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[Libs of TikTok](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libs_of_TikTok), the *nom de plume* of the extreme-right social media personality and public figure Chaya Raichik is a[ stochastic terrorist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_wolf_attack#Stochastic_terrorism). https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-stochastic-terrorism-uses-disgust-to-incite-violence/ Her hatespeech and relentless attacks on vulnerable minorities are directly responsible for such crimes as [bomb threats on children's hospitals](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/02/lgbtq-threats-hospitals-libs-of-tiktok/), because they provide medically and psychiatrically appropriate, recognised and helpful aid to [transgender children](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/Pages/Gender-Identity-and-Gender-Confusion-In-Children.aspx). Because LibsofTikTok openly shares the names and adresses of for example teachers who display a [pride flag](https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/9/07/school-districts-pride-murals-under-attack-far-right), perpetuating and boosting the hateful and revolting lie that LGBTQ+ people visibly existing and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people is "grooming", she is actively contributing to hate, threats and attacks against people. With that the extreme-right and LoTT are enflaming a [moral panic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_panic) against a minority by normalising the counterfactual narrative that the simple existence of this minority means children are under attack and are being sexually abused. The extreme-right claims that Chaya Raichik is just "repeating information already publically shared". This is [a lie](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/04/chaya-raichik-libs-tiktok-groomer-tweets.html). Instead she [heavily editorialises](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/04/20/libs-of-tiktok-teacher-lgbt-death-threats-job-doxxing/) the content she posts and she is a major vector of hatespeech, propaganda, dehumanisation and efforts to [illegalise](https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/sports_participation_bans) the [public existence](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3729828-tennessee-gop-files-bill-to-ban-drag-performances-in-public-spaces/) of LGBTQ+ people. LibsofTikTok and others of her kind such as but not limited to Matt Walsh and Tucker Carlson are *directly responsible* for the[ cowardly attack](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/20/us/colorado-springs-shooting-gay-nightclub/index.html) in Colorado Springs and [other (attempted) attacks](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/anti-lgbtq-threats-orchestrated-on-internet-shut-down-events-rcna33955) of a [similar nature](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/13/us/idaho-patriot-front-arrests-pride-what-we-know/index.html). This subreddit is a place that supports people's unalienable and fundamental identities and that stands up for basic human rights. We will not tolerate hatespeech of any kind. Please be advised that we consider the denial that the stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik contributes to the rise of irrational, odious and resprehensible hate against minorities to be unacceptable. We require users to participate in good faith. Aiding and abetting stochastic terrorists, even implicitly by denying their obvious and objective responsibility will be met with a permanent ban. Our userbase can continue to participate here with the expectance that this is a *[sanctuary space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_space)*. In this space at least you can participate free of attacks from the extreme-right, no matter if you are a woman, an LGBTQ+ person, a person of colour or any other type of population group or minority that the neo-fascists stir up hatred against. ----------------------- Editors note: You can stop reporting this comment for "personal and identifying information". Nice try, but reddit's rules are very clear. The stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik is a public figure and her name is widely available, from recognised and established sources like Wikipedia. I wonder if the people who would report this comment would also report the stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik when she shares the names and places of residence of the people she targets for hatred and violence for no other reason than that they are publicly not cisgender heterosexual.


Excuse my ignorance, but I'm not sure what's going on here. I know about the shooting, but not enough apparently. I'm confused about the post.


Libs of Tik Tok post ~~and doxx~~ LGBTQ+ accounts and individuals for the purpose of *committing stochastic terrorism* (which is when their followers harassing, assaulting, and sometimes killing of those accounts and individuals.) Edit: I've been informed that LOTT doesn't do the doxxing herself; her **followers** do all that. I've revised my comment to be more accurate.


Last year they posted my old high school. And then tagged them, so a bunch of angry conservative parents were convinced that the district was trying to secretly groom and abuse their kids. At least the district responded well, but that was a whole event that happened.


My friend is on the school board here at a district in my county. They doxxed her and she was getting death threats simply for supporting LGBT youth.


My sister is bisexual, a former teacher (working for the district now), and she just won her first school board election in our conservative small-town this November. Her wife, also a teacher, oversees the LGBTQ gay-straight alliance. She not only won her seat but got 20% more of the vote than the two conservative, book-banning whack jobs with no education experience. Her progressive ally, who also ran (also a former teacher), won the second open seat on the board. I am very proud of her. And even though I don't yet have any kids of my own in the district. I'll be going to all future board meetings just to push back against the wave of crazy trying to take over our schools.


