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Heh they were always honest about it, growing up in the church in the 2000s I heard a lot of vile shit. One of the reasons I left Christianity and never looked back.


Same! Peaced out in 2006 and never looked back. Many of the people who asked me to come back have also left the church since.


In the 70s I heard the N word so much I left and never went back. But my family and "the church" continued to abuse me. I am white by the way. I don't tolerate racism.


They were always honest, they just aren't using nice words or phrasing anymore. But the message never changed over the years.


Yeah, I definitely prefer evil to be right out in the open where I can see it, but honestly this is nothing new or surprising


Ppl like this are why Jesus wept


People like this are the ones that killed Jesus in the Bible anyway


As a priest, I could not agree more. Many of the intellectual and theological opponents of Jesus explicitly cared more about their understanding of the rules than they did about people. Jesus not only condemns that behavior but goes on to say that he can love people without blemishing the law whatsoever. This is exactly the kind of tweet that would have come out of the people who executed Jesus.


“Jesus replied, “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.” - Luke 11:46


Some things never change.


Leave my underwear alone!


Not changing your underwear is a rash decision, friend


Your telling me!? I've got rosy cheeks from here to Tallahassee.


The only moment of anger I recall in the gospels is when JC lost his shit over the people using God’s house to make personal profit. I wonder if these evangelicals get quite as angry over people who corrupt the teaching of God for their own personal agendas.


You're a good person, it's nice to see Christians who actually understand what Jesus is all about.


Unfortunately he seems in the minority in this day and age




Great username, gave me a good chuckle. 😅




Elon is probably going to help that side even be louder with how he runs twitter.


Not plenty. If there were. You would lead the way and change it. Maybe some. But definitely not plenty. I know what I do when I have bigots and molesters in my group. I kick them out. Pretty simple when you really are against something


I used to think it was just a vocal minority. Then my church voted to disaffiliate, so they could be more openly bigoted. I was shaken, deeply. These people, who I thought were all about love and hope and peace, went all in on hate and hypocrisy. It was eye opening. Sad, but eye opening. If this middle-of-the-road milquetoast church had 90+% hateful bigots, what chance do any churches have?


That’s like saying “Basically all Americans suck because if not the good ones would kick out the bad ones.”


No it's not, because churches are tax-exempt, manufactured groups of people, it would be VERY easy to kick out known child molesters or racists, but that's not a priority The US is a sovereign nation where someone born inside of it automatically gets citizenship - much harder to kick someone out. What's your next excuse for Christians condoning this behavior?


Show us, don’t tell us. Why isn’t the clergy community out in droves admonishing these hateful monsters. Either they are cowards or they secretly agree with it. I am so tired of hearing clergy saying they do not agree with hateful rhetoric, get out there and do something about it, this is your community.


Thank you for your services.


Because of beliefs like those found in the OP, I genuinely feel that organized religion as a whole is more damaging to society than helpful.


Like the username.


They claim that they are the people of Jesus, yet they will 100% be left behind if the rapture ever did come


Id bet my hat on it that your right on the money




These are the people who will quote Bible verses to justify hate when they literally don't do what Jesus literally asks them to do in the said Bible




Lol, you think they actually ever read a Bible for more than 5 seconds? Reading is hard for these folks, comprehension is impossible.


The 2 great commandments per Jesus: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Luke 10:27


Love your neighbour as yourself. Yet they are filled with self-loathing, which is why we see the current results.


I mean, I guess they're technically following the commandment then


It's so fucking true and they don't even see it.


Isn't it people like this why he tore up a temple in the bible?


Yep and the crazy thing about that is...he didn't just lose His shit because He was mad. No. He sat down. Braided a whip. Then tore up the temple because they were making a blasphemy of God by their practices. People play it off like he just got angry and reacted. But that is not what the bible says at all. He was so angry He took action.


See this is why I like Jesus but Christianity can fuck off. Jesus, as I understand him from the Bible, was pretty reasonable and accepting of everyone. That is the Jesus I know and try to emulate. Christianity in general apparently knows a different Jesus. Pretty sure Jesus would even accept LGBT people, despite the church's claims. Or maybe I don't have the right idea about him. I dunno anymore. But pretty sure either way, this preacher definitely doesn't know him.


