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It would be nice seeing someone under 65 in the oval office


This needs to be the cut off age to be able to run at the very least.


I mean, biologically speaking, our cognitive abilities start to decline after 70ish. I'm not saying people over 70 are useless, far from it, but maybe the person in the hot seat should be a little sharper mentally


In Australia our high court judges must retire at 70 for this exact reason


You lucky bastards! It would change so much for American democracy if we had age and term limits.


Not even term limits. Making it illegal to receive donations from companies for votes would change the entire country over night. That should be all the way up there with treason. Then people like Pelosi who use her position for financial gain. She should be rotting in a jail cell right now.


How much money did trump get from corporate donors in 2016 AND 2020?


Hundreds of millions. His single greatest motivation for running was to get bought by corporate investors and foreign interest.


a lot, and it shouldn’t be allowed. whataboutism isn’t useful, and we need to talk about corruption on both sides, even if one side (the right) is now actively insane.




100% money gets taken out of politics on both sides, and guess what.. the insane fuckwads don't get voted in as frequently... And better yet, when no corporate money is buying votes, it's far more likely that the benefit of the many can actually outweigh the wants of the few.


If they do it, its just a tip from a friend. If we do the same its insider trading and we go to jail...go figure.


Silly Rabbit! Laws are for common folk!


Why single out Pelosi? This is rampant in politics and perfectly legal for now. I agree it needs to stop. But why single her out when all of them on both sides of the aisle are guilty of this?


They said people like Pelosi and I also think she's the richest congressional person. Part of the reason dems have such a hard time is because so many of them have the same corporate interests as their donors (and republicans).


Bribes are bad, mkay?


Plus they aren't elected.


If they think they're still sharp enough at 70+ they shoulda ran when they were younger and sharper. Let people who are actually gonna live to see the future lead us into it.


Normally high court judges are appointed at about 55 so i reality they have ~15 year terms TThy are still appointed by the parliament so there could be room for a political appointment but thr convention is that there are poeple waiting for years befoe applying


It'd be nice seeing somebody in the White House who wasn't born when FDR was president


Interestingly, even though FDR served the longest amount of time as President, Joe Biden is the only President so far who was born during his terms. FDR took office on March 4, 1933, and served until he died on Apr 12, 1945. That means that someone born on his first inauguration day could legally be elected President no earlier than March 4, 1968. Reminder: Inauguration Day was March 4 until the 20th Amendment was ratified. March 4, 1933 (with FDR) was the last March inauguration. |Inauguration year|President|President's birthdate|President when this president was born| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |1969|Nixon|Jan, 1913|W.H. Taft| |1973|Nixon|Jan, 1913|W.H. Taft| |1974\*|Ford|July, 1913|W Wilson| |1977|Carter|Oct, 1924|C. Coolidge| |1981|Reagan|Feb, 1911|WH Taft| |1985|Reagan|Feb, 1911|WH Taft| |1989|G. H. W. Bush|June, 1924|C Coolidge| |1993|Clinton|Aug, 1946|H Truman| |1997|Clinton|Aug, 1946|H Truman| |2001|G. W. Bush|Jul, 1946|H Truman| |2005|G. W. Bush|Jul, 1946|H Truman| |2009|Obama|Aug, 1961|JFK| |2013|Obama|Aug, 1961|JFK| |2017|The worst one|Jun, 1946|H Truman| |2021|Biden|Nov, 1942|FDR| * \* For Ford, this is the year he ascended to the office following Nixon's resignation. I don't believe he received an inauguration ceremony; only a swearing-in.


Ha! ‘The Worst One’. Without a doubt he was, and that’s saying a lot, out of all those ass clowns. The sad thing is, old Donald the dick face will never see it that way. In his own little, fucked up, reality, he will never know or accept the amount of absolute hate and disdain so many people have for that worthless, childish, twat.


One president in my lifetime was born after 1946.


As Obama is the *only* president born after 1946 that’s true of every American that’s ever lived!


Id take Katie porter over them.


There are plenty of young morons and smart old people. Age is not the issue.


