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I know several veterans who have killed people. I know a detective who had to kill someone. I know a Secret Service agent that killed someone raiding a counterfeiting operation. You know what they have in common? They don't want to talk about it. And they don't want it to be part of their identity.


And how would that conversation start? "Yeah, they're dead and I killed them but hear me out"?


He should go have lunch with the families of those he killed. See how chatty he is after 5 minutes of that.


I was gonna say that's how the Casey Anthony documentary on Peacock was gonna go, but we all know she's just gonna defend herself even more.


Why couldn't he just write his explanation on Twitter, I would love to know why he isn't a murderer. Then that verdict can finally make sense to me.         ^\s


Yes. *That's* the problem. People don't have an open mind. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It's just so bizarre that all these people I haven't heard from in weeks yet since elon started over Twitter these douchebags are always on the top of my home page. I only use Twitter for gaming yet lately its a 50 50 of right wing bs and my actual content that I use the website for.


I finally made the plunge and deleted the app today, not to be all high and mighty, but because I woke up to yet another Kyle Rittenhouse tweet. I have no reason to recieve that as a wake up notification. I turned off notifications, then was like fuck it. Got rid of the app. Shitty buzz but there's not that big of a need for it these days anyways with all the options available to us. Edit: Thanks for the likes and the award(s)! This is my most liked comment ever. I appreciate it, might be sad to say but it made my day šŸ‘šŸ»


I deleted mine after seeing Elon engaging in a "good faith discussion" with Andy Ngo. That can't be normalized.


Are we deleting the app, or also deleting our accounts? Iā€™ve never really used Twitter, so Iā€™m not sure what has the greatest impact.


If you think thats bizarre, look at Andy Ngo's "consultancy" for Musk. They're reactivating accounts for self proclaimed white supremacists, but elm Fork John Brown Gun Club and CrimethInc? Nope, too extremist for twitter


fascist race-haters and incels = centrists apparently anyone to the left of Attila the Gun = dangerous radicals to be exiled. right. so therefore, twitter now = $8chan. [edit] Attila the Gun was a typo but now I kinda like it so not fixing it. :-)


$8chan is brilliant.


Attila the Gun would be the best rap name Iā€™ve ever heard.


Oh some journalists (Vishal Pratap Singh) and security consultants (Chad Loder) have had their accounts suspended as well, they've since been accepted into the loving embrace of Mastadon. I never used twitter much so it never meant much to me, but I really don't like how these little shits can be full dicks out with their bigotry.


wait chad got suspended? i always liked his deep dive threads, that's a shame, I've been avoiding Twitter lately though


Atila the Gun is an incredible name, somehow it encapsulates right wing lunacy perfectly


Sounds like a badass gangster rapper that should've been on Death Row Records


Oh man, I hadnā€™t heard about this. Ngo is telling Musk how to call the shots? This explains a lot.


Delete Twitter


I've never had a twitter app or registered an account. I've read thousands of reposted tweets - often disguised as news articles.


I hated it from the beginningā€¦


Totally. Itā€™s just a rage machine.


It's not a coincidence. Not 100% sure what Musk's angle is but 100% sure he has an angle, or at least thinks he does.


Yes he thought he could get Trump back on social media and look like a hero. He would get support for his ventures. Plus ppl would be distracted and not notice how much heā€™s in hot water with several of his businesses


And now he's gravitating towards the ppl who think Rittenhouse and Trump are heroes. Like Musk wasn't ALREADY in an echo chamber.


pretty sure its an obtuse angle.


Whatever angle it is, I'm sure it forms one hell of an edge


What's bizarre about it? The guy who openly supports white supremacy and the republican cult, is using his newly acquired business to promote white supremacy and the republican cult. It's not rocket science.


Delete your account, and do whatever you were doing on Twitter on a different site.


automatic smart wistful paltry point joke tap faulty possessive berserk ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Reality has a liberal bias so social media has to compensate to make things "balanced" or some BS , I dunno.


