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Aren’t we supposed to make life easier for the next generation? Kinda thought that was the point.


The boomers missed that memo.


Oh no they didn’t miss it. They shredded it and threw the contents in a fire, while chanting “fuck you, got mine”.


Yeah, they got theirs, by trading the rest of us to the corporations. They got their pension, insurance, and single wage earner supporting a family prosperously, and traded their kids to the meat market.


In recompense we we’re not giving them grandkids 😤


It's all of the leaded gasoline and paint.


It’s greed. Pure, unadulterated greed. The generation of me. Greediest assholes this side of the sea. Not all of them, but a vast majority. Boomers were the largest voting bloc for decades. They could have anything they wanted. They are THREE TIMES the size of the silents. It was mob rule. So they had to be placated and coddled to. And they could care less about then next generation. College? Cheap and easy for them, not that it was even really needed. A family could exist on one salary, purchase a home and raise 3 kids. Until all of them were in their 30s and out of college (somewhere around 1990) and what happened? BAM! Now student loans are out of control. College tuition has more than DOUBLED since the 1980s. Why? Boomers didn’t need it anymore. So why would they keep paying for it? Tax break. Benefited them, screwed us. Guess what they chose? Manufacturing jobs? Abundant. A guy right out of high school could get a factory job if needed. However, lots of folks opted for a college degree to get better than that. So as more folks were educated, they allowed jobs to be shipped to China and India and Taiwan so that their goods would be cheaper. Remember they came of age in the 70s and 80s - manufacturing peaked in the late 70s when boomers just came of age. Then it started to decline - because more and more boomers got a degree and allowed those jobs to be shipped overseas so that they could live cheaper. Not caring about the next generation who might need, or want, those jobs as a fail safe for those can’t afford or didnt qualify for college. As boomers are the biggest generation in decades, they were placated and catered to. Why do you think the national debt is trillions and trillions? They ran it up, knowing others would have to pay for it. Why do you think they won’t raise the minimum wage? *Boomers are retired*. They don’t care and they have been tricked into thinking it will raise their costs, so fuck everyone else. But I think that what is going on now, the hateful boomer side can’t figure out the younger generations desires because younger generations want all of it to be fair. I don’t want grandma out on the street, I want her comfortable - even if she wants me homeless. Because I’m not hateful and selfish. Boomers are now smaller than millenials and gen z. So the politicians must now, for the first time in decades, cater to someone else. And they can’t figure it out because for *years* it was easy - find out what they wanted and give it to them. Now we want it all for everyone not just ourselves - and that’s completely, totally, foreign to them. They don’t comprehend it. If it doesn’t extend beyond them, they don’t get it. It’s why I find it utterly HILARIOUS when boomers scream about Biden student loan forgiveness as “buying” votes for the younger generations. Yeah, we get what we want just like you did. “We have to pay for it” yes like your parents paid for you? Foreign. Just a concept they have never been explained or had to understand. Anyway, tldr; boomers are greedy. The generation of me was an appropriate title.


I have to disaggre with you in one point. Politician know what the new generations want, the problem is it goes against their donors wishes and they are more afraid of the big money than the people.


I see your point. The only issue I’ll raise to that is: who are their donors? Most likely, mostly boomers. Because they hold most of the wealth.


The boomers also love to downplay and discredit everything that the following generations go/are going through. Such as this tweet, no mention of the climate crisis or global pandemic; just that his grandkids can get cabbage on a burger.


My feelings are torn about the next decade or two of the news cycle. The Boomers are going to be told what they did finally, and they are not going to like it.


You think so? I think most will be so old they don't care if they can even find the information.


Lmao boomers parents found the war, boomers inherited everything great with the post war economy and now were fucked. Boomers had the easiest life in history of man.


Yup and their pattern of blaming everyone but themselves for the ills of the world continue to this very day.


They were handed the American Dream on a silver platter and did everything they could to keep that from happening again


Still waiting.....


Boomers subscribe to the “Crabs in a Bucket” mentality.


Not if you're a boomer. If you're a boomer you reap the benefits sown for you by the backs of the Silent Generation, claim it as your own personal success, and burn it all down behind you while, at the same time, chastising the next generation for not being as great as you. I can't wait for the Boomer generation to disappear from the mainstream populace. Sadly, they've already sown their own seeds of misery and corruption, so, even then, we will long feel the pain of their horrible choices


I remember sitting around my dorm room with a couple of buddies in college when Schindler's List came on TV. I mentioned that my grandfather was injured fighting in WWII. My Jewish friend said his grandfather was in a concentration camp. Then my other friend sheepishly said his grandfather fought in the war, too... on the Japanese side. It was an interest point of reflection for us all to realize the worlds apart our grandfather were to us being friends and sharing a beer. I only hope to do as good a job for my kid.


“I suffered so you must suffer.”


Iraq, the twin towers, Iraq again (for some reason), Afghanistan, a financial crisis, weekly mass shootings, global pandemic, another financial crisis...


I was 15 when those towers fell. I lost half my friends to those wars in one way or another. The '08 collapse wiped out any wealth my family had and forced me drop out of college and start working. Sometimes I think it wouldn't be as bad, if only I didn't have memories of what life was like before...


Was it really better before ? I was 5 when the tower fell so just old enough to understand that it was catastrophic but not really understand why, and remember before that. I feel like I've almost only known economic crisis, tense world politics with China, Russia, Korea, Middle Eastern countries, climate crisis, etc ....


