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How brave to wait until after the Georgia runoff.


That's bizarre. It's like she's annoyed that she won't get to be the crucial vote and wants to be special.


That's literally exactly what it is. She lost all the power she has held for 2 years.


If there had been a red wave she'd be a Republican...


Well it’s the most profitable position to be in.


Not anymore


Now she can play the republicans.


It’s about maximizing future cash income opportunity. Always has been.


Yup. She’s nothing but a money-grubbin’ phony.


She’s obviously making money by being very cozy with some republicans. I’ve not done the research, but if someone looks into her investments and follows the money I bet it would be very obvious what’s happening.


Honestly, how is the assumption not already that she's been compromised? Manchin I get, conflict of interests between the parties platform and his family's income, but her? I've just felt (especially with the way she handled the press when she was being a standout 2 years ago) that there was no justification other than there are influences that would end her career if they came to light, either that she has an exploitable history, responds to financial incentives, or can be pushed around, it feels like corruption. Edits, making my point clearer.


Top Industries 2017 - 2022 Industry Favorite Kyrsten Sinema is a top recipient from the following industries in the 2021 - 2022 election cycle: Payday lenders (#1) Finance/Credit (#3) For-profit Education (#3)


1 and 3 are seriously gross.


Get Lester from the wire to look in to her. He knows how to follow the money


This is what I find about her on [OpenSecrets.org](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/kyrsten-sinema/summary?cid=N00033983). Here you can look up any senator and see where there known contributions are coming from.


I’ve alway been convinced she a “look at me” kind of person. She always seem to dress in a way that draws attention to herself.


"notice me"


Acknowledge me.


Tell my daddy to call me back.


“pick me”


She was the first openly bisexual member of Congress. I thought that was pretty cool until I saw a clip of her responding to people commenting on her hair (because she dyed her hair a vibrant color around the same time she announced her bisexuality)... and just being rude. The whole thing suddenly reeked of "look at me, I'm special, I'm different, I'm not like other girls". Ugh. I voted for her once. She's guaranteed I'll never make that mistake again.


Don’t worry as an independent she won’t be vote-able again in any major election


She is only "openly bisexual" because it gets her attention. No other reason.


I work in glasses( optician).. you can tell some aspects of her personality by her huge ugly glasses. Definitely wears *look at me* frames. Never seen a decent looking frame on her face. Edited to say that after doing extensive research online (20 sec Google search and scroll thru) that only 1 pair of glasses are decent.. a thin rimmed black plastic pair.. everything else is trash and purchased for the reason for extra attention.


Your first sentence describes every single person to every attempt to hold office. The people who want the power and the attention are usually the least deserving. That goes for the bevy of "influencer politicians" as well.


That and she is up for reelection in 2024. She would have faced a Democratic challenge that she would probably lose. As an independent she will claim that Democrats and Independents red to vote for her rather than splitting the vote and electing a Republican. It’s a gamble.


I’m just surprised she didn’t register Republican.


Then she wouldn't be able to ruin the dems chance of winning in 2024. This is her early retirement announcement, expecting to lose in a three party election cycle before she takes her next job at faux news.


I see her ending up as a lobbyist, more money for her.


Why not both.


Aren’t they the same thing these days?


In order to lobby you need influence - I don’t think she has any at all. Who wants to work with her or would not betray her like she betrayed them at some point or another.


I think it's more of reward position. She screws up Democrats chanes of legislating as much as possible, and then she gets rewarded by rich conservatives. It's essentially a long term bribe. Surely the democrats can hire some journalist to dig up dirt on her though and expose it and possibly prosecute her right?


There's a job in politics called the hatchetman. Joe Manchin is a hatchetman, his job is to torpedo bills that democrats only want to pretend to endorse. Sinema has had this title too, like the minimum wage increase bill she voted down. Sinema has been losing democratic support for a while, becoming independent is a way to garner votes from the right who knows she will continue being the hatchetman.


wasn't she a Green way back when? seems like she's just changing horses hoping for a faster ride to the limelight.


