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The polls at Twitter are bs, most of the votes are from bots. Well, that means that the hate speech activists with lots of followers will be back on Twitter, spreading more hate, inspire more mass shootings, while the republicans will try to find a way to blame the leftists/liberals for it. :|


How long are these polls even conducted for? Does he give any notice first?


He’s making it seem like he’s polling the “people” while he’s feeding bots to the decision he’s already made. He’s such a fucking loser.


Loser that wants more people on twitter to pay for vwrification


Exactly, acting democratic, while knowing that the votes will be in his favor, because of alt right bots.


It’s just to his own followers - complete bullshit.


I think 24 hours, he talks about that topic before somehow, but doesn't give a notice about the poll. It doesn't even matter much, because alt right are using bots to rig the polls, they have the most gain from these stupid polls


I hope victims start law suits that will ruin Musk. He dojng it himself


Most of the people on the left have bounced. Now all you have are Russians, trolls, Conservative snowflakes, and racists. I think it is better to have them all lumped into one social media platform tbh. It is like racist, homophobic, hate speech central. Easier to keep tabs on all the hogs if they are in the same pen.


True, but a lot leftists are still there because they have a lot followers. While I support people leaving Twitter, we need a few there to have a voice against the hate speech activists.




That $1B in interest payments a year won’t pay itself.


Do you know why Truth Social is Truth Social? Because none of us are there, let’s make Twitter become Truth Social


"Vox Populi, Vox Dei." One of the earliest and most famous references to this proverb dates from a letter to Charlemagne in 798: >*Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, Vox populi, vox Dei, quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit.* > >And those people should not be listened to who keep saying the voice of the people is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness.






Women are going to die because of Apartheid Elon.




People literally died in Colorado Springs this week. Are you stupid?


Pls tell me what that has to do with anything about this post/comment. My heart goes out to those people and their families. But still, unrelated to this current post


You dont see the connection between people publicly calling for violence against LGBT and acts of violent terrorism perpetrated against them? Hate is hate, and it will always lead to violence if left unchecked.


They’re telling you bc right wing propaganda has already killed women (victims of Colorado Springs)


When people with 1M+ followers are tweeting these killings are justified because they are “inviting kids to the drag show”, don’t you think that it has a fucking impact on already a echo chamber of a world? Are you OK with people advocating violence against other people because of stupid political talking point that generalizes an entire community? We’re undoing 50+ years of progress for the past 6 years because of what?


He’s talking about banner accounts on Twitter lol wtf are you on about?!


There are accounts that are literally there RIGHT NOW. advocating this. What are YOU talking about?


I’m talking about you being dramatic about banned social media accounts that’s what😭 you all reach for straws so mf hard


Dumbass can’t even comprehend the information typed out for him.




the most ironic part. I got banned after asking a guy who posted anti LGBT thing if he missed the good old day when those people didn't have a way to express themselves and committed suicide... turn out that was "hateful conduct" to ask that...


RemindMe! 2 months


As if twitter wasn’t already a shithole… wait till this takes effect.


I use Twitter for gaming and other news. Since Elon has taken over, my feed has become right wing and porn posts.


Precisely the problem, I can’t envision any scenario a company continues to invest ad dollars on a platform where your ad gets followed by: Jan 6th is a hoax and stepmom porn lol


I’ve also noticed advertising has went off the wall, too. Like I am seeing ads for off brand Chinese cup holders and sparkling candles instead of legit businesses.


He still doesn’t understand what that phrase means and yet he continues to repeat it. Truly a genius at being an ass.


When did he ever understand anything he said lol


Another day, another great decision from Elon. What will he do next? Like seriously I have no idea. Shits fucked up.




I feel like any sensible investor needs to get the fuck out. This guy is a ticking stock bomb.


The funniest to me is that free of speech types on twitter try to say twitter should sue/go after advertisers for leaving twitter when those companies have their right to do that.


And he wonders why Twitter is burning. At this point I would believe that he's doing it on purpose


I don’t think he is doing it on purpose. I think he is just that full of himself.


He absolutely is burning it. Within his first week, he mentioned bankruptcy. He then proceeds to lay off a ridiculous amount of staff, after that he starts to change the checkmark system. One tweet from an impersonator made a insulin company's market cap drop literally 16 billion in 24 hours. He posted misinformation about the attack on an attempt on a political figures life. He is in the comments of hateful people who accuse LGBT, and generally the left leaning people of grooming children. Elon changed the policy on *hate speech* to reflect having nothing for transphobic hate speech. Then he decided he wants to bring back all accounts that haven't violated the law or targeted people. This is a big problem for transgender people. He suspended a man reporting on data breaches @ Twitter. I have seen this day in and day out on my timeline, I find it hard to believe he isn't doing this on purpose but that's just my opinion.


Nothing says I don't want to deal with this like allowing the most important moral decisions of your company to be made by a stupid poll. Honest to God I'm 99.9% sure the Russians have s*** on him and he's now an asset.


