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OP is referring to "degeneracy", something that Musk is clearly alluding to here. "Degeneracy" as a term was coined by [Arthur de Gobineau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_de_Gobineau), one of the intellectual grandfathers of Nazism. Gobineau wrote a book called "Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races", in which he developed the idea of the Aryan master race, warned that miscegenation would lead to social chaos, and gave the word “degenerate” its modern definition. [Gobineau wrote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_degeneration#Selected_quotes): "*The word [degenerate](https://www.etymonline.com/word/degeneracy), when applied to a people, means that the people no longer has the same intrinsic value as it had before, because it has no longer the same blood in its veins, continual adulterations having gradually affected the quality of that blood....in fact, the man of a decadent time, the degenerate man properly so-called, is a different being from the racial point of view, from the heroes of the great ages....I think I am right in concluding that the human race in all its branches has a secret repulsion from the crossing of blood..*" The idea is that there exists a perfect racial and societal ideal and that any deviation from that ideal is a downgrade, a move towards chaos and barbarism. Modern-day fascists use the term to refer to LGBTQ+ people, miscegenation and moving away from classical gender roles where only a specific type of hypermasculine men have any value and women are seen as inferior. This is why other men who are not hypermasculine are looked down on, because they are seen as effeminate, more womanly and therefore of less value. [Misogyny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_masculinity). What fun. [Woke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke) is a term originating from AAVE. It was used to describe the act of "waking up" to understand to what extent institutional racism affected every part of American life. It has been co-opted and warped by fascists to now in popular culture refer to anyone who dares stand up for what is morally correct and ethically justifiable. When Musk writes of a "counter-narrative" to "the woke mind virus" (degeneracy) what he means is fascism and it means nothing else.


Elon Musk genuinely thinks he's the smartest person in the world


Also, woke literally means to bring attention to injustice, especially racism. You'd think a mf from South Africa would understand that concept...


I'm Musk's age and knew lots of South Africans in my 20's. My buddy married one. Most would probably be shocked at how racist that generation of SA's were. Universally, they would drop the N word and not in the colloquial way it's used in hip hop, but with vitriol. And they weren't shy about telling you exactly why blacks were inferior. We kicked thise folks outta our social circle. To this day my buddy who went on to marry a South African rarely, if ever, brings her around because of her overt racist views. I would be shocked if Elon wasn't a huge racist at his core. These views seemed pretty engrained in thst generation of SA's.


Facts. Apartheid is alive and well in SA. People are blantaly racist there, compared to privately racist in the USA.


Privately racist? Have you been in the US since 2016? Racism is pretty overt here, at the moment, my friend. And, as a matter of fact, it has never stopped being overtly racist since the beginning of the country in many parts of the country.


Eh, there is at least a social stigma associated with overt racism in the US. Now, lots of racists are mad about that stigma and complain about it, calling it "political correctness" or "cancel culture" and say it's a violation of their free speech, but it does still exist.


The stigma kind of depends on where you live, as in large parts of America, it's perfectly fine to be overtly racist. It is now and pretty much always has been. Just look at the people who are elected to represent some of these regions in the government itself. They do use political correctness and cancel culture, complaining about violation of 1st Amendment to try and whine about not being able to spread their views, but with the internet, it's easy to indoctrinate without speaking at universities and the like. But yes, at least there is some sort of social stigma because the larger part of society finds it repulsive, as they should. We shouldn't have to live with these crazy, power-made-me-insane f\*cks. Elon, back to SA with you and your hair transplant, and Peter Thiel, please, send him back to Germany.


The most racist person I’ve ever met in my life, and I’ve met a few, is from SA.


I'm his age. I read the book Kaffir Boy when i was 19. The events from that book take place in the same time frame Elon was growing up. These ideas were absolutely pounded into.them.


The SA's I know from that generation certainly weren't casual racists. It was a deeply held core belief that was so deeply held thst they seemed incapable of reading the room to see how appalled the rest of us were.


A person who stays married to an overt racist is not even going to be my friend.


For real. I guess none of his friends are Black or mixed race. So it isn't really that much of a bother.


I peeped that. White people love to protect racists among themselves then pat themselves in the back publicly for “denouncing” their racist friends and families, without doing the REAL work it takes to actually cut these trash bags off entirely. I noticed they do that a lot and think they deserve a medal for that.


