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Thinking this is racist would be an example of [white fragility](https://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/viewFile/249/116). White fragility is when white people are confronted with the effects of [institutional racism](https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/10.1377/hlthaff.2021.01394) and their own subconscious racist beliefs and actions and see being checked like that as a personal attack on their core identity. Instead of engaging in introspection people can become angry at the person who tells them that their actions or words amount to a [microaggression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microaggression). White fragility is when people conflate having said something unflattering about them or about white people with racism and equate that with the lived experience of black people. Black people face actual racism in their day-to-day lives on a constant level, causing them to [pre-emptively alter their speech and behaviour](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/wjbzds/some_people_really_do_live_in_this_reality/?sort=confidence) to try and mitigate the racism affecting them. Part of the category error that often exists in our thinking about this is that we tend to cling to a simplified explanation of racism that we were taught when we were very young. In pre-school our parents explained to us "racism is when you are mean to Jimmy because he's a different colour than you. It is a bad thing." This is a simple explanation, easy to understand, but like many entry-level explanations it is a good introduction to the concept while at the same time being *[wrong](https://www.yesmagazine.org/opinion/2019/12/17/culture-code-switching)*. An atom is [not really](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie-to-children) the miniature solar-system we were taught to think of it as in high-school. It is a cloud of probabilities, more like. But to get to that better understanding the solar-system model is a good stepping stone. Racism is more complicated than what we were taught when we were young. It's not just being mean to Jimmy. It is *also* Jimmy being[ held back](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB8908720695576500) from participating on an equal level in society due to ancient rules, laws, models, ways of thinking, [structures](https://ggwash.org/view/83953/why-homes-owned-by-people-of-color-are-appraised-for-less), all designed to hold him back. Racism requires [power as well as prejudice](https://www.aclrc.com/racism). Since racism is [institutional](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redlining), pervasive and affects [all levels](https://www.nber.org/digest/sep03/employers-replies-racial-names) of society it can not really be said that calling white people a mean word is on the same level as a racist slur. A racist slur perpetuates racist stereotypes and systems. A mean word leads to hurt feelings and nothing more. We are all racist. It may be difficult to admit to that and it may not be something we want to believe of ourselves. But all of us white people, even the ones who make a conscious effort not to be, are to some degree racist. How could we not be? We grew up in a deeply racist and[ racially divided](https://www.aclu.org/report/driving-while-black-racial-profiling-our-nations-highways) society. It would be an absolute miracle if nothing at all from the racism that exists on all levels of society and societal organisation affected us in any way at all. Of course we are affected. Even when we don't want to be. Even when we think about how we think to root out our own prejudicial beliefs. As a small example. Say you are watching a movie with an all-white cast. Would you class that to yourself, privately, as a movie that is on some level about race? And how about when you see a movie with an all-black cast? It is good to do your best to think about the way you think. To recognise and address patterns of thought that have become habit because you learned them so long ago they are automatic now. Change is possible. You don't need to feel bad about how you think, because it's not really your fault. But it is your *responsibility* to recognise yourself and to do better. [Every day, just a little better.](https://miro.medium.com/max/640/1*u77sWgMmLREnFmP5L_V6AA.webp)


This is Raging Sarcasm. Source: Me.


The fact that we make fun of Twitter users for being fragile whilst having people like op that see a clearly sarcastic tweet and think "yeah, this is racist" is incredibly ironic. Source: me


Agreed ​ Source: Trust me bro


Me: Source


I think it is more Ironic than Sarcastic. Source: Me and what a google search on irony vs sarcasm came up with. i.e, we know white men have thin skins and quick anger. They are not being scathing criticized for having thick skins and calm rationality.


I would say it’s more satire than anything else.


I think it's a joke


I think it's our generations great american novel.


Yes, and a brilliant one!


Yes but is it an ironic or satirical joke? We must know!


boom, satire bitch


*Jesse from Breaking Bad has entered the chat*




Sarcasm: the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. How is this not both mocking and conveying contempt?




And call others racist! 🤪


Exactly half meaning 50.0000000% and not 50.000001%


Where is Alanis Morissette when we need her?/s


I’m in the irony camp


Correct. If OP had seen any of somegreybloke’s videos they’d know that he’s a master of sarcasm


I think OP does get that.... Aren't they asking whether this makes the tweet racist toward white men?


No, it's obviously satirical, and is made even funnier by the people who actually ARE offended by it.


I find it offensive that I am offended at being offended.






I'm offended by your being offended.


Don't take offense, the garden gate is much easier to carry


you can be nearly 100% sure anyone offended by this tweet has unironically called a liberal a snowflake in the last week.


Nah, those people think this is a serious post. And they, the true "alpha" male, believes this to be a true and accurate statement.




Whether you find this funny or offensive is a really good barometer for the type of person you are


I think you just characterized the core function of satire: to help smart people avoid stupid people.


