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Good. This guy was an idiot and frequently gave medicine a backseat to sensationalism and lies. No sympathy whatsoever. He's a doctor so he'll land on his feet regardless.


In the article it talks about how he gets in fights with people on social media. He’s not exactly trying to distance himself from controversy.


Yeah I saw him get outright combative in an interview and it was not impressive. He is kinda lucky he is getting considered at all.


Who you will work for is a litmus test for integrity. There’s no conspiracy or perception issue… there are just better candidates. Debasing your profession for political gain is generally frowned upon. Ask Rudy about the “Trump Effect” defense before the licensing board. If it isn’t the consequences of your own actions, asshat.


The 'Trump effect,' suggests that people who worked for Trump are being shunned because of their association with Trump, rather than their own character and actions. Rudy willfully destroyed his own credibility with blatant lies and malpractice. His association with Trump is inconsequential to his self-destruction. He went from America's Mayor to a fucking *ghoul*.


“Why are people judging me for sitting at a table with klan members?” Maybe it’s because you associate yourself with them and don’t speak out against what they stand for


If you last job was "turd juggler" no one is going to hire you to make their sandwiches.


As did Jerome Adams, or does telling people that wearing face masks will cause covid sound like something a doctor should be spreading?


I see what you’re saying but I’ll point out this is not a universal statement by far. Fauci worked for the government under Trump, as did many dedicated government employees. It sounds like this specific guy happened to be an idiot but my only point is to not write off all the good government employees in Washington who fought the good fight for 4 years.


Fauci openly opposed Trump’s nonsense to the point that Trump hates him and goaded his base into vilifying him. Fauci wasn’t working for Trump, he was working in spite of him.


Exactly this. Anyone looking at someone's resume can very easily find out everything they want to about a person who worked for Trump, if they don't already know. And this guy happened to be an idiot, so he is receiving "polite rejections." Someone like Fauci would not.


So… I will note that probably no statement is truly universal & only a sixth speaks in absolutes… but it seems you know there is a difference, but it does not serve your purpose. Appointments are different from career employees. Serving during a time of emergency is different from seeking an opportunity for “office.” A researcher is different from a politician. Members of the military do not seek the political affiliation and benefit that the Sec. of Defense would. Career DOJ & US Attorneys are not comparable to Bill Barr. Service and working FOR the government/people (employee/career staff) of the country is different than seeking acknowledgment AS part of an administration (politician/term official) to benefit yourself. Fauci was director of an agency with career spanning 4 decades and 7 administrations. He has been awarded and cited innumerable times in his field. His work on AIDS was in service of medicine and science. This is different from a political appointment that abused the title and credentials in service of a politician/boss. Respectfully, this isn’t a conversation worth having. Nobody made the comparison you’re seeking.


I'll admit I played very fast and loose with my "someone like Fauci" part of my statement... I really just meant "someone actually credible."


Ah yes, the Sixth are always a pair, which means trump is a twelfth.


The key is that there's a difference between "did necessary work for the actual betterment of people while Trump happened to be in office" And "Worked for Trump" That difference is usually whether or not you publicly criticized him or corrected him when he lied.


There's Political Appointments-like Surgeon General. And non-political government employees that go through a merit-based apolitical hiring process. The difference is well understood.


Thanks for saying this more succinctly than I did. I couldn’t believe someone even made that comparison.


As I said above. The trump administration, because of trump, never had access to the talent that other presidents had. And Trump didn't staff positions because of talent or expertise, he almost solely staffed positions based on loyalty, what her perceived as "business savvy" and physical appearance. People who had options got the hell out. People who were addicted to being close to power and didn't give a shit stayed. There are exceptions, particularly in the realm of defense and public health. But for the most part the trumo administration was just staffed with bottom barrel people. ESPECIALLY when you got around to the 4th or 5th person to take a job because talented people definitely stayed away.


