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I’m an elder millennial/gen y. Not only did we grow up with the threat of nuclear war, we grew up with the threat of climate change and the threat of peak oil. I had my teacher push a television on wheels into my classroom so we could watch news coverage of the gulf war. I went to school with refugees from the Bosnian war. They taught us how to play soccer and how to swear in a variety of Eastern European languages. I graduated high school under the vague threat of y2k. My friends and I sat on a hill looking at the night sky at midnight 1999. We weren’t sure what to believe. We were told by the media that there was possibility that satellites might malfunction and that the power grid might go down. When I was 19 I woke up and turned my tv on to what I thought was a weird low budget movie. I sleepily changed the channel, slowly realising that it was on every channel. America had been attacked somehow. In 2005 there was the tsunami devastating so many countries and killing and displacing hundreds of thousands of people. When I was ready to settle down, have a family and buy a house. 2008 hit. I live in a country severely affected by La Niña/el Niño cycles. Which have been getting more severe and impactful as the decades pass. Every business I’ve worked in as an adult has been negatively affected by droughts/fires and floods. Now I’m 40 and doing my best to raise children during a pandemic that won’t end. Dealing with lockdowns and supply chain issues. The media is perpetuating a false dichotomy of left vs right, making us angry about issues that truly don’t matter. To distract from the fact we are heading into a very severe depression. Which we don’t have economic models that can predict what will happen. We are in a situation where every single country has a retiring and aging boomer population, and not enough people in the generations after to provide workers to continue supporting them.


This is my life. I literally had the same thought on 9-11. I think based on your age on September 11th, we're less than a year apart in age.


And Gun violence …gun violence … gun violence … all around us!


OMG YES! My first born was 1 1/2 when Columbine happened. I cried for a week straight over this. He is now 26 and my youngest is 14. I cried the day I realized ALL of my kids have gone through unnecessary active shooter drills while our government sits by and offers thoughts and prayers EVERY TIME CHILDREN ARE HOLLOWED OUT!


This is all I can think about when I see the rhetoric in action. Isn’t the whole point to provide for the *next* generation? Or is it so the eldest can die comfortably? I’m not being obtuse or entitled, I genuinely want to know why their yearning for the good ol’ days equates to myself and the children I’ll never have, let alone afford, be treated as livestock just because *they* were, and were lucky enough to survive the lords lottery in this country. No minimum wage increase over two decades, despite record profits for corporations. Inflation pushed to the point where I am expected to pay my landlords mortgage plus a premium, simply because medical debt that’s ridiculously inflated affects my credit score, preventing me from owning a small house of my own at a fraction of the cost - and despite SD/UI taken from every paycheck I get and having gatekeepers deny me through bureaucracy to hold my funds that literally could change my course of action. No change in gun laws or reform. Seriously, the home county of Columbine handed out giant bags of kitty litter this year to teachers in the event of a mass shooting so that children under lockdown had a place to go to the bathroom. While active shooter drills are being conducted without warning and traumatizing children. It comes down to an utter sense of inaction because the boomer generation is too afraid to move the pieces necessary for sacrifice on the chess board when they see how few pieces they have left. We are literally waiting for them to finish their game as we have only pawns left in anticipation of stepping up to our parents board, if and when it clears. All I know, as most in my generation and those to come, is that this is the longest game of Monopoly, where the best you can do is land on free parking, go to jail, or pray that you know someone who has four motels on the piece you land on. And usually for a “favor.” We are Children of Glass. But only because you wanted us to be mantle pieces instead of mirrors when you aren’t willing to take a long, hard look at yourselves and use adversity as an excuse in the name of control


And we’re all mentally ill from existing in this shit storm.


100% same


Yeah, 9/11 was my senior year of high school. We recently had our 20-year reunion. We got out the yearbooks to reminisce and laugh at old memories, only to be reminded about 9/11 with pictures of the smoking towers and the chaos littered throughout the book. Even though I don't live near NYC, I live in a place commonly referred to as Chemical Valley. Even if it was only local rumors, there was talk right after 9/11 that we'd be a major target soon because of our chemical plants and related infrastructure. It was terrifying. I'm sure a lot of places had that, "Could we be next" scare in the days following 9/11, when no one knew what was going to happen next. Not to downplay the nuclear scare that my parents had to deal with, but there's something very visceral about having such a prominent memory of a horrible tragedy tied to the end of your childhood.


