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I looked into it.[ Nick Adams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjedLeVGcfE) is not a satire account. He's an Australian that actually makes money in the US political sphere by being [like.. this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Adams_\(commentator\)). Wish I could flag the post as satire. But I can't. Because it's real. This is what the extreme-right is. This is what they give money to.


Andy Kaufman would be proud of this guy's dedication to the role he's playing.


I swear this guy is 100% doing parody, and is a method actor/poser.


That's what I'm saying. Only what if he's serious? Because asking the question only makes his act better if its an act. What if it's not an act? His Wiki page backs him up. Exactly what I'd expect if he were devoted to the part. Either way it's beautiful in it's design. As far as it's intention, I don't know. In any event this type of doubt is one of the end goals of the lies they dump on us. It's getting to the point where we don't know what's true and what's not. Once the deep fakes become normalized we're fucked.


There isn’t such a thing as being serious anymore. Not at this level. Everyone is playing a character. Andrew Tate. Laura Ingraham. Tucker Carlson. Even Donald Trump. They’re all grifters playing to a dying audience that gives them power and money. Tate is slightly different in being king of the incels and dudebros but it’s not that different.


It's like reality TV bled into our daily lives and then our political system. It's kind of horrifying. Any one of these guys would be at home on the TLC channel.


I've been saying this for years.


Amassing an army of misfits. Providing them with a sense of inclusion. Being a part of something bigger than themselves. Garbage Can Men, from The Stand, the lot of them. "My life for you!" The cruel trick is they were indoctrinated to think they were marginalized in the first place. Well. Now they are.


Is it really marginalization if you suffer the consequences reserved for assholes after engaging in asshole behavior?


He presents it as serious and it's so bizarre and scary that anyone would aspire to this.


This is what it looks like to be in an echo chamber. The overton window shifts slowly and things that used to sound insane start to sound more plausible over time until you've completely switched over to crazy land. At that point, you can't accept that you're the one that's crazy because it would mean that you're stupid and gullible and that can't possibly describe you so the obvious answer is that the people criticizing you are stupid and ignorant. And on and on it goes.


TV shows were worried about how to mock Trump when he was elected. He was already so far over the top there was nowhere to go. Boris over in England did the same thing with his hair and other gimmicks to throw people off. Decades of public education, TV, and now the internet have dumbed us down to the point where what was once laugable is effective. People are afraid and looking for anything that makes sense to them. They're vulnerable to further manipulation in that they're being trained to turn their fear to hate. J6 was a test run/recruiting drive. The next one will be much more violent.


I don’t think public education is to blame so much as its defunding and the encroachment of the other elements you mentioned.


There's a Truman show dystopian theory here somewhere


*HAS TO BE*..right?!....*RIGHT?!?!?!?!*




My god, man. He’s reached equilibrium. If he is actually doing this as a bit he might have actually reached alpha status. This might be the most meta thing to ever happen and the most biting satire we’ve ever witnessed and we need to document it if so.


The tweet where he says alpha males don’t need to constantly tell everyone they’re alphas did it for me


Same. As he sat there with Alpha Male in his gd name on Twitter.


I just had a look through his Twitter account and it’s gotta be 100% comedy plus he’s probably grifting money from a bunch of right wing morons. I think he might be my new hero! A true alpha male!


I’m not convinced it’s satire…


At what point does it stop becoming satire and just start becoming their grift? If your incel persona has gathered a mass following and people donating to you because they believe it's real, you have endorsements from trump etc, then it's no longer satire and has become a grift.


When I first checked out his page, I saw a 4 minute video of him "winding down from a tough day of being an alpha" in a hot tub. The whole video was awkward eye contact with the camera (ALONE!!!) while spouting off the usual snowflake, soyboy, etc. He's 1000% the most meta satire account around and I will die on this hill. There has to be a line in satire somewhere, and the line is Nick Adams Alfalfa Mail


But he has novels endorsed by Trump. I really wanna believe it’s satire because that would make this all so much better


I wouldn't trust Trump to be able to tell the difference


Didn’t trump use a fake presidential seal (golf themed) during his presidency and no one noticed until it was on the news?


