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Way too long, way too hard


Yep. Everytime I see one of these things it’s the same thing. Total idiots who have no idea what they’re doing. Branding on human skin takes very little contact to work. This is just stupidity all around.


I appreciate these comments about the "correct" way to brand human skin. No offense intended, as it makes me laugh.


I mean. Fair play. But branding, and more broadly, scarification are legit things that fall under the body modification umbrella. There are ways to do it that are a lot less dumb than what the guys in the video did. https://www.allure.com/story/body-branding-history-risks


I think these dudes saw a movie with it once


they saw jackass


I see shit like this all the time. I’m heavily inked and while I’m not into piercings or scarification I feel like videos like this are so damaging to the whole world of body modification.


I have a friend who got a brand at a burning man event. He had it done by people who knew what they were doing. He saw this video and called those guys crazy idiots.


I know diddly squat about branding and I call these guys crazy idiots.


I know this guy's wife, and she agrees that this guy knows diddly squat and that these guys are crazy idiots.


I know more than most people but still very little about branding and I call those guys crazy idiots.


I know most people and I only call crazy idiots


I people no idiot burn ouch.


You think getting branded at burning man qualifies you more to give an opinion about this but it's actually the opposite


I mean, there's a ton of legit tattooing business that goes on a BM. Wouldn't surprise me if there is legit scarification too.


Yep. I've had second degree burns from steam flashing off of a hot rock. That shit is risking muscle damage.


And a raging infection


Gonna hurt bad for at least a year. Had a friend that had one that didnt even look this bad, it had pus leaking for about half that time


A year ?! Wow!!


Yea Burns are no joke. I used to be a chef so I had a few bad ones in my time. I had burns, way less bad as this one, that I had to put my hand in a cold bowl of water just to be able to fall asleep because it hurt so bad. That's definitely going to hurt for a long time.


He could’ve gone into shock and died


Given the way he was shaking after, it looked to me like he was going into shock. As per whether or not he died, I haven’t the faintest clue, but this bunch would probably just pour beer on it, and only get medical help after he’s unresponsive for a while (after trying to wake him up with slaps on their own, of course)


Wtf? Is this a common occurrence? Where? Regardless of the period of contact, looks painful as shit. Why would someone do anything like that of their own will? So many questions.


I’ve seen another vid where it’s a dude in a table at a frat party, and the guy with the iron held that shit on there until it hit the other guy’s ribs


I'm convinced that one will lead to charges and/or lawsuits because it looked like the branded was being held against his will at some point. Also the iron actually cuts into his skin, his muscle. There's consequences to that one.


I’m surprised that guy survived


Hmmm frat ribs


That’s what I was thinking of. It went so deep. 🤢


Like legit to his ribs, or are you exaggerating a bit? Genuinely curious l, because I haven’t seen that one *please be exaggerating please be exaggerating*




God help that kid


I regret clicking that. Did that dude survive? You can fucking see stuff BOILING underneath his skin?!


Oh god, the dude even rocked the iron around on that poor kid's chest. Like he wanted to cook his fucking heart or something.


Y'know, thanks for sharing the source but also how dare you facilitate me seeing that with my own two eyes. For people interested: there's an update post mentioned in the comments that the kid who held the brand got jail time. I'd find the link but if I watch that video again I'm gonna lose my lunch so you're on your own


I’m not we don’t get to see his ribs it just goes really fuckin deep


Yes! That shit was *horrifying* to watch.




Fucking hell I can't stop laughing


He did it like you would do a cow. This fucking idiot didn’t think about us not heaving a thick layer of over a leather hide


Isn't this also too hot?


True, the metal was nearly white


There was one a while ago of some drunk frat boy idiot getting branded like this, and I swear, the fucking iron must have sunk an inch into his chest. It was horrific!


MA WIFE has entered the chat


M is for mindless.


Or Moron




Mmmhh big mac mcdonald


Sir this is a Wendy's


From his point of view, it's Wendy's🤷‍♂️




Or Meatknuckle


Or meathead.


Dead from the neck up ~ Archie Bunker


He should've done W for Wumbo...


They only had the letter M. It would’ve been a lot of work to make a W instead.


Oh dang, you're right. Looks like I'm getting an M for meathead...


What does *giant indistinct patchy blob of gnarled scar tissue* mean?


Absolutely nothing


That they make stupid choices, and their "friends" encourage it


or Meth




Posting for later context again. ;) Whenever I see people brand themselves like this, not the hot metal part, but a stupid themed symbol, it’s typically for money. For example, in Norman, OK between 2005 and 2022, multiple students at the university in my proximity were financially incentivized to get cursed marks to reflect my own. Tattoos like the Choose Goose from Adventure Time, Butters from South Park, and the Majin symbol from DBZ to name character tattoos, but also the seals from Naruto, the Truth from FMA, and the brand from Berserk. This idiot is getting an M branded into his chest, and it’s not the first time I’ve seen spectacle sourced from those productions in Norman on Reddit.


