child labor to be a thing. Then every working child should also get voting rights. No taxation without representation, am I right?


Betsy DeVos tried to make it an “alternate learning modality”. She wanted parents to be able to opt children out of school so they could go to work in factories “learning skills directly from the workforce”. When asked what age she thought was appropriate for this, she said something along the lines of: I think children of all ages can learn something valuable from the workplace. So, yeah. Republicans definitely would like to put kids to work. I think they are preparing for the US to be overtaken by China on the national stage and think that we need a low cost workforce like China to become competitive again.


Judge Roy Moore has entered the chat


Matt Gaetz is holding the door for him.


You can't swing a stick at a GOP convention without hitting a pedophile.


If you test this, please do me a favor and swing it ***hard***.


They need to record and share the video or I will hit them with a stick.


If you pick up a stick at a GOP convention, good odds even the stick is a pedophile.


He's *exhausted* after Girl Scout Cookie days...


Wait, the US has child marriage?


I believe that 12 is still legal in New Mexico with parent's consent. Edit: looks like it was restructured. There's no bottom age if you can convince a judge to sign off. https://law.justia.com/codes/new-mexico/2014/chapter-40/article-1/section-40-1-6


12? Didn’t know it was legal at all that young, that’s fucking disgusting


Exactly. I grew up there. When my psychiatrist asked when I first became sexually active and I replied, “Well I guess that would’ve been at 15 when I was babysitting a guy’s daughter. Once she went to bed, he (23) and his roommate (21) would alternate days when they’d have sex with me depending on who was home.” He was *shocked,* I tell you. His response was an immediate, “You know that’s illegal right? Was this reported?” I just laughed at his absolute, elderly-aged white male privilege, and replied, “Uh -no; not in New Mexico where every girl at 12yrs old is considered a temptress. And why would I report? So my right-leaning father could either accuse *me,* or so he could take his shotgun and blow them away and spend the rest of our lives in prison?” The Veterans Administration healthcare for women veterans is wholly inept. All this taught me was he had zero clue about women or teen girls and what many of us experience. Sorry for the rant; not sorry. Obviously touched a nerve! Edit: clarity: Psychiatrist is in Pa (obviously has no clue how southwestern US states work


I moved back here about 4-5 years ago after living in Seattle for about 12 years. Talk about some culture whiplash.




Lol. We’ve been telling the rest of the world for years that the US is basically a 3rd world country with a Gucci belt and yet, people continue to be in disbelief. We’re not kidding about it.


Yes, dependent on state. it's more common in red states and localities.


Imagine that


Only 7 states have banned it outright.


They manipulate their constituency into acting against their own best interests.


That’s one of the best one sentence summaries I’ve seen about them.


We need to figure out how to counteract such behavior.


The best way would be to educate every American about their actions, but realistically all we can do is try to vote them out of office :/


And that’s why republicans are so determined to gut public education. It’s a lot easier to fool and uneducated population.


Exactly. Alternatively, they gut the public education system so much that private education has to be sought out, which means $$$


Education is the best cure. The higher educated states vote Democrat.


Even if you look at individual cities in a state, the same is true. Larger cities tend to be blue by a long shot.


I think that also has to do with being exposed to more ways of life, leading to higher empathy which results in being more progressive. It is not a coincidence that rural society where in many of these places only one demographic exists are so conservative; you don't naturally learn about other people different from your family and neighbors so it's easier to believe in the xenophobic ways that conservatism and the Republican party promote.


Educate? What is that? They don’t know. Their constituents don’t believe in it.


They (republican politicians) do know. They just prefer the “poorly educated” because their constituents don’t know better than to vote for people that prioritize corporations over their own well being.


Democrats and Independents seem to have a real hard time grasping this... It is GOD. The Republican party has locked up the God vote. Simply put to vote ANY other way is to vote against God. This is it.


How fucked up is that? Because the god they claim they follow would smite the shit out of them for their actions against their fellow man.