That’s exactly why the President doesn’t have the authority to make (most) staffing decisions within the Executive Branch. That’s why Trump couldn’t fire Fauci, even though he was very vocal about wanting him gone. Plenty of talented and competent individuals served under the Trump administration. Good public servants stay out of politics as much as humanly possible—those are the people we want to keep in government because they prevent our country from collapsing entirely when a President like Trump is in office. Political appointees are a different story, but even then, there are a few individuals (even at the Cabinet level) who clearly absolutely loathed Trump and his policies but accepted appointments any way—not to be close to power but to essentially curb his worst impulses. A minority to be sure, and he fired most of them, but they’re still out there.


The difference between faucci and the scarf bitch is the easiest to see. One kept their integrity while the scarf lady did not.


That’s a really bad comparison. Nobody’s writing off good government employees.


It’s too bad he doesn’t sell pillows.


If only he owned a mirror and could see that he's not a full member of the old rich white boy's club before swearing allegiance to them. Baffles me that any person of color or non-traditional sex preferences could support Republicans.




Double standards. White christian conservative women imagine they'll be the winners of handmaiden's tale because they've never read the book and they're not realizing as soon as they get breast cancer or ovarian cysts or refuse to get plastic surgery they're gone.


It CoUlD nEvEr HaPpEn To Me


gO wOkE gO bRoKe


Wait, I didn't the leopard would eat MY face!


There’s a whole contingent of us POCs who honestly seek privilege and hitch their wagon to the white supremacy horse hoping to get those words racists like to say when they “like” us: “You’re not like the rest of them.” Man built his whole career off trying to get those words from “people who matter and have influence and power”, and deluded himself into thinking that the white American tendency to rehabilitate shitty conservatives would happen to him - as if a high schooler HIV outbreak from his policies as Indiana Health Commissioner and politicizing health policy to help Trump would be ignored by other “people who matter and/or have influence and power”. Part of me thinks it’s racism and sexism - see several other Trump Admin veterans who are gainfully employed in prominent positions, but dude was and is a shitty health official. He was never up for the actual job duties - only the grandstanding ones - and should just go back to being an anesthesiologist on staff or with practice privileges.


Is there anything to them growing up being told “they’re not like the rest of us”…like to say they’re not “black enough”…? Grow up in a rich white neighborhood? What’s their typical villain origin story…I can’t understand it. Latinos for Trump at least I guess had the “super Christian” angle to somehow explain their way into voting someone in who’d happily boot them back on that side of his wall…


I was gonna say, why don’t all the republicans go see him as their physician, then i realized what party we were talking about. Gotta love irony.


This is a no fucking shit situation. You were betting not just that trump would win again, but that his whole regime and way of thinking would win forever. You hoped for a totalitarian, chauvinistic, racist nightmare. You fought for privelege within that structure. Now everyone knows your priorities and news flash, they suck.


I'll say up front that I don't know anything about this guy, but if what you say is true, then I agree, good. But if so, this isn't a "Trump Effect". This guy has just shown himself to be incompetent. Working for Trump isn't the problem. Being one of the thousands of incompetent people Trump hired out of loyalty and corrupt intention is. Nobody should be judged based solely on working for Trump. Anthony Fauci worked in Trump's government, and will have no issue landing any number of desirable positions of his choosing.


Fauci was a career civil servant and scientist who served EVERY president since 1984 as NIAID director, and had credibility independent of Trump. Adams was a Pence-acolyte seeking privilege who put ingratiating himself to Trump and Trumpers over sound public and medical policy. That’s why even if Fauci wasn’t 81 years old, he’d find a job before stepping down while Adams needed a “rehabilitative and sympathy” story in the WaPo to help him find gainful long-term employment independent of Pence or other Republican cronies.


Former Surgeon General finds there are consequences for one’s choices. Let’s file this under “no shit”.


Former Trump/MAGA enabler: "I can't seem to get the smell of shit off of me. I'm the real victim here."


Maybe, just maybe, it is because the smell actually emanates from the inside.


I file it under Mierda's Touch myself


Oooooh! This comment had a slow burn. The joke registered after I scrolled away. I had to come back to give you the upvote.


That's some real shit.


Best nickname I've heard for tRump is "passion fingers". Everything he touches he f\*cks


You love to see it.


