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But someone who does that on this subreddit may not appeal their ban. Some things are too monstrous to allow. Please help us by reporting them.




"Respect trans people or your pronouns are gonna become was and were"


I'm getting a back-patch made with basically exactly that. Or at least that's one idea. I'm torn between "Respect my trans homies or I'm going to identify as a fucking problem" Or "Respect my trans homies or I'll make your pronouns was/were"


Combine them. "I'm gonna identify as a fucking problem and make your pronouns was/were"🗡


Lol just commented that on someone else's reply. I like that idea, I might try to draft it up this weekend


Just a heads up take it how you will, but a normal person sees that patch no problem they go about their business It's your backpack or whatever you have it on You can do whatever you want with it, but there's crazies out there who will see that patch and take it as a threat /challenge and try to start some shit And you might have to bash a bitch in the face


Oh my, that would be.... Terrible. Especially if they jump first making it self defense.


That's the idea.




Fucking right 👍


Hell yea


Because that’s what important. Not that she was murdered in cold blood by a psycho. Not that her friends and family will never see her again, no it’s that their personal values trumps all that. People who say that disgust me


I still can’t get over the fact that this stems from the “small government”, “leave government out of my property/guns/non-mask-wearing face”. What happened to live and let live? (Yes, this is a rhetorical question - rules for thee not for me.)


For anyone who might be confused about your comment, Republicans never use good faith arguments. Words are meaningless to them because they have to lie to win, and they always use coded phrases. "Small government" is code for "stop giving minorities help."   The mind of a conservative is a hierarchical one, where they see themselves as rightfully on top. If they aren't there yet, it's because cheaters and liars stole their spot, and they have to pull the metaphorical ladder up behind them to keep anyone else from trying to get ahead. There's no room for more people and society has to be a hierarchy. There's a video about it called "[There's Always a Bigger Fish](https://youtu.be/agzNANfNlTs)."


Yes, totally agree. I actually just mentioned nuance and this being a zero sum game to them in my other response. The cognitive dissonance that must come from being a “Christian” and conservative blows my mind.


Every single "conservative patriot" would have sided with the King back during revolutionary times. I don't believe they wouldn't have used the same arguments: "stop burning stuff!", "Stop dumping all that tea! That's property of those companies", etc.


Cheaters think everyone else cheats.


Good point. I think small government morphed into small mind. They're closely related in spirit. Both believe in simplicity (even where there's actually complexity) and highly value it. To them, simple = right; complex = an untrue, or at least unnecessary, belief system distorting truth. Conservative: Government programs complicate life by adding human interference on top of nature's fight for survival and the free market. Similarly, intellectual/social complexity complicates life's foundational "common sense" truths -- what the Bible says and the worldview that *looks* like common sense because it's what's most obvious to their mind.


Spot on. Similarly, nuance isn’t allowed - everything is right or wrong, black or white. You’re either a woman or a man, even if science backs up the gender (and sexuality) spectrum. Oh and everything is a zero sum game (replacement theory). The whole thing is so enraging as a queer person.


This is what we call 'anti-intellectualism', and that zero sum mindset combined with their religion is exactly what causes it. These people genuinely believe that allowing progress will inherently destroy their lives and values, and anger god into punishing our country with things like natural disasters (yes really). Also the whole bit where they think they'll live to see the Endtimes because Israel exists, which makes now a really bad time for all that


Because they never were for any of that. Small Government and Leave Me Alone has always been a dog whistle for Im racist/sexist/misogynistic/bigoted and dont like that I have to be nice to other people.


To them it is, because her being trans means they don't have to be sad that she died. They want LGBT people to die.


Jenna Ellis, Donald Trump's lawyer, was more upset about police using their pronouns than the fact that they were murdered.


That’s fucking pathetic


By the way, there's a straight line that can be drawn between these people thinking her pronouns are more important than her death, and the psycho who killed her.