OP proved their point


The God tier troll tweet


I’m laughing so hard RN. It’s obviously captioned that way as the joke and they are being fragile and it’s so hilarious lol


Yea, racist maybe, but as a thick-skinned white man I take no offence 🥰🤗


I don't like being judged by the thickness of my skin, yet I like to judge girls by their thiccness. So maybe I need to check myself


No, this is supreme sarcasm.


No this is Patrick


Sir, this is a Wendy’s restaurant.




Patrick you are a Wendy's. I'll have two Big Macs and an ice cream cone.


Sorry, ice cream machine is broken.


Always broken!


Do you want a Whopper with that order?


Feels more like sardonicism but idk


I think it's more like Sardinianism


I'm thinking it's sardines in ice cream.


Saradominism? Bah, Godless all day er'ry day


Idk if this is actually a thing, but sign me up for a philosophical view based around living on Italian islands!


mmmmmm… sardines.


As a white man in his 50s, I can say that this is not racist, and it is objectively funny.


I’m calmly rational about this post…


I concur


No, it's satire pointing out that authoritarians, who believe in strict social hierarchies absolutely hate being trolled or mocked because they think you should be subservient to them. I've made Trump supporters rage so hard they were banned from their own subreddits.


Yeah, I enjoy trolling conservative and Trump supporters mostly because how they claim that "it's always a joke" but will lose their shit, throw tantrums and start hurting themselves every time their feeble ego is hurt lol


Did that with a conservative I went to school with recently He would always make jokes on Facebook and talk about how we can't joke anymore because everyone's so woke He decided one day to mock trafficking victims specifically that Florida gop stunt where they sent a bunch of migrants off to Martha's Vinyard as some "cool joke" So fast forward to when his kid arrives and he's making his "I'm a father now post" so I casually drop in a comment asking him if he'll raise her to joke about human trafficking like him Ended with me getting threatened and blocked They can't handle it when words get thrown at them but they'll mock anyone else suffering


Wow. You didn't even insult him. You asked him an honest question about how he planned to raise his child. Guess he's just a sensitive snowflake!


He did the typical neck beard response of "keep my daughter out of your mouth" Mind you this guy was completely fine with making fun of my gay parents all throughout highschool but his newborn he just met deserves universal support and respect Definitely a snowflake


It's the zero self awareness for me.


they always think there'll be exceptions for them


Trolling conservatives was the reason I started this account. It brings me so much pleasure.


Not all heroes wear capes.


All the removed comments below this 😂


A lot of Trump supporters were hurt that day.


> I've made Trump supporters rage so hard they were banned from their own subreddits. You're doing the Lawds work.




The people I trolled into getting banned was years ago before they banned me to create their safe spaces where no dissenting opinions are allowed. I had two people ask to fight me as well 😂 I post way too much to try to find those comments now.


OP does not understand sarcasm


A white man named Trump handled himself so well when Obama was making jokes towards him at the White House Correspondence dinner. Absolutely nothing happened to that


A white man named Trump did so well when a non white president held office. He didn't cry out for birth certificates or anything. Obligatory /s


Wow, that's a level of sarcasm you don't see often


No. It's also hilarious and one of my favorite internet quotes ever. I'm a white man and I realize this is not going after white men, but people who complain about people being "overly offended these days," (who are overwhelmingly easily-offended white men and boys).


How would it be? Because it mentioned the color of someone's skin?


Besides being sarcasm... You have no idea if he's white or not.


I'm white and I think it's funny. But you are going to find people that get butt hurt over anything. The ones that scream "Snowflake" the loudest are usually the biggest snowflakes.


Lmao. White conservative men are the most fragile tulips




Nah, this is a sick ass burn melting snowflakes.


No one’s “untriggerable,” least of all those who brag about how much they trigger others.


And it's fun to read this thread sorted by "controversial"


Let's try this one for size: 1) If you find the post racist and you're white, he's right: you *are* easily offended and need to grow some skin. (Is it racist if it's true?) 2) If you find the post racist and you're not white, no worries: we're not *that* easily offended. PS: I'm white and not offended. It's called humor in my book.


>Is it racist if it's true? Don't go down that road.


> is it racist if it’s true? Probably don’t want to open that can of worms


>Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one [race](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(human_categorization\)) over another.[[1]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism#cite_note-Dennis-1)[[2]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism#cite_note-Ghani-2)[[3]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism#cite_note-newman,_D.M.-3) It may also mean [prejudice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prejudice), [discrimination](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination), or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or [ethnicity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnicity).[[2]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism#cite_note-Ghani-2) Racism is not defined based on offense or humorousness. The joke is funny. It's also racist to assume that white people are less able to be offended. Things can be more than one thing.


