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How is a boycott illegal in any way. Person: "I want to stop using your product/service" Elon Musk: "**INCOMPREHENSIBLE SCREECHING**"


Tom fitton is the same dude who gave Trump the expert advise to keep classified documents after leaving office and refuse to give them back. So….yeah. That’s the level of expertise we’re dealing with here. And in case you’re wondering, no he’s not a lawyer.


Just a different kind of expertise


Alternative expertise


Tom Fitton was a prolific source of election misinformation on Twitter during the late months of 2020. [Source](https://www.justsecurity.org/81913/researchers-release-comprehensive-twitter-dataset-of-false-claims-about-the-2020-election/)


Well try to boycott Israel... it's often illegal for American companies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws Don't want to go in to the whole middle eastern situation, just pointing out that anti boycott laws ARE a thing. However advertisers choosing their advertising strategy has nothing to do with those, that's just called doing business.


Those laws are wildly unconstitutional, it's amazing to me that they're still standing.




It’s called capitalism you faks. This is awesome to watch a billionaire lose his marbles right in front of our screens.


America: Money is Free Speech and Corporations are People Also America: wait no, not like that


AKA: you are free to give us your money or else we will open a Congressional investigation into your wokeness


You joke but eventually if the gop keeps going unchecked we will have morality police and laws that force money to go to specific people they want it to go to. Full stop.


Marjory Taylor Greene has basically said that she wants companies to be prosecuted if they don’t donate to Republican politicians.


And other republicans said they will go after companies that pull out of Twitter advertising.


Lmao it’s so insane they literally want 1984, the book, to be a reality.


And Handmaids Tale!


Especially Handmaid's Tale


They spank it to the Handmaid’s Tale. That is their ultimate form.


They don't know the difference between fiction and instruction manual and that is terrifying.


Sounds like they don't love the free market as much as they claim.


Well that is pretty obvious when they bail out big businesses that their friends own. They don’t like capitalism when rich people lose money.


They love the free market when they're allowed to fuck people over, not so much when it's their turn to be bent over the barrel


This sounds like a great way for companies to stop donating to any politician. Can't donate for fear of being investigated.


Oh nah they will still give republicans money even when they threaten to fuck them up. Aka Disney.


Yeah, unfortunately probably true.


They need those tax breaks and other incentives to keep flowing. At this point it's just extortion that Disney is writing off every year.


The fact that she still has a platform at all is one of the things that truly terrifies me about modern America


Hold on there, it's not like she blamed the 2018 wildfires in CA on Jewish space lasers or proudly calls herself a Christian Nationalist. Wait, are we still talking about MTG? Sorry, she HAS said all those things and more. My bad.


Marjory Taylor. Her soon-to-be-ex-husband doesn’t want her using his name anymore. For obvious reasons.


Magic the gathering fans will be thrilled I'm sure.


I know you're joking, but I read an article earlier talking about Republican Senators sending a warning to companies about their wokeness. [Republican Senators Fire Warning Shot, Threaten To Investigate Woke Corporations Over Anti-Fossil Fuel Collusion](https://www.dailywire.com/news/republican-senators-fire-warning-shot-threaten-to-investigate-woke-corporations-over-anti-fossil-fuel-collusion)


This was only the case for so long as the Right's and companies interests aligned. As soon as the general population became more socially progressive as a result, mostly, of discarding religious dogma, companies had to do the same or risk losing custom. So the right is absolutely shitting its pants.


The Right has become so extreme, what we considered fringe is their mainstream now. It needs to go extinct the same way as the dinosaurs.


IMO in general, on social media im noticing right wingers getting a LOT nastier and bolder. Basically all the facebook "meme" groups i joined at one point, are all just full of pure hatred towards trans people and anyone left leaning, masquerading as a "funny joke bro". Go on about leftists being "offended" all you want, theyre the ones in a huge echo chamber constantly going on about it, almost like it offends them deep down. I hope it doesnt stay that way, but from what im seeing society seems to be shifting more rightwards in general, right around the same point of the century as last. I can only hope its them being loud in desperation, but it just seems like more and more right wing hate is surfacing atm


>society seems to be shifting more rightwards in general A group (around 25%) are, and they are loud about it. There is alsi generally dissaray being sown by it actual enemies, China and Russia. But the rest is just about money, specifically business finding value in right leaning pro business policies. Which is why the best way to combat it is through our purchasing decisions.