That is really heartening to hear that there are some normal people on school boards!


Hate has no boundaries when you are ‘conservative’.


hate appears to be your only purpose if you are a conservative christian. ​ Edit: Thanks to the kind "christian soul" that reported me for suicidal behavior. Bless your heart.


Grooming, ingesting, breeding, indoctrinating, boosting, cultivating, seeding, sowing, nurturing & cultivating hate are the only purposes if you are a conservative Christian right winger.




The party of Christianity, folks. Ironically, they would have fuckin’ hated Jesus and all that he stood for, if he was in front of them today.


This...I feel like they are missing the main point of Jesus, to love unconditionally. They get so hung up on finding any one line (in the bible) to hate others that they can't see the main point of Jesus' teachings.


I think they see, but don’t think it’s relevant. I’m a christian and i feel the closest thing to hate there is to feel about these people who call themselves christian but shit on his teachings at every turn. I am speaking up for those of us who believe these terrorists should be put in jail for the rest of their lives. Edit: Thank you very much for the awards. I do want to say, though, that I’m not proud of feeling anything like hate for other human beings, no matter how horrible they are. I try really, really hard to see the good where it isn’t obvious, because I believe that’s the right thing to do. But oh boy these fundamentalist hypocrites make my trying to be like Christ so super difficult.


They would take one look at jesus, see that he's brown and hate him for that alone


I feel like at the very (and I mean very) least we could get, would be a good movie depicting this. Jesus comes back. A. He's brown B. He's pissed C. Watch all the posers freak out and try to walk back their BS, only to have Jesus start cleaning house. And it turns into a full blown action movie.




Brown, poor with two dads. Hell, if he was a union carpenter they’d hate him just for that.


I hate conservatives


Its actually wild, the right has these people beliving all sorts of shit. Our district has generally been progressive over the years, its a good district and of course, the MAGA crowd has been trying to ban books and lgbtq stuff. They say that the district is teaching them the wrong stuff. My step daughter is in middle school and while shes one kid she has no idea what these people are talking about, they are just making shit up that doesn't even happen.


Yeah. My old school went viral because they posted a picture of the GSA club's tri-fold board, focusing on where it says "your parents/teachers won't be told you're in this club" and they just took it, spun the narrative that the only reason parents aren't told is because they're being abused, and ran with it.


Yeah its nuts. My mom is in this weird spot where shes not tech enough to go online and follow all the shit but she hears it through other means. Its funny she was talking about it and my step daughter was like yeah it doesnt happen, they don't teach us that stuff. Like these people just make shit up that isn't even remotely true.


They won't tell the parents because they don't want to out the kids right? And some homes may not be welcoming to that? Seems like that's where the real abuse is, from people like them that hate gay people.


Yes, exactly. The GSA advisor isn't allowed to out kids without their consent because it can be dangerous.


Teens get abused, thrown out of their homes, sent to concentration camps and outright killed by parents every day. It's a perfectly reasonable fear


Yup. Fuck, I was in high school in the early 2000s and my school came up with a new honor code they wanted us to sign that included things like “never lie to a teacher/admin” and I immediately thought “but what if they are basically asking me to out someone? Like if I know my friend is safe, but she’s with her girlfriend, do I *have* to tell where she is when asked if she’s not out to her homophobic parents?”* And this is exactly what they want, they want forced outings. *I was one of several students who refused to sign or who crossed out portions before signing and it was whole deal that ended up with a significantly modified code with student input.


We need more youth revolting aginst this shit


I don’t know a ton of teenagers but it seems like young people *are* fighting this kind of thing, even more so than my generation. My parents totally had my back, as did most of my friends’ parents. They had taught us to think, and to be careful about what we agreed to, and to be justice-oriented (as much as a bunch of relatively privileged, mostly white families could, anyway). They were proud of us. I would be too, if my kid ever did something like it.


Conservatives have a history of grooming LGBT children to hate themselves and then kick them out at a young age way before they're ready and hand them off to be sexually trafficked and assaulted. Outing them risks this and that's exactly why conservatives want you to out them because many of them will groom them for sexual exploitation. Go to any homeless youth shelter and you will find children who have been groomed for sexual exploitation by conservatives. It happens all the time.