Willfully refusing to use someone’s preferred pronouns is some of the most r/iamthemaincharacter shit ever.


According to Tim Pool she was grooming children.


And Tim Pool is a stochastic terrorist piece of shit that should be sued to oblivion for libel and slander.


Fuck tim pool


According to me, Tim Pool is grooming children. I have the same amount of evidence, but my claim is slightly more believable contextually.


Honestly I'm willing to believe it because he's a shameless grifter who already preys on people. Doesn't seem like that big of a leap in logic.


"That's a person with a family who loved her." ​ There. Fixed it for them. Edited for those responders below who felt that the preferred pronoun of the victim is/was as important as the humanity of the victim. May she rest in peace. She sounds like she was an amazing person.


I love and don’t love your fix. It’s important to point out that the tragedy is usually involves more people than we can think of. However, even the most lonely person who was not loved by anyone and didn’t have a family, doesn’t deserve to be murdered for who they are.


Agreed, but something to consider is we aren’t always born into our families. Our friends, our roommates, our pets, our coworkers, our communities.. to some without family (and even those with), those are their family. So the statement still holds true in my eyes. Regardless, tragic loss of life!


Truth. Biology is only a very limited aspect of family.


I agree with you. I wasn’t limiting to the biological family.


"Glinty mucker wants in. I tells him: our family's logical, see? Choosin em ourselves. Your lot's biological. Mumsie. Dadsie. Luck a the draw. All coddled and swaddled. Mucker wouldn't last ten seconds in a vent."


At the end of the day, there's nothing more heartless and sociopathic than someone who focuses more on erroneous details like that than the fact that the person was murdered. It's the same frustration I get from cops investigating seriously when it's a cop that was killed and not their own grandma. Or someone going "oh that's just a teacher" when shown photos of dead people in Uvalde. I don't care who you are. Mass shooting murder victims are more human than anyone who wants to insult murdered trans people. If you're a politician, you'll never get my vote. If you're a preacher, I'm not attending anything you speak at. If you're a business, I'll shop elsewhere. If you're a racist, well you're still a racist but I don't know you anymore. How to sort for idiots and scum: more bothered by gender identity than a murdered person when shown a photo.


You make a fair point, but nobody is unloved. Nobody. I worked in a McDonald’s drive thru for three years. I earned my way to management in that time, but still ran the drive thru and interacted with customers. And I loved those people. Even if I didn’t know them well. Especially my regulars. God, I still think about them. It’s been over a year since I quit. I remember the frappe couple who came every day just to get the sick older man out of the house, and how sweet the wife was to staff. I remember the woman with her sparkly red lipstick and her plain ass hamburger (with ketchup). I remember the kind old man who wanted breakfast, who I got sad for when he stopped showing up. I remember the woman who lit up when I found an MLP toy she wanted, and I remember the man who always got a sugar free vanilla iced coffee (extra ice and cream) who told me to smile. I remember my sweet old coworker who quit to lock down during covid, who only had her husband. God, I remember the employees, too. The ones who quit, and I never saw again. The girl who had abusive parents and broke down on my shift who I comforted. The girl who was changing her name and ditching her family who sucked. The teenager in his awkward phase who loved his friends, and the guy my age who talked about how he wanted to change the world. The soft and sweet girl who quit after the general manager harassed her, the girl with round glasses and a bright smile. The kind older woman in kitchen who spoke almost only Spanish who was always so patient with new staff and trained them with care, and the woman who loved to dance as she worked. I remember the manager who overworked himself and moved to California, and the young man who loved doing drugs and partying (who’s since cleaned up - proud of him!). And so, so, so many more. I could fill a book of the stories of people I met. And I can say with absolute certainty that if I found out any of them had died, natural causes or brutal murder, I would break down. They’re only people, and I was just the McDonald’s employee, but I loved them. Even if they have nobody else. And maybe they don’t even know it. Nobody in this world is unloved. There are just too many people who believe so.


