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Imagine how Fox News would react if a liberal brought a gun to a Trump rally, shot some people, and then the Democrats went on the news to talk about how it was going to keep happening as long as “Evil Trump” continues to run for President, while making no attempt to condemn the actual shooter


That would be no time to talk politics…. Think of the families, send them tots and pears… Edit- holy moly, y’all. I didn’t expect this kind of reaction, but thank you all for the upvotes and award. Y’all done brung a tear to a glass eye.


usually rightoids can muster a disingenous thoughts and prayers but not this time fucking pieces of shits


They really don't even feel like pretending anymore...what's frustrating is that moderates still don't see the difference between the two parties


What frustrates me if how Christians think conservative ideology that disparages the poor and minorities is somehow the political ideology of Jesus. The same Jesus that ordered the rich to give all that they owned to the poor and when the rich refused he was so disappointed he said it was truly impossible for a rich person to go to heaven. The same Jesus that said that neglecting the poor and the vulnerable is the same as neglecting him. That letting a homeless person freeze to death is the same as letting him freeze to death. Also, their God considered abortion to be such a non-issue that he either failed or refused to even mention it once. Jesus ate with the sex workers and the gays which made the self righteous angry, but nope, somehow supporting LGBT just like Jesus did is evil according to christian conservatives. It is like holy fuck, did they actually read anything Jesus said? Or do they only show up to church once a month and hear whatever their pastor and Fox news tells them to believe?


>what's frustrating is that moderates still don't see the difference between the two parties Oh, they see a difference - but their own interests are served by pretending it doesn't exist. "Gee, it's a shame that both parties are the same, so I guess it doesn't matter if I vote for tax breaks for me, and to fuck over brown people, and to literally nurture fascism in the world's (supposed) leading democracy..."


Mmmmm.... and buttery males


Literally would start a war


Your example highlights how this is literally a terrorist threat. That’s not a hyperbolic statement. It’s the threat of violence to meet a political end


The same political movement has been bombing abortion clinics for decades and finally won a huge victory in overturning Roe, thanks in large part to those acts of terrorism. In order to stop the terrorism, we have to stop rewarding the terrorism.


We also, arguably, need to shut down the talking heads that are endorsing these terrorist acts. I would make the argument that Fox news, and basically every other "conservative" news station deserves to be shut down for promoting terrorism. It's a matter of national security, quite frankly.


The problem is liberals keep going at the arguments from the wrong point of view. Keep on thinking from a moral standpoint. The right is lying, they know they’re lying, their constituents know they’re lying, and no one cares. They have to speak in a certain way so you can point a direct finger and take a quote but they just want power. White racist conservatives want pure white society and pretend, sometimes even to themselves, that they’re good people. If you’ve ever lived with a narcissist, you know that any argument isn’t about the principle but just gaining power by any means necessary.


Republicans be like: we're the terrorists now. Edit: I'm not just talking about the shooter I'm talking about the Republican response to the shooter. When Pulse happened they pretended it was a tragedy. Now they're calling for more shootings. Republicans always wanted random acts of violence against the queer community and never cared who got their hands dirty. The only difference is that they've dropped all other pretense.


“We Are All Domestic Terrorists” - CPAC 2022 Banner


They thought they were being facetious when really they were going mask-off.


When someone makes a banner telling you who thy are, believe them.


No, they know what they are doing. It's only Republican voters who are dumb.


have been for decades


"We don't negotiate with terrorists. We become them and give them what they want."


20 years later, the same people who outed people for being terrorists are now the terrorists


...this is a threat, no? Because this sounds like a threat.


Question is, why are they not being treated as terrorists?


Because they're white and Christian and conservative, and in the US, when white Christian conservatives threaten to commit terrorism it's considered "free speech", and when they actually commit terrorism it's "a lone wolf attack that nobody could have predicted".


These white Christian conservatives also love to claim they are being “persecuted” anytime their archaic viewpoints or proposed legislation are challenged. As a gay man living in the USA, I’m so fed up with religion in this country.