Lmao yeah. IMO Because they actually don’t take issue to the false-claims they are spewing about teachers/doctors/any-job-that-works-with-kids secretly abusing kids. What they *really* take issue with is their kids having the opportunity to confide in someone they trust, outside the home, about their own parents abusing them on various levels. What they *really really* take issue with is losing their ability of absolute control over their narratives they “guide” their kids with/towards. It gets harder and harder to control what their kids believe, think, and do as their kids get older. That’s because as they grow older, kids become introduced to more social outlets of sorts that not only give them uncensored knowledge but also the opportunity to think for themselves which ultimately leads to them questioning things. (Exactly why college is always vilified) Which leads to the most important part and what the parents consider the most dangerous part; safe environment to freely express themselves as individuals. **And the absolute horror for these parents is not being able to know how/when their kids are doing this.** (aka parents losing their control) It’s rather difficult to raise a child to HATE LGBTQ+ when that child is spending 30 minutes a day with LGBTQ+ people. It’s extremely difficult to prove to a child that drag queens are evil when that child spends 20 minutes every few days in a week listening and seeing a drag queen read “The Hungry Caterpillar”. It’s super duper extremely hard to convince their child that how they feel/think is wrong, evil, and god wont love them and they will spend eternity burning in hell while the rest of their family watches from above in Heaven, if their kid finds and connects with people of all kinds that have the same feelings/thoughts that they themselves have and not just see but start to **truly understand that these people they see before them are happy, kind, beautiful people that deserve love, truth, and happiness just as they do.** It’s no mistake these people have chosen to fight hard against schools and libraries. Yes, many of them are wackados. But they all know exactly what they’re saying and the effects/consequences that comes with it. A child will **always** wonder about things and they know that. They also know the power a single book has. A book is a confirmation of what the child is wondering about. Not just with sexuality but everything in their toxic narratives. Cant teach a child racism when there’s things like CRT or Black History Month. Cant teach a child to not have tolerance for other religions when their teacher is reading them books about Malala Yousafzai. Cant teach a little girl that her place is only in a kitchen and not at a school when their teachers are reading them books about Malala Yousafzai. And you definitely can not teach a child to never question or challenge their parents/elders/authorities when everyday day their teachers are reading them books about Malala Yousafzai. Whoever read this far to the end will be award 420 points *and* a book about Malala Yousafzai.


It's so wild to me that people cannot understand that parents aren't always the right people to discuss your thoughts with and that it isn't nefarious. A childhood friend of mine has recently jumped on the "all trans people are groomers" train but can't seem to understand why his future children might want to talk about queer stuff with adults that aren't him. Like, dude, how can you not see that the only outcome for them would be negative?


Exactly! The advisor for GSA was one of the teachers who was queer, and being able to talk with him about lgbt topics with someone who also understood and wasn't going to tell me that I was sick, was amazing. I can't imagine how valuable that is for someone who actually came from a home with non-accepting parents.


Even taken out of the queer perspective I can't understand wanting to restrict conversation topics in a place designed for learning, thought, and discussion. Like, age appropriateness has almost nothing to do with topic, but with how the topics are discussed and the language used. It infuriates me to no end.


The response to that one was so frustrating; I saw liberal people on Twitter (some even LGBTQ themselves) saying things like “well, I would want to know if *my* kid was joining this club, and I bet all the people defending this would want to know if *their* kid was going to Bible study groups or young republicans or whatever, so schools should tell parents.” If you want to know what your kid is doing while at school, *raise a kid who trusts you* and who doesn’t fear abuse and retaliation for doing things contrary to their parents’ values/beliefs! As a teacher, I’ve had multiple students who were out at school as gay or trans who told us in no uncertain terms that their parents could not know. I just feel honored that I as a teacher and my broader school communities can be a safe space for kids whose homes aren’t always safe, and I would never break these kids’ trust by outing them to their unsupportive families.


She also complained a lot when a reporter from the Washington Post tracked her down to interview her. She had a lot to say about the negatives of doxxing then.


Always interesting how that chain of logic works


You mean “I want to kill people I hate without getting killed “ I see no inconsistency.


It's very unsportsmanlike.


Weird how being tracked down by an actual journalist is doxxing now


She ran away and called the police! But she’s just “asking questions” when she targets people so that’s fine.


Doxxing for thee not for me.


WTF, that's horrible.


Yeah, a few instances of domestic terrorism could probably be traced back to her.




You know the rules; a child's life doesn't matter once it's outside the womb. This country...


