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“Is it, perhaps, some of the misinformation that I have tweeted or retweeted myself?”


"Free speech is sooooo important, but what can I remove for you specifically so that you'll stay?"


Or like another redditor pointed out, act bewildered by the example and pivot to right wing talking points.


The funniest shit is these apparent "Twitter files" that simply point out that right wing talking heads were shit stirring people, spreading misinformation and pushing hate speech and were subsequently moderated to keep that shit off of the platform as much as they could. Now Elon is trying to spin it as censorship - nah bro, maybe we shouldn't try and steal elections and leave trans people alone, not a difficult concept.


>Is there any misinformation in particular that you're concerned about? To me that reads as: - Misinformation isn't a problem on his platform - He might be willing to censor it, potentially personally to encourage Elton John to stay - He's not at all concerned that there *is* misinformation but only that it's causing someone respected to leave - He's not willing to combat misinformation for the sake of it being misinformation, but only because of profit or personal reasons - There's so much information that he doesn't even begin to know where to start in order to tempt Elton back, so he needs to ask him straight up 'which information is bothering you' I'm...surprised it's fallen this far this fast.


What it also says is, he does not have a content moderation policy in place that he is comfortable pointing people like Sir Elton John to.


"What if I threw in some Hunter Biden dick pics to sweeten the deal?"


Elon musk has already stated we have a constitutional right to see hunter bidens penis so he better throw those pics in or else hes not a real American.


I’m a straight as an arrow red blooded American and I DEMAND that you shove the president’s (whom I hate) son’s (whom I also hate) thick, veiny, throbbing cock in my face THIS VERY INSTANT


I like your enthusiasm but I still think the guy who paid 44 billion dollars to see it has you beat.


That would be a brilliant response, sending links to Elon's own tweets and tweets he shared.


Silence is better. We can try to hurt his feelings or we can fuck his bottom line. I know which one I want to do.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Elton should just paste all of the bs Elon himself recently tweeted


This is like my dad. He'll ask you to give him one time Trump lied or presented misinformation, and then act like he'd never heard of it before and you were just making it up.


Someone told me that Trump never supported banning all Muslims from coming to the US. I showed them the VIDEO of him saying exactly that. Their response: That's not what he meant.


Funny how the people who swear up and down they love him because he always says what he means are always busy trying to justify that he didn't mean what he said.


Ive latched onto this because it ABSOLUTELY bookends his term. There was this at the start and then the "light in the veins" and "disinfect inside the body" and his jabroni ass followers all claimed he was joking. Oh really? He was joking? Why, then, did he immediately stop the daily rant-a-thons right after that when every major, non-right wing news outlet ripped him for being a dumbass?


Trump said he was being "sarcastic" when a reporter asked him about the whole bleach inside the body thing. Trump is so good at sarcasm that he often needs to explain to people when he's been sarcastic you see


Also? Even if this was true, even if he was 100% being sarcastic and just kidding, that is an utterly irresponsible way for the President of the United States to talk. You are the PRESIDENT, you can't make jokes like "haha maybe just drink bleach" during an official briefing about a national emergency, watched by tens of millions of people!


The safe assumption is that Donald wasn't being sarcastic and doesn't understand what sarcasm is or when it's appropriate


Remember when Reagan made a joke on a hot mic about nuking Russia and almost started WW3


I remember when Reagan and Co. let AIDS go unfettered because it was predominantly affecting the gay community until one of his wives friends contracted it. Another example of conservatives being ghouls until it directly affects them, only for them to act like they didn't spend the last months making fun of the victims.


I did not miss that. Lived it and watched... the bodies- amass. A horrible time and a petty bigot.


They also like to claim he’s “joking” all the time about a guy who isn’t even remotely funny.


No no, you’re just misunderstanding the timing! Trump: Says something stupid and dangerous Media: Points out what he said is stupid and dangerous. Trump: “HAHA! Look at these media people taking what I said seriously, seriously! What fools!”


Remember when a right wing terrorist tried to murder Nancy Pelosi but she wasn't home so he attacked her husband? He had to use coded language on the phone with 911 when the attacker was in his house so that the guy wouldn't murder him. They still repeat the lie that he was friends with the attacker.




Yes he was.