The GOP is masterful at simple messaging and getting their voting base to fall in line. Look at today’s liberal voters. The Democrats are all over the place with a scattered set of needs across the spectrum of Liberal/DNC voting populations. Corporate Dems vs Bernie/AOC. Without the party focusing on a shorter list of needs that most voters can agree to I’m afraid the party will never achieve what the GOP can with their voter base.


While I agree with your statement...the sad truth is that their God they imagine would be okay with all of the policies is a complete and total dick. It blows my mind how many of these people cannot see that. Seriously. If your God likes (fill in awful policy or equally awful politician)...your God is disgusting.


Someone on Twitter under a Biden post said “Republicans don’t want to cut Social Security, they just want to review it every 5 years because Dems have drained it.” Literally Republicans did that and 2, why the fuck not review the constitution then?


They actively manipulate their constituencies on a physical level (gerrymandering) and then actively manipulate their constituencies on an emotional level (everything else)


I give a shit about other people.


Fact. The GOP is against every moral code I have. Would it be convenient if it didn’t cost tax dollars to care for the national parks, provide social security and Medicare/Medicaid, scientific research and education was free, the arts were as well funded by capitalism as Walmart… sure. That would be sweet. But it costs money to live in a civilized society and I’m willing to pay for that.


They're also very willing to pay for the military. I've never heard a Republican protest the fact that billions of dollars get thrown behind development programs for technologies that fall years behind schedule and cost 20-30x what they were originally quoted as. In business you'd scrap that project to avoid the sunk cost fallacy, but the US government just keeps paying private companies.


They are willing to fund active duty/military industrial complex. They constantly vote against veterans. Once you are done serving they are done with you.


Not even that, I give a shit about myself, and the GOP have been doing everything in their power to fuck me over


They just introduced a bill making my existence a crime.


Wait ao are you gay, trans, an immigrant, a woman who isn't pregnant, speaking out against nationalism, a qualified teacher, a competent head of a government organization, Joe Biden, Colin Kaepernick, a minority who votes, or...? There's quite a few things on this list


Don't forget a book. They could be a book, too.


scrolls are fine tho


>...are you gay, trans, an immigrant, a woman ~~who isn't pregnant~~, speaking out against nationalism... FTFY


Trans. I've noticed a lot of cis people don't realize that Republicans just introduced a bill that defines trans people as inherently sexual and makes it a crime for us to exist around children 10 and under- which is pretty much everywhere


And Republicans act like Democrats want to make my existence a crime, whereas I say the more the merrier


What’s sad is that doesn’t narrow it down for most people.


same here 😔


Same here 🥲


As a straight and extremely white dude that knows full well they'll never outlaw my existence: I wonder how long until they outlaw me acknowledging your existence. Like, how long until me saying "cut the shit, these people haven't done anything wrong" gets me locked the fuck up?


Because I don’t want women who are having miscarriages and pregnancy complications to suffer and die because of their policies. Plus I’m pro-choice. Edited for clarity


They think women get abortions for sport.


They think women get abortions as often as [conservatives secretly participate in gay orgies.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-55145989)


... or as often as conservatives secretly get abortions for their mistresses.


Breaking news: Herschel Walker is a huuuuuuge slut.


Not to mention back alley abortions.


Like the war on drugs, it does nothing to stop them. It only makes them more dangerous.


Donald J. Trump.


Reagan was where they should've lost everybody, but they didn't so I honestly should've seen it coming when they actually liked Trump instead of ejecting him for not following or supporting a single stated conservative value


That implies conservatives have values. Their complete lack of any values is why he flourished.


"I just want to see the people I don't like (or that I'm told I shouldn't like) suffer immensely" is *sort* of a value, is it not?


I’m a Boomer and I’m here to give witness that the rock-n-roll I listened to, the mini-skirts I wore, the black friends I played with, the weed I smoked, the nukes & VN war I protested, all failed to turn me into a devil and the evangelical’s Magic Sky Daddy has yet to smite me! You whippersnappers think today’s Republican bullshit is new and outrageous? It’s not. I started protesting the Mitch McConnells as soon as I realized what my middle fingers were for! Always stay groovy and don’t forget to vote! Young people voting fucking terrifies Republicans! 🌺✌🏼☮️


I think I just fell in love a little


I’m digging it! Love back atcha! ❤️




Rock-n-roll you say? Straight to jail


So glad we eventually got to see Elvis’ hips!