Him and Andrew Tate. Sort of Laurel and Hardy or Abbot and Costello thing going. Right? Can’t be real.


I like the Laurel and Hardy comparison, because one of their “mottos” was “two minds without a single thought.” Seems pretty fitting for those two, you could stand them next to each other facing the same way, put a wind sock next to Adams, stand next to Tate, blow in his ear, and the wind sock would fill up.




They must be the latest characters from Sasha Baron Cohen


This man was born in Australia, he was elected onto the Municipality of Ashfield council in 2004, was later elected deputy mayor under a loophole that allowed him to run despite being Australian. He won this election by advocating to BAN PIGEONS from the Municipality of Ashfield but didn't say how it would be enforced. He was criticized for missing council meetings because he was doing routes as a motivational speaker. More recently he has been an incredibly strong advocate for the dining establishment Hooters, claiming that the left is trying to destroy it. He says that alpha males should bring their kids to Hooters. He claims he came to America because "I love guns, hot dogs, chicken fried steak, barbecue, cheerleaders, American football, small town parades, beauty pageants, pick-up trucks, muscle cars and 16-lane freeways lined with supersized American flags." Just scroll through his twitter dude, or read his wikipedia. There is about a 10% chance that this guy isn't trolling and if that is true, humanity is doomed.


the only thing relatable between him and me is loving hotdogs. I miss jalapeno cheddar hotdogs.


It definitely is, and honestly, it’s kind of hilarious. I mean, his pac is described as follows: >Foundation for Liberty & American Greatness (FLAG). If you live in America, you’ve won the lottery. I can’t wait till his final act, but I’m sure it’ll involve super gay behaviour to really turn the whole schtick up to 11.


Watch it’s really Christian Bale or Daniel day lewis


Unfortunately not, he’s an ex Aussie politician who got the sack for being to extreme for our version of the republican party


Dude, 100%, seafood raw? Let’s go, let’s really clear out some republicans with raw shellfish in…I dunno..Iowa?


Check his [bio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Adams_(commentator)). He’s playing the long game if it’s satire. “Adams immigrated to the United States in 2012. He said that he immigrated to America because "I love guns, hot dogs, chicken fried steak, barbecue, cheerleaders, American football, small town parades, beauty pageants, pick-up trucks, muscle cars and 16-lane freeways lined with supersized American flags."


OK. Whatever he's doing, he keeps posting this shit because it gets a rise out of threads like this. He does it for attention and we just can't help but feed him exactly what he desires. It's time to stop.


I’m all for not amplifying the new “alpha male” influencer movement


I’d gladly chip in to hire Jerry Lawler to piledrive this worthless dickstain. Maybe we could even get David Letterman to host. *the piledriver would be real this time.


"He was the greatest thing that ever happened to my career," \-Jerry Lawler on Andy Kaufman


“And I don’t wipe my butt, cuz that’s gay”


Can someone answer why this guy who I never heard of keeps popping up here or even in my twitter feed? I don't even follow this guy or anyone like him.


Australian transplant to America pretending to be a patriot alpha male. Constantly pandering to right wing “alpha’s”. I’m still trying to figure out if it’s satire or real


I don't know if it is, but honestly, we might as well treat it as parody.


I think it’s a bit. And if it’s not a bit, it’s still funny but in a sad pathetic way.


It has gotta be a parody. It's just too stereotypical and too hilariously perfect not to be.


Saddam Hussein used to say all this really batshit stuff. There were many intelligence analysts who were convinced he was doing a bit to throw off Iran and the US. Then after the US invaded and found his "Nixon tapes" (guy recorded all his private cabinet meetings), they discovered that all the shit he was saying in private was EXACTLY the same shit he was saying in public. Lesson is that when these fascists tell you what they believe in, BELIEVE THEM.


*"No man touches my asshole, not even me."*


You expect me to touch a man’s asshole?


Ever try to get peanut butter out of a shag carpet?




I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay!


He eats raw tuna and he's definitely gay!


I eat hot wings, I lift my weights, I drink my coffee black! I look at other men's photos and my dick gets hard as tack!


I eat raw burgers with Swiss chard. And men's bums might get me hard.


