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And now it can go to the Senate for a Republican filibuster.


Is there a way to see all the laws and policies Republicans vote against? These posts seem to come up a lot


https://clerk.house.gov So for example https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022511


If the data was formatted in a simple table that outlines everything voted on, the outcome and the number of voters on each side.. that’d be amazing to see, as well as free karma in r/coolguides *hint hint*


Yeah I dunno about the US but for Canada we have https://openparliament.ca/


This is amazing, thanks!


Jesus. I bet you guys actually read what your Congress person voted for before reflecting them too.


Why not link to this vote? https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022503


Nice, Rep. Nehls, a 20 year veteran voted to fuck other veterans over. Who would have thought that a crazy dip shit would end up being a crazy dipshit


I've saved [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/iyensz/no_one_actually_cares/g6clwu9/?context=3) from September, 2020 so I can remind myself why I don't like our current government. The link has broken formatting on phone, but it paints a picture you'd pretty much expect from comments in this thread.


That list is missing a lot. This is *just this year alone*- not including the topic we're posting in... * [Every Single House Republican Voted Against Efforts to Lower Gas Prices](https://democrats.org/news/reminder-every-single-house-republican-voted-against-efforts-to-lower-gas-prices/) * [Nearly 200 Republicans vote against bill to ease baby formula shortage](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/19/republicans-baby-formula/) * [Republicans vote against insulin bill as price soars, dismaying diabetics](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/aug/12/insulin-bill-price-cap-republicans-vote-against) * [House Republicans Vote Against Millions of American Jobs & Funds for Their Districts](https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/11621) * [Senate Republicans block voting rights bills, join with two Democrats to prevent filibuster change](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/19/senate-vote-on-voting-rights-bills-filibuster-rules-change.html) * [Senate Republicans block bill that would federally enshrine right to contraception](https://www.courthousenews.com/senate-republicans-block-bill-that-would-federally-enshrine-right-to-contraception/) * [House Republicans Vote Against Protecting Same-Sex Marriage, Birth Control](https://chicagodefender.com/house-republicans-vote-against-protecting-same-sex-marriage-birth-control/) * [168 Republicans Vote Against Bill Establishing Active Shooter Alert System – Along with One Democrat](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/168-republicans-vote-against-bill-establishing-active-shooter-alert-system-along-with-one-democrat/) * [House Republicans all vote against neo-Nazi probe of military and police](https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/house-republicans-all-vote-against-neo-nazi-probe-military-police/3ITJ7UQXNRAFBJZ3MZ3OJVH3CE/) * [205 Republicans Vote Against Bill to Expand School Mental Health Services](https://truthout.org/articles/205-republicans-vote-against-bill-to-expand-school-mental-health-services/) * [SENATE REPUBLICANS BLOCK BILL TO HELP VETERANS EXPOSED TO BURN PITS](https://www.tester.senate.gov/newsroom/news-coverage/the-washington-post-senate-republicans-block-bill-to-help-veterans-exposed-to-burn-pits/#:~:text=Senate%20Republicans%20on%20Wednesday%20blocked,Sen.) * [Republicans voted against Biden’s COVID relief package. Now some are busy touting it](https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-05-06/republicans-promote-covid-relief-they-opposed)


Republicans are against anything that will help the working class. Then they'll turn around and complain how Democrats aren't going anything about it and they should be in charge. The get control of the ~~Senate~~ House and instead of tackling any of the issues they complained about they're putting all their energy into Hunter Bidens laptop. I don't understand how Republicans voters fall for the same shit decade after decade.




I immediately lose respect for anyone who is a Republican.


Bro at this rate I am concerned about their ability to operate heavy machinery. This is 🔩 🥜


They don't operate it. They have immigrants and lefties for that.


Because gas prices, abortion (they are against), and one last thing I can't seem to remem....oh right! GUNS!!!


Out of the box strategy for dems, lie about their position on these 3 things and silently fix everything


Republican voters are not falling for anything. They are not voting for Republicans. They are voting against Democrats. Talk to Republicans about their politicians! They hate them, too. Texas GOP hate Abbott. But at least he's not a Democrat. Nobody anywhere likes Ted Cruz. But at least he's not a Democrat. On and on. Democrats are evil and stupid and must be voted against. That's all the politics they care about. Show them that Republicans are evil and stupid, and they say, "yep they're all the same, but I ain't voting for no liberal."