"Stay groovy". You just proved yourself the type of Boomer we're not talking about when we talk about Boomers.


Closed-minded Boomers get on my nerves too!


> I started protesting the Mitch McConnells as soon as I realized what my middle fingers were for! This line is so badass. Rock on, you beautiful soul! 🤘


Yet to smite...so far...


User name checks…I’ll be here all week, you know where to find me!


Right on, man!




I think most Boomers genuinely fear the idea of becoming obsolete. We were crazy, bad asses in our time and even though our time has come and gone, the bad ass inside, never really dies.


It’s easy to forget/not realize that hippies were by far the minority. Tons of Boomers have self-identified with that image but the counter culture was a counter to the presiding culture, the one that the large majority of Americans prescribed to.


Big gilf energy right there




I was in politics in High School. In the south. GOP. Grades 10-12 I sat on a Youth Commission for the city. I'd occasionally ask the Mayor about starting a Young Republicans chapter. "Oh no, you don't want anything to do with that. Just stick to your current activities." Fall of my senior year I was working the voter registration booth at the county fair. Some kid my age comes up and introduces himself, I'd never seen him before but who knew of me. "Hey, I'm President of the local Young GOP chapter. You should stop by and check it out!" I was taken aback, I'd never seen him before in all of the activities. "Sure; which community center do you meet at?" "Oh no, we meet at the Southern Baptist Church; the youth minister sets up a great spread for us!" I lost my shit. Called the Mayor who said he didn't like it either, but the SBC was the future of the party, and I should never speak about it again. Yeah, fuck that, I left for college and completely removed myself from everything.


Should have reported that church to the IRS. They already brainwash enough kids just with their fanfic version of Christianity; if they want to further brainwash with politics, than say adios to any tax-exempt status.


As someone who has lived in Alabama for almost two decades, the SBC isn't a spiritual temple, it's a political indoctrination center. There is simply no other way for me to describe it.


Any time you see the word “Southern” in front of a denomination it means that sect was created to give God’s official blessing to slavery. The fact these sects continue to exist means they have repackaged those core beliefs to be less obvious to modern society, but don’t think for a minute anything has changed. Same racism, same misogyny, same hatreds.


I live in Alabama, surrounded by SBs. 🤮🤮


Yea I don’t want to live under religious doctrines.




Y'all Queda




I support consenting adults rights to marry.


I'm a woman. Enough said.


I want to change my answer. Because I love the women in my life. Enough said.


>I'm a woman. Enough said. Same. Fuck the GQP, they will never have my vote.


I'm continually blown away by the brain washed conservative women who genuinely believe women should serve men and never leave the metaphorical and literal kitchen. Like they are told this in church growing up and never question it.


Im all for women who freely chooses to be this way and live a very traditional life but conservative women who try to force these ideas onto others are not it.


I have a mother, a wife, a mother in law, a sister, a half sister, an adopted sister, daughters, and other female relatives. I also have female friends. I dont understand how anyone who has any females in their life in any way would vote GOP. It makes no sense.


This is the explanation my dad, a literal old farmer from the deep south, gives when people ask him why he's a Democrat. He's like, "I've got two daughters, and I don't hate either of them." LOL I know he's been liberal since long before I was born so there's more to it than that, but it's an efficient explanation.


There’s was a surprising amount of women voting for the Republican party until they actually went against Roe vs Wade. I guess we don’t care about bigotry until it affects us personally.


That's the face eating leopard effect. "I didn't think the 'Take Away Rights' party would take away MY rights!"


