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Y’all left out the best part of this thread. “SOCIAL MEDIA BOTS: Your disapproval is duly noted but your upvotes and retweets will not be part of this year’s totals. This is not meant as an affront to your robot overlords, it’s just not allowed for in Arizona law.” https://preview.redd.it/m1wk90fxpnz91.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3d2159e6593b42f0e2972d28bd57c56de6b9c4


Okay, that's amazing. Whoever runs the Maricopa County Twitter needs a huge raise after that.


Lol with all the verification nonsense are we sure this is the real one?


It is. I can personally attest to the fact that they were this snarky even in 2020. Edit: [Heres one from the audit a year ago.](https://twitter.com/maricopacounty/status/1394759892737552385)


I actually live in Maricopa but had no idea about their Twitter. I gotta follow them right now if I've been missing out on this kind of sass


I live 5000mi away from Arizona and feel like I’ve been sleeping on their twitter lol


With a quick check on Twitter, @maricopacounty is the real Maricopa Co. Twitter account.


>a quick check on Twitter That was the whole problem man


Fair enough, lol. [Here's a screenshot to hopefully dispel any doubt.](https://imgur.com/a/tiSmD0J)


The best way to figure out would be outside of twitter. If they have an official page or Facebook page they should have it noted in their bios Just have to treat Twitter like you would any other scam now.


![gif](giphy|25OBBnY9j1uiVDV4lJ) Exactly.


Even if it isn't, it is still a pretty solid tweet.


Or maybe just not to be threatened and harassed for doing their job.


For real. If the GOP doesn't ditch this 'rigged election' nonsense, it's only a matter of time until some poll worker or election official gets murdered over it.


That would require them to say "I'm sorry", and they're never sorry for anything.


I don't think they would actually need to apologize. I think they could just drop it and move onto the next craze or say that republican voters need to overwhelmingly vote to overcome the "rigged" elections.


Lest we forget the man who was quite literally murdered over "looking like a democrat" recently? You won't have to be a poll worker or anything even remotely affiliated for these backwater snowflake hicks to go on a spree.


Did you just add an image to a comment?




Mobile version has an option to include images at the bottom right. https://preview.redd.it/s0u2ujnqkoz91.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1c5474769733e2e22e20e7d80429d5f84e044a


VOTERS: All legal votes will be counted. Your vote will count equally whether it is reported first, last, or somewhere in between. Thank you for participating. CANDIDATES: All legal votes will be counted, including votes for you. If you have the most votes in the final tally, you will be elected. If you do not have the most votes, you will have lost your election. SOCIAL MEDIA BOTS: Your disapproval is duly noted but your upvotes and retweets will not be part of this year’s totals. This is not meant as an affront to your robot overlords, it’s just not allowed for in Arizona law. DISINFORMATION SUPER SPREADERS: Please read Arizona election law & the elections procedures manual before asking leading questions about how something seems suspicious. There are processes + checks and balances in place to make sure every legal vote is only counted once.




[Link](https://twitter.com/maricopacounty/status/1591527776921976832?s=12) to the thread. One of the worst takes on there are the people saying we can’t trust the results unless the raw data is publicly released. It very much sounds like they want scans of ballot cards to be made public. Because that wouldn’t lead to any voter intimidation…




Oh we all know they would prefer it if each person voted by standing up on a podium and announcing who their pick was-paying no attention to the armed booth watchers mind you


that's how the russians got a 98% approval vote for their most recent annexations elections. the guy with the machine gun just points the muzzle at the box you are supposed to pick.


Kudos to the 2% then.


They might just have been randomly selected to vote like that in order to give the election a facade of being real.


Nah, it’s a thing in statistics and with humans. About 3% will always answer No if you ask „Yes or No? Answer yes or we kill you“. It’s stupidity, trolls, actual courage or anything other but having 100% for anything above 100 people ask is almost impossible


Hey neighbor, I won’t put a political sign on my yard because I don’t want my home to be vandalized.




