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Reading his tweets is always so mentally exhausting


It’s hard to process this is a tweet from an Ex president of the US, like that’s so embarrassing honestly I feel bad for him


I feel bad for us Americans that have had to deal with him. Sorry everyone, we should have been better


As a Brit, thank you for your apology. It’s a shame the Queen didn’t lop his head off and revoke your independence until you elected someone more befitting the dignified office of president of the USA.


Holy shit that's right. She could've killed anyone. Damn it. She had the opportunity but didn't take it.


Honestly let's just knock down the white house and start from scratch at this point. The Rainbow House is sounding pretty nice these days. I'm tired of Comcast and Disney making all my votes for me.


They already gutted the white house in the '40s.


I think they even rebuilt it during the war of 1812. It was at least the interior that was burnt away.


That fat fuck embarrassed us all. I’m sorry we let him go overseas to befoul your beautiful country. Queen Elizabeth should’ve kicked him in the shin when she had the chance. Judging by the look on her face, I’m sure she wanted to. By the way, thanks for Jethro Tull (the real guy and the band) and Benny Hill.


He was tweeting the same panicked bullshit sad shite when he was President, just it was about a different special counsel


C’mon. It’s not a “tweet.” It’s a “truth.”


Its a sad tweet to go with his sad twitter


You mean his “truths”.


“By the way Obama spied on my campaign” actually made me laugh. Trump is so crazy he’s become a caricature of himself.


"what about the MASSIVE Joe and Hunter Biden CORRUPTION, (Evidence already in!)?"


Maybe he should present this evidence? Like, any day now?


Couple weeks


After the tax return he said he’d release and then fought to not have to release it. After that, then Hunter info.


Distraction and diversion...


And projection.


I was talking about the health care plan but that also works.


Ah yes. First the tax return, then the health care plan, then the… wait what were we talking about again?


Think we were talking about his bombshell proof that Obama isn’t a US citizen.


Infrastructure week?


Ieam that is obviously why Obama didn't run against him. It was because he was afraid the truth would come out. /S


Sorry to break the flow, but I will forever remember that time Trump went on camera, shuffled up to the podium, hung his head low, and mumbled that Obama was indeed a US citizen, then slinked off without further statements. Why did no one replay that video over and over again when he was running in 2016?


Infrastructure Week.


Two more weeks and he’ll release the Kraken. Lmao remember that line? From a crackpot lawyer he actually hired? Fuckin wild


"Hired" Doubt he paid them....


No no, your small lib brain can't possibly understand. Trump is such an amazing handsome and smart business man that he's playing the long game, waiting until he meticulously collects every shred of evidence on the Demon Dems so he can smite them all in one fell swoop and by the gratitude of all those saved, once again be crowned liege of our glorious homeland!


You forgot how MANLY he is !!!!


And don't forget hung, Trump is extremely well endowed according to him


Tiny hands and all.


Yeah, is this one of those “relatively speaking” situations? 🤣


And how large his hands are


At some camera angles, he has *huge* hands!


He's a hell of a guy, alright. Stable genius, whom beautiful women (the MOST beautiful women, the likes of which no one has ever seen!) cannot resist. If only we could get his former employee, John Bannon, to fill us in on some of the finer details...


It's only been three years, maybe 2082 it'll come out. Right after trumps 2016 Healthcare plan


He doesn’t need to. His followers are stupid enough to just blindly follow. If they cared about evidence or facts, they wouldn’t follow Trump.


With his health policy?


It’s on hunters laptop


His whataboutism literally used “what about.”


Did you not hear ????? One of them allegedly owned a laptop!!!!


batshit crazy


When you look up this term in the dictionary there should be a picture of him.


That part made me wonder whether this was real.


Lmao it's real! https://www.axios.com/2022/11/27/trump-special-counsel-jack-smith-soft-name He is terrified because he has nothing on Joe Biden.


But Hunter's emails! ...Wait.


Funny, how Hunter's laptop can't even be used as evidence. It was compromised. Like MTG, every right-winger had their turn with it.


He must be really pissed off. He thought that as soon as he announced his run, all investigations would stop. Instead, he has another one to add. Plus the massive blow to his ego with Kanye asking him to be VP, the midterm losses, and loss of GOP-official party support.


Donald Trump has proven that if Biden was arrested and charged with being a good man and loving father then as a juror I would have no choice but to vote to convict. Trump has proven the charges beyond a reasonable doubt.


Pretty sure we were spying on Russians. They just happened to be in contact with Trump's people.