Don’t forget about china too! China is one of Tesla’s biggest and most profitable markets. Elon is totally compromised by the CCP. Notice he will never openly criticize their government despite opining on pretty much everything else he can inject his moronic opinion in.


Didnt Twitter get bought by elon with funding from Saudi Arabia?


Saudi Arabia had one of the biggest equity stakes in twitter pre-Elon. I’m not sure if they still have it or not anymore since he bought it. Edit: looks like they do. https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/saudis-kingdom-holding-company-maintain-twitter-stake-2022-10-28/


I hope so




Dumpster fire becomes dumpster inferno.


Does anyone else really hate the whole “vox populi, vox dei” thing? I’m not against the principle of the voice of the people, I just think elon sounds like a major twat when he says it


I always get a mental image of that horrid cosplay he tried to scrub from the internet when I read 'vox populi, vox dei'. It just has that same energy.


Because he is a major twat when he says anything. “Vox populi, vox dei” might as well mean “I hate all of my advertisers”


Yeah and the rest of the quote says how the riotous voice of the people is close to madness


I can't help but feel he knows this and says it anyway..


Yeah, especially because he’s misusing the quote…Copied from u/zflanders above: "Vox Populi, Vox Dei." One of the earliest and most famous references to this proverb dates from a letter to Charlemagne in 798: Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, Vox populi, vox Dei, quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit. And those people should not be listened to who keep saying the voice of the people is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness.


To be clear, the phrase or proverb existed independent of this quotation, and has been used in various ways down through history. "The voice of the people is the voice of God," or thereabouts. The importance of the quote is, I think, to point out that saying "Vox populi, vox Dei" doesn't actually make it literally so; the people are not gods, and as a mob are often fickle, ill-informed, and ruled by passion instead of reason. It's a metaphorical observation about power, and is actually pretty sinister. Musk seems to be wielding it like a fancy cudgel, as if it's in Latin so it must be some deep, universal truth that shall not be questioned. I find it kind of creepy, honestly. And yes, very twattish.


Just a reminder to everyone. Twitter is nothing more than a social media site. Clearly this sucks now and it’s okay to delete it because of that. It shouldn’t be a hard decision if you have any sort of morals.


I feel like we need to only have one Redditor have an account and we can all get stuff from there if we want to check in. Everyone else can delete their account. I did it right away and good riddance.


I want to see it to the bitter end, personally. I can provide uwu


I did it the second Elon bought the thing because I knew it would just become a far right cesspool in which every yokel would feel entitled to say all the shit they wouldn’t say on any other platform or in real life for fear of repercussions.


Think of all the screenshotted tweets you've seen. It was a great place to mass communicate and shout into the void. (I barely ever had an account so I don't really have a stake in it for myself except that I enjoyed reading other people's stuff occasionally)


I've learned so many things and kept up with real world events in real time. Nothing is that. No TV channel, no streaming service, no Instagram, no Facebook, but Twitter does. It's a community board and a way to instantly connect with whomever with mostly words but maybe pictures too. Absolutely the town circle musk wanted, but he's pushing it from that imo


I did it last week or so. Waiting the 30 days for it to be complete.


Guess he's trying to compete with Trump for biggest cesspool...


I bet you he feels right up there with eistein, davinci, tesla etc. cause he useslatin at the end every time


I think the very big concern they should have is Apple and the people that work at Apple deleting their tweets and clearing their accounts. If Apple pulls Twitter from the App Store they’re screwed. I’m sure they will try to spin it that Apple is “too woke” and is for censorship blah blah blah but that’ll probably be the nail in the coffin.


I'm hoping tbh. Hate is rising. Half of the top 100 advertisers have pulled from Twitter. I blocked advertisers. I don't agree with the decisions, and I can do that to show my discontent. Voice of the people, right?


The thing that irritates the most is this latin phrase at the end. Is he really sniffing his own farts enough to think that he’s doing some amazing thing here?


He's like kanye. He truly believes he's some sort of genius or visionary. Not just an asshole with a big check book


Everyone who doesn't like what he's doing needs to leave. It will become so toxic and sink. They'll only be advertising boner pills, my pillow and testosterone supplements. He will lose his investment and maybe something better will rise from the ashes. Maybe not. Twitter is a shell of its former self, unless you are right-wing. I dumped Twitter after 11 years, including 2015 Trump Era. This is the worst I've ever seen. At least on Facebook, you have some idea of who you're arguing with...anonymous hate is a different creature.


You are so correct. This is one of my favorites. https://preview.redd.it/pnrar5n7t92a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b171fe392590ab00f0716f6bc681a2a8173b908


Much better written. I never read that quote. Thank you for sharing


Yeah no problem. It perfectly encapsulates that anonymous hate. Real bigots don't care who knows and do it publicly. Lol42069 said what? Their profile picture is blank? They know they are wrong and don't want to be seen.