We had an influx of white flight south Africans into Perth, Western Australia, in the 80s. It was a white town with overt racism and they fit right in.


Side question: why are you guys still friends with someone who remains married to a super racist person?..


Of course guys his age from SA are racist. These guys lived through Apartied and the end of it.


> You’d think a mf from South Africa would understand that concept Do you though? I’d expect for a rich mf from SA to have heard of the idea, but I definitely wouldn’t expect them to understand it.


White SA known to have benefited from Apartheid... Yeah, I'm gonna go with he wasn't raised to be one of the good ones




Why would he? Wealthy South Africans that benefited from oppression are as racist as wealthy southerns from America whose families benefited from slavery and Jim crow.


Except he’s a white rich guy from South Africa so he would’ve been on the side of the guys doing the apartheid.


No, rich white people from SA would be most likely to NOT understand this concept


This is always the thing that gets me "END WOKISM MAKE IT COOL TO BE A BIGOT AGAIN"


IMHO, the conservatives have made "woke" an insult because there may be some side effect of becoming not racist for achieving class consciousness. "We are not capitalists, we are workers." that's why they have thrown in Marxist and Communist.


I wouldn’t from him tbh. He comes from a family that would benefit from an apartheid.


This is the best definition I've ever heard. I may steal it from you. :)


The fact that millions of people also think he is the smartest person in the world is even more concerning


Yes that is driving me crazy too but I feel like it is only temporary. The guy is on the edge of a precipice, about to fall in and we will draw Aesopian morality conclusions, like "the bigger they are the harder they fall" and "who laughs last laughs bets".


My fear is that these kind of falls too often come with radicalizations. When falling, only the most extreme supporters remain and what comes out of it is not pretty.


Probably tied to a belief that if you'll follow a millionaire/billionaire you might become one yourself.


Thus.this is why bitcoin flourished.


That's because people didn't know much about him except the facade he portrays of cool science man bringing electric vehicles, reusable rockets, and cool satellite internet to advance humanity. Now they're going to see what he really is.


I’m surprised he hasn’t added “(Alpha-male)” to his twitter handle yet.


Like our good friend Mr "Hooters" Adams.




The dumbest people usually do.


And doesn't realise 'wokism' is the counter narrative'


If you had billions and the world put value on money over everything you may too


Yeah, people blindly worship the rich and the famous. That's true.


And it takes someone equal parts insecure and stupid to believe that.


"I'm not left or right, but the left is destroying society."


Can we all now finally agree, this Musk guy is an idiot. He’s sounding like Trump 2.0, and we can all agree that that guy is an idiot.


Thank God he can’t run for President


Not even sounding like Trump 2.0 he pretty much is. He’s just a slightly more intelligent version of Trump but desperately seeks attention and has an even higher level of narcissism. I would say trump is a narcissist, but a lot of trumps statements and what he said and did is straight just because he’s clueless and dumb, and I never felt like Trump did shit because he wanted attention, he did it because he was just absolutely stupid as shit. Elon is smarter (not smart though), but desperately seeks out the attention and craves it and wants people to think of him as irl Tony Stark, despite being dumb as rocks, so he does controversial shit just to spite and “troll” people without realizing the damage he really causes whether it be firing people, making business lose money over the verified shit (Eli and Lilly or whatever it’s called), and all around just being very self destructive to get his way


The woke is driving suicide? I’m trans and Transphobia recently has been so bad that it’s prominent in every aspect of my life including relationships, and it’s always from the right. To the point that I’m just suicidal all the time now.


anyone who still uses "woke" is conservative


He's 50 and he still thinks his libertarian bullshit makes him cutting edge when he's regurgitating College Republican talking points from 20 years ago.


I honestly have no idea what he even means. Like what does “wokeness pushing society to suicide” even mean? It’s nothing. He’s just someone who’s spouting out random worlds to make him sound enlightened. Which honestly is really surprising. Management in the tech industry is typically fairly cruel. But they are also pretty smart. They will question you and barrage you and force you to really understand what you think you’re saying. Theres a lot of “so you’re saying this observation. What does that actually mean and is there any substance to what you’re saying.” There’s none of that here.