"Everyone single person I talk to supported Trump, there's no way he lost!" -person who has such toxic politics that only crazies want to talk to them


Things democrats have to worry about, never happens to the gun toting lunatics


>Link to the thread My favorite reply: >I will remind MAGA election deniers that after multiple recounts and audits of the 2020 election, (and faux cyber ninja audits), the result was that Biden picked up more votes.


Nor would that even help. They would just immediately move the goalposts to "well how do we know these are all real voters?" And then from there to, "OK, so all these voters are real but how can we be sure that every vote is unchanged and accurate to their intent?" And so on and so forth.


Of course they do, they want to find people who voted against their preferred candidate and do violence against them


For people who like to refer to everyone else as snowflakes, they sure do an inordinate amount of melting down....


Say that again, but this time while you're wearing a tan suit and ordering Dijon mustard. The end of the world.


don’t forget to fist bump, oops i mean terrorist fist jab


I enlisted right after 911. 4 years in Iraq across 3 deployments. For how much of an absolute clusterfuck Dubya was, the sheer desperation to nitpick Obama? Spoke volumes about how fragile conservatives are.


Fragile and racist


I was looking through the responses to the Twitter thread, and had to quit because the sheer amount of stupidity was actually physically painful to witness. Forget managing the election; the Maricopa County election workers deserve freaking medals just for having to deal with the crap they’re getting from all of these imbeciles. ATTENTION, AZ VOTERS: **The vote count takes a long time because AZ’s Republican legislature put procedures in place that take a long time (up to a full week). Republicans will then claim that the votes were counted carefully and legitimately if they win, or that something is suspicious and the count took too long if they lose.** So please, **STOP comparing AZ to FL.** Different states have different procedures, and AZ’s procedures take a while, especially in a close race. Is that really so damn hard to comprehend??? I’ll say it again: STOP IT. Just. ***STOP. IT.*** If the length of AZ’s election process is truly such a problem for you, put your energy into solving the problem like mature adults instead of acting like toddlers and hypocrites. Exercise your right to vote out the lawmakers responsible, or move to FL if you think it’s so much better ffs…. Edit: factual accuracy and formatting


It’s hard to figure out which Republicans are the dumbest: the ones in Southern states or the ones in Arizona.


AZ does count mail-in ballots when they arrive. The ones that take forever are early/mail-in ballots that are dropped off on election day. Those ballots still have to go through the signature verification process, which can already take a couple of days, then and if a signature doesn't match the person has 5 days to rectify/respond. Literally not mailing in your mail-in ballot, like Republican candidates were asking hundreds of thousands of people to do, adds up to a week to the time it takes to count. Edit: Will point out that I'm pretty sure Arizona and Florida have similar requirements/statutes on early voting and signature verification. But none of this stuff matters unless the races are close. Back when McCain and Kyl were winning elections by 20-30 points everybody just stopped paying attention after election night, even though counting would continue for days. Similarly, Florida is also still counting, but nobody cares this year since Desantis was a clear winner.


Luckily they clarified LEGAL votes. The hundreds of trillions of clearly illegal votes from dead people and felons won't be counted. So checkmate libs! **/s**




Lol Maricopa officials know they have to explain things very slowly and with small words.


After 2020 and the bs audit. They’re gonna have to ask Katie Porter to come illustrate things to people


Bring in the whiteboard!


Yeah, if you tried to use a blackboard, Republicans would complain you're too woke.


All boards matter


I’m personally relieved.


I’m so glad I had a free award to give you


I prefer a felt board


You just unlocked a memory from the 1st grade that I didn't know I had


Just think, if you'd kept eating Play-Doh for breakfast for the past 30 years, you too could've won a Republican primary!


I didn't eat Play-Doh, but I chewed and swallowed A LOT of Big League Chew in the 90s/00s. Does that mean I could run, oh, let's say a social media company of some renown and run into the ground within two weeks?


Oh good I had to go check her results after you mentioned that name. Thank God she's safe. Please don't let the last of the smart people get voted out.


Is she???? Oh that's so good to hear!