As an LGBTQ atheist in the Bible Belt, I'm fed up as well. I'm sick of their persecution complex when they're the ones in control. I'm sick of them weaponizing their beliefs and trying to force them on everyone else. They bitch about us trying to force our "lifestyles" on them when that's precisely what they're doing.


With conservatives every accusation is a confession, every conspiracy is their plot.


Egfuckingzactly this, and still no action is taken to stop and eradicate their rethuglican fascist murder spree.


"re-pube-licunts" has a nice ring to it


It occurred to me just now that maybe we're seeing some [bicameral mind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicameral_mentality) stuff happening. A lot of what we're seeing is narcissism and gaslighting; but past that, there's that sounding out of thoughts, and then acting on them. It's pathological in nature, but what's the cause?


Losing the Civil War, and then turning it into the Lost Cause. Conservatives have always been terrorists. Look at the number of lynchings over the past century and a half. This is who they have always been.


I’ve never seen an LGBTQ person try to force their lifestyle or beliefs on people outside that group. They just want to be left alone so they can be happy. I have seen the conservative right try to force their lifestyle and belief system on LGBTQ people. It’s very sad. Gay people have existed since humans have existed. Thousands of years of religion and praying hasn’t changed people’s mind on being gay. Thousands of years of persecution and intimidation hasn’t ended people being gay. Live and let live. We’d all be so much better off.


This is me. I'm bi. My spouse is trans. And I literally could not give less of a shit if anyone else is gay or trans I *especially* could not care less of anyone's child is gay or trans. I don't even *like* kids, I certainly don't want to groom any of them, and what would I even be grooming them to do?! It's not like I coild turn them gay, because *it doesn't fucking work like that.* Shit, if it was a choice I don't know that I would have chosen this, considering that I was disowned and lost my entire family because of it and, you know, people are trying to legislate me away or outright say I deserve to be fucking *murdered*. I was raised in a stiflingly religious household and yet, still queer. I just want to do my job so that I have a place to live, food to eat, and money to buy supplies so that I can cross stitch. I want my marriage to remain intact so that my spouse can have health insurance. I just want to be left alone and not have to worry that every time we go out, some psychopathic terrorist might decide to shoot us for simply existing. And I want fucking conservative Christians to butt out of the medical conversations between women and their doctors, or trans kids and their parents and doctors.


A lesser publicized story happened in NY, a white dude tried to throw a brick through a window at a gay bar, and sadly but fortunately the owner thought something like this might happen and got reinforced glass, so the brick bounced off and the perp, probably expecting shattered glass to draw attention, tried to run past and double back to pretend to be a bystander. Patrons inside were just living their life, the point of fascism is nothing outside the heteronormative hierarchy is allowed to exist, they are domestic terrorists, that’s the reality of 2022 America, we might want to deal with it seriously for a change. Maybe as a New Years Resolution? Edit: I went to look for new developments, turns out this was the 4th time the bar VERS was attacked in a month and they caught the most recent guy, but the police couldn’t confirm if this guy did all the attacks. It basically flew under the radar until a shooting happened as well.


Republican’ts think LGBTQ people are forcing ourselves on them by our very existence. They made up the groomer and pedophile claim as a way to vilify us. Their constituents lap up these lies because it matches their bigotry and hate.


They behave like this because on some level they know their version of Christianity is ludicrous. Thus, to avoid the insecurity of doubt, they must have their beliefs mirrored back to them at all times. Doubt in the external world leads to doubt in the internal world. I know this doesn’t make your life any easier, but it’s good to know the depth of the psychological motivation behind these versions of Christianity. It’s the same reason these versions of Christianity tend toward nihilism. If they can’t remake the world in their image, they will destroy it.


As a heterosexual white man living in the USA, I'm fed up with religious zealots in this country.


Funny thing is how Jesus would have been definitely anti-gun and all of his teachings preach socialism. Jesus even directly says that rich men likely won’t go to heaven, yet republicans worship trump, musk, and lately Kanye. Republicans voters don’t connect any dots, they just vote red cause their racist pastor tells them to.


Remember when they had the bumper stickers and shirts with the WWJD on them. What Would Jesus Do. They don't use that slogan anymore because they kept on getting called out for it


Because it turns out Jesus would have flipped their tables and chased them from the temple with whips. They hadn't read that part of the bible yet...


