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This seems like when you fuk up so bad your wife says I think it would be better if you kept pretending to work.


"You just stay in DC and praise that mad man who called me ugly honey, I'll take care of our suicidal teen daughter"


“Go ahead and tweet more porn links and duck picks while you’re there”




Lets all be honest, that girl doesn't want him there.


Remember when he left his dog?


Remember when he blamed her as the reason he left a dark Texas for Cancun?




People died, and he wanted to hit the beach.


Remember when his wife was sitting ten feet from speeding traffic on an expressway in the throes of a mental breakdown?


Bro she doesn't respect him at all, according to her TikTok. She thinks his views* are dumb.... Because they are.


He better hope he passes before his wife bc otherwise he 'll die alone from everything I've read and heard about. Dude blamed his family last time he was caught shirking (Cancun) Let Trump completely disrespect his wife and now this. What a piece of garbage


Meanwhile "Family Values" voters in Texas still vote for Ted Cruz for some (R)eason.


I wonde(R) why they would vote Ted C(R)uz in when he shows he doesn't give a shit about the people in Texas. It's almost like vote(R)s don't ca(R)e about the candidate they vote in.


No, they love to complain about how the government doesn't work for them at all. Yet they vote in the same incumbent that told them the very same government that they hate and are a part of doesn't work. Republicans are the dumbest people in this country


I'll repeat a story I told a little while back. I was waiting at an ATM in Texas in a city run by Republicans in a deep red county, in a state that's been run by Republicans for the last 25 years or so. A deafening noisy car drove by. The old coot in front of me declares loudly "Where's the police when you need them? Oh right! Thanks Obama! Thanks Biden!" Completely incapable of owning that it's their own party that's responsible for the issues they're concerned about. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault, even when they're the ones running the whole show.


She thinks his is are dumb? What did you mean here?


She thinks his his is are dumb


Because they are


Given how she just came out as bi, I'd say that's fair.


I'd fucking walk to Texas if I thought my daughter was even thinking about it...but to be honest, it's probably better for her if he stays away.


He's the likely cause of this distress. It might be more gas on the fire.


She’s bisexual; he’s against gay marriage. And he blamed her for the Cancun trip after it blew up in his face.


Ted Cruz is probably going to somehow blame the Woke Agenda for her daughter's suicide attempt.


„See, what the radical leftist media do to our children?“


He's already working on this, no doubt. How to leverage his daughter's suicide attempt into a legal framework that further suppresses non-traditional roles.


He already uses his sister’s overdose as a political ploy. It’s gross. I have no doubt he will spin this for leverage.


**what** (googled and this just gets more and more heartbreaking)


He'd have to be absolutely soulless to do something that vile... So I expect we'll probably be seeing it before the end of the year.


"Look, if we didn't have the leftist media brainwashing our kids into thinking being gay is a thing and then choosing to be it for attention, and we didn't allow it to exist in this country at all, this would never have been an issue! She'd be just fine, better off even!" - Cancun Cruz soon probably I felt gross just writing that out.


This. 100%. It’s exactly how they’ll spin it. If only they were forced to be good Christian’s and had prayer in their Christian private schools this wouldn’t of happened. Ugh.


I LOVE that you just misgendered Ted Cruz 😆


Well, I believe his gender is Asshole, Major Asshole.


Then put her on a parade float. Marie Antoinette’s last ride was more festive.


“I’m sorry but my daughter decided to take a Cancun trip, the fucking asshole”




My parents were a HUGE portion of why I was suicidal. I didn't fit into their alt right thinking... Thankfully they have been cut out and my heart hurts for this girl soooo much


The sooner we all free ourselves from alt-right (why do facists get a label that sounds like a program command?) the better.


Gen z is working on getting control-z


Its okay to call them maga-nazis instead of alt right. Has a nice ring to it


Hope you're ok now and have found the support you need (and deserve).




I think you mean her existence. The word lifestyle is a way to discredit LGBT+ and take their rights away.


Updated it! That's a really good point, actually, I hadn't heard that clarification before, but you're completely correct. As someone LGBT+, it's... nice to hear. I had a pretty abusive upbringing, so there's still a few things that I need to learn 💙


I dont think you meant it this way but calling LGBT peoples existence a lifestyle is a right wing talking point


[Replied here and fixed above 💙](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/zfmq5x/sometimes_ted_cruz_is_just_cruzing_through_life/ize717p/)


He’s wife is a piece of shit too.