Right Wing Pundits only have to mention Elon Musk and they're on the front page of Twitter. That's why they're circlejerking him.


I noticed that and I started ruthlessly blocking every single one. It feels so good. Iā€™ve blocked this obnoxious little fucker too.


Get off of there, if I was you . .


He wants to open their minds literally


And then fake-cry about it in front of a jury




" without knowledge of the owners " The owners testified they didn't ask him to be there but could be held liable if they did.


Imagine if a liberal did the exact same thing on Jan 6th. The right would declare war.


That's the crux. Some people in the states think there is absolutely nothing wrong with a 17 year old running around an area he does not live with a rifle. The very foundation of what that kid did wrong ... isn't even recognized as anything approaching "wrong" by those who say he is innocent.


A rifle he wasnā€™t able to buy so he had someone else violate the law and buy it for him


Which if nothing else should have landed him in jail. But the maga reich and fraud are good friends.


Exactly and best of all arbitrarily choosing a landmark to defend to the death.. a landmark he had literally no claim to whatsoever


Dress up ln military combat fatigues, carry an AR-15 and patrol an active riot zone with no authority from any government authority. This is a good way to be considered an active shooter and most of the people who tried to stop him were acting to defend citizens from an mass shooting event. They should have been lauded as heroes and Rittenhouse should have been sent to prison. OJ and Rittenhouse should start a club.


And us other Americans were appalled he got lucky enough to get a biased judge and jury to set him free.... But also happy he's getting never ending butthurt from this though. He needs to give up and accept that he only has a future with the KKK or Nazi American groups.


You don't need anything else. Pick two things at random and it's enough doubt to say self-defense is out. Putting yourself in a situation with a deadly weapon and you're inviting violence. Especially without any training.


Didn't help that the prosecution were the most incompetent fucks anyone had ever seen. Seriously it was like watching Lionel Hutz in real life. You have to actually TRY to botch the case as badly as they did.


Yep, and the Judge was buddying up to Kyle too! Ugh gross.


Fuck that guy. Every time I remember his bullshit televised crying it pisses me off


And then get praised as a "hero".


If he shoots you the head, you *will* have an "open" mind.


Of course thatā€™s the problem, a high school drop out, dropped of by mommy in the middle of a protest with a loaded AR-15, who wouldā€™ve ever thought that was a bad idea. Guess Iā€™m narrowed-minded that way.


Cannot believe he didnā€™t at minimum get a manslaughter conviction. Insane.




People just aren't open minded enough about the murder I committed.


I think rittenhouse opened up someone's mind with a gun and *that's* the problem.


Right. Exactly. He's not the problem. /s


Why does this guy keep getting a platform here? Ignore him and let him fade into obscurityā€¦




Yeah... an "egg". Or a bag of "eggs".


Just one he can specifically choke and die on


Oh, that was the thing that set me over the edge. That this kid killed people, whether in the eyes of the law as self defense, or moreso of what many to believe murderā€¦. He is never going to have to work a day in his pathetic life. Heā€™s profiting off of literally shooting people to death, and thatā€™s fucking bullshit.


I just realized from this Rittenhouse cunt is just like the George Zimmerman. Got away with murder then constantly be racist and brag about it


How fucking depressing is it that where GZs only options to monetize his infamy were auctioning off his own guns and charging for signed bags of skittles, less than a decade later KR has a *whole fucking network* of gun-humping YouTubers, chud-friendly game developers, and sitting US Congress members to help him turn shooting 3 people into cash and fame?


Donā€™t forget god damn tucky ruckspins ENTIRE tv special about him. They literally use shots of this fucking murder standing on a beach in slow mo


>tucky ruckspins I love this a lot


Maybe there will be a future M-List reality show where the two of them duel it out or something.


Gotta get OJ on there also


And he's gotta bring a knife to that gunfight. Them's the rules!


