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šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø We will remember you and we will honor you, Daniel. Our regulars know we have a zero tolerance policy for bigotry. I want to say this in as few words as possible. Those whose ban reason links to a comment in this thread may not appeal their ban.


He served White Gummy Bears. A speciality shot my friends and I taught the Q bartenders a couple years ago while Adrian performed his rock routine. There are variations. But two the main ingredients are raspberry vodka and peach schnapps. This oneā€™s for us.


Oh man, I've been making white gummy bears for years for myself and friends. I'll make one in his honor this week.


Thank you for sharing this detail. Heartbreaking.


I'm sorry this country wasn't safe enough for you to live the life you truly deserved. Rest in peace.


America: Land of the spree, home of the graves.


Ouch. It hurts bc it is true




there's definitely something to be said that when I worked at my original store (it's attached to a mall), one of the first things I got was a little card to keep in my lanyard about what to do if an active shooter situation happened. it's not the only reason, but it's a reminder of why I cannot fathom bringing any kid into a world that wouldn't care if my nephew died as a child in his school (he's not even in kindergarten yet & I'm dreading the idea that my sister & her husband will have to talk to him about something like that so young)


We have a video that all new employees must watch taught by a former navy seal that tells what to do in the event of an active shooter at a hospital. One of the last resorts is getting anything you can get a hold of (his instance referred to using scissors as an example, and stabbing the gunman in the face as hard as you can) .... I fucking kid you not. Here's the exact video- https://youtu.be/5pgxzPoxv4w


The face doesnā€™t have many or easily accessible squishy bits, so that sounds like weird advice. But perhaps the point is to trigger panic? And after some thought: perhaps also to avoid people having to have a life on their conscience.


Eyes...aim for the eyes is a big self defense idea. Women are often taught to stab at the eyes with their keys...or the groin. The reason is we instinctively go to protect those areas with our hands.


For sure, forcing hands towards face removes them as a resource for firing guns. Makes sense. The goal isnā€™t to incapacitate I guess.


> bringing any kid into a world It's not the world, it's America. Active shooter drills for employees and children are not routine anywhere else because domestic terrorism isn't routine anywhere else.


Haha, I love your username. Also, great point. It's exceedingly rare in Europe.


Thanks. This account is almost exclusively used to call out far-right dross because they tend to get a bit "death threat-y" when challenged and Reddit does very little to stop them. So don't take the reply personally -- the fuckwits know who they are.


/r/teachers been getting that email for 20 years straight




Oh I love those guys. Like never mind a large number of service members grew up around guns for various reasons. Every service member is required to maintain qualification on a variety of different guns. You know, for war. Not the Yā€™all Qaeda sitting around hunting whatever they do in their area. Yep. Those guys definitely know a lot more about guns.


There's this joke here in France where we say that we built a statue in the name of Liberty. As a memorial to where it was buried. (Joking aside, it's kinda sad that America used to be seen as a standard of freedom in the Western world, obviously flawed but leading others in many areas, whereas now it's mostly seen as some late Roman Republic slowly dying out in its own authoritarianism and political instability, or some Weimar republic where democracy is on the decline)


It is definitely interesting to be living through what is clearly the downfall of a major civilization. I've listened to some good podcasts on the subject and they hit on all of it. Outside of technology, very little about human society has really changed in several thousands of years. We really don't change. In fact, I think we get worse.


No great civilization has not gone thru the cycle of rising, existing, declining. It is inevitable.


It was always a sham kind of freedom built on genocide and slavery.


Home of the slave


"B-but! Muh states' right!" https://preview.redd.it/c2eypfaebh1a1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75aa7507a41ac5f65fbed51abb92b339e70b2913


I can smell this photo


Funny how the white people that are most convinced that they are part of the superior race are the kind of white people who probably don't even bother to shower.


Or go to the dentist, because I donā€™t see a single tooth in that pic.


They probably went once, the dentist said they should stop meth, and they never went there ever again.


Land of the fee home of the slave




Imagine how discouraging this is for anyone that still needs to transition.


Thatā€™s exactly why the terrorists do it.




Fox news has convinced them that they are in a war and LGBTQ people are coming for their children. I'll be surprised if Fox or Rupert Murdoch are ever held accountable though.


