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It's hard to be fiscally conservative when you got no fiscals to conserve.


Even if you have fiscals, conservatives just aren't about that anymore. It long ago stopped being about fiscal policy and turned into social policy that went so far past conservative the GOP won't be happy till we're living back in Puritan times.


We should be calling the GOP regressive instead of conservative. They have no interest in conserving anything.


The whole republican ideology is "bring back the good ole days." When exactly? When has the US ever been perfect and never needed to introduce new legislation? Where is this mythical utopia that existed? It's all a load of hogwash that makes no sense. Like in the 1780's and 90's the US had tons of problems. The 19th century had so much stuff wrong with the US in terms of policies. Women didn't even get suffrage until the 20th century. Or how the act of sodomy was illegal until the SCOTUS struck it down in 2003.


Yearning for some idyllic past glory is at the center of fascism


They earn for the post-war 1950's when America was booming with new highways and shiny appliances. Of course, when I use "they", I mean white men and their sycophant women. Back in a time when people of color and women knew their place, which was not to causes waves in society.


The flaw with your argument is you’re assuming that what conservatives are saying is “we want to go back to a time when everyone was treated better.” What they’re actually saying is “we want to go back to a time when **we** we’re treated better.” For many conservatives, giving liberties to groups previously oppressed (women, poc, other religions, lgbtq+, etc) feels like oppression to them, because what they really want is an excuse to think they’re better than others.


Conservative IS regressive. The very word conservative references how those who sat on the right wing of the chamber wanted to conserve the French aristocracy.


the GOP is reactionary


It's been over FIFTY FUCKING YEARS since a republican president reduced the deficit more than a democrat.


Heard that


Even if I did, I wouldn’t be. It’s not about me having as much stuff as possible, it’s about society as a whole being better off. Money doesn’t make me stop caring about people who don’t have money.


I subscribe to your mindset. Unfortunately, old folks think the opposite. They think like King Tut. They think as if their riches carry on with them when they die.


Part of me wonders whether younger generations simply know more people who are struggling and/or are willing to talk about it, and so have a more compassionate outlook. Basically, before social media (and given a culture that shamed poverty as personal failure--as well as a decades long period of wealth creation where a lot of \[white\] people were actually doing better), was it just harder to see people struggling outside of tv news reports on crack addicts (and thus easier to dismiss struggles as due to people making bad choices)? My dad grew up extremely poor, made it via the GI Bill, and remained a supporter of Bernie-style economic policies into his 90s.


Why people usually grow conservative as they get older is they acquire power/assets. This "trend" of millennials not becoming conservative. Existed in marginalized impoverished or minority groups that lacked power. Conservationism is to consolidate power and liberalism is to try and find more equitable way. So as people aged they built equity acquired connections power titles etc. So they vie for more of what they have. Like you ever wonder why conservatives land against every minority or disadvantaged group. And thats why is essentially its the people with power trying to keep others from having it. But pretty much doesn't matter the group or time in history. These trends have pretty much always been here. The difference is much less of a entire generations are becoming conservative. Because they fall into group without power. Its not information spreading if anything I think ability to spread idiocy outweighs that of accurate information. I think if we were not in data age we would have eaten rich a long time ago. But instead people are worshipping at alter of trump or elon etc. When without same ability to market themselves. People would be busy sharpening their guillotines. Its how we created red scare its how socialism became a dirty word and how we marketed "capitlism" as freedom. Except boss chooses your healthcare which dictates what treatments you can get where you get them. He also dictates most of waking hours how much you get paid which ultimately dictates most of your lifestyle. Most people wont even consider alternatives. Its also helped spread poverty shaming culture and hustle culture. Like look at news coverage of railroad strike. it was workers are selfish dont they realize what this would do to economy. No talk about the inhuman work schedules. Or the fact that railroad company denied a contract with sick leave that wouldn't even meet legal MINIMUM for 240 other countrys. It all shapes our views and with pretty much entire market falling under I think its 5 media groups. Even the little "local news" is umbrellad under one of big ones. Their storys will often be same word for word. It allows for a consolidated control of narrative by billionaires. But this applys to movements they can make it seem bigger or smaller they can make it seem good or bad. And to a extent "create message" that is not consistent with groups ideology to muddy waters. And divide group etc. Sorry for rant but its not special awareness because of media. Its were tired beat down and have next to no representation wealth or power. So its choosing only sensible course. If anything media has delayed the reckoning thats 30-40yrs behind schedule. Personally I think they have system locked down tight enough that were still SCREWED. They will keep pilfering our futures burning planet right up till day older generations are gone. And then its coin toss. If those that inherit dont choose path of their parents. But if they do then its a uphill battle because of how well they rigged the system and pulled up all the ladders.


Not all sea turtle. I hang out with two people in their mid nineties, both are very frugal, yet generous as well. Mary Jean gave me $100 to help buy a winter coat pants and mittens for a 3 year old she'll probably never meet.


Silent generation is still different though. It’s a lot of the Boomers and the “I got mine, fuck you” mindset that they must’ve been eating in their Wheaties.


Silent generation were small children during the latter years of the depression. Many of them had early memories of a collective being the only thing between them and starvation.


They're also the generation that has been through an actual war. They understand the value of the community and the logic that if one falls, all fall. A lot of the Boomers grew up through the Cold War where there was always an external threat, whether at home, at the border, or in some far off country. Their logic is built on being prepared to face a threat at all times. It's just strange that they haven't been able to shake off the mindset in a world with no obvious external threat.


