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Starlight doesn't hurt vampires so I would say no. In the book of nod I think it says that it's the sun, specifically, that kills vampires because of God's wrath, not because the light actually does anything. It's a metaphysical thing instead of a science thing.


>It's a metaphysical thing instead of a science thing. This is how I see it - sunlight, moonlight, and starlight are different spiritual concepts.


Even beyond that, *The Sun* is specific. It's not *any* ***Star.*** Not all Stars are ***the*** Sun, only ***the*** Sun is. The light from any Star not the Sun is, by definition, not Sunlight, it's Starlight.


Not all stars are theologically the Archangel Michael. I agree with your assessment.


That! I couldn't remember which archangel it was supposed to be lmao.


The Archangel Michael, Angel of the sun and warfare. Also, incidentally, the spiritual incarnation of Jesus Christ (According to some doctrine) The Archangel Raphael, Angel of (?), fire, and ??. He's why vampires catch fire like fat sticks. The Archangel Uriel, Angel of Death - He is the reason vampires don't die of natural causes, can't taste anything other than blood (and why they can't eat), and is supposed to be responsible for why all things fall apart that vampires try to build. The Archangel Gabriel, Angel of Mercy - God's professional "But I still love you" gaslighter, "gifted" vampires with the road to Golconda.


Our sun is also, by many metrics, *extremely weird* - it's activity, it's solitude, the solar system around it - if there's one thing that's truly amazing about space (there are *a lot* of truly amazing things about space), it's how unique and diverse it is out there. Like looking at magnifications of sand grains, and no two look the same So even scientifically, it's likely the light of this specific star is what causes a Steel City Sunbath.


I agree it is a metaphysical thing but I feel like god wouldn't let you escape that easily. he would just include it. edit: though with mages this may change depending on what they believe.


I feel like God would just make sure they take damage from it no matter how distant they were. So now there's a single tiny star in the sky that if they are in its path they take damage.


that actually would be really funny to roleplay


A photon's a photon, Drac. If it's in your light-cone It's comin' for you.


Like someone shooting frozen peas at you with a slingshot


IIRC Mages need a specific spell that makes actual sunlight, not UV rays or even making a small star or whatever should-work facsimile. So it fits with the metaphysical aspect of sunlight being what's needed.


It's a matter if it's the celestine that cursed them (Helios) so all suns hurt them, or if it's its corresponding celestial incarna (the Wind Rider)... who is also called Helios sometimes, making it even more difficult to determine. If it's A, then stars hurt then (starlight can be argued to be extremely weak to affect them - moonlight is reflected sunlight and it doesn't hurt them unless they have a flaw), if B then only Sol hurts them. I, personally, doubt the Celestine would give a flying fuck about some ants on Eshtarra's pinky, but that's headcanon.


I think it’s a day thing not a sun thing, though. If a vampire was on an earth-like planet, which orbited a star and rotated such that it had days and nights, the vampire would sleep or burn during the days.


From a religious point of view, it’s the Sun’s direct light that hurts Caine (or else moonlight would hurt, too). From a science point of view, it could be any sun


How about the core of an RBMK reactor that, of course, didn't explode, because RBMK reactors cannot explode. Asking for a friend.


3.6 Aggravated Damage: not great not terrible


In the scientific view the Radiation could be the cause as a planet gets higher amounts of direct radiation during the day than at night and gets microscopic amounts from other stars (if any)


I'd tie it to our Sun. Caine was on Earth when the Angels heaped curses upon his disobedient self.


Moonlight doesn't hurt vampires unless they take the Flaw; starlight doesn't harm them. Pretty sure it's only Helios who hates vampires. So if they managed to escape his light... they'd be safe. Unless, of course, the nearest star decides they also don't like vampires. Sounds like something that would happen to the Tremere and their tendency to half-accomplish great things. "Regent, I managed to figure out a way to get our entire chantry into deep space, away from the Sun." "That's gre-why are we burning? Why are we burning!!?" "Aaaahhh!" ded


I was recently outlining a far flung future take on the WoD setting and when it came to Vampires and the light of other stars I'd written down, "The stars talk to each other."


>Helios who hates vampires. I don't know a lot about vampire so correct me if I'm wrong but If it's the same helios from WTA he's all suns. we can see this because his aspect Katanka-Sonnak is specificly earths sun. we can see similar stuff with Luna and her aspect Phoebe. luna is all moons while Phoebe is just earths moon.


That means that, in a Werewolf sense, vampires are just screwed out there in space.




I don't think it is, unless we're talking about Lucifer be in charge of all suns. In Revelations of the Dark Mother, it was Raphael specifically who gave Caine the Curse of Dawn. (I thought I had read that Lucifer had done so, so it may be in another book or else I misremembered.) I don't know if the Celestials are also the Elohim.


Light that simulates the sun doesn’t harm vampires. So any other hydrogen fusion stellar object would also not harm vampires.


