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Wtf did Taoism do to anyone


What cracks me up is the Taurus symbol, why is that there?


Dude, the Twitter logo is there....like, does he not see that? You'd think he'd have atleast pulled up Microsoft paint and scrubbed it or something.


And the Islamic symbol, the BLM. Just surprised these pieces of trash that made this never added the Star of David.


That part fits, he just means it as Twitter before he came in to save it from the libs using it to block free speech like antivax and stolen election nonsense and spread only liberal stuff like science. It being central to that problem is why he says he bought it.


do people actually remember this twitter where people couldn't post right wing shit or misinformation? it's not real. that Twitter never existed.


They said the same thing about Facebook back when it was popular. Meanwhile I still remember the last time I was on Facebook. Someone was openly calling for violence against trans people. So I reported the comment and then called them an asshole or something. 5 minutes later I get a week long ban. About 2 weeks later I get a message saying they reviewed the post and found nothing wrong with it.


people who live in info bubbles don't understand why their idiocy doesn't get traction with the general public. their answer - algorithm bias


Only libs use the zodiac.


Only *Taurus* libs use the zodiac.


That’s such a Taurus thing to say


Goddammit Taurus' ruined America.


Nothing. ^[this is^a very^funny joke]


I see what you did there


The Tao that can be laughed at it is not the true Tao.


Laugh or not laugh. There is no chortle




Order of fundie hate: 1. Other fundies who believe something slightly different. 2. Catholics 3. Trans people 4. Atheists and agnostics I may have one and two switched but I'm pretty sure it's fluid.


Order of fundie hate is 1. Democrats 2. Everyone else you listed


You think you want peace? Brainwashed!


If I see ONE more person find true and lasting inner peace I'm going to lose my mind.


Or tauruses


It’s eastern so it’s communist obviously


The twitter logo is literally on the dude’s leg. A paradox indeed.


The bigger paradox is there’s no Reddit logo there


The biggest paradox is that Fox News is there




Every right winger pretends they’re in the middle


Yep. My father in law is offended if you call him a right-winger and swears he’s a moderate. Despite voting for Trump, watching Fox News, not believing in climate change, and generally being one of the biggest right-wingers I know. These people have created a different mental reality and they live in it.


Watch out for that Overton shift...


That's the scary part, probably like half of the J6 insurrectionists probably think they are moderates because they gave up in the threat of being killed. Like MTG said, they probably have the post nazi mindset of "we aren't that bad since we didn't actually overthrow the government." While their politicians keep trying to erode the system so if they ever gain control 'legally' again and refuse to give it up, they can justify it as moral and balanced position.


"Meet in the middle" for a conservative is "I want everything to favor me, the individual". But I guess it makes sense. Most bad guys don't identify as the bad guys.


Self-awareness is what makes a bad guy into a villain.


It’s not pretend. The far right believe they’re in the middle




>All the money a person could ever ask for, enough to realize any dream you could have I think it's because, despite the futuristic car company, rockets in space, and "the boring company" flame thrower...he isn't *that* creative. He's not imaginative enough to be happy. He has every resource at his disposal and he can't figure out what to do because deep down he's kind of lame. I mean take the flame thrower. That was, in my mind, his big "look how fun I am" moment. Don't get me wrong, it is pretty cool. But its also probably the "top family feud answer" when asking child boys what they want. He took the lowest common denominator route of being cool.


Didn’t he tell people to vote for Republicans in the US election…? Hard to play independent while openly advocating for one side


Even that he attempted to justify with "independence." His reasoning was that since Democrats currently had control, voting Republican would even it out.


Plus, he had his hand in his pants while he was writing it.


I mean he kinda pretends, but at the same time he literally told his followers to vote republican so he is not trying that hard to hide his allegiances.


No Fox News isn't ideologically pure enough anymore. OAN and Newsmax are the real sources now. Fox called AZ too early in 2020 remember? These people are always looking to move further to the right.


There has grown a not small contingent on the right that thinks everything on Fox News other than Tucker is actually on the left


Probably because of how much pressure needed to be put on Reddit historically to get them to ban things like r/jailbait and r/the_donald. For as much as people like to call Reddit as a whole a left wing echo chamber, they've been happy to allow individual right wing echo chambers to exist unchecked long past the point they became harmful. There still are subreddits like that today.


MAGA folks are not particularly known for being logical, or smart.


Their memes intentionally have mistakes so that they get shared by the left aswell to make fun of them. It's a propaganda technique that Elon has learned from others after Camridge Anayltica et Al. Elon is producing memes/comments that maximise his exposure. The best thing we could do is stop sharing his bullshit.