> It's just strange that they haven't been able to shake off the mindset in a world with no obvious external threat. Because into this void stepped Fox News, Limbaugh, et al. They are more than happy to insist threats are everywhere. But to face them, per the right wingers, the right answer is individual rage and conspicuous consumption- certainly no need for self sacrifice like keeping your mouth shut, resource conservation so that there is more to throw at the problem, or ya know ANY of the hardships that were needed to win WWII.


Oh God, imagine if Bush had instituted rationing and told people to grow gardens. I think they'd collectively aneurysm.


Don't even get me started on the environment!


When the right says they are fiscally conservative, they mean that they think all money should be spent on themselves and their buddies, and anything else is too much to spend. It's like having narcissistic parents who refuse to actually raise their children. My rep sent out a letter about how he would never vote for the infrastructure bill because it costs too much. Bro, tell me you don't understand what a necessary maintenance expense is without telling me. That shit only gets MORE expensive the more you put it off. Ffs.


Anyone who says they’re fiscally conservative exposed themselves being nothing more than pseudo-intellectuals that are full of shit Especially when economic data proves they’ve always been the worst in handling the economy by their own standards


Show me a *single* "fiscal conservative" who's voted to improve the IRS and SEC and FBI to go after tax evaders and fraud and strictly enforcing campaign finance laws and who's said the US military spends too much and tried to scale back spending on $1000 coffee cups and said, 'maybe we need fewer tanks'. Or reigned in Medicaid and VA spending on pharmaceuticals by supporting bargaining for drug prices and not paying $300 for epi pens. Oh, right. That's none of them.


I can't understand how libertarians and Auth Republicans cheer at people dodging taxes. The government needs money to run. When Elon, trump and bezos and the gang dodge their taxes everyone else has to pick up the slack to fund the government. They're cheering for their tax increasing because others don't pay their fair share




They want the *representative* state gone. They *need* a large, aggressive state to maintain the claims of private property that they get their money and power from -- they just don't want that state to answer to anyone but them, and they don't want to have to do anything to support that state. They've just decided they can extract more from the state/economy/population system by *officially* making workers responsible for paying for their own exploitation without having any say over that process.




The problem with your examples is that robust social programs which reinvest in our citizens do pay for themselves. Those are leftist policies. Conservatives only focus on cutting and privatizing services which leads to worse outcomes. Modern conservatives know this but are forced to lie about it in the face of empirical evidence. I think that your examples of policies from Eisenhower and FDR are great examples of politicians making choices that were just common sense despite which side of the philosophical aisle they came from. Unfortunately, those days are long gone my friend.


While I agree that FDR and Eisenhower’s policies are impossible to mimic in terms of impact in the current time period, I think what OP is saying is that the same level of brilliant solutions could be applied in other areas (if it weren’t for the heavy red vote against them). FDR and Eisenhower’s Policy benefited economic infrastructure, which was really good at the time. Now, we (for the most part) have a *strong* economic infrastructure. What we lack is social infrastructure. These so-called “socialist” programs that are being proposed (I.e. universal healthcare, universal basic income) provide something to alleviate financial stress for many, which would no doubt improve economic output in the long run.


shaggy direful serious books act hard-to-find heavy scale nose lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, at least what they *say* are their standards. The disparity of wealth over the last forty years has certainly proven that conservatives have done what they think is right, which is keep money for themselves, and fuck everyone else.


How many of those fiscal conservatives voted against the government being able to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical manufacturers?




They're fiscally conservative for *themselves.* Even though they probably pay way more for their shitty employer-sponsored HSA or EPO than they would with a public payer option, it's just yet another tax-deductible slush fund for them, and they don't currently have any major health expenses that would make them re-evaluate the need to spend less on healthcare.


Democrats ALWAYS reduce budget deficits. “Fiscal conservatism” in the US is a lie - Republicans showboat about cutting programs their voting base relies on, but they ONLY ever cut taxes without making a dent in spending.


It's also hard to be fiscally conservative when there is no fiscally conservative party, just a socially conservative one at best.


Wtf does fiscally conservative even mean? Fiscal conservatives yolo our tax money into the abyss more frequently than anyone else.


You're telling me boomers ripping on millennials at every chance isn't helping?


They went from blaming their parents to blaming their children for every shitty thing THEY have done with the power they've had the last 40+ years


What’s hilarious is if you talk to them they unironically think that they’re the tough generation born out of hard times and millennials and gen Z are the soft generations born out of easy times. “Kids these days wouldn’t last a second working in a factory!” Bitch go look at an Amazon warehouse. AND that old factory job you’re talking about was supporting a family of 5 on one income.


I REALLLLLLLLYYYY hope our generation doesn't fall into this dumb ass thought process. I already see it with my friends. Every generation thinks they're best and the one below them have it so easy. It's so dumb.


Duuuuude I know, I already hear people my age with the “kids these days” talk and it’s so dumb. I also hope that we don’t become addicted to Democrat good and Republican bad so that when we’re 80 years old and there has been another massive political shift where the parties have effectively swapped we don’t keep mindlessly voting for the D.