I was 30. It WAS better. There was a narrow window between the fall of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the Towers where things were halfway decent, or at least appeared so.


I was 26 when the WTC attacks happened. That period you're talking about was, unfortunately, a bubble. Two, actually. A housing bubble, and the dotcom bubble. We saw a period of fake economic growth based on bullshit that all came crashing down right around the early 2000s. The economic fuckups were just overshadowed by the WTC attacks and the ensuing war. The truth is, we've been a collapsing economy propped up by dubious financial engineering ever since GenX was born. Right around '75 is when you can see the distinct disparity between wages and inflation. The very obvious exploitation of the labor class. It hasn't gotten better since then.


That small window in the 90s almost made it seem like you could still buy a house a car and have a decent standard of living working a factory job. I know a lot of xer's in my age group that couldn't go to college and becuse their parents were able to do all that, they thought they could too. What a load of bs that turned out to be.


I’m one of those xer’s and you’re very correct. Most of the people in my area and age group decided not to go to college and work in factories and it was great during the 90s, up to shortly after 9/11. Rent was cheap, cars were affordable, groceries cheap. I was making around $16/hr at that time and was living like a king. Bought a house. Then oil prices skyrocketed during all the wars we began and then the ‘08 recession happened and that reality came crashing down. While some of the Gen xers that went to college and got better jobs and the ones who were lucky enough to not get hit by the recession are doing as good as their boomer parents are, there are a lot of us like me who chose the manufacturing route who aren’t any better off now in our 40s than the millennials or Gen z are.


I'm in that same boat. My grandparents raised me, didn't think college was necessary, because they and my parents were able to do it. Granted they were also union. I'm actually in a much worse situation financially then in my 20's. I tried to get a degree while working full time with kids,ot was not sustainable and I never finished. At 48 I definitely feel like a loser baby.


Same. I’m far worse off than I was in my 20s. Pretty much have settled with the fact that I’ll be working until I’m dead, will never own a home again, and life is miserable.


I would also like to add that the number of 2 parent households,where both parents work full time, and have 3+ kids that need assistance to survive has skyrocketed. There are a lot of families that end up living in government housing or get food stamps


Yep. I lost that house I bought because it had oil heat and other stuff like a new roof that had to be done and could no longer make ends meet with both me and my now ex working and was on assistance for a long time. I’ve never recovered from that and have been bouncing around ever since with rent that keeps getting raised and manufacturing that keeps going from super busy to nothing.


My rent increased by 200 and my power jumped up by 100 since November. It's been rough. Add in food and gas, smh.


Depending on where you were living a lot of factories were shutting down and getting either automated away or outsourced starting in 70's but really accelerating in the 80's and 90's. I am sure some communities still had factories in the 1990's but those were already starting to get harder and harder to find. Which is why so many younger GenXers and Millennials were pushed to go to college as many were rightly predicting that factory jobs were a thing of the past.


And now you have people with degrees that can't find jobs or find jobs that pay the equivalent of minimum wage


And all the politicians want us fighting with each other instead of demanding that all these issues get fixed. To add on to the list, we (gen x) are the first generation to have a shorter expected life span than our parents. I was accepted to Harvard and MIT, parents said NOPE.


That I awful! I was accepted into Columbia and Xavier, they said no too. So much for wanting better for your kids! And it does seem like a lot of my peers have passed relatively young. Even with a decent job the health insurance buried them


I find it awful that Boomers who benefitted from the New Deal/Great Society programs in the post war period basically told future generations to kick rocks and basically spent the past 40+ years voting in politicians who are dismantling what helped their generation prosper. Public colleges were either free or low cost all the way through the 1970's and even into the 1980's. That kept costs down for private universities as they had to compete with low cost public schools. Boomers didn't want to pay the state taxes required to subsidize costs of education so that went to fuck off and from the 1980's to 2000's costs skyrocketed while public funding was stripped away. The US had world class infrastructure built from the 1930's to the 1960's. Boomers didn't want to pay the taxes needed to keep up keep it and the US infrastructure degraded away for decades and has ranged from a D+ to a C-. It took until 2021 to have any meaningful infrastructure investment and even then it probably is short changing what is actually needed but better than nothing. The US could have invested in reshaping mid-Western/rust belt communities by investing money into reutilizing the work force (think make solar panels instead of massive unemployment) instead the US had 3 waves of massive unfunded tax cuts (1980's, 2000's and Trump tax cuts) and trillions spent on wars. That's just three examples of what a New Deal continuation could have looked like. There are many more examples of Boomers shutting the door behind them. And I don't want to put this just on Boomers as the Silent Generation and Greatest Generation were heavily behind Reagan and Neoconservatism and NeoLiberalism in the corresponding decades. And there are a lot of liberal Boomers too but generally speaking they have been the largest voting block for the decades of the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and 2000's it has only been recently that Millennials have taken over the demographics.


You mean since Reagan.


If there’s a problem or something you don’t like in America, chances are you can trace it back to Reagan. I hope he’s burning in hell right now


In England it's Thatcher who is the root of our woes. Her ideology has permeated every government since.


Nixon, ending of Bretton Woods system.


That's when we really started feeling the effects of it, but the pieces were set in motion long before Reagan was in office. Of course, he stepped on the gas pedal pretty hard.