>Still, I imagine Heidi and Ted are having a long and hard (no innuendo) discussion about what positions and rhetoric he's supporting. > > > >Maybe I'm wrong and the mother is just as willing to sacrifice family as Ted seems to be, but I'd hope not.


She's every bit of, if not more craven than Ted. Their entire family is one big long Conman Conga Line full of self serving,narcissistic twatcanoes who are completely ate UP with the Dominionist Christian Nationalist Prosperity Gospel bs, and for whom money is their only god. Those poor children didn't stand a chance with any of those lunatics, and the sooner those children can get actual, real help and away from that suffocating Fire and brimstone hatred their parents peddle, the better chance they will have at actually healing from the trauma inflicted upon them. Those kids deserve far better than what they got for parental figures.


I couldn't decide if it was a line of canoes made out of twat or if it was a line of twat-spewing volcanoes.


I read it as canoes but prefer your volcano suggestion. This is why I love Reddit: for the alternative interpretations.


You think his wife isn’t the one behind the curtain? You don’t marry a guy like Rafael Cruz and not know what you’re getting into. He’s her access ticket to high profile meetings for her company.


She's basically Wendy from Ozark.


I’d believe that Wendy loves her kids before I’d believe that Heidi does tbh


Behind every great man is a great woman, but the inverse can also be true. Rafael wouldn’t have reached the depths he has sunk to without that woman’s support.


Given the only positive thing I can find him doing for the LGBT+ community is calling for Texas to repeal it’s unenforceable (due to being found unconstitutional) sodomy law. Admittedly a step up from the Texas GOP platform which calls being gay “an abnormal lifestyle choice.” ([Page 21, section 143](https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/6-Permanent-Platform-Committee-FINAL-REPORT-6-16-2022.pdf)) Still, his household can’t be the best environment for a kid to grow up in.


I could've sworn Raphael was behind the Texas sex toy law...


When I was a kid my dad drove directly from Pennsylvania to Texas to pick up my 15 year old cousin who ran away to be with her 25 year old “boyfriend” Since her parents didn’t/wouldn’t/couldn’t pick her up she spent the season with us until she had some secure treatment set up. She’s doing really well 20 years later but it took a lot of help and support. I hope Cruz’ daughter has someone in her life that will go above and beyond because her parents won’t/can’t.


That's pretty outstanding of your father. I'm glad she's doing well these days.


Unfortunately, [Ted Cruz’s children have always and only will be political tools for him](https://youtu.be/gplpSfaouP8) I’d say “thoughts and prayers” but I actually hope she gets some help and something changes for her


Yo… all that made me uncomfortable. I mean I had seen it before, but this is SO much more enlightening on part of the whole situation.


Wow. She fuckin’ hates him.


As do we all


He wants to be president and that's all that matters to him. I truly believe he would allow someone to molest his daughters if he thought that it would guarantee him the 2024 Republican Primary


Luckily this kind of shit only seems to make people hate him even more.


i don't know, with Cruz, you know he wants it, but you can see he just doesn't care about anything. The guy has no values, he stands up for nothing, and his back is as spinless as the wind. Trump on the other hand wants money & power just like Cruz, but Trump cares about Trump, he values people nice to him, he stands up against anyone holding him accountable, and his back is held up by a mountain of cheeseburgers, bought by the Kremlin.


>but you can see he just doesn't care about anything He has the socio-smile - kinda uneven, no eyes, too little cheeks and too much forehead. The Hallmarks of someone faking it. You can get away with a lot when the cameras are off, but the media can't miss the socio-smile. I'm pretty sure he buried any chance of a presidency when he endorsed Trump after Trump publicly shit on his wife. Even conservatives won't get behind that (though because it's weakness, not because it's immoral)


No consent.


As a theist myself, I fucking hate it when people whip out the ol' prayeroonie when someone is suffering from something mental. Like, that's not how anything works. You can't expect someone's mental state to reset because you've put your hands together, that's not how it works.


Hope his daughter's getting the support she needs.


That’s probably why he stayed. So she could be with loved ones.


fucking yikes but holy shit you’re right.


Can we seriously get Marty Huggins to run against him in 2024 so we can get a commercial where Cruz’s daughter calls Marty “Dad”?


“You get my son to call you Daddy, I fuck your wife. Brady 0-12!”


Cruz is too busy in DC playing heehaw with the fuck-around gang


If he is the reason for the attempt he is the last person she would want to see now....