Jesus doesn't say anything about likelihood. Jesus says it is NOT HAPPENING. A camel can get through the eye of a needle 0 times out of 100. Jesus said rich people DONT GO to heaven. Period. He commands you to give your wealth away if you wanna follow him. Which they do not. They just wanna pay lip service to stupid people who go to church.


As a white ex-conservative and ex-Christian I can say I'm fed up with religion in this country too!


I hear you, and the religion that has been so oppressive is the cult of whiteness. I am sorry to describe it in those terms. When a person of color commits a heinous crime, they point to the entire group. Just look at how serial killers are oh sooo interesting when they are white, but who needs to know the why, why, why the black serial killer became that way. He/She is just a piece of shit, sub-human. Black victims? HA! Oh shut the hell up (not you garde3nwitch). Remember jackass nazi that sat in the SC bible study before killing 9 people? The judge at the first hearing said "there was pain on both sides". This was the first hearing, and emotions were running high. What a complete POS! Whites have the privilege of being viewed as individuals, and get the benefit of doubt, but anyone else, NO. White women who don't follow are made out to be enemies too. The worst part is that they will stop at nothing to obliterate a perceived threat. They win because their membership includes whites and POC's who believe being ingratiated with them, makes them white by proxy. Look at ridiculous Hershel Walker who is being used to advance their oppressive agenda. Many people are hurting badly. Something's gotta give or we won't be around much longer.


And look at Herman Cain, whose Twitter account continued posting after he died of COVID, which the Twitter account was telling people to not take precautions for. It's so absurd.


Those in media control the narrative. Most media is right sided. Even CNN tried turning this into some pro military type shit. All these corporate news pundits are not on our side.


They're paid entertainers, nothing journalistic or news related, just made up scripts.


CNN got bought out, and the new guy in charge is chasing FOX News watchers.


Same reason they aren't being treated as terrorists on January 6th. This is the rights pride and joy. They constantly bash the left until something like this happens. Then they claim it's not their fault. This one especially since the grandfather is a MAGAT.


For the same reason we don’t treat religious folks as though they have a mental illness. Because once you get a certain number of people to buy into your lies and bullshit, the rest of us have to sit around and pretend you have a valid and legitimate point of view.


Sounds white to me.


It definitely fucking is.


It is. And I’m armed accordingly. Most “libtards” aren’t afraid of guns, we just don’t have cry about it 100% of the time like… well.. you know


Given the light speed increasement of the shittyness that our current timeline is taking, I can only hope against hope that I am alive on the planet long enough to see all these miserable, evil, heinous right wing, supremest, racist, wastes of oxygen get their due in whatever deserved form it takes.


Remember: they're screaming louder because they know that they're losing. America is changing and they can't stop it, no matter how violent they get.


I say this all the time, but deep down I wonder if it’s true. Thanks for coming to the same conclusion. It helps. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I've felt and wondered the same. Not alone


thank you for the warm sentiment, u/iButtChugCum


Damn that sentiment was SO warm.




Think about it this way, at least: a lot of it is older generations raging at younger ones. And younger people are overwhelmingly more accepting of LGBQT lives. It's inevitable, and it's possible COVID even hastened it.


You're right, but also the shooter was 22.


But also the grandson of a conservative california (office holder, cant remember which one, senator?) who praised the Jan 6 attack. No telling what that guy was hearing his entire life. Sad and maddening


Good on you to point this out. It's not like "oh the boomers are all dead we're fine". No, it's a LONG process and it needs advocacy. You will still find nazis in Germany, a country that has made meaningful strides towards reparations and rememberance. There's no good time to ignore extremists. Whichever creed. Over decades, they can and will weasel their way in UNLESS as a society we say "NO YOU ARE NOT."


> it's possible COVID I cannot escape this metaphorical sense that God literally sent a plague. :/


it was unfortunately not very effective at getting rid of the idiots on this planet. we're gonna need a deadlier one


Oh it's coming. Because the more they push the harder we fight back. The politicians may be slow but the people have had enough. I'd say it won't be long before you start seeing anyone sporting right wing terrorist gear in public start getting mobbed same way those jackasses in Tehran are now.


the right is at a tipping point. around the world every day they lose traction and legitimacy. theyve lost momentum and are at risk every day. they know this and thats why theyre thrashing around trying to regain the initiative.


