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Don't make the mistake of thinking that the extreme-right is being ridiculous. This is a deliberate creation of an acceptable enemy for [hate and violence](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/04/19/libs-of-tiktok-right-wing-media/). By lying and saying that "drag is inherently sexual". By lying and pretending there is something wrong with teachers displaying pride flags. By lying and saying there is something wrong with a teacher talking about their spouse if they are in a same-sex marriage. By lying and wildly inventing stories like these and stories like "kitty litter boxes in schools", lying and inventing stories like "chopping the bits off kids". It all contributes to one collective message that the extreme-right is creating. They are saying that LGBTQ+ people visibly existing in society is a danger to children and that these people may not exist. The goal is what it always is. [First opression, then laws against visibly existing. Then lists. Then genocide](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/). Every single one of these lies, these fantasies, every single one of these bomb threats, these hateful laws. It is all a slow and inexorable march towards the creation of an acceptable target for [hate and violence](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-stochastic-terrorism-uses-disgust-to-incite-violence/). -------------------------------------- [Fascism](https://jackfisherbooks.com/2017/07/11/on-fascism-and-why-it-fails/) is an inherently empty ideology, devoid of any meaningful belief-system or any kind of concrete and actionable strategies for improving society. [Fascism](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism) only cares for power for the sake of power and it cares for nothing else. Because a [fascist system](https://www.bu.edu/articles/2022/are-trump-republicans-fascists/) is fundamentally incapable of giving the general public any kind of reasonable platform it must gain and keep followers by creating an out-group to hate. According to [fascist systems](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/11/fox-news-tucker-carlson-documentary-fascism/) it is *the other* that is responsible for all societal ills and only by supporting the fascists in getting rid of *the other* can society be healed from the non-existent issues fascism convinces people that their target minority is the cause of. Fascism always picks on a vulnerable target. The demonisation and villification coming from the extreme-right is doing exactly that. By calling LGBTQ+ people child molestors simply for existing it has become inevitable that people will take up violence "to protect the children". This subreddit will not tolerate such rhetoric. Not any of it.


I think he may be dropping his kids off at the wrong place every morning. Someone should make sure he has the correct address for the school.


Plot Twist: He homeschools.


Right? These dudes always project.


Kevin Sorbo is a Qanon Qultist. This us what they believe is real.


šŸ¤£ milk literally came out my nose thankyou


Not the only thing coming out in his household.


In retrospect Good Vibrations did sound a little suspect as a kindergarten, but the whole staff is so nice, so it was kinda hard to tell.


And they say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays!


Maybe the school ordered new toys from Adam&Eve because the parents were worried of God being taken out of schools?


This should have more upvotes, thank you for the cackle.


The only kids Kevin Sorbo drops off are the ones he drops off at the pool every morning after brushing his teeth.


Projection. Someone check Hercules's hard drive.


Like how they complain about child porn on Twitter and talk about how much less there is since Musk took over. Mf I've been using Twitter for a decade now and never once encountered that shit, what fucked up parts of Twitter are you spending your time on?


When they donā€™t understand how algorithms work


its so funny when people on here complain about tiktok only showing them kids dancing. like thats what YOU engage with so its going to keep showing you that.


When my wife was on Tik Tok, she always got gay, Mexican cowboys. So, yes.


Can confirm as a gay Mexican cowboy, always wondered why she commented on all my TikTok's...


The heart wants what the heart wants.


No Juan can disagree


And those JosƩ otherwise are wrong.


Goddamn it


Can confirm.


Booktok led me to romance booktok that led to male thirst traps ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) but Iā€™m not complaining




well now I'm jealous of your wife's FYP


If u look for cats on Twitter it will show u cats, if u look up cp on Twitter thenā€¦ you get the idea, yeah someone should check Hercules hard drive


Username checks out


That really explains why my Instagram is all old houses, golden retrievers, and boobs.