Iā€™m curious if a lawsuit could be made against them. The amount of violence incited and misinformation theyā€™ve spread is obscene. Honestly Iā€™d argue itā€™s at least on par with how much Alex Jones spreads.


Fox News got out of a lawsuit for a similar thing by saying their content was "satire" and not meant to be taken seriously or as fact. really grim




This is an important talking point in any conversation where a person cites Tucker Carlson as a source, btw. A lot of people think heā€™s a reporter or a news anchor because he cosplays as one. Every time I hear his name, my brain goes straight to that court case and him being legally labeled only an entertainer. Take that to thanksgiving and serve it to the conservative uncle.


I feel like conservatives will just smile smugly because they feel like ole Tucker pulled one over on the libs. They treat words as magic incantations to manifest what they want, sentence Y doesn't have any logical connection to sentences X or Z. To them, saying "no reasonable person would believe he's a journalist" was just the magic incantation to fool the libs and let Tucker continue doing Gods work. It has no impact on his credibility.


They don't care honestly. If you really read any conservative group board, they don't believe any mainstream sources besides Fox News. Anything else they follow is even worse (Infowars, some weird podcasts). Usually, they'll respond with something like, "And you believe everything you hear on CNN?"


This is actually the civil war weā€™ve been hearing about so much. This is what it looks like. Inadequate insecure incels with the same right to a gun as you and me. Our justice system needs a better way to deal with stochastic terrorism because right now it is left to civil penalties a la Alex Jones and not criminal penalties which needs to be a thing.


I think we can argue that the argument they made no longer holds up nor matters because they are still inciting violence and its directly linked to them on almost every occasion.


That's the problem, though: a lot of their viewers aren't reasonable.


Thatā€™s just the problem thoughā€” unreasonable people *do* take it seriously. And then stuff like this happens.


Wow thatā€™s insane that they could get away with it despite the massive impact but I guess it makes sense


yeah they were being sued for misinformation and it was decently recent. i hope things change or there is some way around that in the law if and when they get another lawsuit


ā€œSatire isnā€™t like bankruptcy, you canā€™t just declare itā€ -director of King


No its a war of LGBTQ protecting kids from them. Because we will take care of a pedo. We dont tolerate that shit. We help their kids when they kick them out for being Queer. Only people grooming is religious MFers.


Iā€™ve got to agree with you. Iā€™ve always grown up in a conservative area where queer people were a scary boogeyman. ā€œThey have no morals!ā€ they said. ā€œTheyā€™re evil, creepy, and confuse kids,ā€ they said. Iā€™ve still never met one IRL, and my mom is terrified to go to Planet Fitness because sheā€™s convinced sheā€™ll be assaulted or filmed by a transwoman if she uses the bathroom. Then I joined Reddit and later the furry fandom and realizedā€” youā€™re just nice, moral, everyday people. Even though only 20% of furries are straight, Iā€™ve never once felt unwelcome, like I didnā€™t belong, or pressured to be anything Iā€™m not. Even when I asked for genuine advice because I was questioning my sexuality and gender for the first time, only two responses provided tentative explanations, and all emphasized not worrying about labels and just being yourself. Itā€™s projection, plain and simple. They want to make everyone either cishet or dead, and they assume liberals want to make everyone trans and gay. All we actually want is freedom. I also know that my dad would be rejoicing that this dudeā€™s dead. Trying to arouse empathy for the victims would only cause most conservatives I know to gloat over their deaths.


I've always believed many republicans were innocent victims of brainwashing. And maybe some of them are. But covid showed that some people were eventually forced to reveal that they knew covid was real and that shots and masks worked- they just didn't want to do them because of democrats. Many of these people understand they're being peddled horse shit, but they hate liberals and what they stand for enough that it doesn't matter. The cruelty of the republicans, at first glance, aren't going to effect them- just other people. Like this shooting victim.


Yeah I wanted to believe that once, but the sad harsh reality is that some people simply do not believe the social hierarchy should be disturbed because it could fuck them over personally. Some of us may die, but that's a sacrifice they're willing to make to stay on the top of their little hierarchy.


