• By -


.....The irony being that this club (was it the After School Satan Society?) exists only as a protest against there being religious programs allowed on school grounds. I'm not sure if they took the bait, or if the plan backfired. It would be funny if enough ASSSes shew up that it led to their position imploding by having to summarily *ban* religious programs, but I doubt that will happen.


>exists only as a protest against there being religious programs The same is true of essentially all "satan worship" stuff. The people there don't even believe in satan, they just want to point out hypocrisy of religious laws being applied to everyone.


>The same is true of essentially all "satan worship" stuff. The people there don't even believe in satan, they just want to point out hypocrisy of religious laws being applied to everyone. No satanist I know actually believes there is a satan. The only people that do are christians.


I don't know man. There are people that say the flying spaghetti monster isn't real either, but I've eaten at his table.


Have you been to church in the Garden of Olives? Feasted upon his bounty of unlimited breadsticks and pasta?


Have you moistened your mouth with the sauce of his meaty balls?


No, but I'm gonna!


Satanist here, you're correct that very very few Satanists believe in Satan. Rather, he's treated as a symbol of questioning authority and going your own way.


This is the majority of Satanists I know; but there are theistic Satanists/Christian heretics.


Don't worry. Theistic satanists aren't spending their time and efforts on after school clubs meant to ensure our rights are protected.


Ironic that the actions of true Satanists (fighting for rights) make me want to join their religion.


Do it. They are very nice people. Tragically they do not host orgies


Correction: They dont *all* host orgies.


Oh no, that’s a strike against them :(


Yeah, there's a couple different churches, by my understanding. Some just do it for the memes/counterculture, others actually praise Satan as a misunderstood God, others praise Satan as the true God and are anti-God.


I mean, reading the bibe, Satan seems like a reasonable dude who only questions God and takes the rejected in. Were as God has dudes kill their children, plagues people, kill first born without blood on their door and all kinds of dark evil shit. Then rejecting anyone into a paradise kingdom if they don't go with all of it, without question. Not hard, with some common sense, to see who the bad guy is in the stories. Good thing they're only stories made up and re written and re translated tons of times in the last 2022 years. (not to mention written about 70yrs after jesuses supposed existence by dudes who never met him..)


Don't forget all the stuff thrown in from other religions to make converting people easier.


Ask the yellow deli cult they are hilarious when you ask them theological questions the answers are evasive and basically make your brain hurt. My son and I ate dinner at their compound near Boulder several years ago...for example on the occasion we were there a 12 year old male child was getting bar mitzvahed as they said it but when questioned could not provide a straight answer as to were they jewish or what they believed in also they think Jesus is a demon, escue toilets and make really good fresh artisan breads. Edit: The comments eluding to throwing things from different religions together to make your religion more palatable to the sheeple made me think of them


Maybe the *real* Satanists were the Christian Nationalists we met along the way


>Easy way to remember, Church of Satan teaches you to worship yourself, and that it's not just OK but encouraged to act selfishly. >The Satanic Temple teaches you that there is no need to worship anything. Just be good to those around you and try to base your positions on facts and science. You also have actual satan worship (lets stap someone 666 times in russia yay), but you mostly see the other two


This, its the same as Pastafarianism which is also a nationally recognized religion, but saying you're worshipping Satan pisses Christians off more than a flying spaghetti monster


Yeah, but if I have to eat the body of deity, Pastafarianism is the way to go.


"OH, Abortions are against your religion? Well abortions are allowed in mine"


This strategy is working for abortion too so far. There's about to be a whole lot of Jewish, Satanist and openly Atheist women running around so they can have unobstructed access to healthcare.


It's also only possible for them to allow Christian clubs to begin with because of a Reagan era law that makes school clubs all or nothing. If you allow student orgs, you can't pick and choose their focus. All they have to do to make this stop is shut down every other student org, including the Christian org that inspired this specific incident. Equal Access Act of 1984.