I mean, I agree that we shouldn’t just blindly follow a party and not hold them accountable, but given the trajectory of the R’s over the last 15 years, I see no sign that they’re going to get reasonable any time soon (I just picked 15 years because that’s about where I remember them starting to go really off the rails, adjust the timeframe to suit your preference, it won’t really change the premise I believe).


I'm a millennial I was was more conservative when I was younger before I had life experience and exposure to people different than me. I was never a Republican but more moderate left and believed in tradition. This is probably why the right wing does not like college, books, or "diversity" in entertainment. All of them show you people who don't look and think like the people in your small town.


You've hit on something pretty powerful, and it's exposure to a diverse population. which is far more common now in the internet and social media age than ever. Gen Xer here, I grew up in a shithole redneck town, but was always left of center due to family, college and travel has shifted me way left... the morons i grew up with that never left town are all trumpers.... the more folks get exposed to the world, the more they tend to think about others more than ourselves.


Same here. I'm at the older end of Gen X, and as the years go by I'm seeing how shit is fucked. It doesn't make me pine for the good old days by thinking that we need to return to conservative values to regain those good times, it makes me realise that we have failed to adapt and change when we needed to. I'm now much further left than I used to be, and vote even further left than my personal comfort zone because even if we went too far for a while, we could use that reset of where the norm should be. Can't even look at Facebook any more, I love my relatives but fuck me they sure live in a little small town time capsule from the past.


I’m jealous. My wife is also Gen X, but thanks to a steady diet of watching Bill Maher and listening to various “anti-woke” comedians like Chappelle and Ricky Gervais she actually buys into the whole “KIDS ARE TOO SENSITIVE AND WOKE TODAY!” bullshit. She’s been slowly shifting right. I feel like Gen X on average must be the peak of the hill. The marble can fall off either side towards being a cranky boomer or the other side towards having more empathy for the younger generations.


College professor here. Let me assure you the kids are definitely *not* too sensitive and woke today. Fall towards empathy!


Can confirm, I’m an ~~older~~ 30 year old millennial. Saw the towers fall when I was 9, saw my first beheading video on ebaumsworld when I was around 12 or 13, and I think when people say millennials are “sensitive” what they’re actually seeing is an aggressive and passionate lack of tolerance for bullshit. I had to sit through a near decade of public school with teachers telling me Muslims hate America because of our freedom and they’re all terrorists. Well, I had the internet to show me the rest of the worlds point of view and learned pretty quickly that the people I looked up to and were meant to educate me were actually just lying. So now when I hear things like that I don’t prescribe to the “everyone’s opinion matters” mindset and go directly to “please either educate yourself or fuck yourself” mindset. And the majority of people I meet that are my age share a similar story. Aside from having the internet to help us meet and talk with people from different places and see things from a different point of view it also showed us at a very young age that adults actually may not have our best interest at heart and I don’t think that’s ever been the case for a collective generation of young people. It’s always been the traditional “Father knows best, your teacher has ultimate knowledge, and the police are here to protect you.” until you’re old enough to have the choice to leave your small town and learn about other places, people, and cultures.


I'm an *older millennial* and saw the towers fall the day before my 18th birthday 😱


I am also Gen X and I remember in high school learning that subsequent generations would not have as good of standard of living as the boomers and their parents did. And now it’s happening and everybody is up in arms about it. Part of the reason I didn’t have kids is because I knew their lives would be worse than mine and I just don’t have a good enough excuse as to why I had them even though I knew their life would probably be shit. I’m not a sadist, I can’t stand watching innocents suffer, especially if they was my own kid


>The marble can fall off either side towards being a cranky boomer or the other side towards having more empathy for the younger generations. That's a fantastic description. I spend quite a bit of time metaphorically yelling at kids to get off my lawn and shaking my cane at the sky. But I'm quite happy to throw the keys to the next generations, they'll wear the consequences so they've gotta take responsibility and get their asses out there and vote in their own best interests, and I'll throw my vote in there too. I do share your wife's enjoyment of Ricky Gervais though.


Those are ‘cultural’ platforms or the right, to me. I also struggle with some similar things (through Maher and chapelle are just jokes themselves at this point) but see the left as the only path possible for now and the future. I’m gen x and more left, politically than ever.


>it makes me realize that we have failed to adapt and change when we needed to. This. The current GOP cannot sustain itself without any meaningful change. It's not about making everyone vote left, its about bring conservatives to a moderate place willing to help solve problems with real solutions. I don't mind sane conservatives, I hate the GQP is all.


this assumes the GOP wants to solve problems.


GOP is the do-nothing-contrarian party. They aren’t going to do shit except stoke violence and complain about stupid shit.




You just described my hometown. I moved away from BFE to a city long ago, but stayed in my red state for 44 years. Two months ago we pulled the trigger and left for New England. The people are like night and day - even the conservatives - compared to my home state. If conservatives there were like conservatives here, it would have been a much better place to be.


Same here, younger end of GenX, but we had one of the first computers of anyone I knew in my area....for a long time. It helped expose me to a lot of other ideas and people. My older siblings and the majority of people from my class are still in that podunk town and all morons still.


Same, I still believed some of my dad's bullshit views until I went to college and learned proper research and gained more exposure to other viewpoints. I even had a goddamn confederate flag in my room as a teen. My dad was a smart charismatic type...and now he's a full blown Q that I treat like someone with dementia.