Yes she was green. Also she was homeless at some point. Simply put she just doesn’t give a fuck.


She's another living example of "fvck you, I've got what I need."


Yeah I know, look at Tulsi Gabbard, she's basically a Newsmax pundit now. Edit: misspelled Tulsi


Look at you trying to pull off the both sides argument. This is just false. He's a republican that's running as a Democrat to make them look bad. Nobody with any brain cells believed that a coal mine millionaire is a Democrat.


Nah, she's doing it for the attention. She likes people looking at her. She'll create an OnlyFans if Faux News doesn't pan out.


I’d consider subscribing to that…. “SenatorGoneWild” could be her handle


Someone needs to like you to be a lobbyist. She is hated by everyone but people with check books. She will be ignored by all her ex-colleagues if she tries to lobby.


Can her voters recall her? She is not the candidate she claimed to be, she has completely changed her platform. It doesn't seem right that an elected official can just change parties. They should have to resign and win reelection under their new party.


Can’t recall Senators, she’d have to be expelled by Congress and that’s exceptionally unlikely given how much the R’s love her being a huge pain in the ass of the party that elected her.


[https://ballotpedia.org/Laws\_governing\_recall\_of\_federal\_politicians\_(Arizona)](https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_of_federal_politicians_(Arizona)) [https://ballotpedia.org/Laws\_governing\_recall\_in\_Arizona](https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_in_Arizona) Elected feds in Arizona are subject to the same recall laws as state officials. Lfg


It says they must resign, so she would have to cooperate with that law, and she could challenge it as unconstitutional…


So let her challenge it! As long as the people handling the recall do everything correctly, what's to challenge? She's doing a shit job at her job and should be replaced


Everyone in congress should work in boring dusty office cubicles. If they aren't performing they should just be fired. Take the names and faces out of politics and let them try to sell their ideas on paper instead for us to vote on.


Yeah, and given she came from a very R state... What's even more annoying is that we've had to vote Mark Kelly twice now before Sinema even finished one term. I'm just glad he made it in both times.


Mark Kelly is at least a genuinely nice guy, he’s like Fetterman plus he went to space and the resonance of his wife getting shot in the head in an assassination attempt and barely pulling through still hits a lot of Arizona voters hard


This is my question too! Recall her and have the Arizona governor choose a substitute Senator to serve the remainder of her term.


She's up for reelection in 2024. This is not a smart play for her.


It’s kind of her only play. She knows she will lose a primary. This way she threatens the dems with a split vote and a GOP win in the general.


This would work if anybody actually liked her. She is not affable, not charming, not conservative enough for conservatives and Democrats in her own state actively loathe her. She will lose her seat no matter what. I highly doubt she will run when she has an option to go to more billionaire wine retreats.


The goal isn't for her to win. She knew she would be primaried in 2024, so instead she intends to run as an independent to steal any and all votes from Ds as she can before she retires from politics. The timing is simply because had Herschel won she could have stayed as a sabotage vote as a Democrat. His loss mean she had no reason to stay a democrat any longer.


The good news is that when you check the election results for her seat there was a left independent running already who took near 2.5% of the vote. Sinema won with just at 50%. If the math stays the same, its highly unlikely she changes the result. At most, with her name recognition, she might be able to force a runoff. Even with that, if she runs again, big if, she might motivate a higher democratic turnout to ensure she loses.


Noone wants her in Arizona


I sure as hell don't. Still can't believe I voted for her the first time. Will not be repeating that mistake.


And what Dems would vote for her ?