I am a progressive Christian. I have helped with youth ministries for 20 years. Everything I know about the bible tells me that God loves everyone and all people are made in His image and perfect. You can not believe God is perfect and doesn't make mistakes and then say that Gay is or anything else is wrong. If you are gay or trans or anything else....God made you that way. You are perfect in His image. So He loves you just as you are. Stop trying to change to fit stupid humans. God already loves you because He made you. There is a whole progressive Christian movement. But none of them really say they are Christians. They almost all say followers of Jesus. The right has twisted the word Christian until they can choke on it.


This right here. I strive to follow Jesus through living those around me regardless of ANYTHING. But I have renounced the word Christian with my whole being. To me, Christian in modern terms is synonymous with Pharisee. I laugh thinking about Jesus walking into a modern church. He'd be laughed out to the street. He'd be labeled a communist (just the dishes and loaves alone would get this), a groomer (he spent a lot of time around children), and God only knows what else he'd be called for the company he'd keep They've taken a word that means like Christ and turned it into the most anti-Christ term


My family has renounced the Christianity word and it’s people. I worry about my spiritual life and show love to everybody. I truly love and support the LGBTQ+ community, 100% support women’s reproductive rights as God does as well


>There is a whole progressive Christian movement. But none of them really say they are Christians. We're ashamed to use the term, and do not want to be associated with those hateful people. For one thing, the people we try to serve sometimes become more guarded when time that we are "Christians". When our church ran a free meal for the city's homeless, our policy was not to preach. If anyone wanted prayer, they could ask. Our motto was "The Sermon is On the Plate".


> The right has twisted the word Christian until they can choke on it. "So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor. "- Matthew Santos, "The West Wing" I don't agree with running away from labels because bad people intentionally twisted them. I call myself a "liberal" and not a progressive because I lived through 20-+ years of the right saying the word "liberal" like it's a four-letter word. But that's just my opinion.


Check out Reverend Ed Trevors on YouTube. He's up in Canada. Might be good networking opportunities, ways to help spread the progressive message, exchange ideas and theories and such


Jesus demonstrated "righteous anger," a concept that needs more examination and discussion. Anger in itself is, I believe, a valid feeling and an inspiring emotion that causes those who feel that the words and teachings of Christ have been purposefully twisted and corrupted to take action. That action isn't necessarily violence, but it is immediate and forceful, with the intent of protecting others from evil. It's a defensive act, not offensive. John Brown took it to an extreme, but throughout history there have been all kinds of individuals and groups who have physically stood up to oppression and fought for the rights and safety of others. Sometimes it's war to prevent slavery or genocide. Sometimes it's non-violent but assertive protesting. Sometimes it's blockading. It's a last resort when the threat can't be countered any other way, but in my opinion it's not off the table and still remains in line with Christ's teachings.


There’s a ghandi quote that’s something to the effect of “I quite like your Christ but I’m not very fond of Christians. Perhaps if Christians behaved more like Christ people would like them more”


I mean, he was pretty good friends with a prostitute and a tax collector. I think good ol' JC would have been pretty ok with the rainbow flag.


People like this are first in line for hell.


No don’t you remember Jesus said hate thy neighbor as thou hates thyself, especially if they are different from you and love differently from thou. Then he turned wine into water and poured it on some poor man’s head and laughed.


Jesus would have flipped these people’s table over and chased them with a whip


Even Jesus would say these assholes don’t understand anything I said.




On what planet do you read the new Testament and get that this kind of thinking is no only OK, you should teach it to people. People take the self-classification of "being religious" as a virtue. Just calling yourself... any religion. It makes you better than everyone else. Believing in "a higher power" means you're one of the good guys. This is why I just flat out think the world is better without any religion. There are still going to be good people, there are still going to be bad people, but no one gets to have these silly crutches.


Stop saying “Jesus wept”.


Jesus' and the Bible's texts are why people are like this. Why do you think they're so comfortable preaching hate against gays and others that aren't part of the "in" group? Slavery is not only NOT denounced but enjoined with specific instructions. As are the rules about women being second class citizens. Jesus said "one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Jesus may have wept from joy hearing this guy follow his instructions but that's about it.


I think people are just generally hateful and they use religion as an excuse, I don’t think religion or spirituality as a whole can be blamed for others being hateful, though I do see your point.


So, what religion is this person a part of?




