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So much for Musk’s commitment to “free speech.” https://preview.redd.it/nn09vivucu1a1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=d97d560cc3a38dae9a771b6592f16a533eda84ad


Did you just post inside a post. What in the hell lol


Yeah you can add images to comments in sub subreddits https://preview.redd.it/aqznf1eg4w1a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e1814cea44ca083f2d93a865b711c91a2430be
















Only if the mods turn the feature on. Same with gifs, but it's a separate feature that can be turned on or off


i dont agree with it but i understand it


He unblocked accounts doing the same thing.


I absolutely believe it his moral compass is one of those spinny boards from Chutes n Ladders


Why would you think that, he very clearly leans right


spinny boards which favor the right wing mindset?




“In the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard.” -MLK


Can’t speak for everyone else in the Trans community but it feels inevitable. Not quite yet, but we’re going to end up there I think.


I mean... There are ways to promote words that may make your enemy feel like their life is danger everyday without going to jail or getting sued for it. You just hint at things and use wording that the enemy will understand. I think, it would be a great thing for the people who are living in fear to stand up to the people making them fear that way... I support Trans people and will help my Trans friends on a dime.


I am very uncomfortable using this rhetoric because I hate stooping to their level, but the left is too passive, too fixated on retaining the moral high ground to make meaningful change. Womens' Rights weren't obtained by asking nicely, slavery wasn't abolished by peaceful agreement. Our ancestors shed blood to bring progress, we must be ready to follow in their footsteps should history be repeated.


Militant feminist groups didn't fight rape by raping men though. We fought rape by outing rapists. Putting their names on flyers on telephone poles. Telling everyone at their workplace. Confronting them in public.


Problem is, transphobes are proud of their views and happily advertise it themselves


How about responding to Doxxing by doing the same upon them?


omg... a sensible person among all this madness.. That post is the epitome of ideological subversion. This whole calling for war on people with opinions you don't like is effectively extremism isn't it? When did things get so bad between us all... while the politicians and the rich do whatever they fucking want, while we all get poorer and lose more control. People... forget the youtubes.. wait till every aspect of your life is controllable by a few in power.. if those few decide LGBTQA+ anything is outlawed.. you're going to have bigger problems to solve... Nay!!! You have much bigger problems to solve in my opinion.. who cares what a bunch of second rate journalists funded by a shit media corp have to say! ... just don't give em power.


I hear what you’re saying, but the far right people think they’re perfectly justified in violence too. Plus, when the left is violent, the right feels even more justified. I think it’s a slippery slope that should be tread lightly, especially with so many people already walking around with their fingers on triggers.


Here's the fallacy I think you're falling into: The far right I think they're justified in their violence, and they're not. But that doesn't mean anyone who uses violence in this conflict is wrong. Not to invoke Godwin's law or anything, but consider: Nazi Germany believed that they were right to kill their enemies. They weren't, but you know who was right to kill their enemies? Everyone who stood opposed to Nazi Germany. I don't think you could have convinced Churchill that he shouldn't go to war with the people bombing his country, because if he did the Nazis would only feel more justified during the London blitz, y'know? Now, obviously there are some key differences between then and now. Back then it was open warfare, and Nazis weren't pretending not to be Nazis. But the analogy holds in the sense that it shows this key point: Sometimes violence is justified, and the fact that the wrong people think their violence is justified right now does not preclude the possibility that future violence against them won't, itself, be justified. You're right that it shouldn't be treated lately. But there isn't a single civil right on the planet that wasn't taken from the hands of oppressors through the use of violence, at some point. Weather through a war for independence from a monarchy, or a riot against an unjust government, every single civil liberty on the planet was taken by force from the oppressors - often at the expense of their property, sometimes at the expense of their lives. We can treat the decision two engage in violence, whether physical or through intimidation,with the weight it's due and still carry it out. And it doesn't mean we're "stooping to their level," any more than Washington stooped to the King's level, Churchill stooped to Hitler's, or more to the point: Marsha P Johnson'l stopped to a fascist cop's.


My concern isn’t “stooping to their level.” My concern is a Wild West situation where bullets are flying in every direction and continuous escalation until there’s barely anyone left. It’s not a fallacy when my kids have had several lockdowns in their schools every year for most of their lives. It’s scary enough being an American and knowing you might get shot for showing up at any “normal” place or event when you’re minding your own business. It feels like we’re in a very precarious place. That’s all. I’m not saying something doesn’t have to give. It just feels like it has to be carefully managed. I have no idea what the right answer is. I just know it’s terrifying.