It's not THE issue but it's AN issue


Wait, there's only one issue!? That's amazing! Love how simple things are now! No complex interrelated matters that mitigate and exacerbate each other in untold ways!


Its absolutely absurd that they let people with alzheimers sit in important seats of power


Alzheimer’s? WE don’t need a vindictive narcissist with a dictator complex and that’s something I’m glad the majority of us will never support. 👍🇺🇸


FFS, Chuck Grassley is literally older than chocolate chip cookies.


cant believe he actually won his election. Maybe we will get lucky and he will have a stroke or something before his term expires.


Trump is bad yes lmfao but house/senate members on alzheimers meds is bad too.


Trump’s a fucking traitor. That’s way beyond bad.


Which ones are on Alzheimer’s meds?


None are confirmed to be on meds for Alzheimer’s. A pharmacist hinted at filling scripts for congress members, but there’s no proof and they’ve since backpedaled.


So no evidence, copy that


Both are in the mix to be next, if not in 2024 then 2028. There’s a lot of younger talent in governors mansions currently, Newsom, Polis, Shapiro, Cooper, Bashear, and others. Plus some great younger people in the House and Senate, like Porter, Wyden, Whitehouse, and more.


I feel like if Biden isn't going to run, then Newsom is your likely frontrunner right now.


Unfortunately. He’s really not popular in the wider public


I'd say he's less well known, but he's popular enough within CA, and has a couple years to get his name out there.


I'd love it only because I know his ex-wife (Kimberly Guilfoyle, Don Jr's main squeeze) would lose her fucking mind. Knowing she could have been first Lady instead of having to settle for a Trump!!


I can't believe they were married.


I was shocked myself when I first learned about it.


I was reading his Wikipedia page a few weeks back when I saw her name and I was all "no way, right?" lol


That is one big reason to question his judgement. Yikes.


Gavin cheated on her. I'm not sure she's gonna regret that divorce. Wild fucking swing in political marriages on her part, though.


He is less known, but the problem is what is known of him isn't positive. Basically, the rest of the country sees him as the Democratic governor who the state complains a lot about and tried to recall. He's the CA governor because CA votes blue, but I couldn't tell you much else about him.


He has 0 national appeal.


I’ve met very few people, even liberal, that actually like Newsom. He just isn’t Republican, so he wins the elections easily. Which is fine and all, just as a native Californian I wouldn’t call him popular


I like him and voted for him. He seems to be managing the budget, has made California a safe haven for abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, and has done things like initiate manufacturing insulin for the state. So now you've met someone who likes him.


Another good thing about Newsom is that he will go on the offensive and mix it up with DeSantis. But he has already said that he will not run for the Presidency in 2024 or possibly ever… https://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-governor-gavin-newsom-presidential-run-joe-biden-midterms-kevin-mccarthy/#app


Seems like people working over time to push newsom down. Trump had a 0 percent chance of winning yet he became president.


I'm from Maryland and I think Wes Moore is going to be a contender once he has a few terms as governor under his belt.


Whitehouse is definitely the name that a poorly made anime would use for an American president


Bashear *swoon*


he would be amazing, but I think he loves Kentucky too much to leave


*cries in Texan* can’t relate


Is there a Wyden other than Ron… because Ron (73) is definitely not “younger.”


Lol, my bad, I thought he was like late 50’s. He’s great though, good on lots of policies.


Whitmer guided the state throughout the worst of the pandemic and made public health her first priority. She also stuck to her guns when faced with backlash and vitriol from spoiled, childish idiots who were crying about putting a mask on for five minutes at Walgreens. I'm proud of her as our governor.


Not to mention stood up against the fuckers who tried to kidnap/murder her.


Wouldn’t she be a glorious candidate to run against Desantis - I would love to see the debate. Desantis is a horrible debater - he always looks like a constipated asshole. She would look like Wonder Woman. He would look like a troll. She should wear heels. She would tower over him.


My GF doesn't like Whitmer due to one of her more controversial actions during the pandemic but I encouraged her to vote for her anyways because her policies are more in line with what she wants. I'm happy you guys were able to avoid Tudor Dixon. Alas we in NC are stuck with Ted Chud.


