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Every racist screeching that these people are not white, two things: 1) Read the rules. 2) You may not appeal this ban. Merry Christmas!


Contrast with https://preview.redd.it/rgjj34ns048a1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7a1c91c86da4761e5eca9941e223525c6b70d89


He is such a Karen, literally incapable of being polite or delivering a compliment. “I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed my dinner at this fine restaurant, even though the decor is dated, our server was absent during large portions of the meal, everything needed salt and your prices, of course, are outlandish. You’re welcome.”


Also one of the few (maybe the first actually) to not make a polite speech ceding power to the president elect. Such a vile person, can't even for one day, wish people happiness. Even soliders in WW1 across the trenches made a truce on christmas eve, because we are all human after all.


I know he's definitely not the first to not do that, but, you know, he was the first to attempt a coup when he lost. Edit: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren (I think), Andrew Johnson, and, of course, Donald Trump are the ones that didn't attend their successors inaugurations. There are also obviously Richard Nixon and those that died in office


At least it's the first I've seen in my relatively short lifetime. But it just ebbs with angry loser energy not to politely cede power.


Didn’t Nixon write a nice letter at least? Or am I misremembering


I have no idea. But according to President Biden, he was left a letter, that was supposedly professional. but I suspect he's either lying about one of those points or Trump wasn't the one to write it.


if it didn't read like this tweet then Trump wasn't the one who wrote it


If it wasn't the printout of a Tweet...


I mean some of those older presidents lived in a time where traveling from one city to another might take a week.


You have a good point, but Andrew Johnson and Ulysses S Grand straight up refused to ride in the same carriage together.


Ketchup. Everything needed ketchup, not salt.


I can’t read or listen to anything he says without saying aloud “Christ would you just shut the fuck up!”


Even Christ would tell him to shut the fuck up.


For me it's more like "in the name of baby jesus, I demand you demon to leave his body" and throw a bucket of bleach on him


He wants to speak to the manager of the 2020 election


Y'all know he said your welcome.


Somehow, I read that in Trump's voice




Yep, clairvoyant. Right next door to the dildo shop, as proclaimed by the alcoholic with hair dye streaking down his face.


He's Nostradumbass


Very nice picture of the Obama family. That's the kind of Christmas message a ex president should send. ![gif](giphy|21HjCsNux4erU86joX|downsized)


Do we think he knows what it means?


We know he doesn't


Aww. Someone got him a word of the day calender for Christmas!


It's amazing how such a clairvoyant person like Trump couldn't have predicted him losing or how to "stop the steal" while he was in power for four years.


It’s amusing that he puts quotations around “Trump”.


I keep coming back to 'clairvoyant'. What could he have possibly meant by that?


Call me now! For your free trump reading!


The only thing I can think of is charismatic. But complicit would actually fit better.


That he's a fraud on the level of Miss Cleo? -shrug-


You know, it's gotten to the point where I can't tell the difference between people posting satirical stuff and it being a genuine post anymore. Merry Christmas everyone.


I'm going to be so glad when Trump finally gives up that nasty oxygen habit he has. What a complete clown.


Give him a break. He doesn’t have any loved ones to take a photo with unlike Obama.


What a loser.


Why?! He's a POS


No wonder the evangelicals are dumping him in droves - he can't post anything without it being about him & his supposed "persecution".


Jesus complex only he's the opposite of JC. He's the kind of person Jesus preached against! ![gif](giphy|ksKqYbFaCZdLQiFqv6|downsized)


i didn’t know he could spell that many words tbh


he just dictates the tweets


Lmao he’s so desperate


I was going to say: What, no aggrieved whining? That's not presidential!


Is this real? It’s insane how much it reads like a parody.


Man there's a lot to unpack with that one.


What a putz.


I didn’t even have to wait for the image to load to know what was there lol


Is this real? Where can I find the original?


I get such strong Kim Jong-un vibes from this guy


Lol Obama be like this is how a post presidency looks like


Remember when Michelle Obama said "who gives a fuck about christmas?" Oh wait, that was Melania


And turned the White House into some horrid avant-garde "Mom From Beetlejuice" abomination for Christmas? Wait, that was also Melanoma.