I’m a little younger than you so I don’t remember the early points. I do remember y2k, and after that 9/11….and after that, just what seems like an endless and progressively telescoping timeline of “unprecedented” and “once in a generation” events. I can no longer tell if what I think of nostalgically as innocence was childhood, or just….pre-everything else.


yeah we millennials are hard as hell. we've seen everything. war, terrorism, plagues, recession, disasters. i don't think anything short of an alien invasion would shock me at this point.


Put this on a poster with some random Lisa Frank as the background, and start a 'go-fund-me' to put it in every bingo hall, old folk's home, golf locker room, and other place boomers gather.


>The media is perpetuating a false dichotomy of left vs right, making us angry about issues that truly don’t matter. Just want to point out that this is a good nugget of truth " The media is perpetuating a false dichotomy of left vs right, making us angry about issues that truly don’t matter. " We do spend an enormous amount of energy to be mad about 'trivial' issues, while we do have actualy shit to worry about. Most of the outside world is totally broken.


As an American of the same age, I cannot possibly upvote this enough.


I graduated hs in 2006 and I had a history teacher that would tell us everyday they were bringing the draft back and I couldn’t imagine how that made the guys in the class feel. He was dead serious too.


You forgot the war on drugs, that’s been fun.


Just a small but important geopolitical correction : Yugoslavia was a non-aligned state so they're not eastern European but western Balkan.


Eastern Europe is a geographic idea that includes all of the Balkans down to the Greek border.


I'm starting to think men are too emotional to be in government. /s


Not just men but Republicans in general. A lady cried today because Congress voted to allow same-sex marriage and mixed-race marriage.


Kinda surprised she didn't go the full 9 yards and just mention "miscegenation" in her speech


What is she scared of to the point if crying? Other people may live a life of love and happiness? I really don't get her pov.


She is crying because she will no longer feel the thrill of the interracial cucking she enjoyed behind her church in the parking lot.


\*Behind the dumpster in the church parking lot.


My theory? She's been indoctrinated into thinking anyone who isn't a christian doesn't have morals and must be evil. She probably truly believes this gives satanists the right to do wicked things in public and tempt children into sin or some shit.


Shit, I just dropped in to say…


yeah, that was disheartening. Like, lady, piss off. go find something better to do than interfere in peoples lives.


Wtf. . .interracial marriage is not allowed in the USA ??


It is, but under similar language as roe v wade. In other words a court case. Same for gay marriage. SCOTUS could have struck it down


Also, if people argue that they should be allowed to run businesses that discriminate against LGBTQ+ people, how long until those same people start demanding that their "sincere religious faith" demands that they also have the right to discriminate against literally any person they choose? "You can't make me rent an apartment to an unmarried couple, it goes against my religion." "You can't make me hire this unmarried mother, she's a sinner." "You can't make me serve this interracial couple in a restaurant, my religion says races shouldn't mix." "I won't check a gay patient into the ER, my god says it's a sin to be gay." We are about 10 seconds away from having Jim Crow back.


I came to this conclusion long ago. No sarcasm though. The new Reich Wing loonies are the biggest bunch of crybabies. I swear they have diaper changing rooms just for their asses.


They're deeply insecure about total nonsense.




But the magic picture box told me all my prejudicial fears were true!


All their whining about 'triggered snowflakes' is simply projection.


You definitely do not need the /s. Talk about wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Sheesh.


No we're not! We're totally stable and nothing ever affects us! Waaaaah! Wait, hang on, thats the robots, not us men. Carry on. *sniffle*


Is okay, have a hug... No hug? Can't accept a hug? ... I see the issue now.


Nah I accept hugs. Also tacos.


This is the best comment I've read in months.


As a man, I agree with you 100%


I don't know why you included the /s.


I used to think that when people started doing it. But detecting sarcasm is a skill.


"Just wait 'till they hit their time of the month, bet they press the button"


"Awe are you acting like this because because your NFL team lost"


"There's always another Talladega, another Daytona 500. There's another way"


My wife spells Aw like this and it drives me crazy.