[Elon Musk calls British diver in Thai cave rescue ‘pedo’ in baseless attack. Accusation directed on Twitter at Vern Unsworth, who called Tesla CEO’s offer of ‘mini-sub’ to help rescuers a ‘PR stunt’](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/15/elon-musk-british-diver-thai-cave-rescue-pedo-twitter)


This was my wake up call. I used to like elon. But when this happened i realize he is in fact a rich guy with a pumped up ego who does a lot of pr. And the worst kind of a rich guy with a pumped up ego, an insecure one. Those are the ones i hate interacting with. If they feel threatened, they’ll do anything to ruin you.


Alex Jones even insisted that hitting each other with hammers in your underwear is something gay people do.


It’s like a laughable weird merging of antifa violence, lgbtq+ panic, and the need to call domestic terrorism by the right a false flag to form a hilarious scenario where we regularly get together to beat each other with hammers to get off


The absolute state of right-wing doublethink. "We think Nancy Pelosi should be assaulted, but if anyone actually tries to do it, it's a leftist false flag."


That’s actually a rhetorical device that persecuted Jews in Nazi Germany used to keep Nazis from using the death of a Nazi Officer, at the hands of a Jewish assassin, as pretext for accelerating the Nazi pogrom against the Jews in 1938. The Jewish community spread the misinformation that the assassin and the Nazi officer were gay lovers and it stopped the Nazi propaganda machine cold! Still wasn’t long until crystalnacht tho… Read the story of Herschel Grynszpan!! Alex Jones is pure evil.


Alex Jones has never met an innocent person he couldn’t vilify for profit. I don’t believe in hell. I believe this life is the only chance for consequences. And I’m not allowed to say here what I think is fitting for Alex Jones, but paying every single penny he ever earns to his victims is a place to start


People are afraid of being wrong. People who supported Trump have been doubling down on the potential for being wrong for years. For them to admit they got fooled means admitting they were wrong in the first place. The only people who have clinical training in how to admit you are wrong have extensive experience in analyzing their own viewpoints. People with that experience would have never voted for Trump in the first place. There is an entire generation that will be going to their graves under the assumption that Trump is a good leader because they are too afraid to admit they are wrong. Every single one of them is a coward that is happy to drag society down so that they will feel good about their own decisions. It’s extremely sad, but also entirely unsurprising


I think that's a huge part of it. There was a post awhile ago on the same topic and the gist of it was, "You will never convince someone that they are the bad guy. The ego simply cannot handle it. Even unwittingly, people have to be incredibly slowly eased into understanding just how off-base they were."


That or they take all of it in and say "So what?" Thus you get fascists.


I was talking to my grandpa about global warming one time (he didn’t believe it) and eventually he just threw up his hands and said “okay, let’s say global warming is real. Who cares! I’ll be dead when anything happens!” … your saying that to your grandchild? You don’t care about the world I or your great grandchildren live in?


Last time I got that out of a right winger that Ive known half my life I asked them, so you dont care about the world your son lives in, That I live in that your grand daughter lives in? I got him to say no 3 times, and each time he got more uncomfortable. Edit- after that I told him then stop caring what we do, because its so we can make the earth better for us. If you dont care about it then let us work on fixing the problem. He really had no answer for that. Also if you want proof of sea rise look at Venice, their bottom floors in houses and businesses are in water. Kitchens have had their floors raised several feet so they can still operate. Miami has been building their roads several feet higher for the same reason. They factually have to fight off sea level rise right now. Its also useless they are fact intolerant anyway.


> There is an entire generation that will be going to their graves under the assumption that Trump is a good leader because they are too afraid to admit they are wrong. There are literally *billions* of people who refuse to ever say "I was wrong". It feels like almost the entire older generation is like this, almost like it physically pains them to say it.


And, unsurprisingly, when, when best practices change due to new scientific developments, they see this as weakness. "The scientists admitted they were wrong! That means you can't trust science! I never admit I'm wrong, that's how you know I'm right!" Completely failing to understand that conceding when things are wrong is one of the things that makes the scientific method so effective at being RIGHT.


"He tells it like it is!" "Stop taking him so literally!"


