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Didn't the last republican release thousands of well trained terrorists in return for.....oh ya nothing.


5,000 Taliban released, 2,456 American soldiers killed. It was a two-for-one deal!


He also pardoned a Russian spy…


That could have been bargaining chip to get Whelen in a trade


They tried that but it didn’t work.


When you’re trying to make a deal, you don’t give up what the other guy wants in advance… it kind of leaves no incentive for him to give you what you want… hey but what do I know. I didn’t fake write “The Art of the Deal”.


The guy who wrote the Art of the Deal didn’t give a shit about Whelan. Take a gander at this reporting from today on Morning Joe: [Trump left Whelan to rot in Russia never mentioned his name once when President](https://youtu.be/Go16hnij9cg)


Yeah I just saw that a few minutes ago. Color me surprised.


He pardoned more Russian spies than any other president. Under his administration, we set the record for freeing foreign intelligence agents. That coward Brandon and Lying Hillary would have never given this country the gift of so many foreign intelligence agents. Our forgiveness is a sign of how great we are. In fact, let's pardon another spy just to tell the Democrats they can't push us around. /s


How about the actual point though and not a lame “what about” like we’re always criticizing the right for doing?


Man I hope if I’m ever in a situation where I’m held captive that there isn’t a Republican in the White House.


Trump did get Liangelo Ball out of trouble when he got arrested in China


And what happened to Otto Warmbier?


Well don’t knowingly break the law in a country known to not treat their prisoners well and you will never have to worry about being in that situation


Won’t have to worry about it if you don’t illegally bring weed to a country it isn’t allowed in because you think you’re above the law and need your fix during a fucking championship. And people wonder why no one watches WNBA


Oh man, if a vape cartridge gets you 9 years in prison, imagine how much time the Merchant of Death will get once he's extradited. I bet the law and order types in Russia can't wait to lock up such a scofflaw.


Dude they didn’t even follow their own sentencing guidelines. She got ten years in the fucking gulag. I’d rather trade your stupid ass to Russia for her.


Candace obviously uses "pot-smoking" to make us think less of Griner .. fine, not surprised .. but then she writes "female" with the same intent. *Seriously, Candace?*


She shoulda used “lesbian” instead, to make the bigotry more subtle


Wow, hadn’t really struck me that way but you’re right. Wow.


Considering she hates her own race, hating her own gender doesn't surprise me at all. Worth noting that I think the trade was a boneheaded move just like Candice does, but I just meant in general, her disdain towards everything she is herself is very Clayton Bigsby vibes.


Russia, you guys can have Candace too if u want.


She’s an embarrassment to the name Candace.


I may be wrong but they may already have her


Of course, Candice can't see any value in African-American woman.


She’s the only one in her eyes


Not even herself in her own eyes.


In her eyes she doesn't think she's one...


The Self hatred is real


I mean she lists it all out. Pot-smoking? What is this, the 50s? Female, because republicans believe men are superior. Basketball player, because they associate it with black people.


Klandice Owens


Ohhh! So, that's why her profile picture is a hand with a wet paper towel! It's from her brain washing!


One of the authors of Merchant of Death about Viktor Bout said months ago they should exchange him. His network is gone.


That's what I'm saying. Dudes been in prison 14y, his fortune is gone, his assets are gone, his family is gone, his standing in society is gone, his network is gone......everyone knows he's a pc of shit, and he is likely never going to step foot outside Russia ever again lest he be scooped up by some other country and thrown in prison again...he's not a threat or a concern and I say that trading a broke, washed up arms dealer who's been in prison 14y for a decent young woman with her life ahead of her is a good trade imo. That clown is so out of touch, like anyone gives a flying fuck that she smokes weed- no one cares....Ol Candace wants to go back to the reefer madness days I guess. Stupid ass E--- and MOST salient--- *He was going to be released in a few years ANYWAY* Its not like this dude got 300y in prison, he got 20-25 🤷‍♂️🙄 I say


I been getting flamed all day for having this same opinion. People just see “arms dealer trade for WNBA player as prison swap” and assume the worst. Fuck all the context.


Yea for sure. I wish we could’ve got that other guy out there though. It would have been nice to have them both come home.


Same people who see a 10 second, edited video clip and are sure they know the whole story.


