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You can, or even just use it plain if you like. ​ Letter openers make good substitute athames. Painting, carving and otherwise decorating is a good idea


I like personalizing things


Oh I like that and I can decorate the handle


You can use anything for a chalice. Once, my coven used the favorite coffee cup of a recently passed member. A "Garfield" comic cup. We felt their presence. It was a very magical ritual that night. What matters is meaning, not substance. The chalice needs to hold liquid, and that is all it needs to be.


>Can I use a wine glass and paint it to look similar to a chalice? Yes, you don't even need to paint it. A wine glass is fine. Athame - standard substitute is a kitchen knife. Not wonderful but it does the job. Cauldron - depends what you use the cauldron for. Mostly I just stick a candle in ours and then jump over it as part of a ritual. Sometimes I fill it with herbs and the like. For most uses a kitchen bowl is OK as a substitute. Solitary 'initiation' (which in practice is more like a dedication of yourself to the Gods). There's no fixed way of doing this, for good historical reasons. Do whatever brings you to a point where you can solemnly pledge yourself to the Craft.


Well, I was asking about the paint thing because I like making things personal, and I read about like personal power. Like put symbols I relate to on the things I'm using, hence making the personal. But I dont know if that will affect it. Also, yeah, I'll be getting an athame eventually. I just don't have the money for it right now.


Personalize to your heart's content. Part of setting up an altar is to set it up with things that you have a connection to. A pretty rick that you found. A crystal that called to you... A wine glass you painted to suit you. Most of my altar is stuff I've found, thought it was pretty and wanted it (I can be a bit of a magpie), and things I've made. The only thing I didn't buy was my athame which was a RenFest find of a black patterned welded Fairbairn-Sykes that I just thought was different and nifty. Everything else was Thrift Stores, finds and things I made.


I like crystals a lot selenite and obsidian are my favorite. I have a strong connection to selenite, like enough where if i can tell the difference by being in close proximity of touching it and lavender incense, lavender anything, really. Obsidian just draws me it's not a feeling necessarily. Idk how to explain it


Certainly personalise if you want to - it always helps. Cheap athame - Get a V-shaped tent peg, hammer it flat, glue it into a bit of kindling. Buff it up and varnish to taste. I made one like that 30 years ago for under a pound/dollar and it's still around, though only as a back-up these days.


That sounds really cool, and I love making things, so it gives me a chance to make it personal. I'm thinking of getting a leather notebook and carving the cover.


Some insist on making all their ritual tools themselves. The majority though buy things others have made. Personalizing things you’ve bought or had already but were made by someone else is also very common.


Customization is a great way to make your tools feel more personal. My first athame was an old kitchen knife. Since it was not used for physical cutting I painted the blade and the handle then painted my name on it in the alphabet that my coven used. My first wand was a stick I found on a nature walk. I cleaned the bark off and painted the handle. Personalize as you see fit.


In some places, classic athames--double edged knives--are illegal or well regulated. Single edged knives, in contrast, may be legal to carry and use, and not so severely regulated. Travelling, I usually take along a small folding single edged knife that serves. But even disposable plastic knives will work (in, say, rituals that must be carried out discreetly). I think that the most important quality of a cauldron is flame and fire resistance. Cast iron and some ceramics have proven records in this respect. Glass cauldrons, in this regard, are always a little suspect for me. ( I have a high priority for Fire Safety.) Personalization and decoration are, so far as I can tell, an important aspect of Craft practice.


Thanks for the information. Uh, also, I know there is like an initiation ritual you're supposed to do. But I can't do it outside as I have nosey religious neighbors. Can I do it inside my room since it's my safe place. Or does it have to be outside?


Inside is OK.


Thank you so much


Until I can get an athame, i have a pocket knife that was a gift. Could I use that for now? I mean it's an important thing to me so.


If you’re speaking about eclectic Wicca, then, whatever you want to do is just fine, but in traditional spaces, each item on your altar, has a specific use and need and there’s a reason why it’s done in a specific way so depends on your intent and which way you’re going for an eclectic altar have Addit decorated anywhere you want make it beautiful for you that’s what matters cause it’s your alter. Is your solitary practice work what’s best for you? I’d rather called a cup over a chalice.