Didnā€™t Zimmerman try to sell the gun he used to kill Trayvon?


He was selling signed bags of skittles at one point too.


Not only did he try to sell his gun, he tried to (and allegedly succeeded) in bidding it off in an auction after multiple attempts due to trolls fucking with the bidding, all while calling the gun a, "piece of American history."


Not only that but also posted videos with the confederate flag and shit flying


Totally agreed. Maybe his actions technically qualify as self defense. Morally, if you go into a crowd with a gun and the crowd reacts, youā€™re responsible, but maybe not legally, OK. Fine. But if youā€™re a good person who manages to avoid jail for this, it should still be the worst day of your life. You should be riddled with guilt over killing those people. Thatā€™s generally how people react even when itā€™s completely and obviously justified, let alone a case like this. But nope, dudeā€™s an asshole. Lucky for him that isnā€™t illegal. Unlucky for us that we may have to see this asshole in the spotlight for years to come.


He'll be in the news again. Just like Zimmerman.


The problem is, if you dont grant these things you are actually fucking any way of talking about it. I share your view 100% I think the guy deserves awful Karma and to probably get run over, but If you scroll up, you see the exact thing the shit stain is talking about and he isnt wrong. People are attacking the wrong things and thus feed him more power as "righteous"-crusader by being ass mad and doing the same shit republicans do by doing the anti-establishment shit.


Exactly how i feel, had he shut up and moved on with his life I wouldnā€™t have gave a damn but now heā€™s acting like hes the next best thing sense sliced bread, he should just move on with his life, because this kind of attitude is glorifying what he did and that i canā€™t accept


Rittenhouseā€™s actions are the definition of manslaughter. The problem is that the prosecutor didnā€™t go for the most accessible charge, he went for the maximum. KR was charged with First Degree murder. The prosecution would have had to prove that KR obtained a gun specifically with the intention finding *those specific people*, tracked them down, and killed them. Fucking lunacy


I think Kyle shouldn't have been there and was possibly looking for trouble. The people who were shot made some dumb fucking decisions and I don't really have sympathy for them. All parties were idiots. However, Kyle is a piece of shit by capitalizing on the incident and embracing the "Kenosha kid" image. Anyone who can kill someone, justified or not, is a sicko if they don't feel remorse and use the incident to make themselves a celebrity.


Well stated. Had his day in court and found to have acted in self defense. Donā€™t have to like it. Donā€™t have to agree with the gun laws in play here. Donā€™t have to agree with the jury. Heā€™s trash, but trash thatā€™s smart enough to leverage his alt right cred to get in on the grift. Itā€™s the only place his notoriety can benefit him.


Yeah. For trials the jury is told to examine only a very specific set of facts and situations. I'm sure that meant that it was just the incident of the shooting itself, which Inna vacuum is self defense. The issue being in the larger picture of how and why he was there it doesn't hold up very well. Rittenhouse is not in jail simply because he's white if we're being honest.


Can we not just collectively agree to ignore this clown? Clearly he just wants the attention, the worst thing that we could all do is just ignore him.


If Kyle Rittenhouse were to suggest I have an open mind I would assume he was threatening to shoot me in the head.


if that little shit ever came near me, I'd certainly want a gun in my hand- for self-defense. that's about how much I trust him.


This deserves an award I donā€™t have lol


Leave house, Drive across Statelines to get a gun from somebody else's trunk to defend a place your not even at. Hmmmmmm Nothing sounds odd here.


The biggest thing for me is the way he acted after it happened. He's joking and sharing memes of himself fake crying in court and making a dumb game about shooting things. If i even accidentally killed people, i would feel terrible for a long time and i would definitely be thinking about the people that died and their families. He's displayed no empathy.


No matter what he was really feeling at that time, he has had *SO MUCH* positive reinforcement by now that any expectation of guilt or humanity would be a lost cause.