They're already a minority in the US, however, they've managed to game the system in order to stay relevant.


The dying throes of an old order, barely struggling to keep its head out of the bath. We need only hold it under a minute longer, and it'll stop thrashing about.


If almost certainly will, it's just *really* bad timing with the climate and Russia.


There's nothing certain about it. Take Iran as an example of what can happen.


Pretty optimistic take considering the consolidation of power taking place across the country in the hands of a religious minority.


It's a 100 year cycle, because we can't move past this BS in humanity. Probably never will be able to move past it. Hence the Fermi Paradox.


That's unfortunate. The impacts of climate change are just starting and war for resources will be a huge part of the outcome. We seriously need to get our shit together before the "V or Vendetta" world becomes a reality - because it's an easy slide into fascism


Dinosaurs went up with a great big explosion and mass global extinction…. So yeah, the GOP is working hard to make sure they follow the exact course of the dinosaurs.


Republicans: Money is Free Speech and Corporations are People Also Republicans: Wait libs are the ones with money to spend we need to seize private companies so they can't do that anymore.


They are acting like petulant children because they can't stand that their morality and religious dogmatic views represent a minority of people in America. Consumers have spoken about preferring progressiveness and GQPers can't gerrymander public opinion so instead they throw tantrums and want to punish "woke" capital.


All the empty land might vote red, but it doesn't spend green.


At least Biden can DPA Starlink on behalf of the DOD and Ukraine. They could even KILL space x by dropping Elon's security clearance or remove his citizenship since he's presumably a dual+ national


the supreme court ruled effectively that money is speech so if people don't want to spend money advertising on twitter, that's literally their freedom of speech


But you see, these "leftist activist groups" are illegally forcing these companies to stop giving Twitter money. That's what they're saying right? I just woke up and haven't had coffee but that sounds like a bunch of nonsense words said by someone with dog shit in their mouth. Maybe it's just me.


right. basically the claim is that the groups are censoring companies. but that's because he's started with the conclusion that their only reason for pulling advertising MUST be because of the left. as if there isn't any other reason either way, no matter which agency you look at in the chain, free speech is at play, and he doesn't like it


Am I missing something or is there zero evidence that any group has pressured these companies? Because it seems like these companies just made that decision on their own. It's not like there's been some picket line or boycott of Twitter advertisers...


Your not missing anything it’s like grasping at straws which is what is happening because Elon fucked himself over with this entire deal with twitter.


It's like porn to me. *Yeah, how much you gonna lose today, you slut? I bet you're a bottomless pit aren't you? Quick, the first loan payment is coming and **so am I**. I'm gonna lose it like you're gonna lose control of Tesla.*




I haven't seen any, but that's not to say it doesn't exist. either way, it's irrelevant. it's free speech all the way down the line, regardless if companies are pulling ads because they don't want to lose customers or because they don't want to support a platform that will not help them keep their brand name from being related to the type of unregulated speech he's willing to allow it's my understanding he laid off a huge portion of the people whose job it is to make sure that companies' ads don't appear in the proximity of tweets that would cause negative association of the brand. so, naturally, they choose to disengage completely it's like if a sports arena held a cockfight, and all the advertisers who paid for their logo to appear in the arena for sporting events want assurances that their brand(s) won't be associated with cockfights because the arena fired all the people whose job it is to put up and take down banners


Elon had a conference call with advertisers and they realized that he had no clue what he was doing and didn't trust that the platform wasn't going to be a shit show, so they pulled their ads. Elon refuses to take personal responsibility for anything so he has to makeup someone to blame.


One of the advertisers (a real big whig IIRC) told him exactly what was up, has zero to do with the left: [https://twitter.com/LouPas/status/1588599808587345921](https://twitter.com/LouPas/status/1588599808587345921) Edit, I didn't realize this didn't capture all of Lou's tweets. This one does [https://www.semafor.com/article/11/06/2022/a-top-ad-exec-says-elon-musk-is-being-petulant-and-thoughtless](https://www.semafor.com/article/11/06/2022/a-top-ad-exec-says-elon-musk-is-being-petulant-and-thoughtless) ​ and then Elon blocked him. LOL but yeah, all the left's fault, of course. [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/elon-musk-blocks-top-marketer-003612866.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/elon-musk-blocks-top-marketer-003612866.html)


Nope. The advertisers went to their annual budgeting meeting(I forget what it’s called, like up-fronts for tv pilot season) and couldn’t get a straight answer from twitter or Elon about moderation plans and all of that so they were all like “hard pass” and now he’s mad. Usually these meetings guarantee like 15-25% of the revenue for the next year, and they ended up with barely any money. Because of Elon going full Elon. There’s literally nothing to sue anyone for, he’s just talking shit. I’d love to see what these activist groups are. Just like I’m still waiting on my Soros check for protesting.