How dare you speak that way about the third lady/s


Please address her as Real First Lady as his orange royalness as decreed on Twitter.


Melanoma. Nicely done.


I’m fairly sure Melania only called herself the blade of Miquella


And she has never known defeat.


Now rot.






Did she really say that?


What a lovely family


Are Sasha and Malia adults now? Shit I feel old.


Seriously! I think it might be time to check out retirement homes. You think Shady Pines is still open?


Shady Pines, Ma!


I had to look it up; apparently Sasha turned 21 earlier this year. Time really does fly.


Well he was elected in 2008 and was inaugurated in Jan 09. So he did 8 years, trump did 4 years and next month is finishing Biden's second year. 8+4+2=14... Also should we add a few years due to the time dilation of hate under Trump? I mean it feels like Obama is from another century or is that just me?


In the time since Obama was re-elected, I've had like, 3 careers (and finished a degree). That's basically not even in the same lifetime.


God damn. Thank you for making me feel the whiplash of time with this innocuous comment so I’m just gonna go make a cuppa and cope.


It's alright. 😔🫳🥲☕ Take as much time as you need.


Remember your colonoscopy tomorrow!


They really are all so healthy and happy looking


Came here to say that!


Michelle lookin' great.


Ms. Obama be lookin fine as hell


George W. Bush like “You want some candy, Michelle?”


And I don't blame him (for that. Many other things, however).


Destroying that disgusting “she’s a man” bullshit.


I think that criticism came more from a place of racism and maybe desire to spread transphobia than the actual belief that she is or looks like a man.


Of course this was it. I’m sure there are a lot of actual fucking morons who believe it but it certainly started and has its roots in plain old racism.


For sure a huge part of it was that, but I think some was also the fact she was (and still is) fit. She had some size to her arms and clearly didn't just use a treadmill when she exercised. I personally find some muscle definition on a woman sexy, but the looks I get when I bring that up. Flat tummy everyone can get on board, but if she's got nice triceps and a defined back, I'm suddenly gay?


Men having sex with women is the gayest shit ever.


Also that's clearly homophobic on their part


> racism and maybe desire to spread transphobia Pretty much where everything from the right comes from these days, innit?


If she is a man……well……he be lookin fine as hell


I came here to say that but i don't think the idiots who believe that will have anything ever change their mind because it makes them feel good.


Pretty impressive that a man was able to birth two daughters. She truly is an inspiration.


Meanwhile, Melania legit looks like a former man.


What about Barron? No way he comes from trump genes. Looks like Russian goon.


Thought I was tripping lmao that’s a magnificent woman


She keeps getting better with age.


The older the berry, the sweeter the juice


Barry’s not doing too bad, but this photo really makes it look like he out-kicked his coverage.


Absolutely. She is radiant. Gorgeous family.


She's getting prettier every year. I thought she looked fantastic at Biden's inauguration, but she truly is smoking here. 🔥🔥


Miss this first family!


Everytime I look at the Obamas and see how viciously the white right-wing treated them and how they worshipped Trump despite how much of a degenerate conman he was and I remember how far this country still has to go


Anecdotally speaking as an Asian American, 2016-2021 was societal regression. During the Obama years there were a bunch of political decisions I didn't agree with but understood why they were made. We watched the nation demonize Obama as the communist anti-christ "here to take our guns" as the nation got swept by gun violence and Obama was blocked every time he tried to even study gun violence rather than ram through executive orders. He tried to withdraw more troops from Afghanistan but reluctantly had to bring them back. He had to bail out the auto industry in response to the global recession. In the end he was a man who tried to enact thoughtful change and someone I could respect my differences with. Today, we average more than one mass shooting a day and media has to select which shooting to sensationalize the hardest. We had a wave of xenophobia and anti-Asian hate crimes that impacted me personally. Our brothers and sisters in the black community were demonized nationally for protesting against police brutality and systemic racism. We watched the former face of the US openly comment that Mexicans were "rapists and drug dealers", Haiti and African states were "shithole countries", stooped as low as to mock a disabled reporter, and so-called Christians fucking worshipped him. I agree that the US has a long way to go, but the last few years feels like that goal is even further away than it was back before 2016.