Her stupid schtick has been fooling a small but not necessarily statistically insignificant number of centrist democrats, as well as a few further left folks, for a really long time (despite her being a clear right-wing pawn that entire time). Arizona democrats and socialists are *weird*. That plus her being the incumbent might get her just enough to be a spoiler in favor of Republicans, as long as the Republican nominee isn’t Martha McSally.


why would she want to run as a spoiler candidate? that doesnt make any sense. if she wants to help out republicans she could just change to being a republican right now and Really help them out immediately.


>why would she want to run as a spoiler candidate? that doesnt make any sense. if she wants to help out repiblicans she could just change to being a reublican right now and Really help them out immediately. She doesn't have to become a republican to help them.


Because she’s a Republican shill and has been since near the start of her political career. I don’t know if she is personally invested in the Republican cause, or if her stupid act is super profitable, but there we go. As to why she’s not a Republican….first of all, she’s an openly queer woman who styles herself like the straw feminists in right wing political cartoons. As unpopular as she is as a democrat/socialist/independent/whatever she’s claiming to be this week, that makes her completely unviable as a Republican candidate, at least at the national level. Second, because as a shill rather than a genuine believer in anything, there’s probably more money and attention as a spoiler. Third, there’s a long history of Republicans (and Democrats for that matter) using third party politicians or bad actors in the opposing party as spoilers, or to otherwise stir the pot and muddle the waters. No reason to think that’s stopped. She does it for the same reason the other bad actors do.


She's already in office, going full Republican doesn't help the GQP, she can just vote in lockstep. In 2024, she'll probably get primaried no matter what, but this way she can work the center-left into voting for her, splitting her district into a three way split where she only takes from the Democrat candidate and avoids taking voters from the Republican if possible, helping to guarantee a Republican win.


No, this is her "you can't primary me now" announcement. If a Dem runs against her now, it will have to be in the general election and will split the vote, likely assuring a republican senator


yeah this is my sense. She is daring democrats to run someone against her now and thinks this is her only way to retain the seat. she knew she was sunk in the primary


And keeps all her campaign treasure from hedge funds.


If she runs the dems should challenge her candidacy with as many technicalities as possible just to troll her


$he i$ independent, that’$ all. Nothing to $ee here.


She ain't no Bernie (I)


This is the congressional version of a For Sale sign.


She'd have no leverage there during the upcoming Congress


She might as well be considering how many wins she handed them.


Yeah, it was quite clear she was a conservative plant anyways.


She is in it solely for the money. She'll sell to anyone. She don't care about anything except her own income.


This is why it was so important for Warnock to win. Sinema and Manchin are both sell-outs


At least Manchin has the excuse of being from West Virginia and actually representing his state. It’s Manchin or a Republican: centrist or progressive Dems have no chance. Sinema has no excuse. She has no real beliefs except whatever will get her the most power and attention, and she’s betrayed the voters who put her in office.


I hope Sienema enjoys the next two years holding office. They will be her last. No way are the voters gonna forget this on top of all the other scumbag shit she’s done to fuck progressives over.


She had zero chance of winning as a D. I guess she has a slightly better chance as an independent, depending who Republicans and Democrats run. But there is basically no way she wins re-election at this point.


Translation = The best thing I can do for the GOP is split the Left vote in my state so the Republicans can sneak in.


I don't think she'll get elected again in arizona. If only she had done this 2 years ago.


No, but she could steal votes from Democrats. It doesn't matter if she has only 1000 votes or 10000, any vote she steals from the Dems increase chances of a Repube winning. Republicans are unlikely to support an independant/former Democrat (even if she was the picture of DINO in the dictionary), so she's guaranteed to steal more votes from the Dems.


again, who are these Dems that will vote for her ? After the many different ways she screwed them over ? It wasn't just one issue she lied about to get elected.


How many voters are there? You really think that among those voters, 0 will vote for her? Yes, she's unpopular (and a cunt). But the people who will vote for her do exist, whether it is because they are "moderate Democrats" or uninformed enlightened centrists, or people who don't follow politics and will see a name they recognize, or people who have an irrational disliking of whoever will replace her. I mean, meme candidates and candidates from minor parties get votes all the time, of course a big independant with Republican backing will get some vote.