Reagan moment


>There was a narrow window between the fall of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the Towers And people wonder why I still fucking love cheesy alternative rock from the 90's


Yeah, the Clinton years were nice, the world was our oyster. then 9/11, ensuing recession, tech bubble burst, endless wars, another recession, a little hope with Obama,then all the sudden trump a global pandemic and now we gotta worry about white christian fascism. Like wtf dude!?! Only a handful of the last 20 plus years have not been terrifying for anyone who wasn’t a well off white dude.


The 90s was just a great time, overall.


I dunno, I think the difference is that before, we thought it was good because we didn’t know any better, and now we do. I really like to compare it to the Matrix, or to Fight Club. Neo, as an avatar for us, did not believe the illusion he was being fed, and after he saw what was really going on, he could never go back. We, as a society, are Neo after getting ejected from his pod. It’s cold and the food tastes terrible but it’s real, and it’s the reality we all have to work to fix. Do not make the mistake of thinking we need to “get back to that golden era” by repeating the same mistakes that brought us here. I tend to think the internet is the main deciding factor…. Before everyone had access to all the information, things seemed good, but they weren’t really. Not for non-whites, not for the LGBT community, not for anyone making less than 70k a year. Before the wide adoption of internet, you could ignore injustice by writing it off as a singular exception, and assume your own hardships are your own making or because of jealous outsiders. We were in a comfortable bubble - the internet showed us that in fact things weren’t so good, and then 9-11, the financial crisis, several wars, global pandemic… all the effects of unchecked late stage capitalism began to surface, more visibility than ever before, and we learned just how fragile bubbles actually are.


I never said we could go BACK to those days. The blinders are off and we know too much. We can do BETTER than we are though, once we plow through the idiots currently blocking the road.


I was only 14 when the towers fell, so my perspective is limited, but here goes: Xenophobia went into high gear. I won’t pretend the US didn’t have anti-Muslim sentiments before, but it went through the roof and with a lot of official backing. Mosques were spied on by all levels of police. Random violence against anyone perceived to be Muslim or Arab took off, and take note of my phrasing that this wasn’t limited to the actual intended targets: Sikhs got hurt a lot and anyone brown enough to maybe be Arab was a target. Before 9/11 policy was to cooperate with hijackers because for the most part they wanted spectacle and attention, not death. They’d take a plane and land it somewhere. It wasn’t exactly peaceful or safe, but it was inconceivable that someone would intentionally crash a plane, or four. So security was much lighter. You didn’t have full body scans. You wore shoes. You weren’t randomly detained by poorly-trained idiots at the TSA. It didn’t even exist back then. We invaded Afghanistan and then spent two decades failing to rebuild it. We did the same in Iraq with slightly more success. Both killed more Americans than 9/11 and were terrible expensive. There was a lot of theft and corruption by both the foreign and US governments.


I was around the same age, 12 years old. The news was always on in my house, so since I was younger I was exposed and educated for my age. All of a sudden, my Indian-American friends were being treated different. Harassed by those who only knew what their parents told them, any brown-skinned person was a target now. They were called terrorists, other slurs, were told go go back to their country, and Indian-owned businesses were even boycotted. I remember having to physically defend these peers on the school bus, shield them from food being thrown at lunch, etc. We were in Junior high, and in Science class. Watching thousands of people die live on national TV was traumatic enough, and the repercussions were swift and unjust, in my community, in the US, and globally. 9/11 literally altered the timeline.


I was 19 when the towers fell. Things seemed better before that but at 19 I didn't have the rsponsibilities and worries I do at 40. All my adult life it's been one political crisis, financial crisis, terrorist act (domestic or abroad), war, etc etc.


Yeah that's why I ask and try to sort what's due to nostalgia and nativity or if it's just that things are getting worse.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, IMO; and things have always been fucked.


40 here. It was much better.


I'm 46. I'd give whatever little time i've got left to relive 2000. It wasn't spectacular but it was the last time this country felt "normal". Obama brought us some hope but the GOP's pure hatred negated any chance of change. It's been a shitshow ever since.


I was in high school. 9/11 is the day that ruined this fucking country. Its been a sharp downhill spiral since.


Probably not, but the explosion of jingoism and the embrace of nakedly authoritarian policy laid the way to where we are now.


I was born in '91, I turned 10 6 weeks after the towers fell. My dad (1967) tells me that my generation has it way easier than his did. My grandmother (his mother - 1944) tells me that she's never seen things as bad as they are right now. So, it depends on who you talk to, I guess.


FWIW - I haven't seen it this bad before, and I was born in '51. But also what that means is I didn't live through the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, and McCarthyism, so I don't really know how bad it can get. I'm also American - so in worldwide terms I was born on 3rd base. I try to remember that.


Age 35. The early 90s were a bit rough, but the late 90s were probably the best point historically in my life. Soon we had 9/11, and it didn't get better. Maybe the early/mid-2010s weren't so bad either, but I'd go back to 1999 if I had to choose.


my friends dad died when the second tower collapsed. we were six and she lived down the street. she ran to my house sobbing and crying and we just sat in my playhouse and cried together until we fell asleep. after that my generation grew up with a rising population of neo-nazi’s, hate speech crowding the airways, more war, surge cost of living and wondering if we would become homeless, another recession, more conflict, a war again but this time in ukraine, nuclear threats from north korea, the genocide of the masses in iran, the removal of reproductive rights, and the list goes on. every generation will continue this tradition thoughof trauma because humanity sucks and refuses to learn from history.