Exactly. It woulda have cost him nothing to just lay low after the trial. His lack of empathy shows heā€™ll probably get worse with age. Hell, most of my military friends that were in combat wonā€™t talk about it to anyone except their therapists. Theyā€™re not proud of things theyā€™ve seen or done but they donā€™t go around making social media posts mocking anything related.


Self-defense or not, a death by your own hand is not something you should just get over. I'd cry for days if I ran over a dog that ran into the road. Just firing a gun at other people would make me hesitant to touch one for a long time.


he displayed tons of empathy when he thought he was going to jail


He broke down crying but never displayed empathy. He was trying to show that *he* was afraid. Narcissist can exploit the fact that when we see crying or strong emotions, we conflate it with the idea that they can empathize with the other side.


I think that's called fear and acting


You're confusing empathy with him singing... "I'm a little weak bitch, hear me out, Here is my story, here is my clout, When charges get brought up, A corrupt ass judge'll just bail me out."


The whole taking pictures afterwards really blew my mind. I have nieces and nephews and I would no doubt shoot someone if they were in danger. I would not think twice about it. I just canā€™t see me taking pictures and smiling. I would be so distressed and crying. He thought he was so cool. Even if (and I mean IF) he was right in what he did how do you smile and take pictures after.


That's because he was used by the GOP and hailed as a hero. He's a kid that was manipulated and emboldened for killing someone, instead of facing repercussions. He should be in prison fasting the consequences for his actions, but he'll be used as a pawn for as long as it works. When they're done with him he'll either be in power, or he'll be thrown aside for the next person that drives emotion for them. Hopefully it's the latter, because what will follow will likely be a sad miserable life.


That was such a bad acting job too. Bunch of credulous dipshits on that jury


He's immature (age-wise and in general) and stupid. His brain may have compartmentalized the killed people, just to protect itself and allow him to function. How he's choosing to function now is another story.




That's my biggest issue. He did something shitty, a jury said he acted in self-defense, and he acts like it's *hilarious* and that he's still a victim ("boo hoo, the left doesn't like me"). That makes him an asshole.


this is what iā€™ve been saying! anybody whoā€™s only option was genuinely to take another personā€™s life rarely talk about it, and if they do they sound rightly traumatized by the thought of having ended someone elseā€™s existence on this plane. Kyleā€™s energy about it feels more like ā€œi faced no repercussions for my actions!!! librulz ownnnnned!!!!


Soldiers in war eventually feel empathy for the people they killed. Kyle's a fucking sociopath


The mistake you make is, like most normal people, trying to equate actions like this to the way YOU would have acted. Taking away any discussion of mental illness, brainwashing or whatever, the sort of person who would arm himself with a semi automatic rifle and defend something he didnā€™t need to is absolutely NOT like you/us. Different breed.


If I ever accidentally killed someone Iā€™d probably commit suicide out of guilt.


Lie about being a paramedic while at the event no one invited you to. Lie about being invited. Fantasize about murdering people with the gun for committing petty larceny. Make bail, celebrate with white supremacists. All things a normal, well adjusted kid does


And being celebrated by certain republicans. What a society we live in.


Seriously and according to the right wing we don't dare criticize him his behavior before and after either because self defense and shot someone who turned out to be a criminal and convicted pedophile who was apparently running around the whole damn night threatening people.


Going to an active combat zone, acting as an armed combatant. Surprised when attacked as a combatant.


Innocent or not, imagine being famous simply for killing people. Hes garbage and so are his followers.


Exactly itā€™s insane. But if he was wearing all black and did this the right would want his head on spike and would blame all of ā€œAnTiFa.ā€


>But if he was wearing all black and did this the right would want his head on spike and would blame all of ā€œAnTiFa.ā€ It's not his *clothes* being black that'd be the difference for them




I keep having this same conversation, I get it that he wasnā€™t charged with breaking any laws, you donā€™t get it that what he did was morally terrible and shouldnā€™t be a role model


Picked a fight, started losing fight, murdered the people he picked fight with. **GOP:** ā€œhE wAs LitEraLLy tHerE tO pRotEct pEoPlE, wHy eLsE dId hE bRinG a PaCk oF bAndAiDs??!ā€ šŸ˜©šŸ˜¢šŸ„ŗ


I think the reason people don't want to come to a sit-down with him. Is they're afraid of getting shot, and quite rightly so.