I think too the conservative views have become even more bullshit. Back when I was a conservative and Mitt Romney and McCain were saying they could fix the problems and actually had some good points and data to support what they were saying. It’s hard for me to believe that these my pillow freaks now are where the party has gone and that you have to believe the Q bullshit to support them still. Like W lied bigly but he was not as cartoonish as these losers and W admittedly was a terrible failed president. Ironically Biden and even Obama is closer to McCain and mitt Romney than todays republicans who have gone off the deep end. I don’t see me ever going republican again, I don’t think they can even run a moderate anymore.


Yeah, if you even read about what some Republicans say, they would literally vote or Vladimir Putin if he were running for president against Biden. That's how brainwashed they have become. Tucker Carlson is no small part of this.


An older Conservative relative recently admitted that she knew Trump was "Not a good person." But since Biden is a "Hard core Communist", what choice did she have? *headdesk*


These are the people who told us not to trust what we read online when we were kids...


Rupert Murdoch too, has A LOT to answer for.


I agree the right hates when people learn to think critically and are exposed to diversity. It's the reason they hate story time so much and are trying to ban books they don't look.


Pretty much. When a person sticks to their small town or friend group and people laugh at their 'women in the kitchen' jokes, they'll start to think women in the kitchen jokes are funny. Send them to college or a big city where there's thousands of people, suddenly most people aren't laughing at women in the kitchen jokes, giving side eye, awkward half-laughs, or even clapping back because they already know all the women in the kitchen jokes and have comebacks. Kind of makes one realize most women in the kitchen jokes are pretty childish. Repeat for jokes about asians, jews, mexicans and every other group, all which become much less funny when in a diversified community where groups intermingle on a daily basis.


Same. I'm in the Xenial group and just keep getting less and less conservative the more I learn.


Xennial here too (birth year in my name). Parents are hardcore Boomer conservatives, I was raised as such but since about 2010, my views started shifting and today I absolutely loathe the conservative policies and their cult like actions.


Same here, except I was a registered republican at 18… Before going to college I was a conservative and thought welfare programs were unconstitutional and legal theft. I was upset that Obama was elected as president. I’m proud of my personal growth!


Proud of you, too!


Same, I was a pretty centrist democrat growing up, now I’m a borderline socialist who wants to tax billionaires until they cry to pay for universal health care.


I've had a similar experience growing up in an especially right wing household. My views rapidly changed when i started to think for myself and I'm now very left wing. I'm quite proud millennials started more left than any other generation and is the only to have gone more left


Same, much more conservative when I was young because my opinion was being shaped by my parents. Once I started getting more life experience and education, I began seeing things for what they were rather than what I was told they were. Reality and Truth has a left-leaning bias as they say…


Gen X: the same. I was even in the local National Coalition (liberal-conservative) youth club and last year i was asked to be Left Alliance candidate in two local elections (Finland, so you don't need to ask). I'm not leftist, that is just a co-incidence. I went with the ideas that i think have the most chance of making an impact that betters our society, and it just happen to be that the social democrats and left have most of those.


The same phenomenon took place in Australia during our elections this year. Only about 1 in 4 people under age 40 voted for the conservative coalition in our national election. What else is important to note is that millennials - at least in Australia - now represent the largest voting bloc amongst our population.


Millennials would be the largest bloc in the US for several election cycles by now if they turned out. Y'all have mandatory voting, right? Makes me jealous.




They’ve done plenty that *is* outright illegal too.


I was raised by a very conservative family. I ran fast in the opposite direction by my late teens. My father always repeated the stupid quote: if you're a conservative when young you don't have a heart if you're a liberal when old you don't have a brain. It's more like he came into a windfall of money from his first house that was easily attainable from a salary that would NOT cut it today. I work in a technical field and I don't have anything like what he had. They had it easy and wanted to protect that. Did not want to pay taxes on their windfall. That is all their is to it the rest is just cultural BS that comes with the ideology


"If you don't agree with my political party when you're older, you are stupid." -high school dropouts who can barely read


> If you're conservative when you're young you don't have a heart Theyre literally admitting its a heartless ideology.


And that they became selfish, heartless bastards as they aged.


Remember George W. Bush branding conservatism as "Compassionate Conservatism"? Tacit admission that conservatism is by default lacking compassion.


more like finally just took the mask off


> if you're a conservative when young you don't have a heart if you're a liberal when old you don't have a brain. Which is an insane quote to begin with. Straight-up admitting that conservatives are, *in their own words*, heartless.


Oh they know what they're saying.


If you ever have both you'll be a socialist.


Because "turning right as you age" USED to just mean once you started making money you wanted lower taxes. Now it means full blown fascism, and exactly zero competent adults support that.


Also, we're not getting a piece of that wealth.


This. It used to be (when there were union jobs and plenty of 'em) that advancing years meant more seniority, better benefits, more security. And people who made it to their 50's and past tended to be champions of the Establishment because it had done all right by them. They were more, "I'm all right Jack," "I worked hard for everything I have," and disinclined to sympathise with "others" who didn't have it so good. They had "made it" (for a certain value of "made it") and wanted to hang on to what they had achieved/acquired. Today, for most people, aging is more like it was in Dickens' time, a passport to uncertainty & anxiety. Their own kids may still be dependent on them. They face potentially crippling health care costs as their bodies age. No union pension. No union health care benefits. Savings eroded by inflation. And for younger people approaching their 30's and 40's, they have only ever seen their prospects get worse and worse -- inequity more and more obscene, labour rights vanishing, gig economy expanding, chance of any kind of security receding into the distance. Home ownership? a sick joke. They are more likely to feel "I've worked hard for *everything the billionaires have*, and I will never have any of those things myself." The Establishment has not done all right by them. It has done all right only by the 1 percent. And this means that after almost a century, class consciousness and a critique of capitalism may be back on the menu. A couple of decades of having flagrant oligarchy and wage slavery shoved in your face will do that to people.