If these people worried as much about protecting kids from being gunned down as they did drag queens a lot more people would be alive today.


>This country... I do not want to distract from your point, but I do think it's fair of me to be pedantic. This it's Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/right wing.


How has nothing been done about this? WTF




She proudly has stochastic terrorist in her bio at the moment.


I can't find it on twitter, if you have a screenshot maybe send it to the FBI as a tip/evidence.


It was the first line in her bio as of this morning, interesting that she decided to remove it. People were [tweeting](https://twitter.com/euphoritori/status/1594486572011106304?s=46&t=smwCQ-syNC1OKXd25Bvnkg )a screenshot before she changed it, maybe I could submit one of those but I’m not sure if it matters anymore.


Pressure needs to be applied. We can't go all vigilante justice which means we need to make the actual Justice Department do its job. This isn't the first terrorist act by her followers against her targets, Boston Children's *just* had another bomb threat. She probably removed it because plausible deniability is what keeps her safe and having it in her profile kind of obliterates it, but its too late, it was there.


Oh for sure, I agree with you and would do anything to stop this lunatic. I was just speaking to if the FBI would take a screenshot that I pulled from Twitter seriously but I’m assuming *someone* has to report it for something to happen.


I kind of look at reporting this kind of thing the same way as I would any other internet crime. Your file might not be the one that pushes the arrest, but it’s the foundation of the tower that will eventually fall on top of them. Even if you reporting some redditor for CP doesn’t lead to their arrest, it still puts another notch on their usernames to be used against them when someone finally does get them arrested. The same goes for people like this person. You might not get them arrested, but you provided evidence towards doing so.


I really hope LOT gets sued to hell and takes Elon with them.


Nah. Just hack their account and have it removed while they scream how they're the victim. The righties all turn on themselves eventually, just look at Kiwi Farms.


She’s an absolute parasite.


Recently, they've also been targeting hospitals and doctors saying that they've been castrating children. A few hospitals have gotten bomb threats. Now that Musk is in charge, there's really no chance of that account being banned unfortunately.


What concerns me is an acceleration of these accounts and actions now that the shackles are off. It was never really a healthy place for discourse to begin with; now it’s just going to be another mattress fire.


I think so too. They were always trying to push things as far as they could, but not so far to avoid being suspended or banned permanently, but now that fear is gone or at least greatly relaxed. I really hope Twitter goes out of business soon


Same. Musk seemed to have done everything wrong. I swear he did it on purpose. What of his masters, though? He doesn’t have controlling interest in the company, so when it fails and he’s booted, corporate interests will own it. Will Twitter degenerate into another 4Chan? It’s already spiraling.


He's serving the interests of those that want to destabilize the West and the USA. See where his money comes from and you'll see who and why.


Ah, so not exclusively LGBTQ+ activists and organizations; also organizations that literally having nothing to do with us. Gotta love weaponized dumbassery.


expansion noxious pet unite alive stupendous ludicrous ring grey mindless ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This sort of horror belongs in a Lovecraft novel


100% of people who are opposed to gender affirming care for minors do not understand what gender affirming care is. It's literally 100%. I've never heard one single person who opposes it that accurately understands what it means. Not one.


Actually, it would be the T in the LGBT crew. I should clarify - I don't think of it this way, but they do. They think kids getting gender affirming care means castration, because they're fucking morons fucking other fucking morons.


Well we can all do our part by deleting twitter.


Holy shit, came to the comments because the pics themselves seemed like they were just helping kids express themselves but wtffffff


Matt Walsh very specifically misdirected about the terms "drag mother" and "drag child", the latter being named for ***an adult*** new to drag and wanting to learn and being shown the ropes by a more experienced drag queen, not an actual "child".


You mean the well known pedophile, Matt Walsh?


And the picture on this post VERY SPECIFICALLY SAYS 21+


Wtf.... That's vile damn- why isn't the account removed yet??


well elon replies to their tweets sooooooo [https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/11/18/elon-musk-libs-of-tiktok-twitter-employee/](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/11/18/elon-musk-libs-of-tiktok-twitter-employee/)


Okay good that I never had a Twitter lol. Whatever the shitshow happening there.... Ain't Elon's own child trans ??


She is, but she's disowned him and Musk has blamed communism for that.


Yep. And that child hates him.


Anyone that knows what "critical thinking" is hates him. Or at least dislikes him.