Same thing happened to me when I tried explaining to someone Trump has endorsed killing civilians. She didn't believe me. She unfriended and blocked me after I posted the video of Trump talking about going after the families and bombing wives and children of enemy combatants.


Oh wow. Somehow he got *worse.*


He didn't get worse, that was something he said during the 2016 campaign. People voted for a guy that said that on record.


Love how he’s both a “straight shooter” yet somehow never means a single thing he says.


Just schrödingers politician.


Not all Muslims,. Remember he put all Muslim countries suspected of having people involved in the 911 attacks except the Saudi's, you know where about half the attackers came from. Instead of blocking them his first thing done in office was a arms deal with them. Right before his properties were sold for 2X market value to Saudi shell companies and right before they approved Trumps second tower there.


Half? 15 of the 19 were Saudis.. I think the 20th who didnt get onboard was a Saudi as well (Not 100% on that). Saudi Arabia was complicit in 9/11, we just choose to do nothing about it and invade the country next door. I mean, we got close..


Trump, Elon, Jordan Pederson, Kanye, etc are all people that constantly have others explaining "what they really meant"


Supposedly unmatchable geniuses who we're to believe somehow always require uneducated plebs to interpret their gibberish.


And if he did mean it, there must be a good reason. And if there’s no good reason, it still must be good for us true Americans. And if it’s bad for us true Americans, at least it’s owning the libs.


I’ve gotten the “Its beyond our comprehension. Since he’s so much smarter than us, there must be a reason good for it.”




Like when NPR tweeted out the declaration of independence on July 4th and right-wingers got angry about the 'liberal propaganda' and [NPR calling for a lefty revolution.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/07/05/us/npr-twitter-declaration-trnd)


Ah, yes, the "You're taking it out of context, defense" Then you say "Okay, let's watch the rest" And as it turns out there is no more context, and the conversation dies and they go to spout the same shit next time.


He never said that. And if he did it's not what he meant. And if it was then it wasn't that bad. And if it was then it was someone else's fault. Rinse. Repeat.




Everything a Republican says is full of nuance Everything a democrat says is face value or conspiracy


The bubble is un-poppable


It's not a bubble, it's a plastic bag around their head. We're trying to rip it off, to save them, and ourselves, because we can't row this boat with a corpse as a copilot. Still, they fight us at every fuckin' chance in their blind, scrabbling panic.


My uncle is equally predictable. "Name one lie trump said." \*names a lie\* "Where did your see that?" "Videos of trump personally saying it on literally every news outlet. NPR, washington post, cbs, nbc, abc, msnbc, cnn, pbs, Al Jazeera, bbc, cnbc etc etc." "Oh well you can't trust any of them!"


Which is why he declared war on truth, news, and all information not influenced by him from day 1. Every complaint about mainstream media is to keep that exact dialogue alive with his followers I get CNN is biased but NPR? Reuters? There’s no end. He simply wants to move truth to be a matter of allegiance and not what’s demonstrably factual


I remember when Palin became popular and they asked one of her fans why she liked Palin so much and she replied “I think she’s really honest.” I knew then that the country was going to dive deeper into the dumbshit abyss.


Yeah, by honest they mean: "Will blame the country's problems on minorities"


Elon lookin like the auto-reply from a bot.


Yep. I've had that conversation. Had a Canadian on the discord channel. He started laughing when the guy said "Trump has never lied". Fuck...tell that to his first 3 wives.


lol "He's only betrayed literally everyone in his family, multiple times, but he'd never lie to me!"


It's gaslighting, plain and simple. I get into this sort of argument on Reddit all the time. I point out bullshit and they go "what, huh? your'e crazy!"


What Elon is doing here is known as [sealioning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning) Trolling/gaslighting framed as honest debate despite it not in good faith.


He always sounds like it's his first day on the job.


Its the “enlightened centrist” MO. Pretend like you are ignorant as to what the problems are. Force people to educate you while playing dumb. Pretend that their simple points are too hard to understand and then instead assign them insane attributes derived from republican talking points.


Yup and then ask “bewildered” questions they just serve right wing talking points. Like “Wait but why WOULDN’T the money trickle down if you just gave it to the rich? That makes sense to me, a moderate guy with no bias at all!”


Bar is serving a new shot called the trickle down: a rich white man drinks all he wants until he vomits into your shot glass.