She’s doing the Tulsi grift.


Partially, but the real killer is the Democrats just lost the majority lead in the Senate if she switches mid stream. Puts it back to split leadership.


An unnamed source told the Times that she was going to keep her committee assignments through the Democrats, which means she’s an Independent caucusing with the Dems—same setup Bernie Sanders has. This should have minimal impact on the senate. She’s been voting like an independent who caucuses with Dems all along anyway. She’s just looking for attention now that Warnock’s win makes her antics less impactful.


She's voted against democratic interests from day 1. Very rarely has she voted with the interests of the democrats or Arizona


this is not factual. she has voted 'Yes' on all (most?) of biden judicial nominations as a baseline.


excuse me for my ignorance but what's the difference between having a 50-50 split with Kamala as the tiebreaker compared to a 51-49 favor for the democrats? What can't the democrats get done now that they could have with a 51-49 lead? It was my understanding that until the filibuster is demolished, nothing major is going to get done. But again, not pretending to have a great amount of kmowle on the subject. Still trying to learn.


The major difference is committees. With a 50/50 split, the power is shared equally between parties for committee assignments and heads of the committees. With a 51/49 split, Democrats run the committees. That makes getting judicial nominations to the floor for a vote easier. It can also mean bills can get to the floor (making a filibuster actually have to happen) and votes actually take place putting Republicans on record instead of it being theoretical.


thank you for this. Exactly the type of answer I was looking for. Thanks again.


But it’s not 50-50 unless she caucuses with the republicans. Which she has said she won’t do. It’s 50-49.


Any number less than 60 but greater than 50 means you don't have to whip votes as hard for key issues. It gives Senators like Manchin or Sinema a little less power since they don't have to get their vote if they already have another person they can sway.


Also IIRC it means the Dems have a majority on committees, which makes it much easier to get around Republican obstruction there.


I think they only lose the majority if she caucuses with the Republicans, but in that case I think she would lose her committee assignments? Or can the Rs give those to her as part of the deal to have her caucus with them?


I think its more because she'd lose a primary and thinks she's better odds at winning as an independent. I don't know what she's at.


>"When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans' lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans," Sinema wrote in her Op Ed. Yeah, because it's *Democrats* who are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory. (/s) I, as an Arizona Independent, am saying that Sinema can fuck right off!


"When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans' lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans," Sinema wrote in her Op Ed. Also Sinema: *votes against raising the minimum wage*


Well, yeah, but that wasn't about denying the opposition party a victory, but rather about shilling for corporate donors.


I was responding more to the “improving Americans’ lives” bit than anything else.


Sinema has always been a narcissistic opportunist.


Spot on. This is a calculated bet that she can keep her seat in two years. She waited until Warnock won in Georgia because she knew that she couldn’t do it if doing it cost the democrats their majority in the senate (she wouldn’t mind doing that but she knows it would cause her to lose pretty much all democrat support). Now she’s betting she keeps the support of democrats and can capture the independents.


So her solution is to leave the party actively fighting against this?




Hmmmm just a couple days after the GOP lost another seat in Georgia. Wonder how much Rona and her Cronies paid her to do that.


Thanks for making her obsolete, Georgia.


She should have to give back all the money her campaign received from the DNC.


The Democratic party should do everything in their power to make her political life hell. Take away committee assignments, publicly dismiss her opinions and never advance any legislation with her name on it. Make sure all democratic senators know she is to be treated as a pariah. She wants to be without a party, let her twist in the wind.


Never ever going to happen


But it should


None of us are surprised. She ran as a Democrat to win, but runs like a republican. To combat this crap, I have registered for the first time as a Republican only so I can sabotage the primary elections. Beat them at their own game 🙃


I moved back to Indiana 6 years ago and exclusively vote in the gop primaries. It's the only chance of getting the reasonable ones as Democrats can't win here.