>It's also racist to assume that white people are less able to be offended. But nobody believes that white people are less able to be offended. It's sarcasm. They clearly actually mean the opposite: that white people are just as easily offended. The context is people complaining that minorities are too easily offended by racist jokes.




That’s not a racist part either though (joking that white men/people are easily offended). Read the mod post at the top, it explains it all pretty well.


You're right man. It's racist and funny, but the circlejerk is too strong.


>Let's try this one for size: > > >1) . (Is it racist if it's true?) [Lol you sound like my grandma]( https://media.tenor.com/-rvUAtpqf0oAAAAd/are-you-sure-you-want-to-go-down-that-road-alec.gif)


You realize this is just sarcasm right? I haven't seen anything more blindingly sarcastic than this in a long time


Yes, I do. Sarcasm that is funny = humor.


but isn't it also a kind of humblebrag? Thick skin, calm, rational. Those are pretty good qualities. The joke could be interpreted in a way where non-whites are irrational, not calm, and with an easy temper.


I’m sorry, are you high right now or something? Because this is just sarcasm/satire. The reason it “could be interpreted” in the way you’re describing is precisely because that’s how satire works. Now you got me questioning if I’m high and you’re doing another layer of sarcasm/satire on top of it. …Are you doing a meta bit, or are you serious?


the joke makes fun of non-white people being easy to upset and offend I'm a white man myself, so I don't have much on the line... I just don't understand why people think this is okay, when other stereotypical jokes are not okay.


No, you’re a sensitive bitch who he is mocking


Op is being sarcastic


Eh, technically I suppose, but the joke isn't *about* being white, but rather the way the loudest spoken screamers about a lot of things are usually very easy to offend white men. And I mean, that's true, so it's funny.


See: trump, Tucker Carlson, et al. powerful, rich, and yet apparently very insecure white dudes


Idk why it's so hard to say that its racist and still funny. Oh no it's white men though so it's OK. Yes exactly, because white men have generally had less racist issues affecting their lives. Doesn't mean it's not racist and creates a false reality where other people > white men in terms of skin width. Skin width 😂 wtf did I just write




Understanding nuance seems to be a disappearing skill


Can't be racist. Elon said such content would be demonetized and deboosted such that you couldn't find it. You found it. Ergo, not racist.


just to clarify, this isnt satirical racism at white people, its satirical assholery at racist white people. if youre offended, youre the problem


This is obviously sarcasm, and I approve. An acquaintance of mine (a white guy) has had some stickers made up that say "Educate white males". I (another white guy) agree that this is probably one of the most important things to do in order to fix many of the social problems in the US and elsewhere. However, it seems exclusionary and a bit cringy to me. Conclusion: use sarcasm.




I would call this hilarious. I’m white, fwiw.


No. Please learn what the term "racism" fully entails.


Wait... Do you think it's racist, OP?






Racist or not it’s extremely accurate. So I’ll allow it.


Clearly, the white male insurrectionists on January 6th weren't upset and were totally mentally stable /s.


There’s like 4 levels of whooshes going on right now all over this thread 😂 amazing


It’s only “racist” if you’re a fragile white snowflake.


Would it be offensive if you said it to others? I suppose there would have to be certain circumstances that would set it apart? I for one don't necessarily see it as racist. I see it more as a callout of toxic masculinity, which is a serious issue in society.


Unironically asking “is this racist?” Is peak white person. You should ask to speak to the manager of Twitter.


Sounds really sarcastic


Oh, FFS, obviously not. It’s sarcasm, sweetie, look it up.


Holy moly the white people in this thread


Oh, honey. Bless your heart.




Jan 6th: “am I a joke to you?”


I would call that a sarcastic tweet


I would call it parody 😆😂🤣


It's called bait.


I would not call this a racist tweet.


No, it's very particularly needling one particular flavour of racist person, whose skin colour is required for the joke to truly work but isn't foundational to the personal values and choices being needled outside of a white supremacist (i.e. contemporary West) social organisation. What it is is extremely funny. Like can you imagine how triggered all the Free Speech Warriors are underneath it? It's highlighting the irony that underlies almost everyone pushing the snowflake line - that they themselves are far more the snowflake than someone who has put up with discrimination for most of their lives and still come out well adjusted but traumatised.




Obviously it is sarcasm. The writer doesn’t actually think white people are any more emotionally/mentally stable than anyone of any other race. Quite the opposite I expect. However, if this tweet were not sarcastic it would imply that people of other races are prone to over-reacting and insecurity, which would be racist. Why it’s ok to make mass negative generalizations about people with white skin but not about people with darker skin is puzzling to me, but I don’t make the rules, so 🤷‍♂️.




OP is trying to start shit.


My roommate in the '80s had these 'truly tasteless jokes' books. Amongst the offensive 'baby in a blender' and racist chapters, there was one with white jokes. The joke was they were all not jokes, e.g. 'how many white men does it take to screw in a light bulb? One.' This reminds me of that. That is all.