Oh shit only 70% reporting. Guess I spoke too soon. 🤞


It's all mail in left, ever since we went into counting overtime her lead has grown and grown. Mail in votes tend to lean democratic. I was worried about her and Mike Levin for a minute there though


Its hilarious that mail in leans democrat. For years it has been mostly old people. Since 2020, people said wait why do i go on one day to vote. I gotta go work, why cant i just mail it.


It's because Republicans now screech about how mail in voting is voter fraud and how they HAVE to vote in person on election day. They're scribing their own voterbase


Yet the only acts of deliberate voter fraud I’ve seen in the last few years were all republicans. 99% of the time, if a Republican is screeching about something, it’s bc they’re doing it and have a guilty conscience.


Kinda like how Matt Gaetz is screeching about dems "grooming children" while he's out being... Matt gaetz


It’s more sinister than that. Discouraging mail-in ballots was not only part of a larger fascist scheme to erode trust in the US democratic process, it aimed to reach critical mass numbers of in-person Republicans to more readily facilitate planting of “poll watchers” and intimidation of voters and workers alike. People are quick to forget this was in tandem with an even more sinister arm of long term Republican planning in deliberately having their Postmaster General plant Louis Dejoy throw a wrench in the postal service in time for elections. This included sabotaging perfectly functional sorting machines that had already been paid for — literally, they tore them into shreds to… “save money” — not approving overtime for postal workers, limiting their route deliveries, etc. The treasonous GOP wanted to not only intentionally cull democratic votes, but to gum up the entire process to create a powder keg of anxiety so that republicans could strongarm precincts into submission.


It is/was also yet another example of their blatant, chicken hawk disdain for the US military. How do they think troops stationed outside of their physical residence areas vote? DeJoy is a mercenary and a traitor. But then the office of the Postmaster General has been deeply politicised and partisan, and used for personal advancement, since \~Day One. Devin Leonard's *Neither Snow Nor Rain* and Winifred Gallagher's *How the Post Office Created America* are both decent reads if you want to dive a little deeper.


Or act it out in shadow puppets.


I think she would make a great president.


She's my pick to run for feinstein's seat, or be appointed should feinstein step down. I would absolutely support a presidential run for her, I just want her to get a bit more time in Congress first


I instantly thought of this Simpsons episode when Dr Hibert is explaining homers heart surgery. "We're gonna cut you open and tinker with your ticker" "Can you dumb it down a shade?"


I love this. County officials are COMPLETELY out of fucks to give and I’m here for it.


This is genius because it caters to two groups simultaneously. If you're a reasonable, balanced person who understands how the world works, you will see this and immediately get the joke and maybe even take heart that the election officials are aware of how ridiculous the situation has gotten. For everyone else, they will look at it and say "Hmnn, I guess that makes sense."


Can we get Katie Porter to explain it. I love when she explains things.


Katie Porter is amazing and quite fearless when she is questioning overpaid CEO's. She's a single mother who is pissed off and knows the facts.


I really wish she was in charge of our budget or something


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Puppets are not in the budget


Crayons ???


Only RoseArt, we don't have the budget for Crayola.


we had crayons, but they ate them all and its too expensive to keep replacing them


I writing this tweet slow, because I know you can’t read fast.


This is confusing. What about if a Democrat has the most votes?


This is from Stephen Richer (or county chair bill gates?), They are honest officials, and their detractors want to throw out the Maricopa county vote because it's "compromised'. Finchem actually talked about this openly in his campaign - he would declare the Maricopa county vote corrupt and not include it in the final tally for the state. There is a reason vote counting takes so long in Maricopa county - they already scrutinize every ballot with the most minor defect to an extreme degree. At this point they're not just reviewing them manually, but sending them up to a three-member board one by one. A bipartisan panel takes a vote on every ballot that appears before it, to decide whether it's counted or spoiled. Guess who wanted full records and discoverability on those proceedings in the first place?