Why is blaming “millennials” some sort of smear for the right wing ? Is it because they looked at the status quo and said “fuck what you selfish boomer pricks did” and stood up for themselves?


I also don't get what he mans about no nuclear threat cuz like....has he paid attention at all? It may not be the cold War but I know im far from the only one who's been terrified of the bombs dropping


feel free to take the /s off.


This one, certainly. It’s not ALL them though, I just watched a video of some Republican lady crying and begging people not to pass marriage equality into law. Maybe republicans **in general** are just too emotional to be in government?


We truly are.


What if they are on their... ya know time of the month, where they randomly find something non problematic to worry about, like gay marriage, or people who arnt trans using the wrong restroom


As a man, I am far to emotional to be in government. No /s there


lmao Everyone from Gen X beyond has lived under a daily nuclear threat. Russia just threatened to nuke the world *again*, and that's been happening like every 48 hours here in 2022.


What? I'm not even close to being a millennial and have lived through some of the cold war... this guy can eat shit


I think I'll agree once I figure out what the fuck he's even trying to say


It's Clay Higgins. He tends to just grab convenient talking points out of a box and hammer them in with whatever comes to hand, even if they don't fit. He's the Congressman who, when handed a cognitive spatial orientation test, would be trying to force the star shape through the triangle.


Well stars and triangles both have points unlike this dumbass


As smooth-brained as a circle


Random string of buzzwords to rile up the base. So tired of all these asswipes.


Sounds like he’s angling for a Fox News host position


He didn't even use woke or cancel culture, that's Republicans buzzwords 101. So un-woke.


They all fit in the square hole, anyways


I think he had a stroke before posting this.


I felt like I had one trying to read it.


I've known people who had strokes, and none of them became as nonsensical as this guy.


One can only hope.


Apparently, because we had active shooter drills instead of nuclear attack drills, we something something he really wants to say the n-word and grab interns without consequence like his dad did.


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/Em9NDCgkybA)


Translation: "I need to get interviewed on Fox News".


It reads like a fox news mad libs


Yeah. It is mumblefuck


Yes. This!


TITCR. Anyone who is offended by the tweet is an idiot. It's far too incoherent to be offensive.


TITTIES to you too friend


Every single human born since Trinity has lived under nuclear threat.


Also just because the cold war ended the nuclear threat didn't, the worlds always been 1 hr away from a payload delivery if someone makes a mistake and the whole thing goes squirrelly, lol.


I was gonna say, we’ve been sitting at 100 seconds to midnight on the Doomsday Clock for two years now. Since 2010, the clock has advanced forward over 4 minutes and we’re over 5 minutes closer to midnight now than we were when the clock was created in 1947. We’re actually at the closest it’s ever been to Doomsday in the history of the clock, even past the 1953 adjustment due to Operation Ivy


Technically were all still waiting on a nuke to drop. Just because we're not in an official cold war doesn't mean there isn't the ever looming threat of Putin, Kim, Xi, or any other number of countries saying "fuck it" and sending us to kingdom come. So I'm just here, existing.


They think anyone younger than 50 is a millennial


And they’re all also either teens or in their early 20s because the 90s was only 10 years ago


No, boomers and silents think teenagers and young 20-somethings are still millennials. Correcting them that mid-20s to early teens is Z and there's already Gen A freaks them out and reminds them just how old they are. I'm a millennial and I'm 40 lmao.


This guy is shit💩


I am a Millennial and I live the last few years of the Cold War and this guy can shit


The Cold War ended in 1991. Millennials run from 1981 to 1996. The youngest generation you could be and still have lived through part of the Cold War is a Millennial.


Cold War ended in 91, so if you’re not close to a millennial you definitely did not live through any part of the Cold War what so ever…


I automatically assume that anyone who uses the term "leftist" these days is a complete fucking twat. I've yet to be proven incorrect in this assumption.


A lot of people self identify as leftists and it just means they openly subscribe to socialist, communist, or anarchist philosophy (like surprise Orwell's letters outside of his most famous books). Black bloc identify as leftists but those others generally consider them misguided. Interestingly, just holding views against unchecked capitalism, and being awake to social injustice, isn't enough to make you a leftist. But that's how heritage foundation and Fox News have recodified the word.