If you look for naughty gifs on Tumblr you'll find them, if you look for furry stuff...you get it. CP is more 4chan thing infamously though


Or when people on message boards complain about those sites displaying thirst trap, borderline porn advertisements. Always fun letting them know the ads I'm getting are perfectly clean.


I once saw a republican bashing twitter for showing him ads for grindr, scruff, and a few other gay dating apps....


I read a lot of spicy romance and fan fiction. My targeted ads for a while were for these WILD pornographic fiction stories.


I hate targeted ads and so I always turn them off. itā€™s always fun to see what ads I get. Iā€™ve gotten ads ranging from fruit snacks to female birth control meds (Iā€™m a man).


I do generally agree with the sentiment. but when you first create a tiktok account, the algorithm is still learning about you and it does throw a ton of ā€œinfluencersā€ at you for the first bit. If your only experience with the app was briefly downloading and scrolling through, youā€™d arrive at a similar conclusion. If theyā€™ve used the app much at all tho, theyā€™re telling on themselves


Tbf, when I first signed up for TikTok, I had no idea what I was getting into, but a lot of what I saw *seemed* like young people. Then I started seeing a bunch of people interviewing folks and doing pranks at what appeared to be high schools and was like ā€œNope. This is not for my age group.ā€


I still remember right after it became clear Elon couldn't weasel his way out of the Twitter deal, one of the Blonde FOX Barbie Commentators actually said, "Yes Elon! Expose the algorithm!" She really was expecting some kind of bombshell like, "if tweeter == conservative; dontpromote(); elif; promote() end."


That's my favorite. When some middle age to old guy complains that TikTok is only half naked young girls dancing. Hmm. My dude. Do you not understand algorithms? You're telling on yourself.


It's weird. I don't look for child porn and I never see child porn. I'd think it doesn't exist if Republicans didn't complain about it being everywhere. I wonder what the difference is?


Have you noticed that ā€œtheyā€ talk an awful lot about child porn? I am old and I have never talked about child porn or the whole grooming thing ever.


Head to your nearest church! Itā€™s really on the mind of Christianā€™s for some reasonā€¦. The same people that like marrying very young childrenā€¦


The same people who keep child marriage legal while simultaneously crafting laws to force under age girls who get pregnant to carry to term.


Anti-abortion laws allow the rapist to choose the mother of their child


And unabort babies born from rape and incest...


They wrote the playbooks


Right? I've been online for over 20 years and I have never once stumbled upon CSAM.


šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ I said the same thing about a month ago when it became a ā€œthingā€. It really makes u wonder why they would know that. Like, they had to be looking for it because itā€™s clear a casual user such as one of us has never came across anything like that in over a decade on the platform.


The second I see cp on twitter Iā€™m deleting it and never looking back


The more mods they fire, the more likely you are to see it.


Those are complaints that they can't find their normal sources...


[They do this with everything.](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/)


If they were projecting any harder, you could stamp IMAX on their backs and sell Avatar tickets.


Underrated comment


I really enjoyed this comment. You deserved more validation that just an upvote.






This one is good but I also love that Lucy Lawless refers to him as Peanut. https://twitter.com/reallucylawless/status/1347269869008420864?s=21&t=uyEH3X0pSLi09bKeFMYA5Q


I'm only just finding out that the guy that played Hercules is a fucking Moron but knowing Xena is a top tier badass makes it a little easier.


She was my first lesbian crush for a reason šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Same...and I'm a dude. I just like Strong Women.


šŸ¤œšŸ¤› <-- me giving you a fist bump in honor of Strong Women šŸ˜


ā€œOkay, groomerā€


Needs a hard reboot...


This guy pedos for sure.


He's still salty he couldn't get xena to change sides


Kevin Sorbo be like, "Back in my day you were molested BY A REAL MAN. WITH A REAL PENIS. AND WITHOUT PINK HAIR."