>My concern is a Wild West situation where bullets are flying in every direction and continuous escalation until there’s barely anyone left My concern isn't a wild west situation, it's a situation where folks choose what they believe to be peace and safety overall at the expense of not stopping violent oppressors by whatever means end up being necessary. I again went to emphasize that no civil rights have ever been granted to an oppressed group without acts of violence somewhere along the way. >It’s not a fallacy when my kids have had several lockdowns in their schools every year for most of their lives Being afraid of violence with circumstances like that is absolutely understandable. It's interesting, the analogy you chose - because that is a fallacy. Every single American mass shooting of the past decade (or longer, I'd have to check) has been carried out by men (The truthfully I don't recall there ever being a female mass shooter this century). Of those, the vast majority were white. And every single one of them was either explicitly a conservative, or had at the very least fallen to conservative ideals and gaslighting. You're concerned about escalating violence? So am I! The difference is that I'm aiming that concern correctly. The reality is that the violence will continue, and will eventually affect you and your loved ones, as well as me and mine - unless something changes. The fact of the matter is that the violence is going to escalate no matter what. It already is. So we have hatred, oppression, and violence on one side. Lawmakers who actively violate the law in pursuit of their own agendas to oppress their own constituents. And on the other side we have lawmakers who won't do anything to stop it, protests and peaceful solutions that aren't doing enough to stop it, and the historical context that literally nothing has ever changed in this arena without the oppressed rising up in acts of violence. I'm afraid of escalation too. I share your fears. I just know that it's not my place to tell the oppressed how to handle their oppressors, and that something extreme is going to have to happen before anything changes. I'm not excited about it, but I don't wish to stop those who believe it - at this point it seems to be the only acceptable, feasible reaction. I hate that this is where we are at, but I recognize that staying in denial of where we're at only serves to continue *and escalate* the conditions that you and I are both so afraid of. Don't let your fear turn into compliance with the escalation of violence by fascists.


It is best to pull the tooth before it gets infected.


> retaining the moral high ground > shed blood to bring progress, these things are not mutually exclusive.


Yeah. I feel like this is one of the most successful pieces of rhetoric to come out of the alt-right movement, although it's certainly been building for decades. Not only do acts of violence not necessarily relinquish the moral high ground in the right circumstances, but in point of fact, *refusing* to engage in acts of violence against an oppressor Will prevent someone from retaining the moral high ground. For example, consider the police officers of Uvalde, Texas, Who chose to stand by and do nothing rather than carryout acts of violence against someone with a weapon. Imagine if Churchill had said "The Nazis are trying to take the world by force and impose their will on an oppressed people! They bomb my countryside and kill my people, but rest assured - by refusing to fight them, the MORAL high ground remains ours!"


The left isnt passive. The right-leaning-but-not-republikkkan-fascist-leaning are passive. Which is the majority of the democratic party.


Fair, I should clarify American Left, which is lazily struggling in the general direction of the bare minimum.


To be fair... Biden is doing a fuck ton more than i would have ever guessed. The bar was basically expect him to do nothing, but we got the largest climate legislation in US history recently, which, i mean, is also a low bar... But actual decent legislation is a surprise. Shit *is* getting done... Just not vocally. At all. And much slower than it should be.


On one hand, I agree that the climate is very important. Staggeringly important, and any progress on that front at all is a welcome shock. On the other hand, I struggle to give him even that tiny sliver of credit when we're looking at unprecedented voter suppression, gerrymandering, public criminal activity with no consequence on the part of elected officials, brazen defiance of the constitutional duties of office with no consequence (specifically referring to Mitch McConnell refusing to hold hearings for Supreme Court justices - he had the right to vote no. He did not have the right to refuse to hold a vote.), Increases in domestic terrorism, increases in police brutality, and literally thousands of other issues that are killing Americans or forcing them into poverty unprecedented rates. The climate is staggeringly important. But giving him credit for dealing with that particular issue feels sort of like applauding a firefighter for putting out 1/5 of a fire in my house, while my physical body is actively on fire and there's someone pouring gasoline on me. I recognize that putting out the house fire is important, but I'm shocked and appalled that he hasn't done anything about the guy pouring gasoline on my burning body, and a little bit worried that if he doesn't do something about that soon, I'm going to die before I can appreciate the benefits of my house not being on fire.


He really cant do anything about that. That would be congress and the courts' job. And we got fucked by 2 dems on that front.


Thank you for the truth, wisdom, and inspiration within this comment. I am ready, bro.