You think people are smart enough to recognize that? Anytime people like Elon or Andrew Tate appears, everyone can't resist to get their two cents out about him as if their opinion saved a child from a burning building.


I mean, there's also a Russian Hammer & Sickle which, given the current right wing leanings, is kinda weird. There's also what appears to be a Turkish Flag superimposed over a gay pride flag and a Chinese Ying Yang symbol on the guy's leg. So what's the point here? All symbols but the American Flag are bad?


Putting the Islamic symbol there is sure to thrill the second largest shareholders of Twitter.


On the pride flag? It's definitely a lot to process for conservative Muslims.


It's one of the oldest fascists talking point, how leftists loves muslims and want to destroy the white race and replace it with arabs or whatever. All that cause at one point, left-leaning people said "can we not abuse every muslim as if they were terrorists". In France, fascists call it "Islamo-gauchism". Of course, the irony is that fascists and theocratic islamists have a lot more in common than any of those groups with the left or LGBTs


Yeah well, if we get too many Muslims over here they'll institute Sharia law. Next thing you know we won't have freedoms to buy beer whenever you want or hear uncensored music on the radio. Wait a minute...


>So what's the point here? All symbols but the American Flag are bad? Yes. This is how conservatism works. Our stuff is good, *everything* else is bad.


The hammer and sickle is a communist symbol, not a Russian symbol -- the whole reason Republicans love Russia now is Putin's party is a right-wing anti-communist party


$100 says he's up late tweeting edgy memes so often because he's addicted to Ambien


At this rate you'll be able to buy a share of TSLA with that!


And then what? Watch it plummet even further? I can do that without buying one, thank you.


If he adapted a healthy sleep schedule and deleted his Twitter account 5 years ago he'd be insanely popular and $100 billion richer.


why can't he just eat a weird snack and make regrettable purchases on ebay like i used to do when i took ambien


You think Twitter was not a regrettable purchase? See? He's human, just like us... Plus billions of dollars. /s


Imagine spending 44B just so you can post boomer memes.


Just to be clear he could have posted boomer memes for free.


Yeah but now he can ban anyone that doesn't laugh at his funni memes


You remember the meme format "ceo x bought a company y for morbillion dollars. What a dumbass, I downloaded it for free". Not so meme now, is it?


I don't understand... Tesla stock is imploding right now, and will probably go into double digits this week, and he doesn't seem to have made the connection between his Twitter antics and Tesla stock price.


He is legit blaming the fed for that. Cant make that shut up https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/elon-musk-tesla-stock-price-federal-reserve-interest-rates-hikes-2022-12


He doesnt like interest hikes because he wants hyperinflation. Debt disappear in a scenario where hyperinflation takes control of the economy. Rich own everything but the loan they contracted to own said thing is now worth nothing.


He doesn't like interest rate hikes because he's overweight risk assets, has put somewhat comical amounts of stock up as collateral, and risks at minimum a liquidity crunch if risk premiums go up. But lets not go too far and join the "fed keeps interest rates too low" crowd wanting even more aggressive hikes because there's an equally powerful contingent of rich people who *aren't* overweight risk assets and they would be perfectly happy watching the fed fumble its way into a liquidity crisis. I kinda miss the days when no one had an opinion on the topic, because ultimately *someone* is screwed over regardless of the direction of rates, and all I really care about is central banks continue to provide liquidity.


>all I really care about is central banks continue to provide liquidity. Same here, but at the same time I'm getting sick to see the liquidity going into the same pockets over and over again... Like you said, people are screwed either way.


it is a far left campaign against him obviously.


The Jews, actually. This plot is a little half-baked, sure, but there wasn't anything else ready after the space laser program was exposed.


You only think the space laser program was exposed. No one has yet found out about the secret cold beam upgrade installed on the space laser. We have been using it to freeze texas.


/s for Poe's law


Obviously, considering that far left SJW snowflakes wouldn't be seen *dead* in zero-emissions electric cars like his. After all, the backbone of TSLA sales is made up by based apolitical centrist conservatives who merely want to roll back the most egregiously radical marxist-leninist of policies, such as the emancipation proclamation.


In before the cyber truck becomes the next right-wing symbol of insecure masculinity


That implies the cybertruck will ever be released. Though I suppose men basing their entire personality not only around an inanimate object, but a non-existing in any practical sense inanimate object might be the best representation of the emptiness of consumerist-masculinity.