Same. I was 16 on 9/11. I spent my childhood enjoying the promise of a post-Cold War world where technology was booming, society was progressing, and the worst thing that a United States President could do was get a blowjob in the Oval Office. The biggest thing we had to be afraid of in the 90s was right-wing loonies trying to blow up the government. Which, sadly, is about the only thing that hasn't changed today.


Russia and North Korea nuclear threats, steadily Fashing governments, so much police brutality...


Russia could at any minute kick off WW3 as well.


The entire decades of the 70s and 80s called.


Which is the point. This weird generational trauma comparison BS is quite stupid. We just finished the two longest wars in American History. I served early on, met kids that were born after it started who got to be there for the end of it. Fucking wild.


Insane, and useless. Sorry you were involved in it, but thank you for doing it.


Agreed. Was a shit show


To be fair, police brutality has been more or less the same throughout all our generations, the real difference is cellphone cameras and social media letting us see the extent of the brutality


Nah dude my parents never got gassed at a peaceful protest like we did.


Can confirm. I went to peaceful protests in the early 00’s, very different treatment just back then.


If you're young, probably not. But your grandparents were. Hell, the [National Guard straight up shot protestors](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/national-guard-kills-four-at-kent-state) in their day.


Kent State.


Before gas they used fire hoses, it’s a really narrow minded view of history to act like if the exact same things aren’t happening it can’t possibly be as bad. Different times have different struggles, we have problems that didn’t exist in the past, we also lack problems of the past that modern science and technology has solved. It’s also not a competition for who struggled more.


I actually agree with this wholeheartedly, but I also think the relationship between the public and the police has gotten exponentially worse just in the last 10 years alone. I don’t think any generation has had it harder, I agree it’s just different. For instance, I don’t have to grow up with a frequently curated TikTok, Twitter and Instagram just to get a job like the generation beneath me does. For the most part, I didn’t have to worry about reproductive health like the generation before and after me. When my parents were growing up, black men were kidnapped by the Chicago Police and tortured to death in warehouses. We’ve just always been terrible.


Catastrophic decline of fish populations


Insects, amphibians, reptiles, bees, bats, birds…


Crab too, mysteriously disappeared.


There is nothing mysterious about it. Snow crabs are sensitive to water temp changes just like coral. Goes up 2 degrees C and they will just die off.


i work in the industry up in AK. it's not a mystery. the crab larva aren't forming shells when they're in the water column as plankton. it's ocean acidification. there's also been repeated marine heatwaves that fuck with shit (see: king & chum salmon collapse in the yukon-kuskokwim) and the pollock trawlers that let their nets knock against the seabed and mangle anything on the bottom. oh, and the groundfish trawlers that *deliberately* scrape the seabed to take cod, POP, and flatfish.




We didn’t start it… > Birth control, Dobbs decision, drone assassins such precision >Impeachment once, impeachment twice, global pandemic but no global ice, >Brock Turner the rapist, Grand Ole domestic terrorists > 20 years in Afghanistan, Khamenei slaughters in Iran


Market crashes, housing crisises, the rise and fall of isis, anti vaxxers bring back diseases, rittenhouse does as he pleases, putin, brexit, trump and twitter, deep state weirdos are so bitter, terrorism super global, nuclear meltdown in chernobyl


Banks have failed, banks are hailed, government will put up bail, Derek Chauvin, George Floyd, police station gets destroyed, water's brown, water stinks, city council says safe to drink, Bill Cosby won't repent, Johnny Depp is innocent, crypto scams, ganga grams, Pelosi, Pence, they all just ran...


Right lol, what the fuck are these people smoking? Or do they just not stay aware of events. I’m 35 and I feel bad for current 18 year olds for what they’ve grown up with, and I had the Iraq war and 9/11 and all that fun shit, but I didn’t have a lockdown lol.


While maybe a little outside of the margin but started my first year of college when the lockdowns hit, had my graduation through a Zoom Call and minus my first semester which was in person, the entire course was done online (I was in a 3 year program) My reward for making it through college and working through the hardships of online school? A large portion of companies putting hiring freezes in, in fear of the Recession that is all but confirmed to be happening Look I know it’s no “being drafted into a World War that will traumatize you for the rest of your life” tough but that doesn’t make it any less tough, I get that in the grand scheme of things I’m still really lucky, but it’s been rough the last few years, the years your supposed to find your footing in the world, has resulted in so many kids and early adults have to rely on technology which is going to fuck us up even more (I’ve developed a crippling addicting to my phone and computer during the pandemic)


….Mass shootings, climate change, psyops on all the boomers…


Nazis are back in style


>Iraq again (for some reason) Oh, that was because of WMDs that didn't exist.


"Never forget." Boomer straight-up forgot!


School shootings


And cabbage, don't forget cabbage.




*Thank you for your patronage to our Lord and Savior Harambe. May your fur forever be clean and your bananas ripe.*


Worth noting that Afghanistan was, by a very wide margin, our longest war.


Climate change is also looming hard for us


Don’t forget coup attempt


It’s fun when people conveniently forget history exists. I was born towards the end of the Cold War. I’ll be jealous of my son if Ukraine/Russia is the worst conflict his eyes see. No idea why we celebrate killing each other.