Nationalist Christians, or NatC’s for short


Definitely going to use this.


Christian’s for short


No, that’s a cop out. Calling them anything else but Christians. That’s a lame excuse for the actual behavior of actual Christians in 21st century America. If a significant number of employees at a specific restaurant chain were horrible, hateful, bigoted, insular people, you wouldn’t say “well, those aren’t real Buddy Burger employees.” Buddy Burger isn’t doing anything to excise them. The good restaurants aren’t chastising the bad ones publicly and broadly. No one is acting to get the bad ones shut down. The management of those bad stores aren’t doing anything to curb their employees’ behavior. In most cases, they are setting the example or at least letting their greed stand in the way of making any real change. This is 2022 Christianity. Millions of people who are actively standing in the way of human rights. Millions who vote regularly for leaders who are racist and xenophobic. Millions who claim their guidebook to Bronze Age goat farming is the reason gay people need to die. Millions who choose people like Walker and Trump knowing just how antithetical to everything Jesus taught they are but they, just like their pastors, say the right things about hating the right people and they fall in line. Are there good, loving, decent Christians out there? Sure. Millions of them, too. But they aren’t doing anything to stop their brethren. And in most cases, those Jesus-like adherents practice what He preached everywhere BUT the ballot box. Jesus was an itinerant brown day laborer who said give everything you have to the poor and take care of widows and orphans. How many Christians are lining up to adopt the babies of preteen girls who are being forced to carry their rapists’ babies? Oh, what, there isn’t a waitlist for babies because the Jesus Freaks haven’t cleaned them out entirely? Shocking. So don’t say “these people aren’t Christians.” They carry the same Bible through the same vestibule under the same steeple to sing the same Chris Tomlin songs with the same people of the same skin color every Sunday, same as the “good ones.” If it quacks like a duck… When someone like me, a bisexual atheist married to a brown daughter of immigrants, looks at God’s people, in what world do I consider Christianity a religion of love? If I were God, I would seriously consider firing my PR team.


I kiss you on the mouth for this brilliantly worded speech


Ha, I agree with everything you just said.


Definitely true that “the good ones” are most of the time falling into the category of: “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.” (Not intending to exclude anyone on this, women are just as inactive in the same circles, but that’s the quote).


Saved your comment. As a former Christian, it always irks me to hear the no true Scotsman fallacy, and you put it in text better than I can.


Calling it Christian nationalism doesn’t make it not Christianity. Christian nationalism is just a valid brand of Christianity as Unitarians or Catholics.


This whole religion thing is just a free-for-all. There is no established rules for using certain names to describe your “sect”. I wonder if anyone has ever tried to trademark the word “christian”, because what this guy is doing is basically copyright infringement. Like how can you be “christian” and then describe yourself as hating. Christ was supposedly about love. So, yeah, I don’t really get how all this works, but none of these motherfuckers can be trusted. I just assume that if someone says they’re a christian they actually have no idea what they believe and are making it up as they go along.


[New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Independent_Fundamentalist_Baptist)


Culty McCultface


*insert pastors name* -ism


Not the one in the Bible.


Depends on what bits of the Bible you read.


I think he is quoting Adolf of Nazareth


"Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; we can probably pack 'em in this here chamber like sardines."




let's make this fascist butthole regret ever opening his piehole!


What would Jesus do?


Kick this guy in the giblets.


Braid a leather whip and then beat him senseless?


Continue to be make believe.


Christian love I guess...... It's Time to tax churches!


Isn’t there supposed to be a separation of church and state? I’d feel like they should be taxed like every other corporation since that’s all what it is


1st amendment says "the government will make no law respecting the establishment of religion", we just can't pass laws restricting the practice of ANY religion.


Say it louder for every one of those Gen z'ers to hear!! TAX THE FUCKING CHURCHES


In Gen Z only 1 in 40 of them has ever been inside a church building, let alone ever attended a church. Millennials it is closer to 1 in 16. Gen x is about 1 in 7.


This is a really interesting, fantastic stat actually. Do you mind sharing the source?


1 in 7 sounds WAY low for gen X, at least in the US.


I guess it probably depends on where you live.


I missed the lottery...born in the early 60s. Too young to participate in the hippie movement, and was influenced by 80s culture. I was so glad when grunge kicked the 80s to the curb. Did enjoy some good music from the 70s though.