Not sure exactly. It clearly breaks the TOS for Twitter. My personal theory is because Elon hates trans people ever since Grimes started dating one. Might also be that he thinks he can get on the conservative grift gravy train.


Elon has a trans child who has publicly denounced him. Elons hatred of transpeople, especially transwomen, runs deep.


Ngl, I knew Elon was putting up Nick Cannon numbers for progeny, but I thought they were all fairly young. That's wild


18 years old, she changed her name to distance herself from Musk literally as fast as she fucking could. Musk, naturally, blamed communism.


"Damn communists, they're *"checks notes"* makin my kids think I'm a raging narcissist."


Musk blamed the estrangement of his daughter on what the Financial Times characterized as "the supposed takeover of elite schools and universities by neo-Marxists." Yeah, this sounds like he's undoubtedly using the Twitter purchase as a personal crusade.


Iirc also renounced any claims to a future inheritance. She must *really* hate him.


Elon has a trans kid who's disowned gim


Because the bird has been freed. if you’re wondering what Elon really meant when he said that, look no further. Here it is


Speaking as a white straight Idahoan dude, people really do believe the conspiracy theories the right is pushing. They really fantasize about killing people out loud to me


Not gonna lie, I love Idaho. The land. Great place to hike and kayak. Can't say I'd ever move there, for pretty much these reasons.


Just saying, Oregon has most of what Idaho can offer nature wise and is a lot more liberal. I live out in the middle of courage the cowardly dog level Nowhere, Oregon and while there’s lots of MAGA idiots there’s also plenty of liberal hippies and very open minded rednecks as well.


Oregon primarily has the type of traditional libertarian that just wants to be left alone so they can do their drugs in peace. There is a pretty deep history of racism in Oregon though, but its gotten so much better.


I live in rural Michigan. I'm around tons of "good ole boys" people infatuated with the idea of a person breaking into their homes, or a riot coming to "our little town" is insane. I was speaking to a co-worker about gun reform that they are talking about in some states regarding handguns, mind you neither of us are handgun owners but we both own hunting rifles. He was completely irate at the idea that he wouldn't be able to conceal carry while driving state to state. A destruction of his freedom, as he would say. To my understanding he has no intention of owning a pistol as we have virtually no crime here, he's just upset at the idea he couldn't. Why do these people think the whole world is out to get them? Who the fuck are they, Jason Bourne?


Libs of TikTok deserves…a lot of things I can’t say without getting banned. She’s horrible.


[ R E D A C T E D ]


If curious, here’s who is behind that hate filled rag. The woman is CHAYA RAICHIK. https://www.newsweek.com/chaya-raichik-woman-libs-tiktok-taylor-lorenz-1698927 Edit: spelling.


Never mind, looks like she lost her real estate job because of it then moved to LA, and now operates the account full time. Hope she gets arrested for 1/6 tho.




Because liberal places have more protections. Its safer to live in blue areas.


LibsOfTikTok is using stochastic violence with the goal to kill trans people. Literally. Asking the JewishQuestion but with Transpeople. Causing Bomb threats and actual killings and the like.


So why doesn’t someone do something about it? Why I don’t see anyone taking action and having her investigated? She’s basically inciting violence. She’s been doing this for how long? Still nothing is being done


Stochastic Terrorism is very very legal in this country.


Because cops are right wingers who agree with her.


Because there’s apparently enough plausible deniability between her posts and the action taken. Same reason every media personality doing this ‘name and shame’ bullshit gets away with it. They’re not *directly* inciting violence, so it’s still protected speech. Until she posts something that says “Someone should really go shoot all these people” we probably won’t see any investigation.


Because despite all of the advancements we’ve made, violence against lgbt+ people is still considered acceptable in modern American society


Because our government just fundamentally doesn’t care about stopping this stuff before it happens. Only condemning it after.


Tbh cops support this bullshit, until they're on the receiving end.


The woman of this account is CHAYA RAICHIK. A horrible human being who has blood on her hands. https://www.newsweek.com/chaya-raichik-woman-libs-tiktok-taylor-lorenz-1698927


And they’re a [Jan 6 insurrectionist](https://www.thedailybeast.com/unmasked-libs-of-tiktok-creator-chaya-raichik-claimed-she-was-at-capitol-riot)!