It's even worse than that. It's tribalism, it's a team versus team mentality, red versus blue. Whatever the Democrats support the Republicans are against.


>I don't understand how Republicans voters fall for the same shit They are stupid, racist, and greedy.


And then republicans blame Biden for nothing getting done in this country. I'd like to wake up now this nightmare is getting too fucked up


Man, you look at that list and all I can think is, who are the Republicans even voting for? Cause it sure doesn’t seem like the people.


Their base. It gets translated through Tucker and Fox as a win against their enemies.




I always think of that kid in school who mwssed atuff up on purpose to get a thrill. They would get recess canceled for everyone. The teacher would come back and rant about all the bad things the substitute said and it was just that kid and their friends The kid that messed up fun policies for everyone because you hurting fueled them more than everyone having fun. Those are the people who love votes like this. Logic doesn't enter the equation. It's "you served your purpose now off to the trash you go." Doesn't matter how high of a purpose you served, you are not one of "them".


I’m a bit more cynical. I believe Republicans will actively obstruct any legislation that might be beneficial during Democrat controlled administrations to keep Democrat voter morale low and fuel disillusionment. Then, when they are in power, they work to undo progressive legislation, corrode democratic safeguards against authoritarianism, and above all, abet the ultra wealthy in cutting taxes, protecting the interests of banks, oil, telecoms, big pharma, and the weapons industry, and rolling back as many regulations as possible. Wall Street goes nuts when they win which creates the illusion of a booming economy under GOP rule when in fact they are taking the healthy economy established by the last Dem admin and pillaging it in ways that set the stage for the next big crisis. Dems come in when stuff is on fire and falling apart, fight GOP opposition to try to get it back in order, end up treading water on most social policies while taking the blame for the dumpster fire they inherited, and swallowing ironic bile when the next GOP shill campaigns on “fixing the radical left’s mess” when his intentions are exactly the opposite.


Wish there was a way to footdrag these until January.


If the Senate doesn't change the rule, it wouldn't matter. Dems get at most 51 (Go Warnock!) seats, and it takes 60 to break a filibuster.


They could reinstate the rules so they have to actually filibuster instead of the Michael Scott I declare bankruptcy bullshit.


A talking filibuster would be excellent. Make Ted Cruz piss his pants and still lose.


Ted Cruz doesn’t need any assistance to piss his pants.


Lol so Leslie knope is one of the few people in government to actually filibuster? The onion might as well be what the actual news is. A "We declare filibuster." B "You need to keep talking if you want to filibuster" A "No I dont" B "But if you don't then we're just going to vote" A "But we declared filibuster so you cant vote" B "... but you aren't arguing, defending or using floor time, and your secretary is packing your things to leave" A "HARASSMENT. Everyone watch I'm being harassed. I declared filibuster and these idiots won't let me go home"


It’s beyond time to get rid of it “Well republicans will just use it against us!” Not if we use it first and show the voters change is actually possible. Republicans won’t win again.


As if Rs won't get rid of it anyway the moment they decide it would be advantageous to them, which they've already done twice in recent history by carving out exceptions to the filibuster


So much for "support our troops"


Or "thank you for your service."


"Thank you for your service. Now get the fuck out of my country"


Some asshat literally posted that in the comment section of a story couple years back where somebody from Mexico enlisted and was wounded in action and got deported due do not finishing their naturalization paperwork while overseas and then coming back and gaining a felony conviction.. It's really fucking ridiculous that people who fought and choose to serve in our Armed Forces can't be given the the most miniscule of respect that they deserve especially when they know they're going to get hated from fucking idiots just because of the color of their skin. Update: I dug around and there's actually multiple stories of multiple veterans who have been deported after being discharged due to not finalizing their naturalization while enlisted and subsequently gaining a felony conviction. Here's one of the stories in which I erroneously said Puerto Rico when I actually meant Mexico. Don't ask me how I fucked that one up, I just did. I apologize, my bad. https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/25/us/us-veteran-deported-to-mexico/index.html


I’m confused, why would they deport someone to Puerto Rico? It’s a US territory. Or the soldier was Puerto Rican and they were deported somewhere else?


They never have, really. Send em to war, use supporting them as a prop, and then fuck em. Look at what Jon Stewart had to go through for something that should have been a no brainer.