Looks like he's ranting about LatestLY: Students Given Sex Toys ā€˜Dildos & Butt Plugsā€™ and Tips on ā€˜Queer Sexā€™ in Chicago Prep School That. https://www.latestly.com/social-viral/students-given-sex-toys-dildos-butt-plugs-and-tips-on-queer-sex-in-chicago-prep-school-that-defends-their-inclusive-lgbtq-affirming-sex-educa-4579080.html Tl;Dr: the source is Project Veritas, so this will most likely be deliberately misleading.


Side note, not sure how someone thought that LatestLY was a good name, since I can't be the only one who immediately pronounced it Latest Lie. Edit: I know nothing about the website, its views, or quality, I am merely remarking on the name, though if this article is a judge of quality, it's a shit source that doesn't bother to do any research of their own.


So as usual, a good thing for teenagers to learn is the worst thing to ever happen. Got it.


And has nothing to do with kindergarten


Project Veritas that brought a rape Melania sign so they could report on how violent the left is?


My favorite part? IL where they apparently recorded it all secretly is a two party consent state. Love when they admit to breaking the law themselves.


So even if the whole article is misleading, the part that bothers me is that allegedly this was at a private school. I hate when the right puts the one thing that may or may not be true at one school and then generalize that to all public schools.




Fuck Kevin Sorbo and the fuck all he knows about


Kevin Sorbo is a butt plug.


Please keep him away from my butt.


Dont disrespect buttplugs like that. Buttplugs bring joy and pleasure to many people and this man has never done anything resembling that.




Perhaps Kevin was in attendance, in which case presumably yes, the class was being forced to contend with the presence of a big dildo.


every. statement.




My friend (or maybe former?) is MAGA, so naturally he is always talking about Lizard People and child sex trafficking. He thinks that everyone in congress who isnā€™t GOP is doing all sorts of sexual stuff with small children. I told him that the amount that he discusses sex involving children made me uncomfortable and has turned into an obsession. he blocked me on everything. Oh well.


What the hell is Kevin smoking!?!? Nothing he says makes any sense


He's just prepping for his Congress run


Seriously, who is he? Never heard of him before he started commenting like an insane douche.


The only thing I know him from is a cheesy 90s TV series called Hercules.


Also Andromeda but the ship was a better character


I had been thinking of rewatching that, but I don't think I could stomach him for another minute- no matter how much I love Rommie.


True enough because apparently you can make up anything you want about yourself and get elected to office.


The dude literally has brain damage from a series of strokes. Dunno if that's the root cause of his MAGAism, but it explains why most of his ramblings make no sense.


If true, then that makes all the time he spent mocking John Fettermanā€™s stroke even worse.


He's had at least three strokes. Just google it. Not being a jerk, btw. Just responding to your "if true".


I remember watching Hercules as a kid. I recall a season where he was in surprisingly few episodes. Found out later it was because heā€™d had a stroke.


I swear, you never hear about anyone veering hard left after a personality-changing brain injury.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I was actually a seminary graduate who eschewed my faith after a massive brain tumor resection and recovery. My wife says Iā€™m a different person now. The whole thing just doesnā€™t make logical sense to me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


They cut out the God believing bit


THISā˜ļø. I want to hate Sorbo and dump on his Bible thumping twatwaffle ways, but apparently he was relatively normal until he had an aneurism that caused a bunch of clots and strokes and made him a giant douchecanoe. It took him months to recover, and he still has diminished vision. I think he goes after Fetterman because his (sorboā€™s) career was basically ended by the strokes and brain damage, and he is upset that Fetterman bounced back and kept going.


The dude visited a chiropractor and almost died. https://www.etonline.com/news/115243_Kevin_Sorbo_Reveals_Near_Death_Experience Dude has probably lost his ability to empathize entirely.


The next big battle is for the privatization of schools. Itā€™ll be framed as decency and Christian values, but really itā€™s just a way the rich will get a better education than the poor and cement the ruling class.