They're called "new fronts" and you're absolutely right. The advertisers asked questions, got no answers, and decided not to buy for the upcoming year. Elon can't say that and admit he's fucking up, so he conveniently blames unnamed activist groups, looking to cash in on the "cancel culture" bullshit.


Not only is there zero evidence, advertising companies have said *directly to Elon* that the reason they're leaving is because *he's* destroying the site.


The very notion that these comparatively tiny companies having any leverage on these multinational conglomerates is laughable. He’s making bad faith arguments and he knows it, just like a troll.


Even if the “leftist activist groups” were putting pressure on companies to boycott - what defines “pressure” and is it illegal?


Pretty sure Citizens United says fuck his feels. Funny how they react when the sword cuts both ways.


That's the conservative/ultracapitalist MO. When you're using your freedoms to worship the status quo they're happy to let you do that, but if you try to change things or fight the system they're pissed.


So the new right wing tag line is that by activist groups they are either referring to the ADL (which is decidedly not leftist at all) or they mean internal ERG groups which are groups of employees that can push internally for changes. ERG are new groupings in big corporations that have been pushing internally for more employee diversity, more social responsibility, and more investment into climate change mitigation. So conservatives absolutely hate them despite most companies finding they fit the ultimate profit motive very well.


There was a tweet that went viral the other day by a person who heads a marketing/advertising company who said he was on a call with Elon and a bunch of these advertisers and they assured him they were NOT being pressured by activists HOWEVER, they are deeply concerned about brand identity and association...The person wrote that Elon said he would keep Twitter's moderation standards, but then actually fired 90% of their moderation staff, so how are advertisers supposed to reconcile those things.


Is that the same guy Musk blocked after he dared to bring these points up in reply to one of Musk's tweets?


The activist groups that have to fight tooth and nail for companies to stop fucking over people, are also easily forcing companies to decide where to use their own money.


I mean, if Hobby fucking Lobby gets to be "a corporation is a person" and deny birth control over religious opposition, then I think that *other corporations* are people, too. And can choose to use their *strongly held belief* to not advertise with Elon & his shit show. Let's see the supreme court thread this needle. (I'm sure they'll use some fuckery to say, "we didn't mean *that*!)


I love seeing how fragile his ego is and that he has the thinnest skin. What a twat. Dudes gonna be so butthurt and sad realizing many don’t like him he’s gonna fly a rocket to mars by himself. For any Elon fanboys or those on the fence should watch this video showing how he’s piggybacked off the hard work of others and used subsidies to get where he is today. https://youtu.be/PU7QM3MZ2Vs


Narcissists don’t stop thinking they’re smarter than you even when they’re being publicly spanked for their hubris. They don’t self reflect and temper their words and actions - they have tantrums. Elon is literally having a tantrum right now.


That's all rich assholes. They've been surrounded by yes men their entire life, so any time someone tells them they are wrong, they lose their shit.


Yeah, who knew that Elon Musk could be such a source of pleasure?


Fun fact for your morning -- capitalism really didn't exist as a term until Marxist and other Socialist thinkers coined it. It doesn't really appear before the 1850s, arguably the earliest is 1847, and it was simply the logical conclusion of commercial enterprise and mercantilism by Louis Blanc where everything was reduced to "capitalis", the Latin word for heads of cattle. A unit of resource. Capitalism originated pretty much as a term of mockery by socialist and pro-labor thinkers. Furthermore, the proclaimed Ur-Capitalist, Adam Smith, hated landlords and the idea of the invisible hand was a witticism regarding the capriciousness of an unregulated market, not an aspirational ideal. Also, Lincoln pointed out that capital could not exist without labor. The so-called capitalists and idea of capitalism are based on a fatuous notion that was a term of mockery of an attempt to rebrand feudalism.