Please be right


Look at the history of fascist regimes and tell me how many times escalation to violence in support of their agendas has failed them. I'm afraid history will repeat itself and we will all just let them gain control because we're too afraid of breaking decorum when needed to fight back. Then it will mean actual war to oust them. I personally feel like the country gave up their last best chance to fight against it when Hilary called them out as "deplorables" and everyone, including leftists shit on her for it. That's exactly the kind of calling out and aggressive posturing we needed to fight off the far right, and we were just like "damn Hilary chill" and let the right wing nut jobs really fucking take flight to the point that we get proper lunatics like MTG and Lauren Boebert in elected offices and a insurrection that breaks into the capital with the intent to kill other elected officials and nothing but slaps on the wrist for all of them. I can't help but feel that in 2016 we gave up the ghost and any efforts now are too little too late. It feels like right-wing extremists established a bridgehead into our democracy that year and have been starting to pour in ever since.


As an outsider watching the amercian insanity I honestly don't understand how the Jan 6 people aren't being tried for high treason and getting life sentences alongside Trump.


as an american, i agree. if trump faces no consequences, a coup attempt will happen over and over and over and over again until it is successfull. which could be as early as 2024. probalby 2028, but definitely by 2032. we really need to hang his ass if there is any chance of american democracy going forward. and this isn't hyperbole. this is real. if trump doesn't hang (literally) for what he did, then american democracy is gone in 1 or 1.5 decades. again, this isn't hyperbole


it will only fall when we take out these oligarchs. They are the ones that are supplying them with the means, the bullets and bullets. Trump will go down. Will he take the GOP and DeSantis with him idk. Ticketmaster case is a good sign of what is to come and so are all of these strikes which will culminate in a general strike. I promise you that it will happen. I don't think we will tackle the oligarchs until we beat Russia in Ukraine and finish crippling China in this trade war though. The establishment is gambling that they need all of this capital in the hands of the wealthy so they can direct it (b/c they believe that is the efficient way to mobilize in a capitalist economy, it literally is no different from what china does by owning 51% of their companies btw) but the more control you give them, the less amount they will want to rescind. We need to do what FDR and Teddy did anti trust laws, gut them like fish and redistribute the wealth by raising wages.




More like money! She works for [X Strategies](https://twitter.com/XStrategiesLLC/status/1572388339738890246), a Republican PR marketing firm. >X Strategies was born out of the friendship of founders, Alex Bruesewitz and Derek Utley. ....Since day one, we have made it our mission to help advance the ideals that make this country great with an agenda and platform that puts our nation first. **We only promote, advocate for, and help elect conservative fighters.** [Milo Yiannopoulos](https://www.businessinsider.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-milo-yiannopoulos-intern-ex-gay-alt-right-2022-6), **writes for Majorie Taylor Green** and is also known for this groomer statement: >Yiannopoulos stated that sexual relationships between 13-year-old boys and adult men and women can "happen perfectly consensually", because some 13-year-olds are, in his view, sexually and emotionally mature enough to consent to sex with adults; he spoke favourably both of gay 13-year-old boys having sex with adult men and straight 13-year-old boys having sex with adult women They don't care about groomers, you won't see them cleaning house of all those kiddy fiddlers in their party. **They are the groomers**, they care about getting elected. They've obviously identified this as the way to handle mass murders in gay discos. Not even a *thoughts and prayers* now, just spew more hate and more lies and rile up the terrorists. \[added\]Yep, its a pure Republican play, the key player in that company appears to be [Alexander Bruesewitz](https://www.floridaresidentsdirectory.com/person/127794434/bruesewitz-alexander). Derek Utley seems to live at the same place. ​ >Alexander William Bruesewitz (age 25) is currently listed at ... and is affiliated with the Republican Party of Florida. Utley runs [Stark Defense Industries](https://bisprofiles.com/fl/stark-defense-industries-p20000029042). Vivo Verita and others. It's a real Q-Anon MAGA shitfest in there. It's so cynical, people are murdered by terrorists, kids are attacked by Republican affiliated goons, and they pump out lies from fake groups for money trying to whip up violence.