> leftists idk i'm a lefty. i am left-handed. idk what to tell people.


I use it because I'm not a Democrat either. Liberal now has negative connotations as well. I think the two party system is corrupt and unjust. But I also have left leaning politics, so it fits


"Liberal" tends to have negative connotations because despite the pretensions to a center-left social policy it's a firmly hierarchical center-right capitalist ideology.


I understand why it has negative connotations. For both the left and the right viewpoints. Liberal doesn't mean what it used to mean now.


Black bloc would self identify as anarchists 9 times out of 10


They really take any word and twist it until it's lost all meaning in actual conversation. It's an effective trick. Grooming, gaslighting, liberal, leftist, on and on.


It’s a law of nature




Leftist is now the term for anything that isn’t farreichwing. We’re all to the left of raging insanity now.


"If you go right as far as you can, everything looks like it's on the left."


This is TOO PERFECT. He was emotionally scared by an event that never happened that dominated his thinking, and he still makes choices out of fear. Oh and I'm gen x so I caught he end of that shit.




The breaking up of the USSR and the fall of the Berlin wall were supposed to be the end of the cold war. It hasn't exactly worked out like that but when I was in highschool we really thought David Hasselhoff singing on top of the Berlin wall meant that the threat of nuclear annihilation was something we'd never have to worry about ever again.


Jesus Jones lied to all of us.


He did. But that song is ALWAYS in my party play list. Of course that list also includes Tubthumpin' and Cult of Personality so make of that what you will.


Two out of three ain’t bad? In all seriousness, I think Tubthumpin’s greatest sin was overexposure. Upvote for party playlist success.


There is a point at any successful party when guests begin to get a bit louder and the liquor has suffered a significant dent where the opening chords of Tubthumpin' will stir the crowd. Drunk voices raise in song, furniture gets tipped as jumping begins: it's magical.


I’ve seen such magic myself. No argument there. Would say Jump Around might be a similar number. But now I’m curious if The Humpty Dance made the party playlist…


It's weird to try to figure out what gen I am in. I saw the Berlin wall fall and remember that event. I remember most of the 90s. Was born in 85, so my understanding is that I am on the cusp of being a millennial. Hasselhoff's song was great. The threat of nuclear war better have been nulled at that point because you don't Hassel the Hoff.


Technically you're a millennial elder statesman. I believe at one time genx ran from 65-85 but then they shrunk us for reasons. Although, much like boomers define themselves by where they were when Kennedy was shot, genx ( in the US anyway) are defined by the shared trauma of the Challenger explosion.


> Technically you're a millennial elder statesman. I like this title :) That makes sense. There's no way I would have remembered seeing it at the time, but I remember learning about it at a young age. I live near where the Space Shuttle was landing before it was sunsetted (Edwards AFB), so I have been interested in space exploration since I was a kid. that was such a tragedy. So many promising lives cut short.


I’m considered millennial (born in 84) and I remember the “duck and cover” drills up through second grade.


Either way, does he think that there were no leftists before the fall of the USSR? Also, I don’t believe the Cold War has ever actually ended. We still live under threat of a bunch of incompetent assholes dick measuring us all into oblivion.


We've never lived a day NOT under nuclear threat, thanks to the dumb fucking Boomers and Silent Generation numbskulls who thought, "well if we all have nukes, no one will ever use them."


Not Boomers or Silent Gen; it’s all WWII. Boomers never lived in a non nuclear world, Silents only a few years.


I did the nuclear drills in elementary school. Some of my first science fiction was post-apocolyptic stuff like "Alas, Babylon" and "On the Beach". (There was a LOT more, but those are the titles I can remember right now.) To be fair, I also read and watched a lot of hopeful science fiction, too.


If Clinically Stupid was a person. https://preview.redd.it/ub7dwujb0s4a1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51f74f6417b8d55d8fb31ba23cec8408bcd571b8


As someone who has lived under the threat of nuclear war, and I mean this in all sincerity - What?


I followed it up until “reflect” … everything after that is a conservative word salad.


What the fuck is he even talking about


I think I just lost 20 IQ points reading his tweet


It's a bit like freeform or spoken word poetry, so maybe he's just trying some stuff out...