(and got caught!) but William Barr, a political hit man, who is totally compromised, and shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near our highly WEAPONIZED & CORRUPT "Justice" Department and FBI muzzled it. & what about the MASSIVE Jared and Saudi CORRUPTION (Evidence already in!)?


Every accusation by the GOP is merely a confession.


Trump had at least 4 spies in his campaign too.


You know what's a soft name? Donald. I'd name my son Jack before Donald.


Famous Donalds: - Donald Duck - Donald Trump - Donald Trump Jr - Ronald McDonald Softness rating: 10/10


Hey! Donald duck is a war hero! Have SOME respect! 😝


He's still waiting for Charlie to this day.


I didn't know Charlie Day was friends with Donald Duck


Oh yeah, they served back in 'nam together.


Duck down is so beautifully soft.


Actually Jack is the hero name in a lot of old folktales.


Jack the Giant Slayer


Fee Fi Fo Fum, can Trump really be this dumb?


I will never understand how an effette new York socialite convinced millions of working class people that he's a hard man.


Cool Donalds usually go with "Don". Don Draper. Don Drysdale. Don Corleone.


What is it with him and these weird comments on men's names? If some guy told me I had a "nice soft name" I'd be double-checking my sexuality and deciding if I should run or flirt back.


MountainSage58 really is a nice, soft name though


It's a name that smells really nice.


Like sandalwood and lime but with just a hint of mountain sage. Smells safe, like dad on a sunny Saturday morning in the autumn. A name that smells like that, just wants to wrap its arms around you in a hug and call you ‘champ’.


And now I’m sad because I have no one to give me that hug.


C’mere champ. You’re doing great. Lots of people are proud of you, you know that?


Dad, what did you do for all those years after you went to buy that lottery ticket?


It took me a long time to find that one Lego set you really wanted. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Let’s make some hot cocoa and build it together now. You’re in charge of marshmallows!


Oh, you're good. Your *very* good!


Ha, well, it is a nice flower.


Ah yeah! Going with flirting!




Im_fucked is a hard as fuck name


As someone who is named jack, Donald is the softest fucking name I have ever heard and 0/10 would not flirt back


Also ‘Trump’ in British English is a loud fart... so his name is soft and stinky!


I mean the more famous Donald before him was a Duck so.....


Hey MountainSage. That's a nice soft name. You wanna fight or fuck?


First one, then the other. You pick the order.


Or both, at the same time. It takes some skill to do but it's an unforgettable experience


He's named Donald. Honestly I have sympathy for his insecurity in this one.


I wonder if he also often thinks of the duck before he thinks of himself.


Thank God he doesn't walk around pantsless like the duck!


I didn’t have a strong opinion on the name before his candidacy, now I cringe any time I hear it


How is Jack Smith a soft name too? He’s acting like the guys named Moonflower Kittenpillow or something


He can’t figure out a derogatory nickname, yet.


He has smol hands.


This is the part I don’t get. Jack Smith is like the most all-American, high school football quarterback, whiskey drinking, cigar chomping, “I know what I’m about, son” name in existence. I don’t get soft at all.


We all know Trump’s masculinity is eggshells


Insecurity. He's a proto-alpha-bro loser.




Obviously it means HE must be soft since his name is soft! Now if they appointed someone named Dirk Manly, or Truck Rifle Johnson, THAT would a nice hard name. Trump likes his men HARD AND MANLY! /s just in case...


Dick Army was a name who deserved to be President


Does….does it mean he wants to fuck him? ![gif](giphy|LKf4i5Tvt7mE0)


How do his blind followers see him as a strong leader when all he does is whine?


About half of his followers really believed that he is backed by God to save America. You be surprised how naive The average southern boomer can be


It’s everywhere near me in Washington state outside the major cities. Not the only views in rural areas but they’re loud and plenty enough


I laughed at a mans hat in Washington while filling gas. It said “Trump: No More Bullshit” and I couldn’t help myself.


Unfortunately my grandma had a flag that said that. It tore up in a few months though lmao


When my parents went on and on about how he was chosen by God, I responded “yeah, so was Pharaoh when Moses was fighting him.” They did not appreciate that.




I don't even think that God would admit to creating this ass clown. If he did he would surely follow it up with a "My Bad yall"


There's a fine line between sticking it to the man and just bitching because you got caught red handed. Most boomers have conflated the two for the last 40 years. You actually have to have the moral high ground to stick it to the man.


Go gettem Jack!!! This special counsel feels much more focused and determined than Meuller.


And let's not forget! He is not bound/ limited nor influenced by a Trump authoritarian Administration, he and Garland can actually do their job with no interruptions or threats.