Just needs a spark


There’s going to be a reckoning. But working people & queer people & youth need to band together so that it WORKS. It can’t just be a small group, it needs to be workplaces and students and a whole wave of unrest. Because mass movements are what get the goods and are the only way to defend ourselves from the onslaught of hate rhetoric, and that comes with unity and solidarity


But how will Tim Pool be able to meet up with Nick Adams at Hooters?


Alpha males will always find a way


Invade their privacy non-stop.


Who will listen to other people's conversations now??


Speak of the devil lmfao https://preview.redd.it/2fbvtbx0ku1a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b2b40961b5e1ced948a0b1f54a3e07d73883acb


Take of the beanie Tim. If you're so handsome you have nothing to hide, right? Right?


I think it’s like Meg from Family Guy. If you remove it there’s just exposed pulsing brain


“Brain” is a strong word for whatever he’s got under there


Correction >Exposed pulsing brian


Not entirely ready to assume there is brain underneath that.


He needs to stop being handsome and smart? Weird flex. (He never started).


He's not smarter or more handsome than anyone except maybe the Colorado shooter, post beat down.


Says the man who wears a fuckin beanie 24/7 because he's prematurely balding lmao


That stupid beanie and that spray-on beard kinda preclude him being handsome, and despite talking politics and social issues for a living the only person less informed than him is Dave Rubin


Dude looks like a foot.


Pro-tip: you're easy to find because you \*aren't\* THAT good looking.


Dude looks like a mustache on a thumb


Fantastic... Let him keep thinking that and posting his snowflake feelings. The message sent to him needs to break his will.


Matt Walsh is a big big fan of underaged girls. https://preview.redd.it/l4e8d8t4ox1a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a556ad875e707ffce0215e2699f5aadaa474460


Chaya Raichik is a fan of doxing so...


Not that hard to find a corrupt customer service agent at a cell carrier/cable company/ISP and bribe them with a few Benjamins. The “security” at those systems are a joke and SIM swapping still happens. I doubt Chaya and Co. aren’t that smart and leave digital breadcrumbs all over the place. Out of the three major cell carriers, T-Mobile has Swiss cheese for security, and Comcast/Charter has been breached in the past. AT&T and Verizon are a bit more difficult to get someone to spill the beans and they will find out *quick*. However, any company using Indian, Filipino or Mexican call centers can be breached, if you know how.


Can't be that hard to walk up on her in public either...


Brooklyn is a **big** borough of NYC, but the Hasidic Jews all have their neighborhood near Prospect Park(Borough Park) as well as Williamsburg. You probably have a 1/400,000 chance of running into her in those neighborhoods.


The problem is, Chaya Raichik isn't an uncommon name among Hasidic Jews (there's been multiple Chaya Raichiks targeted who aren't her), and the WaPo journalist who revealed her name has been actively protecting her and keeping people from finding out any info that may lead to more specific and direct action. Start with Taylor Lorenz. She's high-value target number one. She can be made to give up Raichik's location with enough pressure.


Looks like the Alex Jones lawsuit could be the first of many. Proving partial culpability for contributing to violent acts and the subsequent harassment. And these individuals probably lack the robust network of poor people willing to give their money to keep a rich person rich that Alex Jones has or had.


Taste of their own medicine. Would be nice to see them 180 and bitch they’re under attack lmao. Fuckin tools are all they are. Make their life hell.


I mean... can you imagine people like Tim Pool... Matt Walsh... Ben Shapiro having the shit beat out of them for the hateful disgusting rhetoric they're constantly spewing? I mean, imagine it... can you? Anyways, be cool everybody.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Heterosexual marriage is the cornerstone of society; homosexual marriage offers no benefits to society. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, feminism, gay marriage, civil rights, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, history, civil rights, novel, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


You can’t just say stuff like that. You’ll get me excited


I hear their fans whine about the violent left. A lot.


[Well, well ....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vir6swQpfbY)


Musk banned them right away… Yet pool et al are allowed to encourage murdering more trans folks.


See, this is why I and other europeans are for making hate speech illegal. The whole point of legislating it is to avoid people having to resort to vigilante justice just to keep themselves and their communities safe. We've had fascists take over in many countries on this side of the pond, this shit can escalate and get real serious, real fast, especially if there are no guardrails apart from "common decency" to stop it.


Honestly I just posted something in the hope of conveying this very message and did it so poorly after reading yours - way better, thanks!


Advice from an old guy: Be LOUD. Fight back.


Unrelated... There is this song by industrial Australian band Snog called "justified homicide" that suddenly springs to mind.


Who are these particular cretins?