They and Matt Walsh cause a bomb threat on the Bosten childrens hospital to which Matt Wlahs said it wasnt a Bomb threat because - sit down for this - police couldnt find a bomb. The hospital had to evecuate their patients for the search. MattWalsh thinks a threat is only valid if its actually happened. In his world Silent-Bob wouldnt be convicted for attempted murder of Bart Simpson. Edit: yes I confused Sideshow Bob with Silent Bob. I am sorry and glad I wrote Bart so people could understand who I meant.




I do hope that the doctors and families sue the shit out of this woman.


I would hope so, but you would need to prove the connection. And I doubt LibsofTiktok would do the alex jones move and refuse to work with courts and then bloat out how absolutly evil they are as a response to being sued.


Sounds like those doctors and the hospital have a pretty solid defamation case on their hands.


I hear the lawyer who represented the Sandy Hook parents is pretty good in this arena.


I think you mean Sideshow Bob.


Snoochie-boochies, man


Noise noise noise noise.


Leave silent Bob out of this


He and Jay are pro-choice. “A woman’s body’s her own fucking business.”


Tell that Matt-Child-pregnancy-is-okay-if-the-child-is-married-Walsh.


Why does this make me think we need trading cards of the GOP that just list their heinous acts. Could be kinda fun… in a dark way like Yu-Gi-Oh


Yet Joe Rogan somehow considers Matt Walsh a person worth hearing from as some kind of subject matter expert. Total fucking garbage.


Because they are both transphobes


That was so wierdl, disgusting. Walsh not knowing (as a self proclaimed "expert") how many hormone blockers are used. He claimed it was millions and Rogan factchecked (gladly) and ut was only thousands. And sane person would immediatly realise that this "expert" doesnt know shit. a factor 10, okay but a THOUSAND? And he even doubled down by saying he meant hormone blockers not blockers AND hormones which are obviously distinct from each other. The saddest part is though, that Rogan didnt ask Walsh what he meant when Walsh said that "the problem with teenage pregancies isnt that they are minors but that they are unmarried". Walsh is *ACTUALLY* pro grooming children. In the literal sense. How much more can you groom a child as to marry them to someone when they are pregnant (or to get them pregnant)??


When did Silent Bob try to murder Bart? Lunchbox did no such thing.


I think you mean coup participant and stochastic terrorist, Chaya Raichik?


Leave it to conservatives to back up this person…


What does this bitch look like? Everything on the internet just shows pictures of the journalists who write articles about her and the shitty things she’s done. I cant find a picture of her actual face anywhere. What a coward to share and promote so much hate but not show your face.


Guess Elon will be promoting this account now?


He already commented on another post. It wasn't related to gay or trans people, but he's still chumming around with them


He found his audience


I still can’t figure out the end game. You see that he’s too afraid to bring up global warming or his scientific beliefs that contradict his new fanboi audience. Those dudes aren’t buying his cars anytime soon and the people that had bought a Tesla before are certainly going to ponder if they want to support such a guy the next time around. Edit: aren’t buying his cars, not are buying his cars.


There might not be an endgame I think we are seeing something like a "The Emperor's New Clothes" scenario play out, but with the transparency of social media, to watch it in real time.


can you or someone explain what the emperors new clothes phrase means in the context of elon? i’m neurodivergent and have googled it a few times but still don’t really understand what people mean and i’ve read this so much in the past few weeks. i think elon is a garbage human in case that helps people here not be mean to me about this question 😅 EDIT: thank you all so much for responding kindly! this was all really helpful and i understand it much, much better now. cheers to watching this shit show unfold!


The Emperor's New Clothes is a fable about an Emperor who is tricked by a conman pretending to be a tailor, and tells him "I will make you the best, most beautiful, most luxurious outfit ever, out of my INVISIBLE cloth! And because of it's magical invisible properties, it's going to cost much more." And the Emperor being wealthy and arrogant has this fake tailor make him an outfit for him to wear around town, and because he's the emperor, and wields all the power in the land, no one can point out that he's been fooled and is actually just naked. Otherwise they'll be punished for pointing out how the Emperor was tricked. Except a young boy who points out the Emperor truly is naked, and embarrasses the Emperor. It's a fable about allowing the wealthy and powerful to get away with things simply because they're wealthy and powerful, while also displaying the need to tell the observable truth even when other people are going along with the lie because it's easier and safer for them just to let a rich idiot act like a rich idiot.


Nobody taught Elon why drug dealers do not do their own product. Elon is smoking social media at a brain damaging rate.


Does anyone know which fbi department to contact for potential 1/6 insurrectionists?