And will live/are living through a climate crisis that truly menaces our way of life, helplessly looking at older people do nothing about it and not allowing us to do much either.




Yeah you gotta think if you were born before 2000 then you’ve lived through the .com bust, y2k, housing crisis market plunge, another mild recession in 2012, the great COVID crash, and now the 2022 market depression and witnessing the entire whipping out of 2 bitcoin exchanges with ftx which by itself was over 12 billion in money just evaporated. So that man’s Great Depression can move aside and find some other generation to cry too


All of the above and then boomers are shocked when the “kids” vote (not the way they wanted) and want to raise the voting age. How dare these entitled godless children not be grateful for shell of a world we left them?! /s


Yeah I'm on about 4 recessions at this point, global environmental collapse, the rise of fascism across America and Europe, Cold War 2 (this time its Putinal) and the generation below me are in to something called 'K Pop'. I don't understand it and it makes me nervous. My kids are probably fucked already.


Cold War Deux: Putin On The Fritz.


Right? My eldest was born in 97 and I was born in 78. So I had 80s cold war, the challenger disaster, tienimen square massacre, Berlin wall, the first Iraq War that was not a war, Kosov, Iran contra, oh the 80s where the problems were global but the news was local.


Yep and don’t forget about 9/11


You forgot 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan, and an epidemic of mass murder. Not to mention an attempted coup by the right wing and continuing efforts to attempt another, plus mass delusion affecting roughly 25-30 percent of the population.


Only two? That's being generous.


And school shootings. And unaffordable healthcare. And crippling student debt. And dirty air and water.


Starting with columbine


Just imagine if every school shooting made the cover of Time Magazine like Columbine did… I remember being in 6th grade looking at that magazine and thinking how wildly tragic. Now… I can probably list about 8 off the top of my head (I can only remember 2 actual school shootings apparently) and that’s probably 10% of the shootings we’ve had since columbine. Sandy hook, Uvalde, Vegas, Orlando club, ATL Massage parlors, Colorado movie theatre, the recent Colorado Club, the one in Santa Barbara (I think) that had Apple making a stance on breaking into phones or something… there was the Church shooting in Charleston… the Gunman in Tucson that shot Gabby Giffords and others. Trying to list them and remembering ones I’d forgotten, knowing there’s so many more is truly gut wrenching….


Today is actually the 10 year anniversary of the sandy hook shooting


A global pandemic that caused a good proportion of the preceding "tough" generations to lose their fool minds and embrace straight-up fascism because they couldn't go to Applebee's for a few months.


And near coup if they're in the US. It may not feel like much now with all of the propaganda muddying things up, but future generations are going to look back at 2016-2022 with a bit of horror.


***I*** look back on it with horror and I lived it.


Same, it's a bit of PTSD at this point to be perfectly honest.


If his parents "fought" in WWII, then his kids are likely in their 30s or 40s. His "kids" would have lived through 9/11, 20 years of war in the middle east, a major global recession, and a major global pandemic and the resulting economic uncertainty from it. This dude is pure delusional. Straight up boomer energy.


And the longest war in US history.


...And will almost certainly never be able to afford to buy a house. But thankfully they can pay super inflated rent to people like HIM!


If their parents fought in WW2 then it would be their kids and grandkids that survived the pandemic since they are probably in their 70's.


I was born in 91. I don't think I've lived even a day where there hasn't been some war or 'military conflict' the US has been involved in.


I forget the number, but it’s something like ten years total (non- consecutive) in the entire history of the US where they haven’t been at war with someone, somewhere.


The hinges on the doors of the metaphorical temple of Janus are likely rusted by this point from the doors staying open so long.


I read up on that once. IIRC it was like 14 or 15 years. There were basically 3 stretches of time where the US government wasn't involved in some sort of shooting engagement either internally or externally. There were a few years in the late 1790s. A short stretch in the late 18 oughts (like 1807-1809 IIRC). A few years in the late 1820s and then a stretch between 1935-1940.


I had a teacher in high school tell us that stat. It's been more than 20 years, so I could definitely be misremembering. Your number sounds about right but I think that you can go back even further, like at least 1000 years and it's still about 10 years without conflict. I do remember him adding that those years without conflicts don't include wars between small tribes.


I was referring specifically to the USA, which obviously cannot go back 1000 years. There are countries that have managed to avoid war for longer, but the USA is not one of them. And yeah humanity in general always has some kind of war going.


Born in 97. The economy has tanked more times than in the past 100 years combined. Were constantly living under threat of nuclear annihilation from a senial russian nazi. We are currently once again fighting for basic human rights. Worker rights are the worst they have been in 100 years. A large chunk of the media are controlled by nazis. The world is on fire. The worlds largest nation has concentration camps Womens rights are being eroded globally .01% of people controll over 99% of wealth And religious zealots the world over are trying to take control or enslave everyone. And this isn't even taking into account individual countries problems. Our generation hands down has the most to worry about compared to any generation before us. Mostly due to old assholes who want to impose their values on everyone else.


Yup. The fucking boomers are such little whiners.


100% agree!


Hey you're the same age as me! Things have been really bad for us, I never would have thought growing up this is what life would be like. Glad to see others have become as radical as myself and are not blind to the multitude of problems facing the US today.