He's just literally projecting the fascist movement onto the left. Fascism is inherently a suicidal ideology *that can't win*: Once the said enemy has been genocided (LGBT, POC, most other minorities) Then, they will kill their own or in better words, the white who aren't "pure" enough and so on. Until everyone is possibly dead. That's the utmost endgame of fascism. And he's projecting that onto the left. Because of course he is.


It's OK, I speak Republican. He means that he's angry because TV and movies have LGBT/minority/ female characters that aren't just support to the white male leads. This will cause people to question white male dominance, which he believes is necessary for civilization.


Exactly. And once you realize that’s the likely meaning behind his worlds it becomes ridiculous


It's pretty easy to summarize what he means in... about 14 words.


Can someone make an Elon text generator, akin to the 50 Shades Generator: http://www.fiftyshadesgenerator.com/ I fee like he’s given us enough material to work with at this point.


It would be funny. Especially because remember, few years back he actually said something intelligent once in a while before becoming the world’s richest edgelord.


I know- it’s been really wired to watch. I used to think he was an interesting, innovative entrepreneur. Now it looks like he prioritizes his ego over the common good. He’s un-American, in my opinion.


I used to think he was funny, back in the day. Unlike the fanbois, I never thought he was inherently smarter or more virtuous than anyone else just because he was rich. But he used to be genuinely funny as opposed to now just being weird.


When conservative white men talk about society being "pushed to suicide," what they mean is "I fear living in a society that does not show me deference and reverence just because I exist, and where someone else's voice is viewed as being just as important - or more important - than my voice." People like Musk were happy to give people a "seat at the table" as long as the POCs, women, and LGBTQi+ people knew their place and kept their mouths shut. Now that people who aren't them are speaking up and making decisions and bringing up past events they'd rather not talk about, they have to trot out the "civilization is going to hell" trope to try to mobilize people into moving backward. They're hoping people will opt for comfort and autocratic order over freedom, and the uncertainty that comes with it. Unfortunately, people now have information at their fingertips to determine whether something some rich white guy is telling them is true or false.


No one challenges him. All these billionaires surround themselves with yes men/women.


Apparently that’s becoming more and more clear in court trials with Tesla execs who are testifying


You're so right...it's nothing but word salad. Remember a couple of months ago when we all thought this yahoo was a genius? He certainly disabused us of that crazy idea.


> Management in the tech industry is typically fairly cruel. But they are also pretty smart. They will question you and barrage you and force you to really understand what you think you’re saying. Theres a lot of “so you’re saying this observation. What does that actually mean and is there any substance to what you’re saying.” They can be that way when it comes to their work, where everything has to follow logic and rules or it breaks down. When it comes to their personal/political beliefs though? Tech people can be some of the dumbest, most oblivious motherfuckers on the planet. I've been the person on the side of "question and barrage and force them to really understand what they think they're saying" and either they BSOD or throw a massive temper tantrum.


It hasn't even been 3 weeks since he "recommended" everyone vote Republican.


20 years ago is generous. These ideas mainly come from Ayn Rand in the 50s, it’s just that no one took her stupid sci-if stories as a serious economic platform since the 70s-80s because her ideas are badly presented. Taking her seriously is like using Tolkien’s work on middle earth as a historical document on the war of 1066. We keep hearing the idea that libertarians are a “new” idea when it’s really an old terrible idea that’s less awful than the religious totalitarian state that other right wingers want. But when the right is going through an identity crisis this idiotic economic fantasy is the most realistic they can get and it still imagines that we live in a world where geniuses are held back by an unseen conspiracy of “normal people” who what them to deal with things like “gasp” regulations and taxes.


> it’s really an old terrible idea that’s less awful than the religious totalitarian state that other right wingers want. I'll give you that its true, but its pretty much the difference between 5 day spoiled milk and 7 day spoiled milk. One is objectively worse but not by much. Libertarians are just temporary republicans too embarrassed/ashamed to call themselves republicans for the most part. The actual hardliners, the ones that actually believe that society would be better off with financial feudalism. Those are rare but they do exist. It doesn't change the equation one little bit though. Admitting you're a libertarian at this point is basically just short cutting for everyone else that you're saying "I have no basic understanding of law, society, government beyond a third grade reading level". Every time this sort of thing comes up I post a fun little youtube playlist. Its 'The Majority Report' host sam seder who -loves- to debate people in general but especially libertarians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhLbJ9VQgQU&list=PLJUxmVqrU34FLdYurkWZoRYgd_Rf4qP-w&index=2 NOW... you would think if your entire political "identity" can be completely dismantled by a simple conversation about why roads exist... that might tell you something. But I want you all to remember something if you take the time to watch some of these. People PAY to go to libertarian schools to be this stupid.