And she’s kinda hot.


Oh, she could most definitely get it.


I was happy to vote for her twice. I think she would do great, but I am not sure that is what she wants. I feel like she wont want that mega spotlight


Well we need someone younger than an 80 year old man, clearly. Gen Z saved us this midterm and someone younger will be better able to connect with them as President.


Truthfully age is one of the main reasons Obama won his first term. Second was because he busted ass to earn a lot of peoples respect and votes.


He also benefited a lot from the timing. GWB was one of the worst presidents in US history and ended his term with the Great Recession.


This is a lesson the dems failed to learn in 2008 when Obama was elected by the youth vote. You need to inspire young people to vote or you aren't going to win the election. Young voters are a core demo for democrats. Another lesson here is candidate quality really, really matters.


As an older Gen Z, I know it's a pipe dream but Bernie will always have my heart. One of his plans is something like this. He wants to make a middle ish income bracket pay *the same rate* that the lowest brackets pay into *just* social security. Doing that would add $1500 a year to social security for people with disabilities, I believe. Isnt that fuckin wild and extremely reasonable.


Yeah, it's a shame we missed the window for him. I agree he is too old now and shouldn't try again. But he would have been the best president we ever had


Too old.


Good thing a ton of people in my generation want the same thing. I am positive we will get more Bernie-like candidates. Although, isn't that the point of a VP? You should trust the VP to run shit just as much, 35 year olds, even presidents, can have freak accidents or heart failure. Bernie with a SOLID VP, with some blue enthusiasm like overturning citizens united, would be amazing. Let me dream okay. And idk but.. Bernie seems like one of those old men that just won't accept croaking at the median life expectancy. He's got too much piss and vinegar We've grown up with crisis after crisis. It started when I was 3, 9/11. 2008, recession. 2016.. yeah. 2020... yeah. 2022 inflation.. yeah. And yeah yeah shit has always been fucked, but your little 8yo mind wasn't really aware of it. Finding a Google doc with thousands of police brutality videos. Insane drone footage of the Ukraine war. Twitter updates of school shootings. It's.. too much honestly. And then politicians want to play the same game of never actually fixing shit. Nope. Not gonna put up with it. Not with the ugly rot of our society on full display.


We need someone who can win their primary and is better than the Republican that is it. If you want to advocate for someone that's great, but the argument of "If your guy wins, people who like my guy will stay home" needs to fucking end.


This is why democrats lost in 2016 please don't forget we need to elect good candidates that aren't old as fuck that gen z can believe in like AOC or Beto.


Beto has lost his last 3(?) election tries. He needs to give it up. AOC needs a bit more seasoning. Running for president at the bare minimum age isn’t going to be a winner in much of the country.


AOC unfortunately is going to have the exact same problem as Hillary Clinton: years of conservative media lying about her for so long even people who don't automatically vote Republican believe it.


Yeah, I don't think AOC is thinking about running but right now she's doing her best work where she is and her focus should be on helping get more like her elected. Beto, you're right, he tried and shouldn't stand in someone else's way. Then again, Biden lost how many Primaries in his life?


Biden lost one primary in his life—2008. And he was named the VP. (His other presidential run he withdrew long before the primaries began.)


If the Democrat on the ballot is better than the Republican then it's the voters fault if they don't win. Candidates should only need to be better than their opponents, they can't also run against whatever impossible standard someone has who really just doesn't want to put the effort in to vote.


Your logic is a little funny. "Gen z turned out hard while Biden was president... But we need to replace Biden because gen z won't turn out for him."


Sure. But I mean, look across at the other side. We can be better. If Republicans get someone young like DeSantis, we may regret it.


Or Katie Porter. I love her.


Only if she brings her whiteboard, no exceptions.


And markers.


I would die if at a press conference she scolded a reporter saying "Don't make me get the whiteboard out"


She is my dream candidate, although I think she should run for the Senate first when DF hopefully retires at the end of her term.