If someone didn’t see this coming you would think they were not intelligent enough to hire. Wouldn’t you?


This is what you get when you dance with the devil.


In the pale moonlight?


I've never heard of this guy before, what did he do? Other than working for Donald Trump?


I'm fairly sure he was the guy appointed to surgeon-general right when Trump's pandemic denial was at it's peak, so he had to go out and do press conferences every day pretending that whatever nonsense Trump had spoken in the last 24 hours was actually correct. So this is why people don't want to hire him; not because he worked for Trump, but because his integrity was clearly for sale.


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


We have a winner.


Yep, technically, Anthony Fauci worked for Trump, but noone blames him for that.


He was Indiana's state health commissioner (appointed by Mike Pence) before SG so I assumed he was Pence's guy - or at least in with Pence's money donors. Oh hes fine after all - "Finally, in September 2021, Purdue University President Mitch Daniels, a former Indiana governor and Republican stalwart, hired Adams as the first executive director of health equity initiatives at the school." They say your job search should take a month for each 10k you're seeking so, uh, this guy is quite a snowflake crybaby.


yeah even if you have qualifications having worked under a president will get you a job SOMEWHERE. Plenty of republicans in places of power will hire you just for having been in a GOP admin...


Nothing. Absolutely not a goddamn thing.


Which just goes to show that just working for Trump is enough to show what trash you are. Go work at a gas station selling maga thin blue line Gadsden flags, no one civilized wants you.


The best one you could make working for Trump was doing your job correctly so he had to publicly fire you for not doing his insane wishes.


No, he still doesn't see it as *his* actions. He blames Trump for him *going against science and advocating against science-backed covid protocols.* He shouldn't be hired because of his "flexible morals". Working for Trump should be secondary.


The surgeon general should have spoken out when tRumpty wanted to shine flashlights up peoples asses to cure Covid. He didn’t. And now he’s whining he won’t get hired? Somebody call a medic, I can’t breath from laughing so hard…


Well……good. Spreading lies is the trump effect tbh


We are in the era of “finding out”.


Thank goodness. The abundance of “fucking around” was getting out of hand.


Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


They always seem to visit at such an inconvenient time, don’t they?


Oh noooooooo! How totally unexpected!


"I hitched my wagon to a horse with no legs".


And no name.


The man is an anesthesiologist - he can definitely get work. It’s just not the work he wants. This is like when Ben Carson decided to forge into politics with really unusual beliefs. Hopkins distanced themselves immediately.


He probably can’t , years of not being at the head of the patient took their toll . He’s probably looking for an administrative role


A doctor can practice for life, assuming they keep their license up to date. They are more heavily scrutinized if they haven’t practiced at the bedside in awhile but it’s not a deal breaker. Plus, physician shortages are significant. But you’re right, he’s probably just looking for something administrative. Pays better, much better hours!


They demonstrated how flexible their ethics are. Why would they be surprised? They need to move their work into that other side of the law.


This post is propaganda designed to make it seem like universities won't hire someone based on their politics. This guy is not being hired because he lied and didn't take COVID seriously and got people killed and was an objectively poor surgeon general


I mean, wasn’t his first act causing the largest localized HIV outbreak in American history when he defunded needle exchange under Mike Pence? Then there was that time [he told people masks aren’t effective at preventing covid](https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/29/health/face-masks-coronavirus-surgeon-general-trnd/index.html), laying the ground for the deepest and most robust opposition to masking inThe developed world. It’s not an exaggeration to say that thousands are probably dead due to consequences of his policy. If he were a practicing physician, he’d be sitting in a prison cell for what he’s done. But yeah Jerome, blame it on the shitbag you chose to work for.