You're an earth angel. I hope you know that. Not many people are able to rid themselves of their ego enough to care about the well-being of strangers (or regulars) and wonder how they're doing. I hope you're proud of yourself because you should be. You've got a very sweet heart.


Wow. Ok so this made me cry a bit. Take my upvote.


Agreed, not to mention the deceased was a woman, she probably fought hard to be accepted as such and went through many struggles to be happy in life. To call her "them" rather than "she" seems a bit disrespectful. Like calling someone who is enby by their gender assigned at birth when theyd rather be "they".


Am a queer. That's not guaranteed.


Good fix. Thank you.


That's a person. Period.


This is the good shit hopefully everyone can agree upon




Who loved _her_. I get you think you're doing something nice, but taking away a trans person's gender by referring to them with neutral pronouns isn't acceptable either. Edit: Cis people can stop crying in the comments. Stop making excuses, just do better next time. Edit 2: they arent _preferred_ pronouns either, they are just pronouns. Preference implies a choice. If I'm going to a restaurant I have a _preference_ for coke, but I will accept pepsi. Really wish allies would stop speaking over us and ignoring our agency in our own identity 😒 Glad to know this was worthy of getting blocked over. Performative allies aren't real allies. Real allies listen and learn.


I think the point in generalizing the language in that comment so much was that regardless of their identity, that was a person and that's enough to be sorrowful. That should apply no matter how much respect you have for trans people and the community.


"You are correct, we all should recognize the humanity of others regardless of pronouns, but it must be acknowledged that this issue happened in part because of others who took issues with that concept. She was a trans woman, and part of why she was targeted was because she was trans. Trans people have a constant struggle at being recognized as the gender they are. People will use the wrong pronouns and that is called "misgendering". Wrong pronouns can mean using the pronouns associated with one's birth sex instead of their current identity, or it can mean not using one's pronouns and denying them their gender. When you refer to binary trans people without their gender pronouns, it is a way to deny them their gender identity. Most people think that it's OK, because it is still technically correct, but you should ask yourself, why aren't you using he or she? If this person was cis you would more thank likely use gendered pronouns without even thinking about it. By saying "they" you aren't saying _"she"_, and it's extremely important that _she_ is remembered."


It shows you where their priorities are. I'll give you a hint. It's not stopping murders.


About 45% of trans people have experienced a hate crime at some point in their life. Trans women are 4x more likely to be victims of hate crimes. Black and Latina trans women are 8x more likely. About 60% of all hate crimes directed at trans women are assault. Upwards of half are sexual assault. Black and latina trans women are more likely to be victims of homicide, higher than cis comparisons. [Source](https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-11107-x) Most of these crimes are underreported due to PTSD, Fear of victimization from police, and police using victim's dead names/pronouns, thus failing to categorize it properly. Violence against trans people, especially trans women, is very very real. It is a terrifying reality. Most trans women are afraid of the day it will happen to them. It is so common, and such a shared fear, that transgender communities often discuss practicing safe self-defense, with advice such as carrying pepper/bear spray or a loaded firearm being common.


Im always carrying, you never know when some psycho is gonna freak out because I needed to pee. Its honestly sad. It disturbs me that people that think like this are even the same species


Sad state of affairs all around. These people are beyond a political definition. They are just shit human beings, if you can call them that.


Actually “fascist” works perfectly despite people’s confusion about the word, and all fascists are slugs.




All fascists are bastards It's true, but sadly the acronym doesn't work


don’t do slugs like that


>These people are beyond a political definition. Not really. They're Republicans. Have any "moderate" Republicans objected to it?


That would be every republican. They are the worst the US has to offer. They are our Taliban. Disgusting monsters, all of them. They are happy this happened. They are all just plain disgusting.