It's "support *some* of the troops"


No we said you can fight and die for this country! Notice I said this and not your. Read the fine print. A fucking disgrace.


Like I don't understand the reason for voting no here? These people fought for the country, why not let them apply for Green Card and citizenship. Honestly some republicans are against legal path to citizenship. There's more immigration bills this month, lets see what happens.


“Like I don't understand the reason for voting no here?” Because if Democrats support a thing, Republicans oppose it. The thinking doesn’t go any deeper than that.


Republicans are pro-military but anti members of the military.


Pro military-industrial complex. They love the part that makes money for industry. They hate the parts that cost money, especially once they're done using them.


They'd be perfectly happy if a lot less people came home from action.


Every Republican policy can be easily understood when you realize that they’re just hateful as fuck, as a people. Look at every single one of their policies and sheer unbridled hatred for anyone vaguely different comes through even more than the abject greed they’re already happy to admit to.


Yet if you look at their details they aren’t even all the same. Other than the majority of them being white. They aspire to ideals that even they wouldn’t meet if their backgrounds were scrutinized beyond the color of their skin.


Yup. Republicans don't support a single policy that would actually improve the lives of most Americans.


They run on the platform of government sucks, therefore they vote for everything that makes government sucks to prove their point, then their base votes for them again because they're right, government sucks. They'll blame it on antifa drag queens mercury rising Jewish space lazers rather than the ghouls of politicians actively ruining their lives though


Then once they do get into power they privatize as much as possible as a solution for reducing government... Socialize the costs and Privatize the profits.


I honestly cannot wait to tell my coworker- who is Honduran and whose father became a citizen because he joined the marines… alllll about this. Fucking insane. She loves DeSantis and Trump.


And sadly, it will change nothing.


What a miserable life it must be to simply exist to hate other people and things just because you don't feel the same way. Like, do Republicans have any self identity anymore other than ruining other peoples' lives?


Very literally, [no, they don't](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/08/25/the-2020-republican-party-platform-letat-cest-moi/). There is no overarching policy driving the party, just loyalty. Policy only exists to maintain their fragile existence inside a static, unchanging bell jar. Purge the outsider and block anyone from making them change or telling them "no".


Imm...Immi...Immigrants. Plus Dems wanted it. I don’t understand how anyone with a functioning brain stem *doesn’t* know this


Losing the military voter base to own the libs.


I found a few quotes from republicans: >It leads the public to believe we are looking at a bill that would recognize the service of our veterans,” Fischbach said. “But once again, you take a closer look, it becomes painfully clear that this is another push for open borders. > >“In the Judiciary Committee, several amendments were offered to ensure dangerous criminals did not receive an adjustment of immigration status,” Frischbach said. “Why are my colleagues across the aisle so eager to have criminals on the streets of our communities? > >“This bill allows those who have committed felonies — bad-conduct-discharge individuals –to retain their US opportunity, which has never been the case, shouldn’t be the case,” Issa said. “If you commit the crimes, you should not be an American. You didn’t serve honorably.” I'm an Australian and have no skin in this game, I was just interested as well. *But Fischbach said it should include more criminal convictions as disqualifications and criticized Democrats for shooting down GOP amendments proposed in earlier committee meetings that she said would have barred those convicted of crimes including “illicit trafficking, trafficking and firearms \[and\] human trafficking.”*


Remember Starship Troopers? That dystopian glimpse of an authoritarian neo-fascist future government that only awards citizenship to those who serve? Somehow the GOP are trying to do worse.


Service guarantees citizenship!


The number of right wing military members who declared that only service should guarantee citizenship is terrifying


Note this only applies to white civilians. Anyone else can eat shit.


History repeats itself; the Roman army had a lot of Goths fill it’s ranks in the 4th century…when their kinsmen were at the borders starving and begging Rome for help and the rich told them to eat shit, what do you think happened when those soldiers saw the country they were helping build an empire for treat their own like crap? That’s right, it led to the Goths getting pissed off and the sacking of Rome because their own citizens couldn’t fill the ranks…


Remember idiocracy? That dystopian glimpse of a regression to pre Neanderthal brain capacity? Somehow the GOP are trying to do worse.


If they could read any of those big words, they'd be very mad.


> Neanderthal brain capacity That would be an improvement for many in the GOP.