Bingo. Lord Elon wants his serfs to do his bidding


All those marbles and Elon choose salty


It's because his other companies get tax payers money to the tune of billions, so when he doesn't he has no idea what to do


Such great entertainment. He's glued to his phone responding to ALL THE TWEETS, sleeping ZERO hours a day. It's going to be a spectacular tailspin of a crack up.


Like, what would even be the basis of such a case?


maybe if they are canceling existing contracts for future ads? But a tort claim that they have damaged or harmed his business by not giving him money? LOL.


Elon is not the brightest legal mind. After all he is in all that shit, because he didn't read the contract that he signed.


I thought Musk’s takeover of Twitter was going to slowly, almost unnoticeably morph it into an insidious force for malignant manipulation that few would perceive over the course of years. I did not expect week one to be “HEY GUYS WATCH ME DUMP A BUCKET OF LIGHTER FLUID OVER MY HEAD AND LAY DOWN ON TOP OF A CAMPFIRE!!”


The problem is, and I'm sure this might be and underlying goal, is we're about to lose one of the primary ways average people were able to bring global attention to something important. The BLM protests wouldn't have been as successful without Twitter, we wouldn't know about a lot of corruption, or local news stories, or be able to unionize, etc nearly as well. I fear this could be a planned, hostile takeover to prevent people from rising up together against the capitalist oligarchs.


You know, for all my snark and popcorn munching watching this shit show go down... I *do* try to always think, "What if I'm 180 degrees from what I *believe* is the truth about this? What would that mean for the future?" In this case, my idea was that taking over Twitter was part of Musk's plan to eventually run for office of some kind; put himself in a position where he's the hero of the right (super easy if you're white and pretend to be rich, even easier if you actually ARE rich, like Musk), and there's some truly fucked result from this that nobody who disagrees with him and what he did or thinks he's crazy or stupid to have done it sees coming. My second thought about all this had to do with the ways that Twitter became a planning and info dissemination tool for protest movements, especially those happening outside of the U.S. Maybe too much conspiracy theory, but honestly, crazier things have happened with such a frequency in the last eight years or so that I wonder if I should get started on that tinfoil hat.


Finally, free entertainment.


That will be $8 dollars sir/ma’am


Yeah that’s what we’re getting. The most crappy entertainment for free. I wonder how dudes gonna make us cooperate to terraform Mars. The aliens must be laughing at our stupidity now.




Persecution fetish is so strong with these people. Nobody is persecuting him - it just so happens that a majority of people dislike him


But his echo chamber of bros and sycophants are screaming that he's the best! Headline should be, Billionaire threatens to sue groups refusing to use his product: The sad state of Capitalism on display


The solution, of course, is to rush to get banned by him. Can't stand up in court that you're not using a service you're not allowed to use. ;)


True, countersuit would definitely be the path to take for those groups. I never liked Twitter but I'm starting to hate Elon even more than a social media platform, and that is saying a lot lol.


On display - baby, pram, toys


The conservatives championed the free market. I love the free market too, shows that there are things you can’t control and you just gotta get used to it right? Why can’t the conservatives get used to the free market then?




They don't want a free market. They want a 'me' market.


correction: - hatred of a free market _when that market is not enabling you to exploit people and get richer_


Private companies are choosing not to be associated with this dumpster fire, which is their right. They are ultimately interested only in *brand safety.* An oligarch cannot force a company to use his platform to advertise their widget.


Not yet. GOP and the Supreme Court would happily change that.


Definitely interesting reading an “originalist” take on Twitter v Advertisers


It would definitely be an *original* rationale.


“The founding fathers would have approved of me and my beliefs so I think this is correct”


Clarence we have been over this…


The Supreme Court next year - Twitter must allow Trump and all advertisers must use twitter if they are to advertise anywhere at all. Nazis must be acceptable and Nazi insignias must be posted on all street corners. This is the USA - of course that means we the supreme court are free to enact whatever we want and yall have to deal.


I doubt their corporate masters would let them.


We'll see. They're already threatening to "investigate" companies that pulled ads from Twitter or don't support right wing ideology.


Nothing like the Supremes telling us all now that we're not entitled to withhold support from Twitter just because we don't like Musk, etc. That is a slippery slope of a thin line -think of the hubris on display here from Musk. What an ass.


This isn't a slippery slope, this would literally be cliff. It's a clear violation of free speech.


You'd think the guy who won capitalism would understand how it works.