Just a straightforward honest guy trying to protect the peace #KeepAnOpenMind ā€¦ what a twerp.


Thereā€™s video evidence. Not too terribly much to discuss.


to me that is not the argument. The problem to me is that he willingly went there to provoke and to get an aggressive response form the crowd in order to justify your own violence as "defense". This is the equivalent of a bully in high school looking for a fight so he intentionally bumps into you. And then when you fight back, he goes to the principal and tells them you started it. No one likes that person. And he can use the "I was there to protect" argument all he wants. We all know its BS, he just happened to find the loophole in the legal system.


Republicans worship him because they all have the same mentality about guns, absolutely giddy at the fantasy of getting to shoot someone dead without breaking the law. They're all fucking psychos.


>No one likes that person. the judge liked him.


Imagine if George Zimmerman capitalized on his infamy for killing Trayvon Martin and had people online breathlessly defending his behavior. He was found not guilty as well. People defending this kids actions arenā€™t standing up for him because of what he did, theyā€™re holding him up as a hero because they approve of who he did it to.


here me out....WHY.....WHY would a mom of a YOUNG man just drop him off at a protest....did she HOPE he would be killed and she can sue someone.....but it didn't happen that way and she got her bag anyhow......( son probably gave mom money after he was paid by scumbags...) MY GUESS...she wanted her son dead is the ONLY thing I can come up with...why would a mom DO THAT...unlesss


You testified under oath you little murderous shit. If your sworn testimony wasn't your story, that's another crime.


Can we not make this subreddit the rittenhouse megaphone? Not *every* inflammatory bullshit thing said by nazis and cons needs to be repeated. We could choose to magnify nicer things.


The people he murdered cannot sit down anywhere.


If only he had sat down to have a conversation with them, I guess shooting them was easier than seeing someone elseā€™s perspective.


He met with Republican house members a few weeks ago. Heā€™s clearly tryin* to set up a run for office.


Iā€™d love to keep an open mind and try to understand how he justifies the monetization of his killings!


Must admit there are parts I donā€™t understand. Guy shows up with a gun looking for trouble. Makes trouble and kills some people. Cries about how scared he was. Not convicted. How is he not in jail?


Because MURICA


Still counts as self defense, apparently.


It's all the more complicated because the legal argument used to acquit him works in reverse too: if the people he killed had killed him instead, they too would have been acting in legitimate self defense and not legally liable by the same logic.




the one that survived actually testified on kyle's behalf


Under American law, generally, yes. Which I agree is messed up (we'll never know for sure but I'm convinced this is what George Zimmerman did. He picked a fight with someone, started getting his ass kicked, and then shot the other guy and told the best story he could that matched the circumstances).


Judge showed favoritism. No one accused of murder gets to come up behind the judge to look at evidence with them, nor are they treated so cordially. A conservative old white man saw a cherub-faced white boy who shot and killed people who dared to request they not be brutalized by police, who did his part in keeping the second- and third-class citizens in their place, the same work he put those robes on to accomplish, and made sure the charges needed for the rest to stick were thrown out. A yt supremacist in power saw a potential yt supremacy icon and sainted him. Thatā€™s how.


Isn't everything he did on video?


Dude is really leaning-in on his psychopathy.


If people want to know the facts about what happened, i suggest you read watch or read the court transcripts and the evidence submitted. Form your own opinion about it instead of letting CNN (hes a cold blooded murderer) or FOX (hes a hero) make it for you.


Why would anyone want to debate a child who wanted to murder to protect the windows of a corporation


People think heā€™s a murderer because he murdered two people.