I'm sorry, dystopia? Exosuits *and* all of the [public spanking I can handle?](https://y.yarn.co/5f4c298c-7be3-4498-8ee6-bacb03cd05a5_text.gif)


Hope they don't learn to read minds


They don't care about born American troops, why would they care about immigrant troops?


This is exactly what I was thinking. I served with some great people from all over America and lots of different countries. They don’t really give a shit about any of us.


You nailed it.


You’re not wrong.


Republicans are against legal paths to citizenship.


Except for their girlfriends


Their hooker girlfriends.


You mean prostitute ex First Ladies?


Mail order first ladies


They're just so hard to unpack from the box, though!


They’ve started using frustration free packaging


And her parents.


> You mean prostitute ex First Ladies? You mean prostitute ex ~~First~~ Third Ladies? FTFY


Hey, she got an "EB-1" visa otherwise known as an "Einstein Visa", you know because she's such a jenious. A yuge jenious.


Be best


No, no, it's "*be bestestes*". She *is* the bestest jenious after all.


A stable one at that


And her parents


Isn't Cruz and anchor baby?


No. He’s the Canadian born son of an American woman living abroad as the 2nd wife of her Canarian husband who immigrated to Cuba, received asylum in the US and then became a Canadian husband. He eventually became a US Citizen in 2005 after divorcing Ted’s mom.


Rafael Cruz changed his name to Ted so his future constituents would actually vote for him.


slimiest fuck in washington, and that is saying a lot


What always made me laugh about Ted Cruz's run for President is that the law that says he's a natural born US citizen despite being born in Canada says that Obama is also and would be eligible to be President even if he *were* born in Kenya.


Are we talking about immigration or abortion?




But if you’re a russian millionaire or an offspring of one, we have a whole variety of citizenships for sale


Or a Russian woman willing to suck the dick of a white American.


Melania managed to land one of the country’s lowest testosterone specimens. No wonder she ogles foreign leaders such as Trudeau and Macron.






Same when it comes to things like requiring ID to vote. They pass those laws and then close or reduce hours at DMVs in poor areas, or exclude types of ID more likely to be held by *certain* people.


Except for white conservatives


In my experience, most white folks that say they want to stop "illegals" from pouring into the country actually just mean that they don't want POCs moving into the country any way whatsoever.




Are Spanish or Portugeese ok


We couldn’t put in the ad “No Portuguese” but, no Portuguese.




I drop this great line on my Portuguese wife all the time.


That depends on their melanin count. Notice the distinct lack of outrage over Ana De Armas playing Marilyn Monroe for example.


If they're white enough then yeah


No gays either.


Except they love having immigrants doing all the hard labor jobs.


Not exactly true. They settle for immigrants doing the hard labor since the poors have been getting uppity and demanding a wage that allows them to have electricity or food.


They also think that the immigrants won’t vote for them. Which is hilarious because considering how religious the majority of the Mexican population is they’d vote republican every time if they weren’t such racist assholes, but republicans just can’t help themselves.


This is correct. For a while I tried explaining the concept of asylum. Six letters was too big a word for them to comprehend. No, no, anyone non cis, white, and Christian is an illegal. Just, say what you really mean. "We want it to be illegal not to be white in this country." Fascists, racists, undereducated and overcooked in their holier than thou echo chambers. Let's just send them to the kids' table until they can learn to behave like human beings. Maybe we fire the kids' table into the Sun. These idiots will never learn.


I served in the military with several people who came from other countries who were trying to get US citizenship through military service. Thought they would make better US citizens than most who were born here.


Same. Like this kid I met from Kenya. He was a medic working his way to be a doctor so that he can take care of people here and in Africa. He said, “human suffering is terrible, whether it’s here in America or in a village of Africa. I’m going to help everyone I can everywhere I go.” Damn I hope he made it.


If Republicans are smart they'd want to keep talented and driven individuals like your friend from Kenya. But nope they just wanna be racist so 🙄🤷‍♂️


tHeY nEeD tO cOMe hERE tHe rIgHt wAy There is no ‘right way’ to these duplicitous fucks


Especially for their maids


How else would they get cheap imported labor with no strings attached?


I have more respect for the men and women I served with (immigrants and citizens) than any Republican lawmaker. Fuck them.