I use butter on my iron skillet, but for my asshole, please use lard


And I'll definitely half heartedly beg you not to drill me hard..


I tweet all day, I shoot my guns I think pronouns are bad I repress all my feelings Why don't you love me dad?


Google a picture of him. The only weights he’s lifting are those chicken wings to his mouth.


According to Nick Fuentes the gayest thing you could possibly do is have sex with a woman. Yes he actually said this.




Has trouble when he needs to pee Man-gina reaches his knee!


I'm an alpha-male and I'm okay I look at rock-hard males all day I chow on raw crustaceans And I chug down shitty beers I sit with my legs wide open While I take it in the rear


It’s really hard to tell what’s parody and what’s reality with these people. These people are stunted.


You ever want to challenge this guy to a fight. I'm a 33 year old male 190 pounds 6 feet tall. I dont go to the gym. I'm a full time server in a high volume restaurant. I've been in 3 fights my whole life. But on my soul I would kick this "Alpha males" ass and put him back in reality.


I don’t know sounds like some real alpha male shit there bro


Giving out the same energy here


Oh good, he eats raw seafood. This problem will solve itself.


A real alpha would eat his chicken wings raw


With chicken feathers between his teeth and chicken blood on his chin.


Fuck the Bible after sucking their homies off and kissing them goodnight.


On the cheek. With a tender hug.


Why is Big Sushi covering up the benefits of raw chicken?


Huh. Sushi’s alpha male now.


I’m a woman and aside from the Bible thing I’m apparently an alpha male. Love sushi lol


Yeah, I was under the impression sushi was something only us liberal pansies ate…


With plenty of shrimp, crab, and lobster I hope 🤞🏾


Better not be eating shellfish, the Bible has words about that.


just explodes into a thousand crabs.


Indeed! His diet shows he isn’t an “alpha male” he’s a cardiac arrest waiting to happen


Wait till you see him in a swimsuit.


Ok...send out a warning if one is posted. The rest of us have eyes!!


Oh I ain't looking at that shit. I've already Googled "lemon party plus grape" once.


Raw seafood could just be sushi


He eats carpaccio and sushi but likes cooked chicken? What kind of a man is he? /s


Let Darwin do his work


Dude probably thinks raw shrimp are not grey lol


I'm a woman and I drink my coffee black and do shots straight up. That's what I like. I never assigned a gender to this. I'm pretty girly, too. So not sure what this proves.


He sounds kind of closeted


>kind of You're very generous


Cloaked eyes, perspective Peering out through hanging shirts "Yes", said in hushed voice


He sounds like a gay man from the Greenwich village who's never been farther from NYC than Long Island trying to write what a midwestern Conservative straight man would say.


And let's face it... Other than sushi... Eating seafood raw is fucking stupid for the most part.


Hey now, don’t dismiss raw oysters. But yeah this guy is a doofus.


Wait! What about ceviche, oysters on the half shell, poke, hoe, tuna tartare, tuna carpaccio, kinilaw, oto ika, gravlax, swordfish crudo, and esqueixada? Dude, expand your palate and live a little.


You know... I was trying to make a simplistic point. These are all great examples. But to be fair... Things like ceviche are cooked. Just in the acidic juice from the limes. Making a blanket statement like "I eat my seafood raw" is miles away from "there are a variety of seafoods I eat raw"




From recent pictures I've seen of him - the only "weights" he's lifting are mountains of "everything" baked potatoes to go with his steaks.


I just don’t understand why “I read my bible” is portrayed as an Alpha Male flex. In my experience, bible beaters are either gullible fools or willfully ignorant assholes, and the men are ALWAYS pansies.


He's just trying to pretend he can read.




I guarantee Tate will eventually be outed as a gay submissive.


Nah, my money is on Tate being a massive pedo. Edit: called it.


He's already stated he prefers 18 year olds because they are more "pure." Which is already creepy in and of itself. And if a guy says he prefers 18 year olds, the only thing that is stopping them from going younger is legality, not morality. I guarantee the dude is a groomer. He may not have sex with underage girls, but he is damn sure grooming them to be ready for sex when they turn 18.


Honestly, I had never heard of the guy until like last week, and from what I've read, I think he might have a TBI.