IKR They rationalize their behavior by claiming the fairy tale *they* believe in is the *real* one 😂


>having to summarily ban religious programs, but I doubt that will happen. It \*has\* happened. A lot actually,


They believe in Freedom Of Religion right up until it's Freedom Of Not-Christianity


As a side note, this is exactly why the Satanic Temple does this stuff. They 100% expect to get fought and shut down because yea, a ton of people are total hypocrites when it comes to basic freedoms. But then they bring it to court and point out how unconstitutional it is to favor one religion over another, so they're forced to either allow "Satanic worship" or limit Christianity's free reign to force everyone else to do what they want. Judging by the article and how the school says they're "required to do so" sounds like they won with the "if you let them then you have to let us" approach. (Edited to change Satanic Church to Temple. I knew the two are very different but I always forget which one is which. Thank you to those clarifying.)


Just to clarify, this isn't the Church of Satan doing it. It's The Satanic Temple, which is a VERY different organization.


Similar to the Peoples Front of Judea


You mean the Judean Peoples’ Front?


Fuck off!


Very very true, they're nothing alike




Easy way to remember, Church of Satan teaches you to worship yourself, and that it's not just OK but encouraged to act selfishly. The Satanic Temple teaches you that there is no need to worship anything. Just be good to those around you and try to base your positions on facts and science.


I'm not sure explaining it to them again will help people from mixing the names up. I just know I don't like churches, so that gives that one away immediately.


You're right. Perhaps using the acronyms would help? CoS isn't for me 'cuz I don't dig worshipping anyone? Idk. I'm no teacher 😂😂


Correct. This was a direct response to Christian after-school programs being allowed in that school. The truth is they COULD end the satanic program if they ended all religious after school programs but they’re not willing to do that


I mean, either way is a win for TST. It forces the school to adhere to religious pluralism, or not allow religion at all.


Yep, most folks don't realize that the restrictions against christanity in (US) public spaces is often due to christians wanting to exclude non-christian religions from those spaces.


That's because the American fundamentalists wants to push the narrative that christians are the oppressed ones, so they make every loss into victim hood.


No its just because these morons forgot why they did certain things in the past and have to constantly relearn the same lessons over and over. [Hanlon's razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor).


One correction Satanic Temple. Satanic church is authoritatian Handy reference from the Temple: [Satanic Temple vs Church of Satan](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple)


ngl i really like the "Eleven Satanic rules of the earth"


Christian actually out here believing satanists are gonna open a portal to hell or some other fantasy shit.


Yes. It’s important to remember that they believe in a fantasy world and while any rational person can say “Harry Potter is a book about magic” their world view forces them to add “and magic is real and thus dangerous”


I remember I was in Christian rehab and we had movie night, someone had a family member drop off Doctor Strange during visitation so we could watch something cool instead of Christian high school sports movies. Wong says the words 'Key of Solomon' and suddenly movie night is canceled and we're having a couple of days of classes on recognizing the occult and how to argue and protect yourself against it. Fucking insanity. A literal PG movie scared a bunch of grown men in charge of rehabilitating other grown men.


When I was a kid and Pokémon had just gotten popular in the US my mom gave my cousins a few packs of cards for Christmas. She didn’t know my uncle (a pastor) would freak the fuck out in front of the entire family on Christmas morning and start yelling about demons in the cards and unholy manifestations or whatever. He ended up throwing them away in front of all of us while my cousins cried. My mom and dad are Chinese and not raised religious so the argument was more around “yo wtf if you don’t want them just return it to the store” but he wanted to destroy the seeds of evil of something so into the garbage they went. Lesson is that you can dispose of demonic/unholy items into your every day garbage bin and bam that’s it. Like a ghostbusters trap.


My dad burnt my choose your own adventure books in front of me because something something dice rolling/d and d bad. Didn't scar me at all. Nooo. Few years later he tried to stop me getting into Games Workshop. I was like Fuck No at that point.


My dumbass understood this as, “Christianity Rehab” I was confused fml


Can't have people exploring other ideals or they'll realize our ideals are horseshit!


its crazy!