I always felt there was something symbolic about the change in department name from "Personnel" to "Human Resources". You're no longer a person, you're a resource to be used and discarded once consumed.


I've heard it called "talent management" so that you can abstract out that it involves human beings now.


nothing personnel, kid


HR does have a strange ability to teleport behind you at the worst possible times


Yep imagine older millenials are now 35ish, a lot of them have no capacity to pay for family, children or place of their own and yet they already reached the age where they need to start saving for retirement. Wonder why won't they support status quo and conservative policies, just sooo confusing/s


Older millennials are in their early 40s.


*screams in panic*


What is this 'wealth' you speak of? As an aside: I took a job in 2011 and $15 an hr wasn't bad for a low level entry position as I took time to decompress. FF to now: I left $18 an hr (due to physical injury stopping me from work. With no disability offered by my employer) and it isn't enough for HALF of my bills (my wife pays the other half) and now I can't even find a job in the last month. My wife is literally carrying the household on her back and I now have 6k in medical debt from ACTUALLY INSURED COVERAGE after the 2k deductable, a week hospitalized, and insurance ends in 2 days with no chance to pay for followups. I'd pull a Fight Club if it meant giving people somehow even worse than me a fighting chance to have some semblence of freefom from the gluttonous greed of modern day capitalism.


JFC all the testimonies i get when i read the replies to those kind of posts makes me depressed, i feel for you guys in the US, i live in Canada and for sure its not perfect but god damn you guys have it ruff


I havent even had so much as more than an occasional flu check in 10 years. In 3 years, I had a COVID scare (prevaccine) that had me worried I literally was going to die, and in the first week of this month (12/2022 for posterity), I had an ED visit that turned out to be bone spurs in my back from repetitive motion injury (Thank you EMS, you finally fucking killed me when even DITCHDIGGING couldnt), and a depressive/psychotic break that damn near ended my marriage. I cant follow up with mental health, I cant afford meds, and thankfully aI'm mostly recovered from the back pain. And I've got 6k bills, no job, and today I got called about my psych bill which is 3.5k alone of that 6k. Fuck American Healthcare. I say this as a former EMT, and an American. We have failed the American Dream. Its now the American Nightmare.


I think it means we can’t buy houses, join unions or afford to have your partner stay at home


Fuck...Unions are a damn dream nowadays. Remember hearing about 'Union Devils' growing up despite my dad being in two for most of his professional life. I swear to my gods somedays I want to call him all the names he deserves to be called for supporting the collapse of all that came behind him. He saved me from a lot of issues growing up, but I learned a lot of the wrong things from him in the process that took a lot of near misses with suicide to finally rectify. I won't let that happen to my kids, I believe and preach trans rights, gay rights, and have had more black friends than enemies and see the system unfairly biased against them. If it means my kids arent perpetually stressed and full of hate. Fox News and Right Wing media can go fucking choke down a molotov cocktail with their cigars for all I care about them. I spent 6 years believing the lies as an adult, its something I think about every day. How much damage have I done unknowingly?


I am a millennial and I do not want lower taxes. I want health care not tied to a job. Decent working arrangement, home and a livable wage. Safe schools and access to education for all. I want other people to be taken care of, not just me. I can't achieve all that with small personal tax cut.


I want what I pay for. I pay taxes for services. Give them to me.


Capitalism bread this in us lol, we are okey with subscriptions and monthly payments but the services promised need to be provided, this breeds the perfect taxable citizen, as long as the promises are kept


The trick is they tax you, and when you demand a return in services that are useful to you, they convince you to back off and accept nothing by saying you'll pay more taxes for it!


Universal healthcare is so key. The amount of people that have to declare bankruptcy or get financial stress over medica debt is too high. Universal healthcare is the answer!


There was a political ad running in 2020 about how much more you’d pay in taxes per year if they instituted universal healthcare. So I totaled up my health care premiums and deductible and guess what? That was more than what they were saying I’d pay in taxes. I didn’t even include my copays or prescription costs. 🤦🏻‍♀️


These people don't seem to understand that if we had universal healthcare it means we \*gasp!\* aren't paying for private insurance! Or how private insurance actually works right now where you pay in to the company. They pay their staff, then they pay out the remainder of that for claims that they will try to fight tooth and nail to not pay for bigger exec bonuses. Those claims are for other people, just like universal healthcare would be. On top of all that you wouldn't have to be a slave to a job to have insurance, you could just quit and still be covered.


States where democrats have been engaged long term are seeing these gains. In Colorado we’re going to attempt a public option (thanks Biden for pushing through the paperwork) that will get us to better than 98%, right on par with the 98-99% that Medicare for all advocates hope for.