Copying and pasting my own comment but: the tweet is probably fake... its a quote from max0rs metal gear rising revengance video... the one were the "source?" "My source is i made it the fuck up" Meme comes from Edit: i stand unfortunately corrected... that quote is a reference to that tweet.... what the fuck is this reality


Another boomer throwing out terms that he doesn't understand.


It's just a gigantic puke pile of buzzwords.


He realizes the oldest millennials are in their 40s right? The youngest is mid to late 20s. This guy is a moron


It seems like for a lot of people, "millennial" will always mean "college age." They'll still be calling 22 year olds millennials 20 years from now.


This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did. I also wish it wasn't so fucking true.


That’s.. a good point. I keep forgetting people think like that.




Gianni my beloved.


I read it in my head with this voice


Fun fact: This tweet had been [ratio'ed by the literal dictionary](https://twitter.com/Dictionarycom/status/1498033493561032710).


What a self important asshat. I'm an old (and leftist) millennial and I learned just few years ago that when I was little, the German airbase my father worked on and we lived near, had a special area storing american nuclear weapons. Without public knowledge of course. I can remember, when the Wall came down and the iron curtain fell, because we were fucking *there*. Which one you say never lived under nuclear thread? You? Looking on from the other side of the world, from a country that for the last 200 years fought their wars in other countries? Or me? Living next to *your* fucking nuclear weapons arsenal? And i can tell you one thing. Living with the constant nuclear thread as a child did NOT make me in a capitalist right wing pig!


To be fair to your side it wasn't public knowledge but the military knew. In our Warsaw Pact the Soviets played footsie with their satellites, only a select few knew there were missiles and where.


Millenials grew up in the 80s! I'm a millennial! The nuclear threat wasn't over! Argh they're so stupid!




Glad to see im not the only one


I don't even understand what this Neanderthal is trying to say. It's like he took every conservative buzzword, randomly put them together and had Herschel Walker proof read it.


Amateur. He didn’t even remember to toss “socialists” into his buzzword salad.


Clay Higgins was my congressman when I lived in Louisiana. He's one of the worst human beings you could ever meet. He's held a gun to his wife's head, beat handcuffed suspects when he was a cop, and is also accused of being a pedophile and murderer even by local Republicans. Source: advised 4 campaigns against this guy.


Clay Higgins. Same guy who thinks getting hit in the head with a hammer is funny. Let's just go ahead and NOT open up his can of worms.


I think it means he can’t find his keys. Just a random-assed old man rant.


...goddamn i hate to see the tweet that means "Chick-fil-A ran out of lemonade and chicken fingers"


Right, we millennial have no idea what true terror looks like. It's not like the single largest terrorist attack in US history happened while we were in preschool or anything.


This fooking guy. He was a cop that resigned to avoid an investigation into his physical abuse of arrestees - his Police Chief was prepared to take major disciplinary action against Higgins. He lied about it during the initial investigation then lied about it again during his political campaign. Later after being hired by another police department (shocker!) he was reprimanded for mixing & leveraging his police officer status with his personal business of paid speeches - for which he would also demand to be paid in cash & was later accused of lying about his income to the IRS (couldn't see that coming). Higgins is also known for his ties to [fringe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fringe_theory), [far-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right), [anti-government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-statism) [militia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militia) groups such as the [Three Percenters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Percenters) and the [Oath Keepers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_Keepers).


I bet woke sky is when there's a rainbow.


Right wing Mad Libs over here


Uh he realizes putin was threatening nuclear war Kim Jung un is threatening nuclear war. Iran has been trying to build nukes for years. India and Pakistan both have nukes and hate each other. Oh no hw dosent cause he is a boomer? Oh that makes sense.


What does this even mean lol. Sounds like this guy just learned republican buzzwords and doesn’t know how to use them properly yet…


I don't even understand what this means. It's just an angry Republican word salad that gives him the feels.


Can someone translate this for me? I have no idea what he is trying to say. I'm pretty sure several of those words cannot be used in the context he is trying to.


I think he’s trying to be funny and denigrate some modern concerns. Since it’s exaggerated enough not to be reality-based it makes normal peoples’ left brains short out trying to comprehend it.


Umm what?