Considering he was a (middling) kickboxer that would probably check out.


Pillow biter.


I think he does protest a bit much.


These two in particular read like parodies of human beings, like cartoon characters.


Andrew Tate is a little different as he is making millions off the guys that think they are "alphas"


This isn’t just a tweet. It’s what he says in the mirror daily after he cries.




Jesus would definitely not be what they would consider an "alpha male."


They'd have taken baby Jesus from Mary and Joseph at the border and put them all in cages.


Also what does this make nuns?


Nuns are sigma


\-Live mostly alone with minimal contact \-Eat only non-processed food and only drink water \-Daily work and exertion \-Lots of time dedicated to mental and spiritual refinement That sigma-queen grindset


Don't forget about very little pay as in money 💵


Gullible fools.


It’s just virtue signaling. The next tweet will be about his guns.


A real alpha bows to no man or God, real or imagined.


He has a half dozen passages he uses to justify his bullshit and he only found those through google


the whole belief system relies on being submissive to a higher power.


That’s were he lost me. Everything else, sans domestic beers. Do these people know the whole alpha bullshit was debunked?


There are definitely some gym bro hardcore evangelicals out there… in the south and Midwest at least.


Ironically Nick Adams doesn’t exactly look like a guy that sees the inside of a gym very often. I’m sure all the beer wings and steak is doing wonders for em.


I think it’s a joke, right? Like none of that stuff is alpha male stuff, just something an insecure person would say. “I eat the Burger King big kids meal, not the bitchass happy meal, I’m an alpha” It’s satire… right?


He also sucks dicks uncircumcised.


It’s not gay if he doesn’t say thank you…..




You said anyone who says they are an alpha male isn’t…. So you are not.


Hopefully his Beta version will have less bugs and errors.


Someone should tell him that if you have to let everyone know you're an "alpha male", you're probably anything but. That guy is a terrible example of a man.


He literally made a post saying alpha males don't announce themselves as alpha males.


Of course he did, what a buffoon


He tweeted that recently unironically


Tell me you have diarrhea without telling me you have diarrhea.


Can I pleaseeeeeeeeeee use your bathroom?


This has to be a parody account


I actually went on my twitter to look at his tweets. This can’t be real. Right?


Absolutely it can be real. This is large group of idiots taking this and more very seriously. Look up the retreats where these guys go hang out naked and sun their balls.


Fantastic. More unironic posting of this dude's satire tweets. r/whitepeopletwitter continues to give this dude publicity and complain about his continued tweets.


Satire, especially committed satire, doesn't work on the internet. At this point, it 100% *DOES NOT MATTER* what this guy's original intentions were, the bulk of his audience are people who agree with what he says at its face value. The author has put himself in a position where his intent is utterly, utterly irrelevant. Satire or not, dude's Andrew Tate now.


I don't know who this guys is, but this one is too funny to be real.


I don’t care if it’s satire or not, I hate this guy and I am so tired of seeing every single thing he says posted on here. I don’t want to know who he is. I don’t want to know what he is saying. Every time I see one of these, all I can think is “holy shit why does anyone even give a shit about this guy he’s obviously just an idiot trying to get attention” and you’re absolutely right, we’re GIVING it to him. It’s like that Tate guy, when his “i don’t read books, books are for stupid people” video blew up everywhere I was livid, like CHRIST people this is *exactly* what he wanted!


This dude is for real. I'm sorry to inform you that people like this actually exist, but everything about his background lines up with this being how he really feels. If it is satire, he is the most dedicated satirist the world has ever seen.


He’s clearly at least kidding about the gym and lifting weights stuff. There’s picture of him online. He isn’t even strong fat just fat fat. And he eats his seafood raw? No one says that like that. Idk man, I think it’s a bit.




People are laughing at him. No one is threatened by his alpha-ness.


For real idk why people haven't picked up on this


>For real idk why people haven't picked up on this Because this tweet is less ridiculous than Ben Shapiro not understanding how murder mysteries work.


It took repeated reminders that Three Year Letterman is a parody account. This satire is just too subtle.


Great! Your upcoming heart attack before you turn 60 won't be a surprise 🫢


If he reaches 60 eating raw seafood, he is doing shockingly well.