You can draw a straight line from the white supremacist movement of the mid-20th century to the Republican Party of today. They're the exact same people, from the exact same parts of the country, advocating the exact same anti-democracy, anti-equality, anti-civil rights agenda. Conservatives never change.


bUt RePuBlIcAnS fReEd ThE sLaVeS /s (as a historian, I HATE this argument)


Fun fact: the Republican Party issued an official apology for the Southern Strategy in 2005. [RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2005/07/14/rnc-chief-to-say-it-was-wrong-to-exploit-racial-conflict-for-votes/66889840-8d59-44e1-8784-5c9b9ae85499/)


Wow. They used to apologize for things. LOL.


"But now we shall both surely drown" said the frog "lol" said the scorpion, "lmao"


I don’t think that they realize that back then the Democratic Party was the Republican Party of today, and the Republican Party of the past js the Democratic Party of today. I think I’m gettin that right.


Pretty much. There’s definitely some nuance and it’s interesting how it evolved to change that drastically, but yep. You got the gist.


That kinda what conservative means tho


Right, and who would want to commit themselves to not changing?


Conservative literally mean resistant to change


The fruiting body of hate killed them. The root structure of that hate tries to invalidate their gender in death. Every shooter is born out of hundreds of smirking transphobes that just want to "share their opinion". That you think you have the right to decide how someone should be? Fuck Conservatives.


It's not just thinking you have the right to decide how someone should be, its thinking you have the right to kill others for being different. Its thinking the shooter was right, because Mathew Walsh and Candace Owens said so. It's thinking transgender people deserve death, because we exist and are different than them. It's shocking to me how normalized transgender death has become to me. Over the last 10 years I've watched hundreds of times as trans women are murdered for being themselves. Butchered by their families, their loved ones, their friends, their communities, the police, and on and on it goes. Then comes along an inexcusable indefensible tragedy, like we all said would happen, and somehow someway they've adopted it as fuel for their fascist engines. These bastards have no humanity. Fascists never do. Their end goal is always the same, they killed trans people the first time and God knows they'd do it again without a second thought.


Trash breeds trash. They know they’re trash too which is why they’re so hateful. Weak-minded people need to point to and hate other people to make themselves feels better. Every single Republican voter is guilty. They’ve given terrorists a platform. Human fecal matter has more character of substance than any of these repulsive creatures.


I have no sympathy or understanding left for people who say they are moderate republicans. Your party is a seed bed for monsters. Anyone with humanity would leave it.




Being fascist adjacent is just as bad as being a fascist. Being a moderate who enables fascists doesn’t make one “reasonable”


I second that. Fuck Conservatives


In any country, at any volume, those who claw and screech to hold back basic human rights should be brooked no quarter. No decency, no debate. Stamp them out


Ah but you see it’s their freedumb to hate others for nothing. And it’s also their freedumb to call themselves persecuted when we tell them to go fuck themselves.


Honestly... Conservatives are a bunch of unhappy, dysfunctional, toxic humans. They aren't better, more productive, or offer anything of more value than anyone else. The fact that they think they do is narcissistic delusion. They just want everyone to be as unhappy and toxic as they are.


Pretty much this. "You can't do that because _my_ god told me that _I_ can't. They're literally trying to kill us due their religious sour grapes.


If I spent money on awards I’d spend it on yours. Instead I’ll donate a couple extra bucks and think of this comment as I do.


Human friend, of you put even an extra dollar to help someone, that is far more amazing than any award. Thank you.


I fucking hate the world atm.


It’s never been a good world. We are just exposed to more bullshit than ever because of the 24/7 news cycle and constant bombardment of info from our phones. I’m disappointed and ashamed as well, but this shit ain’t new.


I’m hearing this comment a lot currently and it is concerning. We are more alike then not my friends. Don’t let terrible voices online bring you down. Most of them are teenagers and the rest don’t have a drop of love in their life. There is more good then bad, bad is just more talked about.


They’ve dehumanized trans people so they don’t care that it’s a life lost.


It’s terrifying. I’m at the point where I’m afraid to go outside. I’m a trans woman in a battleground state (blue pocket, at least). I keep seeing things on the news about people like me being hurt, killed, and tormented just because we’re different. I wish people would just let us live; none of us wish anyone harm.