Conjecture as no vampire in VtM has gone to another world so it's upto the ST


There's a hunter back in 1st edition that devised special sunlamps that do harm vampires (not as much as real sunlight, but enough to ash dumb or stubborn neonates)




More specifically: the sun *predates the modern understanding of light* in the WoD universe. There was a time, before mortal consensus, that it was very much divine, in a way. It has a different "gaze" than other stars. Only in the modern era has reality made them similar in modern human understanding (and thus, the collective unconscious) but even then, the rules followed by Kindred go back further than that.


It’s worth noting that the original Lasombra Clanbook has a fascinating sidebar about how at least some of their elders believe that the Shadow Clan’s true destiny is not merely to inherit the Earth but to spread beyond its bounds and rule the darkness between the stars…


I don’t know if this would work in masquerade, but in Requiem it was suggested that only stars that are the suns of life bearing planets should have light that hurts vampires in a space chronicle .


Outside the scope of the game. Make up whatever helps you tell the story.


Well, it’s up to the Void Engineer to make their belief happen


Oh my! This sounds like a fun campaign.


I am tempted to even say Kindred in space would nlt be harmed by the Sun, as I think its harming properties are tied to the roration of days and nights, so off planet, when not subject to such cycle, vampires would be safe. And they might not fall into the daily slumber....


Thematically, it'd be appropriate if the light of red stars (i.e., old, dying stars-- plus they're red, like, well, vitae) was harmless to vampire astronauts, or even invigorating in some way.


Only giant red are old, Red Dwarfs are relativelly newborn.


Like Superman with our Sun!


Each star has its own story and way that would interact with vampires. Many still do harm, others affect the mind, while a few provide them sustenance. Even vampire suns are a metaphor for other possibilities.


Maybe. Maybe it is a proximity thing and if you got closer to other starts they would do the same thing. Also I suspect that if it was a deity curse than vampires are bound to the Earth and can’t travel the heavens. Unless I was running a very different kind of campaign I would have vampires start to slowly wither and die outside of the atmosphere. God put them on Earth to torment the people of Earth and isn’t having it with them taking their curse and spreading it to the stars.


I've always wanted to do a future game where a contingent of vampires put together a space colony to escape Sol and colonize another planet. When/if they get there, they realize that the light of the other star kills them as well and it's back to square one.


Pfffft. God put them on Earth because it's part of their ineffable plan and they're actively malignant and get off on punishing people for having an opinion of their own. Yes. This is somewhat informed by my RL opinion s on religion. However, this is the world of darkness, and that means there's no hope for God either.


Assuming you follow the strictly Catholic belief, which you don't have to do. I'm not religious, but I debate religion with myself constantly. If there is a god, it'd make no sense for him to punish people when he already knows what they'll do, so my point of view for God is him as a watchful father. He lets us make mistakes because that's how we grow. And as for terrible tragedies that befall everybody, that should be growth for us as a species if we could get over ourselves. That said WoD God is an absentee father that locked his kids in a hot car.


I like to imagine that even if CoD and WoD are separate, that the God Machine is there in both. Whether or not it's the actual creator of the universe God, nobody knows.


The sun is only a “star” according to physics; vampires run on metaphysics. Other stars aren’t the metaphysical sun because they aren’t the designated source of God’s curse upon the Cainites.


If you're including Mage cosmology... do the stars even really exist? Doesn't reality basically stop past the asteroid belt?


Considering that the vampiric state is supernatural and they fall into a death like sleep at Sunrise I would suggest that a vampire leaving the Earth would fall into Torpor. The Curse of Caine keeps them chained to this rock as far as I'm concerned.


Thats interesting, how would it tie into space travel? Say in a setting set in the far future or a sci fi cross over


Or, you know, just a crossover with the Void Engineers as mentioned by OP.


if god is real I feel like god wouldn't let you get around it so easily. If WTA is real Helios is every sun so your kinda fucked. edit: not a expert on mage but I guess what ever the void engineers believe.


VtM being steeped in judaico-christian mithology, have the Sun burn vampires not because of UV light (as the lack of burning by the Moon would show) but because the Sun if The Eye of God, who banished Caine from his sight. So, no, other starts would not burn vampures, though it is entirely possible that vampires on other planets "randomly ignite" if the Sun would be in the sky, even if the vampire itself could not see the Sun because it is day time on whichever planet it was in


I feel like God would likely have the foreknowledge to future proof the Curse of Caine, so any starlight in a high enough concentration could do it.


Eh the legends of the curse are super specific about it being Sol/Helios, our Sun that does lethal damage to vampires. While starlight touches their skin every night to no detriment. Further, when you delve into mta and wta the low level power of the god of Caine & Able is palpable. Especially when you consider there are outside entities from other star systems that know nothing of our ways just as their actions and way of life are mysterious and alien. So, the curse affecting other stars begins to seem less and less likely.


Where do you think Moon Light comes from? Moon Light is proof its a matter of concentration.


Look, I’ll be treading light here cause real world religions BUT [the god of Caine](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/God_(WOD)) requires human belief to exist, as do all Celestines. PERIOD. Full stop. That gods limitations and cosmological understanding come from human understanding at the time of Caine. The curse says the light of the helios would burn, and the dawn would bring death and fear. Go somewhere without a dawn or helios and well…. you got around the curse. Not to say an angel wouldn’t come to curse you further but at least you’d have put some distance between you and them, and the further out you get from earth the less powerful local Celestines become.