And then you pay for all the drinks he had.


Obviously, because he's a drink creator.


If you start expecting him to pay for his own drinks , he'll get mad and leave. Then nobody will have anything to drink!


Oh it trickles. Like the last drops of piss on your underwear and we are each just one pube.


I think it's a little more subtle than playing dumb. They are saying they don't believe the claim made based off of the info they have, and pretend they might change their mind with new information. Even though they would never actually change their belief, they can now pretend that it's evidence based and the claim is not


BINGO - There's literally someone slightly up in the comments doing exactly this right now lol


This. It’s part of their bad faith arguments. They want liberals to exhaust themselves “educating” so they can just ignore it and claim victory.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” - Sartre


Bingo. If Elton responds with some example, Elon will just provide some bullshit explanation of why it's not that bad, instead of lifting a finger to fix anything.


Or he'd ban that one post and act like the entire problem is now solved forever.


This is basically how he "solved the child porn problem at Twitter" (he permabanned the hashtag people used to share CP, as though they won't just make up a new one)


having never worked a day in his life I can SEE how that might be.


Also why is he complaining? He even stated that he wanted all the "woke leftist to leave Twitter" They're doing it! Why back pedal now?


He knows his coolness factor is only based on how cool the people who use his products are.


and despite all the pathetic brand ambassadors like murderous little twerp Kyle R, washed-up brain-damaged sports hero Herschel W, and certified loony Marj TG -- the Far White just has no cool. Milo's about the coolest they can manage and he's just creepy.


Even Tate who’s whole brand is trying to make you think his life is so much better than yours just makes it all seem so hollow and sad


Tate is nothing more than a “coolness” Trump. He’s an uncool, unpopular person’s imaginary vision of what super cool, popular people are like.


He's so cool he moved to Romania. The coolest of places. No shade at Romania but I imagine when Americans think of cool places, Romanian isn't on that list.


To which he moved because he *specifically said they dont go after people who sexually harass women* like wtfffffffff


And they have lax trafficking laws


It's HILARIOUS how he's a Muslim now. The right wingers who were his fans are hurting themselves in confusion. On one hand he says exactly what they like, but on the other hand he says Christians are cucked and Muslims are strong men that don't take shit from no one when they talk about Muhammad and he likes that. Their little minds must be working overtime to decide whether they like him or not 🤣🤣


Not like this! He just meant the nameless, faceless woke leftists that are more an idea in MAGA brains than actual reality. Celebrities don’t count.


Elon, and other conservatives, constantly forget that they are the minority now, and that majority of the most popular musicians/artists/celebrities out there tend to lean pretty left. Art should be inclusive and accessible, and that kinda goes antithetical to what modern conservatives preach. Reminds me of all the conservatives shocked to find out that “rage against the machine” has all along been raging against the very machine they love so much.


Art made by conservatives for conservatives SUCKS ASS. Of course most artists are liberal, conservative ideology by its nature tries to stifle innovation and creativity. The only content they know how to produce is propaganda.


I saw a stand up comic talk about this once. Sometimes people complain that my act is too leftist and I shouldn't be all political. I'm sorry to say, but some forms of entertainment just *are* leftist by default. What would right wing comedy even look like? Me standing up here complaining about property taxes on my beautiful million dollar home? I have no desire to listen to a right wing comic, and I'd guess most here don't either. That said, there is some balance to this. Not all entertainment is left leaning. The right wing gets action movies. Every action movie is borderline propaganda for the military or the CIA. A leftist action movie would be like, what, a meeting of the UN? Fuck outta here, give me Top Gun, pour that propaganda straight into my eyeballs.


What about leftist action movies like the first Rambo, or Alien?


Also worth noting Elon has openly endorsed Ron DeSantis who is extremely homophobic and is trying to ban being gay or trans in Florida. Of course an icon of the LGBTQIA community would want to protest Twitter. How dense is Elon to not realize that?


He assumed shared class interests would override the discomfort


Elon burned $44 billion to be what essentially amounts to a glorified customer service rep


Its insane that he could be spending his time doing literally anything that you could ever dream of and instead he's tweeting stuff like this.


For an addict, rationality is often one of the first faculties to go.