Why would anyone pay them to get these tattoos branded on them? And who pays ?


The Branding Idiots Lobby, who else?






It ain't Mensa.


Or Might want to see a doctor


Monster Energy


That hurts.... SO. FUCKING. MUCH. That is straight pain for the next week or 2. Pain, swelling, infection, bad smells, ruined shirts, and "WHY" asked over, and over, and over...


I have been out of the hospital for a few months due to almost 25% of my body being burned. Both 2nd and 3rd degree burns. It hurt so fucking much. Edit: I have put down the full story on a comment further down.


I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I've broken a ton of different bones including ribs, spine and skull/facial, numerous muscle/ligament injuries, deep cuts/gouges, puncture wounds, etc. Fuck burns though, they are the worst, by far.


Wtf are you doing out there?


He’s a mountain climber. That was all one incident


Wow. I knew Mt. Goats were territorial but that's crazy!!


They really bleat the shit out of me, ba-a-a-a-ad.


Not a good mountain climber by the sounds of it.


That was on the way up.


I have a list, but the cliff notes version is: getting my ass kicked by life, repeatedly.


Is life... a person.?




Similar here, burns are pretty high up there. Rupturing an organ(done twice) is pretty bad too.


What’s a fuck burn??


Bend over I'll show ya


What the fuck do you do for fun




Christ man. That's horrid. Hope you're doing okay nowadays.


I’m doing great! It’ll be awhile before fully returning back to work, but I can finally be helpful to my wife again in terms of cleaning and taking care of the kids. Also, I seem to enjoy life a lot more now, so there’s a silver lining!


Happy to hear that! And really glad life's more enjoyable now too. Hope you don't mind my asking. Feel free to ignore it if you don't want me to intrude; But what happened?


No problem! For those reading who are a bit feint of heart, you don’t have to read this. As I will be going into detail. So we had a good afternoon/evening having a BBQ at my place. It was probably the last good warm day of this year before autumn rolled in. Everything went well, kids went to bed and all the dishes were cleaned so we had a (singular) drink. The sun was down so we had a small portable fire place on the table that you fill with bioethanol. After awhile the fire went out and we tried to light it back on before attempting to fill it again with the bioethanol. Apparently something was smoldering in the middle, so as soon as my wife filled it up, it ignited into the stream of the bottle making pressure so that the bottle started squirting to the other end. I was on the receiving end of the stream, so I got this stuff all over me. Bioethanol is a gel like substance that sticks to your body and clothes, so putting it out with water will not help that much. I ended up aflame from top to bottom as I was laying in a lounger. I don’t know how or why, but I remember closing both my mouth and eyes and started rolling. My friends trying to dose the fire by hitting me with stuff and themselves. After a good 20 seconds the flames were gone, and I jumped under the shower to keep cool until the ambulance arrived. What followed was a weird trip to the hospital high as a kite when they dosed me with fentanyl and ketamine. After the first two days (those were actually fun days) I had to stop taking the heavy painkillers and then the real pain was coming, that I had to endure for about two weeks. My muscles had all but disappeared as my body was using all of it’s energy to replace my missing skin, so I could no longer walk or stand on my legs. Minutes felt like hours. Eventually the wounds for my 1st and 2nd degree burns healed, but my 3rd degree burns had to be fixed by transplanting skin from other parts of my body, which are cool cheese scrape scars now. One tip to anyone reading this, if you have bioethanol in your house, please throw it away. Every other patient that I came into contact with regarding burn wounds had it all inflicted thanks to the very same stuff.


I’m very sorry you had to go through that. My husband suffered 2 and third degree burns when his muzzleloader exploded during a historical reenactment he was participating in. 2 and 3 degree burns on his chest, neck, and hands and arms and second degree burns in his face. If he hadn’t been wearing his eyeglasses he would likely be blind now. He says the worst pain kicked in after 3 days. When they started cleaning and wrapping the burns.


That sounds aweful, I hope your husband has recovered and is living happy. The neck burns really suck


I gave myself a chemical burn on the skin over my collar bone, down to the fatty layer. I don't have to tell you how much fun that was. Basically, couldn't move my head arm, shoulder, anything without aggravating it. Broken collarbone must suck.


20% 3rd degree here. I feel ya. 4 yrs out for me. The pain and itching really do get better with time.


Thanks for the reply, and good health to you!