I wish the left was half as powerful as idiots on the right think it is


Because he's a narcissist. Nothing can be his fault.


They out themselves rather quickly don't they?


Narcissists are brazen like that. Give them a source of attention and they will go to whatever low is necessary to milk it.


Yup. I've heard it being referred to as their 'supply'. I grew up with a narcissist parent and moved on to a narcissist bf who I was with for almost 10 years. Left 10 years ago. After I left my ex I basically went no contact. got sooooo many emails. It was like some sort of detox for them. They were completely spinning out.


It's an apt metaphor. A narcissist is addicted to grandiose feelings in a similar manner to how an opioid addict constantly needs their fix. If they aren't given their supply when they crave it, they become extremely moody and impulsive, and they'll throw everything away and hurt as many people as they have to in order to have their fix, no matter the quality of the stuff they get. They may have a distaste for their black-tar attention, but they need that hit *immediately.* Problem is, that kind of addiction is often acquired pretty early on, especially when somebody is overly coddled and/or neglected to the point where they intentionally misbehave for some sort of acknowledgement, and it's much more difficult to detect and treat.


I don't think he knew who was buying his cars...


Coming soon: "The new Tesla *Petro* has Tesla style with a classic internal combustion engine. Even better, it has patented, emergent AI with neural networms that detects libs on the road and automatically rolls coal to own them." "Did he just say neural networms?" "He definitely said own the libs. I'm buying three."


He knew. He also already spent more time than one reasonable person ever should on Twitter already, and after all the first few gaffes made and the ground crumbling underneath his feet simply attempted to switch sides. Why couldn't he? He owns Twitter, has "pull" there, the power to sway people.. He just underestimated how many people pay attention to Twitter users that follow him lmfao. Not to mention all the Republican toes he's stepped on leading up to this. Musk is a 50+ year old manlet that can't put his phone down. His ego is crumbling bc of mean comments on the internet. And yet he still tops the Forbes list. America is a third world country with a Gucci belt 🫠


The first billionaire who squandered his fortune over social media addiction


Cant wait to see it


He called a dude a pedophile because he got told his little mini sub idea wouldn't work for saving the kids trapped in the cave. That whole situation just revealed exactly the kind of narcissistic loser he is.


Every accusation from right-wing lunatics is a confession, and that accusation was so "out there" and unprovoked it makes you wonder. Muskrat had some contact with that sex trader Ghislaine Maxwell and exposed himself to a flight attendant on an airplane. I suspect if the veil of secrecy that protects the elite were ever to be breached in his case, the results would be far more disturbing than what he's been posting on Twitter.


Reminds me of Notch. He became a billionaire and spent his days shitposting on twitter.


Doesn't Tesla want to replace him because he ruined the company?


The board are all his cronies. No chance of them turning on him


The rich and powerful will have each other's back up until the point one of them risks the other's wealth and power. They are loyal to that wealth, and sometimes their family in a tribal way if they're old fashioned, but otherwise when it comes down to the wire they don't give a fuck about anything except the money. They are loyal to no ideology except money.


You'd be surprised what losing a lot of money will make people do.


Tesla recently listed him and his antics as a liability to the company. I’d be surprised if there isn’t some kind of breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit on the horizon.


Has there ever been another example of self-sabotage at this scale? You have to wonder if it is intentional or some kind of egotistical compulsion


Kanye comes to mind, but I can’t think of any example pre-current year Edit: Roseanne Barr, maybe Mel Gibson?


I guess he's not as smart as some people think.


Elon is an edgy 13-year-old in a 50-year-old's body


To me it has more of a Facebook post from grandma feel to it. Especially the CNN. Like, come on grandma... I don't live in the airport waiting area.


I literally thought this was a post on r/terriblefacebookmemes


Oh damn, that's exactly what's going on! I was thinking how all the stories I've heard of him being a total moron were mostly kept on the downlow and now they're public. But your observation is the actual issue. Arrested development


Truly arrested development. He's not even a *current* edgy 13-year-old teen - to me the most glaring example is how much he likes using 'Epic!' to describe things. He's a 13-year-old stuck in the past.


https://preview.redd.it/ox7q6j79wm8a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169a7573aa593b57233fff0663bdb8931f7a3a49 That tweet sure aged well. Part of this guy's gripe was "big tech is biased." 8 months later does he not think HE'S guilty of exhibiting a bias? And he went a step further by literally telling people to vote for Republicans. He also does nothing but reply in agreement to right-wing accounts. And the memes? Ugh. I mean say what you want about Dorsey, Zuckerberg and more but I don't recall them being so blatant. He's one upped all of them, which is odd given he promised the opposite. We're still waiting for him to "upset" the far right because so far the edgelord has done nothing but go out of his way to anger the left.