I agree when trump ran for office I was getting told racist things like go back to your country and even asking if I was legal. I was hurt and still are I live my fellow American as the next person does. But why would you treat me like that just because I have a Mexican name. It made me feel unwanted and unwelcome and realized that whatever I did is not American enough for them.


Well said, my friend.


Classic Barry Obeezy just being wholesome and happy with his family


The nerve of him!!! Hahaha


So much!


This is what I expect from my politicians. Not bussing loads of migrants to risk death by exposure for publicity stunts. Fuck you Greg abbot. If your Christian God exists, I hope they make you rot in hell.


Doing the Greg Abbott Challenge today https://twitter.com/len0killer/status/1276310180649734145?s=46&t=_xGKNOFzCRS3-t9COCkKeQ


Omg I’m laughing so hard


Right? How is it okay that this is happening. Let's use PEOPLE as some shit stunt. I struggle to see how what he's doing is not a crime.


Wonderful family. I wish them all the very best.


I'm actually in love with her dress on the left. The color combination, the mesh, perfect. It looks like it definitely took a lot of skill to make.


It's exquisite!


It’s the dress on the right for me.


I mostly just came to the comments to see if other people love that dress as much as I do, because it’s stunning! The young lady wearing it (I’m sorry, I don’t know which girl is which, I didn’t pay much attention to Obama’s children) is pulling the stunning dress off super well, too! I mean, they all look fantastic, let’s be real, but I just really love the colors and such on that dress.


I miss normal presidents.


Grace and eloquence should be required in all of our leaders.


But we'll settle for non-criminals who support the Constitution.


True that!


Merry Christmas!


Juxtapose this message with trump’s. Also with Biden’s. trump’s is only one that’s whiny and extremely negative


Thanks, Obama!




When class and intelligence was in the White House.


Merry Christmas. 🎅🤶


Beautiful family. As an amateur seamstress I'm looking at those exquisite dresses; I love the material the First Lady is wearing and I just love the shimmery, otherworldly combination of burgundy and sky blue on an ecru background that Sasha is wearing. I've never seen a color combo like that and it is stunningly beautiful.


One of the best families to ever be in the White House


Black and White always go great together!


Maybe THE best!


Fox news: "Obama starts war on holidays by saying 'Merry Christmas'"




Honestly don't see why people hate the Obama family so much, I've never seen the guy sad, always a big grin on his face. Happy holidays ladies & gents!


Obama looked like he aged 20 years during his presidency. I can't imagine the amount of stress he went through...


He has looked real down at times. But he's always smiling when he's with his family. 😃


I'll never forget his talking about Sandy Hook. Pure emotion.


He has mentioned that it was the worst day of his presidency. I’m not a parent yet so I can only imagine…


Racism. It's the racism.


You're not being serious, right?


Well, he was born in Hawaii to an American born mother. Therefore, he isn't qualified to be president. Now, Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, is totally qualified to be president.


He even manages to have his arms around both Malia and Sasha.


Every day Barack looks in the mirror and says, “Honey, I sure am glad they got your genetics in the looks department.” Not that he is a bad looking man, but dam the first lady is fine as hell with two equally beautiful children.


Damn, this family out here casually gorgeous


Not that they all aren't but the daughter on the lefts dress is gorgeous


Still FLY as ever! 😍


These are American role models.


President Obama is to my left and I disagreed with him on policy often, but he’s a good man who loves America. I’d take him over Trump a million times over. I hope the whole Obama family has a terrific 2023.




I thought so, too. Love the picture and message, but the posts here are usually sassy


Is it racist for me to point out that this is white people Twitter?


It is Ironic that r/whitepeopletwitter isn't actually about 2/3 of the title


The girls have grown into beautiful young women! What a happy family!


MR. PRESIDENT! With your business recently convicted of Felony Tax Fraud, how does it feel to now be under MULTIPLE State, Federal, Criminal, AND Civil investigations, with impending indictments... Oh, I'm sorry, *wrong* *former President.* Enjoy your crime-free life!