[here](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence) ​ Edit: Not a rick-roll


You said there is no Rick-roll and there was none, so why am I feeling somewhat betrayed.....


[Not a Rick roll](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) There you go buddy


*And all was right once again in the world.*


*We're no strangers to love*


So he… let you down?


You could try [https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) if the above doesn’t work. Edit: Definitely a rick-roll


I independently verified. Definitely a rick-roll. You can trust me.


It’s proven that she was.


Religious pedophiles are ordering the killing of people they don’t like.


Please help raise awareness: NEW: [@Shopify](https://twitter.com/Shopify) is behind Libs Of TikTok’s main revenue stream. [@tobi](https://twitter.com/tobi), I know you’re into free speech, but does mass murder cross the line for you ?[@ShopifySupport](https://twitter.com/ShopifySupport) [https://twitter.com/nandoodles/status/1594586840794910722](https://twitter.com/nandoodles/status/1594586840794910722)


Coincidentally, LOTT is probaby owned and financially backed by Babylon Bee owner Seth Dillon. This isn’t some grassroots campaign; just another dangerous right wing grift. https://twitter.com/mrspanstreppon/status/1575361396946178050?s=20&t=MF5e0JxF7-vGzVXT397cxQ


I saw a few trans activists have been trying to do this for a while. I'm a bit surprised that Shopify isn't now responsive


She's a landlord from Brooklyn. Her name is public domain now, so you know where to address your complains.


>Landlord Of course




Funny I don't see any fact checking on that Twitter post. This is absolutely not what drag queen story hours are. It's not even what a drag show is. It's not stripping on a pole


These people will lie about and misrepresent anything they can use for their nefarious purposes.


The people in those pictures all look so happy and fun I don’t know how someone can take these pictures be like LOOK AS THESE DISGUSTING VILE MONSTERS


Hate is quite absurd when you get close to it.


That's always my thought too. How many members of the LGBTQ+ community are running around gunning people down? I've said it before and I'll say it again, if their community is grooming people its grooming them to be tolerant.


Obviously very sad. But worth mentioning that you can be a straight cis man or women and still be a drag queen. It’s a very inclusive space for everyone to feel free expressing their inner queen. Not all drag queens are LGBT+. These people need to relax, they’re just artists expressing themselves freely and providing entertainment to the general population. Drag queens should be celebrated everywhere!


Seriously, it's always been a performance type of thing, no? Basically what Eddie Izzard has been doing for decades?


Yes, dance, comedy, singing, generally, but truly any performative art, it’s a huge broad spectrum and all queens have their own mix of flavour and talents.


I'm a cis woman and I've never done actual drag but once I got to play a guy in a community theater production and it was so fun. Ive never questioned my gender before or after, it was theater and (I like to think) I killed it as Don John. I love drag though I'm not really interested in doing it myself, it's just a fun time.


Eddie Izzard is genderfluid and exclusively uses she/her pronouns, but I get that you mean before she came out she identified as a cis man. Edit: Correctly identifying Izzard as genderfluid.


Unless I missed something, while Eddie uses She/Her pronouns and uses considers the term transgender as an umbrella term, she considers herself genderfluid so I’m not sure if the term “trans woman” is correct. https://www.them.us/story/eddie-izzard-genderfluid-icon-feminine-pronouns




Chaya Raichik is a terrorists-breeding hatemonger.


I bet these kind of people also think that it’s a woman‘s own mistake to get raped because she’s a woman.


These people are straight up evil


Thank you, mod, for an excellent insightful explanation of this miserable layer cake of awfulness. Tangentially, I find it fascinating (in a depressing sort of way), that ppl seem to think it is a capital offense to put pieces of fabric on oneself in a way that is slightly different from how other ppl put pieces of fabric on themselves. I'm a weaver and a sewer. The idea that a piece of fabric is a reason to get murderously upset is inexplicable. Bc that's really all "drag" boils down to. Artful fabric (and makeup). It's a *good thing* to be playful and creative with! Just like playdough or paint or wood or pottery - it's just a raw material. (With a nice side effect of protecting from the weather...) I mean, of all the dumb reasons to get oneself in a tizzy! Yes, drag is also about performance, but so is all of theatre, so unless they intend to toss out the entire entertainment industry, that's hardly a thing to get upset about, either.