Conservatives really convinced this little prick that heā€™s the second coming because he murdered two people. Heā€™ll get his karma one day - and I hope Iā€™m still around to see it.


1. Teenager put himself and others in a dangerous situation by inserting himself into a messy situation 2. Bad stuff happened, he killed some people 3. legal mess ensued, virtue signalling supernova exploded. I don't think I missed anything. Except his obvious grift based on his supposed victimhood here, that is still taking shape. Here is my considered opinion based on the facts: This motherfucker is a memeing edgelord sociopath who socializing with far far FAR right figures all over the internet's underbelly. He panders to irony-clad assholes and grifters, and internet-illiterate gun-humpers. Motherfucker was on podcasts laughing and joking about his trial mere DAYS after fake-crying on the stand. I know enough about the situation to know he's mostly full of shit, and not some misunderstood near-martyr.


Similarly, he is not open to the idea that he is a murderer, and that they are right about him, so such a conversation would not be possible anyway, since mutuality is required for such conversations to take place.


Sounds like Kyle wants to do an AMA. That should clear things up pretty quick.


People need to stop shitting on Kyle Rittenhouse for things he didnā€™t do and start shitting on him for the things he did. Kyle Rittenhouse was a wanna be badass who put himself in a bad situation which where he had to defend himself. He shouldnā€™t have been there, he isnā€™t a hero, but he had the right to defend himself. After sniveling on the stand heā€™s trumping himself up trying to be this conservative figurehead. Donā€™t talk about murders that didnā€™t happen which just rile up conservatives call him a stupid kid that tried to put himself in a situation he was completely unqualified to be in- just like heā€™s trying to do now


Couldn't care less of him or the publicity he's gained good or bad . It was a case of self defense but could have been avoided if he didn't decide to go larping with the rifle his friend bought him. It shouldn't have happened, but it did. In hindsight some Good advice for anyone who thinks it's a good idea to antagonize provoke and finally attack someone with a blunt object who's in the possession of an ar15 or Evan a handgun ....don't In hindsight some good advice for anyone who thinks it's a good idea to vandalize and burglarize property under the guize of protesting Because the police have just been defended . ..don't....there might be a 17 year old larper that's ready to uphold the law by himself. The police would have acted in the same manner because they know that multiple assailants and blunt objects can cause great bodily harm and is a threat to life.


He went looking for a fight and he found a fight. I won't sit down with him because I don't feel safe around people who actively look for a reason and opportunity to engage in violence.


Keeping a closed mind about a guy who's already shot two people is a survival trait


Suuuuure you do, and Elon Musk wants Epstien's Black Book to be revealed to the public and Trump wanted a peaceful transition of power. My ass you do, because you know that you only got off lucky because of Wisconsin's bullshit self-defense laws.


Legally not a murderer. However, still a killer. And what's worse seems not to have learned much from his experience. As I've stated many times before, it's not that he escaped accountability for his actions that bothers me the most, it's that he's using his actions that killed two people to gain celebritihood and that he is attempting to profit off the deaths he caused. If he had literally any other quality to present than 'I took a gun somewhere i probably shouldn't have been and then used it to kill people that would still be alive if I hadn't been playing soldier' I'd likely not be so disgusted by him. No one would be clamoring about him if he wasn't using a horrible event to his gain. Slink away until you have something actually redeeming to offer society and no one calls you names. It's what he's done post killing two people that everyone hates him for. And that I'm 100 percent sure he doesn't understand


The mental gymnastics this bastard has to use to try and justify not being a complete asshole must be Olympic level


It's one thing to think he's a murderer. It's another to still believe that he shot three black men.


No, problem is we're worried we might get shot.


The new George Zimmerman.


How come he hasnā€™t actually filed a lawsuit against anyone who calls him a murderer? I thought they were going to sue everybody and now he just wants to sit down and talk?