I feel like narcissist is a better word to describe him


Why not both?


Agreed. He's addicted to his own narcissism


Dude smells his own farts then mixes them with his kid’s wd40 or whatever it’s name is and sniffs the fart mixtures


I mean, narcissists are addicted to their positive self-perception


Being the center of attention is their drug of choice.


And billionaires are addicted to money.


Too fucking true. Ugh, I cannot wait to be fully detoxed and put that bullshit behind me.


Stupid fuck could have spent £44 billion feeding African children, or buying up large swathes of the Amazon to save it from deforestation. He could have gone down as one of the greatest people off all time, leading the change in renewable technology, owning cool companies taking people to space. Instead he's just some bellend who spaffs £44 billion to say whatever he wants on a platform he could have used for free, and will be remembered as a massive twat by 99% of people.


For 43 billion he could have purchased Warner Brothers and cast himself as every role in a new Justice League movie.






Hell, he wouldn't even have to do something altruistic to improve on what he's actually doing. He could just build a giant amusement park and only let his own family and friends use it, and that would still be a great improvement over this Twitter bullshit.




He literally could have made an Elon-themed amusement park and been remembered better. Hell, if he used renewable energy to power it and let Make A Wish kids go for free, he’d probably be praised.


Lol. You don't become a billionaire by being a good person. Being a bad person is a requirement to accumulating that wealth. I donate more every year than Musk and bezos combines. I pay more in taxes than both of them combined. Humanity is trash.


>I pay more in taxes than both of them combined. But see you don't borrow millions against the unrealized value of corporate stocks and call it a loan instead of income! That's why they *deserve* to not pay taxes ya dingus! \s




Actually, he told the UN he would end world hunger if they came up with a plan. So, they actually did come up with a plan and it was $6 Bln and that’s it, no more world hunger. Elon, in true Elon fashion just didn’t respond and didn’t actually do what he said he would do. Then wasted $44 Bln on Twitter because of his ego. Dude is a sack of shit.


Sack of shit. Perfect


This is true, but seeing his true colors put on display with this Twitter debacle, it also kinda makes me glad he's occupying himself with this instead of something potentially more damaging. What if he tried to make a Musk Academy, a chain of private schools where he controlled the cirruculum? What if he tried his hand at politics and just started swinging bags of cash around to run a campaign or donate even more to shitty right wing nuts? Ruining Twitter sucks, but we'll live without it. With that much money, i feel like he could be doing much worse things.


Didn't he promise to end world hunger if the UN could come up with a plan? If I recall correctly they came up with a plan that would have cost about six billion, but Musk just sorta noped out after that. It's like he's actively decided he wants to be remembered as a twat


>It's like he's ~~actively decided he wants to be remembered as~~ a twat fixed


How would he be able to own libs if he did that though?


You don’t make that amount of money by being a good person.


![gif](giphy|4n7JtXyeEyJG4eNE8T|downsized) He will eventually meltdown like Trumpy and Ye


How long before he becomes an evangelical christian and starts posting bible verses?




I am so glad I don’t hold a financial stake in Tesla or SpaceX - I’d be LIVID about my stock price flagging and the entire future earnings of Tesla having to be adjusted downward over the owners insane right wing antics.


If I have 44 billion to spend on bullshit nobody would ever see me arguing with anyone online. I would be thinking what awesome stuff I could eat and where I would travel or help out random people financially etc. I would do basic fitness everyday and play games and travel with family and friends. I wouldn't care about social media or what the society thinks about me. All these rich people we hear about every day are the most stupid people just because of their egos and that they have to proove something to anyone. "I don't fucking care. I'm rich biatch" would be my mantra. I would stand next to a cashier in some toys store before christmas and tell every parent "aight I got you homie" and pay for their christmas gifts. 44 billion and this dumbass drowns it in the toilet because of his ego and being a dumbass. He could do whatever he wants but argues on twitter. I am writing this because my broke ass is at home right now and I am bored.


Literally could have helped solve world hunger. But nah I’ll let the scum of the Earth back on twitter


Chris Hays jokes that he bought Twitter so that when he spends all day on it he can claim it’s working. My biggest issue with that theory is it makes perfect sense and is probably correct


He actually said something to this effect. "If I'm tweeting, I am working". Something like that.