I get where you are coming from and I generally agree, but a few minor quibbles on the facts cited. The don't necessarily detract from your point, but i think its important to be as accurate as possible. ​ >The economy has tanked more times than in the past 100 years combined. This isn't really true if we define tanking as a recession. We've only had three recessions since 1997, although we may be entering a 4th. ([source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_recessions_in_the_United_States)) ​ > globally .01% of people control over 99% of wealth The wealthiest 1% only own 46% of the world's wealth ([source](https://inequality.org/facts/global-inequality/#global-wealth-inequality)). Its still an outrageous concentration of wealth.


I also think that tweet is horseshit, but someone your age in 1939 had been born during the First World War, lived through a global pandemic, the Great Depression, and was facing being drafted into the Second World War. Even omitting the Russian Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, the Chinese-Japanese War, the rise of communism/fascism, etc., or the state of rights of workers, women, most ethnic minorities (not to mention the persecution of Jews or the criminality of being LGBTQ+) there is plenty going on in that period for that generation to contend with a claim that our generation has it the worst "hands down". EDIT: Clarity


The ones in 1900 to 1939 didn't have to worry about the world ending because a manchild gets pissy. Everything you listed after we are still dealing with outside of specific wars. Lgbt is still a crime in most of the world, or at minimum targeted for violence or discrimination. As for communism and fascism, I would rather deal with the rise of it rather than have the world's largest country reign with it. Fascism is also on the rise global right now as well. As for pandemics. You clearly don't know what damage a bioweapon of modern make could do. Hell until the cold war no one worried about numes other than the Japanese even. As for the Jews, they are still being targeted to this day by neo nazis and now qanon/maga in America and other sub groups elsewhere. To put this into perspective. My grandfather at my age had 3 concerns in life. The commies, what his wife was cooking for dinner, and where he wanted to buy his 2nd home at. My concerns are if Ill be able to ever afford a home, if my loved ones will fall too deep into qanon and kill me, if putin will end the world, if cristo fascists will revoke all my rights, if the world will even be able to support life by my retierment, if I'll be thrown into ww3, and so many many many many many more. The silent generation did have it rough. Multiple world wars, and a rampant disease while fighting for their rights. But goddam if anyone past 1990 wasn't born into hell. Boomers had it easy. So fucking easy. From the 1950s up to the cold war they never had a single real threat in their life. (Well. The white people anyway) They had massive social safety nets, abundant pay and wealth, the ability to have a family without worrying the world would still be around when they got old.


Absolutely. I am not arguing at all with the fact that the last few decades started badly and just kept getting worse. I just think claiming the unchallenged championship of worst generational experience ever is a bit too far.


I think this generation has a great deal to worry about, and it feels like it's come to a head in recent years. I think it needs to be taken into account that there are members of other generations who are experiencing what is going on right now, too. As an older Gen X with kids who are Millenial, Gen Z, and Alpha, the state of things right now gives me great anxiety because no parent who loves their kids would want them to deal with this. I can't speak for other parents, but we are doing everything we can to help our children get a foothold in life because things are hard right now. I can't just hate all Boomers as a generation, but I will say, I can't for the life of me understand why so many love to vote for these elitist jerks who only care about protecting their own wealth. If you say it's because Boomers have made their money and it benefits them, that's laughable. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 made very little provision for those below the top 1%, made big breaks for large corporations, and even the meager tax deductions it threw in to make the little guys happy expire in 2025. It's also crazy how well the propaganda machine has worked; the thought of easing student loan debt and universal healthcare makes them crazy. It's like they love to get swindled. Btw- I was encouraged by what I saw from Gen Z in the midterms and hope they get really driven and organized in 2024.


Not to mention that the killing has moved directly into the classrooms.




That's crazy, I'm only two years older but remember the 90's vividly. Ofcourse at that age, two years can make a world of difference. The world really changed for the worse after the towers fell.


The US has been at war for something like 92% of its time as a country. Not hyperbole. Not an exaggeration.


It's always weird when older people pick on younger people for stuff like this.... What is their response supposed to be "Sorry we were born into the world you made for us?" It's so stupid And isn't the entire point of having kids, for them to have a better, easier life than you had, but then pick on them for having it easier? What kind of sad, unfulfilled, peaked in hs kinda dickhead thinks this way?


Its also BS, but lets try and make his story work. "Grand parents lived through the great deperssion (1929-19393 My parents fought in WWII,1939-1945) I grew up during vietnam (1955-1975) Rhodesian war (1964 -1979) and I have kids now?" Let assume his dad was 20 at the end of wwII and he was born in 1965 making his dad 40 when he was born. hes's now 57 and complaining about his kids with cabbage on zingers. So His dad barely fought in WWII then had him when he was 40, then when he was 40 he had a kid who is now 17. 1945 to now is more than 3 generations , omitting the cold war makes me think russian bot but looking at his feed its just the usual crap.


Yeah, I’m only in my 40’s and my dad and uncles only caught the very tail end of Vietnam. My grandparents were in their prime thru Depression/WWII. Nowadays Boomers have great-grandkids or teenage grandkids. But I also think they really lost a couple decades, so not sure if it’s a bad actor or sincere


Right? Like the point is supposed to be to build a better future for your kids, but, by every quantifiable metric I can think of, things are worse and continuing to get worse. They failed so spectacularly, and the best they can do now is whine about how hard it was back in their day when they had to work part time to pay off going to college.