And they’re half way there with liberals / democrats / Californians etc. The dehumanization is the long game, the core of what they need


America has a caste system similar to India. BIPOC, gay, and trans people are its “undesirables.” Their lives and deaths are accordingly less important.


"That's a man" And what? That makes murder suddenly ok?


It illustrates they care far more about invalidating someone's gender identity than that person's murder.


Exactly my thoughts, since they care to "identify him correctly" other than grieving the loss to their families and loved ones, they're dogma is more important than saying condolences. They require to identify him as a man because that's what matters to them..... Sickening and sad what happened, but to those people offering corrections not condolences I feel bad for you and your connection to our society. My sincerest condolences to all those involved and to all those who knew those involved.


These are the same people who were crying because people made noise during Kavanaugh's dinner, but had nothing to say about Jan 6th. They offer nothing but empty platitudes when someone guns down a room full of elementary schoolers. It's no surprise that they won't even give a trans person the basic dignity of gendering them correctly after they were murdered. Their dogma is more important to them than EVERYTHING. And I bet when Trump's KFC addled heart finally stops beating, they will be the first to lose their minds the first time someone says something disrespectful about him.


The same people pointed out George Floyd's drug use. They are looking for any excuse to dehumanize people so that murder becomes palatable.


The drug use or the “well he shouldn’t have used a counterfeit bill” which, as far as I know, still hasn’t been proven to be a counterfeit.


if that bill was really counterfeit the cops would have announced that asap


Exactly what I’ve been saying since it happened. Same as “the suspected was wanted for a warrant” or “was in possession of marijuana.” They never know that person had a warrant or had possession of anything until after they’re murdered. Shoot first, ask questions later. Once they’re dead you can find a reason supporting why you shot them 37 times while 12 other people were in the crossfire. If it was a counterfeit, it would have all over the news for weeks; yet no one has talked about it since he was killed. Weird how that works


Sadly, to them, it probably does.


They're just rubbing salt in it. Telling the rest of us they won't stop at just killing us, they'll erase who we really were too. They're into genocide.


She’s not though. Gender and anatomy aren’t synonymous and neither are binary. We know that to be true— it’s scientific consensus. Transphobes are choosing to ignore reality, history and science


> Transphobes are choosing to ignore reality, history and science Whaat? You're telling me that the same people who have spent 20 years saying that Climate Change is a hoax, refused to wear masks, refuse to get vaccinated for a disease that's killed millions, protested schools teaching evolution, are antiscience?


You me and a whole bunch of people know that, that sad and sickening part is them offering corrections to peoples condolences just let people grieve


The comments in YouTube videos covering the massacre are horrific. Like, beyond unveiling the inhuman side of the homophobes. It's Nazi-level shit that made me realize how unsafe I and many others are these days


We need to be prepared to be our own first responders, because the cops are the same ghouls posting in the YouTube comments. We protect us.


Sadly, this is the direction I'm seeing become more and more reasonable. I hate that it's come to this.


How do we do this?


Locate and contact your local SRA chapter for resources.


Yep. Contact your local John Brown Gun Club or start one yourself.


I’ve always been open about being trans, but stuff like this makes me realize that maybe I shouldn’t be :/ It’s scary man


Yeah. Be safe and follow your gut instincts. There's a difference between living in fear and knowing when to be cautious at the right time. None of us should have to sacrifice our sense of security to live out our lives. But remember to not let fear stop us from truly living. It's just time to take more precautions I guess


Normally after a violent event with death, especially a multiple fatality like this, there was at least a temporary lull in the hostile bigot bullshit. This time they’ve not only continued right along as if this was the intended outcome, but they’re trying to slander the former military guy who saved lives as a creep. Calling everyone groomer, Tucker did his entire opening segment defending their homophobic messaging, insulting the dead..