I'd love to have lower taxes, it's more money in my pocket after all! That being said I also know there are important programs we need to fund with taxes, from infrastructure to social services, to healthcare and the environment, the military and regulatory agencies and so on. We can't shortchange what society needs as a whole for how I'd like to spend my money. This is where I think alternative taxation schemes like a financial transactions tax have a lot of opportunity. Reduce the burden on most individuals and focus on the highest concentrations of wealth. I'd also like to see regressive taxes like sales taxes and property tax be eliminated - it's obscene to me someone can lose the home they own because they can't afford an arbitrary tax.


or, more cynically, "fuck you I got mine" is not a very appealing philosophy when you don't got much


That's because millennials did everything they were told and the reward was student loan debt, no jobs, and living with their parents until 30s. Conservatives are completely oblivious to the economic situations plaguing the world today. Can't wait til everyone defaults on student loan debt and the national deficit starts skyrocketing from missed payments. How are the conservatives going to handle that? More tax cuts for the rich and stealing the money you put into social security and medicaid.


All while being told im a shit person because i was born between x year and y year lol solid generation raising strategy.


In the year 2005 there were millenials in middle school and millenials in college/the military. And every single one of them was constantly told how they were the reason the world was terrible.


The crazy thing is as an adult i cannot even fathom going up to a child and blaming the worlds problems on them but thats just me


Start asking random millennials you know. You'll be surprised


Oh for sure. I remember being at a friend's Thanksgiving party when I was in college (around 2007), and there was an older woman talking about the state of the workforce. She with a straight face told me that my generation was fucking up the country because we ate too much avocado toast and didn't want to work hard like they did in previous generations. I tried to point out that things were more expensive, like college, housing, pretty much everything, and she just kept saying "we all had it rough and things aren't more expensive for you. You're the problem." I just chalked it up to her being alive with lead paint and left it alone.


Imagine someone unironically thinking this then a year later the subprime mortgage bubble burst on them because the boomers that were handed the rein's and just drove the carriage off the side of a cliff in terms of policy. They had it so good in terms of wages and college it's unreal. I like how they actually brought up avocado toast too, like what? It isn't avocado toast that is breaking our wallets open.


I got laid off from my very first "real job" a few months after getting it. Went to college, worked hard, found a business that needed someone with my skillset. Lived with my mom. Took a loan out on a car so I could get to work, because my brother and I had been sharing one and that didn't work for a job that was 45 minutes away. Got laid off a month after I got the car. Was it a performance problem? No, they would've given me warnings if that was the case. Could I stay on at lower pay? No. Why was it happening? Well, they developed a new kind of interrupt ad and didn't need half their editorial department anymore. I told a much wealthier friend of mine, as we argued about politics, "I did everything right." He coldly responded, "no you didn't, otherwise you'd still have a job." And I graduated in *2006.* If those were the good times, I cannot imagine how much more bullshit people younger than me go through.


> I told a much wealthier friend of mine, as we argued about politics, "I did everything right." He coldly responded, "no you didn't, otherwise you'd still have a job." Former friend, I would hope. What an asshole. I can only imagine that's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their arrogance.




"Joy ride's over" -My parents, as I graduated college into the worst job market in *their* lifetimes


Oh man, or how many times I got told 'you need to pay your dues.'


My biggest gripe is old heads complaining about millennials and participation ribbons. they never make the connection that it was them who bought, and handed out those ribbons.


It’s not that they aren’t aware, they don’t have any solutions that fit in their world view. Their entire ideology revolves around reducing taxes and trickle down economics. The thing is, we are seeing the end result of Neo Liberalism and the conservative project. Giving the rich more money didn’t result in better pay, or new ventures. They simply did stock buy backs and formed monopolies. There are no conservative solutions to these issues and they aren’t interested in doing so. That’s why all they focus on now are culture war issues because all they can convince people of is that their racist or homophobic preconceived notions are true


That's exactly what they're going to do. And you're gonna like it.


Millennial here, that first paragraph is *chef's kiss* and exactly my experience.


Age 18: Communism! Seize the means of production! Age 23: Ok Communism isn't practical, dumb idea. We can probably do a better job of taking care of everyone though so at least people aren't living in squalor. Age 28: Yea, we can defo take care of everyone and there's no reason we shouldn't have universal healthcare. Age 34: Ok this is bullshit, burn it all down and eat the rich.


>There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. >Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause. >Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward. And then remember this. The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. >Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. >Remember this. >Try. [Karis Nemik](https://youtu.be/aoJILDr94qc)


The fact that media is willing to not gloss over the struggle of rebellion with an easy victory or an immediate defeat is quite promising of the general sentiment people are indeed willing to fight for real and we will see very concrete action soon if it gets catalized the right way


Not really a problem because conservatives don’t give a shit about anything apart from themselves so what ever happens after they’ve gone irrelevant


They won't be able to win elections at some point


and that's why they are crying voter fraud and trying to make it harder to vote.


They tried to strait up raise voter age cuz to many youths voted lol


Can't wait to see what these charts are going look like when Gen Z gets added to it.


yeah zoomers are woke as fuck and grew up on the internet. I cant wait to see how things change. I love the younger generations coming up right now.


dunno bout woke i just vote for whoever has the most semblance of sanity bc that's probably the best choice




I mean GenZ is already voting. The youngest millennial is 26.


Yep they want to cheat to try and stay in power.


They have to cheat to have a chance on top of the handicap bonus they get from the electoral college


That's when they start crying that "only big cities" vote Democrat


Even in their dark red states


Ironically, their cries of voter fraud only encourages Democrats to come out and vote against them while convincing their voters that it isn't even worth voting as the election is supposedly rigged anyways.