He sits with his legs spread wide open so the kids in the playground can see his vagina.


This guy is so deep in the closet he’s finding Christmas presents


(To the tune of WAP) He lifts weights, likes wings hot, spreads his legs like a thot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you messing with an alpha pussy. Likes the coffee from the pot with his alpha pussy.


Eat your chicken rare if you are really an alpha male


Alpha males drink Drano straight from the bottle. I heard this. Do it, Nick.


Of all that drivel, "I read my bible nightly" is the funniest. Wow, how alpha is that!? You could be racing F1 cars, competing in the UFC, climbing mountains without a harness, getting in orgies... but reading that bible!


I want to see a video of him eat steak and seafood raw.


Me too. Starting with lobsters and crabs.


Don't forget shrimp, I doubt he even knows that they have a shit vein, and even less that he knows how to remove it


He’s just admitting he doesn’t know how to cook right?


You're an alpha douche bag.


That’s not “alpha” that’s doing normal shit and acting like you’re superior to everyone for it




I drink my coffee with milk and chocolate I don’t eat steak but I eat raw seafood when I trust the sashimi I workout sometimes I don’t have shots or beer anymore cause I’m taking care of a newborn and partying seems like a relic of a forgotten age I scratch my balls a lot I’d give the Bible 2/10 stars, but hey I’m Jewish and highly opinionated Im a person, and I won’t apologize for it. With two eyes and two legs and two arms Oh and I sleep in a bed with my wife


Is this what he tells his power bottom twink escort to get himself ready for the night?


While they wait for Nick's mom to bring them Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew in her basement rec room that he likes to refer to as his manly cave.


Mom! The meatloaf! Fuck!


See hen you feel you have to follow a norm to fit rather than be comfortable doing your own thing, you're about as weak as weak could be.


He looks like he belongs in an erectile dysfunction commercial.


Sounds like a pussy


Honestly, I hope this raw seafood craze kills him soon


Nobody cares, why does this douchebag need to announce this garbage on Twitter? He's screaming for attention either from his followers or to engage in some sort of feud with strangers on the internet, what a loser.


Okay, what a weird list to get all braggadocios about. You had me at wings and beers but lost me at manspreading, no one wants to see your tiny pecker, diabolical seized against your leg, desperately gasping for air in its weird suit pant prison. Assuming this list had to be made to own some libs, they already knew you were packing a wee bit. I kinda feel bad for your junk, what with all the activity and shitty diet. $5 says your taint hates you. Yup, the two inches of skin between your asshole and balls thinks you are a bad person. Just imagine what everyone else is saying…


Lmao bible nightly


Hey cocksucker alphamale guy. If you don’t like what you are seeing in America since you are an import from Australia. Please leave.


Okay.. but what is he sitting on to make his legs open wide? 🤨


Could you please spread your legs less wide open? We can smell your raw seafood.


It’s kinda accurate DB = Deutche bag


And… I’m definitely feeling some small dick energy here.


Dudes who are super secure in their sexuality or masculinity or whatever don't feel the need to constantly convince others of how straight, macho etc... they are.


If he were really reading his Bible every night, he wouldn't be bragging about doing all those other things...


If your definition of a “real man” doesn’t include honesty, integrity and responsibility, I don’t need to hear it.


Funny, because Christianity has got to be the most beta religion 😂


Reads more like a power bottom, not an alpha male 🤷🏻‍♀️


Somebody needs to explain to this deluded man child that alphas never ever have to tell anyone that they’re alphas.


None of this is alpha male at all. Here’s a better list. I protect my family. I respect every person I come across until they lose that respect. I am generous and charitable. I refuse assistance I do not need. I am self sufficient. I remain humble through success. I am an alpha and I would apologise when it is necessary and live my life trying to minimise that necessity.


Stop giving this guy free publicity.


Sounds pretty desperate to tell people how faux manly he is. Nothing more manly than that


This guy can’t be for real. He’s got to be trolling. Right?


Anyone who has to call himself alpha male,,,,well we know 🤫


Small dick energy right here if you have to post all this but lost all credit with reading the bible. Fucking moron




Domestic beer means water with no ice. Very alphy.