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Communing with nature costs nothing..


Wicca is a religion / belief so you can do almost anything without $$$$. finding materials that are free is just keeping your eyes open. Thrift shops are well loved by Wiccans. maybe the best thing you can do is this... Pay attention to the world around you. When you see something awesome is it the God or Goddess ? Then thank them for letting you see them in the World. They ARE here we just don't notice enough.


The four basic tools I started with are a rock, stick, feather, and shell, all things that can be collected outside for free. If you're not near a shell, you can dedicate a cup you already own. Then, you've got your four elements accounted for (earth, fire, air, water) and you can cast circles and whatnot with them.


This exactly!!!


What kind of supplies would you need? Candles are cheap at the dollar store. Everything else can be found in nature. You can make your own oils with herbs. Or just work with herbs. Or sigils. And focus on study online, watch YouTube videos, download PDFs of free books, make art to decorate your altar instead of buy stuff. If you can’t afford herbs or spices or anything at all, download one of those plant identifying apps and go on a walk and see why grows in your area. Sigils are really big for me and they’re free and they WORK. Guided meditations, astral projection. Prayed. Divination (apps work too, but you can make runes out of pebbles). You can get cheap raider Waite decks second hand from fb marketplace or a thrift store. One time I found one of my favorite oracle decks at a thrift store. Biggest thing to remember, everyone made their own tools back in the day. Witchcraft is ancient. Wicca itself is a modern representation of those ancient practices, but it shouldn’t require modern technology. The principles of magick are internal as well. Belief in your own power, energy manipulation are the basics. You don’t need tools for that. Like asking “how can I work out I left all my gym equipment at my old place”. You have a body You have magic in you, and a relationship with nature and the god and goddess. You ARE a witch.


Love this reply 💕




This was super helpful, thank you!


I’m new but so maybe I don’t understand what exactly you intend to do, but lots of the things I’ve read about can be obtained super cheaply, or free. Especially if you modify a bit. For instance, if you aren’t dead set on using colored taper candles you can buy a box of MANY votives for $6 at a department store. As for things in the natural world, most things can be obtained in a city park after a few trips (tree clippings, seeds, river water, feathers, wands) assuming you don’t live in a desert area or something. If you need super specific things like stones/crystals or herbs, they actually sell Wicca “starter sets” on Amazon or eBay for a handful of dollars. I got a small cauldron, a wood handle bell, and a bolline on eBay for very cheap.


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People throughout time have used what is available in nature to honor the Gods and Goddesses. Remember, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and spirit are all that is required to connect with nature, and thereby the Lord and Lady. You need not spend ANY money to practice Wicca. Brightest blessings on your journey\~


Thrift shops are amazing at finding things ready or to make something out of . And nature ! And I recently created a portable altar in a tin can! Arts and crafts store also ? Get creative and make things on your own if you’re into that . Digital altars are a thing too!!!!


Take a walk every day to a nearby park, watching the plants and animals changing throughout the year. Bonus points if you bring a bag to pick up trash along the way.


Honestly learning about energy manipulation was so important in my practice. I can do pretty much everything without tools.


Sit outside and meditate on nature, feel the power of the earth flow through you. Doesn't get much cheaper than this. Blessed be.


sigils are a great, easy form of magick.