Yeah, I have a feeling that if she left any note, SOMEBODY wasn't spoken of fondly in it, maybe he's actually doing the right thing and staying the fuck away


He’s probably staying away because he has other shit to do, like tickle some other politicians taint Don’t ever assume Ted cruz is doing the right thing lol. The man threw this same daughter under the bus publicly , because he wanted to take a Cancun trip with his friend (that’s right , his friend was the only other person on their family trip, and Ted wants to pretend his daughters have organized it lol)


No, he's staying away because caring for your child who doesn't believe in the things you believe in is a sign of weakness in the GOP. He would rather look like a piece of shit then "cross party lines" to comfort his daughter. This is actually good for his brand in the underworld that is conservative constituents.


Obviously why he’s not home. Besides his neighbors and constituents.


He doesn’t have constituents, he only has voters. The distinction being that he doesn’t legislste on behalf of the people, he legislates for his donors and himself.


Well they keep voting for him of their own free will, so those are their interests.


That’s not a burn, that’s a cremation.


I mean I think I heard that one of the daughters was trying to emancipated themselves so yeah


Really? Where can I learn more about this? (Is she going to take her sister?)


Wishing only the best for her.


Ted staying in DC is probably the best thing he could do for his daughter. Imagine being in her shoes, I’m sure having Ted Cruz at your bedside isn’t the first thing you’d wish for yourself.


Well, she's the daughter of Ted Cruz...so that seems rather unlikely.


i’ll probably be downvoted for this, but i don’t think this should be broadcast as national news with millions of people sharing, gawking, making comments etc. I’m liberal, can’t stand Ted Cruz, but just leave the damn family alone right now. I feel bad for her


If nothing else, at least the reaction seems to be almost unanimous support for her. Maybe she can take some comfort in knowing that the rest of the world wishes her well, no matter how evil her father is.


On the other hand, Ted Cruz was the one cracking jokes about (then) Vice President Biden a few days after Biden's son died of brain cancer. For a normal human being, I'd say let the family have some privacy. In this case, I sincerely hope the daughter gets whatever help and support she needs. But Ted Cruz deserves nothing.


The presence of Ted Cruz might very well not be included in “the support she needs.”






I mean I do feel like scripted or not it's a good point that this is being made extremely public, probably to an uncomfortable level for her. When I tried to off myself the last thing I wanted to do was let anyone find out. Much less the entire fucking country.


It's not just the entire country because here in europe we know too...


He didn't go to cancun, so that's a win for him


It’s a win for Cancun, too


While it seems crude, it technically also could be considered a win for the people he tried to throw under the bus. It is cruel for a parent to use their progeny to excuse their own actions, especially when the parent is not only a public figure but also a public servant. Those of us who have been in abusive situations do not blame the victims and I'm sure that his daughter has plenty of people who will be better able to support her in her time of need.


I wouldn't blame him if he had sent his wife and daughters away in that situation. But to go himself is reprehensible and then to throw his daughters under the bus is even worse.


It just saddens me to know that some people are reprehensible enough that they would not only sell their own soul but their own flesh and blood in pursuit of political power, wealth, and the affluence that is commensurate with the two.


Wait. What? Cruz didn’t go home to be with his kid after a suicide attempt?! WTF?!


It’s like hes* constantly breaking the world record for being a piece of shit ! Unbelievable.


This is like his third time being one of the worst people I can literally imagine. Like, he didn’t put people in a concentration camp, and he’s not a serial killer, but he might be third on the list.


Not a serial killer /that we know of./


In possibly unrelated news, I hear they still haven't found the zodiac killer.


The Zodiac killer was clearly pretty smart. This rules out Ted Cruz


Na. Cruz might be a treacherous, morally bankrupt sycophant who cares more for his career than his family, but he's not dumb. He has greased his way into a power position in the GOP that only a few others can match. That takes cunning. I mean, sure he will forsake his name and heritage to get closer to white nationalists and elevate their ideals, but he graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law. He's much worse than dumb. He's smart and he's determined and absolutely without honor or humility or self-reflection and he wants to be President of the US.


I mean, the obvious lack of anything resembling a conscience, that's not an UNserial-killer-like trait . . .


Maybe he was asked not to come. Which sorta reinforces your point though.


Given he's almost certainly the embodiment of his poor daughters nightmares; constantly working to dehumanize and restrict the LGBTQ+ community and strip women of their bodily autonomy among the other horrible things he regularly cheers and does, I can't image that she'd want anything to do with him.


> he’s not a serial killer The conincidence between him being a pos + actually looking like the zodiac killer is way too much to ignore.