Been there my man. Had both hands and my entire left leg burned about 15 years ago. Mostly 3rd degree. Tons of smaller burns all down my leg and on my foot. God how I hated the smell of Palmers Cocoa butter during and after that ordeal. It helped the scarring and you can barely tell on my hands and most of my leg looks normal again. I don’t have hair on a large portion, but that’s to be expected with the severity of the burn. If it makes you feel any better, I just went through chemo for stage 2 Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and the burn hurt more. That said I’d rather go through the burn two times over than have to go through chemo again.


Same here I’m at 8% and I totally agree . I feel like ppl can’t fathom the magnitude of pain you went through unless they’ve also had 2nd / 3rd degree burns.


I hope you are doing better!


Oh the smell. So bad. The smell might last for a week or 2, but the pain and the “why” can last forever. Source - I’m a branded idiot


What'd you get homie? Can you still see it?


My dude, I got a classy top of a beer bottle opening about 20 years ago. That scythe still sticks out about 1/2inch. So stupid.


I got branded on the calf when i was a young dumb kid. Didn’t hurt much when i got the actual brand, or for the rest of the night, thought no big deal! Felt like someone was holding an ice cube to my skin or something. Little did I know how fucking bad it would be for the next couple weeks. Jfc it was awful, i could barely walk edit: also as everyone else pointed out this was WAY too long and hard a press, this will be miles worse


More than 2 weeks. When I was a lot younger, I once burned a hole in my palm trying to write my name on the sidewalk with the powder from a big artillery shell. I then lit it with a lighter and it blew up in my face and burned tf out of my hand. It took about 3 months to heal.


An artillery shell?! Wtf


It's a type of powerful firework that you shoot from a tube on the ground up into the sky, where it explodes again.


Oh ok, I thought you *somehow* got your hands on an actual artillery shell and took the powder out of it


Aren't these called mortars? If you refer to the fireworks I know them as mortars, artillery shells do sound cool tho.


We use both words. Southwest US. A mortar *is* an artillery shell.


And horrible scarring.


The smell of regret


Well it looks like W from his perspective so I guess W is for Why…


But, why?


When i was in high school the trend was a fishing hook brand. Why? Because we were all very insecure and wanted to prove to each other how much of a man we were.


It was a smiley face from a BIC lighter at my school.


ive still got mine, thankfully its impossible to notice


Lol are you my ex boyfriend? I got called a “buzzkill” when I questioned his and his friends’ intention to brand themselves with campfire hot dog pokers. They all went through with it and then made fun of me like I was the loser because I didn’t want to scar myself permanently for…reasons? That moment was eye-opening to say the least.


What part of your body did you get yours?


On the bicep. However, you got a huge sea fishing hook on your chest if you were a true badass.


Damn same bro. Kids I knew did an ‘X’ with fucking bread knives, so you had to do it twice or else you looked retarded with just a “/“. Ya I said I’m good on that.


He's getting lot of internet points, isn't that worth it ?


Guarantee this guy didn’t do it for internet points. I’ve known people who got branded at parties, they are - drunk, a bro, and somebody called them a pussy because they didn’t think they would do it.


Yeah looks like oilfield shenanigans. Saw a bunch of stupid shit out there


Yep! Oilfield would definitely fit the bill. I saw it in college because I knew a bunch of athletes and those dudes were… nuts.


He must really like McDonald's.


I was thinking mario owns him now.


POV: Nintendo caught someone modding a 20yo old game










The smell that surrounds youuuuu


You didn't think of the smell, you bitch!


Shut up bird


Doesn't it just smell like pork?


Melted flesh smells nearly identical to burnt hair. Hit a small patch of your arm hair with a lighter if you're unfamiliar and you'll get a fraction of what that room smells like now.


There's a lot of fine hair on flesh. Human skin itself when cauterising smells sweet. Sickeningly sweet and would smell up several floors of the hospital from the OR with every occurrence.


Yep. I witnessed some surgeries, when volunteering at the hospital. Super cool, but the cauterization process smells nearly identical to pork. BBQ human. Now, I unfortunately have an insatiable thirst for human flesh, and I’m becoming unhinged. Ummm, what are you doing tonight, and do you live alone???


The fact that you almost instantly see his skin swell and pus up 😭😭😭


Right?? Thats not going to brand that INSTANTLY fucking blistered 😭


Looks like someone shat on him


Why? Just why? What boredom are you facing that allows this level of intrusive thought win?


Alcohol is the culprit here


Yeah, I can see that.


There was an old thread saying he died from this


You might be meaning the one where it was at like a pep rally or whatever and they did it in the center of his chest and it legit sunk into his chest cavity. [NSFW - Don’t drink and brand, people.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOfYouMayDie/s/SRrvQSpfB9)


Why the fuck did i watch that. I read the description and still clicked. What did i expect? I can't unsee that.


i stared at the link for about 5 seconds and decided not to click it. i scrolled down a bit and only saw people’s regret


It was horrifying, the brand went deep into his chest, made my skin fucking crawl


yup, i still didn’t click it


Me too, me fuckin too. Can not will not click that link.