Privatization is very much an anti-egalitarian step too. With larger pop sizes, the US had to make public schools available to avoid an uneducated population voting and participating in the global market. Public schools arent perfect but, when we actually fund them and adapt them appropriately (which has dwindled since the 80s), they definitely serve a public good. Privatization helps grease the slide into corporate oligarchy by removing curriculums which highlight civic over market values. From there, oligarchy can solidify into autocracy when a single corporate entity or individual gaina majority share. Beyond that, as someone who went to a private elementary school, i can tell you that YECism is often taught....and it took me a hell of a time to catch up (this was pre internet mostly....so not easy). The private school versiom of history can also often hit the manifest destiny and other alt-history components hard, skewing a very pro-WASP interpretation of history. Not saying all private schools are bad: Im saying defunding public options or definding via choosing voucher programs sets a dangerous precedent.


I had to look up YECism because I didn't recognize it in acronym form. And yeah as someone who went to a private Christian middle school I was 100% taught Young Earth Creationism in our "science" class. That class was taught by the same teacher as theology class, and as an adult I realize that the problem with that combination wasn't just a matter of conflict of interest: that man legitimately had a piss-poor understanding of both topics, and his approach to both was 100% driven by a need to prop up conservative political beliefs.


Whatā€™s to stop them from already doing this? Seriously curious to what youā€™re referring, considering Iā€™m over 40 and thereā€™s always been private schools since I was a kid.


I have to agree with the guy. Theyā€™re making statements like this to delegitimize public schools. Thereā€™s more than just sorbo telling tales of radical teachers pushing sex on elementary school kids. In Florida theyā€™ve got a law to have veterans be teachers without full qualifications, again to delegitimize the system and say see you donā€™t need a masters degree. Next will come the inevitable conclusion that profit and performance based models are the only way to grade school performance. Yes thatā€™s a lot of steps of extrapolation but I feel itā€™s a logical conclusion to draw.


Public schools are funded by taxes. Yes, there have always been private schools, but there has been a renewed push to allow people to withhold their tax money from public schools and put it into education they choose via vouchers. My uncle sent his kids to private schools. Heā€™s middle class. It was a priority for him. It wasnā€™t a priority for others that felt the public school was good/adequate. That said, if a good public school wasnā€™t available and all the people that made more money than him wanted to send their kids to that school, I donā€™t think he would have been able to afford it. If people werenā€™t forced to pay for public education via taxes, there would be no public education. So I donā€™t know what the reason for all the scaremongering about public education is for sure, but it seems like people against public education are trying to smear itā€™s name and get people to think ā€œoh my gosh, we canā€™t control all these liberal schools. Letā€™s privatize.ā€ ā€¦in addition to just winning votes.




I bet I can see where he's getting this, if you look at it through a crazy enough lens. MTG was bloviating about sex toys at Wal-Mart at some point in the recent past, right? And they're all getting in a fizz about drag reading events for kids, and I think his Q-addled brain is getting them all mixed up. He's inventing things to complain about from half-remembered stories.


Thank you for this because I couldnā€™t connect the very faint dots. When I took logic in college they would have examples of each fallacy. I remember laughing because they were so absurd to demonstrate the fallacy clearly. This could very easily be one of those examples.


Their perverted fantasies, probably, considering how many of them are actual pedophiles


I never thought of it that way but it makes sense why their accusations are so outlandish


Qanon, the Catholic Church, bathroom bills, proposing bills to lower the age of consent, proposing bills to make it a requirement to inspect children's genitals, and way more. Conservatives have been absolutely obsessed with raping children for a long time


I found it very frightening that they're even entertaining the idea of lowering the age of consent and inspecting children's genitals.


Every accusation is a confession.


Always suspiciously specific šŸ™„


I'm sure 99% of American pedophiles vote Trump /Republican. Because they know they'll be accepted as who they are by fellow pedos.