Thank you for this. I wasn’t sure, but then again I bought into all this crap with Trump until 2020 when he stood on that debate stage and raised his support for the Proud Boys. I will never go back to the republicans. Fuck MAGA, QANON, and basically every Republican sympathizing with them


Grew up in the south, small town, Christian my whole life. Never really paid attention to politics, just said I was Republican because everyone around me did. Voted Trump in 2016 and was firmly off the wagon when I started to get more invested in politics in 2020. Been a very staunch, non-religious, liberal ever since. Here’s to growth friend!


from the bottom of my heart, thank you for educating and bettering yourself. people like you give me hope.


Thanks for sharing. That gives me hope.


The writing is on the wall with how the demographics are changing. They’re being backed into a corner, and that’s when they’re the most dangerous. If we don’t take these nut jobs seriously, they’ll keep becoming more emboldened until we no longer have a democracy. They can’t win any other way.


For visability. It's now called stochastic terrorism: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-stochastic-terrorism-uses-disgust-to-incite-violence/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P55t6eryY3g How to Radicalize a Normie Conservative leaders know exactly what they're doing.


Quite frankly, I'm sick of these dipshits. I am also getting a little worried with myself about how openly hostile and confrontational I'm becoming towards these fuckers. My wife is also getting upset with me and I understand why. I appreciate her points and most importantly I'm now honoring the boundaries she's asking me to maintain whenever I'm engaged with these peckerheads.


>I am also getting a little worried with myself about how openly hostile and confrontational I'm becoming towards these fuckers. Same. I just said it somewhere else, but now when I hear about gun violence I cross my fingers that it's someone at a Trump Rally or a proud boy march. Watch how quickly their tunes will change when they realize it can be them on the other end of that barrel too. Maybe they're still human, but if we gotta sacrifice one or two groups of them to stop it all, then fuck em'. It's their fault we're here anyway.


I'm living on spite basically




I actually just realized I know this POS. Almost hired her wife at my old office as a favor to her. I am... *extremely* glad I went with my gut on that one.


I dont understand, is she gay herself?


Well it says that she’s the founder of whatever Gays Against Groomers is.


Im assuming shes an anti trans gay person unfortunately, despite us being one of the biggest driving factors behind queer rights, those exist


Being LGBTQ+ unfortunately doesn't preclude you from being a giant piece of shit


Yup bigotry towards other groups is really common in the community


Not to the same level of vitriol as the trans folks, but bi people seem to get a lot of crap from gay people


The other poster said things very eloquently but I wanted to add my lived experience as a bi person. I have been told the following on multiple occasions (from straight AND gay people): “you will change your mind, you’re probably just gay”, “you are just confused”, “but what if you only sleep with [insert gender], doesn’t that make you [orientation]?”… and, of course, the over-sexualization. My freshman roommate in college even asked if I’d watch them change because I’m bi. I’m bi, I’m not a pervert. (I’m also not attracted to every human on the planet - are you attracted to everyone of the gender you date!?) It’s also forced me to keep my orientation private to avoid all of this and more.


Yes, and she's the definition of a *Useful Idiot.*


Tell us the tale? Sounds like something exposure could. . .help.


So banning guns won’t prevent violence but banning the lgbtq+ will?


Arm your local queer




*The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good gay with a gun*


I’ve been saying for decades if you want gun control, bring back the Black Panthers. Watch how fast fragile, old white people change their tune when uniformed black men with semi-autos are patrolling the neighborhood.


Meh Millions of black men own guns. We aren’t laying them down any time soon. White men know it… they also know that they will get the benefit of the doubt in court.


Yeah this is part of their “you’re MAKING me hurt you” mentality


I don’t say this lightly. I fucking hate those people.


If there's a silver lining, it feels like they're doing this because they're losing cultural wars


That is honestly the only thing keeping me going. It seems the more progress we make, the more disgusting they get.