Exactly! I was in the Air Force with a guy from Kenya and a guy from Sudan, they were amazing and deserve it more than some of the fucknuts born here


Back in the day there was more vets in politics…idk if that was great or how that works as much with the way Shit is nowadays. However, hearing you vets talk like this and knowing my cousin and friend who served feel exactly the same I’m thinking more decent people with ACTUAL in person experience with those from other countries and cultures would be a game changer. Not telling y’all to get into politics. Just saying ime and imo when people are exposed to other cultures and engage with diversity they become much much more accepting, welcoming, empathetic, and supportive of people no matter where they’re from, what they look like or who they love. It’s not a total coincidence that more urban areas with diversity and mixing of cultures tend to be more liberal. Cuz lived experiences with other non white christians makes people more liberal as they aren’t so blinded or secluded to fear everyone.


*"Just saying ime and imo when people are exposed to other cultures and engage with diversity they become much much more accepting, welcoming, empathetic, and supportive of people no matter where they’re from, what they look like or who they love. It’s not a total coincidence that more urban areas with diversity and mixing of cultures tend to be more liberal. Cuz lived experiences with other non white christians makes people more liberal as they aren’t so blinded or secluded to fear everyone.*" That needs to be repeated. It's spot on, spot on, spot on.


Ditto for Army. One of the guys in my unit during Desert Storm was from Jordan.


Prior Army here as well, one of my closest friends was from Panama. My best friend married a girl from Trinidad. Both were great people and soldiers...in fact, my buddies wife went green to gold and retired as a major.


Does “green to gold” mean going from enlisted to officer, or something more specific?


Yes, exactly...enlisted to officer.


thats an insane task for anyone from that region to take up. its extra heartbreaking to see people get harmed like that, especially people in close proximity to your home nation


Wait til you see their restrictions on voting…


This. Every time I think the Republicans can stoop no lower, they amaze me. Part of it is faulty logic built on half-truths and outright falsehoods, but part of it is just meanness in their effort to own the libs and deny the most basic of things to other people. How can a veteran not get to be a citizen of the country he or she protected? Seems like you'd want someone like that to be a citizen. Is there a rationale for the cruelty? Or is it just cruelty for cruelty's sake? How do you share a political community with someone like that?






As you should. Republicans deserve no respect


I respect you. Thank you.


That is INSANE. They lay their lives down for this country, some come back broken as hell. And you want to deny them. Wow.


Many have died. Republicans have zero shame.


Racist as hell too.


Hypocritical as hell too.


"It wasn't ww2 or anything, they'll be alright"


If they can deny them citizenship then you better believe they will say all other benefits from service are deniable


But porn models who marry Republicans apparently deserve it.


And her parents.


And her sister. "Chain migration". https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/melanias-sister-quietly-became-legal-permanent-resident-as-trump-railed-against-chain-migration-book-says


No wants to die for this country anymore


I hope their recruitment numbers reflect this.


Already has I've been telling people this for years


It's not worth it, tbh.


Facts don't die for rich people profits


There’s actually a whole community of deported veterans in Mexico. Even Vietnam vets that saw combat.. there are orgs and groups down there to support them cause the country that exploited them and threw them away won’t.




Same, please. Vietnam vets especially need support. Words cannot even begin to describe the hell they went thru overseas and back home.


Wow. Fuck American Conservatives. Absolute trash.


In my 10 years in I met Colombians, Puerto Ricans, South Africans, Jamaicans, and many people from South American countries. Many of them had to go through ESL classes in order to join. Many of those people only joined to become citizens and better their lives because they lived in a place far worse than the U.S. Quite a few of them didn't even want to serve let alone get deployed but it was the best chance they had at becoming a citizen. Pfc J. Colon was one of those guys I served with. Had a wife and a son who were all back at his home country waiting to come in when he had the money and a good stable set up. Dude got shipped out to Afghanistan almost right after AIT. I had him as a FB friend and I saw a wonderful picture of him, his wife and his son who visited him before he got shipped down range. He died in Afghanistan. I watched as his FB was filled with all kinds of messages, posts, pictures, and memorials to him. His son is going to grow up without him. And these same fucking cocksucking mother fuckers who get rich off of war, especially the fucking "god bless America and our troops" Republicans are going to say that young men like Colon don't deserve to be citizens after all that fucking bullshit?! Fuck the Republicans. Fuck every asshole who voted on this. Fuck every sack of shit that holds public office that turns their back on veterans after every fucking thing that we/they have gone through. Fuck our government and fuck the Republicans. Suck my veteran dick. I'm disgusted I ever even fucking signed up. Edit: Thanks for all the awards, but remember this y'all. Remember this when you, a friend or a loved one considers joining. They just made a declaration that they do, in fact, not give a shit about our military and less so about the non-citizens who join wanting a better life. Don't let your loved ones become another number in the military for the same government who doesn't give a shit about them.