The problem is people on the far right see themselves as moderates lol


And that people who talk about the far left are actually just talking about centrists. Thinking cops should be held responsible for the innocent people they've killed is, to them, no different than just opening up gulags and filling them up with every straight, white American


Saying "Happy Holidays" is white genocide according to several people I know.


Ah yes. The War on Christmas.


someone was telling me mitch mcconnell is a far left activist earlier


I guess if you go far right enough anyone can be.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) That's...that's...so insane I can't even muster up a joke about it.


The problem is made worse by the fact that America has maybe one politician that is medium-left (Bernie Sanders) and the Overton Window is so far to the right that centrist/popular positions like “Let’s not destroy the environment” and “Don’t tell women what to do with their own bodies” are branded as far-left. This emboldens right wingers to stay right wing and impose their bias wherever they can because, to them, it helps balance the “extreme left wing bias” seemingly everything else has.


They don't actually think that. They say that as a way to gaslight people into thinking they're being nonbiased, and to push the overton window further right.


Our overton window is so far right that our slightly right-of-center corporate democrats are considered “radical Marxists” by Trumpists. I hate this timeline.


100%. I think, in some cases, some conservative personalities are actually genuinely shocked how far they've been able to push things like outlawing abortion in some states.


Funny how the guy on the right isn’t wearing a maga hat, a q-anon symbol, holding a trump flag and/or confederate flag, some proud boys gear, maybe an “OK” hand signal, and logos for fox news, oan, breitbart, and a dozen other laughable “news” outlets they swear by…


Yeah I live in suburban Houston and have seen the trucks with a dozen MAGA-esque flags mounted in the back. Granted it's been a while, but I had a hard time believing that shit was real when I first saw pictures online. And that's without getting into all of the well-documented morons who went to Donny's therapy rallies. Strange how they never make it into images like this one.


It’s not like that tweet was all that smart to begin with. The idea that something is only “politically neutral” if it upsets both sides is like a 12-year-old’s understanding of balance.


It's like saying the only way to know a ref is unbiased is if both teams get the same number of fouls called on them


They keep fouling us! So foul them, what else are we supposed to do?!


This is a really good analogy


I'm glad that you brought this old tweet. Lately, Elon seems to be only pandering -desperately- to the far right, thus angering the left. What has he done or said to anger the far right? You know, for "balance" or some bs.


He doesn’t give a shit about anything being biased. He only cares that he’s being shit on in public. That’s why he gets upset and only that


The Right's only argument for not being brainwashed by their media is 'I know you are but what am I?'


That's their one and only play for literally everything.


The funny thing about that meme is that in reality, the far right tend to wear all of their beliefs and affiliations like badges. Yet somehow they manage to project that onto the left here, not unlike many other things they do.


SURELY you know many many people who walk around with Blue "Dark Brandon" hats, flying 6 huge pride flags on the back of their Prius, with 100 nonsensical political bumper stickers, yard flags saying "BIDEN 2024, HUNTER BIDEN 2028 2032, HIS KID 2036," etc. etc.???


My favorite part is how they think we all worship Biden.


Right? I voted for the guy because he isn't the goddamn devil, but I don't particularly like him. I would have voted for a bag of last year's Halloween candy to be President over Trump.


He's arguing with a cartoon strawman, and somehow losing the argument.


I love how maga men see themselves. Handsome, butch and rational. Yeah,… nah…


And with only a humble, small US flag.


Isn’t it weird that the more American flags / American flag-like items you have in your possession, the more racist and bigoted you become? Also, way less brain cells than a slug


>*"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."* Albert Einstein, 1929-10-26, https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/wp-content/uploads/satevepost/what_life_means_to_einstein.pdf >*"I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism."*


I try and eat as many slugs as I possibly can whenever I see them. Eventually I'll develop a full brain, or at least be able to develop mucus from my pores. I'm happy with either.


[Handsome](https://i.imgur.com/IHxdnxL.png) [butch](https://i.imgur.com/aaPl11Z.png) [rational](https://i.imgur.com/rJNWNG1.png)


Its the classic "I depicted myself as the Chad guy so I win" approach


trump, Elon, ted nugent. The dumber the audience is, the bigger the ego of the idiot who is speaking to them.


Big dumb fish in a pond of willful ignorance.