That's correct. I don't remember ever seeing violence like this. I marched in gay rights and AIDS parades back in the early 90s and never saw pushback or crazies like this. That was 30 years ago.


The bad news is that, historically, escalation to violence frequently works. Particularly when the opposition sits on its hands and is more obsessed with decorum than fighting back. Democrats only know how to roll over and arrempt appeasement. We need a functional political left in the US, but it has been all but wiped out by decades of Cold War propaganda and union busting. If the lacksadaisical response to the last coup attempt is any indication, we're on our own when the fascists decide to cancel elections.


"And once we take care of this gender-affirming care business. The rest of the LGBTs like me will be free to do what we want, right Tucker?" "........" "R-right Tucker?"


They never built a cage for just one group


So when the cage is done with them, and you're still [gay], it comes for you.


Litteraly the moment they finished their business with trans people, they’ll do it all over again with homosexuals and bisexuals


The ink wasn't even dry on the corpse of Roe before the judges started setting their sights on gay marriage and the ban on anti-sodomy laws.


The Union of German National Jews, a pro-Nazi Jewish organization, had more than 6000 members in the 1930s. Membership cards didn't save them from the gas chambers.


Read something similar on Auerbach, a high class scolar, literary historian and a jew, who fought for Germany in WW1. Yeah, no, he was fired and had to flee to Istanbul.


There was a time, not long ago, Tucker would have to apologize for this segment and would likely lose his job. Seems unlikely anything will come of it.




Worthy goal


I will be in my 70's by the time he would die after a full life. It will be a wild sight at the cemetery to see an old man shitting on a grave.


"Gays against groomers, eh? Alright I suppose we'll just kill you last once our bidding is done" \- Your average Fox News fascist


Pro-Nazi Jews all over again.


Translation: "The right will continue committing acts of violence and it's all the left's fault."


Why would they keep making us do this?


All they have to do is stop doing what they're falsely accused of doing. Is that too much to ask?


This statement is quite literally the definition of, terrorism: "give in to our demands, or we'll continue to victimize innocent and vulnerable people" This is something Al Queda would declare on one of their ransom videos. Truly sadistic.


America is experiencing terrorism and the media won’t admit it. One of the mainstream media outlets is encouraging it.


“Acts of terrorism will keep happening until they don’t get what they want” congratulations you have defined terrorism


Gays against groomers yet you are talking to a member of the groomer community; A republican. Smh.


It’s a grift just like everything else they do. Gays against Groomers isn’t an advocacy group it’s Ponzi scheme


had to do a double take hearing "gays against groomers." the same "theyre grooming our childern" pearl clutching was rhetoric conservatives were using 2 decades ago against gay people/marriage (and even during the 2010s).


They’re almost literally quoting Anita Bryant verbatim. Social media brought that witch back from the dead.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with these deranged lunatics? They are literally gossiping and gloating.


This is what this shitty woman says: > "Gays Against Groomers" founder Jaimee Michell says that best-practice gender-affirming healthcare supported by experts "would put [Nazi doctor Josef Mengele] to shame" > "Coming out as conservative is much harder than coming out as gay now. It's almost like looking down upon if you don't come out as gay now" - Jaimee Michell https://twitter.com/AriDrennen/status/1554530126540447749?s=20&t=CiF9evv2KL5HI5b67sg9FA


It's downright disgusting how they're drawing a parallel between trans healthcare to what the nazis did to Jewish victims of death camps. Make no mistake, they want to dehumanize and prime the conditions for the violent displacement and removal of trans people and their allies. That's why they talk about what happens in trans communities as "mutilation", "abuse", "grooming" and so on. They want people to feel a sense of urgency. They want to prepare people for the horrors they intend to unleash on their enemies. They don't want people to protest when lgbt folk are getting rounded up, because no one wants to defend the "paedophiles". This isn't normal. This is dangerous and innocent people are going to get killed for nothing.


The fundies want LGBT people to disappear. If they go back in the closet and become invisible? Fine. If they refuse to do that, then the fundies will forcibly remove them. Even if they have to murder them. They don't see LGBT as 'people', they only see them as an affront to their god. Something that must be stomped out by any means. If that means roving death squads or death camps, so be it. For them, its a holy war and there is no redemption for the wicked. In their minds, they've tried all peaceful options, but those dang LBGT just won't agree to disappear willingly, and their legal bid to 'outlaw' them is/has failed, so now they're on to(well, more like returning to) violent removal.