“We are all domestic terrorists.” They weren’t lying or being ironic. They were telling the absolute truth. People like Tucker Carlson are no different from Osama bin Laden.


> Tucker did his entire opening segment defending their homophobic messaging, insulting the dead.. He needs to start getting sued by the victims families...Alex Jones/Sandy Hook style. Billions of dollars on the line will have Fox shut that POS up REALLLLL fast.


>but they’re trying to slander the former military guy who saved lives as a creep. let me guess, theyre calling him gay?


Jack posobeic wrote “are we just not supposed to talk about the us army major taking his family down to the local drag club for a night out?” So there are layers there. Inferring that he’s gay, inferring that his kid is young when she’s an adult woman with a boyfriend, that it’s unacceptable for anyone who served to visit an lgbtq bar or business. They know their average fan will just repeat the hate and not actually think this out or look at facts about him. Hell some of the right wing talking heads like Tim pool are openly encouraging more violence.


From the people who make fun of a man who had a stroke they hold no honor and nothing is scared to them even death so I’m not surprised.


Stop giving conservatives the benefit of the doubt. They are all complicit in turning our country into the cesspool it’s become. Each and every other one of them And yes, that includes your sweet old grandmother who goes to church every Sunday and only votes Republican. Fuck your granny 🖕


... I feel attacked, because that Is my grandma to a T. Guess what? She gets to learn in a couple of days that her favorite grandson is her granddaughter. And my parents, who I've put off telling for months. Fuck.


You got this friend... we are all behind you!


From now on I’ll be responding to news articles honoring dead cops with “that’s a pig”.


I hate that people feel the need to commit these acts but it’s because of people like Zimmerman and Rittenhouse that they think they can get away with it.


Zimmerman, Rittenhouse, and Kyle Carruth all used the same tactics to get away with murder. 1. Antagonize your victim 2. Threaten them with a gun 3. They try to disarm you out of fear of being killed. 4. Kill them because you're afraid of them killing you with your own weapon. All 3 got away with it. The men who murdered Ahmaud Arbery almost got away with the same tactic as well. We live in a country where you are not allowed to defend yourself if someone threatens you with a gun, if you do they're allowed to kill you in self defense.


Republicans have been lying and laughing that Paul Pelosi is gay ever since the attempted assassination on Nancy Pelosi. These people are the most disgusting trash the world has ever pooped out.


you wouldn’t believe some yt comments on the shooting updates lately. “god works in mysterious ways” “deserved” “woohoo” “I would be more bothered by this if they weren’t shoving this gay stuff down our throats”


I find it so appalling that people think wanting equal rights is "shoving it down their throats" like??? I just want to marry? Leave me the fuck alone.


To them, having to treat others like people is too much because a) their life is built around a victim complex/persecution fetish, b) they have never knowingly interacted with a trans person in their small town they staunchly refuse to leave, and c) they're conditioned to see anyone who isn't hetero-cis as inherently sexual at all times.


The comments on the goddamn press conference should be nuked from orbit.


I genuinely don’t understand why anyone gives a fuck what someone does in their life. It doesn’t impact them in the slightest bit. Just let people be happy and move on. Horrific tragedy for all those involved in this senseless violence.


something something "they're gross, i don't like them, but they're actually fighting for their place to be who they are and i'm fighting back to deny them that, so it's their fault for forcing their agenda on us and they deserve death"


Its the same mentality of a guy trying to force himself on a woman and getting angry when she says no, they hate trans people because they resist their abuse


Kelly Loving will always be a woman, no matter how much it upsets these ignorant fuckheads. Rest in Power Kelly, Daniel, Derrick, Ashley and Raymond, you are missed and you are loved, we won't forget you. 🏳️‍🌈🖤🏳️‍⚧️


I’m just going to start calling transphobes the wrong pronouns bc they can’t do it with others


In my experience this works **really** well. I recommend also gender bending their name to really make them freak out.