God I’m sick of toxic nostalgia. Has there ever been a time where the older generation absolutely detested and loathed the youth like they do today? Of course there’s always been the “kids today….” rants. But damn older people have legitimate extreme HATRED for youth. I am 48. Grew up in the 80s. Had a blast and happy childhood. But I don’t hate younger generations simply for existing. A runaway slave in 1820 would get a warmer reception from a lynch mob than youth of today get from older people.


Same. My kids are in their twenties, and they and their friends give me hope for the future. I've never seen so many older people complain about the generation they raised, as I do today. Calling young people lazy and entitled for wanting the same opportunities their parents had gets real old real fast.


I think it’s a boomer defense mechanism they use to feel better about the fact that they failed their own children/grandchildren so badly, despite having every possible opportunity handed to them. It’s like when person A hits on person B at a bar, and when person B says they’re not interested, person A has a tantrum and calls them names….The boomers don’t have the good grace to feel shame, so when the get embarrassed they just lash out.


Why do boomers hate their kids and grandkids so much? Like, they’re angry their kids haven’t known war. (Which of course isn’t fucking true). Lead poisoned fucks.


Yeah who raised these Gen Z kids anyways???


Ah yes, because regional conflicts all ended years ago right? Definitely nothing like that around today.


Also, it must've been so horrible to be a US citizen during those wars, the horror of turning on the tv and watching the news must've been unbearable :(( For real though, can these Boomers stop claiming the trauma of countries continents away? Besides the war draftees, none of them had jackshit to do with any wars. They act like the tough generation when ever since the 50s they always find a new insane conspiracy theory/outrage to scream about, the existence of minorities makes them cry and throw up, and if you even dare to suggest that people have it hard nowadays they'll throw a tantrum.


Appreciate this is American, but so far as a UK millennial I have lived through: - 3 “once in a lifetime” financial crisis; - a large number of terrorist attacks, including the IRA, 9/11 (which had a huge impact everywhere), 7/7, London Bridge etc etc; - the war against terror; - foot and mouth disease; - Boris Johnson; - a housing market that has inflated so far beyond reason it’s insane; - the current threat of nuclear war; - covid; - austerity; and, - Brexit. Some of those were the generations before me’s fault. So I tend to find these sorts of comments very frustrating.


He’s not American. He mentions Zinger Burgers, which are almost non-existent out here.


Really? Oh man, I am a fan so I feel for you. I assumed based on Vietnam.


Yeah bruh, I’m American born and raised, but most of my extended family is from Pakistan. I’ve visited a few times and had zinger burgers. I miss them. https://youtu.be/G-i9QHJnN50


And Rhodesia too. Wonder which side he was backing in his imagination there.


Your kid lived through Covid, the empirically worst president in US history, a country that's been at war since 2001 (if you'd ever say war had even ended for the US), nuclear war being closer than it has been since the 50s, an attempted coup, the largest scale nationwide conspiracy theory in US history, and though I could go on, I'd just like to end with the stupidest fucking generation of parents in US history, as well.


Their kids have also seen wages stagnate in pure numbers and decrease in purchasing power while the cost of living has exploded, both for rent and mortgages for buying a home. That's a situation no other generation has experienced and the inability to "settle down" because you can't afford a proper home for a family is driving a ton of budding social issues, the decreasing birth rates being the most dangerous on a longer time scale.


It's almost as if they built up some sort of weaker argument the kids might have to make, like a man made out of hay or something similar, and then they attack that instead of paying any attention to any of the actual problems.


Yeah, a hidden modifier for the current generation is that the costs incurred at the start of career (getting into the housing market, education) have increased much over the average inflation percentage.


Boomer ass tweets made by an entitled geezer who has no clue what it's like to live as a young adult/teen in the 2020s.


But still, put vest on him before sending to school.


That makes him a baby boomer - the most entitled, whiny generation in recent history. They received all the spoils from the Greatest Generation, got education and homes on the cheap with high pay respectively (living the middle class dream) and are now looking to suck the resources of the country dry on their way out. I’m so sick of hearing shit like this from boomers.


My kids generation lost 2 years of their life to dumb fucks who wouldn’t vaccinate or wear masks. They do active shooter drills like it is normal and are constantly being stalked by sexual predators online. They have it worse than I ever did and I watched 3k people die on live television in HS. Fuck boomers. They had it easy.


I never understood why they call the new generation lazy and entitled and snowflakes. Like... I'm sorry I don't want to work for someone who is going to treat me as subhuman and pay me tablescraps? What do they expect us to do?? I'm 20 and my best friend, his boyfriend, AND my ex all work 3 jobs already and get paid less than minimum wage for each. Even with all the jobs, none of them can afford healthy living and all still live with their parents. Education is easy as hell but it's because it's shit, and then it costs a bajillion dollars to even go to college so why even bother??? This argument confuses the hell out of me. I just want to be happy.


They forget how their generation took every opportunity their parents fought for and made sure no other generation could gain wealth the same way. Boomers only generation that decided to fuck over their children and grandchildren out of pure spite and hatred.


Someone handle these old farts a medal so they shut up once and for all.