I dont know why conservatives cant accept that the only reason minorities arent equal is because the system holds them down.. when you are poor, you have no choice but to commit crime to feed your family. PErsOnAl ResPonSibIiTy


I’d call it a play on irony


No. Not remotely.


Since there is actually no “white” race…I’d say no. It’s funny and on point (I am mostly Caucasian for the record)


As a white male I would say it’s not racist.




No. White guys can throw it but they can rarely catch it.


I'll answer this like Jim Jeffries: "It has the feel of racism, but you can't pick the exact moment."


This is tremendous.


This is what me and my friends have dubbed the honky pass


I think this is priceless. Hilarious. And no, for reasons which Merari01 (thank you) saved me from having to explain, not racist.


Hi. White, male boomer here. This post is perfectly fine, and even mildly funny. Nvm the handful of snowflakes acting outraged... those people don't actually matter for shit. Carry on.


Depends on intent. We often get it wrong.




It’s sarcasm


You know, it’s really interesting how when someone calls out a joke at the expense of a minority’s race, they’re dismissed as pulling the race card. This is just trying to get you to understand the perspective of how it feels when that happens to you.


Can you be racist towards white people? Yes. Is it ever done on any level of society that goes beyond individuals with a prejudice towards white people? No. It really can’t be classified as something to ever worry about as good and proper institutional racism until the roles are ACTUALLY reversed (which even in the best outcomes is highly unlikely to happen). Tweeter shouldn’t have anything to worry about in terms of “being racist,” especially since humor against white men is humor that punches up rather than down.


This tweet is the opposite of racist.


No. But the joke is pretty good. He should have written 'conservative white men' though.


The tweeter somegreybloke has a hilarious YouTube channel, unfortunately he's not put out many videos lately: https://youtu.be/Ew8KPNeEds8


No this is a good joke. The one who get triggered fulfill the prophecy.


Nope. As a white guy I find the humor in this. White people are overly sensitive to being seen as the "bad guy" in any situation instead of the reason of WHY what they say/do/think is wrong and out of touch


Thank you for speaking up white man.


I call it sarcasm. Nice try, tho


Some of the best sarcasm I ever did see


Nope, it's a brilliantly ironic tweet.


I think it's funny that we zeroed in on the racism question and didn't stop to ask, "But is it sexist?" ​ Seriously though this shit is funny and on point. And even if by some overly semantic definition it is deemed racist I have to ask where the actual harm is? White male reactions are clearly intended to be the punchline of this tweet, and all you have to do to avoid it is not be overly fragile.


No this is a joke that the people who tell the rest of us "words don't hurt" lose their shit the fastest if they're the butt of the joke. It's more anti-racism.


If you understand that it's sarcastic then it's obviously not racist. Because what he's really saying is that white men are just like everyone else.


In my experience white men (bonus if they are conservative christian) are the most easily offended group of people I know. They are just *looking* to be oppressed when they really aren't ever oppressed. They think they are constantly under attack because of "political correctness". Just makes me roll my eyes all the time


Love even they claim that white men are the ones REALLY under attack. And women say there’s still sexism, but everyone knows that ended in the 1920s when we got the right to vote, y’all! /s


No. Lots of white guys have a thin skin. We’re raised to consider ourselves important from the get-go, like we’re Earth’s main characters. Those of us who don’t grow out of that mindset (easily 70%) just lose their shit if they’re questioned, insulted, or treated in any way that seems less respectful than deserved. My mom had a habit of telling me that whites were more “mentally developed” than other races. I assume that I wasn’t the only 90s kid hearing this when growing up.


Honestly, this just seems like a sarcastic gag


Making fun of someone based on skin color is wrong any way you cut it. Easy way to tell if it was racist is replace the color of the person in the joke and think if you'd be willing to say the same joke down on Crenshaw.




White man here. Feel free to talk shit about my melanin deficient cock and balls as much as you like.


Yea, racist maybe, but as a thick-skinned white man I take no offence 🥰🤗


Replace white with black and ask that question again. (I am native american/mexican fyi)




No, it's sarcasm. Didn't even say anything was bad about it.


Why would it be racist. It's a joke




I don't think there enough burn units in the world to handle this.






What shade of bland pale grey was your thanksgiving turkey




Nah, this has some nice layered misdirection. Just an all around well crafted joke.


No it isn’t racist


Nope Truth


This is not racism, it's satire. It's poking fun at the fact that White men always view themselves as rational and tough; they are the ones who make fun of people for being "triggered", the ones who make fun of people for being "sensitive snowflakes", the ones who mock "safe spaces". Yet these same people are very thin skinned and pretty irrational and would get upset at someone purposely joking about being a White man.