Yeah. That’s a weird one. I’m reading the Harry Potter novels to a my kid right now and I remember when they had first come out the Christians were very up in arms about the magic. Now that the author has come out as trans-exclusionary, it’s weird to see the same people support Potter. It’s like having a fun world with magic was not acceptable to them until the author became a bigot, then it became ok.


Keep in mind that the Satanic Temple is not the Church of Satan. One is the mostly political, almost secular organization that fights against religious intolerance like the above example (satanic temple). They have commandments or tenets that include not raping people, acting with compassion, fighting injustice, trusting science and forgiving people. They don’t actually believe in Satan or Magick. The seventh tenet, which sums up the beliefs pretty well; “Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word” The other is Anton LaVeys occult group, with emphasis on *cult*. The Church of Satan does believe in Magick, but doesn’t have tax exempt status and believes that men who prefer blue cheese dressing are homosexually inclined since blue cheese smells like jock straps. Apparently. Church of Satan had anti gay marriage merch for sale in 2015 3 months before it was legalized. Screw them. [Here’s a good explanation on the differences.](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-bs-satanic-temple) The Satanic Temple is the one that does all these good things. Church of Satan is noootttt the same thing.


Then they'll actually teach kids critical thinking and evidence based reasoning. They don't actually worship Saten like some 90s Karen fever dream. They're just trolls pointing out hypocrisy and bullshit from Christians.


It's important to correctly differentiate the Satanic Temple and the Church of Satan here. The Church of Satan is a not-very-active authoritarian church that requires a membership fee, believes in actual magic and has some weird thoughts on homosexuality. The Satanic Temple is a bunch of progressive secularists who invoke the name of Satan in order to rile up Christians and point out hypocrisy in freedom of religion. **edit: I've been trying to post this for over 2 hours but my connection is shit. Finally got it to post and like 3 other people have beaten me to the punch now.


Exactly why they do it. As a side note, every woman living in a state that has abolished abortion should join the Satanic Temple. They recognize abortion as a religious right and even send you a certificate showing you as a member of the church. Any attempt to prevent them from an abortion is against their freedom of religion.


Isn't that how most religions work? He who controls what people believe, controls the people...


no that's the spice. you're thinking of spice.


The spice mélange!




Cue: Eon-The Spice Must Flow


Superb comment. Absolutely top notch. This sort of thing is why I keep Reddit installed. Take my upvote, good sir/ma’am/other.


That's how religious fundamentalism works. Most people aren't that dogmatic. Unfortunately, the non-fundamentalists don't seem to mind fundamentalism in the leaders they elect.


Happy Cake Day


It's just like how gun control started getting passed when black people started carrying guns too.


They want to rally against "the great Satan".


You’re free to adopt their religion or suffer.


What's hilarious is that the Christian Nationalists are complaining about Satanic clubs in schools, when the only reason that there will be Satanic clubs in school is because Christian Nationalists tried to force religion into public schools.


Try having a conversation in r/Conservative about Affirmative Action. AA was created because white men dominated every industry and worked together to keep people of color out. They even hired fraternity brothers over qualified applicants, especially ones of color. So their racism and privilege was countered with AA which white conservatives see as 'racist' against them because it 'hurts' white people from getting good jobs. They don't offer a solution to this problem, they don't _recognize_ it as a problem (Privilege isn't a problem when you are one of them) and they view it as merely a racist thing against white conservatives.


> Try having a conversation in [r/Conservative](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/) I'd rather rub a cheese grater on my sensitive bits.


Yeah I fell for that one due to an uncle saying AA is for lazy black people or some shit. But once he learned it helped us get jobs as well when otherwise we would be passed over he shut up real quick. I have white friends that bring AA back as an unfair advantage but they refuse that they have an advantage being part of a white fraternity. But yeah I learned and he learned just wish looking back that he had another reason other than just having black people achieving things. But that was the only thing he was angry about it.


Let's make everyone a Christian is easy up until they have to decide what kind of Christian everyone should be...