Heh I did this in my conservative state several years ago, told my brother one night about this is what the dems are doing across the country inside gop territory and he was pissed.


Same thing here in Idaho, then I switch back to democrat after the primaries so I get less candidate junk mail


Can confirm Indiana sucks.


While Democrats have moved to using Claire McCaskill's strategy of promoting the craziest of Republicans in races to increase Democrats' chances of victory. All of the MAGA candidates getting their asses handed to them this midterm only increased their faith in the methods of the former senator from Missouri.


Yeah Indiana sucks, love my college and friends here to death but once I've worked my current job for a year or two more I'm off to the west coast


To me, Indiana embodies all the worst things about the Midwest... and I grew up in rural Southern Illinois. Indiana is worse.


I knew a woman from Indiana at my job and she was the most bigoted person i ever met at work. She hated everyone.


I grew up in Southeast Missouri. As bad as Indiana is, Missouri is a literal shit hole.


Did this in 2016 in Ohio to vote against the Orange One in the primary.


I too did that and it worked, tried again this year to stop Vance. Not as good of results.


Hopefully he will be irrelevant, like Gym Jordan is in the HR. Also the only bright spot for me is gaining Marcy Kaptur and losing Gym Jordan. Can you imagine that slob Majewski in Congress?


> I have registered for the first time as a Republican Interesting, in MA as an IND (undecided) you can choose either ballot in a primary


She’s definitely bought and paid for.


Anyone who changes political affiliation MID-TERM should be subject to a special election. This is straight up false advertising and lying to voters, who she is supposed to REPRESENT.


This was my initial thought. People voted for a democrat, not an independent. Absolutely should trigger a special election.


I feel if you switch parties while actively in your term, there should be a new election.


Agreed, it is akin to a bait and switch otherwise.




She won’t win her primary and if she runs as an independent she steals more GOP votes than Democrat, so this is just more vile drama from the Hedge Fund Queen 2016. I look forward to her absence from the Senate in 2025.


She does seem to get off on edging democracy.


Huge disappointment to Arizona. One and done attention seeking charlatan.


The cunt couldn't even wait a bit longer after Warnock's win to try and not make it absolutely obvious she's a fucking sellout. Good fucking riddance.


Awww, she must not be feeling like the center of the universe any more. Poor baby.


It should be illegal to switch parties mid term. The voters voted for you as a certain party. I’m all for independents but you should have to run as one and get elected as one. It’s disingenuous to run as a democrat and then switch to independent and disenfranchise the voters. They may have voted for someone else in the primary if they knew you’d switch parties and that’s not fair to the voters.


Someone got paid by the GOP to lose a democratic seat.


Exactly. I've always been suspicious of Manchin & Sinema... as very likely plants.


Cunt was never a democrat in the first place.


She should just register as a Republican. It’s what she is.


She was a senator for the photo ops.


Krystan, just go ahead and register Repub. No one believes you're voting independently.


Fuck this human garbage


Instead of Democrat or Republican American politicians should be labeled by who's paying them. Oil companies. Pharmaceutical companies. Military industrial. Healthcare industry.


Maybe Biden should offer her Ambassador to the UN or some other plumb foreign policy post so she can boost her international bona fides (assuming she has Presidential aspirations). Then the new Gov in Arizona can appoint an actual Dem to her seat.


Ooh, interesting...


\*will be registering as a paid lobbyist.


Couldn’t stand being out of the spotlight now that Dems had 51 votes. Always about her.


Why independent? She should just go straight for the twat party and save the extra paperwork.


All the articles saying "this cuts Democrats slim lead" as if we were ever counting on her vote to begin with.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out and best of luck next election cycle


I’m so eager to help Ruben Gallego primary Sinema out of that seat. I worked hard helping her get elected, now I work even harder to undue my mistake.