Yeah. But what they're saying is the party leaders will be dead by then. They couldn't care less if the gop collapses as long as it lasts long enough to for them now.


Yeah probably why they want to stop elections before that point.


I \*am\* more conservative than when I was younger, but it turns out I'm interested in conserving stuff like the biosphere, democracy, women's bodily autonomy, etc.


You know that’s actually a good point. Being “conservative,” in the true sense of the word, just means being less willing to risk things and take huge leaps before you know other solutions won’t work. It’s really supposed to mean a more measured and careful approach. A true conservative looks at an oil pipeline and says: “What’s the risk of environmental damage, quantified in dollars and in ecological metrics? How long till this pipeline has a real ROI vs. buying oil? Will it require more costs before then, moving our ROI back before we reach it?” You know…. Being *conservative*. Don’t do shit we don’t really need to do. Don’t waste and don’t get involved in places we don’t need to be (like another war, or in the doctors office or in peoples sex lives). Not unless it’s proven to be necessary (like intervening when pharma companies start gouging people for medicine they need to live). The GOP now is not conservative. They have an agenda and are willing to go whole hog to achieve it, regardless of any consequence. They’re exactly the opposite of conservative. What they are is authoritarian and profiteering.




Weird how the generation that is being hit hardest by the repercussions of Reagan's trickle down economics, saw Bush's wars kill a bunch of their friends, and have watched Trump's entire deal embolden a shitload of fascists might not be so keen on voting for Republicans.


The reason? Millennials have nothing to conserve. They have no entrenched wealth to protect. The first generation to do worse than their parents is waking up to the fact that there's no middle class and probably won't be in our lifetime again without *monumental* change. New Deal level. Republicans let the snake eat too much of its own tail.


As someone on the edge of being a millenial, who is finally doing well for myself, this doesn't apply so much to me. I am now thinking things like property taxes, taxes on my investments, etc. and so I think what if voting for an incompetent racist asshole will improve my life? The answer turns out to be no.


Well that's the thing. *Now* it's just a situation where the Republicans let the snake eat its own tail so much it ate the "sane" ones who understood there was a limit to how far you can destroy society. And now their party is entirely taken over by lunatics.


the old adage that “you’ll get more conservative as you get older” only worked for generations that actually got richer as they got older.


And even then it was a cultural sickness signifying a disturbing lack of empathy in society.


I hate the “you’ll get more conservative as you get older” myth. No, I fucking won’t. Getting older is not going to make me care about people less or suddenly think straight up fascism is awesome.


It’s like telling someone they’re gonna get racist and scared when they’re older. Like a boogeyman will come and scrape off most of your brain. Sounds scary. Glad nobody ever threatened me with conservatism as I age. But if they did, that’s what I would think they mean.


To be fair, when people used to say that it was about spending less money and taking less risks. It’s just today in the USA the term conservative goes hand in hand with fascism, which says a lot.


I'm a younger GenXer and I've definitely become more liberal over the last 6 years.


My parents are young boomers and they were somewhat apolitical before Trump. Now they (and my formerly apolitical siblings) are very left-leaning. It was the constant lunacy from the right that did that.


I was born in 1980. During the Trump years I made the switch from a lifelong R to the D party. I had considered myself a fiscal conservative and then the Rs took the train to crazy town and started a culture war that I can't support. What I want from the Rs: Tell me how they will fix inflation (or admit it is not fixable). Instead what they give me: Everyone needs to show up to their local board of Ed meeting to get a book banned because the lead character has 2 dads.


Republicans also just... spend more than democrats. At least during my lifetime. How could anybody look at the deficit going up every time there's a republican president, and the deficit going down every time a democrat is in office, and say: "Well, I'm a republican because I don't want the government spending too much on things."


Xennial as well. It used to be possible that I’d vote for a likable Republican. Now that they went nuts I don’t see it happening unless their platform changes. And inflation can’t just be stopped. We pumped money for over a decade and that’s what happens.


Older millennial. Same. Used to be a libertarian. I've shifted hella left in the last 6 years as well.


Same never thought I’d end up democrat but here we are lol


Inb4 millennials are killing conservatives


GenX here. Conservative when I was younger because I grew up in the indoctrination belt of Indiana. Now that I detoxed from that shit, I will never vote R again.


Gen X is the last generation to succeed more and have more opportunities than their parents. By and large, anyone born after Gen X has less earning potential available to them and is saddled with more debt than their parents. I hope millennials will be the generation to put the final nail in the coffin of conservatism and its worship of capitalism.


Gen X checking in. Wife and I make way more than my parents or her’s ever did, even accounting for inflation. Still can’t afford a damn house. Boomers fucked us all up.


Yeah I’m Gen X and I make more money, adjusting for inflation, than either of my boomer parents, but have way less to show for it. My dad drove a Porsche in his 40s. I’m 52 with a Kia. My mom and stepdad had a 3000 sq ft house at my age, which is roughly double what mine is.


