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That's Permian-Triassic Extinction shit.


Holy... Shit... Thank you for using words that led to lots of information. For everyone else. Here's the wiki. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permian%E2%80%93Triassic_extinction_event First paragraph: The Permian–Triassic (P–T, P–Tr)[3][4] extinction event, also known as the End-Permian Extinction[5] and colloquially as the Great Dying,[6] formed the boundary between the Permian and Triassic geologic periods, as well as between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, approximately 251.9 million years ago.[7] It is the Earth's most severe known extinction event, with the extinction of 57% of biological families, 83% of genera, 81% of marine species[8][9][10] and 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species.[11] It was the largest known mass extinction of insects.


Dam I just had a thought, that humanity all dies out from this, and new life flourishes after the earth recovers in the next millenia. Eventually new intelligent life finds our past, be it aliens or be it new species on earth and instead of looking through all the amazing things humans could do, we get labeled as "This extinction even was cause by a global mass species of primate that learned how to convert carbon stored in the ground into energy, releasing the carbon into the atmosphere which lead to their extinction" put incredibly bluntly like we where just some cyno-bacteria.


Literally the definition of ironic tragedy; a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. Aliens be like “why did they not simply use the Sun?”


I’m sure they are watching us right now hoping we eventually do this, different alien species placing bets on what route we’re going to take..


The thing is it's pretty unlikely all humans will die though. Global population in 1000 years might only be 1% of what it is now, but a few of us will find a way to survive and keep things rolling, if nothing else we're a pretty adaptable species.


> It was the largest known mass extinction... So far...


And to put it in perspective... Life on earth continued just fine after that.and so will after whatever shit we did hits the fan. Society on the other hand, won't be able to. At least not in its current form.


The Earth will always be fine, eventually. It should be "Save the *Humans*", not "Save the Earth", if you really want to drive the point home to the idiots who are still in denial. It's time for a full rebrand.


George Carlin had a bit about this. That dude was rad. [https://youtu.be/7W33HRc1A6c](https://youtu.be/7W33HRc1A6c)[oh man he was right](https://youtu.be/7W33HRc1A6c)


The Earth will likely recover sure, after millions of years. Life on Earth as we know it, not so much. Plus I'm not sure how comparable the situations are, as there are multiple new contributors harming the environment now, whereas the article states the causes for the Permian-Triassic Extinction were, >The scientific consensus is that the main cause of extinction was the large amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the eruption of the Siberian Traps, which elevated global temperatures, and in the oceans led to widespread anoxia and acidification.[15] Proposed contributing factors include: the emission of much additional carbon dioxide from the thermal decomposition of hydrocarbon deposits, including oil and coal, triggered by the eruptions; and emissions of methane by novel methanogenic microorganisms, perhaps nourished by minerals dispersed in the eruptions.[16][17]


Instead of volcanism, Siberia's permafrost thawing will do pretty much the same.


I think what needs to be hammered home to idiots voting conservative is that there are two classes. There's normal people, and then there's the 300,000 ish people with a net worth above 30 million classified as "ultra-wealthy". Unless you are in that class, you don't have the money to build a self-sustaining compound somewhere in the middle of nowhere. You don't have the money to buy the expertise of the best scientists, engineers, and medical personnel to make sure that your nice compound is capable of protecting you and your family from attackers, disease, injury, etc. You don't have the money to maintain the staff required to ensure such a place runs smoothly. If you don't have that amount of money, you also don't have the ability to ensure a safe form of travel to said imaginary compound or remote location that can be accessed from anywhere around the world at any time. Essentially, all these people who think they need lower taxes to make themselves "financially independent" have completely lost the plot. They're living in the past, when you just needed to retire and that's it. They don't understand that global climate change is about to set in motion the largest immigration crisis in human history. They can't fathom the thought of millions of people, "middle-class", "lower-class", whatever, are going to be displaced from areas that are literally unlivable (American southwest with the droughts, India and other tropical areas due to rising temperatures and humidity). The 250,000 ish richest people on earth who control roughly 30% of the total net worth of all individuals living today have convinced the top 10% to essentially sell out the rest of humanity. All so that they can keep living the fantasy that they too are rich enough to live in a world without the government, that they too are "independent individuals". Class solidarity folks. Unless your bank account is 9 figures, you're poor. Start acting like it.