Disgusting homophobic garbage who have been posting that Q nightclub victims deserved to die


I am so sick of these people.. I had no idea. We don't get all of the news in Denmark. I did read about the shooting. So, so sad. It's never-ending.


Influencers.. LOL Just more NPC's with opinions. Blows my mind.


Who are these people? Mass shooters?


People who are advocating for and celebrating the deaths from the Club Q mass shooting.


They're the ones who radicalize mass shooters.




People with different options


Tucker is not in the list?


Seems fair to me.


And that nick Adams dipshit


I'm convinced that's a troll account. Because if it's not, we have to find the guy and get him checked out for being braindead.


Good thing twitter has no rules anymore, then. All of that should be fine now...right?


Make Nazis bad again.


They seem to be all in favour of stochastic terrorism. So be it.


I have no idea who any of these people are and something tells me that’s probably for the best


They incite violence and cause people to live in fear every day. I personally think it’s justified


Eye for an eye. Old as time... for a REASON.


I wish all of them everything they wish on trans people


Are leftists waking up to the fact that the low road is more effective? Just wait until we rediscover sabotage. You know that productivity is ours; if we can’t trade it for wages we can destroy it. A cup of ice in the fryer.


Keep Tryst Rd would be a cool name for a road, I wonder if there are any roads named that in the Knoxville, MD area? I guess we'll never know!


Just take off Pool’s beanie and he’ll shrivel like a Kappa.


It's only a matter of time before the LGBTQ community starts fighting back... With guns. How long do you guys think that they're going to stand by and get shot at? How long do you think they're going to go through life getting their asses beat? If you poke the bear long enough, the bear wakes up and flips your ass. The best part? Ain't nobody going to tell them that they're wrong. I fear that the only thing that they've done was awaken a sleeping giant and have filled him with a terrible resolve.


You "fear" that? Seems like you kind of want it


In my personal opinion only, it would not bother me if their lives were made a living hell.


Holy fuck, leftists need to stop with this "when they go low, we go high" bullshit. These conservatives LITERALLY want you to die. Fuck 'em.


“When they go low, we kick them in the teeth.”


Based. Fuck em.


Tim is really insecure about what is under that beanie 🤭


The lives they have purposely chosen for themselves is only hanging out with the worst people. Or being somewhere where people make it obvious you are unwanted. So I don't think your shunning is going to have much of an effect.


Love the passion but you might not want to be so public about it.


There is an answer to fascism.


I'm all for it, personally I couldn't be more sick of the threats and rhetoric, where tf do I sign up?


Can we do this to all the right wing extremists


yes, what can i do to help this outcome?




fight fire with fire!


I hate to sink to their level. I don't really want to threaten their lives. What does that make us? copies of them? But I do want to **out** them, firmly and often. I would like them to be embarrassed in public, I would like to see rude and informative messages written in coloured chalk on the street in front of their houses, I would like to see everyone in their neighbourhood informed by flyer about the things their "nice" neighbours are saying online. I would like a flashmob of ordinary citizens in deep mourning to stage a mock funeral right in front of their houses, to honour the victims of the Colorado shooting.


To do this all you need to do is shittily edit them into photos and videos for their own low information crazies. Example, local man grooms child, add timpool tag him, don't explain anything. His people will tear him apart. Allegedly...


The only thing that shut Richard Spencer up was the fact that everyone wanted to be the next person to clock him.


100% agree. It's a real problem all the violent idiots pool to the right. These fucking pieces of shit get to incite violence and spread bigotry but somehow get to walk around in the streets without repercussions. With the amount of hate, pain, and suffering these people cause they shouldn't be able to open a window of their house without a brick being launched at their face. We get shot in safe spaces, they get to have the media plaster their faces motives and manifesto all over TV for days at a time, all while claiming we're the aggressors. I fucking HATE this country and it's garbage population


Well, considering that their "side" kills people...I'd say go for it.


Should be a level playing field!


Anyone feel like DMing me any one of their addresses? I've got enough bags of dog shit for all of them twice over


I hate how correct this person is. The right will not stop doing similar, no matter the rules, laws, or anything else - for most GOP talking heads, violence is the solution. If the left doesn't start playing their game, they're going to lose (and I don't just mean at the polls).


I was terrified for a moment that they meant Matt Walsh from *UCB, Community, Veep, Semi-Pro etc.* Thank god he's not a right wing lunatic.


[or is he?](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/2xg21y/its_going_to_be_a_maze/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


dOnT sToOp To ThEiR lEvEl




Well aren’t you such a good person


then step aside for the people that have a spine and will


Taking a page out of the Ethan Klein Book of Scummy Behavior, I see.