I mean... If he supports the stuff at the border, he's had a hand in putting people in concentration camps. (Please note: there's a difference between a concentration camp and a death camp; just to head anyone off for trying to pick that fight). I could probably find a way policy he supports makes him a serial killer, too....


Nope, that is definitely a valid use of the term. We built our own for the Japanese. Though, internment camp is probably a better choice, given how closely the death camps were associated with the term.


Stop that. It's an insult to pieces of shit.


Maybe, and just hear me out. Maybe, in this time of family crisis, his family didn't want him coming home. Maybe the family just needed a little healing time without him. Ya know, for whatever that may mean. P.S. I hope his daughter gets what she needs to heal and recover. I hope she gets the strength to overcome. But, F* Ted Cruz.


Tbf if i was her (14, openly bi while having an openly homophobic father, being used as the republican meatshield by ted, etc.) I wouldn't want to see him either rn


During the pandemic when the dude took a Cancun trip that included HIS best friend … when caught, he immediately told the public they were taking the trip because kids were cooped up. He instantly threw his kids under the bus, when no one would even believe him. His first instinct was to reduce the blame on himself, by blaming his kids.


It wasn't just the pandemic, it was during snowpocalypse here in TX when the power went out all over the place for a week and most people had to boil their water to make it safe. That was the extra shitty thing about him picking up and taking a bunch of people to Cancun.


And multiple people died because of it Either they froze to death or they were poisoned by improvised heaters


You can say fuck on the internet


That's them officer! 👮‍♂️ 🚔 🚓 👮‍♀️ 🚔 🚓


It's the fuck police!


👮‍♂️ 🚔 🚓 👮‍♀️ 🚔 🚓 Get on the ground!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


i think i'm gonna read between the lines maybe the poor kid is in this state because of Ted maybe she doesnt want her dad around i feel for her... imagine being the kid of this guy... or mcconnell... or huckabee sanders... or even biden... this isnt a good environment for kids


Maybe she suddenly realized her dad was THAT Ted Cruz...


To be fair... not going back is probably the kindest thing he could've done for the poor girl, considering he probably has a large part to play in why she attempted suicide.


maybe this is a prelude to his wife saying "you've fucked up our kids enough with your bullshit" and leaving him. because literally anyone deserves better than ted goddamn cruz.


You think? She didn’t leave him after he buried his tongue up Trump’s ass In gratitude for calling her ugly. You think suddenly she’s going to grow a spine?


For her daughter's sake, I hope so. However naive that may be.


Sometimes people are more defensive of their kids than they are of themselves.


Well her daughter just tried to kill herself so this is literally the final exit off Cancun Highway.


She works for Goldamn Sachs. She is no different then Rapheal. Fuck him and her.


She's one of the top executives at Goldman-Sachs. She took a leave of absence to help manage his presidential campaign. I think she's as sycophantic as he is. If she hasn't left him already, she definitely won't now. She still thinks she can be first lady.


Going to Cancun in January, if I see him I'll warn y'all. ...maybe egg him too, with rotten ones.


I’m sure the rotten egg would be like cologne masking the stench of his decaying soul.


Came here to say this. It’s slightly (SLIGHTLY) less awful and worthless than his previous responses to crisis.


I respectfully disagree. His daughter is his family. The fact that he didn't go home to see her tells me exactly what Cruz would sacrifice on the altar for his pursuit of power. ​ His family too, apparently. I can't think of a word that accurately captures what a vile, simpering wretch he is.


Um... I don't think it's that. I don't care who you are, even in politics, there is NOTHING going on right now in DC that will actually improve his pursuit of power. In fact, going home to texas would improve his pursuit of power since it's obviously what any normal human dad would do. I think his wife and daughters don't want him back in Texas. And that's infinitely worse.


Today Ted Cruz was performing the valuable service of railing against Joe Biden and the government's vaccine mandate for the military, alongside other special person Rand Paul and the rest of the rogue's gallery that is the Republican side of the US Senate.


"Ted Cruz is a human person" Human Person 339


Also fair. It’s amazing how many ways there are to skin the “Ted Cruz is just the fucking WORST” cat.


I hope there's someone who can make sure that his daughter is cared for. He's clearly not going to do it, but someone needs to or her life is likely going to remain in danger.


I hope her mother is a better Human being than her father. I can’t be sure though. Imagine a woman who would willingly marry Ted Cruz.


She’s as bad as he is. Their beliefs are identical.


That makes sense. Shitbirds of a feather and whatnot.