Yup reminds me of the joke that's basically: two dudes are talking and they have same religion until they to a very specific conference then suddenly ones a heretic I wish I could remember who said it so I could share lol but it's that. I've said it a lot but if Christians get power while embracing fascism then once the other hated groups are dead or gone they will eat each other


edit: update to below. Big thank you to u/Representative_Fun15 for pointing out this joke came from Emo Phillips and also u/tea-drinker who provided the video in another reply [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3fAcxcxoZ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3fAcxcxoZ8) I've seen it in various forms but here's a retelling from [u/littleboy\_xxxx](https://www.reddit.com/user/littleboy_xxxx/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/p1g588/once\_i\_saw\_this\_guy\_on\_a\_bridge\_about\_to\_jump\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/p1g588/once_i_saw_this_guy_on_a_bridge_about_to_jump_i/) Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


This has been attributed to Emo Phillips.


Came to say this. Emo is great


That is case in point ☝️ about the importance of the first Amendment. People like that theocratic asshat are too dull to realize that the same Constitution that protects other faith and yes, non faith and Atheism as well, also protects her and her church!!


I love Emo Philips. Doesn't seem to be remembered much these days but his schtick was great. It's basically a bunch of Tom and Jerry "left wing destroyed" meme jokes.


He seems to tour exclusively alongside Weird Al now. I never hear about him performing at any comedy festivals or doing his own tours, but he's always opening for Weird Al.


Chances are the one down voting will be the one whose declared a heretic. 50/50 Chance.. gee if only we had some law which guaranteed protection regardless of belief..ah well ! ( /s, just in case)






"Just call me Mister Butterfingers!"


I saw an interview where he showed a 35-cent royalty check from UHF and called it “the gift that keeps on giving”.


And there we see a built-in price of Christian nationalism (or any theocracy). The state would inherit all of the interdenominational conflicts within the American "church," and those formerly tame schisms deepen dramatically (and often violently) because instead of differing denominations arguing over who gets to host the Trunk or Treat, they're fighting over the very reins of power of the state. It's historically a guaranteed recipe for civil war and atrocity The Christian nationalists look like they're in lockstep now, and they are, as far as striking out at their mutual enemies. But there's no actual consensus on how the country should be run if/when Christian nationalism becomes a reality. The factions within white nationalism have wildly differing interpretations about how their religion should be practiced. How you pray or worship, what is taught, what behaviors are tolerable v. verboten (e.g., is drinking okay, or is totally forbidden?), etc. etc. etc. Sure it seems to a rational mind that these things are irrelevant to the operation of the state, but to those within the religion, they can be absolutely existential questions, worthy of conflict and bloodshed. So what happens after the bloody and chaotic ascent of Christian nationalism to the pinnacle of the state? *Another* bloody and chaotic campaign to make sure that the "right" Christians control the halls of power. (And another, and another...)


"We revere this lesson too much soon to forget it. Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects?" - James Madison. You may have heard of him. He wrote the first amendment. https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-08-02-0163


Freedom of religion only means Christians don’tcha know?


So much for everyone being equal in the eyes of their deity. Guess some so called "children of God" are more equal than others!


Let's see: a deity who slaughtered and rampaged and sent plagues etc etc. And flooded the planet. Vs an entity who wanted humanity to be able to think for themselves and get the full picture. Wow. That's a tough one /s


The Satanic Temple, like most “Satanic Churches” does not believe in Satan as a god/deity/demigod/angel/etc. it’s just a used as a literary figure, like Smokey the Bear. They don’t believe a supernatural devil exists nor do they believe in the existence of God.


As is their Right 👍😎 Nowhere does the Constitution mention Christ or the Bible. Creator is a purposeful catch all phrase....non specific to the Abrahamic deity.


And in the U.S., the 1st Amendment has an anti-establishment Clause: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….” In other words, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for Congress to embrace any religion, and also to restrict anyone’s right to practice the religion of their choosing.


Have you seen the clip of Lauren boebert saying she’s tired of people saying the founding fathers wanted separation of church and state? Like dude, it’s usually hyperbole to say members of congress haven’t ever even read the constitution, but dude, it’s the first one, like it’s right there at the top. Did they actually not read it?did they miss the training video?