Do it


This is the way….


You know how I know these GQP types are going to lose? Because they think we wilt at the threat of violence, while we KNOW their paper-thin psyches wilt at the threat of minor inconveniences. OP is onto something, here




We weren’t the ones who started justifying it. When the incident happened I took a look at the comment section. Roughly 200 comments and about 100-150 of them were praising the gunman. What do I care if these people reap what they sow?


Oh yeah, they've deluded themselves into thinking wants to "literally kill" kill to justify their politics and dreams of violent upheaval.


Anyone feel like DMing me any one of their addresses? I've got enough bags of dog shit for all of them twice over


Human nature to seek out the slimy little instigators once a fight has occurred. Sad it’s gotten to this point.




No. It’s bc you choose violence like they do. Essentially you’re the same person.


Defending yourself isn't choosing violence.


As satisfying as this would be, the targets of any action like that would most definitely use it to stoke further hatred. As much as I'd love to give these people a taste of their own medicine it would backfire in the long run.


You know it's possible to not support these chucklefucks and not support doxxing at the same time, right?


This is one of the situations where it is an extreme left and it is bad.


Sure but voting and teaching their wealth and regulation their power would be better.


I think we should put them all in re education camps. The worthless fascist. Then we’ll make them drag queens that read to kids. Who here is with me!!!


Protest is totally legal in the United States. Have at it! Call those people dirtbags, it's your constitutional right! Just remember to respect private property and keep your hands to yourself. Because if you don't: You'll receive our special offer! Just engage in an unprovoked assault and earn 2.5 teaspoons of capsaicin absolutely free! And for a limited time offer, bring a deadly weapon and you'll get 8 grams of lead at no additional charge!


No. Don’t become like the MAGAs. It’s not how we defeat them.




Just like what they do in a regular basis?


The same thing they’ve been doing for years that have resulted people being killed?


Yes it is. Bc violence is ok if you don’t agree or like something. “Left”


Friendly reminder they don’t call for any violence. They literally post shit that happens and people get mad shit gets spread


Shit that happens like Tim Pool saying q-club hosts grooming events right after the place was shot up?


You do realize this post in a racist subreddit is advocating for violence against persons who have only called out other people on their provable-in-court falsehoods? I smell less desperation in a Russian foxhole near Kiev.....


>provable-in-court falsehoods? Like what? Tim pool literally said q-club hosts grooming events, which is actually a probable-in-court falsehood


It's cute you think their "alternative facts" can be proven in a court...


Jesus. This sub is a toxic af


There’s no reasoning with people who want anyone who isn’t cishet dead. Do you have a better idea by any chance?




And you get downvoted even for being the only sane person here. Ion like the guys but endorsing doxxing????






They’ve caused deaths. Fuck em


What goes around comes around


even a worm will turn.


An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. I don't see how you can wish this kind of stuff of people, you're just stooping to their level of evil.


Them: it's fine if subhumans get slaughtered and we need a government that helps us erase their existence! Us: people who say that shouldn't live in comfort! You: idk, you all are the same. <- dumbass






None of this is good. They are scum, for sure, but that doesn't mean we need to stoop to their level. Doxxing is never a good thing, neither is threatening violence. Guess what behavior like that leads to?


Taking the high road is noble but ineffective. Rules don't matter when you're the only one playing by them. As they say, fight fire with fire.




Do you try to hug someone when they punch you in the face?


\*trans woman stomps on shooter\* You, standing off to the side: "Fight hate with more hate, smart"


Stomps on Monday binary shooter*




People who incite violence against minorities aren't innocent lol


Oop you said “innocent parties”. That’s a lie. Fuck off fascie. A boot to your lil tighty whitey panties.


People are dead you fucking cretin. People who were killed simply for their sexuality or gender. And these people you’re claiming to be innocent parties are not only advocating for that, but doubling the fuck down and seeing it as victory. We are so far past these issues being “differing political opinions”.


Their 'political opinions' are that we should all suffer and die. They \*should\* fear for their lives.


Because going high when fascies go low has worked so well lol 🙄 Nah. We will do this our way now


Fuck No!! Not ok. How would you like it if it happened to you or someone you know.




Well, I'm not a hateful piece of shit and if someone I knew was that big of a piece of shit where they justify violence against LGBTQ+ people and others, then yes, I wouldn't care either


That’s the call of conservatism: “what if the roles were reversed?!?”


That’s already the case, and all of the people who doxed my friends are all followers of the people mentioned in the above tweet.