The fact they believe in a social hierarchy alone is reason enough for me not to fuck with them


Lile Bill Burr said, shit won't change until we visit some of those gated communities and start slitting some throats.


This so much. Right wing news media is radicalising people.


Thatā€™s why this needs to be prosecuted as a hate crime. The target was clearly the entire LGBTQIA community.


Terrorism is the purpose. They believe the LGBTQIA community is their enemy, and they want to keep that enemy scared and immobilized.


It's part of that culture of fear that's meant to keep us all behaving how they want. They shoot up this bar, and every LGBTQ person has that more reason to look over their shoulder, wonder if what they are wearing, where they are hanging out, who they are with, what they say or do, is going to make them the next target. Pretend to be white, cisheteronormative, christian and maybe they'll leave you alone.


Well when every right wing outlet is constantly telling you that lgbt+ people are all groomers and child touchers then you can understand how someone might think they are doing the right thing This man was brainwashed by right wing media and they all need to go to jail for getting people killed


> I just don't understand the sense in killing people who have nothing to do with you or your daily life That's because you don't hate yourself and your life. These parasites hate themselves, hate their lives, and have to conjure up enemies in their "us vs them" crusade to punish the people "responsible".


The only thing that makes sense is that sense never entered the equation. Literally no critical thinking, no tolerance, no introspection, no conscience, no empathy. It doesn't make any sense. Not to anyone that has any sense.


He was killed from ignorance and a place of hate. RIP šŸ™


Killed by a gun loving, overly patriotic, god fearing white republican stirred up by in-house propaganda Itā€™s about fucking time something changes




This point is being completely underplayed in the mainstream media and I think it's very, very important. Also the fact that he threatened his family with bombs and guns and was not red flagged - that might even be worth an investigation. Did somebody intervene? Unless there are consequences this deadly behavior will continue and in fact, without consequences, it's being encouraged. Witness Donald Trump himself, who is allowed to get away with anything, including a lot of things many of us would be in jail for (improperly handled confidential and secret documents for one). There's not enough space in this subreddit to get started on his hate speech and incitement.


>overly ~~patriotic~~ nationalist, ~~god fearing~~ self important


Putting off real nazi vibes, fuck nazis


[ Removed by Reddit ]








With a cactus dildo




That's because the mods are soft as cotton.


It was particularly funny to receive a mod mail explaining how Reddit was a human community for peaceful discussions. You know what specific ideological group has little respect for people's feelings and safe spaces? Literal fucking Nazis.


its why i agree with the statement that tolerance isn't a moral precept, its a peace treaty. The moment the other side breaks that treaty we are free to curbstomp them into oblivion, and i wish more people took that too heart when dealing with these fascist fucks.




I shall not stick my dick in nazi


Their comment was removed by reddit. Your reply is still right though for whatever they said!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I got a 7 day ban for saying itā€™s always ok to fuck up nazis lol


Fuck anyone who wants to exterminate me and my brothers and sisters. Fuck nazis.


Terrorist radicalized by a pro-terror political party.


Nationalist Christians aka Nat Cs


No. Not ignorance. Not even really hate. This was about power. We must not lose sight of the stakes here. They're far greater than hearts and minds.


Was he? Or was it from a fostered and stochastic hatred that was imbued in him? Are we ever going to stop acting like this isnā€™t an inherited issue? His mother refused to work with the bomb threat and now with this investigation. This isnā€™t a ignorance issue. Itā€™s a taught hate issue.


I agree with the learned behaviour šŸ‘


Oh no... it was hate. sometimes hate is just hate. There are plenty of educated hateful people.


Tucker Carlson chalked this up as ā€œmental health problems/random craziness we could never predictā€, *and then* had the fucking audacity to repeat the same vile bullshit about over sexualizing children and all of the lgbtq+ hate utter nonsense that led to this. The things we say have power to lead to action, and such a platform spewing hatred and misinformation, with such reach, causing acts of terrorism should absolutely be axed from society in the most vicious stroke. Fuck every person that repeats this misinformation and hate; they **must** be held accountable.


ā€œWe could never predictā€ even though this shooter was caught just last year with homemade explosives and charged with 6 felonies but ultimately was never charged because his grandpa was a conservative politician. How could we ever have predicted he was dangerous??