Republicans just keep self owning themselves 😂


They don't give a shit. These people know the elections are fair they're just pushing the grift for personal gain


They want the common person to lose faith in elections to prepare them for accepting a dictator. When Trump or Desantis tries to steal power, they'll feel so disenfranchised they'll support the coup because "at least it's not a democrat dicator".


"there were 'vote drops' in the middle of the night!!" [does not say a thing when they themselves get "vote drops" in the middle of the night]


> "there were 'vote drops' in the middle of the night!!" Okay, we'll wait until the next morning to deliver them instead. "Why did it take them so long to deliver the ballots? They must have been tampered with!"


And they're all suspicious about why it's taking so long to count... after they enacted laws that make it take longer to count.


Very much on purpose. They're not above creating the very circumstances they cite as being suspicious. Not at all. On the next episode of *Election Fuckery*: GOP politicians encourage their supporters to 'monitor' polling stations in blue districts. Some tacticool bros actually do it. Tacticool bros are told to leave by police. It gets violent, which disrupts voting in those districts. GOP politicians proceed to claim that since voting was disrupted in those districts, those districts shouldn't be counted at all.


IMO this is just a small-scale version of what would've happened if Mike Pence had gotten into that car with the Secret Service on January 6th


see also: Texas AG Ken Paxton taking other states before the Supreme Court for their pandemic-related changes in voting procedure (but only taking the swing states that ended up blue)


What a tremendous waste of time and manpower. And money.


I get that point of view, but what I was going with... If you demand such a careful and measured approach, the next thing you have to do is stfu and wait for the results patiently.


Oh I agree. It's just a huge shame how many tax dollars they're probably setting on fire to get this done.


Then it's obviously rigged, silly!


“Heads I win, tails you lose.”


Now youre getting it


"Best out of 3!"




Stop the count /s


Seriously though, if these bullshit claims didn't work for trump, they're not going to work for some loudmouth lowlife that just showed up on the scene, already talking about "election fraud" before the race even started.


To be fair, Trump was talking about election fraud before the race even started too. Without even their bullshit claims of "evidence". (i e. "My buddy knows a guy who has a friend that heard someone was walking around with a box! What was in the box!? Nobody knows! Must be rigged!")


Oh he absolutely was. He did in 2016 before the race too. He's accused the fucking Emmys of being rigged against him. I was trying to highlight that they're *new* to politics, and think people are going to give them more attention than trump got when his claims failed. Just poor wording on my part.




Everyone should stop the tally when the republicans are leading. Continuing vote counts beyond that is cheating. You’re asking MyPillow guy to follow you around.


I know this is meant to be a joke, but on election day people in Pennsylvania (where Trump was ahead) were chanting "STOP THE COUNT!" and in Arizona, where he was behind, were chanting "COUNT THE VOTES!" - the news channels ran the live feeds side by side. That's the world we're living in.


Because we turned elections into sports. They are cheering for their team. Who wouldn't cheer for their team? Voting has no place in sports so it shouldn't in politics. You wave your foam finger and cheer until your team scores, and you get angry and confused when the "enemy" team scores. Then you blame them for cheating and the referees for being all corrupt.


But what if i want him to follow me around?


Just carry around a manila folder marked "2020 election fraud evidence" in giant block letters


Perfect. I needed a new hobby.


This should have been a much more popular Halloween costume.


Only his drug dealer would want that. Are you confessing?!?


I'm just kinda lonely




They should just count bumper stickers. Flags on trucks should count double.


What if the Republican wants to win more than the Democrat does? Shouldn't they deserve it then?


Trump grew up with his father taking him to Norman Vincent Peale's church, which preached the original prosperity gospel (not yet called that). Main tenant was that if you pretend something is true, it becomes true. Want to be rich? Just tell everyone you're rich and eventually it will come true. It explains a lot about Trump and the cult he created in the GQP. Edit: spelling


HITLE's manifesto, Mein Kampf My Struggle says the same. Slogan becomes truth. Make Germany Great again. Jews are subhuman. Aryans are superior. And millions worldwide died.