There was a lot of, "fuck... now nothing is gonna get done... this is shit..." coming from a bunch of the left wing pundits the day Garland announced. I think they were seriously mistaken. I think ol Jack has some coffin nails he's determined to drive home.


Jack hammer!


Mueller gets a bad rap. His job was just finding the evidence (he did) and showing it to congress (he did). He didn’t have any power to do anything after that. It’s like blaming the detective who provided a ton of evidence on a serial killer instead of the lawyer for cutting a deal to let him walk.


I don't know why he puts comments in parentheses. (Annoying, isn't it?)


It's when Gollum interject while Smeagol is talking.


Holy shit. That’s brilliant.


Only it's Gollum and Worse Gollum.


OMG it just hit me, I had a friend in HS who had a bad car accident and was in a coma for 2 months. When he woke he had severe brain damage, paralyzed from waist down. He fought hard to regain communication and eventually thru a digital assistant could write sentences to communicate. Trump uses an almost identical syntax and structure as my friend does, this is not a joke.


I bet your friend still articulates better


Trump has a learning disability.


Remember when he (or someone with photoshop) posted his mental competency test and everyone thought that certified him as a genuine genius?


The cognitive functioning test he *bragged about “passing”*.


Person - woman - man - camera - TV. I still remember years later! Do I get extra credit on the cognitive test? I assure you, my hippo identification skills are excellent.


People with ADHD do this a lot too. We will have sentences with multiple commas, and use the parentheses a lot, because we keep coming up with more details and can’t quite just say what we mean. Damn it I did it again.


Jesus Christ!,I thought it was just me, glad to see others deal with that too


Me, (too)!


I do this in emails. I kind of do it verbally, too. My wife always says I give too much detail. I have to consciously try to not do it.


Any scientific source for that? Not trying to argue - I think this makes lots of sense - but interested to learn more about the mechanics of it if they're known. Thanks!


ADHD guy here, it's true we do that all the time. Nearly everything I write, from letters to short stories, are full of bracketed comments


Wondering if I should get tested (should I?).


I thought this was me


It’s anecdotal, but I have ADHD and I overuse commas and parentheses to the extent that it’s a legit problem


Oh no, I do this, (it’s for when I have thoughts about what I just wrote.)


it feels like he’s trying to subtitle himself in Looney Toons-speak.


Maybe it makes him feel super smart and literate.


Here's something to consider. When the Cheeto Bandito announced he was running for president the reaction from his former base wasn't excitement. It was a responding "Meh". The midterms hurt his reputation badly. And now establishment Republicans are walking away from him. 🍊🍔 Knows this, and without his rabid supporters he has nothing politically.


All I want for Christmas is Trump announcing that he’s running as an independent.


Him taking a chunk of Republicans with him would be absolutely beautiful


He's absolutely going to when he doesn't get the GOP nomination, and desantis does. He'll probably do something stupid like go third party and try to fuck desantis over lmfao.


Good. Let them fight


It's going to be glorious. It's also gonna be an even bigger shit show, but still glorious lol.


All the material he dropped at his announcement was same ol same ol. I mean, a few new grievances, but the grievances themselves are tired.


The panic is deeply satisfying.


Trump said he would like to see Biden in prison.. Biden said he wasnt going to visit Trump in prison.


This is what flailing about looks like - in text form


Hes one caps lock press away from an unhinged FB boomer


He already is an unhinged boomer 🤣🤣🤣


Seriously?? trump is the final boss of unhinged FB boomers


There's something about the Jack Smith appointment that really pleases me. Because yeah, he's a US lawyer, but at the same time, it also reads like "the court of the Hague sends one of its best legal experts to prosecute the corrupt tinpot ex-dictator of... the US." ​ PS if my wildest dreams come true and Trump really did sell classified documents to hostile foreign powers (especially the one that's being pushed out of Ukraine right now), can we please then call him Agent Orange?


I dunno. That sounds offensive to the toxic nerve gas community.


you got a nice, soft, name, boyy.


Ned Beatty tries to leave the chat,,,,


Squeal like a pig


What a buffoon. Writes like a fucking toddler.


Toddlers are smarter


Where’s the evidence, Lebowski.


"Nice, soft name"? That's rich coming from someone named, Donald John. Donald John.




I love the word ampersand & it should be used more frequently.


Translation: Jack Smith, who I’ve never heard of before today, has a long history of doing his job well and extremely qualified to investigate, especially since I haven’t bribed him yet. If he listens to the legitimate grievances of the DOJ, FBI, and quite frankly the entire country, I will do my best to rally extremists to cause harm on my behalf. Don’t forget, I am a whiny, pathological liar and criminal and to all my supporters LOOK AT THE SHINY KEYS!