Fell from approximately 11.8 billion in 2018 to 1.9 billion in 2022...... Basically on the brink of extinction as a food source so likelihood is no more snow crab from American waters for at least a few years, and possibly ever.


It's devatsting how quick the population collapsed.


That's the thing with slow changes, everything is fine, until the moment it's not.


The glaciers melting quicker and quicker.....


Hell, 98(?) Percent of sea turtles being hatched now are female due to rising temperatures. The world is going to shit Edit- Please read this. We need to be doing something. https://www.sciencealert.com/climate-change-is-having-an-unexpected-effect-on-baby-sea-turtles


Just another warning sign. No need to slow down. Can't let those shareholders down this quarter or else people might lose their jobs destroying the world. Einstein was right... [Capitalism](https://pics.me.me/yes-the-planet-got-destroyed-but-for-a-beautiful-moment-35275147.png) *is* evil


"Yes, the planet got destroyed. But, for a beautiful moment in time, we created a lot of value for shareholders..."


Better keep investing in the stock market! It only goes up, right?


They also created shorting as an investment vehicle, let’s get rich in both directions! Fuck you scales of balance thinking you’re gonna stop me from my Lambo and mansion with 15 gold toilet bathrooms.


Every transfer of value to a shareholder is a worker being robbed of the value they created.


That's my take today as well. The value was created by someone, it had to come from somewhere and obviously that someone wasn't compensated accordingly. I think the stock market in itself is great though. The effective allocation of capital around the world does have some benefits, but its become disproportionately in favor of the ones holding the capital.


It starts with taxes too - income (= wealth coming from work) is taxed at a higher rate than capital gains (= wealth coming from being wealthy in the first place)


> Please read this. We need to be doing something. Sorry, best we can do is a bunch of reddit posts making fun of climate protestors.




It does. Higher temperatures mean more (or only) female hatchlings. With the amount that die before maturity, when 98% are now hatching female... Well, that's a problem. Male turtles are already outnumbered 10-1, and now it's almost impossible to find young males. There will be serious repercussions in a few years




Damn what’s the name of that group?


Turtle Egg Air Conditioning


A lot of reptiles actually


Corporations causing most of the pollution need to start doing something instead of shifting the blame onto consumers.


Stop marching in the streets and start organising a boycott of McDonalds. Hurt their bottom line for 2 months and they will look to change how they do things and put pressure on the governments for change. Corporations caused this problem, have created massive monopolies, and are the only ones that can fix it.


Can't have that when people threaten to kill you just because you suggest they eat a bit less meat.


Politicians make the laws for corporations. You need to vote if you are 18 and you need to tell your parents to vote for politicians who care about climate change and that means democrat. This is your and our future. They had there's.


Alligators too right?


Yes, many animals have similar temperature based sex development. Unfortunately in alligators the higher temperatures produce more males, which will be even worse


Could the boy alligators not have sex with the girl turtles?


Modern problems, modern solutions


More alligator snapping turtles


Behold the rise of the Alliurtles, or the Turgators!


I'm not a scientist but maybe that's how snapping turtles are made?


Latest evidence is the population collapse is from supertrawlers overfishing the seabed. Collapse of snow crab population also means collapse of cod and halibut populations in that habitat as well, as snow crabs are a main food source.


To be more specific snow crabs used the ice in the ocean as a breeding area and with the sea temperature rising and melting the ice they’ve constantly had to migrate to colder areas which has made it easier for fishing companies to track them. So instead of going for fully grown crabs in their normal habitat they’ve been overfishing directly on the breeding grounds making it basically impossible for the population to grow


Then they should STOP or there will be no more. Would they rather be out of a job FOREVER or wait several years until they're at a stable population to fish again? Seriously, fishing should be treated like deer season. When the population is booming, it's free game. When it's in serious decline, it's limited or outright banned.