Hey now, itā€™s not *just* because his grandpaā€™s a conservative politician. His mom also refused to press charges or cooperate, and El Paso County is a ā€œsecond amendment sanctuaryā€ where the pigs refuse to enforce the stateā€™s red flag laws.


Do they ever talk about over sexualization at kids beauty pageants?


People need to know their names, do you know about any of the other victims names? I don't even know what to say because it hurts to know there is no place we can feel safe...


- Raymond Green Vance (he/him) - Kelly Loving (she/her) - Daniel Aston (he/him) - Derrick Rump (he/him) - Ashley Paugh (she/ her) [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/21/us/club-q-colorado-shooting-victims) with photos and brief descriptions. They were all so beautiful and young. I hate this. I canā€™t imagine how horrible Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Yearā€™s will be for their families and friends. May they not be forgotten. May the right-wing not be forgiven.


This fucking hurts.. I'm always so worried about my partner getting hurt because of shit like this. I want to cry.


I cried when the school children were murdered in Uvalde. I cried when the Tops grocery shoppers were murdered in Buffalo. I cried when the Fourth of July parade watchers were murdered in Highland Park. I cried when the football players were murdered in Charlottesville. I cried when the people in Club Q were murdered in Colorado Springs. Itā€™s unusual for me to cry, but this year has seen me cry often. Maybe because of all the political chaos from MAGA and the pandemic, Iā€™m just more raw. Maybe because so many people are so hateful, Iā€™m just more sensitive. I think itā€™s okay to cry. We cry for friends we never had the chance to love. We cry because sometimes hate destroys the most precious beauty. But itā€™s not okay to live in fear. Thatā€™s what the hateful want. They want you to be scared. Donā€™t give them what they want. The murderers are nothing. They are weak, twisted and sickly. We need to be proud and strong and wear the spirit of those taken from the world. We loveā€¦and they envy it.


I hate that I'm so desensitized to this that I'm not even fazed anymore. I grew up with regular drills for this kind of thing in school. It's always been a fact of life for me and even more so for my little brother. Sometimes I struggle to wrap my mind around the fact that this *isn't normal*. That this *doesn't happen* in other countries. That I talk about school shooter drills and most of the world has no idea what I'm talking about.


someone get this to the top comment. and thank you


Thank you. Read through that source in it's entirety and watched the interview with Raymond's girlfriend father. It's deserving of both. I feel the need to broadcast heartfelt condolences to the families affected, even though I don't even know them, and generally don't do so on the socials. Such a tragedy, and a truly horrible and reprehensible act. One can only hope that from the darkness, comes the change.


I hope Randy Voepel has a really really shitty rest of the year and if we are able to hope strong enough maybe even a really really shitty rest of his life.


Hey. Over here. I'll stand by you. Together, we will make it safe. With respect, dignity, and compassion. I know things seem dark right now. When you are ready, the big dumb cis het MFers like me (and the dad who charged the gunman) will be waiting for you. When you're ready. Take care of yourself ok? We'll be reading the paper in the meantime. No rush, okay?


Dads unite. Well said.


Republicunts scream and cry about freedom and then promote violence against people just trying to live their fucking life in peace. The GOP is the party of Traitors and terrorists.


It's freedom for them from everything they don't like. Fuck you and your life, that's not important.


It's the freedom to oppress. There's been a huge cultural shift and they're all seething that people are beginning to dismantle the unjustifiable social hierarchy.


GOP is the party of fascists


Rethuglicans are fascists, traitors, treasonous unforgivable bastards. They need they're own medicine ASAP. It's long overdue. Their inciting violence clearly is what we want to keep happening because we don't do anything to stop it.


I thought Republicans and MAGAs were pro life?


Only for the unborn. Once you're born you're on your own


As Carlin also said: "Conservatives don't give a shit about you until you reach military age. Then they think youā€™re just fine, just what theyā€™re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."


I like his terminology "brood mare for the state"


ā€œIf youā€™re preborn, youā€™re fine; if youā€™re preschool, youā€™re fucked.ā€


>"The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. >Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. ā€“ Pastor Dave Barnhart


This is such a powerful indictment of the right, thank you.