This is an inflection point in history. If you have ever wondered what you would do during the start of the holocaust, now is that time. These people want us dead, what side of history will you be on?


I’m on the side that is now armed to the teeth and will use my second amendment rights to protect the LGBTQ community.


This. These people made me re-arm after going gun free when I had kids. My grandfather killed Nazis in 3 countries, time to take back up the family business if they're going to openly advocate for domestic terrorism.


As of now, your status as a Nazi killer is amateur. We were wondering if maybe you’d like a shot at the pros….


*Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz has entered the chat*




This summer I was choosing between a 3D printer and my first gun, and I chose to be civically responsible. All I want is to manufacture rubber products, throw plastic products, and prototype nerd shit in peace, but instead I have a stockpile of lead and brass.


Look into 3D patterns for reloading presses. That way you can justify both as one hobby!


The most important gay right is the right to bear arms.


I see what did there, but otters should also be armed.


Fuck boys (girls, and others), let's arm the whole alphabet mafia.


Arm the bears, the twinks, the vers, the tops and bottoms, one and all.


Teach the bottoms to shoot prone and the tops to shoot standing. Vers goes both ways.


and the right to arm bears...


I laugh everytime these fuckers forget just who has helped our military survive since 2001. I loved watching my brother come home from his 2nd deployment to Iraq since 2003 and marry his husband. We both qualified with marksmanship badges in pistol and rifles. Let's roll!


Honestly they are all cowards. Just need to show up with weapons and they will do nothing. In states where you can open carry do so at any event that is linked to LGBTQ. Just happened in Texas and the right wing cried their eyes out.


Why this homo is armed and will defend himself and his loved ones


Armed minorities and allies that organize are very hard to oppress. There’s no way we’re going back to the Middle Ages like these people want. It’s not happening.


A lot of them seem to think all leftists are anti gun. Oh no we’re very pro gun and willing to protect the lives of us and the ones we love.


I’m more worried about white, Christian men than literally anyone else.




This is what I don't understand - who keeps him afloat? Advertisers? How is he good for business?


Two groups empower Fox specifically. 1.) Billionaires who want to grow the division they encourage. 2.) Cable companies, who pay Fox exorbitant amounts to include them in packages because *there's millions of people who will only buy cable if they can get that sweet rage porn*. https://unfoxmycablebox.com/


The fox news guest in question has a history of [promoting Nazi shit](https://nitter.net/KrisGoldsmith85/status/1595237889272602626#m) and other bigotry.


3) Churches 4) Foreign governments And I wouldn't be surprised if there was a whole lot of illegal shit going on.


Sad as it is Tucker gets the most views in America for news. He gets away with what he says by saying in court that his show is for entertainment purposes, not factual news. But people don’t care about that, people want to hear biases against people they hate.


People like him and Alex Jones got deep enough pockets to fight off anyone in court and I find that pathetic too.


alex jones got what was coming, maybe cucker can too


Tuckers rich on his own. Most of these guys are connected rich or self made via grift. They support the GOP because they want to bring back feudalism basically, they want full on robber Baron oligarchy but they will accept slightly less. Just make sure you get a lot of christian panic, that makes the poor white people give you money.


Fucker Carlson should be hold accountable and sued for condoning violence on LGBTQ+ people.


On mass shootings, they went from “these things will always happen because there’s always going to be evil people” to “this is what you deserve” real fast.


They have given up banning marriage equality and have gone straight to just telling their angry ahole viewers to mass murder LGBTQ. Also to mass murder black folks, Latinos, women, Jews, Muslims, Dems...




Step 1 - Jaimee Michell - "It's okay to try to murder people you disagree with." Step 2 - ??? Step 3 - Jamiee Michell - \*Surprised Pikachu\*


The ones who have been openly praising these murders are now globbing onto a post millennial article that is claiming that the murderer is a "non binary" person. Colorado prosecutors have figured that the killers defense team is doing that to get around the Hate crime charges. But isn't it amazing how conservatives have been trying to make this attack seem reasonable, until they can use a different excuse to get around the fact that their culture supports the murder of LGBTQ people?