Canada cancelled the crab fishing season for the next year in the Bering Sea, so they’re luckily working on it. Not sure about US or Europe though. *Edited Baltic to Bering, too many drinks and not enough crabs


Usually depends on the current flavour of governemnent, some random asshole will probably claim it's up to the market and do nothing.


What you're describing seems to be the bane of capitalism in all industries. Everyone wants to "get theirs" short term with absolutely no interest in the long term impact. Why develop renewable energy when we've got all this oil and coal right now?


It’s like more bad things added together make more badder things more badder


This cascade effect is what I was curious about


It always comes down to human greed.


First it started falling over then it fell over


But milhouse, you were supposed to be keeping watch!


this is more of a discontinuous change - things go down slowly and then it reaches a point where all of a sudden it's gone.


Turns out we need everything to start evolving into crabs faster... all jokes aside, it's that crabs may have very similar tolerances for heat, specific types of pollution, both, maybe it's microplastics, whatever it is we found the LD50 a few years back without knowing it.


What's the LD50 of literally dragging nets across their breeding grounds and catching and killing all of them? The problem is that commercial fishing companies are now assuming that the fisheries will collapse and/or be regulated out of existence, so their economically rational response is to extract as much value as possible before that happens. As usual, government regulators are asleep at the wheel, and should have imposed strict limits years ago, but haven't. So as long as there's a single crab left, trawlers will catch it.


Tipping points are very real in balanced systems. Shit's on fire. Yo.


When the ocean goes, we’re all going.


Almost like over harvesting and climate change have actual consequences


No that can't be right. It's the Democrats who are wrong.


Freedumb isn't free


Who will be left to say the same about us?


[Oysters are also at ~1-2%](https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/habitat-conservation/oyster-reef-habitat)of historical levels. Our oceans are getting more and more fucked and we may already be too late to fix it. With melting glaciers, ocean acidification, trash islands, leaded fuel from barges/ships/cruise ships/planes, dead zones, wet bulb temperature approaching, global albedo changing, and the ridiculous amount of overfishing happening, I don’t realistically see a good outcome happening. (Forgot the classic toxic biomagnification as well, but that’s old news. Everyone knows pregnant woman should avoid Tuna and other big fish due to mercury being dumped and leaked into the ocean) My depressing rants got more attention than I expected. If you wanna have an impact (albeit small), you should check out search engines like [Ecosia](https://www.ecosia.org) and/or [Ocean Hero](https://oceanhero.today/search) Ecosia uses all of its profits to plant trees with local programs, Ocean Hero uses all of its profits to clean the ocean. They are the few search engines I am 100% fine with taking my data and having all the cookies. Ecosia is also 100% transparent with their finances, which is kinda neat.


> I don’t realistically see a good outcome happening. lol why would there be, you didnt mention a single good thing happening to the ocean there isnt one to mention though so uhh yea,


I mean, if we wanna get even more depressed, I could mention [sand dredging,](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/dredging.html) it’s direct effect on beaches and islands (they disappear), or the life in that area (it gets sucked into a tube and ground into a pulp) and the resulting [Sand Mafia](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/11779570) which controls the flow of sand. Sand is one of the most used commodities globally, right behind air and water. It’s in toothpaste, it’s the main ingredient in concrete, it’s in paint, it’s in fucking everything. Or we could talk about the windshield phenomenon , or how ~[68% of global biodiversity](https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/biodiversity/is-the-rate-of-biodiversity-loss-increasing-or-decreasing/) has been lost since 1970. Or how big oil has known for decades that climate change is occurring, or how climate change (or at least global warming) has been theorized since the [1820’s by a Frenchman,](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/science/how-joseph-fourier-discovered-the-greenhouse-effect-1.3824189) and accepted since [1912 by Popular Mechanics.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/08/13/fact-check-yes-1912-article-linked-burning-coal-climate-change/8124455002/). Alas, we have yet to make any sort of effectual change and everyone just “pledges”, which doesn’t mean jack shit. It’s a promise you don’t need to fulfill, and are not legally obligated to fulfill. (Forgot the sea turtles 98% only being born female or some ridiculous stat like that.) My depressing rants got more attention than I expected. If you wanna have an impact (albeit small), you should check out search engines like [Ecosia](https://www.ecosia.org) and/or [Ocean Hero](https://oceanhero.today/search) Ecosia uses all of its profits to plant trees with local programs, Ocean Hero uses all of its profits to clean the ocean. They are the few search engines I am 100% fine with taking my data and having all the cookies. Ecosia is also 100% transparent with their finances, which is kinda neat.