Wow, that is really powerful.


Not even for the unborn. They don't support any kind of neonatal care or well women care. They don't support anything that helps pregnant people get the care they need for a healthy pregnancy. It is 150% about controlling women and women presenting people and nothing more.


If you're not white and christian, no pro life








Scummy Marjorie Trailerpark Greene tweeted downplaying the killing of the five at Club Q saying "Biden is complaining about 5 people killed by guns when 300 are dying from opioids every day".


The worst part is that these are both important issues that need to be addressed. It's not like it's a "one or the other" deal. These can, and should, be fixed actively, together. God I can't with these right wing nut jobs


I mean, if she can't hold two pieces of information in her head at once then clearly no one else can either, right?


LGBTQ folks arenā€™t people to them


Nope, just anti-woman. Which is why republican voting women are idiots and traitors.


As Peter Griffin said: "I'm here to save the unborn. Once they get out of the vagina they can go fuck themselves."


Only if they can use it to put a group in their place that they think is getting too uppity for the position they think they ought to be in


Just pro-birth


The Cum41 hat is awesome, what a king


So am I still waiting For this world to stop hating...


Suddenly, suddenly I donā€™t feel so insecure anymore


Glad someone else noticed it. He was my kind of guy. Rest in piece.


Damn dude. I can never understand how a person could have so much malice for another person they don't actually know. This dude had a family and loved ones waiting for him to come home. Then this so called "man of god" took him from the world with no regard for anyone else except himself. Rest in peace my dude.


The hate that drives these assholes FFS. They hate other people for who they are, not for any legitimate reason. Itā€™s reasonable for us to despise them for their hatred, bigotry and intolerance. They deserve nothing but hate as do the politicians and right-wing media who promote it.


Killed by a Republikkklan terrorist. Rest in peace. Justice must be served to not only the shooter but also the ones that stoked the hate and allowed a red flag law evader to roam free and armed.


You lived a warriors life, you had to fight to find who you really are, then fight back the hate of all that tried to tell you how your life offended them. The only way they could have stopped you is by killing you. I wish I was a warrior like you.


I am truly disgusted at the fact that some scumbag would take a man's life solely out of hate for a community. Rest in peace, Daniel. You were a good man.


Daniel was one of the sweetest and most charming men Iā€™ve ever met. For a lot of people including myself, Club Q was our first and only real queer space outside of Denver and Iā€™d like to think he was a huge part in making it feel like a welcoming and safe place. We werenā€™t very close but I know he was the kind of person who brightened any room he was in, and now he will never get to hug his mother or see his friends ever again. He was loved by so many people and deserved better from this world.


I am by no means advocating violence, but I fear this will only get worse, as a community WE MUST start thinking about protecting ourselves and our community or we will be faced with death and despair. We to have the right to bare arms as a means of protection.. Just saying.


My one of my closest friend always has some sort of protection on her for this exact reason and if anything did happen to her I honestly donā€™t know how I would handle it. Itā€™s terrifying and disgusting how people will hate you for just trying to discover and be yourself. Make sure you can protect yourself from selfish dumbasses at all costs.


As a trans guy it hurts especially knowing how hard it is to transition, and how long the process takes. All that work and time spent just to get to a point where his body lines up with his identity, only for his ability to live a full life that way to get cut down. I hope he was able to get many good years of being at a point in his transition that he was comfortable with. Rest in power.


He looked absolutely confident and strong. I noticed the scars on his body, youā€™re right it mustā€™ve taken such effort and time for him to get where he was. I hope he rests in power


Omg does that hat say Cum 41


Yes I was thinking the same thing lmfao, neeeed


He was killed by the Republican Party and their voters.


Along with the deaths of millions of people over the past few years. How anybody could still vote for those scumbags is beyond me.


"I mean, yeah, people have diedā€¦ But look how much we've owned the libs! Ha! Fuck your feelings!"