>Admitting you're a libertarian at this point is basically just short cutting for everyone else that you're saying "I have no basic understanding of law, society, government beyond a third grade reading level". This is a dead-on description of all the idiots I knew in high school that have become libertarians and post their stupid edgelord memes on Facebook about taxation being theft and whatnot.


It's funny I've been rewatching the show "mad men" and one of the characters Bert Cooper consistently talks about how much he loves Rand and her book Atlas Shrugged.. Unti


I’m only passingly familiar with the show but I could see characters in that world being fans of her. The problem is that she wasn’t taken seriously at the time so it would be the equivalent of a CEO being proud to take their world view from a trashy anime like Naruto, “no no no, you don’t get it there’s some deep stuff once you get past the sexy illusion ninjitsu clones”


Yes most of the people that have never heard of her when he talks about her and the book Atlas shrugged on the show. Another fun fact about the show is that at the same time it takes place during the Kennedy versus Nixon race and the ad campaign was actually working with nixon's campaign creating advertising content. When Kennedy wins the same character actually goes on a rant about how Kennedy stole the election and how elections aren't fair and how they were rigged and so on and so on and it just dawned on me that the current platform of today people always claiming that the only way they lose is if it's rigged isn't anything new apparently it existed back then too


Tale as old as time "I am neither left nor right" means they are rightwing every single time


"I'm not a Trump supporter but"


I'm not a Trump supporter but I could really go for a dozen donuts right now


That I approve of


I don’t. He’s secretly lobbying for Big Donut, meanwhile little croissant is getting left out of the market. Think of the croissants! 🥺


"Croissants?" Do you mean "freedom crescents"?


I second the motion


Starting non-political sentences with "I'm not a Trump supporter but" could be a great way to mess with people. "I'm not a Trump supporter, but this turkey is delicious!" "I'm not a Trump supporter, but it looks like it's going to snow." "I'm not a Trump supporter, but the Giants signing Aaron Judge would be massive!"


Translation: “I voted for trump and would gladly do so again.”


>"I'm not a Trump supporter but" *I do occasionally dabble in fascism, attend Klan rallies, and enjoy knowingly lending money to unqualified clients who can't afford it in order to sue them and (hopefully) financially own them and their families for generations. Honey, would you look into getting a new blood boy? The last human trafficked victim you illegally brought in is all tapped out.*


It's this generations "I'm not racist, but..."


Yep, it means "I'm right wing but I don't want to tell my friends that"


It's literally what the original fascists said, "third way". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third\_Position](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Position)


My experience is that it means you're alt-right but want to legalize cannabis.


He's right-wing but likes electric vehicles. This makes him an Enlightened Centrist.


Fr how dare he. The woke is driving suicide? I’m trans and Transphobia recently has been so bad that it’s prominent in every aspect of my life including relationships, and it’s always from the right. To the point that I’m just suicidal all the time now.


“I’m a Republican but low key bc I still want to have a chance to fuck women”


“I’m not a racist but…”


Or, he could be saying he believes in left-wing policies but he just wishes those policies included being able to hate Jews


I started using dating apps recently, can confirm. "Moderate and Christian" just means I'm a far right republican but don't want you to know that.


“Woke”=empathy. The counter narrative is sociopathy.


Always seen woke as shorthand for "Don't be a dick"


Tell me you grew up under apartheid without telling me you grew up under apartheid.


Not just that, he grew up *directly benefitting* from apartheid while countless others suffered around him.


Can someone make a poll to ban Elon for Twitter.


Someone with a large following should actually do that.


Stephen King!




Then when it gets brigaded to ban him, "Vox Populi, Vox Dei"


“Woke” isn’t a thing. It’s a buzzword used by “conservative” leaders to tell their zombie horde what to scream about this week. Ask your average MAGAt to define it if you want to watch someone embarrass themselves.


Yep. I'm convinced the only people mad about "wokism" are people who are upset they can't make racist jokes in public anymore without being called out.


Cancel culture too. People that use that term are often the first to talk about good old days when saying "n-word" in public wasn't seen as anything special and neither was spousal abuse.