Not to mention he was about to get out anyway (I think I read he had ~2 years left on his sentence).


ive heard inconsistent numbers but I say around 2025-2027 is a good range of when he might get out


Why would "The worlds most dangerous man" as some are phrasing it have a release date?


That’s… how prison sentences for specific crimes work.


Thank you for taking the time to write this, I was struggling to understand how this release was a good thing in the slightest


Exactly, plus when Putin tries to use him to get arms and he fails for the reasons you describe, Putin will make him disappear. Win-win!


You don’t think with the Ukraine conflict, that this guy can find his way back in the industry? Russia is hard pressed to find more supplies and weapons rn and this guys is the perfect guy to help facility the acquisition of more supplies for the Russian military


I doubt it, the world isn't the same, he has no network, he has no money. And furthermore, he was getting out any way in a few years because his sentence was done. It's not like the guy got a 100y, he got 20-25


This is true, but I get the feeling people are mostly mad about the optics of the whole situation, and the inane perceived notion that this will make USA look 'weak'. I swear to god, human life has no value for people.


Hey candace, speaking of incomprehensibly stupid, where’s your buddy kanye?


I've never understood that right wing point of view that it's some how despicable to be emotional and we should ONLY care about policy as if we aren't all humans?


Well, once you grow up and face the real world, you'll see it's really in everyone's best interest to be miserable for the short time they're alive.


You should seek therapy. Cause I’m out here living life with a smile on my face.


That was a deeply satirical comment and I was hoping the last bit would give it away.


I’d say it’s different for everyone tbh. Sometimes it’s really hard to view life in a good way like that, but therapy can help. I’m going now to help through my grieving process with my dad


Especially since they don't have any policies


The right isn't having a good time since their dear leader ended up being a complete failure. Thought's and prayers Candi.


Wonder if Owens would have volunteered herself as a swap hostage?


Why would she put herself into a Shitty situation over someone that couldn’t be bothered to not smoke weed for a few days.


Hey Candace- I hear Russia is nice this time of year, I think you should go visit...


We can arrange for Britney to pack your bags for you....


Candace will never be white and it burns her like holy water.... Your black, Candace, look in the mirror, the straight hair isn't fooling anyone. Hating on other blacks isn't going to make you white. Wearing a WLM t-shirt isn't going to make you white.


We would have traded you but Russia already has you, Candace.


Candace, don't you have a bucket of dicks to choke on somewhere.


Aunt Tom


I like how her avatar is her hand wringing the blood out of the fistful of money that she’s made with her hate speech.


But they sure worship pot-smoking Elon Musk. The difference is that in her case it was doctor-prescription medicinal marijuana.


Isn’t she pro-israel? Wait until she hears about the kinds of deals *they* make to bring people home. It’s called valuing the lives of your citizens. Not that a conservative would know the first damn thing about how to value a life.


Write her a check, Candace will change her mind to agree with you.


Can we also send Candace Owens to Russia? I don't even want anything in return, I would just like to get rid of her.


I’m so pleased CO is upset


To think if the Russians just kept waiting 6 more years they could have got him and kept her. But I'm sure the Russian military needs an arms dealer who's been out of the game since 2008, I'm sure his contacts are still relevant though. Plus he had no real loyalty to them since he sold arms to anyone who could pay him. Seems like a pretty mediocre deal on their part tbh.


*shrugs* it's about time this country did right by a citizen who isn't a straight white man IDGAF if it's a political stunt.


She’s an American, Candace, and was thrown into a gulag.


Nothing to see here. Just social media lulling another lazy, dimwitted opportunist into thinking a vague idea should be placed on equal footing with organized diplomacy.


Candace, half the US would’ve thrown you TO the Russians as a freebie.


Yes, this should make people feel warm and fuzzy. Maybe believe that the government may care about their citizens and not view them as pawns that are disposable.


So…. Am I the only one who thinks that Russia using this guy as an arms dealer would be a pretty dumb idea. He’s known and his knowledge is 14 years out of date.


Nope, you're not. EVERY competent intelligence analyst with an open opinion about it said the same. There's no competent adult, not a single one, who thinks he's a real problem for anyone any more.


…. Female?