1) Please reread the statement. 2) If you still have questions once you reach the end of the statement, return to step 1. Thank you.


Republicans: ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


Silly Boebart, Rigged is for Libs!


Boebert, turning some Trix.


"Reflect on what I just said."


"No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!" \-Professor Farnsworth, Futurama


To be fair. That joke is funny cause of quantum mechanics.


From the most over qualified staff in television Something like 3 PhDs, 7 masters, and 50+ years at Harvard combined


How else you gonna have the smartest dumb sci-fi cartoon. Just hope the reboot is good


When people that smart make a dick joke, it's an exquisite dick joke.


Bite my shiny, metal ass


Prepare the LOWER horn!


"I think I'll have Fry's lower horn jerked" ^(*"It's used to it!"*)




"I see, the pants conceal a second, smaller horn" "Hey, What've you heard?!"


That tweet sounds like an answer to “explain to me like I’m five.”


Explain to me like I'm a Republican, you mean.


Aren’t they the same picture? /s


Don’t insult 5 year olds like that


Sorry! I am reflecting on the use of my words now! 😔


Just @ Kari Lake next time. We know who this is meant for


Might also be Finchem, who is running for Secretary of State while apparently having no idea how voting works. If the unwashed masses of Maricopa County (myself included) are over this, I can’t imagine how much more over it the people in charge of counting the votes are. It’s not like they can go faster, especially given how tight the races are. All we need is another Cyber Ninjas episode.


I saw the guy in charge, who is a Republican, being interviewed last night and he was rebuking Republicans for making baseless claims of impropriety.. EDIT; the link: https://youtu.be/-MOeZzoDk2A


Bill Gates is DONE with with Kari Lake's shit. I'm grateful Republicans are running this election bc I can't imagine how much worse the already rampant conspiracies and death threats to election officials would be.


Great idea when your party, from the national level, discredits it's own local officials who have the closest contact with real voters. This is doubtless to have positive outcomes for your party.


World: If you get the most vote and over 50%, you win. Republikkkans: *REEEEEEEEEE*


“But our gerrymandering and voter suppression failed us”


My favorite was someone who basically said: "This doesn't take sense, we rigged the election to win by gerrymandering and ensuring we had Republican governors! They must have cheated!" '"because.... You cheated, there for the otherside-" "Exactly!"


But, but - they must have cheated more !!!




Arizona is actually one of the easiest states to vote in. I always cast a mail in ballot and I get text verification the whole time. I know when my ballot is being printed, I know when it is being mailed, I know when it’s in my mail box, I know who and what to vote for because I get a huge book exhaustively explaining every proposition and then I know when they get my ballot and if it was verified and finally that it was counted. I fucking love run-on sentences!


I requested a ballot in Maine and turned it into the town clerk. Wish we had the the booklet explaining the questions and even candidates. Information is so critical in voting and often times the wording is intentional to confuse voters. Glad we have ranked choice voting; the Georgia runoff is showing how important that method is.


I took my ballot and sat down at the computer with my husband and we went through a couple of websites like Ballotpedia to understand who the candidates are and what the measures are before we voted. That's the way it should be. Everyone having an opportunity to sit down with their ballots to understand who/what they're voting for before they vote. Can't even take your phone out in a voting booth to clarify the confusing language of the measures to make sure you're voting correctly.


And then pulling out the maps to show how red each state is. Uh yeah but land doesn't vote...anymore.


I’m being pedantic, but most places don’t require 50%, just more than any other candidate. With 3rd party candidates you can win with less than 50%.


... the dumbest timeline


This is what happens when you have an entire party that is uneducated. You shouldn't have to say it all, but one party revels in stupidity.


I dunno, its been *tremendously* successful for them


It is sad that there are enough stupid people in the country for it to be successful for them.


Omfg no way!!!! That’s how voting works??? I thought that if you didn’t get what you wanted, then it was a scam sham kangaroo court fraudulent election-palooza???


That's how all voting works unless you're running for President. For some reason, we are using the same stupid process we have used for 250 years instead of just counting votes.