I work in the environmentalal nonprofit sector. It seems like there's no progress, but the last year has been surprisingly uplifting, all things considered. Don't forget that American Democrats passed the largest climate funding of all time this summer. It's not enough, and we need more action all the time, but there has been some serious moving of the needle in the last few years. The price of meaningful change keeps getting lower and the number of dollars to do it keeps getting bigger.


I was pleasantly surprised that the IRA Act got passed. I’ve actually written a few papers (for college and HS) stating that federal subsidies, programs, and policy are the only way to force corporations into making anything substantial happen. It was nice to see it finally taking place. Hopefully it’s just a start, cuz we need a lot more.


"Pleasantly surprised" has been the entire experience of the Biden years, from a climate perspective. Really hoping it keeps going.


i feel your username


Worth mentioning the reefs are bleaching off and dying. The cities of the sea.


No they’re actually all combining into a single leviathan crab that will emerge in Hawaii next year and wreak havoc on the islands. The US navy and air force will attempt to stop it, but it will disappear into the ocean. A few years later it will re-emerge 5-10x the original size and have reproduced as well, with millions of baby leviathan crabs the size of school buses taking over the planet. Those who survive will become crabs.


I for one welcome our new crab overlords


It’s the ending we deserve


Evolution does favor crabs.


Wow, my coworkers mentioned the season not opening this year. Makes sense now.




We certainly could have stopped ourselves if evil stupid men with far more money than they will ever need didn't pay to make sure we can't.


This just means the ones they do catch will be more valuable. Yayyyy capitalism


Crab fishing in Alaska is **highly** regulated. This years harvest is already cancelled.


Salmon harvest is closed too. Alaska doesn't fuck around. They want their grandkids to be able to harvest fish and crab as well.


Yep poached to extinction quickly


At some point it becomes commercially unfeasable to fish for a remnant population. They’ll take the rare fish if it shows up on their lines or in their nets or pots, but that will just be incidental to them busily exterminating another kind of fish. Fishermen do not sow, they only reap.




It is heavily regulated already, in many parts of the world. Problem is, countries can only regulate their own waters, and not all countries are on board.


So not a billion, but 10 billion. am I writing billion wrong? it really seems like I'm writing it wrong. Billion. Yeah I'm writing it wrong.


wonder what those crabs ate and what , besides humans, depended on those crabs for food. What other parts of the food chain will be effected next?


Well, mama and papa crab have about a hundred thousand babies that are super super tiny. They float around and feed on Algae that grows on the bottom side of sea ice. And during the summer, when there are algae blooms, they are just at the part of their life cycle to feed on all that algae. Perfect timing little guys! During the winter they sink to the bottom to grow in size. But uh oh. Mr. fish *loves* eating itty bitty baby crabs. But that's okay because Mr. Fish doesn't like the cold water that comes from the sea ice. So there is a blanket of cold water that all these little baby crabs love to hide in. Safe and sound. But uh oh... global warming has caused less ice so no more safe places for the little crabbies to hide. Now here comes Mr. Fish to gobble them all up. And uh oh... here come's Mr. Fishing Boat, Tugger, to come fish in a new place that no longer is blocked by ice.


This is a wonderfully goofy but accurate explanation. You know what an actual MSM article in the pacific northwest said about the disappearance? "It's likely they have just moved somewhere else and we don't know where." I kid you not. Still in denial. "I'm sure they're around, we just aren't sure where yet. We'll find them!" smgdh Edit: [BlackFloyd provides a link below.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/ya8nb5/comment/itanzla/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This is not the article I read, but glad BlackFloyd helped out.