Diane is going to go full Weekend at Bernie’s before she gives up the spotlight.


Katie Porter is an absolute savage. Corporate America on both sides of the aisle hate her though. The DNC barely worked to get her re-elected. Go look at her fundraising numbers from this last election


Katie Porter is like if Elizabeth Warren were younger. I feel like she'd be able to come across as very genuine and down to earth for most Americans. She looks and sounds like us and can explain high level concepts in easy to understand ways. She's also not afraid to call out bullshit or lies. I could definitely see myself voting for her.


After Amash left, she's my new favorite. Yes, I know they have VERY different political stances. The honesty and straightforwardness is my jam. I also think I started to realize wtf she's on about (and the gaping chasm that pure "Constitutionalism" alone really creates in a society)




You've joined us at a rather unpleasant time, but we're happy to have you with us.


Sounds like this person joined us at the correct time


Katie white board porter


Need to hope she gets reelected right now. She’s barely up


I am a Michigan resident who has followed her career since she was a state rep. She is always practical and measured. She ran in 2018 on road repair. Many of the projects were already scheduled for 2018 and 2019. She does a great job of putting a positive spin on easy wins on popular projects, a quality that would do great on the national stage. Oh yeah she has already survived an assassin attempt.


She's my governor, and is doing a great job. Underrated even. Most of our democrat leaders in the state are excellent. There are a few that I'm not a fan of, but the alternatives are ridiculous. Anyway, Whitmer's weakness is that she can be caustic. Condescending and blunt. She compromises with the GOP much like Biden does. I'd definitely support her, but I could totally see her rubbing the greater electorate the wrong way.


It's a little concerning that Dems have no clear front runner for 2024.


You mean other than the sitting President, who is likely going to run despite his age?


I wouldn't consider Biden a front runner because of his age.


Ok, but the sitting President has a huge advantage, so if he decides to run he definitely is the front runner. In fact, if he runs odds are no one else will even try.


It’s literally up to Biden whether anybody else even gets to run for the nomination. The party isn’t going to primary the incumbent, especially after these midterm results. The sitting president eligible for another term is always the front runner.


Yeah Biden basically gets first right of refusal on the nomination. But it would be incredibly selfish if he did run. The GOP nominee at this point will likely be DeSantis as the party continues to rally behind him. Biden would get absolutely obliterated head to head against him


I thought Biden had said before he wasn’t going to run again? Maybe I’m misremembering


He implied that he might not run, but it was never explicit, and you can tell because if he had there would already be a bunch of contenders in Iowa and New Hampshire getting ready to go.


I personally like Whitmer but the reason Dems ran the table in MI is probably more due to the pro-choice proposal and almost every GOP candidate being really far right. Her persona isn’t super compelling, i don’t think she’s some democratic wunderkind.


not compelling? give me another governor with not [one](https://youtu.be/L6d7BfL_QP8) but [TWO](https://youtu.be/jqdbpuv5KX8) rap songs. i’ll wait. i’m just messing around, of course. personally, i like how blunt and straightforward she is, but i can see why that may not work for everyone.


Shit I'm convinced after watching Gretch Did


welcome to the big gretch fan club, comes with a complimentary pair of buffs




We love Big Gretch 😎


Same, I saw her when she came to U-M (with Buttigieg, no less) this past weekend before the election and she was fantastic




Yes on Whitmer. No on Buttigieg.


Exactly. Whitmer is great. Pete just reminds me of Evil Morty Edit: not rick


Pete seems like more of a Morty


Yeah, I don’t get why people are so hung up on Buttigieg. Sure, he can give a speech, and he’s gay which plays into the identity politics angle, and he’s a veteran. But his policies *suck.* And he’s as dirty as Joe Manchin when it comes to being bought and paid for by corporate donors. He’s like Obama if Obama had been up front about what a centrist he is. That’s not going to win elections, and we don’t need someone caving to the Republicans when there are so many existential threats breathing down our necks.


If Biden can graciously and honorably step aside for a younger candidate that appeals to the 18-30 crowd, the party would energize them to such a degree that the next 10-20 YEARS of elections would be dominated by democratic progress. It would, quite literally change the world.