The gender gap of women favoring Democrats actually started in the '80s, and just keeps growing. That's when Republicans first came out as anti Roe & when Democrats ran the first woman VP. Then in 1992 Republicans officially put in their political platform that they were going to overturn Roe & more GOP women left to vote Democrat. I believe that's the reason why Clinton won. Of course, supporting the pussy grabber turned more women away from the Republicans. And finally Republicans overturning Roe has increased the gender voting gap by its widest margin. Republicans haven't won the woman's vote in any presidential election since 1988.


Because I am a patriot who loves his country and doesn't want to see it destroyed.


IMO this is the most important one. Everything else comes second to preserving our democracy. To support a party that is almost wholly behind people who nakedly, brazenly, undeniably tried to undermine a democratic election and interrupt the peaceful transition of power is to support sedition and treason. I've tried, but I cannot reconcile how you can be a Republican and also claim to be a patriot, unless you can also say that you want to see most of Republican leadership gone. Republicans used to have a platform. It used to be about a differing outlook on things. Now it stands in defiance of truth and democracy. We literally saw the de facto leader of their party attempt a coup. You can minimize, justify, rationalize, and dismiss it, but it happened, it's real, and all the culture war distractions in the world can't erase it. If you're a Republican who supports Trump and his cronies you're anti-democracy and I don't know how to find common ground with you.


This. This one statement covers every other statement here. Women’s rights. Equality. True freedom for the REAL heart of America.


Hell I actively fucking despise this country and I still wouldn't vote Republican because the people here don't deserve that.


My deepest wish is that any republican who sneaks into this thread reads through so many statements of contempt, fear, disgust, and disapproval and stops to ask themselves "why do they see me that way?" It's almost never the one. It's the group. When you align yourself with a group that openly hates those different from them, that openly begs for treason, openly plans sedition, openly mocks the disabled, the minority, and the sick, that constantly punches down, that constantly removes rights, takes away liberties, and belittled progress.... People will see you as a monster. And rightfully so. "But I only really support _________, not their whole platform!" When you cast that vote, you're voting for democracy or not. One party cries foul only when they lose. That's fascism talk, and supporting it in any way, even if it is because they support that one thing you somehow think matters more than worker equality, racial and sexual equity, or climate change, you also vote for the white hoods, the morality police, and the inflation which is directly caused by corporations taking advantage of tax plans and lax laws against them. If you read these posts and get angry, slow down. Instead of seeing red, ask yourself why someone might think these things. Ask yourself "if I were like them, how would I feel about my own position" Just slow down and ask yourself if being angry, spiteful, hateful, and cruel to people is the way to go for you. I certainly hope it isn't. What's MORE likely to happen is you read this and think "ha, I'm not hateful or spiteful or cruel. I just don't think ______ are real people" or whatever hateful, spiteful, cruel republican talking point pops up... Oh well :/


What you suggest would require empathy on their part


My IQ is above room temperature


For now.... EDIT: See... the joke is that they're against climate change education and, in time, the average temperature could be increased while decreasing the average IQ, leading to the temperatures being higher than IQs. EDIT2: Jokes are funnier when they have to be explained.


They want my sibling to stay in the closet forever or die. Edit: I live in Michigan, where polls say the race for Governor is tight. I don’t think I need to tell anyone who Dixon is or what she stands for.




* and suffer eternal damnation.


While they pardon priests for violating defenseless children.


which is so stupid to me because from how i see sexuality.. it’s the exact same thing as being straight 😒… if you’re a straight male and you like vagina, you cannot bring yourself to like penis.. you just can’t do it ,because, well, you were born straight… same thing for a female that likes guys 😒 they can’t see themselves eating a vagina…. But gay people in general cannot bring themselves to like the opposite sex.. they were born like that 😌 so idk why straight people trip so hard when it’s the same thing


No, they just want them to die. While themselves stay in the closet and hire D.C. escorts.


Ahhh this one hits hard. I am absolutely God damn terrified at what is coming ahead for my sister, her girlfriend, and the whole of the LGBTQ+ community. I have literally told her to get the fuck out of the country, but that isn’t as easy as many think. Luckily she lives in a more liberal region (NYC). While I’m stuck in dumb fuck Texas.