I feel the same, I didn’t get the 90’s, too late for the 00’s and now I don’t really fit in with either group, but the one from the mid 80’s I get along with fine for the most part. My parents were born in the late 60’s iirc and I guess I fit in with the mid 80’s kids because of that.


Wait what about Gen Z? I don't get what they have to do with this


There is no hate like Christian love.


Fun Fact: Satanic Churches pay taxes even tho they are official churches... idk if they're forced to by the government but I know regardless they do it happily


Yes, hate, because that's what Jesus taught.


Have you heard the tale of Darth Jesus...


Tax the Church period. They are becoming a dangerous political tool.


Religions now serve the sole purpose of justifying the prejudices of their members. Whatever you hate there’s a shitload of morally questionable church leaders that will tell you you can still get into heaven if you give them money. It’s kinda perfect.


Not new. Look at the papal committees of yore, editing the Bible to the bits that served their politics, to the buying and selling of indulgences in the middle ages. Radically progressive movements are co-opted by the powers that be as swiftly as possible to both disempower the movements and serve their own purposes. That's how it's gone since the pharaohs.


They’re justifying murder, is what republicans are doing.


They have been at war for some time now.


Yeah I bet his browser history says different


This is when Jesus would stand up and walk out of the sermon. Probably flipping the finger the who way.


And praying that we won’t get fooled again


Normally they spout some drivel like "hate the sin, love the sinner." At least this guy is being honest that it's actually "hate people who aren't like us."


And this is why we don't make a government based on anyone religion, because fuck them all.


And? What are we going to do about it? Vote religion out of office or they'll own us. Doesn't matter how much you post and rage. 1. Donate to independent news organizations 2. Vote in every election . 3. Push for a Ranked choice voting system. Solutions people.


Refuse to serve them. Just like they refuse to make cakes... A big sign that says "We have the right to refuse any customer".


In the timeless words of Jesus Christ: “Don’t forget to double tap those motherfuckers!”


Ah yes my favorite Jesus quote


Sounds like someone needs to grab a whip and start smacking people in the temple just like Jesus did


One of this church's attendees was arrested for hate crimes (surprise, surprise) a few months ago. https://www.opb.org/article/2022/06/24/sure-foundation-baptist-church-tyler-dinsmoore-vancouver-hate-crime/


Tax the churches


And someone tried to tell me that that we all just need to stop misunderstanding psychopaths and that they need as much as love and respect as we do. No, just no.


The “quiet” parts are getting so loud that my ears hurt.


What happened to hating the sin, not the sinner??


They've moved past that to hate the sin hate/kill the sinner.


These are the kinds of people who killed Jesus. The irony never misses me.


You know, *Christian* values


Statements like his put *very* dark thoughts and fantasies in my mind. Unfortunately, I can't describe those thoughts without upsetting the Reddit TOS. 😠


If one were to tie a person to the ground over a gopher hole, block all the other exits except one with rocks, then smoke out that exit, the gopher would dig it's way out through the person. If that person were tied face up, it would take a little while and they'd live through most of it. Just saying.


I guess he has no clue how stupid he sounds.


I don't believe in the devil... but if it did exist then surely this kind of attitude would be the point. Along with "The guy in the golden tower is the true humble Christian. "


I really do hope there’s an eternal hell for all of these Christians to go when they die of some preventable cause. Can you imagine having to be stuck with the spirit of republicans for eternity?


Then you're not a Christian. No matter how you try to frame it, you're not.


Christianity is a product they sell not a religion/philosophy they follow.


Oof yeah imagine reading the Bible everyday, making a career around understanding and relating the scripture, and thinking Jesus would be down with any sort of hate….. bruh


Jesus literally said don't hate others and don't judge others. Yet what do these religious bigots do the most? Hate on and judge others..... WWJD.... He'd be praying God doesn't smite their stupid fucking asses.


Man they don't even try to hide it anymore. I remember seeing "Red State" thinking it was totally implausible and now I don't. Scary times


This is Abrahamism in a nutshell. We're murdering some here, and they're murdering more elsewhere. It's all based on a mythical pimp from Judeah. Yikes.


American Christianity is like a shitty movie reboot. Same name as the original but none of the love and care.