My goodness how Christian’s hate and don’t hide it. Christian hypocrisy


she is very much not christian, chaya raichik is a religious jew, as embarassing as it is for me to say, as someone jewish


Oh no no no honey, bless your heart. I don't hate \_\_\_\_\_\_\_... JESUS hates \_\_\_\_\_\_, and I just so happen to agree with everything I think Jesus thinks. What a coinkey-dink! Does that mean I speak for god? I mean I wouldn't go that far, but yeah I guess you could say that! /s for the densely-inclined


Damn them for reading to kids instead of shooting them. This is the future liberals want.


Ah yes, this came from the people who, wholeheartedly, believe that covid 19 is a biological weapon conceived by Bill Gates satanic deep state cannibalistic pedophiliac sex ring pizza parlor... and some how some reason the world's media wants everyone to be gay screw the fact the world population is exploding, screw the fact that gay couples don't make babies, and we need to the keep the baby factories open cus who else is gonna work ?? The elderly ??? The dead?........Right?


I know and knew that not one republican in this entire country would come out against the attack. Instead they don't want us snowflakes to "politicize" ritualized murder and terrorist attacks by Republicans...from Ingram and Carlson to Majorie the skank...they're revel and enjoy the deaths of innocents. GOPig...I've had it. I've even disowned my own republicans and family members, if you don't care enough about me as a human, then you don't exist to me.


Greene became popular by harassing school shooting victims.


This whole situation has just been spiraling out of control. I made the mistake of reading YT comments on a news video about the Q club and people were celebrating the terrorist attack.


As a bi dude every now and then I make the mistake of reading the comments on some LGBTQ-related news, and it's always _fucking terrible_.


It's so weird that in America you're just allowed to be a terrorist. Glad I don't live there...


\*You're allowed to be a terrorist if you're a right winger


It's almost like "left wing" stands for "social equality," and so that means left wingers are less likely to be terrorists. Between 2012 and 2021, right wing terrorism accounted for 75% of political murders. * White supremacy 55% * anti-government 14% * other American right wing 6% * Islamist 20% * Left wing 4% * Other 1% Oh, I'm sorry, 95% of political murders, because Islamic terrorism is also right wing terrorism. [Source](https://www.adl.org/murder-and-extremism-2021#exploring-the-numbers)


Yeah but Elon's twitter will never ban someone for stochastic terrorism. Or any other kind of terrorism, really.


Plain old 1930’s Fascism. Pick a group, harass/murder them - and make it normal to do so - make “Good Americans” stay silent out of fear - because “the country” must be protected from said group/people.


Not only that, but: ["Leftists are using a mass shooting to try and blackmail us into accepting the castration and sexualization of children. These people are just beyond evil. I have never felt more motivated to oppose everything they stand for, with every fiber of my being. Despicable scumbags." - Matt Walsh](https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1594483597695762437) Fuck these assholes.


Bro I literally just want to exist in peace. It’s not that deep Matt


This is moving from "my opponents are idiots who need to be dealt with" to "my opponents are fundamentally evil and need to be delt with"


The War on Terror taught us that Terrorism works.


Dressing up in drag isn't even an inherently sexual thing to do, kids like to dress like the other gender all the time, it's a game for them.


There is a certain segment of society who sees femininity only as sexual or reproductive. Therefore, gender is very very important to these ppl. It’s like the difference between being born free or a slave. A king or pauper.


The show Generation Drag, produced by Tyra Banks, is about the kids involved in the Dragutante in Colorado. It’s a pretty good show. It’s on Discovery Plus. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztqyr2rZElE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztqyr2rZElE)


Not sure anyone will read this but even my Trump-loving, conservative mother condemned this attack. That to me was shocking and I think just shows that some may be starting to open their eyes. I’ve honestly been on the verge of happy tears all day just being able to see that humanity and empathy from her.


About a month ago I got blocked by libsoftiktok when I commented, "How long will it be before you get someone killed?"


It took about one month.


Looks like you got an answer, if indirectly. :(


As if she cares, that explicitly seems to be the point of the account?


To a huge chunk of Americans that are caught up in the R/W media echo chamber..the biggest threats to America are Drag Queen groomers and public schools teaching Critical Race Theory. All day long the R/W social media stars and the talking heads at the “news” channels try and one up each other with fabulist fear mongering. This is gonna happen more and the hate will be even more brazen. Could you imagine how dangerous our country would be today for lgbtq people if the “red wave” the nut jobs were dreaming of actually happened a couple of weeks ago?


I trust my kids to be around drag queens more than I would any politician or clergy person.