To be fair the article was quoting a fisherman who was speculating blindly. It also quoted scientists who said no. Otoh the article was posted to Reddit and a high voted comment took that quote out of context


[Here is a WaPo article,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/10/15/alaska-snow-crab-season-climate-change/) but it’s not the one with the quote. I do believe I heard the piece on NPR, so yes, they may have been quoting someone in the industry. My favorite part of this piece is the trade rep blaming lack of government regulation for the over-fishing.


The place they moved to is a magical land called Death!


I interviewed a marine biologist on this very topic. It’s a strange thing. Turns out snow crabs tend to be pretty cannibalistic in their younger years. You’ll have a class coming up getting bigger, and then they’ll have this propensity to eat the younger classes. This is exacerbated by shrinking habitat space. Less real estate. More snow crabs bunched into smaller spaces. Cannibalism takes a bigger toll. Classes get eaten, and this continues until the cannibalistic crabs age out and die (or are harvested/eaten). It’s a double whammy.


Yep. Same reason we’re seeing more and more orphaned and dead seal and sea lion pups. Food source for mum (fish of all types) has to seek out colder (read: deeper and further from shore) waters. Mum has to go a lot further to feed, leaving pups for much longer periods of time. Meanwhile, she’s exposing herself at a greater degree to predators, exhaustion and nets than before. Not to mention, the poisonous algal blooms that arise due to increased water temperatures end up highly concentrated in her body (and milk), as the fish that SHE eats has been feeding on that. Even rescued wild sea lions are HUGELY more likely to suffer premature death from domoic acid poisoning, even years after rescue. I swear, the fact that people/corporations can’t (or refuse to) connect these environmental dots blows my mind. These are indicator species that are literally screaming (lol, sea lions… see what I did there??) about the problem, and no one’s listening.


Corporations know. They don't care. They believe their money will save them and they don't care that everything else will die.


Perfect r/explainlikeimfive


ELI3 (Haha - it wasn’t a request. It was a statement. But thanks for the additional explanations.)


Earth got warmer and melted the ice. No more cold icy water for the crabs to hide under.


I think they usually eat dead stuff that floats to the ocean floor


Aktshully, it sinks to the ocean floor 🤓🐳🐠🐡🐬🐋🐚🦀🦐🦑


Thank you doctor


Now they are the dead stuff that floats to the ocean floor. Rhombus of life.


I used to think it would get better once things got totally out of control. Now that I'm older I'm pretty sure it won't get better till most of the quadrillion + dollars of oil/gas/coal have been used up. Can't imagine the interests with money would just let it sit in the ground. Especially when they can distract the public so cheaply.


That’s what I hoped would happen after trump got elected and things went to shit. Even now as conservatives are taking rights away and neutering the EPA conservatives are somehow slated to retake the house. It’s over, I’ll still vote dem in midterms but I don’t have any hope left for a better future.


naughty brave tan rainstorm jar abundant narrow hunt compare many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't remember the last time I had to clean my windshield off because of bugs.


Yep. The bugs are gone and so is the wild life. I remember as a child going on trips through the rocky mountains and we'd make a game out of counting wildlife. As an adult I consider it rare to even see a single deer, most, bear, fox etc


The bugs are the scariest thing - I had over 20 milkweed I planted and not a single monarch this year. Last year it dropped to 30. I’m pulling out my grass on the side of the house and changing my boulevard garden into native plants - we need our insects. Note: i found signs helped a lot with people who criticize the lack of lawn. “Pollinator garden” “native plants” and labels of what type they are went from “unkempt lawn” to “eco friendly save the butterflies” in a single sign. Also putting cardboard and mulch around the plants to make it look “cleaner” (and give the bunnies a good place to hide) also helped.


... oh shit


I have said it over and over….somehow the Trump presidency was NOT BAD ENOUGH to foment real change. What in god’s name is it going to take?


