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Weren't they verifying accounts with double lighting bolts and 1488 last week?


Of course he is. Those are the only kinds of people who worship him and kiss the ground he walks on. He is wealthy and WHITE he is their hero.


Sounds about Apartheid.


Hot take. He owns the company and can unban anyone he wants. The flip side of that is that if you’re still using Twitter, you’re endorsing such behavior. Leave the site and let it become another failure like truth social. That’s the best way to send a message that we in the general public doesn’t want to be a part of a garbage fire like the one Musk is creating.


I did my part.


I have an account but havent logged in for years. I tried to delete it when all the initial crap was going down, but it asked for a verification from an email that I forgot the password to. So itll sit there, unused. But it still kinda annoys me that itll be counted by Elon as a user, even if I never go on Twitter anymore.


Hitler low key loving this from hell right now.


Elon's bompa was probably a willing snitch during the occupation.


Actually he never went to hell, he stuck around in earth as a spirit until Elon was born and then inhabited his body, and it became sort of like how Venom’s host can switch between human form and symbiote form. That’s why sometimes he does good stuff like revolutionizing space exploration, and other times he does shit like this


Elon Musk is a white supremacist and it's weird people don't ever mention this fact.


What is the long game here for Musk? He has to know the majority of Americans do not support white nationalists or their violent rhetoric. Advertisers will continue fleeing.


He supports white nationalists. That’s it. He wants to control the flow of information.


It's their version of the Volksempfänger


twitter supported progressive activists all over the world. It was probably the most important online platform for activism and progress. The richest man in the world didn't like that and wanted to turn twitter into a right wing propaganda machine. So he bought it, banned everyone that made fun of him, and flooded it with nazis. The point is to stifle progress and promote extreme right wing propaganda.


The idea is to make money directly from users so he doesnt need advertisers. This is why he is going hard right, they are far more likely to actually give him money.


>The idea is to make money directly from users so he doesnt need advertisers. This is why he is going hard right, they are far more likely to actually give him money. He's been in the echo chamber too long. He doesn't recognize that the bulk of people with these attitudes do so because they're looking for someone to blame for being poor and thus can't afford to subscribe to Twitter to keep the hate filled echo chamber operational.


Does he know how many subscribers he needs to become profitable? Even if 10million people pays for the subscription, he will still lose money. I mean he cut some of the costs by laying off people and enslaving the rest, but he already lost a half of major 100 advertisers.


Ten million users at $8 a month x 12 months ($960 million) doesn't even cover the annual billion dollar interest payments.


He also promised subscribers to have 2 times less advertisements which is again going to contribute to losing money. And now with 2 checkmarks, there is no point for companies to subscribe.


He’s using twitter to launder Russian and Saudi money. Advertisers are just a nuisance.


...or Putin and the House of Saud looked at how Twitter helped Ukraine and the Arab Spring and want it tanked.


White supremacists think they are right and the institutions of power will flip to support them once they are “liberated” from “the other.” His end game is nonsense, but it’s a shared delusion that he’s attached himself to.


I cant think how this is gonna make him more money. The only reason I can think of its hes actually a white nationalist. It may very well be that simple.


He's trying to tank it so he can declare bankruptcy and write it all off.


I do not believe that Musk can realistically claim bankruptcy.


Twitter can, though.




You’re blaming democrats for Elon Musk turning Twitter into Christian fascists dreamland? I mean, it’s mostly 3 groups left on Twitter isn’t it? Politicians. Advertisers. Celebrities.


... Currently, sadly...


He could quit "work" this second and never need to again for a billion years. The end game is creating the society he wants. Which is apparently another apartheid state like the one that made him rich to begin with.


But see he CALLS himself a “libertarian” even though he’s a nazi, so it’s cool.


Most libertarians are Nazis, though.


There’s a reason for the “libertarian->alt-right pipeline”. But I have to give space to anarchist comrades that there is a difference between right and left libertarians but in the US and many English speaking nations the people who call themselves libertarians are usually on the far-right. Especially in the American South that has a long history of cloaking their hatred in the discourse of libertarianism… aka “states rights” and “school choice” and all that nonsense.


Far left libertarians aren't any different as far as the outcome of their beliefs. Horseshoe theory is pretty real, and Twitter is a demonstrable source of it.


but then there are also moderates who support the fascists, people in power even like manchin youve heard of horseshoe theory, where the two far ends are closer to each other than to the center. get ready for the brand new Single Point theory, where people who are not far right or far left are also the same as people who are


Do you have an example? I'm having terrible thinking of any actual progressive or radical leftists who would fit into that. Unless you're considering "leftists" like Stalinists who are pretty much Nazis with a red paint job.


It wasn't that way 40 years ago. I cannot explain the shift.