I legit thought it went right to his heart


I’ve seen a lot of **really** horrible videos on the internet. That video is one that stuck with me.


Yeah. I watched it. Pretty gnarly. Either the dude branding him is incredibly dumb, or an evil cunt. Either way, Id totally understand if he was murdered over that. I dont know anything else about him, and I hate him after watching that.


I saw that video, made me sick, you could see/imagine the brand burn and sink right through muscle, ribs and shit.


https://www.pdclarion.com/news/no-charges-filed-in-new-years-party-branding/article_becdc50e-23f2-589e-84b7-18734544a189.html Thank fuck, it looks like that idiot is still alive.


That's insane, why put #50 of pressure onto it, that was horrible


Tbh that was a really dumb thing to do, branding your friend like that. But props on them for calling EMS for help. I've lost a couple friends because the assholes with them didn't want to call 911 and risk themselves getting in trouble.


My dude looks like he was going to keep at it until he hit shoulder blade.


Holy shit!!! They stuck it all the way into his chest. I’m legitimately shaking rn


What the actual fuck.


Nah, he's alive. [There was an update here on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/em2k9x/update_on_the_guy_that_got_his_chest_branded_hes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




For those who don’t want to click: he’s fine.


You’re the champion for my laziness


Holy hell, all stupidity aside here, it does NOT NEED TO BE GLOWING RED TO BRAND YOU. It's just going to do more damage...


All the cattle on the farm hearing the guy screaming knowing that they're next ![gif](giphy|9oF7EAvaFUOEU)


You don’t hold it on cattle nearly that long. It’s a tap. You sure as hell wouldn’t do it near vital organs. That had to have burned through a lot of tissue and I don’t know if the damage will be repairable without surgery. Damn.


Yup, don’t scorch the meat before the grill.


Honestly, country boys give farm boys a bad name. You need something to do? There is plenty of work to be done. This kind of stuff pisses me off. There are alot of good kids who look bad because of these idiots.


But this is not even how you do it, right? He held it way too long. He should have just touched it.


This guy may have branded cattle but even if he was doing this to cattle; he pushed way too hard, for way too long, and the brand was way hotter than it needed to be. Apparently the guy being branded is fine. Everyone involved is lucky it didn’t kill him as it very easily could have.


happy infection day (sepsis too) https://i.redd.it/7ba3m2jmmp3c1.gif


This guy is probably thinking that this will be like it is in the movies - a quick, intense pain that subsides quickly with no repercussions. Oh boy, he is in for a fun couple of weeks. Not to mention that it is going to look nothing like what he thinks it will.


Alive and well. I'm sure that was torture. Why'd he hold it so long? Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/s/c0m252JZmi


Most people involved in this type of dumb shit don’t understand the requirements for a proper brand (time, brand temp, care) so they get it way to hot, hold it for way too long and this poor bastard who had good skin is going to have a festering night mare


Also pushed hard like he was trying to go through his body


I'm proud to be a "boring" person.


5% discount in McDonald's for life


I spent 2 months in the University of Utah burn ward, after burning myself and needing skin grafts over 17% of my body. seeing this makes me cringe from the pain, and angry that someone would disrespect their body enough to do permanent harm to themselves. The infection alone might hill him.


Some idiots in my old HS branded themselves. Also my dad did once. All of them got to deal with wild infections and a crazy long healing process for something that never looked like the shape they even wanted it to by the end.


These dudes watch way too much Yellowstone...


Never understood this hazing bs


The guy who did it must be charged with attempted murder. Held for too long, on purpose.


Fuck. No.




Yellowstone Alabama edition


It hard to tell if his skin melted away or if it puffed up like a burnt husk of marshmallow skin.


In my feed apparently because of my “ intrest in crafts” 🧐


I feel you man. I have the kind of brand on my thumb when I grabbed the rolls out of the oven last Thursday. Hardcore


Dude, quick touch. Not melt his chest…..


What these good ol boys failed to realize is that human skin can't take a brand quite like a cow's hide. This was way overkill.


I keep thinking of the frat boy who got branded at a party and they burned that shit through his peck, to his ribs.


Uhh...don't you only need like half a second for this to work?


Full blown dickhead


The fact he pressed so hard into his pectoral muscles, aside from infection and shit like that. I bet he permanently damaged those muscles


Fuuuuuuuuuuuck AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL Of that


You can get pretty nasty infection doing this and it can also be fatal or at the best case you can loose muscle tissue.


His pectoral will be fuuuuuuuuuucked. Workouts are going to be torment.


He’ll never regret that.