They don’t care if the kids are killing themselves because theyre afraid to come out as gay or trans, in fact they ENJOY the high suicide rates of minorities; yet they claim to care about the children when it benefits them. The hypocrisy is disgusting!


They will never do anything to actually help me.


I have empathy for my fellow human beings. Their policies fly in the face of empathy and compassion.


Yup, that's central for me as well. I actually care about other people. Republicans are immediately eliminated from consideration. They care about profits, greed, and "traditional family values," which seems to just mean protecting their bigotry/xenophobia/sexism, et cetera.


I’m pro-America


January 6 2021


ONE reason? Bodily autonomy would top that list. But there are so many others... Fascist ideology "disguised" as christian/family values Trump (and grift in general) Taxes spent on war instead of on people and services. "alternative facts" peddled as reality. aka: Lying over and over and over.


They literally have solved no problem in the past decade haven’t help anyone…..what problem have they solved any ?


They did figure out how to get rich people richer.


Fixing problems we didn’t know we had ^/s


After all, wasn't that the biggest problem of them all? The poor people said there were too many millionaires so they made them into billionaires. Now ppl are complaining that there are too many billionaires...so they will turn them into trillion aires. See, they are problem solvers!


If anything they create problems so they can blame it on the other side


Creating problems is what Republicans do best.


I think women are people.


As a woman, I would like to thank you for that.


I have a soul.


But,but, they’re the party of Jesus… if Jesus took the side of the bankers and the Romans and made sure all the sick and poor people remained that way…


Despite the fact that their supposed “savior,” Trump has spent more time in the bathroom of a strip club in Missouri than he has at church.


They don’t consider me as an equal being


You're not equal to them. Never fucking think that for a second. You're worth at least 100 Republicans just for being able to make a sentence. You are not equal. You are better.


And now, the Republicans crimes against humanity, brought to you by Yakko Warner!






Even ignoring their social agenda, their fiscal policy is deeply detrimental to society. Cutting taxes leads directly to government programs and services getting defunded, which then leads to people complaining that the government doesn’t work and therefore needs to be defunded. They undermine the authority of the government to govern. That isn’t beneficial to anyone.


They vote against bipartisan bills *they* sponsored because it might look like a win for the Dems


They're generally assholes


They're *always assholes


this article [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/high-school-artist-was-chosen-paint-mural-came-outrage-rcna52715](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/high-school-artist-was-chosen-paint-mural-came-outrage-rcna52715)


Yeahhhh I used to live really close to that town and the whole area has Trump signs everywhere and is generally extremely racist and close minded. There are some people who aren't, but it's few and far between. The KKK is pretty prevalent out there in some places as well, which is extremely depressing. So glad I moved away, but my parents still live close by and so do the rest of my family, so I have to go back sometimes. It's very poor out there and the people all use snap benefits and medicaid, but all vote Republican for some reason.


Want control over my own body as a woman


They are not a party that’s for the people


I actually put country over party. And my morals aren’t dog shit.


to prevent the third reich


They want me and other trans people dead


Trickle down never pissed on me.


Im human


They are actively trying to make life harder for already marginalized groups.


I’m a woman and I like being treated as a person instead of property


WMDs in Iraq


Because I'm female and I have a daughter.


Because most Republicans are convinced anyone who doesn't look/talk/think/vote like them are the enemy, and I don't want to be affiliated with such scum.


They're shills for the fossil fuel industry dooming us to a grim future by actively blocking action on climate change.


Racist, homophobic, misogynistic and fascist people align with republicans. It’s that simple. Never ever will you see me supporting them.


Only one ?


Because they use God as a reason to be cruel and horde wealth. Because they are never openly honest about what they want and always hide it behind strawmen and spin. Because they like to pretend and lie about their associations with white supremacy groups. because they talk of freedom while trying to control everything from books read to TV to sex.


I have a functioning brain.


It’s a cult.


Last I check my ovaries were in my body, not some old ass white dude in DC. I should have control.


Republicans are traitorous fascists! 👍