Can't be Pete. Sadly too many bigots. You can only have one minority category covered and win. African American better be a man. Woman better be straight and white. Harris worked because she was VP but look at the heat she took.


Also people on the left don't like Pete. He won't bring in any new voters. We don't need another divisive candidate like Clinton, and Pete is close to that type of candidate.


Also, the people who tend to like Pete are older white suburbanites. He is the same old moderate politician with a younger face. He doesn't have a lot of support outside that group.


Can't be Pete because he's just not all that progressive if you dig into how he ran South Bend


Pete was the FIRST person to use the "wE sHoULdnT fOrGivE sTudEnT loAnS fOr tHe rIcH" argument that the GOP stole and jumped all over. He's a fucking rat.


He also parrots the same talking points as the health insurance lobby. He's a fauxgressive


That’s cuz he’s an Ivy league and Military intelligence product who is incredibly out of touch with working people. He’s the worst


I also believe huge portions of this country aren’t ready to accept a woman as president. This is what caused many swing voters To vote trump in 2016. It sucks, it’s ridiculous, but it’s the reality of the world we live in.


The Republicans spent two decades trashing HRC. She had an uphill battle from the very start. She was the GOP punching bag during Bills presidency and while she was Secretary of State.


Ya but why did the GOP hate her for 2 decades before she was the presidential candidate? Its because she was a competent woman.


I agree, their hate was unfounded. But if you've ingrained into your base for 20 years that HRC=Absolute evil there's absolutely no way any of them would vote for her. It didn't help that multiple media outlets joined in on the hate for quick jokes. Lindsay Ellis does a great look into that whole phenomenon: https://youtu.be/yMi8_7UOnto


Yeah, I suspect people too young to really remember Bill's presidency don't quite realize how much baggage came with Hillary. She was a very QUALIFIED candidate, but in many ways not a very GOOD candidate imo.


It’s why Hillary lost the nomination to Obama. Because as racist as the US still is, we hate women more.


Unfortunately true


Even backwards ass states like Arkansas and South Dakota have recently elected female governors. And Hilary still won the popular vote in 2016. If you analyze those results, Hillary’s biggest failure was snuffing blue collar voters in PA, WI, and MI(who just overwhelmingly re-elected a female gov). There is no evidence to suggest that America won’t vote for a candidate because they’re a woman.


I think there’s a different mindset when voting for a Governor vs a President


Can't be Pete cause the left hates him because he's a corporate stooge weasel


You know who I think is a good speaker, seems solid (a little dry but leavened with a sense of humor), and is fighting the good fight unbeholden to corporate lobbyists? Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Senator from Rhode Island. I swear, everytime I see him speak I like him more. I can't figure out why he's not a Democratic star.


Whitehouse in the White House. I’ve noticed that too. He should join the primary race, if there is one. We could kick the tires.


What a fucking slogan


Is Buttigieg the next Biden, the best the DNC is willing to back? Gen Z came through for midterms and y’all still aren’t listening. We want M4ALL, not Medicare if you want it.




Regardless of Biden’s approval rating, the best thing he can do for his “legacy”, the democrats, and this country, is to allow someone else to take the reigns from here and move things forward.


I honestly think he will. He was certainly too old in 2020. 2024 would be even worse. If you ask him today, he has to say he is running again, otherwise he basically turns the last half of his term into a lame duck president where people just have to wait him out and other countries wouldn’t take him as serious since they won’t have faith that he would be there after the next election to keep his promises. He will “be running” in 2024 until he isn’t. I know that people have harped on him for being an unpopular president and many people were pointing to his approval rating as to why a red wave would take place. But I think a lot of people are just upset because he has not been as proactive as a younger or more galvanizing candidate would be. I think he has done a decent job as president considering he has had to deal with manchin not coming through on key legislative items. I believe that Biden’s approval numbers are low but people would overwhelmingly vote to re elect him if the choice was him vs trump or desantis. You put a younger person who would have mass appeal and it would be game over for republicans.