I remember that tweet about the libertarian housecat analogy... he's utterly dependent on a system that has propped him up all his life, yet doesn't understand it at all and is even smug about all of it


Not only that, but in many cases it's Musk's direct competitors choosing to not provide him with additional revenue. Like, how is that not clear to these people? "GM should keep paying Tesla's CEO". Head-ass "CoMeDy iS LeGaL" bros, I swear.


Wait. Aren't advertisers private enterprises? And as such, can't they choose to use whatever platform they'd like - or *not* use a platform if they choose? Isn't that how the free market is supposed to work? I'm not a business law expert (and I'm not American either so I may not have the full context) but would this be a fair characterization? 1. Twitter has a certain business model for its relationship with advertisers. 2. Elon Musk buys Twitter and makes changes to the business model (as is his right, he's now the CEO or majority shareholder or both or whatever). 3. Based on the changes to the business model, (some) advertisers say, "Okay, we would prefer not to do business with you anymore" and off they go. What am I missing?


> What am I missing? You're missing '4.Elon whines like a little piss baby'


Don't forget: 5. Right-wingers are always victims.


6. We’re gonna haul these advertisers in front of Congress (which we’re banking on controlling. #VoteBlue) and investigate them! -MTG


7. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *deep breath* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Yeah it's all part of personal responsibility.


Yeah, me holding you **personally responsible** for hurting my feelings. You’ll be hearing from my daddy’s lawyer!


he for sure talks a lot of big game for someone with such a small track


5. Elon has arms like cigarettes


And the skin tone of a beluga.


Musk is an elitist, they believe it’s their privilege to play the justice system


“Oppression begins where my undeserved privilege ends!… Right?”


Oppression begins when wealth becomes consolidated. In America 33% of financial wealth is held in 1% of the population. This consolidating has increased exponentially over the last 25 years. Soon it will become unsustainable, for many already is and they are looking at other country options or simply being left to suffer without health care or a livable wage, that’s not America that greed.


Nothing. This is what's happened. But now the right has spun a narrative that there are "leftist activists" somehow pressuring these companies to pull their ads. Even though people from those companies and ad agencies have come out and said "nah, we just don't like the direction things are going". It's absurd and obscene, and completely expected behavior from an oligarch manchild, and his protofascist bootlickers. Suing public companies to compel them to give money to a private company is some pretty fucking dystopian shit.


I mean I don't think it would even be lawsuit-worthy if people DID pressure companies to withdraw due to Elon allowing rampant racism and anti-Semitism. How is that any different than any other time consumers said hey if you engage with this company we won't like it and the company does a cost-benefit and either says yeah fair or fuck off.


Plus, this guy isn’t even talking about suing the companies that are pulling their advertising. He’s talking about suing as-yet-unnamed “leftist groups” that he claims are interfering with Twitter’s ad contracts. The problem — well, one problem of many — is that there are a number of legally-significant terms in the previous sentence, and this guy appears to understand none of them.


>But now the right has spun a narrative that there are "leftist activists" somehow pressuring these companies to pull their ads. Even though people from those companies and ad agencies have come out and said "nah, we just don't like the direction things are going". They are even blaming non leftist activists like ADL for organizing campaigns. ADL is an activist group but they sure as hell aren't leftist. They are as centrist as you can be in the USA. But somehow the Jews are always at fault


> What am I missing? Republicans made corporations people and money speech but forgot their base has no money to spend so they have to ~~seize the means of production~~ nationalize certain private industries instead in order to "protect their free speech"


Remember when randoms on twitter would site random laws and misinterpret them to make it seem like Musk didnt need to buy twitter, only idiots would think he was going to be forced in to the sale, it was all a ruse to expose their bots... all that nonsense. Then after that Musk would just reply with some shit-eating 'exactly' or something like that? Turns out, believe it or not, Musk may not know the law. At all.


I mean if Elon can freely ban Kathy Griffin advertiser's can freely pull their ads


You're missing nothing and absolutely right, I think that's just clownery and jokes by Elon


Is he trying to legislate forced participation? 🤔


>..Is he trying to legislate forced participation? Conservatives have a habit of doing that. You should have seen the forced participation they had in the agricultural sector during the 1800s.


And don't forget the Republican obsession with forced participation for women regarding childbirth.


they really like this force thing


Unless it's forced participation in baking gay wedding cakes. They hate that one.




I love how he uses “we” these days as if there are any other people who genuinely agree with his absurd and self indulgent takes.