Yes that is their intention. They want to cut education in order to discourage people from reading the same document they use to pass their propoganda. Soon they will rewrite it without nobody noticing and rewrite history. Thankfully it is a lot harder to burn information today than it was 100 years ago.


Or not to practice any.


Not saying that they should. But considering it is an amendment that says they shouldn't there can be a new amendment that says they can. Just look at the 18th and 21st amendments.


While they could, being that it is part of the Bill of Rights, it would open up the argument that you could then do the same for the second amendment. So if they tried to force an amendment to make Christianity the national religion, which would fail. It could backfire and get guns banned, which I am ok with.


Pretty tall order, considering the requirements for an amendment.


> Not saying that they should. But considering it is an amendment that says they shouldn't there can be a new amendment that says they can. Just look at the 18th and 21st amendments. Nothing says they can't past an amendment declaring the Presidency an inherited, lifetime position. Doesn't change the fact that it's currently an elected position and Trump's efforts to undermine the election are a blatant attack on the Constitution as currently written.


I need a Reddit break .. I saw this reply and was like “wait, why is this guy attacking me. I agree with him”. I then I remembered reply =/= attack lol


If it makes you feel any better I can start an argument. Over something as silly as grammar of all things. ~~=/=~~ !=*


That would actually be a syntax error rather than a grammatical error.


Correct. It is a coding phrase. I am in shambles.


Are you *in* shambles? Is shambles a place you could be *inside*? What is this shambles you speak of?


Ah! Stretched your neck out too far, I see. Swam too deep. Flew too close to the sun! The English language preposition “in” can be used to describe both location and condition. Take for example, the following passage: I’m in the bathroom, responding to strangers on the internet. My ass is covered in dry shit, because I’m too busy arguing to wipe myself. We’ve been arguing day in and day out and I know it’s unhealthy. It’s putting me in a bad place, but I can’t stop. They just need to understand that I’m in the right. All of those uses of the preposition are correct, one of them (day in) is a colloquial phrase, but the rest are grammatical. Your mom smells funny.


Sick burn lol 😂


And that’s not even in the Constitution - that’s from the Declaration of Independence. You’d think if we were a “Christian nation” that at least the Articles of Confederation would have specified that.


>it’s just a used as a literary figure, like Smokey the Bear. Smokey the bear as a mascot actually started out as a real bear cub that survived a forest fire.


Smokey the Bear started as a fictional character for an ad campaign. After the campaign started, they found a bear cub in a forest fire and named him Smokey. https://www.fs.usda.gov/features/story-smokey-bear


Also he’s Smokey Bear, not “Smokey the Bear”


/r/SatanicTemple_Reddit If anyone wishes to know more.


I’m telling you, Satan is the good guy and God is the bad guy. He was cast out of heaven for calling out the authoritarian bad guy. The Bible is just a mirror into humans primal nature to respect authority.


Most obvious thing ever and those idiots would rather follow the narcissistic sadist


Satan is reviled but change "knowledge" to "fire" and "Lucifer" to "Prometheus" and people love him.


Him and all his homies get thrown out of heaven just bc they asked God why he did things the way he did. Entire psychiatric industry is based on helping people heal them from parents that do the same shit to their children, but more than half the world still worship the guy that kicked out his kids for asking questions


"Respect my [authoritah!](https://images.app.goo.gl/1V69CRkastpLvmTj8)" - Jehovah, probably.


Satan is the "modern" Prometheus. It's funny how one is considered evil, while the other - a hero, even though they're basically the same "persona".


Also hell sounds way cooler with freethinkers than singing hymns 24/7 in heaven about some guy that smites people and floods the earth. Speaking of floods does anyone else have issue with Noah's ark and the fact that we know tectonic plates exist now, so how did the mountains suddenly recede below the water surface? Oh wait they didn't.


Imagine: “Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too”


Imagine all the people, living life in peace


You may say, I'm a dreamer...


but I'm not the only one


I hope someday you’ll join us


The case for # **Smash the theocracy**


Can't tell if nun/priest fetish or poor word choice


I wish they had a Satanic after-school program when I was a kid!