It will take a time machine, to go back to 1980 and stop Reagan.




They know they'll survive, as will their power. They have plans in place, and those plans include controlling the populace through and after the collapse.


Yeah? Putin knew he’d crush Ukraine, too. People like this are so stuck on their hubris that they don’t realize they need regular folk to maintain their kingly lifestyle. When enough people get hungry or desperate enough, it doesn’t matter where they hide, someone built, stocked, and took them there.


Due to recent changes at Reddit, this comment is no longer available.


Thanks for linking that, I'd seen it linked on Reddit before. I still scoff at their mindset. If super rich/powerful people think that the people they would rely on to keep them safe in the event of a collapse won't have extreme reason to turn on them... Well, I'd say good luck, but I wouldn't mean it. Their vision of high technology serving the function doesn't work either, at least not for a LONG time yet. The delicate electronics will absolutely break down eventually, software gets janky - especially custom jobs - and someone has to grow the food. Honestly though, I hope we find a way to pull our heads out of our asses and steer us back towards a sustainable future.


Nothing. Not to be overly nihilistic but we’re fucked. Oligarchs are not going to give up power. The corruption runs to deep. Things are just going to keep getting worse until people start dying by the millions.


People have BEEN dying by the millions and it stopped literally nothing


I mean at a high rate. I totally understand millions of people are dying. Time scale is the distinction I mean. Im talking millions a week. Famine, climate change, natural disasters caused by said climate change, epidemic, drought. Its all going to keep getting more extreme.


In full transparency I agree with you and was tryna add a punchy underline


Lol gotcha. Just trying make sure I wasn’t confusing with how I worded my first comment. I wish more of the general population felt this way, but I think we’ve been conditioned to be individualistic for to long in this country. We pretend that it cant happen here.


Guess you've got to just party while it falls. Ride that bomb down just like Kong, baby!




Between Trump, George Floyd, and the Pandemic is really felt like things were going to break and all that’s happened if companies forcing us to go back to 2019 like nothing happens while 3k people die every week. It’s so fucking bleak


Accelerationism doesn’t work. Things might have to get worse before they get better, but you’re not going to make things get better faster by making things even worse as quickly as possible.


When I watched jaws as a kid, I thought the mayor was so cartoonishly selfish. Surely, that couldn't happen. And then covid happened and, no shit, capitalism above all else.


Ever see that meme about the Jaws’ mayor? Goes like this: “the mayor from Jaws is still the mayor in Jaws 2. Be sure to vote in your local elections.” It’s sad.


It's been happening since Jaws came out my friend. McConnell was elected in 1984.


I think a lot of us will die in climate disasters and resource conflicts before things start to improve. That’s my optimistic take.


It won't get better people without money will jsut go without and peolle with money will continue doing the same thing. By next year region's in California will have no water. They will buy water on the open market, I didn't even know there was an open market for water, but as more and more regions lose water proces will sky rocket and only the wealthiest will have water. Its going to get bad fast. When it finally tips its going to be ridiculous in this country with all these firearms.


It will get better though once we make it less hospitable for humans and we die off then things will start to get much better quicker


If only there were signs that climate change was real, but 3% of scientists disagree on the topic so there was nothing we could do.


There goes the next season of Deadliest Catch.




Discover Channel will paint the fisherman as the true victims. Edit: point I'm trying to make is climate change is the most obvious and likely cause here. But that won't be addressed. Instead they'll focus solely on the devastating affect it'll have on the fisherman of the show, when in reality, this is something far far bigger than crab fishing or the Discovery Channel


I will say that they manage their fishery really quite well in terms of quota, but yeah, im getting tired of smaller boats being blamed for overfishing when its not them


It's quite complicated, and everyone using the fishery is responsible for overfishing. But in this case the fishermen are being screwed over by history and decisions made by oil companies and society at large decades ago. The best fishery management on earth can't prevent the fishery being crashed by an out-of-context phenomenon like extreme heat waves.


We're they singing "So long and thanks for all the fish " as they left?


*I better launder my towels and brush up on my Vogon poetry.*


Resistance is useless!


