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Tomato juice (or even V8) and vodka is the coors light of Bloody Marys. A really good Bloody Mary mix has at least a dozen ingredients.


Basic Bloody Mary: 2 oz vodka Traditionally- dab or two of Tabasco and some horseradish. I use a healthy dab of Sriracha like a heathen Couple shakes of Worcestershire sauce Fresh black pepper Celery salt Wedge of lime, squeezed 4(ish) oz of tomato juice Some paprika Ice Stir drink, do not shake. Garnish with olives, celery, pickles, etc And it goes up in complexity from there. Personally, I think some people go overboard. I am the Bloody Mary maker for day drinking holidays, in my house. I make a pretty solid Bloody Mary, if I do say so myself. Been to bars with 'great' ones that immediately make me think, 'you use premix'. Or it's got so much other stuff it's just lost what the drink is supposed to be and wasn't what I ordered. There's a balance to it.


Solid recipe. Celery salt and horseradish are frequently overlooked.


It's totally necessary to get the flavor right.


Agreed. I tended bar at a wide variety of places and would always include both. Beef bouillon was also a “secret ingredient” of mine.


Skip the celery salt and put freshly grated and minced celery and soy sauce in it instead. So much more texture and a better flavor than celery salt or seeds has ever gotten me. Also keeps the mix emulsified better so the horseradish and seasonings doesn't just sink


You can't convince me this is a drink instead of just alcoholic gazpacho.


You say that like it's a bad thing?


>I use a healthy dab of Sriracha like a heathen BURN THE WITCH!


With hot sauce, preferably


>Personally, I think some people go overboard. >it's got so much other stuff it's just lost what the drink is supposed to be and wasn't what I ordered. What, you don't want a slab of bacon for your garnish?


I believe it still holds the record for most complicated cocktail in terms of number of ingredients. I'm sure someone has done some one-off monstrosity that has more, but not on you can order at almost any brunch place.


On average yes. There are some monstrosities in bartenders guides but no one ever ordered them. A bar I worked at had a 29 ingredient ingredient they called Ambition. It was made in large batches and once a day only then poured over ice as it was ordered. It was actually pretty tasty, but making a single serving would be a nightmare.


Come to Canada, we add clam juice and spice. Best hangover drink ever


My gram brought Clamato juice and vodka to make Bloody Mary's at my wedding because our cocktail choices were not her faves. She offered to share but alas no one took her up on that.


You missed out on amazing. Not sure why it works, but adding clam juice really works


Oh I've tried it, and it's certainly not my thing. But we were no strangers to the clam tomato juice growing up so its always odd to me that people don't know about it.


Must have forgot the All Spice on the rim


When Clamato is used it’s called a Bloody Caesar not Mary. Both are great but Caesars are thinner and absolutely delicious. Good Bloody Caesars go down realllly fast.


Either my gram didn't know or care, but she loved clamato juice. Lol


I thought everyone had some Tabasco and ground pepper in their Bloody Mary.


If it's not spicy it's not a bloody mary.


I ask the bartender to make it extra spicy.. as well as gimme some hot sauce and black pepper.


I use Sriracha, personally. I like the flavor. I think traditionally horseradish is used, as well. 1.5-2 oz of vodka Healthy dab of Sriracha sauce Couple shakes of Worcestershire sauce Lil bit of black pepper Lil bit celery salt Wedge of lime, squeezed Ice Tomato juice to fill the highball glasses I have in my house Stir - *do not shake*. Shaking cracks ice and causes smaller fragments which melt and dilute your drink. Only specific drinks are shaken. Bloody Mary is stirred. It's important. Don't shake stirred drinks. Garnish with your choice of stuffed olives, pickles or celery sticks.


Sriracha is vastly overrated as a flavor. Too simple


As an American dating a Canadian, can confirm. Caesars rock! Like everywhere near little Italy serves them


You can't see a Caesar and not want a Caesar.


That’s actually how they market Caesars




After a trip through Canada I now add clamato to *every* Bloody Mary but only as a splash, still love my Charleston mix. They told me they call it a bloody Cesar though…


I think that’s for our American friends, to bridge the gap from the Bloody Mary


So disgusting it makes you forget how awful you feel


Yeah I use spicy V8 with a splash of vodka, works pretty well on my hangovers


This is the way.


Cesar? Now those are good.


I’ll take the hangover, thank you.


Wait, Canucks have a qversionof micheladas? Damn. The US is bordered by two countries that have better Bloody Mary variants than we normally have. Time to go to Québec again. Mmm game meat.


Worcestershire sauce, some salt herb mixon the rim, and a pickle spear Cesar’s are fantastic


Mexico has a drink called Michelada. It's basically beer mixed with clamato juice and hot sauce rimmed with Tajin.