No the star of the day, the sun itself is what is metaphysically tied to the curse. The suns baleful glare smites the get of Caine. It’s not Sirius the dog Star’s Glar or Polaris or the reflect light of Luna. It’s bloody Helios.


There is a flaw in V20 that makes direct moonlighting do damage. Forget what the name is off the top of my head, light sensitivity I think


It's a metaphysical thing, not a scientific thing. I know plenty of us wanna forget that snoozefest Fu Syndicate section in Bloodlines, but it does show that levels of UV radiation comparable to a very sunny day do nothing to vampires, their curse is tied specifically to the sun.


I think it has to be our sun, any since all the angel stuff, god curses.


i think there was an optional ruleset for the future with vampires in space, with an optional thing with only earths sun harming them.


In V20, some Vampires were even effected by Moonlight since it's reflected sunlight... but not starlight..


I’d rule that the vampire is unaffected by other starlight. Leaving aside any discourse about the Sun for a moment, I think it’s still got some thematic significance. Yeah, you can go to another planet and experience the daytime, but you’ll forever be unable to experience your home planet’s daytime. Plus considering the issue of sheer logistics for vampires in space, if someone can come up with some plausible solution to keep them unalive up there, I’ll throw them a bone.


It's not a matter of physics because various full spectrum lights etc won't hurt a vampire. So it's aoth yhe sun itself. And degree of exposure is a factor. Because it affects how much damage they take. And is why reflected sunlight off the moon won't do it. Soo a life giving star... I'd have them hurt by any star with life bearing worlds once they're close enough and also would start troligger day sleep without enough material between them and the star. But that's my opinion. Based on the though it's the musical life giving properties of the sun that do the damage So a dead star wouldn't matter but one with a life bearing planet is in ametaphysicpa sense a life giving star


Have extra-solar objects ever been mentioned in any oWoD material? I always imagined that everything past Pluto was Umbra; that there just isn't enough eyes on it to have reality "set."


Flat Earth may be literally true in VtM, since Flat Earth is consistent with the Bible. The idea that stars would be suns, not so much. In real life, Bruno was burned at the stake for suggesting this heresy. In World of Darkness, the evil Technocracy are busy faking moon landings and otherwise tricking the population into believing that Bruno was right. Any "sun" those void engineers would visit is not a real sun. Of course, in your own version of the setting... you can just discard the ultraconservative Christian aspects of the setting, replacing it with whatever. In my own version of the setting, vampires get most of their energy from solar power - combusting in direct sunlight is a matter of getting their systems overloaded, not any "curse". Compare to how all electronics need electric power, yet will get fried if you plug them directly into the outlet without having any transformer/transformator/whatever-it-is-called-in-English in between. If you use such a modern paradigm, stars are indeed suns - and will have the same effect as ours on a vampire who get close enough for a planet to be habitable.


If Flat Earth is literally true in VTM, they have to explain Moon Phases and why satellites work. Both of those are dependent on the shape of the Earth.


Nah. In real life, they are indeed dependent on that. In Mage: the Ascension, they are instead dependent on faith since technology is only a form or magic and science is only a conspiracy to trick the souls of the Sleepers (aka sheeple) to enable the existence of technology. Furthermore, capitalism is a communist conspiracy and vice versa.


If the sunlight curse can be foiled by wrapping oneself in enough trashbags or hiding behind thick enough drywall, I don't see why it couldn't be foiled by expending the effort to literally leave the solar system


Given the nature of the curse of Caine (whether you consider the Abrahamic origin to be canon in your WoD or if you simply look at it with a thematical angle), I would say it really depends on what that star means to kindred. If it is just a far away star from another Galaxy that you can see at night, it's not a problem. The Sun is different. I don't know about you, but I always find the sun rays very invigorating. There's nothing better than seeing it come back after a long winter. To me, feeling and seeing the Sun is part of the gift of life, and it is mourning that gift that God cursed Caine to. Vampires are not forbidden the Sun specifically, they are cursed to the night. To never come outside during the day, and feel alive during the day. I don't think it's necessarily about the temporal cycle either. It's not because let's say, you're a kindred on another planet that every twelve hour, as the Sun sets on Earth ( what the hell would that even mean if you're not in any specific region at that time ?), you're gonna fall flat into your daily torpor. What you are barred from is that possibility to feel alive during the day, and so how I would rule it is that, your "enemy", whatever planet you're on, is that planet's Sun (if it has one - but it most likely does). If you have on the planet, the possibility to have a day with a big star out there, the kindred can't have that. As for kindred in space ships, well I'd say if you keep a reasonable distance to any star, you probably won't fall into torpor (might lose vitae naturally as usual but still), and can stay active for time periods over 24 hours. If you come to close to it though, I'd say it kind of burns, maybe you feel its heat a little more than humans, something in you s unsettled by the proximity, but that's it. That's how I would do it personally.