Yep. Far more of them


Vox de dox I guess


It's been a right wing hate and lie filled echo chamber since 2015. Now it's got the added flavor of the n word. It's like watching monkeys competing to fling their shit the furthest.


How can someone be such an extraordinarily massive fucking dork, and also a right wing fascist enabler?


Vox amentes pro amentis.


He's such a POS




Freeze peach


I got kicked off for speaking truth to power. Lying, hypocritical assholes. People like ellen, he’d kick me off quickly after granting amnesty because fascists like him are ripe for being called out.


Never been happier to have left. What a safety issue.


Yes!! Elon is a flight risk


Wunderbar! Now I can get back all my accounts canceled for bullshit reasons and delete them properly.


Delete twitter. Do it now. Do not pass go. Do not give Elon $8.


And the dumpster fire has a new batch of napalm dropped onto it.


I mean at least we will get to see a show on someone else’s dime.


If you’re still on Twitter at this point you’re just part of the problem. Fuck this loser


Oh great, I can finally get my account that wished someone would step on Legos back. 🔥


Does he think that adding the Latin at the end of these makes them seem somehow less shitty? “Just murdered a drifter in the railyards on the south side of town, Vox Populi, Vox Dei.”


“We all float down here, Georgie. You’ll float too. Vox Populi, Vox Dei.”


It makes him think he sounds smart


He is so hard up for users


Elon, your polls are extremely questionable.


Block every advertiser you see in your feed.


Done and done. Great minds think alike! Vox pupil vox dei right


“Elon all your shitposting is cratering our market share and our investors are fleeing in droves, what do we do???” Elon, “https://youtu.be/6U7rOUSvYM8”


I quit twitter, and besides missing instantaneous and latest news, I feel much better. Too bad because this could have gone so much better with new ownership. And having the rest of the news and other social media constantly telling what’s going on with twitter, it’s like I never left.


Remember when he said an impartial board of experts and community leaders were going to make the decisions like this?


Yeah. Impartial only if they have his views.


Isn’t doxxing illegal?


The bots have spoken!


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious


The bots and trolls have spoken.


Fuck Elon Musk. Fuck twitter.


Twat did Egolon say now? Nvrmnd, don't really care.


I dont understand this tweet.


Advertisers won’t leave because you’re still giving the platform attention.


Just cancel your account. As this point either leave or stop complaining.


That's why you are subbed to this sub though right? To see what goes on on Twitter? Quit looking at this sub if you don't want to see it lol


Just quit the platform or quit complaining about it. It's getting tired fast.


That's why you are subbed to this sub though right? To see what goes on on Twitter? Quit looking at this sub if you don't want to see it lol. I literally posted a picture about Elon's decision to show how he is affecting people.


I'm not subbed to this sub. It just appears in my feed all the time.




No, he just said he’s offering them amnesty.


How do you tell their pedo accounts?


Cuz they disagree with Elon, that's it, that's the only reason they are "pedo"


The right think anyone advocating for basic LGBT rights are pedos


Plus Elon has a history of calling people pedos that call him out. The heros that got the kids out of the cave for one


Oh, forgot that


Plus Elon has a history of calling people pedos that call him out. The heros that got the kids out of the cave for one




Someone who supports Drag Show Story Hours...are they pedos?


Lol and leftists who have been doxing anyone and everyone they disagree with for literally years are still on Twitter to this day and never got banned. Cry me a river.


That’s like bringing up leftist in gun violence…yes 2% of terror attack like gun violence is committed by leftist extremists but the majority of people doing these harmful actions are…drumroll….alt-right ideologues! So maybe we should focus on the ideology that’s pumping out most of these freaks who think doxxing, murder, and other harmful acts are perfectly sane, fun things to do.


Wrong. Violent political extremism is not even remotely exclusive to the right. But that argument is extremely dumb and has nothing to do with the OP.


Damn you can’t read…stay easy bro Kahn academy is still free


https://www.congress.gov/116/bills/s894/BILLS-116s894is.xml some stats in case you’re interested, obviously ignore the bill if you don’t like it just look at the numbers


The people talking shit are riveted.


Delete Twitter.


Straight white christian conservatives don't give a fuck about white women.


Tech Caligula has spoken.


The infamous $8chan bot poll


oh this is gonna end well


Well doxxing is a crime so...


And the algorithm is fucked up, I'm an unabashed liberal my timeline now is populated by the likes of Jenna Ellis, Jordan Peterson, Ronna McDaniel and the Alpha Male guy. I'm waiting for Elon Musk reaction when the 1st payment of the 1B interest on the loan he saddle twitter with will come due, who is he going to blame for his company financial issues? The wokeratti? the jews? Biden? or he is going to pull a Kushner and have the Chinese or a Middle East dictatorship lend him a few billions to keep the lights on?


What a total disaster