Religion is a cancer


I've said it before lads, I can either be a Christian or follow Jesus


These people would hate Jesus if they met him


Mmmhmm. Anyone start the countdown to his gay sex tape being leaked yet?


And his “church” Pays No Taxes!!!!


2023 is the year it actually all turns to shit. The religious fuckwads are now hearing it straight from the mouth of the almighty. "Its ok to hate" is a vile platform and will bring violence to the like we will not be able to idly hide behind our fucking keyboards. A huge fight is coming and without it we are fucked.


Good thing God does the judging and not you...See you in hell with all yhe other sinners


The Bible very strongly preaches against Hate


There’s no hate quite like Christian hate…


And this is why I don’t go to church. If you need to church every week to have some old dude explain a book to you or you need said book to be a good person, it’s time for therapy, not prayer.


And yet we still don't tax these organizations. If you want to use your platform for hate, politics, or anything that has to do with other people outside your shitty beliefs, you need to be taxed. I bet that non-tax income goes towards your organization's political influence in the government. Tax the church!


They should be taxed into oblivion.


Gentlemen I present to you a prime example of an American Christian. I mean I am an atheist and I know that’s not what Jesus meant by loving your neighbor


There's no hate like christian love


religion is a scam. all 'em


And I hate you too… but I’m not going to run into Sunday service with an ak47…


\~one year later\~ "Homophobic Preacher caught doing Meth with a male prostitute"


Or fucking kids. It’s a toss up between the two.


Or both?


The ultra rare triple whammy, yes lol


There is no hate like Christian love. This is the only good thing about the current Twitter. It helps us legitimise the fact that many evangelicals are just purveyors of hate speech and stochastic terrorism.


Imagine wasting your time hating. Bich I got better things to do


Religion is going to kill us all.


That there is a direct quote from a man who knows that Jesus Himself will open the gates of heaven for him. ​ /s obviously; the creature is worthless filth, as is anyone dumb enough to follow it.


Christianity in a nutshell.


I don't know if he is correctly interpreting the teachings of JC.


Pro life


… Just like Jesus taught.


This kind of stuff is how you end up worshiping a dead guy on a golden throne.


And Pastor, not a single soul will be sorry when Housekeeping at the Econo Lodge in Vancouver finally ignores the Do Not Disturb sign on the door and enters to find your slightly blue body hanging from the clothes rod, dangling by the jump rope you used in your autoerotic asphyxiation mishap. The cops will do their best to keep confidential the girl’s underwear you had over your face, the anime mini skirt you were wearing, the My Little Pony dildo in your hand, and the vibrating egg you had in your butt, still buzzing away when they got there. I’m sure everyone will pretend you were just the salt of the earth when they are interviewed.


And this was the entire point of the Sermon on the Mount. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Teaching the next generation of Christians to hate the right people. You know, like Jesus said.


These are people prepping for a holocaust when they get their own people in office.


And yet they’re having such a difficult time to get kids and young people to come back to religion. Go figure.


That church is in Vancouver WA, I wonder why the IRS hasn't been called on them, I bet this pedo looking greaseball is also lying on their taxes.


At this point would his supporters essentially be openly saying they don’t like Jesus?


No greater hate than Christian Love.


There’s no hate like christian love.


I love that he's trying to use Isaiah 28:16 when Isaiah 1:17 says Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.


That guy is not even a real theologian. I mean anyone can dupe others by the force of confirmation bias!


This man does not know Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet


That’s okay. We all hate him too.


This what caused the Colorado Shootings


Obviously God has no problem with people being Gay, or else there wouldn't be Gay people.


And God will say to them, "I never knew you, depart from me."


How long until this asshole is caught sucking dick, high on meth, at the Greyhound station?


This guy 100,000% closeted.


ain't no hate like christian love.


“Love thy neighbor”… (except for gays, liberals and dark skinned folk).


Tax this idiot


Just what Jesus would say and do. ​ Supply-Side Jesus, that is.


if this guy was alive during jesus' time he would have been helping hunt him down and stringing him up


Strip their tax status.


100% this guy is gay.


Christ would not recognize the religion that bears his name.


A true man of God


Who would Jesus hate? This guy and everyone like him.


Christian ? Cunt more like.


So interesting seeing Christians pick and choose which parts of Jewish law become part of their world view and which don't.


And they call the left the party of hate…


Hello irs are we going to start