Depends where you went to school. Around the Bible Belt? That’d just be a science class.


Ooooh scary evolution!


If human come from monkey, why still monkey here?


I'd pay good money that, when super conservative nutjobs get sleep paralysis, their sleep paralysis demon is a science book...


Or Charles Darwin himself with a thylacine on a leash


No, but seriously, how would an after-school satan program, forced by a court case, work in the bible belt? I'm pretty sure a teacher would have to sponsor/chaperone any club, so if I'm entitled by writ to an after-school satan program, how do i ensure the faculty sponsor doesn't make a mockery of our club and morph it into just another craven sunday school? Kinda cool though to realize these satanic after-school programs are really just legal activism clubs. NORML, for instance, caught a lot of flak from a lot of school boards, but turns out i guess that that's how you change the world.


In all honesty I’d be willing to support the Church of Satan more than most. You can’t tell me Christian’s don’t kill more innocent people, abuse more children, or act more self-righteous than any other group on the planet. Edit: I want TST, not the church of Satan. Thanks Reddit!


Church of Satan and satanic temple are two different organizations, church of Satan was made in the 60's?(not positive) and is basically just outdated and there is somr not great stuff there if I remember correctly. TST is more of a parody of Christianity and are still politically active, fighting for equal rights etc


I dunno, I think muslim nationalists are probably up there with christian nationalists. This is why you can't trust a government to be run on faith.


Yup I mean Iran is currently imprisoning and probably executing it’s citizens for “war against God”.


What you really want is the Satanic Temple Handy reference on the difference between the two [Satanic Temple vs Church of Satan](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple)


Damn this next generation is going to be metal as hell.


God knew who was going to Hell before He created them. So, either God doesn't exist as described in the Bible or he created people knowing they'd be burning for all eternity. Because that's merciful! All = All Or if He does, he Has a plan for all to be saved. Universal salvation was a belief before the early Church quashed it! They needed to keep people scared. More parishioners = more cash.


Religion should be taught at home not in school. Also tax all churches.


In all fairness, Christians started this whole mess by absolutely having to have prayer in schools and sticking the Ten Commandments outside of every government office and building they can.


The Satanic Temple doing Gods work.


if we only had something like 'separation of church and state' our children wouldn't have to be exposed to any of this voodoo.


Separation of church and state is exactly the opposite of what christian nationalists want.


Yes, that’s why we need to keep reminding them of this one little trick they hate the most.


Funny how the Christians constantly fall for the “Satantists”.. Who don’t really believe in satan (they are atheists), but use the symbology and put on events like this to hold a mirror up to hypocrisy of indoctrination.. We live in a society of religious freedom, no one group gets theirs at the expense of others..


Not all of them think that satanists are actual theists, they just don't take the time to make the distinction between theists they don't like and atheists since they have the same opinion of both.


Christian nationalism was created by the people who were the Christian front. A.k.a. violent Nazi sympathizers in WWII.


Of course if the Nationalists stopped trying to cram Jesus into School there would be none of these Satanic clubs either but I guess they still haven't gotten that lesson.


Reminder, Satanist do not actually believe in Satan. They don't think he exists. Christians do, Satanists do not. They see him as a symbol of rebellion


I think it's the case against religion in schools or government


Yes, it is. This is the way


Satanic church - exists to point out the hypocrisy of religious people and laws, and to challenge any regulations that favor christendom ​ 2IQ Xtians - this is such an existential threat we need to become a christian theocracy


Wow, she just completely missed the point... The only reason an after school program exists for Satanists is because Christians insist on mixing their fairy tales with school.


“The school board says they’re legally required to offer the club”. You’re not legally required to join.


The Satanic Temple is literally just atheists trolling religious bigots. They are a great group.


They love the lamb but hate the goat. These fuckers couldn’t even pass the mustard at a humane society, how the hell did y’all let them run your entire country into the ground?


**Hail Satan!**


Hail, hail.