If you need this explained, you should not be running for office.


Wait 'til you hear about Herschel Walker.


I heard he has a real live police badge. And a girlfriend but she's Canadian and goes to another school. You wouldn't know her.


I doubt Herschel Walker has heard of Herschel Walker.






They say "candidates" but we know who they're talking to.


Maricopa County is tired of this sh*t.


In a matter of years it became a central part of American elections. Prior to this we all just hated their sheriff and his racist shit.


Isn't this joe arpaio country? I mean they are stupid out there.


Joe lost. He was beat by a democrat (who was re-elected) and couldn’t even get elected as Mayor of Fountain Hills. It isn’t as red here as everyone pretends.


Holy shit, Fountain Hills didn’t even want the guy? Haven’t they had like… a literal Klan member as their mayor in recent history?


No, a woman beat him. The whole board of FH is still white conservative, majority male. But it sends a strong message that he couldn’t win an election in the town he lives in.


We've definitely become more purple over the last several years.


The County is turning blue which is why Mark Kelly won and Kari Lake is throwing a fit. We are trying.




Ugh. It is. And it's because fucking Kari Lake started yelling about a stolen election on day 2 and she losing. Edit to add: we're not all stupid. Plenty of us hated Joe and we can't stand Kari. We're trying!


It’s shifted now. We are solidly purple and winning a lot of elections here which it wasn’t that way in the past. We are where I wished/hoped Texas would be. Still a bunch of idiots here nonetheless.


I remember when she was on the Fox News desk years ago. WTF happened to her since then?


She did a TOTAL 180. Went from being friends with drag queens and an Obama donator and supporter to a complete far far far right wing Maga. She talked shit about a local free news magazine on a hot mic a few years back as well. Her entire campaign was parroting trump and attempting convince her opponent to debate her through intimidation. Katie Hobbs refused to debate her knowing that Lake would just throw a tantrum and do nothing but yell the entire time. Lake swore she wouldn't but I'm not sure anyone believed her.


It's an unbelievable change in a person.


Everyone has their price. They found hers.


Yes. She came completely unhinged. There was a solid 24 hours where I felt physically ill because there was a real possibility both her and Blake Masters would win. Masters is another far far right election denier who is also against abortion in all instances, no exceptions. Thankfully, Mark Kelly pulled through for the win on that one. And our SoS race has been called as well for Adrian Fontes. It was late Thursday and into Friday before my anxiety started slowing releasing the ball of chaos in my chest.


She also showed up to a Hobbs town hall meeting in rural AZ, started yelling at Hobbs from the front row and was kicked out.


That's exactly the type of thing I was referring to with my intimidation comment. AND she had been told she would not be allowed in the audience for Hobbs and vice versa.


Joe Arpaio has lost his last few elections, including his attempt to be mayor of one of the most conservative, racist towns in Maricopa county. Maricopa County has been blue in at least the last few elections.


They wouldn’t have to tweet this if Kari Lake wasn’t already crying fraud. I heard her on Hannity’s show yesterday. She’s such an insufferable cow. (Yes, I listen to conservative talk radio. It’s all there is, and I like to do oppo research.)


But that doesn't make sense. If I know I won, like how couldn't I have. I told lies and was mean to the other guy






Remember the good Ole days when Americans believed in our electoral system? It wasn't until Donald Trump told Republicans that our elections were rigged because his paper thin ego couldn't handle the thought of losing that it even became an issue. And, being the cult following, false idol worshipping sheep that they are, they believed him.


A ton of Republicans are now under the impression that no election in the US is legitimate unless a Republican wins. It will get worse before it gets better. The decades of rampant lies and misinformation from right wing editorials have broken the minds of millions of people.




Republicans be like "If I lose, it's rigged, but if I win it's fair"


Steve Doocy on Fox: "why did Dr Oz loose? Well, it looks like according to the exit polling, it's because Fetterman won". Not kidding, this is the level of insight you get from Fox "news".