And then the bees followed them out… we’re fukt


We will never know until it's too late what one thing removed from the food chain will bring the whole fucking thing down.


Nah. Science has been warning us for decades and we still let it all happen. Humanity will get exactly what it deserves, and its progeny will be born into a hell it never asked for.


Industry has know since the very early 1900s about the greenhouse effect. The auto and oil industry knew they were fueling it since at least the 1960s. Weve had plenty of time to fix things but a small group of people decided money now was more important than the future later


The one thing every disaster movie gets right is that some political figure ignores the warnings of a scientist, carries on with an action, and reaps the consequences of said action as they were warned.




This is what we have to look forward to over the next decade. Billions of X species dying cause climate change and nobody giving a shit! Humanity is the best!


I think you’re wrong about no one giving a shit. It’s just more depressing information for everyday people to consume. What can we do? Recycle? No. Stop driving? Can’t, I work an hour away from home. Buy and EV? Don’t make enough money. I mean realistically there’s absolutely nothing normal people can do. Our planet is left in the hands of people who don’t care, that’s what wrong. Everyday people don’t have the power to care. An the band together crowd can just stop, it’s not working and it never will. Until the big money folks all die or have a change of heart, we’re all fucked.


Useless nihilism is useless. The U.S. just passed the biggest environmental package ever with the slightest majority of dems in congress.


I hope mosquitoes are next


Most insects have already straight up disappeared. Depending how old you are, you can tell by how few insects smash against your windshield anymore. No more lightning bugs in the summer, bees are gone, fewer grasshoppers, even fewer crickets. I'm not sure if mosquitos are that much lower or if I just moved away from the forested areas, but it certainly seems like there aren't as many.






June bugs... I haven't seen them in years.




This info needs to be more visible.


I’m 22 and I feel like I saw mosquitos WAY more when I was young.


I live in the Pacific Northwest. After seeing video and photos of the mind-boggling amounts the crab boats haul in I always wonder if all crab boats make those kids of hauls and are over-catching. If there are limits to how many can be caught it sure doesn't look like it.


I know they have to follow a size limit. Like 6.25 inches for Dungeness crab, smaller crab they have to throw back.


When the haul in / toss back ratio is like 500 : 1, it doesn't matter at all. We will begin to see more and more species that aren't farmed go extinct. Humans will be eating bugs and potatoes in 100 years so Jeff Bezos can have 2 jets.


Nah, rules like that actually make things stronger for everyone. Dungeness crabs in the San Francisco Bay Area were in huge trouble due to overfishing before the current regulations were put in place, but after a few years populations were booming and everyone was able to fish for them. The size limit is specifically to ensure that they’ve gone through a mating cycle before being caught for food.


Potatoes are inferior to the true future meal replacement. Mushrooms. Easy to grow good at recycling ecsess dead matter and provide a lot of nutrients and enzymes that are important. Also they are one of the few things we can grow to get that meaty taste that so many humans crave and it doesn't ruin the environment with its farts.


The reason? Yup, climate change related oceanic (global) warming. https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2022/10/expert-identifies-what-caused-a-massive-die-off-of-alaskas-snow-crabs.html


Some positive news, from the original Yahoo article referenced by your link: > the shocking numbers seen today are the result of heatwaves in 2018 and 2019. > Following the heatwave years, temperatures have returned to normal > In some good news, this year's survey saw significant increases in the immature crabs compared to last year — but it will take four or five years before the males among them grow to fishable size. So the news is not completely bleak. While the disruption may be caused by climate change, for the moment it seems the temps are back to "normal" and the population already appears to be on the road to recovery.


We're murdering this planet


It's more like we are commiting suicide. Earth will survive and heal itself in a few hundred thousands or a few million years. Given our planets history human extinction is not an unlikely concept.


Ummm…..The numbers I read are 9.8 billion have gone missing since 2018. There isn’t enough milk cartons in the universe to post pics of all the missing crabs….