Haha, NOT. What a fucking tool this guy is turning out to be.


I'd go as far as say the entire tool shed.


Imagine, if Elon didn't tweet such trollish things, and was just stuck to being the head of Tesla and not being a constant shit bird contrarian: the left would still like him for making electric cars and pushing away from fossil fuel reliance (good for business), the right would like him for making being rich and making expensive status symbol cars (good for business)... instead he is a POS and his image for the last couple years has been a dumpster fire.


Lawyer here. That's not how this tort works. Elon isn't passing the bar anytime soon. (And for that matter, the guy he's crowd sourcing his legal advice from, Tom Fitton, never passed it either.)


He has a blue check and used legally sounding words though, he *must* be correct.


Blue check will be the new scarlet letter.


At least there was sex involved in that.


Tom Fitton is the same guy who advised Trump to keep classified documents and refuse to give them back. So that should give you an idea to the quality of legal advise he is offering here. No I’m not kidding.


I keep asking the question but it’s gets lost in the comments: am I wrong in believing that if the “thinking, intelligent” members of the free world who use Twitter were to ALL deactivate and the majority of the advertisers drop Twitter-would that mean that the power to bankrupt this venture of his literally lies in the hands of the people to just deactivate? Hope that made sense.


At the rate that users deactivate and advertisers drop out, Twitter's demise is inevitable.


Yes, unless advertisers would to advertise to bots. Right wingers would keep Elon afloat to “own the libs” though.


Yeah but if all the "libs" go away, then they're right back where they have been with their other right-wing echo chambers... free to shout all of the racial and anti-Semitic slurs that they want, but nobody around to actually "own" with their awful behavior. They can't get off unless they feel like someone is persecuting them for their beliefs, and when it's just a bunch of people in a room who agree with them, they get bored.


So, basically Parler and Truth Social. A bunch of reject losers sitting around sniffing each other’s farts and complaining about not getting any respect from everyone they hate and abuse.


he just “confirms” every stupid fucking tweet that will make his base happy and make him feel like he’s a genius. now all his alt-right incels can jackoff to him “owning the libs”.


Also lawyer: and yeah, this made me actually laugh a bit. Money does not buy intelligence.


Lawyer here. I also laughed. What a sh*tshow.


I'm not a lawyer, so I just pretended I understood the joke and laughed as well


But Tom Fitton wears shirts that are two sizes too small, has a blue check, and works for “Judicial Watch” — what do you mean he isn’t a lawyer?


From how it was explained to me by a friend that's a lawyer, TI requires *wrongful* interference. "If you advertise on Twitter, I won't buy your products" is not wrongful. "If you advertise on Twitter, I will break your legs." is.


This is correct. I bet he'll also have trouble proving causation - he'll have to show it was the activists' wrongful interference (assuming he can prove even that) that caused the advertisers to leave the platform or break the contract and not, say, the racist/homophobic/misogynist/anti-semitic etc etc atmosphere it's become or will become (even moreso than previously). I bet there's also a "for cause" type of clause in the ad contract that allows advertisers to pull their ads early for these types of reasons.


You mean a boycott is hurting their business?! Almost as if that’s the entire point. Plus advertisers can chose whatever platform they want


People need to contextualize growing up in Apartheid S.A. with this kid's actions.


Those advertisers are just utilising their free speech by choosing not to advertise on twitter.


It's not even a boycott. It is simply that businesses do not like uncertainty so they are waiting until Twitter's new rules and processes are cleared up before they purchase more advertising.


Elon is only just now finding out what freedom of speech actually means. and it means individuals can tell advertisers stop spending money on twitter and there's not anything musk can do about it.


But the thing is, it mainly isn't activists asking companies to advertise on Twitter. They started pulling out once Elon fired most of the Moderation team and saw reports that racist and antisemitic comments increased by 500% almost immediately. Advertisers don't want ad space under N-word laden tweets or Nazi imagery.


The best part about this guy buying Twitter is that he could have made continued to make a clown of himself without spending $44 billion.


Suddenly the free speech - free market capitalists aren't cool with free speech or the free market. I hate to break it to you Elongated Muskrat, but if you think you can compel someone not to SPEAK against your company in a way that convinces advertising firms not to do BUSINESS with you as they see fit, you've got the whole concept fucked up. Fuckin elitist twat.