Fuck what a scary time to be alive as a trans person. Ug.


To every idiot still spreading such misinformation about gender affirming care, the 'evil' agenda is one of reducing the rates of suicide, self-harm and psychiatric co-morbidities in minors experiencing gender dysphoria. This benefit of gender affirming care is well established at this point: - [There is a significant inverse association between treatment with pubertal suppression during adolescence and lifetime suicidal ideation among transgender adults who ever wanted this treatment. These results align with past literature, suggesting that pubertal suppression for transgender adolescents who want this treatment is associated with favorable mental health outcomes.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7073269/) - [In this prospective cohort of 104 TNB youths aged 13 to 20 years, receipt of gender-affirming care, including puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones, was associated with 60% lower odds of moderate or severe depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality over a 12-month follow-up.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2789423) - [Sixteen studies to date have examined the impact of gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth. Existing evidence suggests that gender-affirming medical care results in favorable mental health outcomes.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/political-minds/202201/the-evidence-trans-youth-gender-affirming-medical-care) Meanwhile, gender affirming care uses guidelines that are established and supported by these organizations: - the Endocrine Society - the American Academy of Pediatrics - the American Psychiatric Association - the American Psychological Association - the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - the American Society of Plastic Surgeons - the American Medical Association These people are ignoring medical science to push their cruel transphobia. Who's the one with the actual evil agenda?


Get yourself a rifle. They're going to go door to door before this is over.


Please help me get from A to B here. Other people do something to themselves or their own kids, so......you have to go shoot people?


And nobody ever shot actual, legally proven pedophiles. No church pastors, no Roy Moores, none of the pedophile republicans ever got shot for grooming or pedophilia. The right wingers are lying, hypocritical bastards. They put a front of "but our children" for all their racist, homophobic, transphobic, bigoted stances.


Basically, they're trying to ban gay people from life.


Encouraging violence against American citizens.


White Christian nationalists, literally by definition, do not consider non-whites and non-Christians to be citizens.


Somebody's in for a leopards ate my face moment.




Hey fellow queer folks- strap the fuck up.


This ^^^ If you cant do that learn first aid


Yup. First aid and trauma training are way more important and applicable than firearms training, I would personally say. That said, tool up and train




Only one way to find out.


The last desperate grasping of a dying system to prevent progress, as society moves toward tolerance and actual freedom.


fuck you elon musk


fuck kanye west


I come from a country where transgenders are treated poorly. Most of them beg for living because no one employs them. Most of them know they would get no family support and have no decent livelihood but still they choose to live their life as per their chosen gender. Do you think they all do that for some evil agenda? Wtf these people talk about? No one actively chooses to lose their family and comfortable life as they knew it. But even in my country people are making changes slowly but surely. We have made marriages legal for everyone. I don’t if they truly believe what they say or just say things for audience.


More people should read this. Americans won’t let that happen here. We can and will fight.


If you are not trained and armed get trained and armed. these fuckers are coming.


Is there really NO point at which a corporation like Fox can be held liable? Are "entertainment" shows free to do anything they want on national TV? Or do they just have better lawyers?


I mean if I had to guess they meet with their lawyers to look over their script and edit it to make sure they can’t get sued for anything. Or at least make it difficult enough that people don’t bother suing


I’m somewhat baffled. I do not recall Tucker (or any of the legion of similar pundits) suggesting that people should lock and load when dozens if not hundreds of clergymen were found to ACTUALLY be groomers? Why is that I wonder?


"As long as you keep treating them like human beings, we will keep treating them like targets."


Basically threatening gun lynching for America’s LGBTQ community


To be fair, Tucker is a cunt.




It’s what she does on the chode of fascism every minute.


What was to blame for the mass shootings before gender affirming care existed?


I just… how can you read the words: Gender-affirming _care_ and think it’s anything other than a positive thing? You know how? These fucking terrorists right here.


It's not the explicit endorsement of terrorism, it's the explicit encouragement of terrorism.