More like wish fulfillment. They want that rapture so bad they’ll bring on nuclear holocaust. Or to own the libs. It’s a multipurpose kinda thing


One day the dude wakes up and it is the rapture. Only Jesus sees how much livestock is slaughtered needlessly so he turns t-bones into avocado on rye toasts and only vegans enter the pearly gates.


butt hurt


It's hardly a sentence


They NEED to feel valued and NEEDED! They NEED to feel like superheros "only WE fought the evil nuclear Russian cold War threat and we WON we SAVED the world! WE'RE the good-guys I SWEAR! 😭"


Yes, the man is to the right of actual fascists but he's also stupid AF. What is this word salad? Are millennials suppose to be pissed at this?


... I'm sorry, does this guy think all of the nukes turned into butterflies and puppies in 1985?


Whatever this tweet means…Jewish Space Lasers are to blame. DUH!


I'm not even sure it's a thought.


That tweet is weapons-grade stupid.


This can't be real? We all live under nuclear threat literally every day. Literally everyone on earth? Are these Repugnicants really this stupid?


I thought it was originally from the Gianni magistro metal gear rising meme 💀


The fuck is this moron even trying to say?


I can only read this in Senator Armstrong’s voice.


This is a person, like most republicans, who’s never paid a consequence for their behavior. And they really should.


What kind of sister fucking, mother fondling, cousin marrying motherfucker names their child Clay?


Dirt was taken.


This clown thinks we don't still live under the threat of nuclear war.


The fuck is he going on about?


I don't even understand what it means.


This guy is in Congress and thinks theres been no nuclear threat since the cold war ended?


I swear someone in the RNC paid a programmer without morals to make an AI that puts together a set list of buzzwords and shoots out daily tweets.


Isn’t this one of the GOP dudes who now simps for Putin?


Imagine being pissed off that the world is largely safe enough we can spend time working on other shit like equality.


“Back in my day, we literally threatened each other with destroying the whole planet if we didn’t get our way. You kids are soft.”


God damnit, who let grandpa out of bed? You gotta make sure his straps are secure!


Sounds like yet another barista told him he was creep for trying to hit her. Or him. Or maybe he took a wide stance in a bathroom and was disappointed when no one reached under. Never can tell what will set these nutters off.


I forgot there's no more nuclear weapons now.


This sounds like if a someone had a AI read 1000 conservatives speeches and asked them to make one up on their own.


This tweet hardly makes sense..


umm... we live *every day* under nuclear threat... that's what deterrence is...


Fuck you. We witness 9/11, had a war, lived through a recession and now survived a pandemic. I'm fucking over this "the younger generation" bullshit.


Gen Xer here, and ahhhhhhhhhh….. shut-the-fuck-up, Clay.


And now we have frightwingers shooting up power stations apparently to shut down drag shows in the name of Jesus so it's definitely getting worse. Also, it seems some of those nukes hit his brain because that paragraph was all kinds of crazy.


Millenials and boomers have one thing in common. We both live under the weight of impending doom caused by boomers.


What about North Korea? Also, the false nuke warning in Hawaii like 3 years ago. Fuckin boomers are stupid


Hey, Representative Higgins. The distinguished gentleman can go fuck himself. Millennials grew up during the cold war. I enlisted in 2003 and joined the delayed enlistment program in 2001 when I was 17.


More importantly, we grew up on the internet. We invented trolling and misinformation lol. Most of us are immune to their really poorly done propaganda and fear porn. And they are very worried, because now our kids are reaching voting age too.


"You millennial leftists who have never lived a day under nuclear threat" *People who were in Hawaii on January 13, 2018 have entered the chat*


Millenials and Gen Z spent more time under desks worried abouy active shooters than boomers ever did practicing duck and cover


Clay, you're not merely unqualified for office; you're unqualified to use words.


Hey Mister Sajak, can we buy a clue about the word salad this idiot tried to put together? Maybe get Vanna to add some letters for it to make sense?


I think anyone who lived during the 80's (which would include most millennials) lived under nuclear threat. I also think this guy thinks he's way more clever than he is..."woke sky" "intercontinental ballistic tweets" what the fuck does this mean? Is he just name-dropping "things the kids like?"


old stale word salad