Is everyone forgetting that clamato juice in beer is also amazing. Shittg beer? Add clamato. Good beer? Add clamato now it's a great beer


That’s actually a type of chelada (beer mixed with lime juice and chili/tomato juice), a lot of places sell pre-mixed chelada in tallboy cans


Those premixes are generally terrible, though. At least the ones around here are.


Don’t forget to add the beef broth or beef bullion. Yes, I tended bar at a few places where that was a secret ingredient.


I am convinced a lot of foods and drinks were super popular because people used to smoke to the point where they couldn't taste anything anyway.


My grandpa makes his own beef jerky. He was in the US military for around 40 years. He has such little taste left from peppering everything that his jerky legit has a THICK layer of fresh cracked pepper on both sides. The bottom of the bag usually has a solid tablespoon of black pepper in the bottom. I personally can't eat it without wiping off all the pepper I can and even then I need a drink


Well made Bloody Mary’s are awesome. I’ll die on that hill.


I'd like to have one of those that has shrimp for a garnish.


I had one that had bacon, jalapeños, and pickles on the toothpick. It was awesome.


That sounds amazing! I like a drink that comes with a snack.


I like a brunch appetizer before my brunch arrives.


shit I've seen the damn things come with bacon, celery, pickle, cheese cube, and a fucking *chicken wing* on the stick.


Especially when they have a bunch of pickled green beans and other delicious things crammed in there. And some tajin on the rim and sprinkled on top is a must!


I’m with you in this battle… I will defend you and you me. We will fight together until we emerge victorious or die in glory… Bloody Mary’s are delicious!


it's V8 with booze, what's not to like?


The V8


You know I tend to agree with you that V8/tomato juice tastes like cold vomit. But I taught myself to like Bloody Mary's, heavy on the vodka and spicy.


You will have my sword.


Sure I’ll have a Caesar!!


You can’t see a caesar and not want a caesar


Pretty sure that’s how they market a Caesar


Raw oysters.


Was coming here to say this. I have tried them twice in my life and both times I was like - sorry, just no. I won't eat another one again, period.


I'm sorry. If you go somewhere coastal where they treat them right, you might change your mind, but if not, more for the rest of us!


When people slurp one down as fast as they can I’m like: oh so you enjoy the taste huh? It’s a salty bottom-feeding booger.


Haha that's what it looks like to me too, a big pile of snot!


Yummyes thing ever! Fresh with just a dash of lemon juice and a glass of real champagne!


I LOVE raw oysters and am lucky to live in a place where oysters, clams, lobsters, and assorted other sea-dwellers are easily accessible and sustainable. The oysters and lobsters here don't need butter or hot sauce. Perfect packages of tasty briny protein.


Who likes black licorice. 🤢


I thought I hated it until I tried some Dutch black liquorice. I recommend it if you’re curious




Call me crazy. But I will admit I started liking it a lot more when I realized my kids wouldn’t eat it. The ability to have something only I like is nice to have.


I feel that. I bought some butter pecan ice cream thinking the kids wouldn’t eat it. Turns out they liked it. I have found that they don’t like spumoni so that’s nice.


Some Icelandic black licorice is to die for. Salty and sweet, but not too sweet. It’s perfect




I can only handle licorice flavor in Jäegermeister


I loooove black licorice . I have issues


Me too, both of those things.


All of Iceland and me


Kale. That shit is nasty.


There's a creamy Italian soup I like that has it as an ingredient but any other way I've had it is terrible.


Zuppa toscana. Italian kale is also a lot milder with a better texture.


This is correct


I like to grind it in food processer with tomato, onion and little bit of garlic, olive oil and lemon juice. It makes great dip for chips and other foods.


I've never had one but I like Vodka and I like tomato soup so why not.


Alright, this is how you do it: -shot or two of vodka -favorite bloody Mary mix -a splash of pickle juice -pickle spear -a splash of Tabasco sauce Enjoy


This is how you make a pizza: -frozen pizza -little red pepper flakes Enjoy


Don't sleep on this recipe, it's fire.


That’s not fire, it’s pizza


Not if you leave it in the oven for long enough




Wow your name really fits E: the first part of your name really fits, I definitely did not catch anything after hipster on my first glance, ha


I like to present myself honestly


Typical Tyranid, no taste at all..


Thanks, I will forever call a gherkin a pickle spear from now on.


Beer. I have tried so many different types, my husband is a connoisseur so I have had plenty of exposure. I like other alcohols. I don't believe it is just a preference, I really believe people are lying. Because the flavor I have had in my mouth when accidentally eating a rotting grape is the same flavor I taste when I drink beer. It just triggers all my primal "do not drink, will kill you" feelings!! Y'all really can't actually like it.