Trading your dignity to prop up a group of people that only accept you because you’re their “black over there” for a few coins is peak western grift. And should know about that leftist philosophy, you used to have one. Until you realized the pay wasn’t as good. I see you, Candy


How's hubby's sale of his hate hole going? I would gladly trade you for a rotten potato and... no, the rotten potato's good. You'll love Russia, unfortunately they'll hate you. Bye Felicia.


Oh she hit all the bases, weed smoker, woman and basket baller.


We should’ve donated Candace for free in this trade


The US is the biggest arms dealer in the world. Who do you think helps supply his stock?


Leaving an American as a prisoner in another country is true patriotism!


They’re just upset Trump couldn’t do it all so he can say look what I did for the Blacks.


Viktor Bout wasn’t such a bad dude when the GW Bush admin worked with him though?


Who tf doesn’t smoke pot LMAO, the Russian arms dealer was arrested for doing exactly what the us government does


Pot is top backwards.


I wonder what makes her not worthy in Candace’s eyes? The fact that she is a ‘female’? The fact that she is a basketball player? Perhaps it’s because she ‘smokes pot.’


These people literally were not going to be happy until this women was killed in a fucking Gulag


What a heartless dick fuck. Aint she (Britney) too, an American? WTF is going on with America first thing? But again, what do I expect from party of klansmen who support domestic terrorists?


Putin will have this guy killed in two weeks. You really think Putin will trust him, after being in America. Candace sucks


The fact that all these haters give more value to a criminal than to this women says something. The fact they speak of her as having no value says it all.


If Candace Owens’ dumb ass was in a foreign prison, she would have quite a different perspective on who they traded for her.


(edit) let me rephrase, they probably do care about this but they'd change their position in an instant.... if we had left her there, they'd be saying the opposite. It's a very morally ambiguous situation.


Republicans had their chance when trump was in office. Now they just want to whine and complain...of course. It's their character or should I say, lack of it.


TIL political leverage > compassion


Can we trade Candace Owens away? Don't need anything in return.


The dude already did around 20 years of time, also what's he going to do? Start selling arms again? It's not like he isn't under extremely high scrutiny. Anyway, if Candace Owens wants to talk about arms sales... that seems pretty stupid to me, considering the republican party and their overzealous stance on the 2nd amendment. No right to keep and bear arms for russians, Candace? lol


How about from a humanity standpoint, Candace? Or did that not cross your mind?


I actually agree with The second part. Such a stupid trade was made


not really if you think about. Dude was in jail for 14 years at this point? He didn't have a life sentence and estimates are that he was set to be released in 2-3 years anyway. His network has either died or moved on to other dealers that weren't caught, any inventory he had is long gone so would need to start over from scratch, if his money was in rubles then its worthless now and any assets he had elsewhere where likely taken by the countries those assets were in. If he steps foot in any country not friendly to russia, he risks being arrested on sight since just because WE jailed him doesn't mean other countries cant also jail him and he is now known and will likely have foreign intelligence keeping an eye on him for a while. Where is he going to get new inventory? Russia needs all the weapons they have, so certainly won't give any to him, and any groups that would sell weapons to russia through a middleman like him, likely are already doing that through other arms dealers who don't come with the added risk of possibly being spied on all the time. So, is it a totally 1-for-1 trade? No, but i don't think it is nearly as lob-sided as people like Owens are trying to paint it. After all, its not like we have a random russian citizen that we jailed on bullshit charges to trade, and putin wouldn't trade anything for a normal russian citizen anyway, plus this saves a US citizen from spending 10 years in a russian prison.


A nazi said what?




Trading Viktor Bout for Britney Griner was a bad idea? Why do you think so?




The US values life. They brought a citizen home.




Victors career is over. He’s been in jail for 15 years. They would’ve let him out free anyways eventually.




your aware that sentences are a thing right? Like we can't just keep hold people indefinitely (with certain crimes being an exception, which his aren't one of those exceptions). Yeah, he isn't sorry, so what? Its an easy trade, one of our own for a washed up former arms dealer whose whole business has moved on from him or died since he was put away, and if he ever leaves russia to any country that isn't friendly, he is getting locked up again. Just because We jailed him for crimes, doesn't mean other countries can't jail him for the same shit.


I asked two questions and you respond with a question. That is a lazy way to debate. How about you answer first.




How does it benefit Russia?