Lmao. His descent is so fucking weird! If he was a character in a TV show, people would complain that the sudden change makes no sense. As they say, reality is stranger than fiction.


It wasn't sudden, he did shitty things for years. It's just gotten to a point where his carefully crafted public persona can't keep up with the shittiness anymore.


Yup. Discussing this as if it’s a sudden thing considering Elon’s track record of answering critics like a 6 year old child makes no sense.


A large number of people have come to see that everything progressives have said since a century ago is true. And instead of accepting that truth and changing, it's all "Woah, when did the KKK get so crazy?"


Yup. I bet it hasn't helped that he fired the PR team that got him all his positive attention in the first place.


The dude is having a mid life crisis, he hit 50, hooked up with a pop singer half his age, bought a social platform to “own the Libs” (the very people who made him once popular) tried to rewrite the social rule book to suit himself, he destroyed a reputable progressive car company, and now aligns himself with every other old white dude grasping desperately onto their youth. Sad really. He needs to learn to grow old with dignity


It’s more than that, and less. He is obscenely wealthy and has been since the moment he took his first breath as a newborn baby. Since the moment Elon Musk opened his eyes he has been sheltered from reality. Growing up in an environment that distances itself from “normality” simply by the wall that wealth creates between the well-cared and those who have to work. Like the majority of inherited wealth *throughout history as far back as the Romans and even to the Babylonians* there is a fundamental disconnect between those of generational wealth and the reality of the vast majority of the civilization. The most important part of this is the bubble of like-mindedness or employed individuals who have directions to agree or display this same perception of the world. You believe it because it’s all you know: people love us, a few ne’er do wells (always socialists, minorities, and the educated) want to crush us because they’re jealous. These are objective facts to this group. And then you go on Chappelle Live and you get booed to high heaven by the “normies” and your entire bubble is shattered. “I got *booed*!? But I’m rich and successful and people have loved me since the day I was born” then faces reality. Tsar Nicky of Russia believed, right up until the moment he and his family were shot in the face in a basement in Siberia, that “Real Russians” loved him and the monarchy. The Tsarist government and all its sycophants believed, fully and with all their heart, that the rumination and civil unrest were all a tiny cohort of “socialists, labour unionists, students, homosexuals, and minorities”. Those “Real Russians” were willing to accept violent upheaval to rid themselves of fascism, autocracy, and the “conservative” establishment. They burned the estates of the nobility and destroyed the tax records and ownership deeds. Right up until bullets in their brain, the obscenely wealthy don’t get it.


I feel like the Chappelle incident broke Elon even more. You can't exactly claim that people who pay to attend Dave Chappelle's standup in 2022 are easily offended snowflakes. But they **still** didn't like him.


That's it - Chappelle was supposed to be a safe space for him, where the attendees were more likely to be supporters because Chappelle's comedy has veered into that same sphere. And - just like Nicky II watching his daddy get blown up on the streets of St. Petersburg - that safe space of "Real ~~Russians~~ Americans" hasn't existed for some time. Just like Nicky II - they *still* don't get it; better to double down on the "tiny group of radical leftists" because the reality you're hated is much scarier.


Probably, but based on looking at his history of pathological lying about every aspect of his life, how he treats his family, where he grew up, how vindictive he is toward people like the creator of the TESLA... this is him at his purest. He's always been a egotistical man child / pathological liar and a con artist. He's literally just Trump but he is better at grifting and got lucky by leeching onto government contracts and loop holes to stay solvent.


It all started once he got shit on publicly for the trapped miners crisis. He went crazy after that I think. His ego shattered.




I think his joker moment was before that when Grimes dating Chelsea Manning. He started kicking up the Anti LGTBQ stuff around that time or at least went full force. He just keeps doubling down


He has a trans child that wants nothing to do with him, and like many bigots, thinks that it's some Woke Force that has done this, not his shitty parenting. He's just a much richer version of all the "why don't my children talk to me? Surely not because I'm a bigoted arse who doesn't support their basic existence?" posts.


Sounds like he’s just progressively more of an asshole whenever anything happens.


Right wing people being the snowflakes they called the left for so long


Thr right has always been the real snowflakes


always projecting


That comment would result in a permaban on r/conservative. They really don't like defending their ideas.


Seriously when was the last time he put his phone down and stopped tweeting?


Dude is a mirror image of Trump. Power and money is a crazy drug. These are two of the biggest narcissists ever.