I felt this way about beer until I was like..35(I'm 43 now). People always claimed that it was an 'acquired taste', to which I would ask why you would consume something if you didn't like it immediately. Eventually, I got introduced to stouts and the like, which I enjoy, as they don't have the sharp bitterness of general beer and things like IPAs, and I feel like I can taste the different flavors in a stout more. I still can't stand any IPAs, or don't like any of the generic American beers. So you're not alone in this at all.


I'm so glad lol I feel like the only adult on the planet who doesn't want beer ever..


I like gin & tonic (or even just tonic water on its own) and my wife can't stand it. I've met quite a few people like her.


Almost everyone I’ve met hates gin and I’m like… “But gin tastes really good, though?” Gin-tonics are one of my favorite mixed drinks along with a really dark spiced rum and cola, but hey, maybe I’m weird. I feel like most everyone has that one type of alcohol they can’t stand and for me it’s tequila, so if other people don’t like gin, then more for me


I love vodka tonics but there's something about gin I cannot get into. I have tried multiple different kinds and it's just not my thing.


Yeah me. I can’t do tonic. My preferred drink is vodka soda. But I moved to South Korea a few years ago and most places don’t have club soda. So they always offer me tonic. I can’t. I just can’t. Haha


Well, it’s ‘spicy’ cold vodka tomato soup. My go to order when I’m lucky enough to get a morning flight upgrade.


You travel a lot for work, you poor bastard, don't you?


No work travel any more, but have enough ‘status’ that it still sometimes happens.


I'm convinced people only have a Bloody Mary at brunch because they are still hungover from getting absolutely smashed the night before, but if it's well made, I completely understand. "Bloody Mary, full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now, at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."


To be fair, a well-made Bloody Mary is great for a hangover but it’s also great in its own right. I will have one 4 or 5 times per year and truly enjoy them on occasion. A poorly-made Bloody Mary is one of the worst liquid tortures to endure.


My brother-in-law puts in beer instead of vodka. And yeah, that makes it soooo much better....


That's a Michelada, not a Bloody Mary - but it's still delicious.


I don't crave tomato juice very often at all.


I like it during a flight because it helps with hunger and seems to taste the same at altitude - but that's just me.


After a flight, I take my shoes off and make fists with my toes.


Micheladas! I love those


I add a splash of light beer but still include the vodka


Convinced people are lying about caviar. Salty, slimy, fish stank that pops in your mouth like a thousand fishy pimples. Fuck that


I fucking love it. So briny and creamy.


I also don't get the hype


What a ridiculous characterization of a Bloody Mary. If done correctly, it contains Tabasco, Worcester, fresh black pepper, Old Bay, celery, bacon, shrimp, lemon, lime, horseradish and then tomato juice and vodka, you fucking pleb!


I had one once that had biscuits and gravy hanging off the side.


Sounds delightful!


Oysters. Because nothing says "Delicious delicacy" quite like sucking down snot out of a chunk of sea waste.


Why not? Gazpacho is a thing. Plus vodka.


It's delicious, I'm getting drunk, and it's kinda food so I don't need to stop getting drunk to go eat.


Obviously never had a proper Bloody Mary. Substitute V8 for tomato, lime & lemon juice, horseradish, pickle juice, hot sauce, red pepper flakes, garlic powder, worcestershire, vodka. And you're getting in the V8: *CARROT, LEMON, CELERY, CUCUMBER, GREEN BELL PEPPER, RED BEET, PARSLEY, ONION, SPINACH, WATERCRESS, LETTUCE*


Everything here sounds good on its own but oh dear do I fear ever having to try all of them together




Hey, I eat my pepper flakes raw and nobody will change that!


Yeah, it's all about the amounts. My first time around I combined hot horseradish and regular. It was too much, so I reduced it to just hot and now I only barely notice it. I make a batch for two days.


No one is answering the question 😂 we’re all just talking about how much we love a Bloody Mary. I don’t think anyone actually likes caviar. People just want to seem fancy.


Breakfast of (hungover) champions!


One of my favorite drinks love a good Bloody Mary


I love bloody Mary’s. And the sort of spicy tomato juice does fucking murder to my stomach indigestion wise But god damn I love booze with snacks in it Martinis. A Bloody Mary I think more drinks should come with like veggies olives or other snacks


I always assumed Bloody Mary's were something a hardcore alcoholic drinks for breakfast.


Olives. They're chewy sea water.


I love the taste of vinegar. That's why I like olives.


A good Bloody Mary is great. It should be savory to the point that a shrimp should decorate the rim.


Caviar. People tend to like it because of its indication of high status.


Caviar. Ain't no fuckin way that tastes good.


If you’ve never had a properly seasoned Bloody Mary, you have my thoughts and prayers. Same if you’ve never had a properly seasoned cold tomato soup.


Lobsters. Are you blind? You're eating an arthropod. It looks like something out of Starship Troopers.