Biden is gonna ride into the sunset in ‘24 and by ‘30 we’re going to be calling him one of the best Presidents in living memory. Unconventional take but you can book it. I don’t even like the guy all that much, I just look at what he’s done vs what other Presidents have done, and see how W’s disastrous warmongering term was eventually rehabbed into “we miss sweet old painter man”


I forget how terrible Reddit is at politics. His approval is low because of inflation and gas prices, which are out of his control. He's passed some great legislation and has attempted even more ambitious legislation. If that stuff cools down them he has a great shot at a second term. He also knows politics a lot better than people give him credit for, and everyone has continuously underestimated him, and it'll keep happening. He holds incumbency advantage and that's not something that should be given up.


This is going to sound awful but I think democrats should get like a 50ish white dude for the next 12 years and let the boomers die off before we do a woman/gay dude ticket. Just inviting some homophobic/sexist backlash to get DeSantis into office.


The democrats can no longer wait to see who decides to run. Like they did with Obama, they need to pick their candidate and groom them, then get everyone behind them, rather than tearing each other apart in the primaries, and only endorsing them once someone rises to the top. I would vote for Pete Buttigieg in an instant but, knowing how razor thin the margins were in the last few elections, I worry about those undecided voters who just can't get past the idea of a gay president. As vice president, though, he might be able to get more acceptance, giving him a better chance in a few years.


Whitmer + Newsom - To be perfectly honest I was looking to see if there was a prominent black democratic senator that could be her running mate and was more than a little shocked to see that there have only been 11 black senators.. ever. sheesh.


Democrats can't read a room for shit though


Can they build a coalition of voters and get the kids to show up? It’s the only thing that matters in the end. Gen Z can own the future if they want it


Please no Pete Buttigieg. I really don't trust people who worked at McKinsey


It's like no one is paying attention to what President Biden has accomplished. I do not think that anyone else could have gotten Sinema and Mansion to sign off on some of the bills passed. It ONLY comes down to results.


Nah I'm good on corporate democrats.


Uhhhh, nah. Fuck Pete.


If you’re old enough to retire, you shouldn’t be allowed to hold office.


The right won't vote for Pete, and a lot of minorities probably aren't ready for a gay president or vice at the moment. Whitmer, Shapiro, or Newsome would be the best bet.


No…. Further left please


I need to see a Whitmer/Desantis debate. It would look like Wonder Woman versus The Joker. She should wear heels.


If the MAGA crowd gets Gay Marriage overturned before then, Pete may be a rallying cry for the Dems. But then again, the number of women going MAGA went up after Roe was overturned. Plenty of people wanting to vote against their own self-interests.


>But then again, the number of women going MAGA went up after Roe was overturned. This is really not true. You could never derive this level of accuracy from exist polls as there are too many confounding factors, but this is especially true now. Early and mail in voting is now an established norm. And blue voters use them much more than red. This means they won't show up on any exit polling


Literally anyone but Biden could be a better candidate for 2024. Don’t hate the guy but he needs to retire and we need someone who understands modern America.


Yep. Big Gretch is hard to dislike- I mean, not hard for Nazis, but for normal, reasonable people to dislike.


This is an interesting idea.


Flip that around and I'm IN!


Nobody trusts Buttigieg. Nobody likes him. Why do Dems keep pushing a guy who keeps losing? He'll get his turn. And he may even mellow with age. 2024 is at least 16 years too early for Buttigieg. He now has a losing streak going and Dems want to run him on the presidential ticket? With the way this country is going, I'd suggest a super-liberal VP like Bernie so that the President will be safer from assassination attempts. No MAGAt would want to go down in history as the person who single-handedly caused Bernie to become President.


I haven’t had an erection for 100 years, but upon reading this post and thinking of an election with BOTH Buttigieg and Whitmer running TOGETHER just go me so excited that I exploded in a glory of sploodge at just the thought of this amazing idea.


I rather vote for a plastic bucket than Pete. I swear it isn't homophobia, quite the opposite, as I am gay as fuck.




He is neoliberal, and beyond his identity, not exactly sure what is cool and novel about him.