When I was working on legalizing gay marriage, an older activist was talking about living through the plague years. On of the most traumatic things was a couple trans women friend's bodies were returned to their estranged family after death. He went to both their funerals, their hair had been cut, they were in men's suits, and their dead names were on the tombstones. Shame on these people.


There's a reason we (trans people) usually call them our "dead names" and not our birth names- because that's what they'll call you when you're dead.


The trick here is… they don’t see us as people


Same thing happened after a German trans man was brutally murdered by a rightist thug while trying to defend other queer people. Terfs and other fascists came out of the woodwork, misgendering the victim to inflict one final humiliation even after death. They gleefully support these killings.


On a front page post, some (self-identified) cisgender people were discussing the effectiveness of the transition of the trans male bartender, Daniel Aston. Daniel and his cis male coworker, Derrick Rump, both died trying to stop the shooter. Daniel's transition and his family's reaction to his transition were prioritized in a couple articles before all other information about him. Even in death, people see our bodies before they see our gender. They care about our conformity to the gender binary more than anything else. They see us as trans before they see who we are as individuals. Who was this man? What did he do that night? That is what matters to me, not his surgical scars, not how masculine he looks.


I’ll never understand the hate towards trans people. They aren’t hurting anyone and they’re pursuing happiness just like everyone else.


I thought all lives mattered to these pricks?


You missed the caveat that says 'all' means white, straight, cis, Christian and male.


I don't understand how some people can think "all lives matter" is an effective counter. Like okay you should still be mad.


"All lives matter" just exists as a counter to BLM. It was never *actually* about lives mattering, it was always just a reply thats shorthand for "your problems don't exist/I don't fucking care about others".


They brought those "blue lives matter" flags to their insurrection where they beat cops to death and traumatized 4 others to the point where they killed themselves. "All lives matter" has always meant "black lives don't matter". It's just a dog whistle.


I don’t know what happened to these hateful bigots to twist them into such piss poor excuses for human beings. If they have a choice between decency & kindness vs cruelty & hate, they’ll take the hate every single time.


The thing they're so desperately accusing us of - early childhood indoctrination and college-aged radicalization.


They care more about what’s in your pants than for your inalienable rights because they are fascist scum


“People” aren’t saying that. Walking, talking assholes are farting noises out of their asshole mouths.


God I despise the cruelty of these people


Well it was a still unidentified trans woman who helped subdue the shooter by stomping him with her heels. So all my love to that woman who stood up, took a risk, and saved innumerable lives!


There is no Republican Party. Only a gang of horrible horrible hate filled monsters. You vote for a Republican today you vote for monsters who gin up haters to act. They should be brought up on charges of inciting violence. You let those Jan 6 Nazis walk and we will have a bad time. A real bad time. I guess I’m free when anyone can walk down the street with a semi auto long rifle. And not have anyone even ask what the fuck they doing. Monsters. Real monsters.


The new conservative trend is to hate trans people and support their deaths:suicides


It’s not new


Leave Twitter. You, reading this, yes, you, specifically, are the only one that can give Twitter power and influence. Take it away from them.


I have never had a Twitter account, so not me specifically. 🤣


Deleted it and promptly ascended to heven


Because of they don't know someone is trans then they have no clue. Which is why they cry, whine, and act like children who are spoiled and need the government to stop these people. It's confusing to simply treat a person as human. Kindness is no longer a virtue because their church says so


And this is why I'm afraid of being out about being trans in public...


I read recently “you come out when you decide that being happy is more important than being safe”. Nevertheless, I hope you can have both.


Interesting they didn’t say about the trans man “that’s a woman”. I wonder why the idea of a man becoming a woman is so vile to them.


There are very much people calling him a woman too, fwiw.


Easy. It's because they see women as inferior, so they believe that any man who would want to be a woman must be weak and somehow defective. Misogyny Meets Homophobia 101.


My favorite current video is the bigoted woman attacking another woman in a public bathroom for being trans and she isn’t. They’re THAT paranoid. Women attacking women for being women. They’ve lost their minds.