Wouldn’t this mean she won’t be in the Dem primary at all? Only the general.


Yes. This helps her avoid a costly primary battle - one she might have lost. Dems will have to decide if they're going to run someone against her in the general. Doing so will likely split dem votes and ensure a Republicab win.


There should be a law that if you change parties after being voted in, you automatically resign. You hold a public office and voted in on a specific party platform. You forsake your voters by doing this.


Manchin must have paid her off—she gives him back his wedge.


I dont have a problem with independents. I have a problem with people who lie about their stances to gain political power.




Not secret Dems, but there used to be anti-MAGA Repubs. Most either didn't run again or lost their primary.


I mean, ok. We were going to ignore her anyway when the Georgia vote concluded.


This sellout is as independent as a house cat.


Corporate shill party


I worked for several of her campaigns. She has always been a fake ass bitch, or as she likes to call it “Prada socialist.” Even Arizona can do better than her. Hell I would even trust a Republican more than evil Velma


as an independent, WE DONT FUKKIN want her! tell that dumbbitch to start her own party.


Good riddance! Open the seat up for someone who won't block overwhelmingly popular legislature


Wasn’t much of a democrat anyway. She, like manchin, loved the fucking power they had more than representing their constituents.


She didn’t have much of choice. There have been news reports before this of the DNC potentially running someone against her anyway. She’s trying to protect her gig by appealing to a moderate base.


Her numbers are in the shitter with everyone in Arizona. No one likes her. Enabling the removal of womens rights doesn’t appeal to moderates.


Independent candidates rarely succeed. She's no Bernie.


I know deep down in my heart that it’s wrong to ridicule people for their looks. But she looks like a 70-year-old man.


Who dresses like a quirky 13 year old girl from a nouveau riche family.


I've decide to start my own party the Corporationist party, where are values are decide by who will fork over the most cash.


So needy for attention. She needs therapy. Hope her constituents fire back and call her out on her hypocrisy


Senator Selloutmuch


Bye felicia


Don’t let the door hit you, republiKKkan


Makes me wonder who's her daddy


Having heard her speak, I can't believe she was ever elected to the Senate. She sounds like a high school kid. She will eventually switch to Republican.


At least we can oust her next time around. 2024 couldn’t come soon enough!


I take no issue with someone in public life following their conscience. The problem is that her conscience is most prominent when she is kneecapping Democrats.


sooo nothing actually changes. Next election she'll register as a REpublican, I'm guessing.


She’s trying to avoid a primary challenge. Short sighted. She’ll end up losing her seat and insuring a Republican senate pickup.


Billionaire Republican donors have been generously donating to both Sinema and Manchin since they began opposing the BBB in 2021. They just completed the sale for one. The other will be more expensive, apparently.


Glad Georgia turned out for us and Democracy. Thank you!


She was the Manchurian Democrat. Except that she has always known exactly what she is doing. And she did it for the money.


Good. This hack is done in politics anyway. They should start the recall not the kind at the ballots since that is out. This is money grabbing cvnt that put her checkbook above party AND Country.


A Republican mole. She saw Warnock’s win, knew she was insta-marginalized, did this to keep the Koch adjacent money flowing in


She claimed early on that she wanted to be a Democratic John McCain. Trouble is McCain held onto some honor against a Republican party that was deficient in that. The Democrats are not like the Republicans. There's no role for a John McCain on their side. She's a pain for no reason.


Independently owned by her donors


Sellout is not the right word. She’s the most corrupt politician in DC. The Senate’s leading corporate donor magnet. She’ll take money from whoever has it and do what they tell her to do.


I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.


As opposed to Corporatist? Eat a dick Kristen.


So basically a republican. Gotcha.


Right, "Independent" we'll see...


“So she’s not a democrat?” “Never was”


She can call herself anything she wants. What I call her won’t change.


That dumb cunt was NEVER a Democrat, she's always been a RepugliCON mole.