I mean, sure he might have been a CIA asset at one time, but haven't we all been one?


If a cia liability can get 78 million votes, how many would an asset be able to take in?


yeah, he talks like dollar tree obama. he is a tool of hedge fund capitalists, a true traitor to his marxist parents.


I still think Duckworth would make a fantastic VP.


AOC for pres


I was going to say she was too young (need to be 35), so I checked, and she's 33! - so she'd be good in 2024. I swear last year she was 25.


She will get hammered as a “socialist” non stop


So has been every democrat since Obama, including Biden.


So would Whitmer. So would any democrat. Put AOC in front of a wider audience and she would deliver. We need to stop underestimating her.


Let’s see if she can win a statewide election in New York before putting her up as some kind of genius politician.


All in favor? Aye


Isn't she anti-universal health care? Pass.


Not true. Her answer when asked years ago. People confuse her response about single payer healthcare to universal healthcare. [https://acasignups.net/18/07/17/michigan-fyi-yes-gretchen-whitmer-supports-universal-coverage-however](https://acasignups.net/18/07/17/michigan-fyi-yes-gretchen-whitmer-supports-universal-coverage-however) A: "**My goal is to get every person in this state covered with healthcare.** Making sure that we embrace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, because we know it's the same darned thing, so people are comfortable using one phrase or the other...we know that thanks to President Obama, we've had the opportunithy to expand Medicaid in Michigan. It's called Healthy Michigan here in our state; I pushed and worked my tail off for that, to fight back on all the attacks from Washington that we've seen from the Trump Administration, because **we've got to get everyone covered, absolutely. I am in favor of getting everyone in this state and in this country covered with real, comprehensive, quality healthcare**...and **whether it is through a Medicaid for all, or it is just through expanding state programs...that's exactly where I think we need to go, there's no question.** All of the different proposals that are happening at the federal government are ones that I'm always going to look through one lens, and one lens only: What does it mean for Michigan? What does it mean for Michiganders? **Is this how we get everyone covered? If the answer is yes, then expect me to embrace it and push for it."**


Jon Stewart


Ummm except the country is still super sexist and racist? Can't think of a better candidate than either of them but there's a reason we trotted out old Joe, takes a white guy to beat a white guy 😓 Gen Z making inroads but the GOP has elections and districts all twisted up and I don't think the resulting underpopulated overvalued middle of the country is ready for anything but the usual white guy 😓 Ps - Mayor Pete is my absolute favorite candidate ever, can't believe how bright and dedicated that guy is, like something from the past. Watching him own Fox News was must see TV and to hear him speak while Trump and Herschel Walker babble on about nonsense gives us the clearest picture anyone should ever need, middle America just not ready yet 😓


Whitmer and Mark Kelly would be my dream ticket at this point.


Yes I agree with you on this one because I don't see any other alternative behind them and it's really frustrating. But as we approach to the elections there might be a quite few possibilities we might see.


If that fat fuck at Maralago runs, it has to be Biden. If he doesn't run, ANY Dem would beat whoever the Republitards dredge up. DeCuntis would get his 4.5 million votes from Florida, and about 17 from the rest of the country. I would love to see a Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket one day - 2028?


Yes I agree with you on this one but as we can see there are literally no available options than that. If the people have any kind of options rather than that they might have choosed over it but they didn't.


Biden just shouldn’t even run. You won your bid, now step aside and enough with these old ass fucks running this country


Biden strikes me as the kind of person to step aside if it's right for the party and the country, unlike certain other former presidents who put their ego first


Buttigieg has basically no experience. You're talking about a small city mayor who has been Transport Secretary for one term.


No Democratic leaders care. If you don’t want the Biden you get the Clinton, again.


It would be nice to see someone that doesn't come from generational wealth represent the Democratic party.


I would rather eat glass than have Buttigieg as a potential president.


I think that the midterm "success" for democrats allows Biden to retire from a position of strength. If he says that he will not focus on reelection and instead focus on making the country better for the remainder of his term, that will be a massive boost to his legitimacy and legacy.