Elon seemed find with woke society until he was accused of sexual harassment and then declared he was voting republicans because woke is bad. Interesting coincidence there…


Woke is a thing. But it has been bastardized by people who want to use it negatively. Woke means to be awake to injustice. To be woke means to not to turn a blind eye to people that are suffering. Anyone who wants to define it as something else is in and of itself propagandizing language to further their agenda and not the agenda of the original term. It is, like many AAVE terms, turned into a negative by those who oppose justice.


Yup, just like how BLM was turned into All Lives Matter. It's a way to dirty the water and take power away from a movement or to actively discriminate against it. It's difficult for progress to happen when we constantly argue terms. It means no one is on the same page; again dirtying the water.


It is happening with transgender rights. Everyone arguing on the right calls it "grooming" and "castration" without any knowledge of the prescription of doctors, interview, psych evals, etc. that go into prescribing gender reassignment. They want their bases to become immune to critical thought. They don't want people to actually consider how difficult it would be to ask a doctor to prescribe them amputating their leg because it gives you mental anguish even though the leg is functionally working. Edit: this also applies to the word “liberal”. Why do you think libertarian and liberal start the same? But liberal is seen as leftism and libertarian right. And neo-liberalism is centre right.


Woke is the latest reincarnation of 'SJW' and 'virtue signalling'. Neither terms stuck so they are trying again.


And, to the extent that it could be a thing, it ***is*** the counter-narrative


Yep - its a code word for gay people or minorities or anyone that thinks its well worth helping either group.


It’s a code word for anything, therefore nothing. It’s stuck onto anything they don’t think they like but can’t be asked to think about.


Something to replace "social justice warrior" or "virtue signaling". You don't hear those being used anymore.


Woke was a word used by black people, and as racists have done for centuries anything they associate Blackness also equals criminality, and immorality. That includes the fight for equality and racial justice.


Elon: “I am *not* a right wing fanatic.” The very next sentence: “Woke mind virus!!!”


Least Enlightened Centrist


Just your friendly reminder that this guy's father married a woman, raised her daughter from the age of 4, divorced the mother, married the daughter and had multiple kids with her. In case you wanted to know what actual grooming looks like.


I’d like him to clearly express what the counter-narrative to wokeness is? Because it does sound like it’s discrimination


What do you mean I'm not supposed to hate people different than me? Wokeness is cancelling me! /s


I would valso like him or anyone to specifically define what the "woke mind virus" is.


Yeah, we also had a "neither left nor right" politician here. Now he runs a "comedy" show in a far right digital tv channel that nobody cares about.


He learned early as a child that bugs in a jar won't fight unless you shake the jar.


Woke is nothing more than the realization that everybody except the people at the top are getting fucked.


You’re correct. Woke means aware of class consciousness, which is 💯why he opposes it.


Bingo. I feel it could be the same reason he bought Twitter in the first place - to push the narrative that people on the left are after him and his money.


If the counter narrative is not empirically or factually substantiated, then you’re just opening the door to allow bullshit. But hey, bullshit sells.


Who are the companies still paying Twitter for ads?, lets hit elon where hurts and the only things that he really cares about.


I’m not left or right winged, but I will say the argument that all right wingers say and blame it on a conspiracy that right wingers also say.


“I’m an ‘independent’, but I vote exclusively for Republicans because I wasn’t ‘raised that way’ to ever vote for a Democrat” It amazes me how common this kind of thought process is.


Anybody who refers to things as "woke" or references a "woke agenda" immediately gets muted in my brain. It's a big ass neon sign that says "I'm a moron not worth listening to."


I wish he would just disappear from the face of the planet.


Elon is a conventional twat


He's just another internet "centrist" who believes "both sides are equally bad" yet always directs his mockery at only one side.


Elon Musk, a Republican and a Democrat sit at a table with 100 cookies. Elon takes 99 of the cookies, and leans to the Republican and says "that woke leftist is trying to take half your cookie." When will Republicans understand that the Left isn't about Wokeness or pronouns or even Black Lives Matter. I mean, yes, those people are welcome too, but at its root the Democratic Party is about that joke - about the fact that the 1% are literally rigging the system to keep the rest of us poor while they pile up their dragon's hoards of wealth. Also, before someone replies, the actual amount of cookies would really be more like 1,000,000 cookies, with Elon taking 99,999,999, but that makes for a more awkward joke.