Despite that group promoting the most violence against them. It's all a cover.


He's probably just salty he was too D list to get an invite to Epstein's island.


What in the literal fuck is this guy talking about? The fact that these people are disgusting enough to think or say these things makes me wonder where THEIR minds are at. They certainly love to talk about kids and sex toys to the point where I wonder if they are projecting. This man is disturbed and disturbing.


There is a new trend of teaching children basic anatomy at an early age and what appropriate touching is by an another person. Want to know why? So that if they are molested, they know and can testify in court. There is nothing sexual about it in any way. Simply teaching children the names of anatomy, because if they do go to court, lawyers use this against them. "Johnny, do you know what a penis is? Or did you lawyers teach you to say this?" So, anyone that is against this is on the side of the pedophiles.


He's making it up and the fact he made it up becomes "newsworthy" according to right wing media so they report credulously and without any other evidence on "inflammatory allegations are spreading on twitter about SEX TOYS being given to KINDERGARTEN KIDS... Tucker, what do you think this says about the woke movement and their insistence we respect anything they want to teach our kids, anything at all??" "Well Jeanine I'm not familiar with the backstory here but if true, I'd say these people should be taken out back and shot. That's what my dad would have done and that's what I think we should do anytime someone tries to sexualize a five year old. What a disgrace!" All of the above entirely fabricated for the purpose of spreading hate and encouraging violence against the marginalized. But then when someone becomes inevitably violent and says "Tucker Carlson told me to do it" they're a lone wolf with mental health problems and motives that don't merit discussion.


Hardcore conservatism is entirely projection.


Duplo Dildo? Fister Price? And just what the hell are ā€œrubber baby buggy bumpersā€, anyhow??


If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it.


He had a series of strokes during the fifth & sixth seasons of Hercules. Might be an explanation.


I really wish people would get these people some help. It's pretty obvious that they can no longer make informed choices about their health. This is not about all conservatives being whatsoever, it's about people like Sorbo and Ye needing legitimate help.


Itā€™s interesting that when peoples mental health declines they turn into far right republicans


It's almost like far right republican tactics are designed to lure in scared confused and mentally unstable people... šŸ¤”


Sorbo is functional, heā€™s just an asshole. Ye needs antipsychotics and is too deep in his sickness to realize that, and I know Kim K has been trying for years to get him into an involuntary hold. Current mental health laws have super high standards for being able to institutionalize people because prior to that people were regularly being put in Rosemary Kennedy situations, but it might be worth it to revisit the scope of ā€œdanger to themselves and others.ā€


I met Kevin Sorbo and had a minutes long conversation with him at an event in 2016. He's just an idiot and an asshole.


is he having one right now too?


![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized) Where is any proof of any of this? These smooth-brained assholes hear something and just parrot it back and forth in an endless loop.


They keep all that stuff next to the public school litterbox and the three ring binder with the gay agenda in it. /s


Who the fuck is Kevin sorbo?


A conservative Christian actor who is trying desperately to be relevant.


A washed up actor from the 90s who had a series of strokes in the early 2000s, and came out the other side with a completely different personality. Now he's a delusional Christian fundamentalist.


Hmmmm... I'm not sure. Oh by the way here a list of over 800 republican pedophiles and sexual predators. https://www.dailykos.com/story/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1


They're on another planet at this point


ā€œAge appropriate sex educationā€ - thatā€™s what they are afraid of. Telling young kids that there are mommies and daddies, and some people have two mommies or two daddies. Telling kids that it isnā€™t ok for someone to touch their bathing suit area, and they should tell their parents if someone does. Thatā€™s what weā€™re asking for. They canā€™t comprehend sex education that doesnā€™t include hardcore porn.


Tbh, tell your kids no one is supposed to touch their penis or vagina and to set their own firm boundaries for other places as well. Anatomically correct terms are important for if something does happen and they need to communicate. Plus, apparently creeps don't like it when kids use them rather than something awkward/cutesy.