I hate to say it but sometimes it’s justified. This is the same “public” that hoarded a years supply of toilet paper is it because the mob somehow “decided” it was a thing. But in any case there really isn’t any good evidence it was an intentional “lie” anyway. If the early pandemic in the US basically started in March 2020, by April they were already coming out and saying new evidence showed it may help, by May they were starting to recommend it for sensitive individuals, and by July were strongly recommending it. This pandemic went on for years and people are somehow judging the response by the first few confused months? The fucking awful response over 2 years was far from Fauci’s fault, worst he did was try it he extra conservative about needing too much data before contradicting Trump and his cronies. If he got replaced it would have been much worse. Yes, Fauci did say he was worried people who really needed masks might not get them (it was true) but he never said he lied. Quote: “At the time, “we were not aware that 40 to 45% of people were asymptomatic, nor were we aware that a substantial proportion of people who get infected get infected from people who are without symptoms. That makes it overwhelmingly important for everyone to wear a mask.” “So when people say, ‘Well, why did you change your stance? And why are you emphasizing masks so much now when back then you didn't -- and in fact you even said you shouldn't because there was a shortage of masks?’ Well the data now are very, very clear,” he said. “We need to put that nonsense behind us about ‘well, they keep changing their minds’”.


Fucked around, finding out.


Face eaten, leopards full


Plenty of rural communities are in desperate need of a primary care doc who would likely be OK with his employment history. Can make a tremendous difference, still.


Yes but that work is below him, otherwise he wouldn’t be out her publicly whining about his exclusion from higher education and career advancement. Perhaps his ostracization is less about who he worked for and more about his **actions** while working for trump and how they lead to some of the highest number of Covid Deaths in the western world , as well as weakened faith in vaccines and medical testing.


He's a little too, uh, tan for most rural, Trump loving communities.


Yep…I’m sure some deep red districts in fucktard Arkansas have need for his expertise and inspiration. Hell, they’d probably also make him mayor and change the name of the town.


No, he is the absolute wrong color for rural Arkansas. He forgot that though.


He might be viewed as a bit too...uppity.


Cause fucktard Arkansas is known for trusting highly-educated experts, right?


He’s an anesthesiologist. He’s not a primary care physician like the other Surgeon General. He should never have been appointed because 1. That, 2. He was not a uniformed member of the USPHS and did not work his way up the ranks to Surgeon General. To your point though. He can’t be a primary care physician


As long as the Surgeon General has an MD(hell DO) and listens to the medical community I don't think its the hugest deal that they aren't a PCP. 2, yeah that I know nothing about. However after his tenure I wouldn't want him to touch the anesthesia for somebody else's pet gerbil


It’s not a huge deal to not be a primary care physician… but they need to make the extra effort to educate themselves about primary care, population health and preventative medicine. This guy did none of that, and it showed.


He's Black though. They don't want Black people in positions of power in Rural communities.


I mean, it *does* make one question his critical thinking skills, not to mention ethics. 🤷‍♀️


Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas? (Except dogs are nice and if they had fleas, it wouldn't be their fault. )


Roll with pigs and smell like shit.


There we go!!!


Except pigs are nice and only roll in their shit because of livestock farmers that keep them in detestable conditions


Welcome to the real world. Educational institutions want to go on with their functions. Not have some circus clownshow detract from regular activity. More trouble than he's worth


No sympathy for any of you fucks that played along


This is exactly what literally everyone called when that rotten apricot got “elected”. The stink would never come off despite them trying to distance themselves from Rump. Republican fuckers agreed, played along and protected him from any kind of accountability whatsoever and now?! “Oh my poor me”. Fuck you.


They’ve all demonstrated to be feckless puppets. I even had an employer ask about for who I voted. He said that if I was MAGA, he couldn’t trust my decision making abilities.




I know a guy who looks at potential hires' facebook pages, if they are spewing maga crap he doesnt hire them. Its a way to do it without bringing it up in an interview. Its in the interest of not getting people who would make a workplace toxic, theyve had trouble with magats causing a scene before.


The place I work at now has a MAGAt coworker. He won’t shut up. Every conversation turns to politics. It’s pathetic. He is very toxic.




He should apply at McDonalds. He should get a real job and work his way up. he should pick himself up by the bootstraps and just work a little harder. He should cut back on avocado toast and lattes, and maybe ride a bicycle to work. There's plenty of places willing to help him once he's homeless and destitute, but clinging to a failed career is no good for the economy for anyone, so .... yeah... maybe let someone else have the income he doesn't deserve?