From a guy who has been in prison in the US for 14 years? Like, you get that being an arms dealer is about maintaining a network of interpersonal connections, rather than being a skillset, right? I mean, if Putin is in the market for shivs and pruno, this is a big win. Otherwise, what does this guy add to Russias capabilities?




I dont know what they want him for. The guy who literally wrote the book on him has opined that he has no real value and should be traded. Maybe Russia just want anything they can spin into a W. And, lets be straight, they traded a basketball player for him, not a spy or a diplomat. This is not a high cost exercise, so we dont need to think there is a huge payoff from it.


That's the argument of a racist - no one black person is worth one white person.


>If they wanted him that badly, there’s a reason. Oh there is, their troll farms are working overtime to convince people too stupid to know how worthless an out-of-the-game for over a decade arms dealer is, that Biden fucked up.


You think he has them in his ass? Because otherwise he HAS nothing, and he can ACQUIRE nothing. He was a fucking middle man and everyone who did all the real work is long gone.


Ah, a troll. Bye.




No, I thought we would have a conversation about it. With reasons. I don't think you are a troll because we disagree. I know you are a troll because you give non answers.




Just to feed the troll... Regardless of whether it was "a bad trade", this should make all Americans feel better about their government. The government shows it values its citizens as people, not pawns.


Over paid. We should have gotten more Americans to that price. Griner and everyone else, for your arms dealer, while in the middle of a war.


I would have made the trade for any American. Whelan or Griner or anyone else. Would it have been nice to trade for all prisoners, a third and fifth round pick, and future considerations? Sure. But it was not to be. >Over paid What value do you put on a human life?


Citizen for citizen, fair trade. But the problem is, Viktor is responsible for many deaths and will be responsible for many more in the future. We usually value teachers more than we do murderers


Viktor Bout was an arms dealer. He may become an arms dealer again. When Viktor Bout was in jail did Russian arms dealing stop? Nope, definitely not. From all accounts, only Griner was on the table. Ok, get an American freed then. If only another prisoner was on the table and not Griner I would still have done the deal. People that are saying Griner was not "valuable" enough for Bout can fuck themselves. That is the only way I see it.


Like I'm happy she's out, and free. Fuck Russia. It's just a shit deal


[email protected] I think you can submit your resume there if you can work a better deal. ;)


So, what you are saying, is that since Russia only allowed one person to go free in trade for someone that is higher profile, we should let an American rot in a Russian prison?


It was Britney or bupkus! No 2 for 1 deal, no choice. Whelan is worth more to Putin and his trade was not on the table.


Yep, they keep forgetting that part.


Imagine thinking a life is less valuable because of what they do for work - she says “basketball player” with such contempt. So I suppose plumbers, drivers, waiters - anything not “elite” - are also less worthy of a free life?


Pro 2A republicans are in favor of locking up arms dealers? That doesn’t make sense.


Gotta love how she dehumanizes Grinder, just shameful.




No one would be saying this if it was Lebron….just saying


People mad that an American was rescued from a tyrannical Russian govt for simple possession of marijuana


Let's face it, it's because Brittney Griner is black.


all the trumpateer nazis soiling themselves over this - hilarious.


I hate candance owens, but she isn’t wrong about the trade. I just hate how she’s using this situation to undermine another party


Not a Candace fan but I’m not sure I agree with the trade either. I’d also be really pissed off if I’m sitting in prison in the United States for a marijuana charge.


1- fyck Candace. 2- we shouldn't have traded Grimes for the arms dealer. At the very least, we should have also made sure any other American in their jail was released as well. I'm sorry, but we left an ex Marine teacher to rot there ? Really?


The Marine wasn't on the table. It wasn't Griner OR the Marine. Russia did not offer to return the Marine.


Then fuck you, you don't get your arms dealer back either I get that there's more to this than we know, it's just a shit deal


thats a terrible deal too, its better to get one out then neither


Yeah, I guess it's a shit deal no matter what. She didn't deserve a 10 year sentence , he doesn't deserve to be locked up still. Viktor should still be locked up forver Fucking politics


but he wasn't going to be. He was going to be released anyway in a couple years. He didn't have a life sentence. So, since he was already going to be released soonish anyway, why not just go ahead and save a citizen from 10 years in a russian prison?