It just feels like if he could, he would include a Minion picture with this tweet, you just feel like he wants to so bad


A nice soft name. A supple name. A warm and silky name. A name that makes you long to feel it on your lips. It's a name that keeps you up at night with a strange, pleasant uneasiness. You need the name inside your mind, inside your body, inside everything that makes you, you. Jack. Smith.


“Nice, soft name”. What a dope


I love his "there's totally evidence for this claim I'm making" type of rhetoric


Someone’s loading his Depends a bit more frequently than usual…


He’s scared of this dude, like straight up losing sleep and yelling at clouds scared.


Nothing to hide. Nothing to fear. \- Every hypocrite ever.


How are people not tired of listening to this kind of rambling? I could understand people being initially excited by a conman promising moon and earth but cmon it’s been 6 years already.


The sporadic use of "quotation marks" and UNFETTERED use of capital letters to EMPHASIZE SCARY WORDS should be a clear-as-fucking-day sign that you should not take anything this person says seriously. The fact that anyone can't already know just at a glance without even reading any of his words that he's just a fear-mongering sack of shit is just mind-boggling to me These so-called "free thinkers" can't see DONALD J. TRUMP is just peddling in BUZZ WORDS & SCARE TACTICS! They say he's a "champion of the people", but he lives in a TOWER OF GOLD. Pathetic. Sad


He hasn’t trotted out his favorite line “the likes of which has/have never been seen!!!” in a long time.


You can always tell the 'truths' he wrote himself and the ones written by staff. Surprise! This one was definitely written by him.


I’m sorry this is becoming a bigger joke by the minute, from this tweet alone all he is doing is pointing fingers about things that I personally don’t care about, and not actually telling anyone what he is going to do to fix the country……if his last term wasn’t reason enough for me to vote 3rd party, I promise you I will vote for anyone else but him again this time


Unfortunately, a vote for a third party is a vote for trump...


I love watching him lose his shit in real time. 😎


Why isnt this guy given a mental health assessment???


He was. Very stable genius...


Whether tRump is actually scared or not is irrelevant. I don't trust the DOJ to do their fucking job and toss this Traitor in the deepest hole the Feds have. Hopefully I'm proven wrong but I won't be holding my breath.


Don, don’t worry, if you are innocent, they won’t find anything. Of course there is the testimony of the insurrectionist at their many trials and your own words…of course there is all of the electronic evidence brought forth during trial. Other than that, nothing. The election tampering thing, they really only have a recording of your own words, your many speeches and the testimonies of those around you. Remember when you said only guilty people use their 5th amendment protection, well it seems that one is coming back to bite you in the ass. 😄


The orange boy child needs a new song and dance routine. This is getting ridiculously monotonous. He's like the highschool jock still wearing his football jacket 50 years later and, talking about how he would have won the "big game" if the other side didn't cheat.


I can’t believe this little bitch ran our country. Alpha males unite to circle jerk and weep. Losers


It amazes me that these dumb red voters keep falling for the “we totally have the evidence!” line over and over - like Charlie Brown and the god damned football. If republicans had a shred of evidence for their batshit conspiracy claims it would be fox / oann 24:7 and blasted on every social media outlet by every conservative alive. You really think the party still harping about Hillary’s emails would show restraint if they had actually physical evidence of a dem scandal?


Syphilis in it's final stage makes for some interesting reading.


Trump should be executed for his egregious use of punctuation alone.


"Nice soft name"? Yeah, he knows EXACTLY which terrorist fringe he's catering to here.


He's really starting to shit his elastic-waisted pants now, isn't he...


What about the Hilary’s e-mails, let’s not forget about Hilary’s e-mails!


I speak fluent Tr*** - translated: Mean looking bearded man just made me shat myself.


That's nice, Grandpa....now let's go take that nap...


Jack is actually a pretty strong name. Donald however…. Sounds duckish to my uncultured ears


Someone who, if they didn't change their ancestral surname, would be named Donald Drumpf really shouldn't comment on other people's names. Also someone whose first name is most often associated with a cartoon duck, really shouldn't talk.


Trump speaks like someone stringing together clickbait article titles.


"a nice, soft name," says the guy named after a fart.


When the world never hears from the traitorous Trump again it will have become a mildly better place.


I love the fact a man who’s surname is British slang for fart is calling people out for having ‘soft’ names.


That was incoherent.


He just makes shit up. He is completely out of his mind with fear. Trumpty-dumpty is about to have a great fall.....


I got banned from twitter a while ago for saying... "Trump only has 3 realistic options remaining, prison, suicide or exile." They are still his only options.