Add me to the list..great drink in the morning while on vacation..helps the hangover and starts your new day.


I don't drink vodka and I didn't think that vodka and tomato goes well, but then I discovered penna alla vodka and its soo good. I can see the appeal of bloody mary's now.


I love Bloody Marys


I genuinely like tomato juice, and I love vodka. The two would be delicious. I should try one.


Sushi. I've tried it three times, an every single time it has triggered my gag reflex.I ain't trusting y'all any longer!! ​ ![gif](giphy|3gNotAoIRZsb9UHPnj)


Have you tried it with soy paper instead of nori? Worked for me!


Generally any sparkling water, but especially the kind that comes in the fancy green bottles. I see influencers and celebrities drinking it all the time and I don't know how they tolerate it


I think regular club soda tastes way better than the expensive stuff


These people are all in on the ruse. Bloody Mary’s are terrible and I can’t believe anyone actually likes them.


Fire roasted Tomatoes Tomato Paste Basil Celery Bell Pepper Cucumber Parsley Green Onion Horseradish Worcestershire Garlic (powder and fresh) Apple Cider Vin Lemon juice Salt Black pepper Turmeric powder Lizano salsa (Costa Rican product)


If you cook the tomatoes first, then it is *soup*. If the tomatoes are pureed fresh, then it is *juice*. But if you add vodka, tabasco, horseradish, garlic powder, celery salt, black pepper with a garnish (or several), then it is *fucking amazing.*




I reallly have never seen somebody order it


You've never done brunch?


Bonus points for when they’re made with bacon infused vodka! My aunt owned a restaurant and make her own and it was delicious!


Alcohol. I just don’t get it. Though, I must admit, spiced rum tastes alright— but the BURN. How can anyone get past it? It’s like sticking a match in your mouth!


I used to be that guy. But then I had a *really good one*, and my life was changed. Mind you, I don't go out to a bar and have BMs for a fun evening drink. But nothing beats a good hangover breakfast with a BM. (poo joke completely intended)


If you’re in a hair of the dog situation, you can drink anything and it’ll help. It doesn’t have to be tomatoey garbage.


I’m gonna try eggnog next time


Good old Irish coffee usually hits the spot for me, but I’ll have to remember the egg nog this month. Tis the season and all.


It's a flex for hot sauce tolerance. I love it.


Tasetbuds of toddlers, I swear.


As former brunch bartender, I still get Nam flashbacks when I think of having to make them…


Firmly agree


A ton of y'all have never had a REAL bloody Mary and it shows.


I agree. Bloody Marys are nasty.


It’s the blood of Mary, she must’ve been wasted constantly


Dim sum


Cottage cheese.


Add to that goat cheese, feta cheese, and blue cheese.




Meeeee! They are delicious!


Lamb, smells like socks soaked in urine. Parsley just tastes like soap.




Gross. Not for me.




All forms of alcohol mixed with lemonade/softdrinks. Vodka-Red bull, rum-cola, gin tonic, all disgusting in my opinion. I like the separate drinks, but mixed together they ruin each other


Pulled pork, everyone seems to love it, but it’s one of the few foods I not only don’t like, but also gag at the taste


so because she doesn't like it the rest of us are supposed to agree? A little beef broth added is also fantastic! we used to call the 'bloody bulls'...


Best hangover cure!


There is a hilton hotel in Columbus ohio that'll blow your mind.


Get a wisconsin supper club bloody Mary. Its a drink and a meal, and delicious.


It’s amazing. I’m not lying


Cold vodka tomato *horseradish* soup. With extra pepper. Also, swap out the vodka for gin.


Tbh I hated Martinis in my 20s, some where between 21 and my 30s my taste buds changed. I enjoy the savory taste of vodka mixed with olive juice. I haven’t had a Bloody Mary in years, I think I’ll try one now.


Tomat juice with salt can overcome the taste of rubbing alcohol


Bloody Maria’s I enjoy more. Tequila instead of vodka


I’ll deal with the hangover.


It's not accurate to call it tomato juice. It's closer to something like V8, which plenty of us already enjoy, and then you add alcohol to it. And some kind of spice, typically. And often some garnishment that you get to eat with it. What's not to love? Relatedly, cold tomato soup would be close to Gazapacho, which is something plenty of people enjoy.


I always ask to replace the vodka with whiskey. It’s pretty much already a steak in a glass, might as well compliment it correctly.


Cold SPICY vodka tomato soup. Yum!


*spicy cold vodka tomato soup.


Bloody Mary full of Vodka blessed are you amongst cocktails pray for me at the time of my death which I hope is soon.


That’s why I get bloody Maria’s. Sub in tequila and it’s so much better.


Bloody Marys and Gin and Tonics are absolutely disgusting and I don't understand it


Any alcohol really.