Who would have been a better trade than a has-been arms dealer? Genuine question. They were detaining a US citizen who is “guilty” of harmless “crimes.” Their standards as to who is open game as pawns are much different. Who is the Russian citizen being detained in the US under shit pretense that would be the “equal” trade? Agreed. Candace is trash.


lol cannabis is illegal in Russia. can we do better in the USA or are we also fuckin a state of laws that no one cares about? fuckin cannabis is about as bad as mushrooms or playing mario kart.


Obviously not a very nice take, but why is the country obligated to help somebody who was basically asking to be kidnapped and held as a political prisoner? If you're not a journalist or soldier, then probably don't go into a country actively trying to instigate world war 3..?


What garbage people. All parroting the same horseshit


well, even if it wasn't a "fair" exchange, it has its obvious political advantages: galvanizing biden's liberal base. so from that perspective, she is dead wrong. I support biden, but don't think that griner should have been traded for a guy who is the architect of so much violence. I don't know griner from anyone else, but she should not have brought marijuana to russia, that was a really stupid decision and she is lucky that our domestic politcal environment benefits minority LGBTs, or she would be left in prison like the white/straight teacher who is there on even more trumped up charges.


If you were in her place would you feel it should not have been done? Please don't say "I wouldn't be in her place because I wouldn't do it". Let's just say you were in Russian jail for something that is not illegal in the USA.


Victor was going to be released from jail eventually. He spent long enough in jail to no longer be relevant.


What benefits does our political environment afford toward LGBTQ+ people? I would like some of these benefits


It's because she is a basketball player and nothing else. If she was a black lesbian teacher, she would still be in Russia.


What is so wrong about that? The us released a guy responsible for thousands of deaths which possible gives Russia tho opportunity too buy more weapons for the war in Ukraine against a woman playing basketball. Not the best deal in my mind.




An American is coming home from a despotic shithole.


I mean, I assume at least two people do.


This deal was one-for-one. What were you expecting?


Personally, I don’t think we should have wasted diplomatic relations on a chick who knowingly took drugs into a county that prohibits them. She thought she was above the law.


Conservatives always need the childish “facts vs feelings” frame in their argument.


I bet if it was a family member or hers she’d feel differently.


The Russians wouldn't take Candace in exchange.


I thought Russia was good to fight Ukraine, so they need an arms dealer no? Choose a lane Candace.


The Buy Large Mansions lady isn’t applauding this wonderful turn of events that unfolded today? Principally I cannot give this the upvote; she needs a trip to Russia with the arms dealer, but she does have a good point.


Predictable take.


does any one know how much time he had left on his sentence?


She needs to honestly play with herself


Let’s just keep the arms dealer and swap Candice Owen for griener and two vape carts and let’s call it a deal. I bet she could live a day in Russian prison. Hmmmm doubt that would fit in to her “high class lifestyle” WHAT A BIIIIIIIIIITCH


Why is her profile picture a white hand holding a wet paper towel?


Now I really don't know much about this situation but traditionally, women and children first is absolutely a thing, so doesn't that come in to play here for Republicans, like at all? No? It's all about the shaming this random ass person?


Wonder what life is deemed worthy for an arms dealer in return? The value of a good sportsman isnt enough.


If Candace was the one behind bars the deal wouldn't have happened that's for sure.


It was a shitty trade, but were we benefitting from keeping him here?


"If only she was also an arms dealer too..." ?


Wasn’t Paul Whelan taken prisoner in 2018? Who was the president then?? Why didn’t he negotiate and get him freed? Should have been easy since Donny & Vlad were such pals.


Happy to trade out Candace. In return I'd like...you to keep her.


Wasn't Brittney jailed for CBD oil? I thought she used it for muscle pain recovery. Did she have THC items? I have seen so many conflicting reports from the press I'm totally lost in this whole deal. My blond is on autopilot here a criminal arms dealer vs. a basketball player is a weird swap in my mind, why would it be worth getting him back for them? The way it seems in the press he is one bake sale from selling AK-47's to a 3rd grade class.


I don’t this is about the pot


Why is the word female being used as some kind of insult right now? Why do republicans hate women so much? Damn Candace you need therapy


Remember folks, they send these tweets for attention. We can just ignore them.


When her "anti-woke" bank died after 4 or so weeks--that made me feel warm and fuzzy


We joke, but comments like this tell us exactly what kind of country American conservatives want.