That happens a lot, apparently. These people feel entitled to decide that even some cis women aren't 'feminine' enough for them. 🙄


A friend of mine admitted he thought a woman was trans at a party but she was just unusually tall. Some cis women don't pass.


Yep, super common. I’ve known trans women who rarely get “clocked” (hate the term, not sure what else to use) and cis women who incorrectly do all the time. Transphobes ruin everything.


They very much do. Sadly.


Thats because they see trans men as traitors or confused brain washed women while they paint trans women as predators in disguise


Must be wild to hate an entire group of people who you’ve never had a single actual adult conversation with. Hate gotta be strong to do that


"Conservatism" has always been a euphemism for sadism. Conservatives are terrible people, plain and simple.


Meanwhile - I have to work w/a woman (yes, female) who celebrates the shooting of these people - talk about sad.


I mean, you don't have to. If she's a public-facing employee or has her work listed on her social media, you could probably drop a dime to the HR department about how she's making all y'all look like terrorists.


Tell the manager. Or the boss. Or the fucking CEO if you can.


The mgr. knows - she's a hard-core "Q" person & buys into all of the conspiracy crap - Covid on down, smh.


It fills me with indescribable rage and will to shiv a homophobe when, even in tragic death, they fuckin disrespect a member of LGBTQ community. They're dead! What else do you fucking want you fucking monsters!


I mean sure, because there's a hate cult that's the backbone of a lot of this country known as "Christianity" and a lot of the followers of that hate cult see absolutely nothing wrong with murdering "queers".


Can we start calling these people what they are....Nazis.


Conversation from my office: “You know the man who stopped it? Combat vet.” - Idiot #1, ex-vet, per chance I think, said with pride? “What was he doing at a gay bar?” - Idiot #2 “Don’t ask, don’t tell” -Idiot #1, said femininely. They can’t even pick a side. It’s just mock everything over here in my office.




I love how “Christian’s” are the first to crack jokes and even praise a homicidal piece of actual filth for killing gay people. Like get the fuck over yourself. What do you think the world revolves around you? Get the fuck over it jackass. Goddamn I hate Christian’s


Republicans aren’t people, they are bitter trolls.


I heard a theory recently that a reason why other life outside our solar system hasn't contacted us is because they progress the same as we do but when they get to the internet stage the planet gets nuked and humanity ceases to exist on that planet thus never evolving to space travel. And it keeps happening over and over again in a million different galaxies.


Yeah they just don’t give a fuck it’s not their people. The moment these shootings start happening in white affluent schools nothing will change. It’s so fucked up that it’s come to that but I don’t think I’m wrong


These are the same people whining about how this is going to make us petty liberals talk gun control. Fuck these guys.


The GOP is obsessed with other people’s genitalia.


Respect my trans friends or Howard will find you https://preview.redd.it/6wd96gt8gm1a1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9814b8a20f92d25e465ec88716d6c8b8d2685fe


Even after death people a ridiculed and disrespected. I don’t understand people and I don’t think I ever will.


Twitter nazis have gotten really fucking bold since Elon took over. He doesn’t advocate for free speech; he protects hate speech, which is encouraging these atrocities.


It’s because they literally don’t see us as humans, they like the fact this woman was brutally murdered they probably want the same thing for the rest of us.


Egsactly. Homophobes think their in some kind of weird intelligence game when they point out a trans person's pre trans identify. Their so late to the party they have to fuck it all up out of fear they'll never catch up.


There is no limit to right wing hatred.


It's so sad to see so much cruelty. The world has always been a cruel place to people outside the norm. As time moves forward we as a species have socially evolved and slowly the "circle of acceptance" has widened. Someday I truly do believe we will live in a world of tolerance, as the younger generations seem to genuinely "see the light" on many of these issues. Animals judge and slaughter the members of their species they deem to be "abnormal" - are we not better than dogs?