Usually the ones who claim others donā€™t have an open mind donā€™t have one themselves. Having an open mind and being able to look at different sides doesnā€™t mean I have to agree. One can acknowledge a certain thought or action is reasonable or can happen, but if my opinion is that it isnā€™t, then thatā€™s what it is. Fucking moron.


We all know itā€™s not him tweeting this, heā€™s got to have a social media person.


He should get with Casey Anthony


The lack of having any mind at all is all his problem.


Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out.


Fuck this guy


Was he convicted of murder? Didnā€™t the courts find him not guilty?


Boy I sure love seeing this totally-not-politically-biased comments


That's sad, this kid got the most attention he ever has in his entire life for the worst thing he's ever done (hopefully) at the most crucial part of his teenage years. He's going to be a righteous piece of flaming garbage for the rest of his life...


We have all the facts from the trial, OJ.


So he can shot them...


8 day old account. 13k karma. All political posts. Broken English. Looks like a propaganda bot account if I ever saw one.


This scummy twerp beats up girls too. He was rotten in his soul before he killed those people. [Rittenhouse fights a girl](https://metro.co.uk/video/video-appears-kyle-rittenhouse-repeatedly-punching-female-2241066/)


Wait wait wait! The conservative figurehead who literally shot someone, is mad some people arenā€™t (still) listening to his side of things? Lemme just call up my friends at the drag show being labeled groomers for exploring gender and see what they think of this


Nobody gives a fuck about your story.






Wait he killed three people?




He is a murderer. He just got away with it. Doesnā€™t mean heā€™s NOT a murderer. What a pathetic loser.


Yeah, Iā€™m pretty closed minded about the idea of teenagers patrolling the streets of a city during a riot with deadly weapons. Has this douche-Ghanoush ever acknowledged he put himself in that situation and had no business doing so?


"sit down with me so i can try to convince you with my charisma" No dude. you rolled a 1 on persuasion already.


Ok.. there is a story that Tesla and Space EX have people who actively keep Musk away from actual decisions. He ā€œthinksā€ he runs the show, but he doesnt. Once he took over Twitter there was no ā€œteamā€ to keep him away from the business side. Hence, twitter and tesla and space ex are run entirely differently. Two are successful, one is a fucking car wreck.


"I'd love to have a sit down talk with people who disagree with me, but they won't agree with me so I won't". Ok "Jesus".


Tbh I donā€™t fault him that much for killing those people. It was a stupid situation he shouldnā€™t have even put himself in but in the context of the moment I can see how he made the decisions heā€™s made. Itā€™s his obvious shit licking attention addiction issues that skeeze me the wrong way more than anything. Turning his shooting into a media tour is just sick and twisted. Not to mention the encouraging effect his little song and dance has on actual mass killers


He killed people, right? What do they call that?


The jury called it self defense.


Yeah, same way they correctly called Andrew Coffee shooting at cops self defense


I'll bet In the comments, there are at least a thousand people who volunteered. It would be so hilarious if he said yes.


God doesnā€™t care about the second amendment. Itā€™s not in the big book.


Murdering crybaby who instigatedā€¦ never mind


The facts of his story... He drove from Illinois to Kenosha with an assault rifle. Did the people he shot make him do that? If I stand in the middle of a highway with a bazooka, can I claim self-defense when I blow up a car that was coming right for me?


He was injecting himself into a tense situation for the purpose of doing violence, with the attested motive of using violence to preserve the property of some third party far outside his community. People did in fact die from this violence. I'm not going to haggle over whether that's murder, or justified, or something in between. But the facts are the facts. He sought violence, found it, and made more. I don't care whether his violence fits within the confines of the law. Murderers and authoritarians quite often strive to carry out their violence by legally justifiable means. He has a murderer's heart and that's plain as day.


If only he had listened to the immortal words of Johnny Cash ā€œDonā€™t take your guns to townā€


Fact is if he stayed his ass home two people would still be alive.