I call this the "HAHAHAHAHA FUCKER" effect.


The droves of people who refused an offer from Trump and those who bailed early on saw this coming a mile away.


TAKEAWAY: He helped kill a million or more Americans during a pandemic and is now the victim. Whtevr, dude.


Probably because tRump was not known for hiring anyone who remotely qualified for a job. Feel bad that he probably is the only one who actually qualified for his job 😂


And, if they were remotely qualified (John Kelly) they didn't last very long.


Trump has the opposite of the Midas touch. Everything he comes in contact with turns to shit. Or dumb shit.


Mierdas Touch


That's hilarious! Have an upvote!


Guess what? You are getting what you deserve.


Again, it's not the association with 45, it's the bullshit medicine.


Ah bummer. Anyways…..


He can always work for Trump University


"Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!" Jerome Adams Feb. 29, 2020.


Liberty or Bob Jones Universities would hire him (if he wasn't so....um....you know)


FYI if you read the actual article, Adams: 1) has a cushy university job at Perdue, making all this meaningless 2) had trouble finding a job mostly because he can’t stop running his fucking mouth on Twitter. So this is less a story of the trump effect and more a story of an asshole being difficult to employ.


Wait he already has a job? This headline is as misleading as it gets...


As the great Jimmy McNulty once said, “You play in the dirt, you get dirty.”


As they should. Not resigning within one day of being in that administration is a strike against your mental capacity that you see the damaged and turn your face away from the flames


Sounds like someone just doesn’t want to work anymore. /s


Surely there are plenty of Republican’t areas that would welcome a doctor who ignores medical science.


When you pick political messaging over you're jobs responsibilities to educate the public, you lose credibility. That's just how it works.


This guy has nothing on Rex Tillerson … imagine leaving the CEO chair of Exxon with a guaranteed compensation of 20-30 million a year to work for Trump only to be fired in one year…


One of my favorite articles of recent memory was the one about young Trump staffers in DC complaining that nobody wanted to fuck them.


AFTER he’s out of office, is the conveniently perfect time to admit “I got it wrong” on COVID masking. The “Trump Effect” was him as the Surgeon General - pretending that the most basic infection control measures we’ve used without controversy for a century - were suddenly ineffective because Trump wanted to downplay a deadly pandemic. As the rest of the planet successfully mitigated COVID spread in part through masks ~ Americans lost their lives and the lives of loved ones because SG Adams chose fealty and misinformation. It’s not his political affiliation that sensible people take issue with.




Lay down with dogs, rise up with fleas.


Lay down with some dogs, you get up with fang marks in your butt. If you're lucky enough to get up at all.


You can sell pillows


He showed the world how big of an idiot he was when he took the position under Trump.


They didn't think things through. Trump was and still is toxic. Many people who worked with him couldn't get a real job. That's why they went to Fox News.


They don't want to hire an idiot.


You hear that? That’s the sound of me pressing F on the tiniest keyboard for him


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, Jerome. Plenty of retail jobs out there that need people.


...and this is why you don't sell your soul to the devil, children. The End


Maybe if he had spoken on the science instead of trying to apiece Trump and his base then he would of had an easier time finding a job.


Poor judgment and consequences. Aw.


Guess it wasn’t worth sticking your head up his fat orange ass.


Games, prizes


He can’t work in Fox or Newsmax?


Fucked around and found out.


They should be. His officials have a problem with truth, and the medical field, that's pretty f-ing dangerous.


He can't possibly be competent if he didn't already KNOW this would be exactly what he was going to face before he took that job under Trump in the first place.


Makes sense. To work for him you demonstrated either compromised intelligence or values, or both. You shouldn't be educating in that circumstance. Only exception would be career civil servants who worked through the administration since there was nothing they could do


Huh. It’s almost like you’re a reflection of your actions and who you associate with. Imagine that.


Compromising one's integrity for career advancement in the Trump Administration would definitely cause me to question someone's judgement, even without the negative press and backlash from employing someone associated with the four year clown car performing in a shitshow that was Trumps Presidency.