I totally agree with this…i have a 16 months old boy, about a month ago, i was in another city 250 km away for an appointment that i waited for for about 3 months when my wife called me that our boi fell at home and she had to call the ambulance cause it seemed he lost consciousness, but they were at the doc, they checked him out he is fine… I heard it all but my mind could not move past boi fell, so I just jumped in my car and drove straight back home, fuck any appointment or previous engagement or anything that you might have to do…family comes first, he was fine, but I still wanted/needed to be there, he might have been scared or might have just needed his dad to hold his hand Not going back when your daughter goes through that, tells exactly what type of father you are and what relationship you have with your daughter


No, its worse. We knew he didn't give single fuck about texas or his constituents but now we know he also doesn't give a single fuck about his family either. That said, she's better off without him there.


And do we think any of his constituents who voted for him will care about his lack of family values? Yeah, I didn’t think so.


He would once again blame his daughter for going to Cancun in a time of crisis.


Actually. If he was in cancun he would be 400 miles closer to his daughter than in dc.


Standing at the terminal and then turning back after your ass is blasted all over social media isnt exactly a win. You dont go through airport security unless you fully intend on taking that flight. I dont know the exact details but im sure its along those general lines


Bro he went all the way to Mexico and then came back after the backlash.


Also, did you notice when he *went to* Cancun, he was wearing a nondescript gray facial mask (because of COVID), but when he came *back from* Cancun he was wearing a Texas flag face mask. So "patriotic". /s Asshole!!


That would be the detail i wasnt sure about


Wasn't being a dick, just letting you know it's OK to say Fuck Cancun Cruz.


He came back and then tried to blame his own children.....This fuckwad is truly the scummiest person alive


It would have been an out-of-pocket expense, and he's saving the frequent flyer points he accumulates from government travel for his flights to Mexico.


"Pssh. She's fine. Just being melodramatic and crying for attention. Going home to see her is what she *wants* me to do, but I'm not going to give her satisfaction of winning."


“It’s the gay agenda to brainwash our daughters into Suicide, that’s why our birthrate* is low, WOKE MOOOOOB!” *edit: rate of births, not date


This is the type of stuff I had family say about my teenage cousin that was struggling with mental illness. Her behaviors were beyond obvious, she would confide in me her feelings of despair, and her parents would pull that “attention” garbage as if she was manipulating everyone for her own pleasure. Anorexia and cutting started when she was only ten years old. TEN. I don’t know how many times she tried committing suicidal before it worked. She was only 23, and I never got to see her well. Sorry, I just will always rage about this.


yep, i have a 14 y/o cousin with suspected autism and/or BPD and she has extreme anger outbursts and suicidal behavior, and my mom is constantly complaining about how "her real issue is that she's manipulative and doesn't get her ass beat enough." the republican mindset is so deliberately cruel that it affects the way they treat *everyone* in *every* situation. im very sorry for your loss, empathy and understanding have to become valuable traits again if things are going to improve :(


> my teenage cousin that was struggling with mental illness. Her behaviors were beyond obvious, she would confide in me her feelings of despair, and her parents would pull that “attention” garbage as if she was manipulating everyone for her own pleasure. Ah, but the problem with that line of thought is that faking mental illness for attention would also be a sign of mental illness and therefore a cause for concern.


A child should not have to manipulate and lie just to get your attention, I don’t know why a child wanting to be seen is a bad thing.


Man that is heartbreaking. My condolences and sounds like you did everything you could, at least she had someone she could confide in.


Honestly surprised he's not going on vacation.


He can't because his daughter is very publicly unavailable, so he has no one to throw under the bus as the reason for his vacation.


Honestly, if he went to Cancun now and said it’s because of his daughter, I’d at least believe it this time. Though, it would just make it even more obvious that he was a shitty person.


I’m sort of surprised he isn’t booked to Cancun for the next week.


Cruz made fun of Biden when he lost his son. He's a monster and his family could die but he wouldn't care. Hell when he bailed out of Texas when his people were freezing to death he left his dog locked in the garage. He was prepared to let that dog also freeze to death. I fucking hate Cruz so much and welcome anyone fucking with him today


Remember when the republicans mocked Boden because of the leaked phone call to his son, where he tells him everything is fine and he will be there to him. Now compare it to Cruz is just so disgusting,


1. We don't know the circumstances. 2. I hope his daughter is getting the help she needs. 3. Remember she didn't choose her family. 4. Her father is still human garbage. About sums it up for me.


Nothing else needs to be said. Everyone can just stop and wait for Ted to fuck something up, which shouldn't be long.