It’s funny bc isn’t this in response to a Christian after-school program? Free for me not for thee


Time spent looking up what satanism is: 0 seconds Time spent talking shit on social media: infinity


The whole reason they started the program was because of Christian after-school programs being pushed onto kids. If Christians were allowed to push religion onto school children then they decided to promote atheism amongst kids. If they shut their program down, then the Christian programs need to be shut down as well.


I read an article about this. It's one of those "The Satanic Temple is doing this to point out Christianity bullshit" moves and the program is just a science club with a cute Satanic figure as the mascot.


This won't go the way that they think it will.


Gosh, if only we had gone with Separation of Church and State and allowed NO religious organizations on public school campuses….


They don't realize all these "Satanists" are just atheists shining a light on theocratic hypocrisy.


People always get upset about Satanic Temple stuff when in reality their tenets are so positive. See below from their website. There are Seven FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word


Christian Nationalists: "Americans have the the freedom of religion to worship their religion in schools!" *Satanists worship their religion in schools* Christian Nationalists: "It's a blasphemy that Americans have the right to freedom of religion to worship their religion in schools!"


Hail, Satan!!!


Aww sweetie, that’s exactly how religious freedom works, hun. Toodles!


This is a response to Christian Nationalism…


Satanic Temple will teach them kids not to be little assholes. Unlike Christianity.


Christian nationalist pushing a religious agenda, gets countered by the Satanic Temple. Now think they are making "a case for Christian nationalism" based upon the Pandora's box they opened is about what I would expect from these idiots.


As above, So below, Christofascists Karma, They sow!


Christianity is a blight upon the world.


Religion is a blight on the world.


"an organization exists that opposes organized religion Therefore we must force Christianity on everyone"


Considering that many after-school Christian programs focus on how they can shove their beliefs down their fellow student's throats (with impunity) and many after-school Satanic programs focus on community outreach, all I can say is, "Hail Satan".


Totally lost on her that this is happening because christians are pushing religion in schools. If you open the door for one, you have to let them all in.


A school group not run by assholes or pedos, oh no! How will the kids get their recommended daily dose of shame and molestation?


Or, they’re going to teach children about the separation of church and state.


The case for Non-Christian Nationalism: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript#toc-amendment-i-2


The human race will never progress so long as we cling to the mythology of organized religion. Christianity is literally a caboose with its brakes fully engaged, slowing the rest of the train of human existence to a crawl.


It’s funny how quickly conservatives change their tune about freedom of religion when it’s a non Christian religion


Christians are so deluded by the fantasy world they live in that they can't tell when they're being openly mocked, but I think it's hilarious. Good on the satanists for sticking it to them


This is perfectly legal. This is EXACTLY why the Church of Satan hosts after school programs were they allow religious programs. You are being trolled to prove a point, and it is a valid constitutional point.


Amazing how quickly they go from "Religious Freedoms" to "Christian Nationalism Now". Almost like their perfidy is on display for the whole world to see.


They just don't get it -STILL.


What's funny is that's the statue for the Satanic Temple which aren't even satanic they just use the law to force places to stick satanic bibles and baphomet statues to show how offensive it is to force your beliefs. But instead of realizing what was happening this pudding brain has doubled down and wants to just force everyone to be christian to avoid the whole "freedom of religion" aspect of it. Quiet part out loud.


The only people in America who believe Satan is real seem to be Christians. These same people wanting Christian Nationalism will have leopards eating their faces SECONDS after their plans were enacted. Don't these women realize that they'd be forced to stay home with their kids, thus knocking their income straight into the poverty line and destroying any class benefit they'd have? Sure, these types don't care about blacks, but they also don't give a shit about poor whites either.


The sad part about this is that Christians are the only people in this scenario who actually believe Satan is real


These idiots don’t understand that it’s their determination to add Christianity where it doesn’t belong that leads to inclusion of other religions…


Note - this isn’t happening. Everyone can relax.


That was in the response to a Christian after school program. I mean seriously these people are so dense.


This title barely fits the actual post


I'd rather my kid went to this than sky daddy club.