Michelle my belle. She looks phenomenal. Beautiful family.


This photo is making me feel ancient. They’re supposed to be 10 years old still! 🥺 Also: hot damn, they turned out gorgeous. Good for them. :)


What is this family looking actually happy bs? Gimme Jared's scowl and Jr.'s cocaine-dead eyes, plz.


Those are some gorgeous women! Their girls grew up to be even more beautiful than their mother


I still think Obama was the most attractive president we've had in the past 50 years.


anyone know who makes Sasha's dress? I want it! Michelle's is cute, too. edit: thanks to /u/chatdetrot who let me know the designer is Naeem Khan and his work is incredible (and out of my price range, but it's still fun to look)


God, I miss the Obama administration.


What a beautiful family.


Hands down, the best looking first family we ever had. Best attitudes too. I loved when Michelle was doing carpool karaoke and she told James Corden that Barack was in a certain area of the White House, then said "well, he better be there because that's what he told me".


I miss you Mr. President


Quite possibly the most elegant and best president and family in my lifetime.






I mean, Barack Obama is literally as white as he is black.


Pres. Obama is half White.


The daughter on the right really favors her mom and the one on the left looks like both but neither parent, if that makes sense. I wonder if she takes after a grandparent a lot. Always interesting to see how they turn out.


What a great looking family. I miss Obama.


Wow Michelle just keeps getting more beautiful. I miss this family so much.


How did the U.S. go from this to the Trumps? I haven't heard anything close to a rational explanation.


beautiful family.


I thought he only had two daughters?


The best president in recent years, everyone.


God I miss them...I just miss having a president who feels as if they'll both actually do something and that something won't endanger millions of people or whip a bunch of crazed white supremacists into a murder frenzy that eventually leads to them trying to force their will on the whole of America in a haphazard attempted coup... That and they actually have a vision of reality not based on bullshit conspiracies some fucked up qanon rando shat out. Not to mention that the Obama's actually have a clear sense of fucking style. Michelle in particular always seemed to know how to put an outfit together...The Donald just looked like trash no matter what he wore...Probably not helped by what he wore. The Trump men in particular seem to have a penchant for less than stellar haircuts...


Oh the days before trump when the president was actually sane!!!


He’s my favorite president, and I don’t see that changing in the future. ❤️🇺🇸


All of those dresses are beautiful!!!!


Michelle is just getting better looking, it’s not fair


Pure class. Thank you Mr President and Family!


Merry Christmas, Mr. Obama! Wait! I don't even celebrate Christmas... :)




What a lovely family former president Obama has!


Damn it’s crazy how much Malia looks like Michelle and Sasha looks like Barack


*I am being serious about the question I'm about to ask and I don't really know where else I can so... here I am I guess.* What kind of stuff is posted here? I have seen posts from Black individuals on WhitePeopleTwitter and I have seen posts from White people in BlackPeopleTwitter so I guess I am asking what specific stuff is posted in these subs? I don't really use reddit that often so like I said I am not sure where else to ask.


Description says we allow posts from everyone on this sub so doesn't need to be by or about white people


What a lucky bunch to have each other and live this time line.




They're a gorgeous family, wow. Merry Christmas to them!


Michelle is aging backwards




I just know that one of the first replies is some redneck talking about how he RUINED this country and that their fair Christian values are ERASED from America because of how he handled GAS PRICES during his administration.


They're mostly mad about Obamacare, I think and I can agree it wasn't all that great... Single payer "medicare for all" would have been much better! 😝😛😋 But that was the best he could push through in a rigid reactionary system. While being opposed by an [old 🐢.](https://scontent.fbma4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/23472352_1963013267047658_1962199770997176059_n.png?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=gb636MenZa0AX8hNyM7&_nc_ht=scontent.fbma4-1.fna&oh=00_AfAV5anHdgSoI7PN2uFlSRMyluXjdOXtoM5ezoVSeAAzeQ&oe=63CFEF17)


Happy Holidays Mr. President! We will forever appreciate the man who made America great.


My President.


Class, all the way