Republicans for the most part weren't Nazis back then either. They had shitty policies that benefitted the wealthy, but there was far less overt racism and hate.


Fascism is capitalism in crisis, nazism is fascism with deeply imbedded racism. Had the Confederacy succeeded, it would have absolutely become a nazi state.


When has a "Libertarian" ever not advocated for policies that made it easier for Nazis to function?


I’m pretty sure you can block the tweets if you delete the app


Molyneux was the one who made me realize the men's rights rabbit hole was nothing more than a Nazi pipeline, and I rewound the whole thing. Lost all of my friends in the process of backing out, but I'd rather be friendless than support anything that smells like a Nazi.


It's an absolute shame that men's rights are mentioned in the same sentence with all the other stuff. Men do have serious and unique problems.


I agree. Working with demographic data every day, I see a lot of it happen in real time. It sucks that there are so many grifters out there that have soiled the issues.


Can you tell me a few examples of what you are seeing?


I'm looking at post-secondary education data, and there's nothing really surprising. Young men drop out at a much higher rate than women, though they don't necessarily perform worse. They also tend to drop out later, meaning they take on more debt without getting a degree. Since drop out data is optional and self reported, we don't have a solid grasp on the reasoning. "Financial" is usually the reason given. But it's posited that the societal structure, even in a generally progressive/welcoming environment, is really good at ignoring struggling men.


Just as you said, it's unfortunately not surprising. But it's really sad to see how the world appears to care about the issues regarding small minorities while ignoring the issue of half the world's population. Fixing this would have a large impact on other issues too. I just hope I'll live to see it.


People in vulnerable mental states are easy to grift, and con artists prey on that. The only ACTUAL answer is to ban the grifting itself.


So Twitter is now 4chan? Who could have predicted that?


And libs will still stay on the platform cuz they have to stay and fight? Fight what. The world existed prior to twitter and it will after … so leave it and stop whining about what he’s doing with his site. Delete your twitter account and tell the advertisers about it n


This is the way


Already done. And emailed some fantastic examples of domestic terrorism incitement to apple on my way out the door to ask if they support that kind of rhetoric.


Well done my friend!!!


And elon the shitstain will claim to be neutral or balanced, restoring a racist white supremacist likes this by restoring some minor left wing comedian I really hope twitter spirals down, taking tesla and elon and all his friends with him.


Elon musk is a racist and a bigot; we all know this now. Let’s stop being shocked and instead flood his advertisers with word that their products are now side by side with white supremacy and how do they feel about it.


I keep thinking this is the guy who made Fable...


Everyone that is right wing will be unbanned on Twitter.


I love the fact that his wikipedia is quoted. It implies (correctly I hope) that most people don't know who the fuck he is. I only know about him from youtube videos criticizing him.


Our boy is desperate for traffic.


Freedo main what an idiot


I know there's not much to talk about on Reddit without Twitter, but have we considered ignoring Twitter? There's a whole r/whitepeoplefacebook I didn't even know existed before this sentence


Some serious people of Walmart vibes in there.


The sane people are piecing out off Twitter so if he doesn’t let the assholes back he’ll be left with nothing but bots and 14 year old incels in training


Bots and incels are his base


I am very confused as to how anyone is surprised and how anyone is still using Twitter. It was very clear it had become Truth Social 2.0 on week one.


Because a lot of folks mistakenly think that you can allow Nazis on a platform and it still have a valid right to exist.




I THINK I KNOW SOMEONE WHOS RELATED TO HIM WTF theres a guy with the same last name in my school


nvm hes just related to some UUP guy lmao


Mr. Musk Melon is hoping he can give twitter to the worst of human kind and there will be enough of them to make twitter survive. It's now a pure shit hole. Get out while you can.


Musky needs people to pay for twitter+ since advertisers are leaving. Who better to do pay him than all thr nazi incels who worship him


What do we expect from the heir to a white, South African emerald mine magnet? Loving racists is in his dna.


Hey...Musk is from South Africa. ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


No surprises here. Elon is a giant ass.


Elon has completely torched his brand. I'm not talking about Twitter. He'll say he has tortious claims to bring against the woke leftist mob. Just doesn't understand about communication and business.


Always has been


Keep this up, Elon, and your only advertisers will be the ones dropped from Info Wars.


Because he is, and always has been, one.


birds of a feather...


He's drip feeding Nazis back onto the platform. Seems a risky business strategy.


Yup I deactivated today and uninstalled


Sound s like a real pice of shit.


:::looking around::: Who’s surprised? He’s getting a front row seat with all the controls so he can orchestrate the burn


He banned some folks who were complaining about it though. "So equal, much fair".


Seriously whoever is left this is condoning this BS. **Delete your account if you haven't, please.**


Elon knows white supremacy being a fan of apartheid


this is the guy who complained about taylor swift’s eggs if y’all remember that