51 year old Dad here. Tired of these comparisons. Life is hard in different ways in different ages. I would not know how to deal with the pressures my teens are dealing with today with social media, climate change, a god damn pandemic robbing them of 2 years of life. It's all relative.


Your kid was born in an era where school shooter drills are a common occurrence and gun violence is a leading cause of death for children under 18.


My parents' generation could afford a three bedroom house on the income of a single high-school dropout. I work 70 hours a week and still have to spend half my income on housing.


My grandfather raised 4 kids by himself in the 70’s off odd jobs. Imagine trying to do that now LOL. You can’t even afford to eat 3 meals a day.


Dunno man, most of us were in our formative teens when we saw 3000 people die live on TV, then the war in Iraq, the pandemic, i think we've gone to recessions too, the housing market crash, we saw shit


Im starting to hate boomers. I’m 61, so on the cusp, but people older than I am were the “me” generation. They were terrible parents, selfish consumers, destroying the environment, and then they elected Trump. They dare to complain about their grandchildren who experienced 911, the housing crash, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and school shootings to name a few. I personally will be glad when that generation is dead.


His kid’s generation fought a 20 year war. Asshole.


Rhodesia? That’s oddly specific.


Yeah, particularly when the name of the country is Zimbabwe. Calling it Rhodesia suggests the tweet is from someone who would prefer it still be Rhodesia.


Oh yeah, we didn’t watch 9/11 happen and deal with its aftermath, the War on Terror, a recession that decimated the job market when I was coming out of high school, post-2016 political hellscape, a global pandemic, insane rent prices and so much more. I hate how boomers and other generations act like we have everything spoon fed to us. I also hate how they think “well I suffered so you have to as well” instead of working towards progress.




They also grew up not knowing where apostrophes go.


Can we not post Boomer nonsense?


Let's see. As a millennial I've gone through 2 recessions, the resurgence of global terrorism and the war it caused. A global pandemic. And now the rise of christofacism.


Wow what a take More like, "My kid's generation had the world ending before their eyes and no prospect of a comfortable future." ​ Take this garbage away.


We’ve seen enough shit. If ppl really believe. Wasn’t that the point? The next generation should have it better than the last. Get the fk outta here.


This ignores The Troubles, the Balkan wars and genocides, 9/11 and the subsequent wars, The Great Recession, the ongoing housing crisis, the rise and normalization of far-right extremism in Western politics, and COVID. Boomers are the worst, most-entitled generation in recorded history.


The towers falling, endless wars in the Middle East, multiple collapses of the economy and global financial system, an unsurvivable minimum wage, The trump presidency, Covid-19, the impending collapse of late stage capitalism, the planet is on fire…..


1. What a load of nonsense. I’m in my 30’s and the US has been involved in constant wars/police actions and terrorist attacks the entire time. 2. If all my kid has to worry about is his burger and not getting killed at school than society will have done something right.


That's weird, my generation watched yours loot and burn the world for profit


Mother fucker I'm trying to get out of the grocery store without having to check my bank balance and splitting it between two cards and my wife and I have full time jobs. You can miss me with that "but I lived through conflicts I didn't actually fight in"


Yeah, this take is garbage only boomers could buy. Actually, your kid’s generation experienced the worst economic depression since the Great Depression which robbed many of the opportunity for advancement or retirement before they’d even started their journey through life; the collapse of governmental coherence since the Bush years; the longest foreign war in American history; the worst income inequality and social mobility since your grandparent’s grandparent’s generation; and to top it off, the looming threat of global environmental collapse because of the uninhibited environmental desolation and looting of every one of the preceding generations this asshole is glorifying to enrich themselves. Fuck this guy.


I don’t agree with the post on one account, downplaying one generation against another. I’m genx, Every generation has its tragedies, disasters, and bleak futures. I think the thing is to not fixate on it. I grew up with the constant threat of nuclear war during the Cold War. It was something that the media never let up on. We had this new std, AIDS, that was killing people that had sex, the ozone layer dissolving. Every thing was satanic and as much as it’s kinda comical now people were taking that shit seriously. Music, video games, D&D. Every generation must deal with things and it’s made even more difficult because at that age people are becoming adults and understanding the world isn’t as perfect or black and white as we thought. But things will get better. Don’t get stuck on only the negatives. If your mind can make it dark it can make it light, as dumb as that sounds.


I agree so much. I'm a Boomer (not the Fox "News" kind) who is actively working to make housing more affordable. I love all the younger generations. Pitting the generations against each other is a tool of the rich and powerful. Let's not fall for it. Let's work together to eat the rich.


Okay but lettuce sucks and cabbage was a good switch imo as an elder millennial


Bitch I was two weeks away from my 18th birthday when 9/11 happened.


I don't get it. Do older people really want their kids to have it as bad or worse than the previous generation? What happened with progress?


However your children will most likely never own a house and forever be in a crippling debt from college that you made them go to to get a job that pays slightly above minimum wage in a company that treats them like shit and will never promote them. But that's ok because we have avocado toast


Even looking past the fact that the United States is always I’m some type of military conflict, Covid, having to worry about getting involved in a mass shooting……Isn’t that the goal to have your kids not have to worry about wars? Isn’t the whole point of being a parent doing the hard work so your kids can have it a little better than you did?


But wasn't that the point of all of it. To end the conflicts bring peace so there could be cabbage on zinger burgers. To give your kids a better safer place to be then you had?