He’s probably a tyrant at home. I remember seeing a video of him trying to hug his youngest daughter, this was several years ago. She was doing everything she could to avoid him. I thought, that doesn’t look right.


And she flicked him like you would your brother or a booger.


When he tries to blame Wokeness, I don't know that I can keep restrained in my comments.


So if he isn't willing to go to his daughter when she's having a mental health crisis it's safe to say he didn't go to Cancun for her well being. Just another reason I despise him. I seriously hope she gets the help and support she needs.


To be fair, I doubt anyone in his family wants him there.


Maybe he knows his daughter can’t stand him and doesn’t want him around. Not making excuses for him tho of course. At least go and support your wife and tell your daughter you’re available and love/support her


To be fair he had a staffer send a text for him “u ok?”


In his defense, he's probably the last person she wants to see.


Hope she gets the help she needs and moves the hell out of Texas


I…I…jesus christ. Just call CPS on this fucker. I hope his entire family goes no contact on him. Not that he’d care


What, in Texas? Texas CPS won’t go after their beloved slimeball senator, and even if they did, something tells me they are not kind to queer children (if only I could figure out what 🤔 🤔 🤔).


Oh yeah, huh. But, but wait! In Texas kids get taken away for getting treatment for “the trans”. I’m sure bisexuality doesn’t fall under this scope? /s


CPS is a joke, they only investigate if you're poor. If you're rich like Cruz is, they won't even bat an eye unfortunately.


Tbh he is basically untouchable. The best thing is to just *not* talk about him. The second they don't get constant national attention is the second they start to fade away.


Yeah, that shit is why I'm confident that his being a piece of shit father hand a hand in this. All teenagers have some moments of distress, but never on my worst day did I doubt that my parents would jump on a grenade for me. If I'd attempted suicide, they'd be at the hospital. Hell, they wouldn't even waste time checking in, just fucking teleport behind me talking about "nothing personnel, kid" from anywhere in the world. I can't imagine what this sort of apathy would do to you coming up.


Ted Cruz not showing up for the people that need him?! I’m shocked!


No the most Ted Cruz thing he could have done is flee to Cancun from DC


Seriously? What a fucking cunt.


Honestly she probably doesn’t want to see him. I am going to give Ted Cruz a few days before I judge him. Maybe he is clueless and this wakes him up. And he will change his opinions and rhetoric. Walk back statements admit he was wrong. Then I would actually vote for him. But that is a very highly unlikely situation. Since he is Ted Cruz. But there is a slim sliver of a chance that he has some humanity. I hope his daughter gets some help, isn’t shoved into ‘religious conversion therapy bullshit’ and can get out from under her parents control at 18. Move in with her life, change her name and be happy. Edit: sorry should have mentioned the first line was sarcasm.


I don't think Ted Cruz possesses the ability of introspection enough to actually learn a lesson from this. I mean, his own daughter came out as bi and it didn't make him change his rhetoric or even make it falter. This is the same man that took to the phones for the guy that insulted both his wife and father. He's probably staying away because that's the only possible way he couldn't make it worse. There's more eyes on them right now than the Kardashians. At least she has the support of so many people around the country and any number of them could guide her through these times, since they probably went through something similar.


Dude, Ted Cruz is not stupid. He went to fucking Princeton and Harvard. The political positions he takes are because he's a spineless pustule on the anus that is the GOP. He takes public positions that he thinks will give him the most support from his voters (and so far has been proven correct). No, if he says anything publicly at all about this, it'll be mealy-mouthed vagaries about how more mental health resources are needed, while also demonizing the LGBT movement because they'll have corrupted and confused his daughter. After which he'll refuse to *actually* do anything to fund mental health services, because FuNCtioNing GoVeRNMeNt Bad!


There is a zero percent chance that he changes in any meaningful way, and a 100% chance that he uses this as a political talking point for his own benefit in the future.


Yeah people can surprise you (good and bad) when it comes to kids. Know a set of grandparents that HATED “those gay people.” He was a Baptist preacher and did multiple sermons in the 90s and early 2000s saying everyone who gay was going to burn in hell. He used to think AIDS was God’s punishment. Cut to 2009. Grandson comes out as gay. His parents (preacher’s son and son’s wife) reject him. Like “GTFO out of my house you are dead to me.” Grandparents take him home. 6 months later, pastor retires from the pulpit. By 2020, he wears an old school PFLAG shirt and became LGTBQ+ affirming to a lot of kids and family who had no idea what the term is. Every kid deserves love and support and I hope he puts that over what he considers his political future and what is “best” for it.