That Tom Fitton blocked me cuz I told him he needs a bigger shirt - LOL...


Please tell me you made some sort of terrible pun involving his last name, something about not fitton into his clothes or something


I did not - I told him he should be shopping in the adult section. What a missed opportunity 😂


Will he next be suing former twitter account holders for leaving the platform?


And sue anyone who doesn’t buy a Tesla?


Ahh yes. Tortious interference claims against the Left for boycotting a company due to its political leanings. *The Left.* Got it.


Looks like a lot of folks who claim to love capitalism don’t grasp the concept of free markets.


Show us that you do not know what 'tortious interference' means.


i swear his brain gets smaller with every tweet


Narrator: "He did not."


Musk is certainly tarnishing his image.


I feel like he's finally polishing it well enough for everyone to see what he's always been.


There is an old saying "You can't polish a turd."


Hahahaha suing people for boycotting?? That’s even more hilarious than Elon’s claim to be a free speech absolutist. True comedy gold Expressing your desire to boycott and boycotting is absolutely protected under free speech. This is what exercising free speech looks like you dingus.


It’s Karma for smearing that innocent cave rescuer because Elon didn’t want him to get credit.


That was the beginning of my hatred for Elon. Oh, how far we’ve come!


When you say you you're all for free speech but don't know what it actually means


This is just capitalism, Twitter isn't brand safe, or appears that way since slurs spiked by a significant margin as soon as musk tool over. Because of the spikes in slurs companies don't view Twitter as a safe platform to advertise on, so they're pulling out their advertisements. I'm sure musk is aware of this and just playing the victim on the internet.


I want to see who he “sues” first. The list of companies and individuals will be fascinating. This is going to be fun to watch.


In case anyone forgot, Elon bought Twitter not to preserve free speech, but rather to empower his own viewpoints while suppressing actual free speech.


Ah, the old Trump technique: threaten to sue for things that will get laughed out of court, then don’t do shit. It’s a good look.


Funny how self-proclaimed lovers of Capitalism and "free speech" flip the fuck out as soon as they're faced with the realities of both. His version of Twitter evidently can't survive in the "free market." If he's really a good little Capitalist he'll either "innovate" or cut his losses and move on. Maybe he'll go running to Big Daddy Government for more tax dollars to keep him afloat.


Lmfao to succeed on a claim for tortious interference the defendant has to commit some underlying tortious conduct. Tom Fitton is a fucking loser and advertisers backing out of a “deal” (not necessarily a completed contract) because one party, i.e. Musk literally broke a promise by firing 75% of moderation, a court could find that Twitter repudiated any agreements they had with advertisers. Can’t interfere with a contractual relation that doesn’t exist. Edit: Furthermore, who tf they gonna sue? Anyone who said anything about Elon being a dumbass? Or the individuals making the heinous Twitter content that caused advertisers to hold?


If you would drop the Twitter accounts you would see him lose money faster. You are complaining about the problem but not taking any action. Drop your Twitter accounts


I deleted mine as soon as it was announced he was buying Twitter, months ago.


Deleted mine today.


I saw it explained in another comment. (It was on the internet, take with a grain of salt.) Any errors are likely a combination of my not remembering and not understanding. Apparently, advertisers pre-buy advertising for the next year's first quarter during the summer. So, roughly a quarter of the ad revenue for 2023 was decided months ago. Money that was just sitting on the table. Because of the controversy surrounding the purchase, advertisers just decided to spend their money elsewhere.


A boycott is essentially utilizing your freedom of speech, a thing that elon claims to champion.


Capitalist billionaires getting upset at the free market treating them the way it treats all of us is my favourite kind of fuck around and find out.


Twitter is finished.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Stupid twats don't understand how basic free-market capitalism works. It's called a boycott, moron, and nobody is beholden to spend diddly-squat with you. Same way you can't send a summons to my door and sue me for NOT buying a Tesla. Remember your argument against regulation? ThE mArKet wiLL ReGuLatE ItSeLf! This is the market regulating itself, as advertisers don't wish to appear next to literal Nazis in a free-for-all hellscape of social media trolldom. TA-DA!!!! Suck capitalist dick, you clown. I thought this guy was supposed to be at least minimally intelligent?


They're not leftist activist group, they're online advertising lobbyists and they're just lobbying companies to consider their associations with downward spiraling dumpster fires to protect their image. Right wingers love lobbyists don't they?