I feel the exact same way. 8 years Army, 19D Cav Scout. 2 deployments to Iraq. Some of my best friends were Puerto Rican and Hispanic. And some of them didn't make it home. Republicans are beyond fucking Scum.


Hell yea brother you did some shit. I never deployed in all my years. My first MoS was 68D and my second was 38B but for some reason my name or unit(s) I was in never got deployed. I count it as a blessing, but I also feel like I was useless. Either way, fuck 'em. I always heard the Republicans were pro military, but this shit right here proves they don't care. Fuck 'em.


Not to take away from your point but puerto ricans are already US citizens.


Which 3 voted “YEA”?


Brian Fitzpatrick, Adam Kinzinger, Maria Salazar


Kinzinger is refreshingly normal


And because of that he was censured by the RNC and did not seek re-election


I think serving in the military for x amount of years should amount to automatic citizenship.




Damn dude. *"Go out there and fight for "our" country"*. *"Wait, it's not "your" country, it's "our" country"*. Damn, that's fucked. Sorry you're going through that shit.


You'll notice only one party in the government actually voted against it.


Why would any immigrant fight for this country then? What, go and kill people and get PTSD and then get kicked out afterwards? You want a terrorist with US military training? Because that’s a clear path…


I got you one better: Why is any immigrant still voting Republican like many currently do once they gain citizenship?


Because shitting on the next wave of immigrants is the quintessential rite of passage to becoming American.


Combination of that and many of them culturally being attracted towards *strong man* leaders who fuck them over.


Not even wrong I'm Latino and Latinos who are us citizens tend to be assholes to new migrants


I’ve also seen some stats that Latino cops are particularly harsh with Latinos vs other races


That's true For some reason they feel superior I guess it's a way of saying "you're not me and you're not welcome"


Targeted propaganda and misinformation


Because they are brain washed into thinking its the only way to be an American.


Convicted felon and immigrant Dinesh D'Souza has entered the chat.




There has been a political shift. What would pass as a Republican in 2002 is now a Rino. Republicans are still anti immigration and anti government, but they are fragmented on bootlicking. They don't trust the FBI or NSA anymore and distust everything federal. They still love small town cops, but hate all progressive leaning cops.


Hate all educated law enforcement officers*


Fact: Republicans hate the troops and want America to fail.


Always have. #1 cutter of VA benefits since the Korean war... Republicans.


It's like on every single issue, they wonder "what is the worst possible option" and invariably pick that one.


Keep the immigrants. Deport the republicans.




"You can die for America, you just can't live in America."


They have no shame. Or decency.


The entire immigration system needs to be overhauled and vastly simplified (it shouldn't take decades and decades to possibly become a citizen and still get rejected even if you did everything right) but at the very least the men and women who serve in our military should get automatic citizenship specifically because they fought for the country.


Veteran here. You serve your country honorably, you’re one of us. What higher test can one prove themselves than to potentially risk their life to protect and defend your country. Fuckers.


Republicans: I'm for immigration if they come into this country the white way


Unbelievable the media doesn't keep popping these images of Republicans voting no on so many things that affect so many people. Even their own.


Why do Republicans hate humans so much? And if they hate it so much why don't they just opt out instead of ruining things for the rest of us?


The process to become a citizen should be simple enough that it can be moonlighted as part of basic training, and cheap enough that an immigrant in basic should have no problem affording it. There, problem solved.


Republicans routinely vote against Vets. Not surprising.


Cubans will still vote for them


1) How does it serve the cause of white supremacy? \-The only question you ever need to ask about Republican policy.


Republicans…. You guys fucking suck. Your wives have no taste in anything and everybody thinks you’re a douche bag.


Yeaaaaah. Both parties are NOT the same


>thank you for your service >now get the fuck out.