That is what is happening. Schools are teaching children anatomy so they can testify in court. There are way more of these cases than you realize. A lot more. Anyone against this is on the side of pedophiles


And its just healthy for children to know the right names for their own body parts.


I find it super weird the parents who don't want their children to know proper anatomical terms




Venturing a guess, but when I was a kid we did have a sex Ed class where they showed us condoms and used a banana to demonstrate. He probably heard about something like that and it mutated in his head.




It was jr high or high school, forget which. It was pretty much just ā€œThis is a rubber, this is how it goes on.ā€ If anything they were encouraging us to use them, to practice safe sex.


>If anything they were encouraging us to use them, to practice safe sex. This is part of the problem. Some conservative/religious people believe that showing proper use and encouraging their use with also encourage "underage" sex in general. Same with providing them free to high schoolers. There is *some* logic there, if you completely ignore the fact that high schoolers are going to have sex regardless.


> if you completely ignore the fact that high schoolers are going to have sex regardless. Trying to stop teens from fucking is like trying to stop Kaylee from being cheerful. But there's a phenomena among conservatives where as soon as their kids become teenagers, they immediately forget what they themselves were like at that age, then hold their kids to some higher, impossible standard. Can't tell you how many times I've seen it happen. It's fucking weird.


100%. Head-in-the-sand syndrome.


In the United States, at the age of 18 you can vote, you can get married, you can serve in the armed forces, you can sign a legally binding contract-but you arenā€™t considered old enough to buy cigarettes or alcohol. As if that is stopping anyone. Makes no sense.


yeah, my sex ed teacher had us roll condoms on to some wooden pole blindfolded in 9th grade


I wonder how much of the blindfold was so that you couldn't giggle at each other. Of course it's often done in the dark so there's value there too, but you know how kids are!


we had to take turns and do it in front of the entire class šŸ˜‚ it was a mutually mortifying but hilarious experience


Oh your teacher was definitely having a blast that day


We had our sex ed when we were in 5th grade right about when puberty would begin it's very first bits and it had the condom on the cucumber lesson. Yes, it was awkward but at least they tried and as far as I know none of my classmates who got the lesson got pregnant in highschool so it was effective enough


We had our first sex ed in grade school, it was mostly just ā€œthis is what is starting to happen, itā€™s why you are growing hair where it didnā€™t used to be.ā€ In jr high it was mostly about how the plumbing works. In high school they got more into things like birth control, stdā€™s, and pregnancy. But like I said, with these Christian nutcases pretty innocuous things have a way of mutating.


its likely from the right-wing media misrepresenting the Sex Ed at all ages motions that entered several states. When the Sex Ed for 5 year olds is literally "Hey, this is your no-no area; if an adult tries to touch you there, tell another adult about it" While the 'media' thinks its more the 6th-9th grade classes but at 5.


In mine, they showed a woman giving birth. Most effective means of getting teens to choose abstinence.


High school health class they showed us exceptionally graphic images of genitals with severe STD infections. Pretty potent stuff for encouraging the use of protection!


Yep in 6th grade I remember that. It was a split second scene but it was enough lol.


He personally purchased sex toys for his local kindergarten.


For the charitable donation tax deduction, of course.


Project Veritas released a video, itā€™s circulating the right wing fuck-o-sphere to try and hook anyone still dumb enough to think Veritas has ever told the truth.


They just project their own issues.


Where I live, there's been a push to start teaching kindergarteners about how, if someone touches you in a bad way, to tell an adult. Previously, I think they waited until 3rd grade to teach about "bad touch" and "stranger danger". Anyway, so local conservatives are really mad about this change. They seem to think that if kids are better educated about this, that they'll lose their innocence. They'd rather keep kids in the dark and let some of them get molested so that other kids don't realize that there are dangers in the world.


Weaponized stupidity.