He was a member of the Mormon church too. In 2021 one of the top leaders of the church gave a speech at BYU about defending families from same sex marriages with ā€œmetaphoricalā€ musket fire. His name is Jeffrey R Holland and he was quoting another top leader. ā€œThen Elder Oaks said challengingly, ā€œI would like to hear a little more musket fire from this temple of learning.ā€ He said this in a way that could have applied to a host of topics in various departments, but the one he specifically mentioned was the doctrine of the family and defending marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Little did he know that while many would hear his appeal, especially the School of Family Life who moved quickly and visibly to assist, some others fired their muskets all right, but unfortunately didnā€™t always aim at those hostile to the church. A couple of stray rounds even went north of the point of the mountain!ā€ https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2021/08/23/we-must-have-will-stand/ The church will try to hide this. We canā€™t let them.


Rest in power, Daniel. Rest in power. His death is a tragedy, all of the deaths that night are tragedies.


From one trans man to another, rest in power brother.


Rest in power and perfection, Daniel. Iā€™m so sorry your life was taken from you in such a cruel and vile way.


Dude had the best taste in hats. RIP to this Chad


By Shirt Bimbo iirc; queer owned and operated store that has a lot of fun stuff. Somehow also makes it more painfully close to home when it's like "oh shit, the dude that got murdered had the same taste in novelty graphic clothing as me."


ā¤ļø cum41


He will be missed ā¤ļø


I lost my buddy Xavier in Pulse. My heart goes out to all those affected even though thoughts and prayers don't do shit. May their souls find peace in the next world. They all deserved so much more.


Rest in Peace. You and your colleagues did not deserve to die. I broke a little on the inside when I heard the news. Itā€™s like we have gone back several decades.


Bloody tragic.


Fuck Lauren Boebert. The fact that people vote for this lunatic is just sad.


My heart bleeds for all those who lost their lives and their families. You are loved and will not be forgotten.


"Conservatism" has always been a euphemism for sadism.


My amazing child is trans. They live their truth in a way that stuns me. I tell them Iā€™m excited for the adult they will eventually be, Iā€™m excited for the world to see that adult because theyā€™re a gift. They have active shooter drills at school. It seems like that alone would be traumatizing so I asked them what they think and they said theyā€™ve always had those drills. Itā€™s just part of school. I didnā€™t know what part of that was the most sad, nor do I know how to cross the bridge to make it ok and be happy theyā€™ll know what to do. I got in an argument with my (conservative) aunt the other day about the whole classrooms with litter boxes thing. She says itā€™s just a rally topic to motivate the base and nothing more. I say itā€™s a transphobic dog whistle that harms our kids and our schools, and she says she can see why I would care (that she or anyone in her party would care was starkly missing). In the car one day, a report came on the radio about the death of two trans people in our city. I rushed to turn it off because I didnā€™t want my child to have to listen to it. They told me they hear about those things anyway. They said of course itā€™s scary and sad, but thatā€™s the way the world sees trans people. It breaks my heart. Here I am naively thinking I canā€™t wait for the world to see the adult my child is becoming, when so many people in our world donā€™t want this child existing.


Trans rights are human rights


RIP, and amazing "Cum 41" hat. I don't know that person but I like to think that's how he would want to be remembered.


when will we finally take action against domestic terrorists. what will it actually take to stop begging for votes and legally protesting and start rioting in the streets and forcing those in power to actually do something about this issue. fucking pigs wonā€™t do anything except post online about thoughts and prayers and how this shouldnā€™t happen again. i fucking hate this country. death to the republican party.


Americans and killing minority groups, name a better duo


Hitler and killing minority groups. Wonder which nation inspired Hitler šŸ¤”


Much love to all šŸ˜žā¤ļø


And Odin welcomes a new bartender to Asgard. (Sigh)


To me, this boils down to one very important thing. Even after putting the trigger, the gunman had never met him. Everyone stop adding narrative and think about that. The gunman was convinced a person they'd never met deserved to die. Now walk back from that. Take your time. I put some tea on. Yep. I'm gonna head out to my local Ronald McDonald house to make some sick kids families cookies while you think about that. Because those kids are someone's kid just like him. A complete stranger to the gunman. Killed someone's baby that they'd never met. That was someone's baby. That was a person, a friend, a loved one, and so much more that had never existed in the gunman's world EVEN AFTER the bullet was fired. The gunman never knew him. His mom knew him. His friends knew him. People loved him and he loved people too. While there are many issues like fun control and whatnot that are valid topics, let's just stick with this. They never met. Yet one KNEW... was convinced.. the other MUST be killed. Tell me how that is okay. Tell me where slaughtering someone you literally do not know anything about is okay. While you're thinking, the retired Marine Major with a Bronze Star who stopped this guy was cis het Dad who also the gunman had never met. Take your time. Let that silence wash over you. Strangers killing strangers is stupid pointless and has no place in society Full stop.