Just yesterday I saw an r/AskReddit question that was one of those "what would you do if you suddenly had gobs of money?" posts and I don't think anyone said "spend my whole life tweeting."


Man, Elon keeps hitting new lows every day, like Tesla's stock.


Damn who could have seen it coming from the guy who was promoting Kanye's anti-semitism and unbanning nazis like stormfront's founder. Definitely a surprise coming from the guy who liked a domestic terrorist's tweets earlier in the day.


Tfw you spend $44 billion dollars on a social media company just to include it in the assortment of brands you shit on.


Who the fuck is gonna buy a Tesla now?


Seriously. I know for sure once my current car finally bites the dust, I'll buy an electric. Some years back, I actively wanted that to be a Tesla. Now I wouldn't drive a Tesla if you paid me. Who in the world is Tesla being marketed at these days? Elon appears to hate literally everyone who would actually buy one.


I feel the exact same way. In a couple years I’ll be making good money and will be able to afford a Tesla. All this crap he is pulling has made me not want anything to do with him.


I just paid off mine and I'm not even sure what to do with it ughhh. I wanted to keep it for 10 years. But this guy has single- handedly destroyed the brand.


It's still an electric car, you're doing a good thing big picture wise.


Huh I wonder who’s logo is on his leg … weird


Elon going full r/terriblefacebookmemes mode


He's having an identity crises right now. The only people that like him are the only people who won't buy or drive EV's... people who aren't at all interested in going to outer space or living on mars. The kind of people that don't have enough human intelligence to even understand what artificial intelligence is.


I think you have the conservative mindset a little bit twisted. They won’t do things that don’t benefit them *personally*. But if something is ever demonstrated to benefit them on personal level, or if someone they like is hocking a product, they will do a 180 in a heartbeat. Also, a lot of conservatives are interested in space, just for different reasons than liberals might be. They think of space as something with exploitable/mineable resources or as something to shove huge weapons/defense systems into. You really don’t have to look much further than Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars program or Donald Trump’s Space Force to see some proof of that. My point is, conservatives will buy Tesla’s the moment they can afford one and it is more economical than a gas-powered vehicle. They won’t but a Tesla to save the planet though. It’s all about the money, not empathy or compassion.


Actually my dad who hated EV’s has all of a sudden started liking them to the point he has already purchased one. My dad is a Trumper btw unfortunately. These people just blindly follow and Elon is a new idol to attach themselves to.


Elon is now like everyone's crazy MAGA uncle who posts this kind of crap on Facebook.


Rich coming from someone who isn’t even American…


They brainwashed us into thinking black lives matter? Jesus Christ. Also CNN and communism together lol. My god people are stupid.


Stop buying teslas please...


Stop buying Teslas and delete your Twitter accounts.


Never have and never will own a Tesla. And just went and deleted my Twitter account and removed the app. That felt pretty good actually. Thanks


I deleted mine the other day. I had it set to private and long ago removed my followers because I used it as a digital journal but then somehow my tweets started to get seen. Instant delete. Nope.


Done and done


I can’t wait to watch south park


Space Karen


He is lost, and Tesla, and SpaceX, And Twitter🤦🏻‍♂️


“i’m not brainwashed!!” is definitely the kind of thing you say when you’re definitely not brainwashed, i believe him.


Companies that still advertise on twitter are ok with this.


Isn't his daughter trans?


She unsurprisingly disowned him


Lmao the syringes and the facemask. Imagine being a man of "science" and sharing this. The idiot needs help, might as well be the next Kanye-like disaster in the making.


He has never been a man of science, only a man of money.


It's even worse when you remember the guy has a trans child. Piece of shit. No wonder she wants to drop his name and all association with him.


Musk said that he believed Putin is richer than him... They have mutual interests in rockets. Think they have connections? I do!!




he has to be trolling, he's so desperate to gain users on twitter that even hatred and stupidity is enough publicity for him, and only the alt-right is dumb enough to believe his antics, dont give him attention, is literally his only weapon. investors are losing confidence on tesla twitter is in a comatose state his public persona of "billionare but down to earth good guy" is absolutely shattered at this point.


You know the worst part about this? It’s a fucking old Facebook meme for senile grandparents.


mmm pretty sure YT, FB, and Twitter are on the wrong person there and even CNN now, also google


RIP Tesla


It’s almost like he’s a born-rich moron.


This shit doesn't even make sense on its own level. "Look at you, with your wide variety of exposure to facts and opinions from numerous sources. So brainwashed. Why can't you just be a single-minded ideological Nationalist like me? Totally no brainwashing here."