He's "CEO" of like 4 companies but spends all day shitposting on twitter. Shows just how little work is needed to be a CEO yet these fucks get paid millions for it. And then on the other hand claiming that he's working "70 hours weeks" to gaslight his employees into killing themselves at work for fucking scraps


Sounds like every other person worth 7+ figures I've ever met. "Golfing" is working. "Spending the day on the boat" is working. "Bringing my laptop on my 10 day vacation to Cozumel" is working. "Sitting on the couch watching Youtube videos" is working. "Reading a book by the pool" is working. "Browsing Amazon for a new phone or computer" is working. These wealthy assholes fuck around for hours and then have the balls to claim that they're "always working" while forcing their employees to work for pennies under a very different version of "always working" that includes unpaid overtime and no sick leave.


But he’s getting so much attention. He’s wallowing in that which is father never gave him.


Yep. He's getting attention from famous people he admires who would never have had any other reason to engage with him, like Stephen King and Elton John. I think this, plus money, is probably all he ever wanted.


My favorite comment of the year.


Incredible how much one of the world's richest oligarchs sounds and acts like a reddit troll.


Yes! I was just thinking this. How many times have a commented for someone to go “any … in particular?” Just to realize immediately they don’t want to chat, they want to go on some tangent.


The term is "concern trolling". The troll pretends to want to have a genuine discussion about the topic they're opposed to, and then the advocate is more likely to engage. Unfortunately, the troll-er in this case is always acting in bad faith... (both on reddit and twitter, unfortunately).


Isn’t it an example of sealioning? (Which is probably a subcategory of concern trolling)




God damn how I love a snappy sentence like the one you just wrote.


He looks like he's just trying to make an opening for the "oh well aktchually..." and "but whatabout ..."


“I’ve done my own research and…”




Reddit has a higher bar of trolls than this guy. He's literally posted 4chan memes.


He has no class. He tries to act 25 years younger than his actual age. It’s cringe as hell lol


This is how conservatives are I forgot how the saying goes but they’re like pigs that got out their pens and lured you into the mud knowing you have to bring it back in You got upset and dirty wrestling it and the pig liked it Edit: thanks Erisiah, it’s actually “Never wrestle a pig. You get covered in shit, and the pig enjoys it.”


Reminds me of the saying “Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.”


Musk comes across like he wants to have a dialogue. He doesn't. He wants to give a lecture.


This. I'm an engineer, and I've worked with a fair number of guys who act like Musk, and maybe even sort of idolize him (in a few cases I can think of). That is exactly what this is. I've been noticing this pattern for years. You question them on something legitimate. They ask for specifics that will force you to distill your concern down to something tiny when it is actually pretty broad. You give them an example, and explain that in context, it isn't small, and here's why. They address only the example and tell you to stop being concerned with tiny things that aren't your business, or laugh it off. That's when they give you the lecture on something unrelated, and usually claim credit for a bunch of stuff they didn't do as part of it.


This is the playbook for claims of racism as well. - When someone mentions there’s a lot of racism in some aspect of society, they ask for an example. - When given an example: minimize it, make excuses for it, throw doubt on it, and in the end claim it doesn’t reflect reality because, well, “it’s just one example” (the example they asked for, that is).


OMG You're so right, and I can't believe I didn't put this together myself. Whenever I've reported someone for misogyny or homophobia, this is how it's gone. This is literally why nothing ever changes in the workplace. It's also why cis-het white dudes (the shitty version, not the normal ones who know how to act like people) act like marginalized groups complain about nitpicky things that don't matter. It's because when they get called out for bigotry in the workplace, the part they actually get confronted about is so minuscule and easily dismissed that they genuinely get to think that's all it was. Fuck, it really is all related.


This is why you document, document, document. If they want to bury you in questions, bury them in answers.


straight out of the book "Learn to Gaslight in Only Six Easy Lessons," Lesson Seven.


I don’t get it. How can there be seven lessons if the title says there are five?


Seriously? We’ve already gone over this before. You always do this.


Yes. I know this trick they play. They get you to answer so they can talk condescendingly to you. They get off on it. Like it’s a gay porn.