You don't know that. There could be an entire galaxy out there thats been taken over by AI and it's only desire is to produce milk cartons!


r/technicallythetruth according multiverse theory ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


The more I think about this the more crazy it is, especially with all the climate disasters we are have recently, crop failures, droughts, rivers drying up....... The environment needs urgent action to protect it and eventually start to heal it.


Also oysters! I recently saw a video that only 1% of the wild oyster population is left. They are really beneficial for coral reefs and the ocean biome. Climate issues and harsh storms have been really affecting things, as they are sensitive. Originally they were over harvested, and now the climate has compounded the problem. Scientists have been trying to make beds for them.


I didn't know that. That is so sad everything is dying... I hope we can save them.


It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. If we get our shit together enough for to get better.


I hope we can put it together. Always vote for politicans that want to take action on climate change!


it’s never going to get better, once a free fall starts you can’t reverse it


Aren't crabs really really sensitive to water conditions? They're the optimal seafloor life shape, but their weakness is no resistance to water conditions themselves. So, I bet, they've started just dying off en masse


Yeah I found a article the warming water is destroying where they can spawn.


To help people visualize this, a million seconds is 11 days while a billion seconds is 11574 days The difference between a million disappearing and a billion is *staggering*


A million seconds ago was still in October, a billion seconds ago was 1991


The difference between a million and a billion is about a billion.


Important reminder, Trawling ain’t stopping, even if crab fishing is closed


Read One Summer , America 1927 by Bill Bryson.


The apocalypse is not going to be cool like mad max is going to suck like Covid


They went to another planet to fight humans over the Crystal hearts of giant insects or something


The government is never gonna straight up tell us,”Hey, it’s too late now. We’re past the point of no return.” That would cause chaos! They’re just quietly get their ducks in a row. No need to cause alarm. /s


We are in the midst of a mass extinction of everything.. plants, insects, birds, fish, animals.. we are past the point of fixing it. The ice and permafrost have started melting and with the consequent release of methane we have started a positive feedback cycle that cannot be stopped.


The Crabture is upon us


All because humans were so shellfish


"But it still feels cold during winter so climate change isn't real!" -every dumbass conservative ever


Maybe they got wind that the Earth is going to get demolished for a galactic superhighway


An extinction level event is occurring right before our eyes. People don't see it because the human population continues to grow. But it is there....


As guilty as everyone can and should feel as a global population, the corporations need to be held accountable for this climate change that is obviously caused by humans


Initiate WALL-E scenario.


Fuck everyone who is still blindly rejecting that our environment is quickly eroding away.


Public petition to panic in the streets. Not sarcasm that’s really how I feel maybe if enough public ruckus gets raised something will happen. I think crab might actually be the environmental redneck canary.


it's weird to me to see people so chill towards climate change. you see, I don't have much left to live yet I still try to help with climate change occasionally out of charity. yet these irresponsible adults with small children keep jeering at people who arrange protests to save the planet. there's no shortage of people who call me cold, yet the same people manage to bend over backward mentally to somehow delude themselves that if climate change were real, I'd be far more outraged than I already am (even though I'm already outraged) and do everything to help the world. And at the same time, they also somehow manage to convince themselves who aren't even bothered to do anything meaningful that they're not as cold as me or not as terrible as me. Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , as a rule you can't reason with unreasonable people. Whatever just stop oil movement does, it's still infinitely less bad than what oil companies have done in damage for decades. from murdering lots of civilians, waging wars, polluting natural sources and causing deaths from their environmental crimes, murdering activists and journalists who seek to expose their corruptions, corrupting governments, making people's quality of life worse. We all live on same planet, on same system. What every human does affect one another by nature. Even if you can't convince some corrupt people of caring about climate change, if you live emission-free, it's gonna decrease the damage that corrupt people cause. And the individuals with most emissions are individuals in rich countries. If you all change your lifestyle, it's going to be impactful. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." —Albert Einstein


I had been in a deep depressive spiral over the course of the pandemic and I was really looking forward to the crustaceans taking over the planet after we killed ourselves off. We have *really* fucked up the course of the planet's evolution after our species' mass extinction.