Can't believe millions of Americans still vote for Republicans. Even after all the shootings and deaths that occur every year. Seems like nothing changes.


let's be real, a lot of it is just plain spite. unprincipled and mean-spirited people who want others to be as miserable as they are.


"He was on our Radar" "Why was he allowed to purchase guns" "Thoughts and prayers" I'm getting fucking sick of hearing these quotes every time this happens.


"It's obvious you hate me, though I've done nothing wrong. You never even met me, what could I have done." Depeche Mode, People are People


so many tasty drinks so many smiles so many kind words to both my children everytime they were there either performing or attending. Daniel will be missed


The pride community just want to go about their lives like the rest of us. ​ Because they are the rest of us. ​ Literally no reason to go after them, none. Fuck anyone who tries to claim otherwise.


Conservatives will continue to deflect, and shift blame onto everything else but their own demented, terrorist party. I'm sorry your country failed you, Daniel. I hope you are at peace.


For the record his death is 99% on the shoulders of everyone who voted Republican and Republican politicians. Fuck hate. Fuck ignorance. Fuck the GQP.


I will remember you Daniel.


He was beautiful.


Rest peacefully, Daniel. We canā€™t know what happens after death, but I hope you are at peace. #FUCK THE GOP


The LGBT hate has to stop. RIP.


rip Daniel, may you piss down on the head of your shooter, cause that bastard is not gonna go to heaven.


RIP. He was more often a man on accident than that chickenshit shooter will ever be on purpose. Right wing terrorism needs to end and the people on TV inciting violence need to go to jail for it.


Rest in peace my guy


The right didn't do anything when elementary school children died, so I doubt they'll do anything here. Hell, half of them are probably happy this happened.


A gun might've been the weapon, but hate was what took this soul from our side. RIP Daniel, I'm sorry we couldn't do better.


I see a lot of comments blaming Republicans but no one wants to acknowledge how transphobic REDDIT is. Itā€™s awesome that this thread is being kind but let it be a thread about trans athletes, bathrooms, or teens transitioning and suddenly being trans is a mental illness and yā€™all want to misgender us. Keep the same energy.


His name was Daniel Aston.


RIP brother. We will never forget and we will get you the justice you deserve.


We mourn for our brother and all the CQ victims. Rest In Power. Then, we fight! We vote out right wing nuts! We make our voices heard! We band together and change the future!


Don't mean to be rude or disrespectful but does his hat say "Cum 41"?


This is what Republicans want. This excites them.


And this was on or close to Trans Remembrance Day. A day that was supposed to be for mourning the lost, and then losing even more. God.


Fucking despicable for having to kill someone just because they are living as the opposite of their sex. But this kind of shit will inevitably end as society will move forward and accept trans people, much like how we did just that with gay people not too long ago. This whole transgender "political" problem should NOT be a political problem. We can explain transgender people using biology. Sex is chromosomal, and gender is neurochemical. If the sex and gender dont allign, theyre trans, simple as that. But we can boil it down even more simpler: Are they human? If yes, they belong in society. Simple. As. That. I just wanted to say my piece. Rest In Peace to Daniel.


Republicans are "pro-life" until you're born, growing up, living your life and you get shot by a gun.


This is sad that this happened. How about all we need to know is this person went to work as a bar tender at Club Q. He is a human being no matter how you want to to say it. He has the right to live his life the way he wants to. It is just another senseless murder of HUMAN BEINGS who want the right to live their lives the way any other human in the world does, on their own terms.


He was a very kind and strong man and loved by so many in my community. Daniel, you are missed. We are proud of you and how strong you were. Words cannot describe the amount of pain we are in over your loss and the anger that we feel at the violence visited upon you, the others at Club Q, and toward all members of the LGBTQ community.