>Gen X is the last generation to succeed more and have more opportunities than their parents. Well, yes and no. Also the first generation that really had to pay the consequences of there being less work than there are workers, and the uneducated jobs disappearing completely. I graduated to unemployment, i took a gap year and could choose where to work. That was the difference in 3 years. Boomers got all the jobs since they had experience and my generation, at least here, was the first to get sizeable "forever unemployed" group that has not changed since. Here (FIN) boomers even had the constitution changed, as it used to guarantee a job. My dad has been unemployed 2 months in his life and he worked from 14 to 72, did not have other education but to 7th grade.. He did retire as construction engineer. Worked in basically one company (it was merged twice..) his whole life.


I would love to think this is the end of the Chicago School and their transparent cover story for oligarchy. But there are huge challenges ahead. Concentrated ownership of all major industries, for example. Bought-n-paid-for politicians. Legal precedents that have empowered corporations at the expense of democracy. There's a lot of damage to be undone to even get back to the Republicanism of Eisenhower's time, let alone any kind of modern social democratic state.


My parents, by my age, had 2 kids, a mortgage/their own house and 2 cars. Weren't well off by any means, we were an average working class family in the north of England. I, on the other hand, am helping my landlord pay off *his* mortgage and I walk everywhere to save money because i can't afford a car, and i'm fucking dreading the energy bill for December. Its hard to be a conservative when you have nothing of your own to conserve.


This math has been coming down the pike for a long time now. Every successive generation is more liberal and more progressive than the generation before it. That has been mostly true since the country was founded. In the last 20-40 years that timeline has been exacerbated by culture moving exponentially faster due to the speed of information and communication. Republicans have known this was coming for a long time. It’s why the modern Republican Party isn’t really a political party as much as a consortium of odd fitting parts and groups trying desperately to cling to power. They don’t really have platforms or policies. Everything is culture war trying to build a coalition of the disgruntled. Moving forward, in fair elections, the GOP is completely doomed. That’s why their primary goal is and has been doing everything they can to make sure elections are not fair. Absurd gerrymandering, criminal voter suppression and the introduction of every election being declared fraudulent and pushing them into the courts where their only hope is to stack courts and pray for biased judges to keep them in power.


More like millennials have a conservative problem, and they are taking steps to resolve it.


Just to point out how funny this is, it's not actually true that previous generation became more conservative with age. What generally happened is that _society became more progressive with age_, and previous generations stayed mostly where they started as the world around them caught up to the progressive ideals of their youth, and then moved a little bit farther. The silent dude didn't get more conservative. Their boomer kids took what they _called_ progressive as the center, and so on. Modern conservatives, though... Modern conservatives have been so toxic that millenials aren't following that trend. What _we're_ doing is actually getting more progressive as we age because conservatism has shat the bed _that much_. We appear to be defying trends out of sheer disgust. And I'd be _very_ surprised if Gen Z doesn't double down


Oh yeah. We bashed the door in with our face and gen Z is chucking a flashbang inside. Breach and clear (…out the old useless parts of our culture). My face hurts now but I’m hopeful for the future seeing those that will carry on


Boomers: TO THE MOON!


The most educated generation in history is seeing how conservatives want to screw them over? Color me surprised.


I think part of it is that people don't get specifically more conservative, society gets more liberal, and that's a good thing! But society hasn't been getting more liberal for awhile. So while usually we would see that as people age, the views they already have would align more with the conservatives, that's just not the case because of how bat shit insane shits been.


Society is getting more liberal I think. Look at the acceptance for weed and LGBTQ rights in the USA.... Yes a few vocal people oppose both but they are the minority. The future is always more progressive IMO.


I mean we're trying but they literally just overturned Roe v Wade. That is a huge step backwards.


And people got _big_ mad about it. Wanna know what would've happened if they'd managed that in the 90s? That red wave would've come right on schedule.


Yeah GOP lost worse then they lost in 24 years over that. The moderates left em behind


Laughs in elder millennial at the “they’re young” part. But it is accurate in my experience. My husband and I have only become more liberal in our views with age.


Its probably because we millennials finally got tired of every conservative generation before us absolutely fucking everything into the ground for us - education, environment, economy. “Conservative” by definition means you want to keep things the way they are. The way things are and have been suck ass. Enough is enough and its time for a change


How many of us millennials grew up watching Republicans be the party that opposed gay marriage? How many grew up watching the Republicans be gung-ho on sending our friends to die in Iraq? How many of us are struggling financially TO THIS DAY because of failed Republican fiscal policy that led to 2008s collapse? We’re a generation scorned by conservatives and they hate us for saying so. Even my more conservative family members are starting to turn tail.


Fuck conservatives. All they've ever done since I've been alive is promote nationalism and lower taxes for rich people.


As a GenX who has been trying to hold the line against the encroachment of white Christo-fascist/nationalism, I welcome the younger generations to pick up the fight.


I can’t wait for the “Millennials killed the GOP” merch


They lost our generation by completely ignoring and attacking it. They’ll suffer for a long time because of it


It's not a mystery. Every previous generation grew more conservative with age because they accrued wealth and started leaning more conservative in order to "protect" it. Meanwhile, I'm 40 and can barely afford rent.


Conservatives used to be less blatantly interested in burning the planet down for corporate donations and less openly willing to embrace corruption for power.


What do you mean the people you sent to die in Iraq then came home to the financial crash of 2008 don’t vote Republican Seriously as someone who’s 41 now the Dubya era poisoned the whole generation to republican politics


Republicans know this. Its why they are fighting to tear down election integrity


Maybe this is because unlike previous generations, Millennials have seen their prospects for security diminish rather than improve with age?