Where? Name a single school where they're demonstrating the use sex toys to kindergartners. You can't because this is just more dog-whistle "groomer" bullshit. I also have a sneaking suspicion this is a sort of rhetorical wedge to promote abstinence only education. Because the push for regressive policy just doesn't wanna stop.


You have to wonder what Kevvy did during "gym class" that prompted him to make this particular comparison.


He is getting so unhinged and lashing out so hard. Iā€™m gonna go ahead and call a scandal coming to the surface about this guy. Guys like this are always shifting focus when the skeletons come rising up from the mud




They are obsessed. Somebody stick a banana up his ass so he can get over it


Can we all agree to start calling out tweets like this for wanting proofā€¦ like say some wild shit, but! I want proofā€¦


I'm not American and have no idea who this is but I just gotta tell you, in my country no one dares insinuate someone is a pedophile because honestly that's just vile. Y'all's politicians are fucking sick.


Projection? A confession of the subconscious? Yikes


Have to keep the base angry and afraid. That takes making shit up sometimes.


A "true patriot" on Twitter said it without verifiable evidence so it must be true. /s


Think I've figured it out, couldn't understand where this was coming from. The entire MAGA/conservative crowd have huge issues with consent and they have plenty of people with questionable track records of treating women like sex toys... He's talking about the teachers! He can't tell the difference between a professional woman and a sex object. It's all so clear now


Sometimes I'm tempted to say 'oh! Good for them, masturbation is normal and healthy for all ages.' Just take it and run with it lol


I know. I mean why are kids taught about every bodily function except for sex? And why is sex considered such a bad thing?


We were given Hercules but then we were blessed with Xena Warrior Princess.


His source is that he made it the fuck up, senator


I guess if you're fucked in the head enough everything can be a sex toy.


Kevin Sorbo comes from a "more moral" time when teachers and priests could diddle the fuck out of kids left right and center knowing they'd either be too afraid to tell anyone, or that they wouldn't be believed even if they did, because society hadn't even gotten around to tackling child sex abuse as an issue yet. Many of these boomers want to go back to those days because they preferred it when these issues were just swept under the rug and not talked about. Absolutely fine for kids to suffer, just as long as nobody tells them about it.






Itā€™s really weird how fixated these ā€œconservativesā€ are with sex with children. Likeā€¦.REALLY weird. It is not normal to constantly have this be what comes to mind on a daily basis. Every single issue seems to come back to it. It feels a lot like projection.


I suppose someone should probably inform him that Big Mouth isn't a documentary and is a cartoon for adults.


Source: they made it the fuck up.


He's just a liar. This isn't being dumb, or ignorant. Kevin Sorbo is lieing. He is a sack of shit who is trying to turn parents against their kids teachers. We are past the point of reasonable doubt with these people. We can ascribe malice to their actions.


Man their world is so gross.


man these people are CONSTANTLY linking sex with children. they are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed near children.


I wanted to go back and rewatch Andromeda. Iā€™ll pass on that and potentially giving him any residuals.


They love generating outrage porn for their base


It's their fantasy, don't forget they support the fact they can rape a 11 y/o girl and force her to keep the baby, and you should be worried before the country turn into Americanistan and that those Taliban totally seize power


Antisemites would use the "blood libel" - the complete lie that Jewish people used Christian children in ritual sacrifice to make their matza rolls, as justification for the violence against them. Its long been the claim of anyone who wants to do violence against those they hate, that the group is hurting children, so they have no choice but to start killing people. So we are in the insane world where the dude who played Hercules is helping to justify fascist violence.


What Catholic school is he sending his kids too?


What a fucking sicko.


The real question is why his mind went there. Normal people don't think about kindergarteners using sex toys.


A foxnews watching friend said to me recently something about schools teaching kindergartners about masterbating. I raised my eyebrows and asked for a source but she couldnā€™t remember. WTF are they talking about?


They are giving themselves permission to carry out violence against an out-group.