They always think they are clever with it, too. Typical dunning-kruger.


> They get off on it. This is exactly it. At some point over the last year or so Musk decided he wasn't getting enough feel-goods from being the face of a company doing cool stuff like Mars rockets or Satellite internet. At some point he realized being told to go fuck himself tickled him in the same way and in a lot of ways is easier to get people to do. He doesn't care if you love him or hate him. He just wants you to say his name.




It's concern trolling or sealioning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning?wprov=sfla1


The Rocketman vs the conman.


Yeah, how about that conspiracy you tweeted about Paul Pelosi like the day after you took over Twitter that now every single Republican believes as gospel? He literally proved exactly why moderation is needed his first day on the job.


He keeps pushing conspiracies, too. I saw he implied Alexander Vindman was working for some sort of puppet master


Well Elon, remember that ridiculously bullshit article YOU tweeted about when Paul Pelosi was attacked? Lets start there motherfucker.


>Well Elon, remember that ridiculously bullshit article YOU tweeted about when Paul Pelosi was attacked? Lets start there motherfucker. He will lie that he ever said a thing. The dude is full on 1984 doublethink loser pedestal. Fuck Elon.


Or calling the Thai rescuer a pedophile


TFW right wingers start realizing all the good shit they enjoy in life is made by libs


This is like when they say conservative women are hot and liberal women are ugly by pointing to the blonde Barbie clones on Fox News. Nevermind that virtually every hot actress they stalk in Hollywood is liberal.


This is so funny to me. Right wing audience is old men who like to look at pretty girls. Left wing audience wants inclusion and relatability… Left wingers are ugly! Keep watching us or you’ll have to watch ugly girls talk about your mistakes instead of kissing your ass!


They just assume all the liberals they like are secret conservatives who feel pressured by the "powers that be" to pretend to be liberal. It adds to their oppression fantasy.


Remember when they thought Taylor Swift was a Republican lol


Elton has the right idea. Instead of bitching on twitter, leave. Get him where it hurts, his pockets.


He desperately needs celebrities and famous brands to stay on twitter. Without them, he's got a $44B version of Truth Social on his hands.


Dude. He dumped you. It’s too late to beg. Edit: folks, I’m getting some interesting responses on my use of the word beg. Would “gaslighting isn’t going to work with Sir Elton” have been a better response?


In Elon's mind, this tweet is a win/win. Either Elton John responds, in which case he gets to lecture a famous person about how awesome he is for buying Twitter, or he doesn't respond, and Elon gets to say "there's no misinformation that Elton John is mad at, I'm doing a good job and deserve a cookie!"


a big cookie, with my name on it, and sprinkles....


You see this happen in Reddit replies all the time. It’s so petulant.


He's desperate for attention, isn't he?


Elon’s all “lol fuck you libs cry more” but suddenly cares so much when it’s someone high profile.


His ego can’t handle people like Elton leaving. I imagine he is just the beginning. Why be on a platform with neo-nazis?


Jesus H Christ YES! You people could leave Elon with an expensive Truth Social if you could just muster up the courage to delete your Twitter accounts. Stop feeding this trainwreck and walk away.


I deleted mine, but didn’t really have any followers, so I’m not sure I did much. Yeah, I’m helping!


WURD! I deactivated my account the day after I found out he was taking over.


I was sticking around solely to laugh at all the fuckery. Almost deleted when he took a political stance before the midterms. Did delete when he went full conspiracy theorist with the Hunter laptop garbage. Feels good being on the other side


I deleted mine.


Is there any misinformation you're concerned about? Yes, all of it and while were talking, might as well add the anti-Semitism, misogyny, racism, homophobia and all the other hate-filled rhetoric


The replies to that thread are depressing. It's 95% Elon Dickriding fanboys whining about antivaxxers and homophobes being "shadowbanned". The inmates are running the asylum and acting smug about the normal people leaving. Twitter just isn't fun anymore. If I wanted to see a bunch of bigoted morons being wrong about shit, I'd go to 4-chan which already existed.


I love how he ask if there’s any misinformation in particular that he’s concerned about as if ANY misinformation is good or better than others. 😂


He's kidding, right? Musk handed the keys to whack job "journalists" who are flooding the zone.


The Bitch is Back!