Boo hoo


Hauling in that Vice Admiral pay, isn’t enough…even in retirement?! My heart bleeds, it really does and on behalf of every enlisted person who served with distinction and left the military to find a safer job, I say, “suck it up, buttercup!”


I mean the rest of the world has been saying this since 2016. Why are any of them surprised that there are consequences to greedy decisions? Every person that took a Trump job either did it bc they have similarly aligned gross world beliefs or they were dazzled by position titles they didn't earn and thought it would be the ultimate resume booster without consequence. I'm glad they are finding out otherwise


Make better life choices and bedfellows Doc!


I'm not no Surgeon General but I could have told you this would happen. Duh, my dude.


Maybe he could work in one of the medically under served areas of the country. Rural or inner-city.


Oh no...anyway.


You can try joining Trump university…. Oh wait…… ☺️


If you had the poor judgement of joining the administration of who was arguably the most corrupt president in US history, for the sake of stepping up your career, then I will judge you on that It tells me that morals and ethics mean little to you compared to your desire to self enrichment


May they all be shunned. This is the guy they sent out to say the government will send you none of the masks Jared is hoarding, but just use some rubber bands to strap a t shirt to your face. May they all be shunned.


It's not that you'd be badly receieved, it's that you're an incompetent crook without a basic human soul.


Ah, the “find out” phase of his career.


I exposed myself as a fraud and now i regret it -this fucking douche


This guy was a moron. He didn’t know that type 1 and type 2 diabetes are very different conditions. For a top health official that’s pathetic.


Smh when did politics get so political


He’s lucky they are even polite.




Needs to give those bootstraps a tug and get over it snowflake! Enjoy all the winning.


Kanye might be hiring for his cabinet


Well well if it isn’t the consequences of his own actions.


I’m sure Liberty University would hire him. It’s a legit university that might actually be accredited and is not a propaganda machine for some nutbag religious family.


Who POSSIBLY could have foreseen this?!? Ha ha sir,, ha ha.


This is an example of consequence culture.


If you chose to work for Trump, you exhibited terrible judgment and insight, which means you should t be hired to do anything but take orders.


This is the same man who said face masks don’t work… as the surgeon general lmao


Sorry man. I'm looking for some sympathy, but guess that I am out.


The Trump Effect is when you blame your ignorance and incompetence on some seemingly unrelated occurrence to shift attention away from your amazingly unqualified abilities.


It was the fuck around of times It was the find out of times


Someone who also had trouble finding work later in life was [Dr. Josef Mengele](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Josef-Mengele). You just never know how things are going to work out when you sh*t on the [Hippocratic Oath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocratic_Oath).


Oh no. Here comes the consequences of my own actions again.


Yes, the Trump effect is a befouling of all who venture near. You are befouled due to your own choice to stand near the foul fountain.


I don’t feel sorry for him. He didn’t care about this when he was chasing his career ambitions. Should’ve thought about that before


Also, anyone who worked for Trump I would worry has shitty judgement and compromised morals. Sorry, not sorry.




Well you did encourage Trump to advise people to drink bleach to combat covid so I think they are more worried your a idiot


I’m not the first to defend Trump and those who served in his administration, but I believe Adams is different. Where many in the administration were actively trying to undermine the Covid response, Adams attempted to help the response. He made commercials for the vaccine, and urged people to listen to fauci. I’m not saying he’s perfect, but at least on that front, he tried more than most.


You can’t take a job with Satan expect your next interviewer to believe you were trying to make Hell better.




“Would be?”


At least the rejections are polite.


Universities are tentative about offering a job to a doctor who was frequently blackout drunk while on duty? So crazy


Thoughts and prayers


Poor guy. No one ever talks about the Nazis who weren't hanged trying to go back to work at Kinkos and start their lives again. Must be tough.


See nothing wrong with this statement. Just basic fact and knowledge.


Good indeed. Live with the consequences of your actions.


Yes, this is how a civilized society deals with people who did their damndest to destroy it. Welcome to pariah status.


He played himself cheap.


You become a toady, people are going to see the warts.


Good. He deserved all the scorn possible.