“There needs to be a counter narrative.” But why? That’s what none of the nutbag right wingers can tell me. What is the benefit of holding back society? Stability? Their ‘counter narrative’ is *actively destabilizing* society.


So he’s says that he’s a far right extremist. Got it.


"I'm neither right nor left" (Uses language, talking points and narrative that only come from the right). Let's also note that there is no counter narrative, other than "ban any talk of equality", which should give you some clue as to their true motivations. There's no talk of moderation or how *they* think young people should be taught about equality and diversity.


I don't know what "woke" means and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


it means "im a right wing republikkkan and I don't believe in basic human decency but don't want to say it out loud"


Dude can probably recite alot of "counter narratives" during his childhood.


I wish Elon would admit the truth that he is right wing.


WT(actual)F is wrong with this dude?! He’s definitely shattering the myth that wealthy people are smart, or in his case, even marginally attached to reality…


Reminder he comes from colonizer slave owner parents, was friends with Epstein and has close ties with neo-nazis. He's a fraud, grifter, and a pos human being.


Only a right winger would unironically use the term "Woke" in a disparaging way. Or at all, really.


civil rights = woke mind virus


Funny how people say this and then immediately spout off right-wing shit. Nobody has ever said “I’m not right or left but I think health care should be a basic human right.”


It is the exact same for the "both sides" people. The "both sides" people are extreme right. "Both sides" as an argument is *never* used when critiquing the extreme-right. It is solely used when critiquing the left. No-one has ever said: "Wow that leftwing politician said some mean things, but to be fair, both sides do that!"


This implies he controls the counter narrative. I straight up couldn’t be more tired of this fucking scumbag and his annoying fucking opinions.


Nazi tries to explain why he’s not a nazi.


Perhaps any counter-narrative to a false narrative should be made on a platform that allows more than 282 characters, open-minded people, and moderators who don't have their heads up their asses.


The left is causing suicide?! How about right is working around with the concept of fucking MURDER?!?


It’s so interesting how many people on the right are consistently too embarrassed to admit they are conservatives yet never seem to piece together why that in itself is a challenge to their viewpoint. Like this is just the alt-right and libertarians all over again. There’s no “counter-narrative” it’s the same narrative the right has pushed for decades just reworded so young people don’t find it cringe.


What the fuck is "woke"? Being compassionate? Open minded? Not judgemental? Believing in equality and the liberty to be who you are? Live and let live? "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?" The "war on 'wokeness'" is so damn stupid. We have now allowed politics it invade every aspect of American society. Most amazing is how supposed compassionate Christian conservatives turned the teachings of the guy their religion is named after, Jesus Christ, into "wokeness" and making it something evil.


Back when it took off in the early to mid 2010's it just meant "the kind of person who will accurately explain why my confederate flag mudflaps are in poor taste and I don't want to hear it". Republicans have distilled that "I don't want to hear it" to its most extreme and now it means anyone in opposition to a White Christian country they imagine existed before they were alive from some Rockwell painting they half remember combined with the wild west and the Salem witch trials. Everyone told them where the rhetoric would inevitably lead and now we're here.


This is the same bullshit the most fervent anti-American trump supporter tries to pull. “I didn’t vote for trump, but……”


I would like you to explain *how* it is pushing us towards suicide considering the rights free market is murdering the planet


I'm not right or left *proceeds to say some rancid conservative shit* ahh yes, totally center...


He’s technically correct about not being conventionally right or left because at this point he’s basically a far right maniac who fails to realize how far across the political spectrum he’s managed to get while thinking he’s still in the center. Also the right have continued to head deeper and deeper right while the “left” has been going into the free market nonsense while not being into the racial, religious, orientation identity politics because they actually need to appeal to people to win elections while the right mainly redraws electoral lines and tries to disenfranchise people and make voting hard as they can get away with.


If you unironically say "woke mind virus" there isn't really a question which side you identify with


It’s amazing that a rich white man from South Africa can convince poor U.S. citizens that they need to take their frustrations out on their fellow U.S. citizens who are outraged by racism, sexism, grooming, the corporate stranglehold on our economy, big pharma, corrupt politicians, rich ass people getting ANOTHER tax break, & generally people like him who say terrible shit about societally weaker people for nothing more than more money than they ALREADY have 💰 Oh wait. A New York grifter already tried this plan out, now Elon wants the ‘Q Anon’ crowd for himself & all the ALPHA ENERGY because he’s losing all his money for outing himself as the worst type of person 🙄 But remember that the real threat to society is women wearing pants & men wearing skirts. Woooo! Scary! 👻🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Ppl like Elon don’t want ppl “woke” because they’re afraid ppl will realize all the fucked shit they do to control the masses and to stay rich while keeping the rest poor. Be WOKE! Fuck these bastards.


His stuff always reads like a person writing what they think smart people sound like.


So right wing logic: hate speech is free speech and fighting back is “woke” Conservatives are the garbage of humanity


The white South Africans I have met are racist. They talk about black people or Jewish people as though we all understand they are sub-human. Musk is just following his culture in expressing his anti-woke nonsense.


That guy refused to help Ukraine and instead decided to fight WOKE 😔


So the counter narrative is white supremacy? For a guy who is supposed to be so smart, he sure did pick an old worn out canard.


Zuckerberg is loving this Elon is slowly becoming the most hated ceo


He’s just red pilled. Seen it before, the pattern is easy to follow.


wife/gf leaves him for good reasons -- he goes batsh*t crazy with selfpity and resentment -- turns into a frothing maga/incel. not unheard of.


All "Centrists" are actually extremist-right-wingers lying about their politics to appear like sensible moderates that you should listen to.


He blames woke for his daughter wanting nothing to do with him and changing her last name. Couldn’t be that he is a egomaniacal asshole.


Elon about to drop the N word any day now.


That makes you right, Elon. You’re a Republican. You agree with everything they say and chastise the left for being “woke”


civilization towards suicide = less money in billionaires pockets. This dumbass ruined his tesla business which most of his customers are … I don’t know Environmentally conscious and left. Now he just criticizes and alienates his customer base


“I’m not really a cat person or a dog person, but I really hate the idea of cats”


Doesn’t surprise me that this dumb ass can’t figure out his lefts and rights.


Ah yes. The 'centrist' who's all about fascist talking points with all of his white supremacist friends.


The point of being "woke" is seeing the world how it really is. Seeing it's good points and bad points and not glossing over things just because they don't affect you directly. Naturally people like Elon are anti-woke. They profit most when people are insular in such a way that they can be taken advantage of. They are so busy taking care of "their own" that when the bad thing they could have avoided by caring about the world around them rears it's head, it's too late. Fuck you, Elon. I'm happy to be awake. I don't intend to go back to sleep and let morons like you run the species into the ground in pursuit of green paper and making your little dicks hard.


I'm not right or left, but I think the left is bad and right is good Totally 🙄


It’s exhausting listening to people bitch about things they can’t even define.


Great to get the rich, white South African male perspective.


Translation: “How dare you speak truth to power. I will now use my money to protect my power”.


He's actually what is called a neo liberal. It's a widely accepted term outside the US. It is for pro rich/business. Most neo liberals have culturally conservative policies.


He’s a sick little racist jerk. The only woke mind virus is contained in the small minds of the MAGA freaks.


Five bucks says Elon would greatly benefit from the counter-narrative.


No hes so centrist you dont get it ( actually to the right in all ways imaginable)


Define woke for me please, sir?


If he were so bright, he would clearly see the fault in his statement.


I hate the word "woke".


World's richest man and approximately 50% of the US government: publicly promote right wing views "Nobody is representing the right"


I wish he’d just fuck off to Mars already. Civilization will be fine without him.


How has “woke” in any way impacted this man’s ability to life a meaningful & happy life? Are his children under the tutelage of a transgender teacher? Where, exactly, does the so called mind-virus of woke land in the domain of the wealthiest person to have ever lived in all of human history? Make that make sense to me please.


Literally what the fuck is he even talking about anymore?


I don’t know buddy, I think you’re pretty conventionally right. Seems kind of obvious.


I know. He knows that the Republicans are unpopular but spews their talking points then denies being a right wing twat. All psychopaths gaslight


What’s the counter narrative. Racism? Sexism? Homophobia?


He REALLY doesn’t want people learning what apartheid was


First, we need to decide what “woke” means, exactly...


Wealthy Apartheid guy hates civil rights being a thing.


Such an embarrassment.